HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-31, Page 4nE 1111116BELP3 Cbl xts';1 lr5t, T.?ItIRSDAY, DEO. 31, 1903. HAPPY New Yoar to every reader of TUB POST.. Tile: Grits were not very deeply in it at Renfrew on Saturday. Santa Claus filled up Mr. Whitney's etooking with a generosity that even eurprieed the Con aarvativee, Wen omens in the Eeet are not want. ing these days and judging by all appear. anoee there may be a clash almost any day between Russia and Japan. Where the war will end ie a diffioult question to toreoaet, the probabilities are many nations may be brought into it but Rue. sin will have a large measure of the reepaneibility for it ae they have certainly been the aggressor and well deserve a good troauoiug that won:d teach them once more the lesson they learned in the Crimea in the fifties. AT the Provinoial bye•eleotion in North Renfrew Iaet Saturday E. A. Dunlop, the Conservative candidate, waa eleoted by 559 over L. Hale. The former member was Mr. Munro who won the Beat for the Liberals by over 400. He died shortly atter the election, The riding before thio was Co neervattve for a number of years. Hon. Mr. Roes' majority ie now narrowed down to three. There is little doubt in oar mind that the long delay in bringing on the eleotion told against the Liberal canoe in Renfrew. THE name of Co. Oouooillor B. B. Gunn, of Seaforth, is mentioned an a probable Conservative candidate for the Commons in South Huron if Juo. Sher• ritt, M. P., deolinea to run. Mr. Sher- ritt's conetitneosy watt North Middlesex but iu the recent redistribution, Stephen, the munioipaltty in which he resides, was restored to Huron County where it be- longs. The Convection is nailed for 'January 6th at Heneall. Geo. MoEwen, M. P., of Heneall, will, in all probability, uphold the Liberal banner in the coming contest. Brussels Continuation Classes, 2ND TERM EXAM. SAToanax was the coldest day of the season and the wintry weather of Decem- ber, 1903, will be remembered for some time on account of the large snowfall and bluster. It le said to be 23 years 0inoe enow fell ae early and as heavy as it did Me season. Ae,tbe country becomes deonded ot the forests olimatio changes and variations become more uoticeable and the great neceeoity of taking up with a vim the question of Forestry so as to restore to this Province the protective and helpful influences of the groves of trees now almost a thing of the pest. If the Farmers' Iuetitu:ee and Agricultural Sooietiea took hold of this matter aotive• ly, aided by Government action, a good work would be inaugurated that would have very beneficial results. TOTAL 500; HoNOae 350. Ra0030 1 & 2 roan III,—Examined in Aritb„ Ano. History, Chemistry, French, Algebra and Latin ; total 530. B Henderson ..403 R Forrest 348 °D McDonald 837 11 McNair 334 L McArthur ,309 F Abby 303 E Moliiunon ,290 E Wilton 266 •I Raynard 243 M MOArter 228 13 Brown 227 A Smith 208 S McNair 207 Elmgeton 198 0 MoOrroken ,196 H Aielny 192 B McNair ...,164 *M MaoRae183 E Walker 131 'A Roes 95 °Form II Latin **French only. FORM II,—Examined in Gram., Aritb., Eno., Lat„ Comp. and Algebra ; total 500. B Roes 460 •R Ainlay 297 A Rose 432 A MoQuarrie ..287 Haneuld407 E Dennie 272 R Deadman— ..393 L Duufoad 259 J McCracken ..377 J Riohard son 254 F Devideoo ....357 3 Mooney 245 R Bryane 3503 J Armstrong ..215 •.Al Dark 334. •A Richardson ..167 • W Cameron 322 *Form I Latin L Turuboll 317 "Form 1 Latin J Straobao 307 and Euolid. '•A Scott 297 Fong I.—Examined in Gram., Comp , Alg., Arith., Lat., and Enolid ; total 500. B Moses 456 N MoNaught ..842 B Bry..ne 428 E Cameron ....338 J Raude 422 J Eliott 337 E ()ober 416 0 Bryane 326 S MoQnarrie ..415 W Stevenson 313 L Bray........411 L Edwards 277 F Fraser 405 A Elliott 262 M Elliott 378 O okeon......202 L Straohan 357 M Hoggard ....193 N Lowiok 855 R Sinotair ....143 Mies E. 0. Scott. J. H. Cameron, Principal. 110091 3. Emits:mg.—Examined in Aritb„ Geo., Gram., Writ., Draw. and Pby. ; total 500. Tule is said to be the 0eae0n far form i0g gaol reeolntione and tnroiog 0003 new )eaves but we fear many of these resolves are of the pie crust variety, made only to be broken. `There is ecmetbing manly and womanly in adopting principles fun- damental to the building of true character but along with their adoption must be a power of will that will not accept defeat n place oureelvee on enemide ground when eunaoeeoary. Canada requires 8 e3rong and vigorous manhood and woman- hood who will be able to think clearly, tank wisely and live npo0 a plane that will elevate and ennob'e. There are many deterring iofluenoee in faithful duty -doing but the veterans are made by hard bottlee and the crown comes after the arose. The power and force of a good example ie unmeasurable and ebould be a source of quiet encouragement to all win adopt the Maeter's praotioe of going about doing great good. E Adams 450 11 Brothers 444 G Roes 594 G Ewan 374 J Bloomfield 321 T Zimmer 521 J Doll 307 W Williamson -301 E Colvin 288 L Sinclair 283 J Wilton 240 W MoQuarrie 230 M Jecques 64 THE DYING YEAR. The year ie ending, its day: are blending With days end years that form the :ter, nal Peet. Its days of eedneee, Ite dayo of gladness Nor time, nor joy, nor Borrow, here can Wt. It began in brightness, and snowy white. naps 1 Sped into Summer's sunny dreamy haze With burning flashes, and rainy dashes, Then woods with Autumn's glory watt ablaze. Now Autumu'e glory ie but a otory, O'er earth again is the ermine mantle oast, The year encumbered, ite hours are num- bered. 'Tie dying in the chill December bleet. The years that greet us again shall meet as, When the blast of Winter Mulls the throb- ing heart, Shall unfold their story of shame, or glory, Bringiug lasting gladueee, or eternal smart. Whate'er betide us, may heaven guide us Aud wheresoe'er our wandering feet shall roam Though day be weary, and night be dreary May morning find us to the land of Horne, Rev. ANDSEw MAoNAH, Walton, SAMPLES OF 1111010E (MAIN FOR Pitt IMPROVEMENT OF SEED. T o the Editor of Tall TOOT DEAR Bre,—By instruction of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture another dietribu. tion will be made this season of eamplee ot the most productive aorta of grain to Canadian farmere for the improvement at Bead. Then stook for distribution ie of the very best and has been secured main• ly from the excellent crops recently had at the bran0h Experimental Farm at Indian Head in the Nortb•weet Territor- ies, The dietribntion this Spring will ooneiet of eamplee of oats, Spring wheat, barley, Indian oorn and. potatoes. The quantities of oats, wheat and berley to be sent this year will be 4 lbs. of oats and 5 lbs. of wheat or barley, sufficient to eow one twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn aud potatoes will weigh 5 lbs. as heretofore. Every farmer may apply, but only one eample can be sent to eaoh applicant, hence if an individual receiven a sample of oats be cannot also receive one of wheat, barley or potatoes, and applioatioue for more thea one sample for one honeebold cannot be entertained. These eamplee will be sent free of charge through the mail. 4)Applioatione should be addreseed to the Direotor of Experimental Farm, Ottawe, and m'.y be sent in any time before the let of March, after which the Bete will be closed, so that all the samples asked f r may be Bent out in good time for sowing. Parties writing ebould 'motion the Bort of vary y p Jn. IV.—Examined in Lit , Arith„ Gram., Writ., Draw., Pity., ; total 500. K Deadmae....417 G Armstrong ..315 W Turoball....436 L Leatherdale..509 M Brothers ....408 0 Holmes 306 F McKenzbe....599 0 Scott 299 P Leatherdale..591 A Tbomson295 W Straohan....382 V MoKenzie295 W Henderson ..381 A McMillan 293 J Cunningham ..552 F Campbell 247 V Wilbee 352 J Moore ......211 L MOArter 351 M Miller 193 P Seeker 550 E Ament 188 A Jackeou 350 8 Campbell ....170 0 Belt 828 N Brown 149 K Harbotlle....315 S Stobbe 90 R Cunningham . 315 Mise K. Wilson, Teacher. nooat 4. Su. III.—Examined in Comp., Gram., Reolt„ Arith, and Spell. ; total 500. H Moore ......462 0 Gerry 557 M Birt ........451 E Speiran 350 3 Leckie 447 S Walker 329 0 Simmons ....427 J Wilton 323 E flood 422 J Wilbee; 319 8 Ament 403 W Scott 314 E Wilton 887 W Wilton 304 T ()ober 383 F Scott 281 A Bishop 380 T Armstrong ..255 C Deubow 872 E E wan 204 F Mainprize....360 E Colvin 199 JR. III --Examined is Oomp , Gram., /teen., Arith. and Spell. ; total 500. I' Scott 426 A Robb 309 A Ross ........425 I Badley 290 11 donee 406 E °ober 281 W Adams 395 N Ewan 269 B Curry 394 B Leckie 269 DeW Coeeue ..591 3 liendereon 245 Z Lindsay ....377 V Walker 222 K Ament 575 E Wilbee 222 0 McMillan ..362 0 Jaokeon 205 W Ball 361 F Gerry 183 0 Ament 331 Mies Dora S mith, Teaoher The Moose Jaw Machine Works were burned, Major Cochrane of Montreal is eerio0s. ly ill. William Monett, ex•tax collector of Ham. Ilton le dead. Hon. T. M. Daly has been appointed' Police Magistrate of Winnipeg. Hie Honor Jarred hlaeeou, formerly Judge for Hurou county, ie dead. The National Table Factory at Oven Sound was burned, Lose, $60,000. D. Aitchison & Oo: s planing mill at Hamilton was burned. Lose over 320,000. Albert E. Latham, brakeman, fell off a yard engine at London and was fatally injured. A oonple of Grand Trunk pare were emanhed and burned in a colheion at Guelph. All hope at getting the steamer Monarch out of the foe near Elamite Ste. Marie this Winterhas been abandoned. A by law ie being 000eidered in Ham Mon to appoint a committee to encourage manulaoturero to locate in the city. Rev. R. Pogue, pastor of Heepeler Preebyterian Oburch, bat: accepted a call to Bethany Church, Philadelphia, as assistant, to Rev. Dr, Pattereon. The °Moore of the Toronto Light Horse will begin a recruiting campaign next month in the oouotry as well as in the city, While Sir Frederick Borden was to England Arnold rotator, Secretary of State for War, suggested that a regi• tient of Oanadiatln be sent to Iodic. to get the benefit of a military training there, noon 5. So II.-- Examined in Arith., Geo., Spell., Oomp., and Mem, ;. total 500 E Deadman .... 486 H Camnbell....382 J Armstrong ..482 H Mooney ,...380 S Fox 465 W Ainlay 375 S Speiran 463 Wm Long......309 0 Leckie 462 W Sperling ....508 E Plum 448 L Denman ....352 S Gerry 443 W Long 847 A Thompson ..416 R Babette 340 F Somers 410 W Miller 382 H Good 401 W McKay 326 B Harris 400 G Wilbee 326 V Ainlay 397 Ja. II — Examined in Arith , Geo , Spall., Oomp., Mem. ; total 600 G Onusley 439 L Lamont „..565 B War ok 430 M Thomson.. —365 1'I Burgess ,417 K Wi,ton 354 G Kerr 389 E Cooper 351 .1 McNichol ....589 E Lamont 348 H Armetrong „384 W McLnuoblan,347 1 Strachan ....570 W Kerr 347 S Bu'geee 370 P Dark 320 Mico M. T. Downey, Teacher. eoont 6. CLASS V :— Mize! Burge -e „448 Edwin Barkley 442 Mary Lowry ..437 Rosa Fox 424 CLASS IV Ada Moore 484 El Stmmon0..,430 N Plat 434 V Rota 421 0 Crooks 415 S Brothere 404 C'and Shaw ....407 Jean Jaokeon ,.396 Harold Lewry..388 Minnie Edwarde325 int the would refer, and should O Dull 348 A Wi:tou 802 E Holmes 296 E Haist 251 G Jamieson 229 CLAse I11.—Exoellent•—W Lott, I Md. Lanohlin, M Biebop, L Lowry, T Snider, Good—O Crone, G Walker, 11 McKay, P.Thuell, V Mo0ranken, L Beaker. CLASS IL—Excellent— A MoLanablin, L Ballantyne, S Turnbull, S Moore, W Morrie, I Denbow, E Toole, E Cooper, R Barkley, A Loolrridge, Goad—G Colvin, J Habltirk, H Walker, O ()ober, E Coop. er, B Wilbee, Willie Denman. CLAM L—Etnellelt -- S Sample, 1D Lowry. Good—L Holmes.— Fair — G ; Edwards, Miss Joan Ritchie, Teaohor, the available stook of the kind asked for be exhaaeted, some other good Bort will be sent irn its piece. SVg. $AoNoena, Director Experimental F'erme, Ottawa, Deeembsr, 16, 1908, Morris Council Meeting The 0ocooil met in Ibe Cooneil room, Morrie, on Deo. 16, 1995, according to Statute. Mtmbere all preee,t, the Reeve in the chair, Minutee of last meeting read and passed. A. W, Sloan and othere appeared in reference to the pro posed extension of the Guelph Junatron Railway to Guderieb and presented a petition asking that a bylaw be dub• minted to the intereeted ratepayers for the purpose of granting a national bonne of 34,000 to aid iu pnrohaeing the right of way for void ruilway. Moved by Taylor, eeoouded by J0Okson that the East Huron Farsmers' Institute Meetings of East Huron Farmers' Institute for the diaou-Bien of egrioultural and kindred eubjrote, will be held in Brussels, Monday, Jan. 11 Corrie, Tuesday, Jan. 12 Meeting0 will commence at 1 30 and 7 30 p. m„ when addreese„ will be deliver ed by the President of the L103330 e ; T. H. Race, of Mitebell ; and W.0, Shearer, of Bright. A cordial welcome, from Offioere and Directors, ie extended to all. GEO. HOOD, Secretary. BRUSSELS HORSE FAIRS The Regular Monthly Horse Faire will be held ae follows ;— THURSDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1904 FEBRUARY 7.h, 1904 MARCH 8rd, 1904 APRIL 7th, 1904 A number of leading local and foreign buyers will be in attendance, Parties wiehingto sell live stook of any description, or other chattels, by auction, at snob Faire, can bare the same attend- ed to by communicating with the under signed before date of Fair. F. S. SCOTT, clerk. A $USITIESS yAll'S LETTER. Wm. Thomson, Esq., of Orillia, Vice -President Standard Chemical Company of Toronto, Tells of a Visit to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. GREATLY IMPRESSED WITH WORK BEING DONE. Personally Raises Several Hundred Dollars to Help Lessen the Load of Debt. There can be little doubt that the National Sanitarium Association is handicapped in its great work for Consumptives in the faot that its two institutions in Muskoka are far away from any large centre of population. Few people have an opportunity to see for themselves the magnificent work that is being done, These hospitals are away from the public eye, Any, however, who do visit them, are united in their commendation of the• splendid appointments of the place, and, beet of all, of the real joy and hope that is being brought to many suffering ones. We are glad to have the opportunity of publishing the following letter from Mr. Wm. Thomson, of Orillia, one of Canada's beat known lumbermen, which tells what he has seen himself. It reads :, ORILLIA, Ont,, November 2, 1903. Vir. J. GAGE, Esq., Chairman Executive Committee National Sanitarium Association, Toronto, Ont. My Dear Mr. Gage, - 5 have much pleasure in enclosing herewith cheque for One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) from the Tudhope Carriage Company of Orillia, a donation to the Free Hospital for Consumptives at Gravenhurat. Please acknowledge this to the Tudhope Carriage Company in the usual way. I have written to a number of my friends, to try and get them interested in this good work. I hope to be able to send you further donations. I have written my friends a personal letter, something similar to the following : "Last week I paid a viaib to the Free Hospital for Consump- tives at Gravenhurst. I met some of the management there, and promised to try and interest some of my friends in this work. "I might say there were 49 patients there last week, all poor people, most of them without a dollar in the world, and suffering from the dreadful disease, Consumption. There are many and stories, and I know I have thought a great deal about the work of the institution ever since my visit there, Ido believe it ieworthy of assistance, and wo who have health and the nettessaries of life should encourage this work along. r'I understand the expenses lately have been double the income, and unless the management meet with more encourage- ment, I ata afraid the work 'will have to be curtailed. I know you have many calls, but I do wish you would give this matter a thought, and, if possible, assist, I have written to two or three, confidentially, and hope to be able to collect some more,for this work. Should you not feel like contributing a donation, remem• ber this request, and your reply is just between you and me, and strictly confidential. "I might mention, to show that I have confidence in the 'work, I have already given a donation of $100,00 and two row boat9to the Free Hospital this year, and intend to give another $100,00 before the end of the year." Sincerely yours, Sir Win. R. Meredith, Kt., or Mr, W. J. Gage, Toronto, Will receive and acknowledge any contribution¢ made. prayer of mid petition be granted and that the 013330 be inetrnoted to hay° 0 bylaw prepared and prleented at 'the next regular meeting of the Ocunoil. Carried. On motion of Shaw and Tay. for the taxes of Jae, Bailie, S. Fleming end Wm. Wiley were ordered to be re witted they being in indigent stream. stances. A I1nmber of 101000nte were ordered to be paid which appear in the Financial Statement. Ou motion of Shaw tied Taylor, 13y.lawe No. 8 and 9 were duly read told passed, The council then adjourned. W. Cults, 0 ere. EXUABMS FARM'P PROD/ALE MTS.—In IF fn or• der to wind up the estate of the late, Neil MoDoeeld, tenders or offers will be received by the undersigned executors up to the 10th day of January 1804, for the purchase of that valuable grass farm, ormpoeed of Lot No. 18 in the 1031, eonceasion of the Town- ship of Morris in the County of Huron, eon- taining sixty 10u1' sores of laud. On the . farm there are about 10 acres of bush. The balance hue been under grass for eight years. The laud is well watered by a spring creek and le conveniently situated. Poe - 09881011 can be given at any time to suit the purubaeer. For further particulars apply to the Executors' or to the undersigned. A. 13,,IdaoDouald, Executors' Solicitor, Brns- sels; Alexander AleDouald, Blyth, Oat, John Aloilonald, Molesworth, P, 0., Exeou- tors. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OE VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY,—In order to wind op the estate of Alexander McDonald, Sr., tenders or offers will be re- ceived by the undersigned administrator up to January 1003, 1904, for the purchase of that valuable grails farm, .being oompoeod of Lots 10 and 17 in the 10th 001 0 se100 of the Township of Morrie, containing 009 hundred and twenty eight acme of land. The land is all cleared, bee boon under grass for eight years and ie in excellent eon- dition. It is well watered bye. spring creep. The farm is conveniently t situated o mar- kets Thorn i8 a good gravel house ac x 38 and kitchen 28x18, with wood shed attached. There are two herne on the place, ono bank barn 66x48, the other is 36x50 with open Weed attached. Possession can be given at any time to suit the purchaser of the farm, with the exception of the house which the owner desires to retain until about June 1st 1909. Also such stabling as he may require.' For further paraioulars apply to the under- signed. A. B. MaoDONALD, 801303303' for Administrator, Brussels ; ALEXANDER MODONALD, Blyth P. 0., Administrator. The above two properties being Lots 10,17 and 18 as aforesaid will be sold either in one or two parcels no may be agreed upon be- tweeu vendors and purchasers, ano tenders will be received accordingly. ALEXANDER MoDONALD, JOHN MODONALD, IMPORTANT NOTICES (0 THORO'•BRED YORKSHIRE Sows, over 9 months old, for sale. Their mother is 1' egisteredand has 4 crosses off imported stock. A quantity of Russian seed barley is also offered for sale. Apply at once to JAS. 011U10RIE, Lot 29, Con, 4, Morrie, 63)1300801s P. U. 21.50 DOG LOST.—A FOX TER- MER dog lost on Wednesday, Novem- ber 18th. Has blank and tau marks on both sides of head and answers to the name of "Jerry." Any information leading to bis re- covery will be thankfully received by the ;mum, W. DUNCAN, barber, Jiruesels T'OR SALE—A REGISTERED 1Bull 9 months old, dark red, and is a grand type of Shu thorn ; a splendid en- rmal and bred close to Imported stools Ake a few registered Leieeater ewes will be sole right, to make more room. Let 10, Con, 15, Grey. OLIVER TURNIBULL, Walton P.O. LEICESTER SHEEP FOR 081113 —9 Leicester Rom Lambe, prices 45 to 337 ; 1 Sbeurling and 2 Two -Shear Rams, prices 910 to 510 All are good ones. Also a few Ewe Lambs. price 80, and a fow good Ewes at moderate prices. DAVID MILNE & 8003, Ethel, Ont. 13 3 THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulls for sale, One is lyear old` and the other two younger. Also several regist- ered (lows and Heifers. Apply to JAMES 8PE1R, Lot 10, Con. 0, Morris Twp., or Brus- sels B. 0. - 22.31 REAL. ESTATE. nsc, 81, ,19Q Watches Watches Ti 0R SALE.—LOT 6, CON, 0, 1 Grey, containing 100 acree, 75 being cleated and in good state of cul 3310)100. Farm is well v,tered; 900d buildings, or- chard, 80. V,l,ure in health cause for sal. ling. Posseneion given 00 oto 1001111i'e notice, Terms easy. For thriller particu- lars apply to TBUEDIAN SMITH, on the premises, or Brussels P, 0. 13 1 00 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, being Lot 11. Con. 4 Groy town• ship. 80 soreeol, ared, baton ice lush. There 180 good house, bank barn, orchard, ate. Weil fenced and farm in good oouditioll ; 05 agree of Fall wbeot in. 0 utllea from Brus- sels; only 4 of a ;mile from church and 1} miles f10m 8011001. 1 030exe100 could be' given to suit the .pm'obaser. For fur - tiler particulars as to prlee, terms, dee, ap- ply on the premises to A. 000%, Proprie- tor, Or at Tnn Posm,Bluesele, 21 -ti CEI]JAP r CH_EA ' FLETOHER'S WIIITE JEWELRY STORE Ia'tll'III'Ilatlll,'II,'ilrt,ll,l'lllll,,lt'll, 'lll',e'In'lll'1,III,'ll,'ll,' Ladies' Solid Silver Watches With guaranteed Movemonto, $4 75 and up, Ladies' Gold Filled Watches Oases guaranteed for 26 years, with guaranteed movunenie, $9 00 and op. Gents' Silverine Watches With guaranteed Movements, $7.00;and 011. Gents' Filled Watches Casae guaranteed for 20 & 25 years, with guaranteed Movements, $11 and up. V We give a Written Guarantee with each of the above Watches. 'WARMS FOR SALE. — 350 acree Orat•olase land in the Township of Grey—1,ot 16, Con. 11. 1C0 norm ; Lot 17, Con 14,100 acres ; and WI Lot 18, Con. 14, 50 aores-200 acres A11 h, excellent condi- tion with Oret.olae: building; brick house with alt modern conven1000ee, and large bank barn, root and strew house, stables, dm, Wo11 watered. Frons 35 to 40 acres 0t good hardwood crush. Lot 10, con, 11, 0011 - reining 100 acres of emit -elate land, good frame 10use and large bank barn nearly naw. The property eau be sold in two or three partials to emit pm' eleteer 0. Terme liberal, Also n cimmadtous dwelilug house and let in Brussels. For fa Aber par3icu- lora apply to the owner on the pt'etntses. LAUCHLIN AIoNEIL, or to J10. 14160E1E, Brussels, 21.31 1,P tel,ewq,nt0e011t,'InOd'Idedy'4turt,su'Inn It. Fletcher, The Close Price Jeweler. s� i�i�""'s�i� •�""�r6-- s"�=fes-`8e""-- �i7�f�a CHRISTMA8 AND al STAPLE 000DS AT THE Old Reliable Grocery and Bakery Shrewd buyers are making their purchases early while our Stock is most complete. A full assortment of the Choicest Fruits of the Season. A large and well selected stock of Fancy China and Glassware, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets. Geo. Thomson. COMING JV NTS The Xmas Cheer 1 00 ACRE FARM FOR SALE J 'J 13011,1100,7, Gray, 2 inilee frow Village of Bruesele. I mils from 0011001. Splendid location, Under 6 rat class state 01 cultivation, comfortable louse, largo bank been, latest improved cement stabling and silo. Orchard, two never 083111/5 wells, and other conveniences. Fall wheat -Howe, Proprietor ie going Weet. For further Pal - Moe Mrs an to terms &0 , apply on prem lbee or Itlidrees li1ueselo, P. 0, 15. M, 51d013A10D• SUN. tf Tt1ARMS FOR SAI,E,—BEING tbo Bast 3 of Lot 7, Cou,17, Grey, eon - Mining 50 acres, 9-acl'es in good hardwood hush, remaindercleared. Good frame house and barn • Ierm well drained and fenced ; and all :leaded to gram except Names .This. will be sold eubirot to one yenr'0 10006. Will elect 31,00,'sell Let Con 18, Grey. contain- ing 64 acres, all bush. There is sono valu- able timber on Chia land. A bargain cel be secured on this Inv per ty, Address DANIk1L MOmlILLAN,1180 Grand Wirer ave., Detroit,, Michigan, 19 40 ilipAR111 FOR SALE CONTAIN. L 1030 00 aoraa, being North halves of Lets to ano 16, Con. 1, Grey. Oon30 table frame house,. bank barn, orebard, Bio. Ouly 4 miles from Aloloeworth. Good lneality and fine roade. Dnmediet° pooeesslou, If farm 19110E oold by end of. year it will bo rented it suitable t1uant offers. Arrange - 0.01190 Dau be mild° 30 Winter stook at barn so as to 000x11 up Straw on hand. 30r fur., they particulars apply to or write .1841 W. U. Iiilliit,Brueseln. The lady of every house is now b'lsy planning and preparing the many good things that will satisfy the most delicate Epicure. We wish to assist you and have just placed in stock —NEW PEELS — SHELLED ALMONDS — SHELLED WALNUTS —SHREDDED COCOANUP, —FIGS and DATES —RAISINS and CURRANTS In Confectionery we are tffering the most tempting display being Sole Agents for Stewart's and Perrin's Newport Celebrated Chocolates and Bon. Bons ORANGES, LEMONS and BANANAS—Only the select stock in these Fruit! • handled and the prices Om Lowest.. 3131?811 OYSTERS AND F1.10 ALWAYS ON ,IAND 1 Jeot in a large assortment of Perrin's Fanoy Biscuits and Oaken. W. /p . �`1 'p E'� T A l For Good Goode A. Vf 111 �'J V V .t it v at Bight Price -s.„. t' Rare Opportunity i �� V I r. r OVA+ RCO TS Nimulwagims DON'T MISS IT ! We have a large stock of Men's, Boys', Youths' and Children's Overcoats and in order to clear them out quickly have decided to make big reductions inthe price of all, lines. We Offer You in this Special December Sale $4 00 Overcoats now going at $3 25 500 as it 425 *, 6 00 & 6.50 Overcoats now going at 5 00 `*: 7 00 Overcoats now going at 5 60 8 00 „ 81 6 60 10 00 " " 8 25 These are actual reductions off regular first-class values and not marked up in order to cut prices. Act quickly, and get first choice and your proper size. A S T RACHA N. 16, 1L,