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The Brussels Post, 1903-12-31, Page 3
SOME SMALL REPUBLIC TOM THUMB STATES 010 13/73'10 YOU SELDOIYL One of Them Is a Square Mile i Area With a Population al 130 Souls. To many people the fact that then aro a number of floulisbing, ln;. pendent Republica in existence a the 1105/111 bolo, whip are 1103th al ly unknown to tho outsi'0 world, will d0ubtees seem almost iue•edi bee. 'Plmre are, ItOWOVOr, tiny Stale in various parts of Euroi'e 50 coo pletely istlatod from the test of th world that it is very few maps oro which any trace of thele can found. But in spate of tlds the aro very 1ny)ortaut eonlma113t'ies it themselves, and can boast of prosperous existence whist. 1(10Lld b a ereelt to any State. Ono of the most ints1'est11'1g of thea 'Polo Thumb Reptant s is Andorra, an almost f 'accessible State of abet. 6,800 inhabitants, situated In t: Eastern Pyrenees. Andorra was c:. dared a free State ns long ago a the ninth century by Chit lemaga-c, and at the present time 111:1 s a 1.3nd of semi-ia'eponrlent position bottle° I'ranco and Stalin. The 11e. abbe, however, is govern ed by its Own I presei;tatiyes, who constitute sos resign cin n:11 of twouty-feud 11101011111 8, w311c11 (0811111 elects tt Pt *admit Otey four years. Tee chief occupations cif the 'Anatol* ratios are agriculture, cattle-bree.'1; trade in weed, charcoal, and wool, and mere'ially smuggling. At t1 MED time they 11'0 good-natured hard-wori.ing, hospitable people, and, neeice to say, are DEVOTED TO LTIIERTY. 3 h they aro prepared to defend 811,11 a standing army of 1,100 men. About 150 miles from .Andorra, in the Beams Pyrones, le to be found another nli:nature Republic, wliiuh so far as area is concerned, has the distina•tlon of being the smallest self - governed State in the world. It is called St, Coast, and is harc'ly a squirm mile in mea, The popolation numbers about 180 souls, who r le tkomsels es, mainly owing to the fact that the little State le ro bard to get at that no are will take the trouble to alter its Constitution, St, Goust is situated on a eeetcy motuttafn-top, width is so steep that when anybo'fy dies it is quite impos- sible to have an ordinary funeral. A coffin could not be ca'ried Clown the mountain -ride, and 1oneequeltly tee tellable ants twee cut a groove tato the face of the rock, and tl o coffin is mane fust to a rope and allowed to 'e down to the cemetery in Ossan Valley below, where all baptisms and marriages ate is foamed. Tire I'rc,l eat of St, Coast, who, by -the - bye, is also tax -col e tor, a' sesame and judge, is elected 13y a Council of twelve, who are chosen for five years by the people, the little Republic bating been ruled far more than two thousand yea s through re "COUNCIL OF ELDERS." The sem lest Republican State in regald to population is Tavolara, a little known island about five miles tong with an average width of half a utile, situated off the north comet DI Sardinia. Malty maps and gco- eraphy books totally ignore the 011- 31,1111110 of this State. 'Yet it is a tree and iuuel.en met Repub.dc of shout seventy i,,habitauts, who are their own rales. The peoc le of • Tavolera declared their iudelenete» a e us re °fitly as t9N'8, tia Island dating presiouw.ly been made over in 1880 . by Bing EI axles Albeit of Sarditifa to tee 8artoleoni f&u 111y, None of the {'r eat Powers objo,ted when t' a is- land theme oil the yoke of monarchy, end d ring the last seventeen years the inhabitants have lived at peace with t e world. Ti oy elect a Pre- sident every six years, and a Ooun- til of pix members, all of whom serve the State without payment. Jealousy between Belgium and Pr: ssia has ambled the inhabitants of a tiny territory, called Maresnet, near Aix-la-Chapelle, to enjoy the rights of llepeblic citizenship far the past two re,tu8ies, T. e two count;ios mentioned could not agree as to who shin id own h'Ioresnet, and cons0- gvently they derided to matte it neu- tral country. Them are about 6,000 PEOPLE IN MOItESNET. who elect their own President and Council of five, in whom tee govern - snout of the Republic is vested. .n1,ltate al.•(o owing to a disagreement betivoen Austl'.a and Bernie that the folk who Itievc`• j'a3.on up their regi deuce on a cartai)N tltUe island in tate Danube 'pay 110 'taxes and acknow- ledge allegiance to nobody. Tl+o ic;'• land, wleit.h has very appropriately been called Nobody's Island, . warn foamed many years ago by the ac- cumulation of mtid and sand tarried down by the great river during a flood. Since then Austria' and Ser via have been quare°lltng about its poases:aon. . At low water the island is almost connected with the Servian shore by a narrow longum of sand, while at ]nigh water it lips nearer the Alio- triad island of Oetrova0t. Co?so- quently, 110 one can docido to whom it really belongs; noel, as the Weed is not worth enough to matte it advisable for the Servian or the Austrian Government to light over its pot:sesaion, tl•e inhabitants are left e'ntir'elyto themselves. es. San Marino, a queen' little Italian Republic situated among the eastern spurs of the Apeliines, is somewhat larger than any of the afore -incl-' tiered States. This Republic has au area of thirty-three square miles and a population of (nearly 8,000. San Marino is governeel ley a G1•alld Colnr;il of r.1Xty 11.fe-nlen'tbore,, aclf- 01e. t.er), of whom one-third arc nobles. From this nene100r aro 'sel- ected t110 Commit of Te ant°, who superintend agriculture and, with the 8. distance of two foreign lawyers;, form the ouprome court of the State, 'A. eteivang army of 150 men is, hodeta1ned, whine chief employment, however, is that of acting as )1011(0. 10011.. 7t's useless int lee to a hurry unless you con 181(it eont189'eu5. . REMARKABLE BL RECOVERIES CCVI RISS J DROWNED '1f3 HOURS, liUT TS RESTORED. R' D, A Swede's Ex)erieuee Proves Tho .ay di Miracles Is Not yet Past. O Seemingly P)1i'8eU1011n r000Ve'iQA o- occur with the some frequency now t as in bygone daye, Judging from the - experience of a Swedish gardener who, while attempting to resets - - ev'drownod. Y / a ° ° t a n ce a . e g e t' u ISA MERRY CHILD A.QAIN 1 1O KIDNEY CURED LITTLE EDITH HARRIS' DROPSY, , li'ere Wan a Terrible vase •- it Proves that the Great Kidney Remedy is good for Old and young alike and Cures all Forma ueefuI materials of which shoddy forms a part, Shoddy, lf-t}io-Ily4, has ri far worse eau o than a ye, de h to got for the workmen's bleeds-ei suit would cost nearly double what it actually does if the eecrot of work_ e up afresh old wngl had novo?ben discovered. Tho hJ8800 factory of its kind Is to be 8000 at Saltaire, the model towel founded by Sir Titus Salt• Saltaire which le only five miles Own Bradford, is the centro of THE ALPACA INDUSTRY: Its factory r ' Unless use are `N'r e( has not a " M: i1 ,� . a the soap this brand getting , ( t', k r you you the best "' i/ail(/ ' f4�/ it.gfrt '4��if`T�. Gi �l 1.44 Year/ �fi✓ear1/ � _ ! CZ21 ,mak Ot //• !+4/wv� �� ,2411.44-: liggte/ . ' .64/ a) companion who had fallen into the I water under the ice, had the miafor- tuna to fall In himself and Was of Kidney Disease, • Weyburn, Assa„ N.w.r., Dec. 31..- giant covers twelve acids and is six storeys high. An enormous centre of cloth lnanu- 1elrTorsbemctnaonIIAr, 4! `r "P" """ """""" " ""P �"` A LONG -FELT WANT, Casey -"Ui see til°re's bin another railroad wreck due to anopen ewicll,t' nassidy-"Ay, 'tis a pity sone wan don't itivint a seri i thot'll stayVaud slant whin its moss. "Pa, what le a dyspeptic?" "A '+ vspeptic, my son, is a person whc blames all the rest of vs became lac eats too uluch,t' •--"- 1 4 (ifit Euro tZ s i,lalm,,,,y Euro Illtttra et, S A search was made for the body, but sixteen hours clapeed •before it toss found. Men escortscord od it was In an upright position, with the feet resting upon the g•round. On being drawn up the body wile wrapped closely in woolen cloths and speedily removed to a warm place, where It was rubbed and rolled about for s0m0 time. SpiritsP wore then administered, and by these (Special No more romarkabio euro ).- of Dropsy has ever been put on re- than that of little Edith Flan- On, the two-yoar old daughter of Air. and 117rS, Be 1, Harris of this P lace. Tho little girl had dropsy in its worst form. She tons swollen from hor feet to her shoulders so badly that the doctor teas afraid one of her feet would buret. Her natural facture of moor description is Old- y barn, which owes as much to the Platte as Bradford dons to Sir Isaac $Selden, Iieginn ug with cotton Weaving, the Arm of Platt took later on to woollen curl worsted mamlfao- ture and urltaklisbed works fifty -Wee acres in extent, exclusive of their own private eoitierics, and em to n g about 8,000 hands. These works aro entirely self-supporting. They dig at some of the looked up fertility in tho bottom layers. Steeply to beteg up the lower 8011 and then to tttnRl l'8 down agate tle fallowing seas, On is not 080(10(1 so much as to thor- oughly twilit and dere tie evil, ex- posing it to air and son.For 1 gicons dw'ks mid root tn'tos sleep Ploiviug 15t rablm, also to loosen tis soil for root and tuber growth •, Mistress (to new set'vant who has ovealept herself) -"What about breakfast, Bridget?" Bridget -"Ye naden't trouble ye'self, mum; I aila't 'ungry ^�- An act of ]heroism is but tempos ary, while an act of charity is ever lasting. insane tin man was restored to life, This remarkable instance was brought to the notion of the queen mother of Sweden, who Afterwards took a great Interest In the garden- e• and gave him a yearly mason,. The facts were first recorded by Dr. Peoklin and afterwards fully rorroh- orated by the famous 1)r. Langolot. waist measure was eighteen inches, but When the disease was at its worst, she measured thirty-four inch- es. Two doctors attended her, but after three months struggle with the dieons° the and was gradually grow- ing worse and the parents had about given up all hole of saving the life of their child, their own coal, emelt their own iron. maim all their machines, and even burn their own firebricks to build their 1unlaces. At present the firm are chiefly engaged in the production of up-to-date machinery for dealing with all kinds of weaving work. It is to the other side of the Irish Channel one must look for the big- A di diplomat is a man who pretends that the other fellow's way is his when he can't have his own. ^-- It's the toughest kind of tough luck to have your wateh stolen when you are on your way to pawn it. leeldn' vont' just yit." Money makes the mare go and theHolploee automobile makes the money go. 7 sees Cured of Ansa' Bronchitis by MINARI)'M LTNTMFNT: .7, M, OAMPBI:T,T,. Bay of Islands. I wee Peart we„tel as ababy.-Sete. Amon can Rheumatic Cure strikes the root of the element and strike It quick. R. W. Wright to Daniel street, Brmckville;Ont.,lortwelveytsuaa great sufferer from rheumatism, couldn't wash himself, feed himself or dress himself. After acing 118 bottles was aife to go to week, and lays; " I thick pain has left me forever." -e6 ^- HER V0101e1 RESTORED. Elizabeth Sellers, a scholar in the Girls' Charity school at Sheffield, was, at the age of 13, suddenly db- prayed of the use of her voice to such an extent that sho could only express herself in an almost inaud- file whisper. Otherwise she enjoyed perfect health, and continued to per- form such parts 'of the school oxer- vises es her i11ir1nity did not inter- fere with. All attempts to eliect a cure failed. One evening, on hearing some of her school fellows singing a hymn, At the salve time they determined to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Imagine their surprise end delight when un- cler this treatment tho child began to rapidly improve. By the time she had taken three boxes, half a pill at a dose, the swelling was gone and. the helpless little invalid was trans- formed into a merry laughing healthy edlild again. gglut Dodd's Kidney Pills cure old and young alike. They cure Kidney Dis- ease without regard to where or in what form it is found. gest 1111111 factory. This belongs to Belfast and Is worked by the York Street Flax Spinning Co. But all these various materials would be of little use were there no thread to sew them together. It Is Paisley, 01118 fa010118 for its shawls, that is the centre of thosthread trade. In 1712 this town first began to spin linen thread, but linen has now given way to cotton. The two great thread factories of Paisley employ ten thousand panda nand produce about one-third of tell the thread which is used in the whole civilized •What children neoel 1s more models and fewer cystica. Only the man who understands wo- men admits that he doesn't. tireenorOnto, CSTY or Therm, las LW les COUNTY. f at 1,siC n CA7tWel• makes oat, ha is e¢n[mr artnar of Wo arm et i''. J. Clint!11k & Liu., doing business [Lee City of Toledo, County and titats aforesaid,: and &that 18)11 arta will pay the tum of ON)0 k1UNllRLD J)UL• LAltS for each and every ease of OA. A.Anitt1 that cannot be cured by the use of BALL'S UAPAltittU. or Neuralgic by MTNARD'S LINT1btENP WM, DANIELS. Sprtnohlll, N. S. 7 roan I' nt ,Chroele Wbevma' tism by MINA121)'q T.Tioner ' "r, , rEO. TINGLEY: Albert Co.. N. Il: Mrs, Casey-"Yfrtiddy Mrs. Mal, ony's ould man prasintod her wid a silver taypot." Mrs. Murphy - "Solid?" Mrs. Casey -"Sure, yez be jokin'. How could she put tay in it if it was solid?" - - - t -f t ! Miaaril s unless# Cures GiihiibeflL, - They were gazing at the gorgeous stock in the jeweller's shoe w,ndow. "41'here'a your pick?" aekod Pat. "Not Ino pick, but filo shovel," re- - plied Mike. Per ever sixty Veers ���nnn 'req.' 1. 'o saoiurret R h•e 170,940 11 ti4Ept rrrr(S�1fr tifett O 1�• t. aln.darsrIla�z rYn mf S". qui ice mint gess 4g Icy a eetraaanies nk.fd�:,n*, r Peleet eitte. uoteru r„etiny,�sa ori+ecovtetiV 13.5 a°.dina1.. 233, - PROOF POSITIVE. An E , tologfst and an Assyria+ logist were die utin about the rola• tie advancement of the two, ancient peoples whose history they were studying', W1'ty, sir!" cried Else E o1Qorftt,. "we find remains of wires fill sin .crypt w1icla prove that they undorstooei elot'tt'ieit'yl" "'1'elavl" answered. the Assyriola gist. . Wo don't find any wires in she was seized with an intense desire them in devotions. :.ho .--� would. 001tle. PIOAl lC J. 0111 N10Y. Sworn to before to join their whispered to one of her companions a request that she Should shoot vie- lently down her throat. '1Tor wish was immediately complied' with, and, to the great Jay of tho little sn}Pf°roc, her voice was tit, encs restored to its fullest pitch, li'roul 111)0 aco°unt gave of the sensation she experienced sic, experienced during her illness it appeared that her throat had boos closed by a lulnp or gathering, and it was conjectured that this had been broken by the force of tho shout. A similar case is recorded of a ata- for, who had lost his voice from some illness, suddenly recovering it in a theatre. )laving gone to this place of entertainment he was highly amus- ed by the drollness of the clown. In his excitement he made an effort to vont t0 his feelings, and, to his giveNorth surprise and joy, found his voice 'Scu restored. VICOIL RESTORED BY WATER. John ..Ferguson, residing in Kilmer- ford, England, overheated himself while do pursuit of cattle on the hills. While in this condition he drank excessively of cold water from a stream Haar. Ahuost inunucliac°iy he felt Past asleep o1 the bank, and did not waken for twenty-four hours. _ Fie was then in a high fever, and from that time was unable to retain any nourishment. Tho proprietor of tho estate on which the man's father was a tenant had Ferguson removed to his own house, and a11ut him up an a room for twenty tine's, during which time ho was Supplied with nothing except water, and precautions were taken to prevent any one at ing the pa tient with food, yet at the end of that time the man was restored to Perfect health, ,and had lost lens of 1115 former vigor. g A case is recorded by Dr. Pinel of a elan who was sin greatly infected by some losses in trade that he wile instantly deprived of all his mental fanulties. In this condition he re- meined for five years. During that period he took no notice ref any- thing; flavor expressed a desire for food and only partook of it when it was actually placed in Itis mouth. An attendant dressed him and'then led hien to his sitting room. After snot a lengthened period of Idiocyhe corn- gduce lctel recovered, and that as sud- p Y as he had been afflicted.At ytrades, ��ii j]'f� j� p 111111411�U 11) GARMENTS -- BRITISH CITIES WHICH DRESS THE WORLD. - Manchester, iingland, and Gala- shiers, Scotland. Axe the Leaders. Even Parisian dandies comp to London tailors for their clothes, and ii. in generally acknowledged that SS Paris leads in fashions for rho fair sex so Loudon takes first Plano fu modes of Wren, says Pear•son's Weekly, Not onlyis the United, kingdom the world's cutter, but it also makes all the best materials for man's garments, and near] all of these studs seri manufactured in the of Englund or the South of resod. Once Norwich held the proud pose- P tion of being the greatest .of our cloth making tenons, but it has long since turned its attention to other manufactures, and to -day Menches ter turns out more yards of maileei- al than any other city on earth. So ion ago as 1724 Manchester was gLoring described as "the largest, most po- Pulous village in England, with its looms stolen from the Dutch and producing fustian tapes and ticking." At that date tied mills, of which there ,vertu sixty, were worked by the water power of the Ribble. Now ail is (hanged, Manclllester is the great menton centre card works steam. bybun The Rabble has degenerated into lit tlo bettor than an open sewer, lion as opposed to Women worldRye fare badly if Manchester were the only cloth maker, for it manufactures comparatively little material Por the PMr. use of tailors. It is GALASI--MELS, SCOTLAND; which holds the record for tweed. This town began the nlantifacturo in 1591 and now has twenty -thee face tortes and over 100,000 spindles at work. llawick is another place fan1- mus For its tweeds. Shepherd's plaid, too', and heavy cloth for making warns ulsters come from Hawick, you could hardly name any kind of cloth destined for making suits for men that Huddersfield does not pro- P in abundance. It is the chief seat of what is known as the fancy but it also makes plain woe- SOILING LAKE. - In D•oininca a Curiosity That is Little Known. Mr. Steres-Fadelle, at Dominica, has last plubiis'aed a little book giv_ some interestiu information re- fag, g Gently obtained about a curious nee rural phenomenon in Dominica, otic of the 7 eases Antilles, Tele Aland is otter 91 s acro y q miles in area. It was colonized by the Spariards in the seventeenth con- fury and p°°P1°d later by Fronde emigrants, who controlled the island uninterruptedly until the eighteenth rentuly, and ill resources have since been exploited by English and lrrenoh; and yet its natural curiosity in the northern part of. the 1510)x] had never been seen or heard of until tweniy-e ght yoal a. ago. This can be explained orly by the fact that the neighborhood of the of acg lake of Slomake ca ds difficult of access. The lake was discovered by an Englishman, Dr. Nichols, who g ganized an expedition to explore or 1 the unknown part of the (eland. One day his little peaty was clam- up a mounGtin. They slid- donly mune upon ev1dences of sulphur and a eminent later stood looking dawn hate a erate• which was filled with bei deg water. Stifling vapors 1•oee from the agf- toted surface, rumblings of thunder same from the subterranean regions, and veal' the canter of the little lake, where the water was moat violeetly disturbed, the furious boiling lifted the surface ten or twelve feet ahoy© the general level. Tire labs was con- stoutly fed by several sn�nlhtelaboyo that poured from the tights the cratar, Sterns-Fadello says that the lance is still boilin g. it has been sound to bo at an altitude of 2,400 meters above sea level. In form it is elliptical. Whou it is filled with wetter it is about 200 fent long and less than 100 feet wide. its depth is un- known. An attempt to touch hot- tom was made thirty feet from tbe water's edge, who'°, at a depth of 195 feet, no bottom eves reported, 'oleo water is not always in move- meet. At certain times the su fer° is calm and glistens. brilliantly lund°r tbe rays of the sun. other tildes it is violently agi- toted and boils away, exactly like a tea and subscribedIn my prcwneo, this ath day at December, A.D.113,10. A. W.6f 1As0•O i east. Rbtap ublic iIatl'1 Oatar;r, Oure Le tatses men. acne ann rine dliwetly on the blood ppd mncoua sllrratea uet the sy�st¢m* B¢nd roc testtrnunla1s, from. Ie. J. 011.smiTY e. 00., Penedo, e. mold by all Druggists, 760. Mali's Family lilts are the best. "What's the matter?" she asked. "Nothing," replied the departing cal- ler severely, "except that your dog has bitten met" "Oh," she ex- claimed, "poor Fide!" --- CANADA MAKES THE BEST,• n BRITISHER'S TRIBUTE. Sir Thomas Brassoy, }1S.P:, and. his eldest son, the Tion. T. A. Brae soy, are well known throughout the British Empire. The former owns 8 large estate in England, was Goner- nor of Victoria, Australia, from 1895 to ifl00, and was President of the Dritish Boards of Trade Congress, wllde), met last summer in Montreal.of Ile also owns large tracts of form. lands ill our own Northwest. Bob,. father and son are enthusiastic ad- misers of Canada, said are well able ge specie authoritatively and intern- gently .as to C°alaalian products. The TT A. Brassy, who Tato• ly spent some months In Cascada, hae paid a Just tribute to Massey- Harris implements as per the follow- ing cablegram: London, Nev. 28th. -Hsu. T. A. id sfarmers speaking o cd t not be anxious that Mr. Chamberlain's Polley would raise the cost of machinery. The best a y gr'tcultnral machine] in the world is macre by the Massey -Harris Company of Toronto, and by other companies in Ontario, and thereperiodical would bo no duty upon it." - Wife -"You haven't used any of those cigars I bought for you." Elul band-"No,'I am keeping them for Tommy when ho wants to learn to smoke. ' . .__ y,, 1 hard s llnimeaf Gores $.e ete� i �� Counsel -"You soy you had called NEGOTIATING A LOAN. Assyria, and that shows that they knew wireless telegraphy!" A story is told of a shopkeeper who declined to be worked into the development of certain family for tunes. was a cb9-goods merchant in a small town in Buckinghamshire. As he was standing one day at the door of his shop a small girl came up and said: "Please, sir, I'm Maggie Quayle, and mother says will you give hobs-° change for half a crown? She will send the 11a1P-crown on Monday." "Oan't do it," replied the shop "' " "' .An ' s fx Finest }" f Nutritious admirable Food of the - 2 ,rr • - 9 tl"r, '. {* •HO v 'w' a quality and flavour. ,.-•;.,, * )' �•,.`' * „, {• s' and Economical, 48-21 keeper. -- "' FOR SALE AT ALL a NOASTOILES• Lever's Y -Z Wise Mend ( )Disinfect• ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- teeth. - "Katie got the first prize at the cooking competition," "Row proud she must bet What was the prize?" "A very useful book -'First Aad to •T. the Injured.' r The Daintiest Book the Season. ) : 6 4 ` • �, _ FROM THE R8fen5S AND IitftliWAYS. Beautifully bound In greets leather stamp. ed in gent. PRICE 61.00 The Anon Publishing Co:, Caro t haat Cams urger to Co S• •-'- - "Would oblige you me," said the re rtol encewliat book hast bels "bytellili P ed you most in life)" And after a thoughtful pause the great man an- swered, bank -book," "My • ..-• A SOUTH AFRICAN TRIBUTE, At a practical test of self hinders bald at Mooreesberg, Cape Colons", South Africa, on Nov. 5th Last, un- der the auspicrs of the Western Prov- ince Asrietaltural Society, the Mos- soy -Harris Binder ens awarded the of sda are issuing a series of Volumes compiled from the Newspapers anti Magazines of tbe day. Tho First Volume is now ready, and will be returning 11 no, sent for One t satisfactory, of g Y. - In order to secure articles for the subsequent volumes the publishers are offering g TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS OASIS and 1F La a - for Newspaper, g zine Clippings from which to. make their selections. for Copy of Book, Prospectus, and Premium List, write P. 0, Drawer 2183, Montreal, Canada. First Prize of £1.0. There were seven competitors. three Massey--Ffar- cis, three McCormick, and one Chain- fen. The jud es in determiein P g g their awards, amongst ether points, also took into eonsiderat.ion the aim a� lionises v1. oltM= Potbnta � � s, _ ser ro`n epe oto !kdelDitfl9rt :t-.1-3 length of the stubble and the tight- 11085 and compactness with which the sheaves were bound, About six hundred nary rials,, some of whom mane from a consider - able distance, witnessed the interest- in i 1. conn etition, which was a mom- telote victory for the Massey -Harris hinder, ise41EF1i4N1'1 Lhe Steamships monomial' to Liverpool sa M Liverpool and Plot sttl•ro•1 n,.9 aorfor naoommed•t1•� ee los ar• eiiy gri •aa a1111 3. a `. e evtet .lioestuceo3.desllh,tl., ftp ,aced all ysr ¢arise, npvis to sty �utaiaay or to peteVntot tArAL DAWATE10e1 Emco sieve: est lsaystht lHetsa IT I10. nammeet se. Hennas! THE SENSIBLE MOTHER. len good's of every description for wear by both men and women. For worsted yarn Bradford holdsscot When little ones aro ill the send- the record, old also 'fol what are ble mother no longer doses thele celled the loig wools. The probe,- with nauseous, gripingpurgatives, i r bflit3es are that the material of no puts them to Sleep with the o our frock moat and ve Iossibl called 'soothing' preparations which y 'y 1 y always contain harmful opiates, your evening dress suit were woven Baby's Own Tablets have boon usedin •one of the throe hundred mills of Bradford. is the only bigtealtettle. But, instead of rho singing that accompanies the chalet. tions it. the kettle, the boiling fluid in this cauldron is accompanied by rote gruffest and most unplaysant de- toinations. Little waves roll upon the narrow shelf of sandy beasts which is covered with a -scum of sill- phurs to see Miss Stvete at the tilriC the burglary was committed?" Witness yes.' "Tion how did it happen that when the prisoner dashed into that the room and assaulted You, you leapt through the window, making ortto defend the ladyor ive no off g the alarm?" "I thought it was her father." ----- '" `Why don't you marry that girl? olio in a rural earl." "Alt,yes; but Po1o•nm I don't like orotic -of -pearl." FEAT ER DYE 0 Hits/ of FNTboi sea�truae•oagteotosdeeeea Theo own cont br rtlFt le ptlr OL ttie lust biome to by thousands of mothers who cheer- ,Bradford city in England which' 05508505 a fully testify that they are gentle in g p their action, absolutely safe, and "conditiouing house," This was snake little ones sleep soundly and erected by tho Corporation of the naturally, betatiso they remove the town In 1887 for the express pure trouble that made baby irritable and Pose of weighing and measuring the neekef)l. On this point MIS. T. Wat- goods produced in the mills. An- Aott Sarsfield Ont, says1-'I have other boast of Bradford is its alike Used Baby's Own Tables and find and velvets. thein a very valuable medicine for )till NNTNGIIAM MILL, young children: When baby is docsthat or fretful T. gave her a Tablet, and it built for their production, is the soon puts her right." biggest of its kind and cost half a Thom 'riblets core all the 211.in01• million sterling to build, Bradford ailments of the little ones. They aro owes a great deal to that wonderful 6 DEEP PLOWTNGf, Much of the advice In favor of deep plowing es out of place on hill farms with the soil only six to eight ine;hos deep. Plowing which brings much subsoil to the top Is not de- doable. But there are many Roles with good depths of ricer, dark loam have novo been properly Ioork- ed. Stich lands need never be called worn out until thoi otgh plowing and harrowing again and agadl have enabled the plant roots to get Under the Nerve Lash. nig torture and torment of the victim of nervous prostration and nervous debility no one can rightly estimate who bee not been Under the ruthless lash of these relentless human foes. M. Williams, of )0ordwkch, One, was for four years anervous wreck, Six lwttles ofe.. tbAroarioaa Nervine worked a miracle, and hi. doctor non- armedh,-as . _.- • ONE WAS Tam CHAPERON, A lady tells an annusing story of hor cook, a buxom: young 'woman from the Emerald Isle, with 1no1'O Her Heart like a Polluted Mrs. Srigky, Pelee BRiTISH AMERICAN BEING GO„ MO.NTRE.AL. spring - fames Isiand, On(, says: "S was for five years afflkgted kith dyspepsia, coaelipation, heart disease and nervous prostration. I cured 9 77 Erna ST, EAST? �� � sosON7e. the heart trouble with Dr, Agpow•a Cure forthe like mist, Ned relief tor halfailments hour after the flret dose."-aI B1nks-"Bog galydon, sir; but I think you ]have any tnnbrella there." Stranger -"Your ulnbrolla, sir? Of course it may be. You into how umbrellas change hands: Permit !no to restore it." Rieke (to himself, Walking aw,ay).-:"Those happy thoughts of mine are simply inspil'a- tions. My umbrella--hai ha- hal" ge 8)3 Send Ratveaur r + , , i a " lea maty t GPAL _ f t_ [ OF IV too extra tarand catalog, gond torprlou else 1 ALL . N R E C04NL4Tkit S, SPOOIAL t .4i w ' car AT"r'tCNrlp,It TO PATiek? j * r: ter leen ION, Bond Per8anehOe; s&r701308115 0K Dtit0nt81 Set.... " bioth'0- Tameuau, Sir Ise Holden, wb0 (stab- - " '"'"` good for ail cbilclren front. )1re than her share of the Colt's humor ward. Sold by inceluine dealers or lashed a factory in the town 1n 1846, sant by mail at 25 conte a box by And with lila "square notion" ma- writing no Dr. Williams Medicine chine absolutely revolutionized in- Co,, Brockville; Ont, dust]•, . y "reach • 1 a grippe, pneumonia and kik eons often leave a nasty sough and readiness of retort, Tho cook, like most of her kind, bad designs of the policeman on tiro bettt, dud fro tient] enticad him into q Y ----'f . Lends 18 the home of tho lee A STICKLER FOR RANI:. deme." No other city in the world It is not in this oOUntly alone that can compare with Leeds in the pro- the Notion of equalityprevails. The duction of road nee.do p y- )a.1'mm1t3 of London Figaro mortis the following every description. From the (01(0" 'levy , fas11- instance: toys 1n the nil t° the latest Q�7 As a magnificent steamer, the pro ions it. holiday ilallnol suits or oyC1- p.ei1 perry of tllo Peninsular 1C Oriental ing Norfolk jackets and lcieliel- conwauy, was stoaenning into South- bookers, needs faet,enies ,supply:Can �� .m J -o t harbor, a Illn. Gatti-li. Lltor nary demand. Fully 111d1't thou:mud n it ? g, y it Y y y a d floated immediately in front of it. hands mxo'employet} in ,the work: SoC An obese' 01 board the ethernet', eco- man as fifty tllotisttlncl •shits of y In) this, shouted: roacly-mado clothes aro often sent Out "Clear oat Of the way with that from Leeds within a single Week. IWO!" 4'1 clothe the Army," Is Batley's The lighter'nlau, a native of the boast. Tills town, which has grown • "Are .. Emerald Isle,' aliotitt'd i11 10l11y, Are in a feta years from 8011 to thirty ye the c.apt:lill of that 3055011" tlf01ga11t11 people, hos Any milia told ''No,'" atliowo1'mtl "8}10 officer, factories, 'l'110}>' make Army cloth Chen tete to p yoi'. equals," said end a number of vitriotiee of heavy tlte"lfgllte'man. "I"in the 'ca11ta111 o' alone -grained fabrics, Batley is else when they're gone. It is a dao Brous thin to neglect B Ji g Cure it with °,1 his � ® s ., (nr'' 11.' x,,,' ,fir,° The Lung Tonic Tho cure that is guaranteed by your druggfat. prices 28c, GOc. arid ln`1.00 - .r 5. 0. tvlti,IS & Co. Toronto Cea, IcRoy, N.Y, y �--- ^" her kitchen with tempting dainties. This state of affairs went on tut hooded by the mistress for some time, but one night a circumstance arose) which prompted her to r0- monstrate with Bridget. g In passing /81018) the lobby, the nhisti ose happened to look into the kitt''hen when She saw not ono, but ' buttons. This sho. tont gentlemen 1n b felt was tea Medi, Next MeritingCatarrh, she interviewed Bridget, "Coolt," She said, "I Aaw two policemen sitting in the kitchen last night." ':Well, main," replied Bridget, with ", an 011a110o113(1 smile OVorepreadhlg 110r footmen "y00 wouldn't leave tnll•un- 11131't'ICd lady be ait1:11t' with only wan policemen, would yea, now? Shure., Menne, the other Wall was the chapel, .� -•-- - y � I �. � J Object {6Ytfs - Of Aversion and Pity, Caro Your k1tr114. Your old and C t lt, V reath and Step titin Offensive Discharge, Rev. Dr, not:Mote of nestle, 8A';q s: "My wife ane! I were both neonatal whin distressing Catarrhs, but we have enjoyed freedom from 11115 -aggravating „aunty -lnl1e the (epv w¢ 11181 uaer1 111, AgtleW's Catarrhal Powder. Ito aett0n. 1308 lartionmeolle, giving the molt gr ata1311 re11n1 within tee minutes ante 6881 appltcntion. V l Ilse Or. ARoetv's Liver P11131., 1+ P try _ ,;n, pp 'u �i>� B y TO lto Se g alp "' g �j Ni : l a++ i. eel ThHE. ija1, se�, - renODtGelnI'iC), ALL nines Of FRUITS And Farm Pro- duce enerni ' • �• odnstgn it to ria• end w° will gee you good Olean. i) • e mit',t,,si'on 0019., a',"x6r9 1 Yr( T. P. i 40 bolus 10 Cents. • i It;atut )vet 52.-0 1 thiq't the headquarters of 1111050 clloap, but Ouf`