HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-31, Page 1Vol. 82. No, 23 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO .11.3.1,,:, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8i:, 1908 W. H. KERR, Prop. New Advertisements. Deaden oarde, Looal—D, Ii wan, Local --Geo. 'Thomson. Locale-fi. A, Metalled. Robe lost--Johe Hollinger. Home for sale—John Hetet, As we begin 1904—Jae. Fox, Current newo—F. R, Smith, Boy wanted -George Eohmier. •Wood wanted—G. A. Deadman. card—Proudfoot, Hays & Blair. Amami meebinge—Agl. Sooletiee. SPz.and rubbers—i, 0, Richards. e Money to- loan-. Proudfoot, Hays & Blair. 31BxStrict gehiS. MaTtillop. A"LAMieron..— In MnEillop Michael Murdie woe aliened Reeve and John 8. Brown, John M. Goveolook, Charles Little and John Murray art Oounoillore, all by, Reclamation. 'W ea. l lone. Apoem on the the New Yeor from the. pen of Rev. A.. MacNab, M. A„ Walton, may be read ou page 4 of this issue of Tan Poem. Next Sabbath.Rev. Mr. Andrews will preach at Providence at 10 30 a m ; Bethel at 2.30 and in the A. 0. U. W. Hall, Walton, at 7 o'olook. The Royal Canadian tAbetinonoe Booiety will hold an open meeting at Providence Church on Thareday even• ing of next week commencing at 7.30 o' 'look. Wemeere t.eR•- Peter McNeil hag returned from Tara Roes Bailey, of Galt, le the guest of hie friend, Peter Smith, Alvin Hemphill, of Hamilton, spent Xmae at hie home. Mice Howe, of Brneeele, is visiting her father, G. Howe, in town. Mies Nettie Brown, of Braexele, was the gaeet of Mien Nellie Blaok. B. Simmone, of Toronto, visited under the parental roof last week. Charles Stewart, of Arthur, epent Xmae day with relalivee here. Wallace Laokie. of Goldwater, Mioh., le home for a month's holidays. Skeff Babinec.), of Wingham, epent part of last week at hie home here. George Brown, of Ottawa, is the guest of hie sister, Mre. Thomas Gibson. Mina Jean Davidson, of St. George, ie visiting her parental on Howlett St. Mies Mary Smitb, of Brneeele is spend. ing a few hoiidaye at her borne here. W. 0, Huzlewood and family epent Xmaslday with relatives at Olifford. Frank Rae, of Gait, in spending the Xmae vacation with his relatives here. The Marione here gave an oyster capper at the Gorton Renee on Monday night. Jae. MoEwen, of Goderioh, renewed aequaintaaoee in the village on Saturday. R, and Mrs. Mutoh and coo, Harry, visited relative; in Woodatook over Xmae. Oliver and Mrs. Smith are spending a week with relatives at Galt and Ramit. ton. Roes Beattie and Russell Brown, of Brunets, attended the rink here Saturday night. Mies Ailie Hamilton went to Seafortb on Monday for a ebort vi0it with rela- tives. Mre. Alex: Campbell and ohildren, of London, are visiting the former'e mother, Mre. Laokie. Owing to the severe weather there wen no nervine hold in the Methodist church Sunday evening. Mies Eleie Gibson returned from Tor- onto on Tbnrsday where ebe bas visited for eome weeks. At the. Howiek oorninetion an unusual event 000urred, Reeve and Oonnoil going in by aoolamution. John Hartley has reeigned his position as Principal of the sohool here to take e e-imiliar position in Stratford, nos .and Allo. Lovell and children, of Whitechnrob, spent Xmae day with the former'' parents, L. and Mrs. Lovell.. Alex. sad Mrs. Stewart, of Harrieton, were in the village lent week while at- tending the MoMiabael—Harris wedding. 0, and Mrs, Gook returned to their borne in Beneall on Monday. Rev, I. A. and Mra, McKelvey aro epeoding thio week in Stratford. Miee Milly Playford, of Toropto, ie vie. Ring her 'deter, Mrl. A, MoLean. James and David Rae, of Howlett, left for Chicago loot week where a re union of the five Rae brother,. wee to take plane. The following gentlemen were nom. inated on Monday ;—Por Reeve, W. 0. flezleweod and 11. 13. Harris ; for Coen. ,oillore, W. Leckie, R. Match, R. Blsok, Jae. Paulin, T. Filmore, T. G. Hemp- hill, J. Davidson, A, Munroe and J. N. Allan. The latter three have since with. drawn. (t-rt.►tkbrootic. John Calder, of the Clement Drug Hall, Bernie, ie home for a short visit, Mre. D. McQunrrie le laid up with an atteok of piooriey bet we hope she will soon be oonvaleeoent. Tbe proposed New Year entertainment to be held is the Methodist -oharoh bee been indefinitely postponed. Before olusing eobool for the Christmas mention a oolleotinn was taken in aid of the Siok Ohildrene' Hospital. Mies Jean Calder, of the General Hospital, Sarnia, is spending the New Year holiday at her home here. Evangelistic services will commence shortly in the Methodiet chetah in Oranbrook and will be in charge of Rev. T. W Ooeeoe, the pastor. Y. P. S. 0. E,—At the business meet- ing of the Y. P. S. 0. E. the following ware the officers eleoted for 1904 :—Hon. Pres., Rev. D. B. Macrae ; Pres., Mien Agnie McNair ; Vice Pres„ Mien M. S. McNair - Oor Seo„ Allan Cameron ; Teem., Mine Maggie Brown ; Rea, Seo Mre. Allen Cameron ; Organist, Mien A. McNair. The monthly Ooneeoratioo meting will be on Sabbath Jan. 8, the subject being, "The Growth I Need," Epheiaoe 4 11-16. laheet. Ethel Bohool report on page 5 of this letup. George and Mre. Mitchell spent Christ. mae at Brussels. Mr. Dakelaw, of Toronto, in a visitor with Aaroto K,ffer. A large stook of loge is being out by S. 9. Cole this Winter. Andrew Doali has been on the sick list wi,h pleurisy. He ie recovering now. Andrew Balmier, of Stratford, way here for a week renewing old friendships. Nomination Day brought a good many to Ethel even if the rondo were Ailed with enow. Sohool will re open next Monday with the new teachers, Mr. Smith and Mies Nicholls, in charge. John Hyde, 12th con., has been laid up with inflammation of the bowels but is now on the mend. A number from this locality attended the Liberal convention at Brunets on Wedneeday of this week. - Wm. Blemmon was ohoeen Trustee of Ethel eehoot for the next term at the animal meeting on Wednesday. Ohne. Davies has purchased the H. F. McAllister stook and will take (Merge of the store. We wish him success. Fred. Oxtoby'e family have been tied up with dightheria. Melvin has been dangeroeely-ill but is improving now and we hope he wilt soon be oanvaleeoent. William Eokmier has been engaged to teaoh the Ileum sohool between Howiek and Wallace for 1904. 5350 is the salary. We wieb biro 0000oos. He ie certainly making a good etart, S. B. ENTERTAIN/ann.—The entertain• moat given by the Sunday School of the Melhodiet aboreh, on Xmae eve was one of the most enooeeetnl yet held. The following wee the program :—"Glory to God in highest," by Sohool ; Chairman's address ; reoitation, Grace Bokmier;. reailation, Melvyn Blemmon i song, "Growing up," by small eaholare; resits. tion, Lizzie, Chambers; "Lnther'eCradle Hymn, -little girls ; dialogue, "Denie'e Diplornaoy ;" 'horn, "Bing out the belie for Xmas •reoitation, "Greedy Billy Green," Alwyn Thompeou ; dialogue, "Reye will be Boys," Bert. MoNiebol and Bert. McKee ; sword drill, by 17 boyo ;. Bolo, Olive Raynard ; song, "Soldiers of the ling," 8 boys ; dialogue, "How he managed," Bernice Blemmon, Ive Pear- son, Lizzie Fletcher and Geo. Daimler ; • Sox and Rubbers. sue No matter how cold or slushy the weather isf your feet will be snug and warm in 'a pair of socks and rubbers. - Thick,warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag- proof na g g - P roof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat for out -door winter work. instyles iz They are We have ahem all and es. priced down to rock bottom, too. • This is how we sell them :- . Flom X1.00 pox, calx upwards , also Felt 911''0 for Ladles and :Gents, all hinds at lowest prions. - HARNESS DEPARTMENT -Blankets cheaper than ever. Also Robesi Wool and flush Rugal Heavy and Light Harness of all styles ; dollars guaranteed, * r t Fo sale• two ooneforteblt dwelling -e • 'Mehra trnite of all kinds on lots. Will be eold et reasonable figures, t /�. a w axon ' es. "Vaael enSong," by $ boyo ; "Ohrietmae Choral," by girls. After the program Bente Claus (Noble Milne acting ale such) dietriboted preaente to the oiiidren from a Xmae Tree, whiob bad been procured by A, MoKee and 11, Dobeon. Mies BernioeSlommon acted as organist; Mien Ide Cole trained for the drilla i Mies M, A. Blemmon looked after the maeical part and Mre. Will. Blemmon took charge of the dialogue preparation. Toomueb cannot be said an regards the therongb. nese and moose of their work. 8, Chambers wee op ]rand to help along and S. Amro played oawpeeler for the 00 'anion, The enooesefal entertainment wan but a general indication of the healthy, vigorous state of the Sunday School, Selaravo. ENTnaTAINsttwr.—Tice annual Xmas entertsinneut of. Trinity Ohnreh te. S. Hargrave, ,was held on Xmae eve. Evening being fine there was a fair sized median's) with the R. nor, Rev. Mr, Edmonds, in the ohair. A very fine program was rendered, aonsieting of einging'of parole and recitations by the children recitations by Mr. Plummer and by Master Frank Plummer, of Blyth ;two beautiful solos by Miss Degge, ot Ohathum. Mr. Kershaw, of London, wag preeeut with his lime littht and gave many! beautiful and inetraotive views. It to ace would take too much a ri I p deco ba Mr. Kershaw's work but it is a whole entertainment in itself. Master Plum. meets a good reciter, ]'hip of the old Meek but if yenwant a recitation done .in inimitable etyle get Mr. Plummer hire. self. Rev, Mr. Jones and Rev. Mr., Haetie ]sob gave short addressee which were very mnob appreciated. Oa amount of the.lateneee of the hour eome numbers were omitted after which the %viae Tree was stripped of its precious fruit. Proaeede were 525 20 and after paying expensee balance goes to the funds of the Sunday sohool. , Jntnernamervn. - Mies Allis McKelvey is visiting Mre, Joseph E. Coombs, of Hanover, for New Years, Mr, Smillie lett for Guelph last Mora day, where;hewill oontinne to practice an doctor. It le expected that 0, E. Leppard, of Molesworth, will take obarge of the ger. vioeiu:Viotoria Hall next Sabbath even. ing. Ed: Bryane is spending hie %maehold• days under the parental roof. He has been attending the Medioal College in Toronto. - A severe snow -storm blocked the roads around bare to such au extent, that the regular eervioe9 in Viototia Hall were stopped last Sabbath. Jns, AloEwen, of Goderioh, and Milton MoEwea, of 8t. George, were welcome vieitore to their relatives and friende at Jamestown. Both ate doiug well we are pleased to hear. - Oougratoletione are in season, for John F. Straohau, for having passed' with bon. ore, the repent Model examination at Kincardine.• May condoned emcees be yours, Mr, Straobau. - Hone GAsaanlao: On Christmas day there was a home gathering at the residence of Gilbert Stevene, 9th don. Tnrnberry, to aelebrate the lust Christ• mae anniversary on the old homestead which has been sold and on which . the late Mr. Stevene and .his aged partner spent 54 years. There were 24 in all present ooneieting of the families of 4 daughters, Mre, Jae, Wallace, James town ; Mre. Jae. J. Fox, Brunie ; Mre. A. R. Agar, Conn, and Mre, Be Harkness, Brussels, end Gilbert Stevens, of Turn. berry. An address was read to the mother by her eon and Nay Agar and Rosie F. x, grand daughter', presented a fine astrachan nape. An enjoyable time was spent by all oondereed. Mr. Stevene er„ died 12 yearn ago and Mre. Stevene will make her !tome . with her daughter, Mre. Rarkne]e,Brands. Mr. Stevens has bought Samuel Sbine'e farm in Grey. FS1 tie vat.ien. F. B. Boott spent .Chrietmae at Sea. forth. L..5. Duff,. of Galt, spent Chrietmae at his home here. Charmer Pugh was borne ftom Palmer:. ton over Sunday. Robt. and Mre. Mason ratted relatives at Clinton lost week. Mies Jennie Elliott baa been visiting relative; at London. John Haney, of Hensall, be spending the holidays at home. - James Grey, of Lietowel, wee a vteitor in Blaevale Mat week, James Burgeae, ot Btrathroy, was holidaying in lliuevale. Albert.Doumau, of Imam was vieiting. at his home here last week. William. Elliott ie home from Listowel Blab eoboolfor the bolidaye. Misses Fanny and Lily retortion spent Ohristmee day in the village. Mies Barbara Thyns, of Underwood, is. visiting her sinter, Mra. Bailey. Dr. Thomae King, of Ohio, le visiting relatives in Blaevale and vicinity. W. Haney and G. Adtalteton are home from Stokes Bay Inc the holidnye. Wm. and Mre. Gardiner, of Goderioh, were visitor' in Biuevale last week. Charles Coultas, of Listowel,, spent Chrietmae day at bio home in Blaevale. Mr. Clement, of Bt. Catharines, ie visiting al the home of. Mre, MoBardy. Mre, W. Haney and little boy, of Tbronto, are, vielting at George Haney'''. Thine and Mrs. West, of Woodatook, are ependin&'the holiday' at the Manse. on t10 Je itt . f Prime Albert, J a n w ,.o o A ,N. W, T., is visiting big parents in Blaevale, William Bailey, of Drawn, le spending the holidays with his mother 10 the village, Joseph and Mre. Bargee and children, of t r k ioi Vo doEoo are v ting at John B emcee', Mt. and Mier. Blaoltall sed ohildren, of Wingham, were tinting at Robert Mason's last week. Mr. Coultee and Mre, Frankfort, of Gaylord, Michigan, are vialting at the bonne of'Jhomas Oat11100, Thomas Diomenl, of Toronto, le renew• log old aoquaintanaes in Blaevale, Mtge Annie Swann and Clifford Pugh ere home from Goderioh Collegiate Institute for the vacation, Miss 'Emblem Swann is home from Goderioh Model oboe' where she passed her examination with Honore. Evorythlog bas its advantages. People may dome op from Wiogham on the 8,13 Omar train, do eir shopping and return on the 1,30 train.` The annual meeting of Ri000ngregation of the Bluevsle Presbyterian church will he held on Saturday afternoon, Jan, Oth, when the advisability of building a new church wilt be dismantled. Cir r e'. Joshua Atwood is home from Galt un a 51011. John Engel, of Paw Paw, Miob„ in visiting at Chea: Rozeil'e. Robert Lowe and wife spent Christ. mos with relatives in Guelph. John Savage sod wife, 8rd line were Christmas vieitore withLuoknow friends. 8: R. Orerar is borne from the eobool of Praotioal Balance Toronto for a hot. iday. Wm. T. Douglas, jr., of St, Pani, spent hie Christmas holidays at Robert Carr'n, 8r4 line. The truoteee of Teeewater, have deoided to engage D. L. Straahan as Principal, for 1904. L Mica awrenoa, who le a etudent at Victoria college, Toronto, was a visitor with Mise Martha Smith thie week. Archie Sellers, an old resident of Grey, who went to Dakota81years ago, in re. flawing old triendthips in this locality. The only change in Grey township Council is the eubetitntion of L. Frain for W. Work, the latter declining to e000pt. Sam. Lamont was vieiting Kenneth Beaton, a brother teacher, at Wbile Church, for a few days, during the past week. Jno. Blake is home from Detroit Med. ioal College looking first elan. He le enjoying hie work and goes bank on Sat- urday. At the meeting of the ratepayers of B. S. No. 3, on Wednesday Arthur Smith was oboeen trustee iu place of Alex. McDonald, wbo rehired. We are pleased to notioe that 8. Roy Liddy, of tiarrieton, halt brotber to H. W. Avigon, teacher, took honors at the Model sohool. He will oommenae teach. ing next week. We are sorry to gay that Joneve Tay. lor, owing to prolonged sickness, is very low indeed, little hnpe being entertained for her recovery. We hope a change for the better will coon -Dome. Mimeo Mary Liviegeton, of Toronto,. and Maggie, of Detroit and John Liv- ingston, of Haat Delta, B. O., , are here It on a visit with relatives. Iis 4 years since the latter went West. He will be home for 6 or 8 weeks. In driving to Brneeele Sunday atter- noon 20th inet., the nutter 000apied by Mre. Hoover and ohildren, 9th eon., was ran into by aome unknown iodividnal and the oroee bar broken compelling a return home. The stranger did not even atop to empire as to the damage done, Ourxn Wog.—The Dunning little archer Cupid hag won another victory. It was won on Thursday et the comfortable home of Ohae. Rozell, 10th ona., at 12.80 o'olook, when Rev. T. W. Omens pro. nonnoed the mystic words making W. H. Salter, of Brunie, and Mies Bate Rozell haeband and wife. Mies Bertha Armstrong presided at the piano and gave the Wedding Maroh in good style. The prim:epees were unaccompanied. A most becoming ooetame of white muslin was worn by the bride. She parried pink carnations. - Gengra'ulatione over an elegant dinner was nerved and Mr. Salter and bride took the afternoon train for a short bridal trip to Toronto and other pointe. The preeente were wetly, nom• erose and useful, me being a fine chair from Bruasole Methodist Sabbath Sobool in which both bride and groom are teachers.. Mr. and Mre. Salter will take up tbeir reaidenoe in Brunie wbere they will' oommenoe housekeeping with. the good will of the oommunity. W. and Mre. Baiter and Martin Batter, of Exeter, and John Salter, of London, parents and brother' of the groom, attended the. wedding. Following 1e the reply of Thoe. Strach- an to the Sabbath School meeting in the Anderson eokool house, 3rd line, Morrie, for their preeentation made to him last week :—To Mies N, A. Jamieson, sohool teacher, No. 6, Morrie : MY Data Mdis JArxtneoN,—I cannot tell you how anemia. ed I waa when Mr. Loatherdale'e dg arrived at my residence on Tneeday evening, 22nd Met., and iefta beautiful ohait with a note from you that it wag a prompt to me from No, 6, Morrie, Sabbath Sobool. It never entered myhead that I ebould receive this token of -your love and kindness to me, but I aeeure you I appreaiate•yonr beautiful and -valuable present. Every time I will look upon thie beautiful and elegant 'hair it will remit to my memory the kind Sabbath eoholareI have eeeooiated with, end the pleasure it gave me to meet you all. You have all treated me with great kindoeoe and reepeot and my prayer is diet you may all follow our beloved Bavdour, adore Hie doctrine, glorify Him in year bodies and spirits all the days of your life. May God bleep' yon all ie, my eineere and earnest prayer. Yottre, very truly, Themes STnAonAN, WODDINe DOW-1:Ipwarde of sae hum dred guests gathered at the obmmodione home of Robert and Mre. Pearson, 4th con. Wedueeday evening of last week, the. event being the marriage of their daggb- ter, Mitre. Mary to Wesley Beacom, of Harlot*. The bride was teetotally edit. ed in dream oaehmere and wore a bridal Veil and bogoet of 'ream earnatiobe, They were unattended; When Rev, Well] B. De had eeoarely tied the num tial how they all set down to an elabor- ate dinner. The Meet to the bride and groom wee proposed by Rev. Mr, Wells and A. H, Musgrove, of Wingham, mere. ily responded. The evening w00 spent la eoolel chat, game and an improropth pro. gram wa0 given. Among the numbers was a very. happy aortal" by Dr, Goo, Muegrove, of Niagara, who spoke of some reminieoenee of catty sohool days spent in Grey with hie sieter, Mre. Robt, Peer. son. The promote, both metal and hand. some, at1eted the popularity of the oon. tra°tlog pertlee. The young maple loft for their home near Harlook where Mr, Beacom is a prosperous young farmer. Hearty aongrataletione are extended by a large oirole of friends Tom Pon inoladed, Among the holiday vieitore bete we notice Alex. Lamont, son of angle Lam. out, 7th Oon. He is a resident of Tor. onto and in well pleased with the Queen'' oily. Miss's McQuarrio, 41h line, en. tertainod a number of friends at their home on Monday evening. Mire Emylene MoQaerrie;leaves Monday for Detroit, Mine Sadie MoTaggart, of Regina, N. W. T , 10 borne for a short vieit. She was about 6 months there going from Gravenhuret Coterie. blies ItloTaggart WOO well pleased with the West. SuoaeooPDL•—On Friday, 18011 Inst„ a very euooeseful examination and entertainment was held at 8. B. No. 4. About 10 o'olook, the vieitore began to dome and at noon the eeation wee well represented, whiob ehowed the interest that was taken hy the parents. The pupils did their work very eatietaotorily, Teachers prevent were Messrs. Leppard, Todd, Fraser, Bryane and Mimes Rae and Baobonan. The examination was brought to a close sharp at 4 o'olook by the papile singing "There's no flag Like the red, white and blue." The sohool room was tastefully deoorated with pictures and mottoes and red wbite and blue aiming, whiob gave a deligbtfol appearance and ]bowing that no little panic' was taken by teacher and pupils. At 8 o'clock the entertainment was opened by a dialogue. Mr. Leppard, of Molesworth, acted ao chairman in a very able and good natured manner. A long thy, bat aoleot program wee presented and much appreciated but we mast make special mention of the excellent exhibit. _ion given by H. Wightman,ot Wingham„ which' delighted' the audience. The proceeds amounted to over $25, and will go towards pnrobaeing a new library for the eahool. The teacher, R. Weir, and papile are to be oongratuleted on their Bosom. 1011errIle. Aootion eaten are oommon yet. Alt. Russell is home on a visit to his parents on the 5th line. L. Wheeler and family will soon re- move to Grey townebip, Jaa,Leiohman spent a few days tont week visiting Ethel friends. The old Conned' hold the fort for 1904, A prosperous year to them. - Stormy weather and bad roads is a aommoo expreeeion now•a days. Will. Turvey, of Toronto, is speeding Xmae holidays with relative' on the 2nd, Maas Lily Padilla', of Windsor, is visit• ing bar friend, Mrs, J.J. Beller], 2nd line. George Manning 10 home from Manitoba where be hate spent the pant nine mon. the. Robert and Mise McCullough, of Teee• water, are vieitore at Alex. Clark's, Son. ]bine, Owing to the storm last Babbeth the usual afternoon serve's at Sunshine wag not held. Joel Sellers and Wm. Sellers, of Blue• vale, spent the %mae holidays with their slater in Toronto. Walter and Mre. Mame, Of Goderioh, were vieitore with the Sherrie families•on the Obrintmae tide. Elijah Pease finished up threshing, They have a new way of Betting maohin• es on the 6th line West. Thee. Clark wait eleoted Trustee in S. B, No. 3 as eaooe:ebr to W. B. Wilkinson who donned re•eleotion. At the School meeting ou Wednesday in B.13, No. 6 Wm. Armstrong teas suc- ceeded by Charles Prootor, James Cook is borne from Hamilton on a visit, He is working dor the Interna. Lionel Harvester Go. of that: pity. - Wm. and Mre; Gray, of Lindsay, are vieitore with,the families of Jae. Duncan and John Deets, 41b line. Mr. Gray is a half brother, to the former and a broth. er to Mre. Davie. Jno. Bonman, of Rat Portage, formerly of Morrie, ale hie Xmas dinner with hie parents, E4. and Mre. Boxman, of Wing ham. Mre. Bosman and children have been visiting relatives here for the past two, months, Mre. Boamao'a health is some better we are pleased to state. I. and Mre. Kingswood and Roy, of Ingereotl ; Mies Lily Beare, of London ; Jno, Sharp, of St. Thomas ; Satodere end Mre. Sharp, of Toledo I end Robert Ancell, of the latter oity, were holiday vieitore at the Sharp home, 5tbline, for Christmas. Ii was a jolly company with. out any doubt. - biATRIMONIAL,— Oo Wedaeedny 16th inet., Jae, Oloakey, of Morrie, wag netted in marriage to Mice Maggie Bennett, of Blyth. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. McLean of Blyth. The young canine pili reeide on the farm Mr. (Noakes' recently purchased on the Blyth road near Belgrave. Both bride and groom have friend] in town, WEDDING.—On Wednesday, Deo. 23rd, a very pleasant company gathered at the home of I. E. and Mre, Farrand, Morrie, to mitnon' the marriage of their yonngoet daughter, Mies ArlettaBB. to James M. Woodrow, of Grey township. About 4 o'Olook the bridal party entered the room to the Whine of. rho wedding 'Marsh rendered by Mies M. Sellers and took their places beneath an arch deeoratrd with evergreen and holly, where Rev. F. Swann ,,poke the• magio words which booed them together. Little Misses rred a Turvey and Bessie Niched made charm ing {lower girl', dreeed in dainty Crooke of oream Madmen and earned a prettyr basket of white ro0ee, The bride wan given away by her father and was prettily gowned in a dress of 'roam cashmere with trimmings of silk and applique and chiffon. The bride Will be tomb misted around Browntown where the hoe rendered valuable eervie° In the oharoh chair, The beet wishes of It large Wale of friends follow the ynnng ,ample fir a hshppy pod proeperoua voyage over teat ea, Tito Pose gives the newel, Mr, 5'raocib, wife and eon, of Norfolk eounty, are vieitore with the family Of Wm, Bryane, 4th line, Leet Saturday Peter &whales, Mb line, had the miefortuoo to lose a good 6 year old working horse, valued at 6100, from indigestion. Jae, Lawson, 8tb line, is away to Lenark County for a holiday visit. As tbie ie Jim'e mooed trip wear' expecting "Mre," Lawson bank with him. Devid Laidlaw and Mies 'Pena Logan were married on Wedneedaylast at Blyth by Rev, Dr. McLean, We wish them a8 the pleaonree able world can give. Hector McNeil, and wife, of Manitoba, are here for a holiday visit. Mre. Me - Neil le a daughter of hire. Thos. Mann• dere. Mr. Ai•oNeil hag done well in the Went. At the meeting in 8. S. No. 9 Jno. R. Bell wag ahoeen trustee to fill out Roes Stubbs' term owing to the latter'] remov- al to Brume's. J. M, Moore was the new trustee Pleated, The wood oomract went to Wm. Skelton at $2.30 per cord and Thos. MbOall gets 52 05 for the ender required. The entertainment for the Sunday School of the Sunshine Methodist oharoh wee held on Monday evening of last ' week. The attendarine was large in spite of the rough night and :bad roads. Pro. made amounted to about 518 00. Rev. Mr. Jonas aoted as chairman. We did not bear how the Blaevale people got home but hope they did not get lost on tbeir way beck. Very welcome are Henry and Mre. Mooney, of Weyburn, N. W. T., who arrived here last Saturday to enjoy e visit with relations and many old friends.. It is nearly 4 years efuce they left Morrie and a kindly Providence has watohed over them. Mr. Mooney hart now 1,440 sores of land and last harvest had 9,000 baehele of wheat and over 4,000 beeline of 'ate. Part of We wheat waa gold at '72 oente per bushel. They are well pleased with their Western experience. Hear ito,a—Bamael Dodd, of Barrie, W00 married to Mise Ella Davie daughter of Jaa. and Mre, Davie, 5th line of Mor. Hs, an Wednesday Deoember 23rd by Rev. E. B. Chesnut: The bride wan the recipient of many beantifal and oogtly preaente. The young oouple left Barrie for their honeymoon trip the mane day and came to Broeeels tor a short visit. The young couple will return to Barrie end reside there. Many good wiehee aocompony them. . MATaIuoNx0L.—The Weyburn (N. W. T,) Herald of Deo. 19 gives the following parlioalare of the marriage of Mr, Pas- ternak to Miss Jeanie Mooney, the latter a daughter of Henry' Mooney formerly of this townehie :—"A pretty wedding took piaoe at Spring Brook farm, Methuen, the residence of Henry Mooney, on Tuee- day evening, Deo. 15th, when their eldest daughter, Jennie, was united in marriage to 0. 1[. Peocook, amidst the assemblage of relatives and invited gueete. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. G. H. Pea000k, brother of the groom, The bride was solaced by her Mater, Mise Maggie, the groom being supported by W. Horne, of Weyburn. The bride wan neatly and charmingly dreamed in cream orepe de chime, trimmed with Patio and embroidered chiffon, with usual veil and orange bioseome, while the brideemald looked very pretty in wbite organdie. The presents were numerous and vale able, among the number being a gold watch from the groom, a cake plate by groomemsn, a beautiful fur coat by mother of the bride and a 'Magna for 5500 by the father of the bride. Atter the wedding ceremony the guests eat. down to a sumptuous repast whiob was followed by a very pleasant and eooial evening, At the 'lose of the evening's eojoymeol the newly wedded couple retired to their home, followed by the beat wishes of the whole community lot a long, happy and useful journey through' life, The many old friends of the bride will be a unit in extending hearty congratulations to her and her husband for a prosperous and happy life, WEDDING Bearaa--A very pretty and interesting event kook plane on Christmas Day in the Stroud Methodist oborah, Oroigeville, when 10Iiee Margaret Aline, mooed daughter of Mre. M. Pea000k, was joined in the holy bonder of matrimony to J. H. Mooney, of Weybnru, N. W. T., formerly of Morrie. The pride looked very nine in a gown of crepe de Parte, trimmed with silk all over lane and obit - foo, wore the meal veil and wore orange bioeeome and carried a shower boquet of white carnations. The bride' war given away by her brother and the brideomaide were Mies Sagan, easter of the bride, and Mies L. Sawyer. They were attired in crepe de ahem, wearing piotaro hate and carried pink oarnatione. The little 'lower girl, Margaret Barkley, looked very pretty ina white organdie and wore whitebeaver hat, The page carried the ring to the groom iu a large white lily. The groom wits assisted by Sam. Braley and Prank Robertson, of Stroud. Cabers were John Peacock and Willie Donnan and the wedding maroh was played by Mrs, Alex, Adams. Tbe oeremony wag performed by Rev, V. M. Peacock, brother of the. bride, sedated by Rev. R. McKee, pastor of the church. After the ceremony a reception wan held at the bride's home, "Waterloo Farm." About eeveotyfive, eat down to a sumptuous wedding break: feet after whiob the happy oouple left for Toronto, Brussels aid eevenal other Riots, The bride's 'going away gown waa navy blue zebolioe, trimmed with white en braid and drop ornament°, a light blue 'ilk bloom, and wore a large beaver bat, with bleak ostrich tip, The preaente were numerous and useful,. among them wee a handenme gold watoh and ohein from the bride's brother] and a fur mai from the groom. Those present from a distance were H. and ghre. Mooney ; Mr. aid Mre. Foster ; John Robins, and George Sawyer all from Weybntn, Aoeinaboia, N, W. 'T.; and Klee Galbraith, of Oollingwood. Mr. Mooney, end bride may rest ensured that they enjoy the hearty goad ,wiehee of many iu this locality toll a long, happy, useful and^proeporono voyage over the People We -Talk About, Mies Mary Howe spent. Marletmae in Wroxeter. Mise Annie Grieve,, of Perla, le here on a holiday. Mre. Agar, of Conn, is viaiting relative's In Brume), Norman McGuire vieited in Wiaghem on Obriotmeo, W. H. Salter visited under the parental roof at Exeter. - Herb. Williamson, of Wiogham Obrlet. massed in town. Miss kL R. Little spent Chrietmae hol- iday/ at Wiogbam. Rebt. McAlpine, of Toronto, spent Cbristmae in town. Hilton Hunter, of Ailiet00, was in town for a few days. W. H. Willie and family were at ',B. Gerry'e over Obrietmao.. Richard Stevene wee home from Bea. forth for a vielt over Obrietmae. Robe, Roes and eon, Gordon, of Kin. oerdine, ware in town for Xmas..' Mies Violet Vance of the Garfield House e pent Xmae at her he mein Galt. Mille .Eve Bimmooe, of ,Wingham, spent a few days iu town Ghia week. Mies Jean Forbes was at Stratford attending the wedding of her condo. Barrister McDonald spent Christmas- tide with Blyth end Clinton friends. Mre. Mae. Watts, of Brantford, is the guest of her father, Jno. MoOrae, town, Wm. Stinoboombe, and Mies Flo, Grie. more, of London, are .visiting in Brus- sels. Mrs. Finlay Molntoeh, of Mo$illop, wee visiting Mre. Geo. B. A'Ihidoon, Brae• sole. Mies Ida Williams, of Toronto, is here OA a holiday visit with relatives and Mende. Chas. end Mre. Ritchie and eon spent Christmas at Ripley with W. Gillespie. and wits. John Simmons, wile and daughters spent Obrtetmae with bin parente' at Wroxeter. Wm. Wilbee and daughter, of Galt, were visiting relatives in Brussels during Rio week. Earl Backer, who holds a position at St. Marys, spent Christmas ander the parental roof. E. Keene, wife and eon, of eebring- ville, smut a few days with .Brneeele friends last week. J00. Smyth and Miee Olive are visit. ing 'Thoe. Bone's, Queen 'treat, Their home is in London. Misses Maggie Meadows and Thorn, Meadows, of London were Chrietmae vititoro in Brunets. Jae. Maxwell and Mre. Oameron, of Battle Oreek, Michigan, are vieitore, with Mre. Jae. Maxwell. Mies Edith Inman wan a Christmas visitor with relatives. She returned to Guelph on Monday. ltIiee Nina Rogers, of Mount Fdroat, spent a few days at her home bere during the past week. S. 0. Stokes, wile and daughter, of, Midland, Mich„ are vieitore at Juo.' Can. nieghem'e, Alexander street. Mrs. MoAdam, of Owen Bound, and Robert Beattie, of Wiarton, were visitors of Mre, Seines Beattie, Brueaele: R. W. Matheson, of Lnaknow, was 0 vasit0rat Geo. crooks' for a few days. Mire. Matheson and baby are still here. Mies Mabel Colvin le home trom Lon- desboro' for a holiday. Mre. Mitchell and obiidreu from Ethel were also vieitore at Geo. Colvin's. Mies Clara MoOraoken,of Toronto, is home for a holiday. 11. G. MoOraoken was also here from Walkerton fora few days looking firot.olaes. Mre. Jamee cooper has been. danger:' °ugly ill thin week with pneumonia but we hope she will aeon be restored to her venal health again. Mies Clara Thompson, and Dir. and Mre. Humphries and deaghter were bot- iday vieitore with Jae. and Mre. Jones. The three ladies are Platen. • Alex, Bird and wife of Wingbam, spent their holidays with hie sister in town.' blies Edge and Eleie Cooper went home with them for a oouple of weeks. Allan and Aire. Ramoay, of Tara, were. here for the Christmas holiday visiting the tormer's easter, Mre. John Pagh and hie brother, David and wife at James- town. Mies Minnie Moore, of St. Thomas, was home for Ohrietmae and imet present enjoying a visit in Fullerton with rola: tivee parpoeing to Deme back to Brueaele for auother visit. Mise Eva Degge, of Chatham, ie holt; doling at the borne of Capt. Stratton, her grandfather. Mise Degge ie anaoaom• phehed mueiaian, being proficient in moat as well to instrumental mesio. Sydney -Ward, eon of Bishop 'Ward, of Bt. Thomas, waa renewing old friend- ships in Brame's, He ie au employee of the Wabash Railway Co. and looks an if, his work agreed with him tip-top. Mre, Fenton and Mtse Ella were vieitore with Pine River friends daring the past week. Mies Fanoton will go 10 Stratford next week to attend. the Mad- ness college. We wish her moues,. De. Cavanagh, wife and children, of Owen Sound ; Mise Mnttbewe, of • Dun. ham, and Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Blenheim, were in Brueaele on Wednesday attending the weddfog of Alias Kerr and Mr. Mat- ; thews. John Simtnone tether, mother and Hie. ter, Of Wroxeter, his brother, B. 0. 'Sim, mono and wife, of Toronto, hie - brother. George and wife, of Wingham,' and hie uncle, Par. Powell, from Leeds County, visited him on Saturday. Thee: EJie, of Dunham, N. W. T,, Wm. 111110, of Brandon Ooliege ; and W. R. end Mre. Little and . eon, of Ingersoll, were vieitore at Wm. Ellie, Brunetti South, The sone will emend good there of the Winter here probably. hfiesea Mary end Edith MoLauohlln were vieitore with their father and mother, Alex. and Mtn, tlioLanohlin, Turnberry snob, Bruoele, Tho tor. mer is bookkeeper, stenographer and type writer for the Thomaefeetory in Toronto and Mina .Edith ie stenographer and Type writet in a piano factory in the same oity ani both doing well we aro pleased 00 hear,