HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-24, Page 8TK B t.1 8 8 It L8 POST CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS To the uudeolded one, not knowing what to htlY, or where to look, our stook effete many idea% like you oat; hardly fail to find soreethiug that will be suitable and aceeptithle to some of your frieude. OUR FANCY GOOD.S DEPARTmEivr was never so full of abtraotiYet Winger, new Mingo and novel thing, suited to all purees Besides we have e large kook of BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, PRAYER BOOKS, CHRISTMAS CARDS and CALENDARS, PERFUMES, VINE STATIONERY, JAPANESE CHINA, EBONY GOODS, NEW GAMES, TOYS, DOLLS, PICTURE BOOKS, &Xi., &o. Space forbids any detailed degaription. You will simply have to some and see for yourself. We don't ask you to buy at all and you won't be pressed to do go. But we would suggest that you make your vieit early, before things get "pioked over," 0 s DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. T rote Velars Pins. A ohiel'e amang ye Weir 'notes, An' faith he'll Arent 1. THE PoST gives the news. WHAT about the open air rick 6 Mans X--are's—dtvoraed women. Wenn: this week for data of Frank B. Conklin concert. THIS annual Huron Poultry show will be held at Goderioh on February 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. Do uot forget the date that the oele- betted Harold Jarvis will sing in Bruseele viz, Friday, Jannary 8t11, FRANK R. CONKLIN le a marvel. He is more then reader or reeiter. EN is a high•oless eater. Come to hear him. HAROLD Janie has just completed a very ecteleaeinl tole through the towns and cities of the Lower Provinoes. You believe in getting tbe beet don't you? That's Frank R. Conklin's enter- tainment, and it comes at popular priaee. • WHEN yon hear one of Frank R. Clonktin's programs it makes yea wieh yon ooald hear them all. That's because it le so inimitably rendered. TEE afternoon train was so late on Monday from the East that it and the express dee here at 3 35 o'ciook aniseed here. It was 4 p. zo. before the deed was done. People are not very sure when they will reaoh their destination in travelling these days. A. LATTER Wee received from the manager of Stoddard'e Ladies' Hockey Club from Buffalo trying to make ar- rangements for a hookey match. There being no rink the hockey boye 000ld not except this thence. The ladiesplay in Lietowel on Christmas night. Demos 015(ANGIID.--The dates published for the meetings of East Huron Farmers' Institute were not (terrace, owing to a mistake of an official at Toronto in writing his letter, bet will be Brume, January 21th and Gerrie, January 12th. The names of speakers and the subjects as previously advertised are the same. Every farmer in the district ehould attend and some of the subjects to be diecuseed would not be eninteresting to the ladies. DID :WELL --Reports received from the sugar beet crop grown in this seotion during the past year are 01 a eatikaotory character. Jas. Burgess, adjoining Bruesels bad over 2oi. tone from less than 11 wee. They graded' 16.9 for sugar percentage. George Robb's! and Jno. Brown's orop ran 16 8. There ie no doubt about our beiog able to grow the right quality of beet nor is there any goestion about the quantity, the point often considered however ie the price. Simeon Efrvz.—At the last regales review ot Riverside Hive, L. 0. T. M., the following offieers were eleoted ;—P. L. C., Mrs. N. MoLenchlin ; L. 0. Mrs. .A.. MoGuire : Lieut. 0., Mre. P. A:meet ; Miss J. Ritchie ; 81. R., Miss J. Forbes'Chaplain, Mrs. W, W. Barris Sergeant, Mies Jose Buohanan ; Mistress. at•Ancos, Miss L. Downing ; Sentinel, Mies Walker; Peket, Mrs. 3. Thomp- son ; Organist, Mrs, E. Oober ; Physicians, Dr, Toole and D. Mo. Naughton. • Meek seiterteinere depend on their dreso. or on speeohee whioh at the mildest are simply silly, to make people laugh, But Frank B. Conklin le a different type. Be gives you each absolutely faithful reproduations of the diameters he mere lentil that he beoomea them for the time being. Hear him in "The Elohoolboy's Composition" and yotell laugh tin your eyes are so bit of team that you cannot see him. He has the most mobile Noe you ever saw. Watch for posters neat weak. ORRIBTNie MEATS.—A: fine display of Christmas meats wee made at the shop of A. T. Currie which was no discredit to the establiehments and gave some oboes prodnote to his onetomers. Ms list eon. mined two 2 year old heifers, fed by J. At:demon. Ttenberry, that weighed 2850 pounds, one dressing 660 Ibis. and the other 600 ; one year old heifer, fed by Robt. Miller, of Grey, whiob dressed 450 pounds; one 2 year old heifer, fed by D. Glassier, Grey, dressed 880 pounds 1 2 pip 5 mouths' old, fed by A. Currie, deemed 840 pounds; 2 pigs 5 months old, fed by Time, Ballantyne, draped 800 the. There was also the euetomary supply of turkeys, pees ducks, headcheese, bologna, eepages, cured harne, spiced roll, boson, eto , neatly and ateraotIvely arranged, OBIT.—After a brief illness; Mre, boob Hollinger, of Bruseele, paid Natnreht debt on Friday of last week, es the early age of 19 years, 9 menthe and 12 days, She went to Stratford for epeeist treat• roma at the hospital bat despite all that could be done she guesumbed. De- oeased'e maiden name was Minerva Dunks, being the youngest daughter of Thais. and Mre. Denise John eireet, Brtle. setts, formerly of Grey. Mro. Hollinger Wee a bright, highly esteemed person and 10 entvived by her husband and a baby. The mother has been in very poor health since the baby wag born, The funeral took plied from the parental home on Monday afternoon, Rev, 2, W. Cosene ootelteting an appropriate 0018104, In. tensest Was made ot Bruer/els cemetery. The terrains woks brought from Sttatford on Friday eveniefee treln, Sineere , eytnpathy Will be accorded the bereaved. Ir you only take in one entertainment the season let it be Feints& Oonklin, Times who worried about a green Chrietcps have sorely been more than satisfied. FRANK R. Oman: is the only one. Re is the only dramatic reader in Canada, e.ad be'e a good one. FRANK R. Comm will read in Brae. Bele on Tuesday, Jan. 12th. If you fail to bear hire you will be the sorriest man Within 10 mites of Brunel% Gewao' blaok silk neck scarf with red satin lining, loot in Brussels on Wednes. day evening. Finder veil' ;neatly oblige the 10Ber by leaving it at Tag Pon. A CONTINONNT of Brussels Ocld Fellow's paid a visit to Wiugham Lodge Friday Bening of last week and enjoyed a pleasant time hob.nobbing with offieiale of the three links. 01100e EXCHANGED.—Last Sabbath et the Methodist eleurob Ino. Caber by mistake got some other person'', coat and the owner may make the exchange by nailing on Ms ()ober. • FRANZ R. CONETAN is the man who was selected AS the leader in his line to enter- tain President McKinley. You ean hear him in Bruseele on Tuesday, Jan. 121h, 1904. Admission 26o, Reserved 85a. OWING to several freight care getting off the track at Lietowel on Wednesday, one of them loaded with hoge belonging to Geo. A. Best, of Brussels, the after- noon mail train did not arrive here until nearly 6 o'olook. Do not raise hearing Harold Jarvis and "Jim" Fax. Such an opportunity may not be given the poblbo for a long time to come. Pian of Hall will open on Wed- nesday, Deo. 80th, at Foxes Drag Store. Jan. 8th, ie the date of Concert. AT the meeting of the Lioense Com- missiouere, last Tuesday, content was given for transfer of hotel license from Carrie to Esty, at Wreaker, and from Lamonly to Rirkly, at Belmore. Ao. counts were paned and Board adjourned nt oall of Secretary. Berme closing isohool on TneedayPrin- eipai Cameron watt made the reoipient of a volume of Poetical solutions by the teaohere ; Mies Scott received a rocking ehair from the pupils of her department •, Nies Wilson a Ladies' Companion and box of fan* stationary Misses Downey Smith and Ritchie jewel cape. After a short program oranges and candy were distributed by the Madera and everybody wiehed everybody the compliments of the Beason. NOMINATING Conventiou of East H0100 Liberals will be held in Bruseels, Town Hall, Wednesday effusion of next week at 1.80 o'clock. A pnblic meeting will be held in the same peep in the evening commencing at 7 80 o'o/ook when address. es are expected from Aroh. Campbell, 112, P., York Co., R. Holmes, M. P., West Huron, D. MoDonald, M. P., East Heron, and A. Hietop, M. P. P., for this riding. Seats reserved for ladiee. The general public will be weloorne. Remain. her the date. 0, T. R. SOM./NM—Follow* are the treight ehipmetste for this week 1-11, Graham 2 care wheat to Tevietook and Seatorth ; Salt :wore, Oars kat to Els Bleep Tweed Rua Stirling; A. Beaker ear wheat to Sprott') ; 3, Oueeinglene 8 pre evaporated apple to New York ; A..0. Dames 8 0868 hop to Toronto ; G. A. Beet 1 oar Boge to Toronto. Business Locals. Bunwsn's Photo Studio open Xmas. Onetime, 15, 26, 80, 40, 50, 60e. per doe. at W. A. Grewar's Rew F91111—Eigheet price pieta for raw fore. A, Cousin's, Breen's. Xeres goods and et Xmas ptioess for the rest of this month. B. Leatherdale. San our fan* odd pieces for the parlor. Something new and apt° date. B. Leatherdale, HANDSOME melee sideboard for sale at great reduotion. Apply to Mite. W. M. SINCLAIR, BrileBele. We have a larger assortment of fancy rookere than we ever had before at lovver prices. R. Leatherdale. To any one needing good cutting saws I will sell at any prioe to make room for more saws. T. bloGneep, Mill etreet, Briskets. Emmen village lot, adjoining the ree• kenos of John DfoCrae,Tarnbetry street, Brame's, for We. For particulare as to prioe and terms apply to J. D. Ronald, Brussels. Emmen1 Hurrah 1 eleighiug is here and we are ready for it we have the finest assortment of oubtere ane bob.sleighe 08 hand ever shown in Brussels and all our own make and therefore we know just what we are selling. Prices right. Be sure and see them before buying. Also a good tasty lot of hand sleight. for boys. J. CODER & Boles, Carriage Worke. People We Talk About. Miss Hettie Downing ie home for her Xmas holidays Mies Georgie Howe, of Wreaker, was in town ibis week Alex. MoRelvey in home from College for the Christmas holiday. Barrister Blair, of Goderioh, wee in town for a day or so this weds. Mrs. Clark, of Woodetook, ie visiting her sister, Mrs. G. A. Deacinen. bliss Downey will :spend the Christmae venation with relativee in Chatham. Miss Mary Ritchie, of Toronto, arrived home on Tuesday for a holiday veil:. Miss Ethel Scott has gone to her home at Lakelet for the Obriatinas vacation. Barry Downing arrived home from Maniton, Man., for a holiday visit this week. T. A. Hawkins has gone to Goderioh to eat hie Christmas turkey and plum pod- ding. Will, and Dire. Lowry, of London, are holiday viaitore with relatives in Bruseele and Morrie. Russell Zimmer is home for his holidays from the School of Praotioal Soienoe, Toronto. Alex. Roes, of the Customs Depart. ment, Ottawa, is home for the Ohrietenas 80081100, H. W.and Mrs. Farrow, of Chatham, Were guests at Poste:meter Farrow's for a few days. George Cunningham is home for hie Christmas holidaye from the Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Mies Maud Omens refereed home to Trowbridge, after a two weekse visit at the Parsonage. Daniel Barkley, formerly of Manitoba, will spend the Winter with his eon, George, in Brussels. Mrs. 0. R. Vienstone, of Southampton, was visiting Mrs. A. Good, Brussels, during the paet week. Mrs. I. 0. Richards bag been (seriousl y ill bet is considerably better now we are pleased to state and we hope she will Poo be convalescent. Rev. T. W., Mre, Cosecs and DeWitt will spend Christmas with Trowbridge friend's in a family re union at the home of Mr. Oosens, er, We congratulate Modelites on their eno• eees and we are pleased to notioe that Mise GeorgieRose and ?elation Smith, of Brussels, took Honors. Jae. and Herbert Mitchell are home rem the NorthWeet and will spend the Winter here. They are well pleased with the result of their trip to the West. We are sorry to hear that Way, son of Rev. S. J. Alii, of London, formerly of Bruesele, ig in the hospital with scarlet fever but we hope he will eoon be o. k. Jno. Hunter and family, well known reeidente of Morrie township, moved into town last week. Tut POBT weloomee them to Brunets and hope they will feel gaits at borne here. tbs. W. A. McEwen and Miss Gerald ine, of Thessalon, Algoma, arrived in town on Tuesday night and will visit here for a few months. Mre. MoNwen is a daughter of Jas. Oliver and a sister to Mre. Inc, Leckie. We are Sorry to hear that John Copley has been laid up with typhoid fever at Graoe Bospital, Toronto, but taking it in time the fever was checked and it may be that the patient may be able to get home for a short vacation this week. . • egenemeittan N e vest. BRUSSELS Selma, A1111118 —The follow- ing letter to the Board of Palen° School Trustees, Bruesels, speaks: for itself end is by no means uncomplimentary to the teething staff and Board :— To the Board of Publics School Trustees, Brussels GENTLEtIEN :—I beg leave to report that I visited your School on Oot. 12th, Nov. 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th. I found the rooms olsan, well ventilated and warm except two. A slight change will improve these. The caretaking is well done The outheildings, fences mad yarde do not harmonize well with the school house. Miss Ritohie's zoom hp a registered attendance of 54. Mere were 47 pupils present, The work of the room is quite eatiefentory. The registered attendanoe in Min Downey'e room is 46, the number meant 41. Miss Downey is doing very satisfactory work. Mies Smith tae an enrolled attendance 01 44, The teak attendance is 41. Mies Smith is an earnest, :fateful teacher and should give good gate/action to all concerned. Her work is quite oath:factory to me. Miss Wilson is deans perfectly eatisfaceory work, The enrolled and usual attendance are 40 and 87. The number of pupils in these rooms is about right. In a graded sobool a teacher oan do bet beat work in a sobool room with an average attendance of about 40. 1 would like to meet the Soboot Board for the purports of diocese- ing the newest* of providing imitable supplements,* reading book° for the pupil's. The High School departments in charge of Mr. Cameron and Miss Scott are in a very satiates:tory gtate, The village and locality are enjoying all the advantages of a High School with but little of the cost. I have not beard of any Continuation Olese School, High School or Collegiate betitute that at the last Junior Leaving examination Bummed. ed in 9808109 all ite pupils who wrote exeept Brno:ale, The Soho' Board ie to be pegratulated on ite teisinees like management of the educational effaire of the village and also that it is pro. gressive enough to pep the salaries of its teaohera on a par otitia Wingbam and Clinton, It baa an excellent etaff Mechem and I believe the pareets as well es the Beed appreciate the eplenclid Work done in the gehool. I am, gentle. Wen, Your obedient serval% D. Ronn, I, P. S. Etretteele, Nov. 28th, 1008. Mro, Partridge, 294 Mary street, Ham- iitou who watt so terribly burned while I ighting a. fire with coal oil Tuesday evening, died Wednesday morning. Mrs. Hooley, of Oakville, who swallow- ed ammonia in mistake for mineral vvater, at the Oakville House, on Wednesday died Saturday morning, after a great deal of enffering. lffre. A, Ryan, of Brookville, who died on November 26, bequeathed 66,000 to the Deo, St, Francois Xavier Chanel and $1,000 to St, Vincentde Patti Dcalpital, Of that place. GREY FINANCIAL STATEMENT [Oontineed from page 6) A. MoDouald, far spikes A, Raymanu, for 2 culverts John D. MoNeil, for farm bridge Peter Maslen, e Oot, 1 John Certain, on oontraot 5 Geo, Robertson, for culverts Luke Speirao, for term bridge George Speiren, for farm bridge Nov, 9 A. McDonald, 'spikes Gnhr & Fogel, raper:leg fence Gubr & Fogal, no waren: Curtain & Reid, on contract A. Reymann, for 2 culverts 17 John Forrest, for rag bolts 26 S. B. Cole, for timber 28 Henry Fogel, on contract George Dunlop, assisting engineer Deo. 15 Rd, Robinson, " Geo, Patterson, farm bridge Balance KRAUTER DRAIN RECEIFTS. Feb. 20 Depoeibin Bank from Debentures May 80 Intereet Noy, 80 DISBURSEMENTS. 21 ay 1 Cash to looal for loan 9 john Nicholson, on centred June 29 July 13 John McNabb, for farm bridge Aug. 8 John Nicholson, on °entreat • 10 Wm. Zieglar, for farm bridge Oot. 17 John Nicholson, on oontreot Nov. 9 A. McDonald, for spikes Otto Schnook, for farm bridge Anthony Reymann, for culvert Henry Gorsalitz, for farm bridge 26 S. S. Cole, for timber Deo. 2 John Reno, farm Wage 15 Geo. Dunlop, assisting engineer John Nicholson, on contract .0.1111, 04,61.• • • 10 • *1,1, •••#.0 0041.00.0 s 88 25 00 10 00 10 00 800 00 84 80 10 00 19 00 75 7 00 100 00 800 00 21 60 7 00 82 05 50 00 75 1 60 10 00 8 1986 28 1498 98 1574 97 12 71 9 76 $ 1597 48 98 80 240 00 200 00 10 00 260 00 10 00 400 00 80 10 00 9 00 10 00 7 65 10 00 75 199 00 8 1455 50 Balance 4 141 98 BEAUCHAMP CREEK DRAIN RECEIPTS. Jan. 1 Cash in Bank from 1902 2792 03. Cash from MoTaggart Drain paid to Geo. Dunlop 75 May 81 Interest 41 70 Nov. 80 II 41 98 $ 2876 44 DISBURSEMENTS. jan. 12 Chas. Osborne, removing obstruotions 8 00 W. H. Herr, printing to local 1 00 Aug. 10 Geo, Oliver, on °entrust 85 00 John MoRay, Assisting Engineer 1 75 John McKay, Assisting Engineer 1 75 Wm. Harrison 50 Oot. 8 James A. Bell, 0, E. Gov. Drain , 13 25 extension 18 26 20 „ „ „ ,, Gov. Drain 18 25 extension 18 25 Nov. 18 Joseph Redmond, removing timber 2 25 George Dunlop, removing timber 3. 76 26 S. S. Cole, for timber 24 88 4 jae, Balance 1 Cash in Bank TAGGART DRAIN RECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENTS. May 1. John Roger, Engineer to local for loan George Dunlop, refunded to Beauchamp BOLTON DRAIN REOEIPTS. June 24 F. S. Scott, for Debentures Nov. 9 Oash for Deficit Apr. • 20 June 24 Aug. 10 DISBURSEMENTS. Printing By-law D. lei Rosa, Grey's share Robert Livingstone, for serving By-law John Mointeeh, preparing By-law FRASER DRAIN jan. 1 Balance in Bank May 31 Interest REOEIPTS. HANNA DRAIN RECEIPTS. 001. 1 Premeds of Debentures Nov. 30 Interest Oot. 10 Sept. 7 Oct. 10 Nov. 9 80 Deo. 15 Oot. NoV. Nov. Ang. Sept. Nov. DISBURSEMENTS, Stratford Beacon for advertising W. M. Sinclair, signing declaration Patrick Bohan, on contract John McIntosh, preparing Bylaw W. H, Kerr, printing By-law L. Harold, G. T. 11, agent Wingbam for culvert.. Patrick Bohan, on contract DEC. 24, 1006 HURON CO. stIODELITES. The Board of Ilxaminere for the Conn. ty of garo4 met at Seatorth on Wednes- day, Deo, 22, All mernbere were present. After oareful Pewit:Attest and die:melon oertifloaboe wore worded to the following candidates :—Efolsoes, 79% or over of marks—Laura 111, ,leakell, Tena Mo - Ewen, Helen McMichael, Mina ?birdie, May IA Newton, Seorgioa nom Marion Smith, Kathleen Swan, Belle Thompson, Alice Worthington and Peroy Baines P800.-60% or over of marks—Pearl An- derson, Lillian Agnew, Elven Buchanan, Rebecca Carter, Grams 86. Orawford, Edna Cuyler, Gertrude Dobson, Oelitm Duetted, Minnie 3. Daroln, Emma Ed- wards, Florence Graham, Ada Howson, Mabel Howell, Etta Knox, JeStile Link - later, Margaret MoDonald, Lizzie Mo. ICay, Eliza Maoblillan, Bertha Million, Mildred Pinkie, Laura Nioholle, Pearl L, Nicholson, Rose Smith, Winne Shaw, Delta Stout, Famed Sturdy, Thema Switzer, Clive flf. Turner, Irene Woods, Mabel Zimmer, Chas. E. Asquith, Alva Beaton, Wm, Rokneier' Melvin Keye, Sam. Mollwain, DonaldA. Matheson, Gordon Manning, Merman Mora,Albert McQueen, Ernest Murray, Edwin Mo - Gavin, Howard Porter, Neil D. Rose, I. 10 R000rteon, Fred. G. Sweet, Wm. J. Taylor, A. L. Trotter, Gorden Wight - man, Kenneth White, Alex. Waugh. mecreeom.arexaeze, Joeueszoo—Romesote—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Deo, 16, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Wingham, Mr. Robert Johnston, of Morris, to Mini Margaret, daughter of Dir. and Mrs. John Robinsou, of Turnberry, 2:X7m3m. ELLIOT.—In Grey, on Deo. 28rd, Margar- et Thompeon, relict of the Ike Wm. Elliott, aged 66 yeare and 1 month. ROLLING:3R —In Stratford, on Deo. 18, Minerva Ilene, beloved wife of Jaoob Hollinger, aged 19 years, 9 months and 12 daye. mo mat. TUESDAY, JAN. 5.—Farm etook, im- plemente &o,, Lot 82, Con. 3, Grey, Bale unreserved at one 1 o'clock. H. Wolfe, Prop, F. 13. &tett, Aso, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. SIIORT HORN YEARLING Bull for eale, red in color and brad from 1st prize stook. Lot 22, Oon 13, Grey. 1. D. idoNAIR, Proprietor, Orauhrook P. 0. ' Tenders Wanted 124 88 For the Erection of Addition to the Dome of Refuge in the County 2761 56 of Dimon. Sealed tenders for the erection of an ad- dition to the House of Refuge (Gluten, will be received by me on or before the 25th day of January, 1004. Tendon mutt specify for the whole work and must he accompanied by a marked cheque for 10 per (mt, of the tendered price. Cheque of acampted tender retained, others returned. The Council is not bound to swept the lowest or any ten. der. Plans and specifications may be aeon 172 22 in my office at any time, 24-8 W. LANE, Ore Olere. Dated at Goderioh, 22nd Dee.,1903. 183 97 8 183 97 11 00 75 4 11 75 593 00 26 80 4 019 80 10 00 687 80 2 00 20 00 $ 619 80 89 60 68 8 40 24 3877 28 16 61 $ BNB 79 8 00 50 800 00 28 00 1 50 160 00 180 00 $ 668 00 LAMONT DRAIN RECEIPTS. 1 Cash for Debentures (Grey)8576 08 20 " " (Morris) 4869 71 18 19 $ 7948 96 80 Interest DISBURSEMENTS, 10 Stratford Beacon, Advertising for tenders 7 Huron Expositor, " W. M. Siuolair, eigning declaration John McIntosh, preparing By-law 9 Andrew Hislop, on oontraot John Roger, 0. E. report, plane, &o. Standard Bank for draft Canadian Contract Record Advertising W. H. Kerr, registering By-law F. S. Scott, assisting engineer Ben, Dark, for horse hire Balance 3 3280 79 2 64 2 00 50 58 00 900 00 534 00 55 4 60 3. 50 3 00 1. 25 $ 1603 04 $ 6445 92 Receipts and Expenditure from December 16 to December 81, inclusive, 1902. Deo. Deo. Nichols° Peterson, en old man, living neat Arden, was walking across a emall lake, and broke throngh the foe, When be got out he was go exhausted that be could not proceed further, and lay on the he all night. When fennel in the morn- nitig hie lower limbs were badly frozen. Dootore at Kingston Boopilal are endeav- oring to save his feet. Lord Dundoiseld made an important speech at Vatteouver in whioh be helm, ed that there was tio'denget. of any pewee being able to command Port Shnpeon ot any other port on the Canadian past so long tte Britain reteined command of the BOAS. Dioidentally be paid a compliment to Britieh Columbia ke her share in , responding to the dell to terns in South '• Aimee. RECEIPTS 18 Jaoob Kreuter, Collector 24 29 80 P. S. Bishop, " 1'. 1 Bishop, EXPENDITURE 80 John Dunbar, ouivett lot 80, eon. 8 Engineer's fees, Bowen appeal Clerk's " Judge Doyle, " Copeland Stokes, gravel Wm. Holmes, en foot. Cooney rate Commiseion on, draft 0404(11 6.1.1i se 200 00 400 00 526 00 1824 69 .862 00 6 2811 89 6 60 7 40 5 95 10 00 8 84 2000 00 2 00 it 2084 69 ASSETS ASSETS, 3. Render, uncollected roll..., P. .7. nisi& " " Tewnettip 11 Read Grader I.O•4•1 AND LIABILITIES LIABILITIES. 3 8029 21 County rob duo 2810 67 Balance due sohools 1000 00 Collector% salaries 210 00 $ 2888 85 716 80 86 00 Christmas Satisfaction seurairmalawissemotiaiasaimumforamm and Saving If there la eve it time during the whole year when you want your money 00 go farthest it le right now. Everyone likes to gitie, The problem is what you can give that is worthy of giving and still have your money go around. In both of these resmeote this etore can be of service to you, What to give Pawnee en easy matter when you have nob an ample stook of desirable gifte to °Move from as we are showing this year. It oombines every element of beauty, uee. 1010880, novelty and real worth. Many items in our stook that you menet get elsewhere and nothing that you can get elsewhere that ie worth baying that you menet get here for the losveet obtainable prices. Aatual bargains in goode of worthy quality are what we promise you. Come Soon We would like to irnprese upon every ODE the desirability of making their seleations emu. Every by will count from now until Ohrietnes, and every day the task of 'seeking seleotione if put off will only increase your worry. The prime 'menet be lower than they now are and the assortment will constantly grow less Oor kook is too large to be pm. pletely exhausted bot it is much easier to pick your gifts before the final rush begins. We want to lend every aseistanoe in our power that will help make this a eat. isfaotory holiday season for you. We will be glad to see yon at Drug Store. DEDIGREED YORKSIIIRE -I- Pigs for sale, ormsistingoi 1 hog and 3 sows, one month old. POr prices apply at Godwin Lime Werke, R. 8. manor, - 8 ON, Proprietor, B olgr aye P. 0. Mtf Wood Wanted. Tenders will) be received until December 2011.1 for the delivery of 100 (loads of Good, Sound, Green Gard Wood 22 inches Long, to be delivered at the Bruseels Public School before the first day of meth 1061 tenders in whele or part as low 5.3 20 (lords will be received. R.0088, Secretary Public) School Board, Bruseele, Dee. 14,100e. XMAS GRE TING The Holiday Season is almost here 'The Most Joyful of all the Year. NATURALLY the mind turns to the Christmas Gifts„ What shall we give—something useful ? Nothing more appropriate for Ladies than a New Dress, . a Pretty Waist, Nice pair of Gloves, Handkerchiefs, • Dainty Neck Ribbons, Shoes, Hosiery or Umbrella. For Gentlemen a Perfect Fitting Snit of Clothes, a Warm Dressy Overcoat, Fine Pair Shoes, Shirts, Neck Scarf, Gloves, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, or Underwear. For the House We have just Placed in Stock a l3eautiful Assort- ment of Fancy Table Covers, Fine Table Linen. Table Napkins, White Quilts, Lace Curtains and Fine Towels. —One ease of Ladies' and 1 case of Gentle- men's Shoes will be cleared at Cost Price on Friday and Saturday. ,.....-- The balance of our Underwear at Cost Price. COME TO THE MONEY SAVING SPOT $ 7040 88 38484 96 11 A. milicilEirs We hereby certify that the temp ng is a correct statement of Beeelpte and Expenditure from lad Rude, ROBERT W. LIVINGSTONE, A. M.:NAIR, Etneek, Tanelsulute, GARFIELD BLOC, 33.CLUSSELS.