HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-24, Page 719oa
CAPITAL—Pala up $1.,0001000
RESERVE FIR.41) e . $1,000,000
AIN. It. H. WARDEN, D, A.)
o. D, name's', Twos, n114D0nsw,
S. J, M00102,
Wm -President,
e, a, Tn0tt808, a, o.
W, D, 1t088 - - GRNp1RAL MANAGE'S
Drafts Bought and Sold, t�►Farmers' Notee Discounted,
aY'1WP' fl'ZeJt(at�° two .D.s4'`'-'adtr°rvx,w,
Intermit at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of $1 and upwards
G. F, BLAIR, Solicitor. A. D, MELLISH, Manager,
C. 0. V.
Court Prinooeo Alexandria, No.24, 0, 0, F„
Brunets, :mete lu their Lodge Room Bias -
hill Blook, on the 2nd and Iaot Tueoilaye o1
oaoh month, at 8 o'cloc�ki. Visiting brethren
always welcome. JAS. BURGESS,
11611TH A. S.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
REMT:rAi3377.4o, O1.TT•
MONEY TO LOAN AT 44, 4f s, 0 Per Cont.
Office over Hureley's Drug Store,
Nov, 8rd,1001, 80.9m Rruseala.
Wellington Mutual
Fire iumlauteo Co.,
Insurance taken on the ooh and premium
note eyetem at current rates. Before insur-
ing elsewhere oall on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
GEORGE ROGER8, Brussels,
ext Reivs halts,
Tan PORT gives the now°.
Suntarnn brings leaves of absentee and
Autumn brings absonoe of leaves.
COMMCo0 100 before speaking if you are
angry, and if the other fellow ie the
biggest oonnt 10,000.
Tan ohestnat crop is repotted a failure
this season, but it is not thought that
tea -meeting orators will be inconvenient),ed in oon8enuenee.
A Now brick reeidenoe will be built by
John Smith, Turnberry street, North,
next season. He is having the sand and
other material hauled this Winter.
Evnnr ratepayer, as far as poseible,
should attend the Manioipel nominations.
That is the place to state objections if
you have any or seek for information.
Bensons should keep'an eye open for
tbe propoeed Eleotrio railway from Ber•
lin via Lietowel to Goderich. It will am.prove a valuable aquieition to this o.
An00T the only thing it 1s safe to
oommence to read now without first
looking at the last paragraph for a pa-
tent•medioine attachment ie the diotiou•
ary or a 200 -year-old Bible,
Tan PORT has given an order for an
Electric motor which will take the pleas
of the steam engine now in nee en the
propelling power in working the presses.
It will be here in the mares of a month,
Tnnac ie plenty of room in Brunetsfor a small loondary and a good bueiueee
without any doubt. An effort should be
made to secure one. Tam POST advisee
the formation of a liniment men'a Assocs.
iation wish the object of having an or•
ganization that would energetioally take
hold of each matters ea this.
A Waal teaoher, instrnating a °lase in
aompoeition, said ; "Do not attem6 any
flights of fancy ; be yoareell a0d write
what le in you.' The following day a
bright pupil handed in the following :
a should not. a6tem
6 anytlitee of
B. SCOTT AS 0 better
1' a ane, w311 sell for better priaee, to fancy, write what is in ue. In me there
better men, in lees time and lees °bargee is my stomach, my lunge, heart, liver,
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or two apples, one piece of mince pie,. three
be won't charge anything. Dotes and orders sticks of candy, a hull lot of peanuts,
can always be arranged et this offioe or by and madinned'
peening application. A Naw Pogroms In Humane —Ae the
writer woe returning from Huron Co.
Council recently be met in with County
Uoanoiliore Poole and Donaldson, of
Perth Co., o0 the train and in 'Hamming
different features of Co. {Council work
the former was shown a photograph of a
bridge built tor Perth ooanty in the
construction of which no wood of any
kind ie used. The bridge is on the town•
' line of Downie and Blanebard and is
built of gement, the span being made of
aonprete in whish iron rode are -buried
fourteen- inohee apart. Cement but -
meats in March the iron rode are snohor•
ed and built at eaab U end, a wooden
shell is first oonstroo1ed and the Dement'
on the epee rammed in about the rods,.
reeking a most substantial 'cud durable
etructuee. On this bridge a cement aide
wall is also built up for a railing. The
LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. bridge is muoh lees expeneive 11x0 steel
and was tested with a heavy traction
engine and two teams and did not give to
any noticeable extent.under this severe
strain. The span is 80 feet, the railings
8,} feet high and the door tapering from
a thickness of 14 inches. It poet $035.
This Bort of bridge may prove a valuable
aid iu the eeonring 0! permanency in the
very important yet expeuate° working
out of municipal and County, manage-
ment of bridges.
IN speaking of the Goderiah Collegiate
Institute literary entertainment the
MEDICAL CARDS." Signal reporte ac follows :--The speech
of the evening wee given by Barrieter
Blair, an ex pupil of the eohool and a
former teaoher. Iu. opening Mr. Blair
became reminiscent of bis earlier days as
a student of the eobool and a member of
the Literary Society and then paeeed
from thie retrospeotive glance to the
point of view of the students before him,
who as yet had vety little of a past bet
lived a great deal in the present and still
more in the future, Mr. Blair made a
forceful and eloquent appeal dor the.
adoption of high ideals of lite ao the
' tism It was t
truest form of patrlo
the wealth, said he, of a nation that
made for ire greatness, but the (Ammeter
of ire manhood and womanhood. Mr.
Blufr'n address Gannet fail of regains an
ambition in hie hearers for the best
tbinge. At the, oonolnaion of the proceed.
,ago the veteran principal of the Ine6t4•
ate wee made the subject of warm
expressions of appreoiation on behalf of
the staff, the students and ex-etadente.
Mr. Blair as an ex student attributed the
exeellenoe of the work aadomphebud and
tbe high moral tone of the Collegiate
largely to the personality of'ite eetoemed.
British Clolunlbia, bend and made a powerful appeal to the
n upholding
do their snare 1 g
nts o p
ltcd'Cedar Shingles the houor of tbe.ihati6ation.
Urrnn CANADA B1nnit So0114TY.—Io ad.
&ND t,' 8ition 40 the effort to awaken intermit in
• North Shore Toronto, in the celebration of the Conten.
ary of the Brltieh and foreign Bible
Pine and (ieditl�
Society, it is proposed by the Committee
to offer 100 prizes for competition among
FOR SALE AT TSID the pupsle of the public edhoole onteide of
Toronto, for the beet essays on the Bible
Brussels Planing ..Sos.ciety—ire History, Work and ClaimX1115 All school children attending public
schools outside of Toronto may compete
in this contest. The oeeays meet not
exceed one thonsaud words, and mutt be
le t11e hands of the Oheirma0 of the
Committee, Rev, A. B. Chambers, D, D.
5 Oak Street, 'Toronto, oft or before
February 1st, 1904. The name, age and
eoho0l 0! each dnmpetitor meet be 4164813.
ad to the essay, The prizes will be
nibtoe, authorized version, Centenary
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the office o1 Tits Poon, Brnseele, 22tl
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared. to treat all die -
of domesticated anemia in a compet-
enttnianner, Partiouler attention paid to
Veterpromptly at-
4,04, 10. ftloe ands. Calls -Four
North of bridggee, Turnbe Infirmary—Four
et.,yBraeeele. Dore
No Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta.
8n0000BOr to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard. bank, Brunets. Solicitor for Metro -
platten Bank.
V • Barrister, Solicitor, lOe0veyaneer,
Notary Publics, dm. Office -Stewart's Block
3 door North of Central Hotel,
Bolleitor for the Standard Bank.
M. IS., 0. 111.,OlaMeetyyleeoTy
alegmbrColggfPhysici and
en88rgeo0e, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal 0o1-
iwiteryfEdinblargh. Oi"Te1epnoue N0.144,,id-
. Residence—Mill
Graduate of libel Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Flrot•olam$
e Office
G dnate, of Toronto University.
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Alec Deere and Bash of all Pat
time on hand or made to order
at Short Notion,.
Eedmates Furnished for ail
kindle of Buitdingo, Worltman•
ithip and Matt�terr/i�IOrGums-tithed,A
s i, a+ML N "M: t:
winners will bo anbuunced at the Y ung
People's Mime Menten:', in Massey Yell,
Toronto, Metals 7th, 190 f, and pr,zvu will
be ler Werded to W1pnere am noun he p,seibie
thereafter. 'Tho Oormaittee olaime the
right to publimb any Ol of thole oxeye as
they may choose, 1.t le bopod that the
intermit in this contest will be great and
Do you enjoy pare tun, nothing eilly,
nothing Dutra, and yet mo funny you
laugh till your aides are Bore, that's what
l for
Prank R, Conklin doeeyon.
Rev, Mr, Steele, who bas been elation.
eel at fort Stanley for several yearn,
expects to remove to Port Lambton tie It
new field oflabor in the near future.
Dire. Steele is 14 daueb6er of J. M. 0'.
Conner, of Bruseele, and well known to
the people of this oommunity.
Tint Winter term in the well known
Central Burioose College, Stratford, Ont.,
opens Jan. 4th, Many gri4duatee of tate
school are now teaohfng in other bualneee.
colleges, a tact that shows that the
courses of braining are up to the highest
standard of excellence. Write to the
Principal, W. J. Elliott, for a catalogue.
WLrDINo COT WOWT.-00 Wednesday,
Nov, 11, Dliee Rope Grigg, third daughter
of George Grigg, of Walton, Out„ was
married to Peter Hudaon, of Carmel,
The ceremony wits performed by the
Rev. J. Doyle, et 8.80 p. ne„ at the Meth-
odist pareonage, Wesley. Mise Rhoda
Hudson, sister of the groom, and Wm.
Grigg, brother of the bride, aeeieted in
the marriage eervioe. On Betting oat the
bridal party were met by a number of
relatives and friends who esoorted them
to the home of the groom's father, Here
they were given a cordial reception. Be.
tween the bone of five and six a tasty
and elaborate dinner was served at the
oloee of whish a toast was propoa,d to
the bride by Mr. Doyle who referred to
the universal esteem in which the bride
was held. The evening was spent in
games, maei0 and social oha6, it being a
fit oaoaeion for joy when
"A new home finds its plane
Among the myriad homes of earth ;
Like a new star just sprang from birth,
And rolled harmonious on its way
mnbo the boundless realme'Of apace."
The bride and groom were the recipients
of the following preeente : a gold watch
and chain from the groom to the bride ;
a cloak from the bride's father ; one
half dozen silver teaepoo00 from the
bride's enter, Mrs. Crayford ; One pair
woollen blankets from Mrs, Grigg ; a
bedroom set from Wm. Grigg ; a oath.
edxal OMB clock from John Trigg and
Mr. Dennison ; one half dozen table
napkins from Mipeee Elva and Edna
Grigg table cloth Note Mre. Pledgee,
lamp from Stephen Hudson ; a pair of
lane 0art0i01 and a pair of towels from
Mieees Emmeline and Rhoda Redeem ;
a pair of °bine pepper and Balt shakers
from Mrs. 0. M. W. Emery ; chine
Dream jug and wear bowl from Mr.
Shelby and blies Emery ; a pair of
towels from Mrs. Joel Emery a water
from and. cup and 1340011.0x f om Will. Glover
and Fred. Tisdale ; a silver butter dish
from James Steele • a butter dish, I nger
bowl and epoon and cream pitober from
John Ezard ; a clothes braes; G. W.
Jose ; a damask table cloth, Tboe. and
Mrs. Gray ; a pair of oil paintings from
Mr. and Miee Barrows ; a dining room
table from Tom Faulkner, and an eight
ee .
r Ohati Oloon. About
cloak from
midnight the reoeption was brought to a
close by tbe company singing "Blest be
the Tie that binds our hsarte in Christ
ion Love," and by Mr, Doyie's leading in
prayer. Tben the bappy couple betook
themeelvee to their new home, followed
by the good wiellee of all their many
friende who hope they will live to cele-
brate many an aunivereary of the happy
day.. -Moose Jaw Times.
Cra,uadiIva 1Vewe.
There is talk of nominating Hon. G. E.
Faster for St. Antoine divieion of Mont.
The Hamilton Board of Trade' adopted
a reaol0tion endorsing Mr, Chamberlain's
Thomas 'belly a000000ee himself a
Liberal gaud.date for the Commons fu
Fire at Wallaoeburg destroyed the
Baptist Church and an adjoining
Right Rev. Frederick Courtney resign-
ed the Bishopric of Nova Scotia to be-
come rentor of St. James' aura, New
Staff Inspector Archibald, Toronto, au -
0000000 his intention of banishing from
the bill.boarde pictures illustrating prim•
inality and immorality,
The Northweet Mounted Potioe has
formally abandoned ito outpost on the
Dalton trail, as a consequence of the
awdrd of the Alaskan Boundary 1'ribu-
The Cabinet deoided not to interfere
with the sentence of Ernest Cashel, sen•
tended to be hanged Deoember 15 for the
murder of J. R. Belt, o Northwest ranch-
3, G. H. Bergeron woe offered the
the 8t,
t' mit for Oonaetva the nomination n
James' division of Montreal, rendered
vacant by the diequalifioation of Joseph
The Canadian Aoeident Underwrit-
ere' Aoeooiatiou, now in 13008100, aro
organizing along Monar lines to the
Oauadian Fire Underwriters' Aimed -
Aldert H, Whitest!, charged with do•
treading women under promise of ,mer•
riage, woe4entenoed to tbree years in
Kiugeton Penitentiary by Judge Win-
nhoeter Saturday. morning. James Kelly,
Who stole lettere from the mail, re•
oeived a similar neDtenee.
in e e b at.
' tona a o
Han, Clifford Bitten,
that Meade
Ottawa took the greeted
should await the verdict of the British
electorate upon Mr, Chamberlain's pro-
pos/tie before attempting to state what
we would do in the matter of it further
preference on Britiab geode,
The Temiekaming de Onterlo Railway
will, it le hoped, be oompleted and
trains running to New Liokard in No-
vember next, A large amount of rolling
Mock is oow under way for the roar and
ontveyore are locating the route for the
extension, to the line of the Grand,
Trunk Paetio.
It is ainonooed None Pblladelphiathat,
inthe event of the Conoolideted Lake
Superior reorganization seheme, a bold
move may be made in the Oenadiau
Dears to fordo a liquidation of the dem•
paay'8 aeeete for the benefit of all mad -
hien, The meanie of sueh a move would
edition, well bound, The nam00 of the preVedt the possibility of Speyer ib Co,
1S )jt KI 8
tandard Bank of Canada
—This Beak silvan/en money On Fermear' dale Notes, in largo or
small amoonte and for long or short Terme, to salt the oomtomer.
one r on ma
r 0 1 a at time o
ehilla Daft 1 Nos
a davit my y
—You m y k h
draw timelier amounte when you with and for any time that
eaite your oonvenieaoe, Interest Is °barged only for the num-
ber of days you take the money, Notes lett for ooileotion
receive our beat attention,
—Notes may be left for 048(3 x8001102 only for whloh no obarge is made
SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards received
and Highest Bank Iutereet allowed thereon from date of deposit on daily balance.
0 'iilyery convenience afforded daatomers living at a dietanoe.
selling all the oompany'e proper6iee on
Deo. 15 to satiety their owe claim and
leaving others interested out f0 the cold.
Lucketo vv.
Walter Stewart bad one of bio fingers
badly.laoerated by a oirauler saw he a
planing mill last week,
Many of oar readers will regret to
learn of the death of Obas. Bingham,
for many years a prominent bnainees
man to Luaknow, whish took place in
Aylmer on Wednesday, 9th inet, aged
76 peace.
Dae of the finest entertainments given
in the town hall wag the Foresters' "Al
flume" on Tuesday evening of last week,
tinder the 008 1088 of Court Sherwood,
Canandian Order of Foresters.
Dr. Gaon of Clinton, assisted by Dr.
G. Elliott of this village, performed a
very enoaeeelal operation for appendicitis
on Wm. Mallough, of Kinloagh, on Sat•
nrday, 1203 inst., and we are pleased to
say that he is progressing as favorably aa
ooaid be expected.
W Ingle tarn..
Dr. Macdonald, M. P., wee in Owen
Sound for a few days Met week on basi•
Mae, 0, R. Venetone, of Southampton,
has been the guest of Mrs. W. 1', Van•
stone, for the pact week.
The annual meeting of the County L.
0. L. will be held to Wiogham on the
},ret Tuesday in January.
A well attended meeting of the Liberals
of Wiogham was held fu the I. 0. 0. F.
hall on Wednesday evening, 9th inst.
Dr. Macdonald, M. P , gave a short
address and delegatee ware eleotod to
attend the Convention. Other matters
of interest to Liberals were dieoaeeed.
Sad news tame to Alex. Porter last
week of the death of hie eon, William, of
Medicine Het. The remains are on the
way for interment in Wingham cemetery
end will be ahis by a
R. U Porter. The deceased had been in
the West for about fourteen years, and
was unmarried.
A Convention for selection of a oan•
didate for the Dominion parliament, was
held for the riding of Weak Plateau, in
Auburn on Wedneeday of last week, Dr.
T. Chisholm and J. J. Mitchell were
represedtativee from Wingbam. Rich.
o ll nt addre
BMW, M. P. gave an e:oe a, e a
Mayor Lewitt, of Goderioh, was chosen
to oonteet the riding at the next ,election.
On Wedneeday of last week, there
were two matrimonial events, At the
residence of the bride'o parents, Rev.
J. R. Goody united in marriage, Walter
Weleb to Mime Bertha Maude Dennie.
The other graded the home of John
Robineon, when his daughter . Mia8
Margaret wedded Robb. Johnston.
All details in connection with the
annual Soottieh concert to be held ou
Tburaday evening, January 7th, underl
the a4Bpi0ee of Camp Caledonia are now
oompleted. These a000erte have always
been largely attended and the array of
talent thie year ehould ensure a large
attendance. The talent engaged le he
follows t—Ha'old Jarvis, Saotoh tenor ;
Mise Pearl O'Neil, Canada's favorite
reader and entertainer ; James Fax,
comic eioger, who is always welcomed
by a Wingham endien00 Mise Bella
Bowery, Goderioh, biies Mabel Motion
old, Wiogham, and Meseta. McPherson
and Murohieob,Looknow in Baotole reels ;
D. E. McDonald, piper. Mise Bella Fax,
of Toronto, will be the aoaompaniet.
PASSED AW,.—An aged and .respected
reeideot of Wingbam paused away on
Buoday,1364, ,net„ John McWilliam, who
resided with hie daughter, Mrs, Alderson,
sen., of Frames street. Deemed was a
native of Aberdeen, Scotland, and with
bra partner in life came to Caned° about
the year 1843. He settled in Fergus and
for thirty-five years was engaged in the
bakery bueineee there, the eitize08 of
that village honoring him with their Don•
fidenoe by sleeting him to municipal
offices. After disposing of his bueinees
in Fergus he lived retired, and in 1889,
death deprived him of his life partner.
Since then he sae resided with hie only
daughter, Mrs. Alderson, The funeral
took plaoe to Fergna on Tuesday. Da-
maged wee s member of the Preebyterian
church. Mr. MoWilliam was in hie 89th
The King baa approved of his birthday
beingcelebrated in Canada on the 246b
of My as a general holiday.
David Stookord was sentenced to three
years in the penitentiary by Judge
Edward Elliott at London for theft,
The Bishop of Huron hes divided the
diocese into four sections, and appointed
an archdeacon to each, tie follows: Seo
tion A, comprising Middlesex, Lambton
and Huron, Rev. Canon Richardson,
wilder the title of Arohdeaoon of London ;
Section B, E>gin, Kent and Essex, Rev.
Canon Hill, M. A., 8t. Thomas, ee Arab.
NOW is the time to be thinking of what Pres-
ents you will make. If you are puzzled as
to what to buy, come and let us help you to decide.
There are many things that a visit here will sug-
We have Slippers, Underwear, Umbrellas, Fur Gauntlets,
Mufflers, Hose, Cuffs, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Gloves and
Ties (including the Stewart, Ross, Davidson, Cameron,
MacKay and Scott Tartans.)
Evening Slippers, Felt Shoes, Spats, Ruffs, Muffs, Gaunt-
lets, Fur Coats and Caps, Fancy Waist (Goods, Fancy Col-
lars and Neck Ribbons, Gloves, Pretty Belts, Blouse Sets,
Umbrellas, Shawls, Handkerchiefs galore from 2o. to
House Slippers, Cardigans, Toboggan Caps, Gray Lamb
Caps, Mitts,:Gloves,Gloves,Ruffs, Sweaters, Leggings, Purses,
Beads, Handkerchiefs all sorts and sizes.
No need to overlook any of your friends. All kinds of
Presents for all kinds of Pocket Books.
very complete and worthy of your ep00ia1 attention,
We Confidently anticipate more than pleasing you in attune* anything you
require and here yon will find NO FANCY P1tICES but EVERY-
THING CHEAP and Reliable, Wo shell be taloned to have you
call often between now and Xmas,
STAPLE GOODS old Reliable
Grocery and Bakery
Shrewd buyers are making their purchases early
while our Stook is most complete.
A full assortment of the Choicest
Fruits of the Season.
A large and well selected stook of Fancy China
and Glassware, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets.
Geo. Thomson.
deacon of Elgin : Sentioa 0, Norfolk,
Brant, Oxford and Waterloo, Rev. Can.
on Y,.ung, D. D., of Simooe, as Arch-
deacon of Norfolk ; Section D, Perth,
Brim and Grey, Rev. D ;Williams, Strat-
ford,se Arobdesoon of Perth.
ON JAN.44, 1004,
Two 0o11reoo—Oommorolal and Shorthand.
Bond for College Journal.
A. L. MoINTYBE, Manager.
1/ A Famous School
A large, wide-awake, working, buet-
ling. result -producing eohool—the boat filiminess College in Canada 00.day'.
y pradnates always oaitloue. Tkie
in oche Beninese
e in many of its graduates
I W otter term e 4 1s Jan.ae. tie teachers-.
Winter term opens 9tL, Hand-
'`( some Catalogue .tree.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
. e C s
It Pays to Feed, It
Worthington's Cnnndian Stock Tonic
18 given a preference over all other Stook
Foods by largo and experienced feeders
apart from the fact that it le loss than half
the prloe of any other.
1 have fed your Stook Tonic to cattle
and like It very much. It makes thorn throve
well and put on flesh 01000 rapidly. I think
it la the beet Tonic have fad to horeee. We
are oleo feeding It to our hens this Winter,
and they are laying bettor than they have
done for a long time, It pays to feed It.
Yours truly,
Feeder Sweepstakes Fat Cattle, Proy.
Winter Fair, 1001.02.
bre a uta n k P.O., Feb. 23, 1909.
Dees Srn.—
I had a mere stocked in both legs, `Won•
tlington's Stack Food took it down com-
pletely and put her in good condition. It
keit done my cows good.Think it is a good
tiling and own recommend it.
B. CHURCHILL, "Dairyman."
Clinton, Jan. 17th, 1909,
10 lb, box, 200 feeds, 00o 1 60 lb, eaok 42.
For sale by— N, F.GERRY, Brneeele
H. F, MoALLISTBB, Ethel ;
NGEY,Oytale ;
Now we find oureelvee faoe
to facie with the Ohrle4maa
8e89o0 and we are after the
nioset Gifts for oar Friends.
Yon can Pet one dozen
Photoe. for 75e and up.
We have a splendid assort•
ment of Photo. Mounts and
in Photographing we pride
ourselves in being up to•date.
At thio season of the year
the days are abort so Dome in
the fore part of the day.
The advantage in getting
Photos. taken now is that we
oan have them ready before
the Xmas rush.
With the oomplimente of
the season to one and all.
H. R.
Frot & Wood
McCaugli!ey Block
oar Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Harrows,
Oultivatore, Drills, oto., are not excelled
by any in the market.
If Tau are in Need,
of any Farm requisite we haveit at a
RIGHT prioe.
This is the Place
for rare vainee iu Cutters and Bleighe,
Harness, Cream Separators, Pulpers,
Waebere and Wringers,
To Come
inspect our Stook end get .our Prices
is your Go'den Opportunity if you arko,
tiller of the soil. •
Wagons, Baggies, Hay Loaders, Forte
and Slings, Windmills, Tresd Powers,
Eneflege Cutters, tee., handled in 9eaeon,
Neil S. McLauchlan,
As the Summer trade is over I heartily thank
my Customers for their patronage and wish
to state that I have put in a full stock of
Cutters and Sleighs.
We would ask you to call and inspect ' our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting
promptly attended to.