HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-24, Page 5Dn. 24, 1908
Gomel moi,
R. J. Greer, of Toronto, is vieithlg at
his home here at present,
Mm. W. D. Hammond wan in Mark.
dale attending the wedding of her slater,
Mise Coleman,
The faruiture from the old bank build
Ing was moved Inst week to their new
premises in the 0. 0. F, block,
The high wind on Saturday night of
last week blew down A. Kroht,'d wind.
mill from the roof of hie barn. The
machine is almost n total wreak,
040ar Spenoo, of N wb,id(te, an of
Janine Spence, Imo enured a situation in
the Batik of Hamilton in town. ,Jos.
Greer, of town, will alert be on the cited
hare when opened daily, He is at present
in the Wingham ofllae.
We understand that 1), L. Straohnn
hire handed in his roeignvti„n as prin.
elpal of our public sobool and will go to
Beaton where he will tante charge of the
echoed there at an advanced eatery. We
wish Mr. Straoheu snores no ho le rated
ae a fir81.01ae8 tesolner,
Tun Towel WINS, -Judgment was ren•
dered at Toronto, in the case of Braggart
vs. the town of Clinton, in the latter's
favor. The report fn the lege' columns of
the dailies, was ire follower-"Aotion to
reoover damages for injuries suolained by
plaintiff through falling on the eidewalk
on Victoria, street, °wine, ae alleged, to
the negligence of defendants in permitting
the eidewalk to become in a defective
and dangerous ''condition. No notice of
the aooideut was given to darn/lents no
til July 501.1, 1902. One excuse offered by
plai°tiff for DOG giving notioe in time was
that, until she ooeeulied her oolioitor on
July 5th, she wee not aware that say no.
tine was 0eoeeea1y. The other excuse was
that when her eon bad fallen soma time
before and was injured she had gone to
the Connell and had got nothing, and she
did not "feel like" going to the Oouuoil
again. Held, that there wee no reason.
ahle excuse, within 8 Edw. VII., oh, 18,
no. 130, sub see. 5, for not giving the no
ice. No notoriety was given to the no
nident which happened to plaintiff, and
the defendants had 110 knowledge of it.
Action diemiesed, but without poste. W.
Proudfoot, K, 0., for plaintiff' L+' L Diel(
ineon' Goderioh, and H. nettle for de.
Mre. R. S. Pelton and three children,
of Iroquois, are the grime at the Bee
Esme Reformers will hold their annual
meeting in Mitchell's Music Hall on
Saturday, Deo. 26th at 2 p. m. for election
of officers, eta. John Brown M. P. P.,
will be present to addreee the meeting.
A gang of eleven men began work last
week on the erection of telephone poles
from bere to Mookton. N•, ordinary
oiroarnetancee like a snow storm deterred
these etnrdy follows from doing 118 work
and they are now rapidly completing the
oontra01. We expect the new line to be
io operationby the new yen r.
The oommanity was aliecked to hear
that Mre. McConnell, daughter of Mrs.
Alex. Forrest, had committed suicide on
Thureday morning of laet week, at her
mother's home, by hanging herself with
a towel in the cellar of Ibe hoose. The
deceased had not beeu feeling well of late
and seemed t0 take en of deepondeney
which resulted in her performing the
rash act. Coroner Phillipe, of Lietowel,
wee summoned and decided au ir.gneet
At the examination held Oot. 15th by
the New Jersey Board of Pharmacy at
Trenton, theta were 79 npplicuele for
registration, of ahem 27 peeeod end were
granted oert.floateo. Among successful
oaodrdatee toe see the name of David
Dewlap, a former Atwood boy, one of the
many bright Inde who have left This
village to seek their fortunes in dietant
lauds. We congratulate David on hie
sconces. He now aocupies a responsible
position in a largo drug store in Newark,
New Jersey. Canadian boyo get the top
positing in Cecile Sam'e domain.
Ben, Tughen, of Toronto University,
is home for the holidays.
Stoddard's Hockey Girls will play the
Lietowel Club on Christmas night ; a
great game ie expeoted ae the ladies play
championship hockey.
There will likely be a change made in
the Northern Hookey League ae
Kincardine and Luokuow wish to get in.
It these two tame are allowed to eon) in
the schedule will have to be re -arranged.
The frame barn of Andrew Anent,
Wallace street, was burned about four
o'clock Wednesday morning of last week.
An alarm was sound, d and the .brigade ,
gathered at the fire hall bat did not take
the reels out ea the place was ont of
reach of the water system. Mr. Ament
bad a cow burned in the fire.
William Godfrey, former elation agent
for the Grand Trunk here, pee to Fergus
to alit as agent for the Company there.
Mr. Godfrey has been relieving at
Whitechurch of Late and was rffered the
Lietowel enation baok again, but preferred
the lighter work at Vargas. Mr. Smith,
the present egeut,is giving good tabs.
faction at-Lietowel,
A convention of the Liberals of North
Perth will be held at 2 p. m. on Wednee•
day, Deo, 30th, in McDonald's Hall,
Lietowel, for the purpose of organizati to
and probably the selection of a candidate
for the Commons. A meeting of the
local Liberals will be held in the Mnaio
Hall annex on Monday evening, Deo,
28th at eight o'Olook to selectdelegates
for the oonyention. All friende are
Mies Rose Taylor, bookkeeper at
Porter's butober shop, was overcome by
the fumes of (he exhaust from hie gee Feb.
engine which ie located in the basement
°lose to her desk. The exhaust had not
a clean pas8age to the open air and
though Mime Taylor noticed the emelt
she did not think moth about it except
that it was rather unpleasant and shortly
afterwards she woe noticed Bitting in her
chair, unconscious. The efforts of a
ample of medical men revived her after
a couple of boure bnt'it was a few days
before she was able to resume work,
On Monday evening of Net week while
lighting the gee in the show window of
J W. Wright', restaurant the tisane
paper in eome way caught fire. The
whole window woo neon la a blaze hat
was quickly put oat• by those in the
restaurant at the time, The damage
was Blight but would have been very serf.
one if it had not been pot on at the start.
This it the second limo lately that Mr;,
Wright hag had the misfortune to have
a slight blaze, !l'here wag a0 'patience,
Mentioned from page 4)
George Caldor, repairing culvert
George Calder, planking bridge
Aug, 10 A. McDonald, a ikos for culverts
Robert Coutts, for gravel
Alex, MaKay
Ira Taylor
Wm, MoNeeland, team on grader
Hartwell Spoken, gravelling on eideroad 6, con, 10
S. S. Cole, timber for bridges
Aug. 10 George Speiran, for gravel
Thomas Davidson, timber for Mitchell's bridge
Thomas Davidson, for gravel
Nelson Plant, gravelling on Howiok bdy,
Henry Bateman, for gravel
Francis Mills, for gravel
L. A. Mason, for gravel
John Brandt, culvert Henfryn road
John Brown, commutation Statute labor
15 Bandsman Dunn, for gravel
Sept. 7 Nelson Plant, for culvert
James Oolclough, for gravel
William Milne, for oulvort on Elma bdy,
Robert Close, for gravel
Robert Blair, repairing oolvert eideroad 4
Henry Alcock, grading eideroad 4, con. 16 and 17
James Ferguson, for gravel
Robert Lowe, team on grader
30 George Kerr, gravelling on Morrie bdy,
Oot, 5 John MoEwau, for gravel
Richard Armstrong, for gravel
Donald Carnpbell, inspecting gravelling
George McDonald, for gravel
Job L. King, repairing culvert
George Caruthers, work on eideroad 3, con. 1
David Carson, gravelling on eideroad 6, con, 3
Edward Gallia, culvert on Elma bdy,
George Clark, for gravel
Robert Love, repairing culvert
Samuel Burke, underbruehing
0. B, Stokes, for gravel
William. Riley, inspecting gravelling
W. H. Humphries, epikee and bolts
R. L. Taylor, gravelling eideroad 8, coo, 16
L. McDonald, timber for culverts
Nov, 9 A. McDonald, repairing bridge
William Riley, gravelling on Turnberry Bdy.
William Kerr, gravel
George Johnston, for cedar
William Austin, repairing road S. R. 5, con. 1
John Highbine, clearing timber on` S. R. 4, eon. 1
William Sharpine, culvert Howiok bdy.
P. J. Bishop, repairing road S. R. 8, eon. 4
George Speirao, gravel
Robert Vodden, underbruehing S. R, 4, con. 6
Fiernee Blanes, gravelling lot 86, con. 6
Thomas Stevenson, gravel
Lawrence A, Mason, gravelling lot 28, eon. 8,
Henry Al000k, culvert lot 20, con, 17
Henry &t000k, culvert lot 26, eon. 17
George Mann, gravelling lot 27, con, 13
John Bernath, culvert lot 1, con. 8
William Oakley, gravel
Joseph Redmond, shovelling gravel
Ira Taylor, gravel
George Robiuson, levelling S. R. 5, con. 15
Walter McKay, for timber for bridge lot 26, con. 17,
Joseph Redmond, gravelling lot 35 con. 16
Charles One, for timber for bridge lot 27, con, 17
John Forrest, repairing ooraper
S. S. Cole, timber
27 John Dnnoaneon, gravelling S. R. 2, con. 11
John Duncanson, for wood scraper
Richard Mills, culvert at lot 84, con. 6
Nov. 80 Robert Dockett, gravelling at lot 20, con. 18
Deo. 15 Treas. of Logan, Grey's share on Bdy.
Walter Innes, epikee
William White, repairing bridge
stringers for bridge
Thomas Strachan, gravel
William McKelvey, gravel
George Pollard, repairs to grader
Duff & Stewart, for cedar
William MoNeeland, work on 8. R, 5 coo. 6
Thomas Steveneon, gravel
William Mitchell,
Robert Meuziee,
Andrew Doig,
Ned. Hannah, gravelling on Wallace Bdy,
Arch. McDonald, gravel
John MoEwen, gravel
Samuel Campbell, gravel
S. S. Cole, lumber for onlverte
Joseph Hannah, gravelling on Elma Bdy,
Walter Malley, gravelling on Logan Bdy.
Mre, Haneuld, supply for grader
Edward Coate, work on Elma bdy.
John Hamilton, gravel
Francis Miller,
John W. Rose, "
Enooh Clark, for culvert S. R. 3, con. 18
1 00
6 20
4 12
9 80
22 48
9 44
3 00
22 60
100 49
14 58
2 50
20 80
24 00
8 40
9 44
2 00
7 00
12 31
8 76
15 24
4 87
4 24
6 00
1.4 10
41 80
3 00
45 00
5 60
31 75
12 12
13 56
2 50
2 00
38 40
2 50
25 20
1 00
8 00
4 80
1 50
1 87
53 71
8 70
37 63
8 00
3 00
2 25
1 50
18 92
6 00
9 00
14 48
14 65
18 00
15 00
48 00
8 50
3 36
1 25
6 00
2 50
18 50
70 19
27 00
2 70
27 14
5 50
3 00
3 50
23 50
10 80
5 25
2 00
5 44
8 00
7 56
20 70
2 32
17 60
9 20
2 80
12 00
4 BO
8 00
4 00
6 00
18 30
9 60
1 25
8 88
3 36
2 88
8 72
2 50
9 2851 76
April 20 W. H. Kerr, printingBy-law Lamont Drain 10 00
W. H. Kerr, printing for Hanna Drain 1 00
W. H. Kerr, printing for Silver Corners. Drain 1 00
Municipal World stationery for Clerk 4 13
May 11 W H. Kerr, printing By-law 201 Lamont Drain 20 00
26 John McIntosh, for stationery 8 00
Munioipal World, for stationery 4 75
Aug. 10 W. H. Kerr, on account 15 00
Oct. 5 Henry Delion, printing notices 1 50
Nov 9e on
W. H . Kerr, account
15 00
W. H. Kerr, printing McLean Drain By-law 12 00
Deo. 16 W. H. Kerr, printing Whitfield Drain By-law 12 00
W. H. Kerr, balance of printing contract 20 00
John Molntosh, postage and stationery 19 79
Alex. McNair, postage and stationery 3 77
Municipal World, for etationery 2 37
Aug. 8 8. S. Treasurers per Inopeotor'e warrant for Leg, grant
Deo. 4 Trustees order for School Seo. No. 4
u „ "3
n U.u�
44 11
41 11 11
" ° 41 u „ 1
„ o "II " 5
It „ 1 14 g 41. .0..tl
14 14 "
" ° " u u
" 12
" 10
" 2
No. 7
2 M. Ferguson, M. D.
John Cardiff, for services 1902
" " " 1903
Robert W. Livingston, services
Thomae McDonald, "
John McIntosh,
Thorne MoFadzean
Dr, Ferguson,
Dr. Ferguson, ditty to contagious dieeaeeo
2 Mrs. John Rilley, funeral exponeee
22 John Robe Robertson, for Sick Children
26 Wm, Holmes, balance of County rate for 1902
Bank Commiasiou for draft
Mar. 6 Principal No. 1, Greig Drain
$ 160 31
397 00
390 87
406 27
271 40
276 86
710 19
366 02
860 42
337 25
201 04
502 22
153 70
9 45
718 22
$ 5155 41
4 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
10 00
$ 66 00
35 00
5 00
9 40 00
218 75
9 214 00
17 46
'1H1 BiltU138ZL8 POST
April 25
Aug. 8
Sept. 23
Oot, 1
Deo, 4
Deo. 12
Debenture No, 2, Hall Drain
„ 2, MoToggart Drain
4, Fraser Drain
, „ 2, con, 14 Drain
6 Beeualtalnp Drain
„ „ 15, Silver Oornere Draw
Mar, 6 20 ooupono No. 1, Greig Drain
April 25 19 ,, „ 2, Hall Drain
Aug. 8 19 „ „ 2, MoTaggart Drain
Sept, 23 17 „ „ 4, Fraser Drain
Oot, 1 19 „ „ 2, con. 14 Drain
Deo, 12 10 „ „ 11, Silver Corners Drain
Feb. 2 A. McKay & Co„ for hinges, hooka and nail,
Munioipal World, supplies to Clerk
Jacob Portnoy, refund of taxes
Damen Brown
Amos Smith
H, F, McAllister, coal oil, deo
Mar. 3 William Welsh, wood for Township Hall
County Treasurer, uncollected roll
William Fogel, Beate in hall
April 20 David Carson, olearing obstructions in Maitland
Roy Fraser, drawing tile
John McIntosh, for telephone
May 11 Philip Ament, grinding blade of grader
26 Samos Turnbull, aid to wire fence
Thos. Chapman, repairing closet
Henry Bu tory, burying dog
Anthony Reymann, making 'reboot map
June 1 Kreuter & Ritchie, for 6 tape lines
July 13 William Bryane, aid to wire fence
Regietrstion of Lamont and Hanna Draine
Huron Expositor, advertising
Aug. 10 George Coombee, aid to wire fence
H. F. MoAllieter, for coal oil
Geo. Dunlop, assisting Engineer eideroad 4, con. 16
John Campbell, burying a calf
A. Reymann, re Voterslist
F. S, Scott, re Voters' list
John McIntosh
A. M. Sweeton, engineer's expenses
George Clark, aid to wire fence
Krauter & Ritchie, tin box for Olerk
Robert Livingston, delivering By-law Hanna Dram
Nov. 16 Bolton Drain, for deficit
Nov. 9 P. J. Bishop, assisting Engineer 6 con. drain
John Steveneon, aeeieting engineer, 6th con. drain
Alfred Hollenbeck, aid to wire fence
W. 8, MaKeroher, Insurance on Tp. Hall
Krauter & Ritchie, collector's roll
16 John MoDonald, aeeieting Engineer 6 con. drain
Deo. 15 John B. Hyde aid to wire fence
Frank Collins, aid to wire fence,
William Doneaneon, aid to wire fence
Hugh Elliott, refund of soh, tax
Jane Kelly refund of seh. tax
Dec, 11 Standard Bank for note
Dec, 11 Standard Bank for loan
Jan, 12 A. Reymann, for polling booth No. 7, Mon. election $
A Reymann, " " 7, Referendum election,
A. Reymann'
as D. R. 0. booth 7
Feb. 2 James Mitchell, as D. R. 0. booth 2
Neil McNair, D. R 0. No. 4
J MoIntoeb, for Births, Marriagee and Deaths
P. J. Bishop, Collector for 1902
J. Krauter,
John Cott, D. R 0. No. 1
J. Molntoeb, " " 5
J. McIntosh, delivering Ballot Boxes
John Grant, for polling booth No. 2 Moniaipal
" " " " Referendum
EdwardBryane, No. 1 Municipal
Edward Bryane, " No. 1 Referendum
John Dunbar, " " No. 6 Municipal
John Dunbar, No. 6 Referendum
Oliver Turnbull, D. R. 0. No, 3
Mar. 3 John Ridley, D. R. 0. No. 6.
John M. Davie, Auditor
James A. McLachlan, Auditor
Alex. McKay for polling booth No. 4 Municipal
Alex. McKay for polling booth Nn. 4 Referendum
Mer. 26 Alex. Stewart for polling booth No, 3 Referendum
Alex Stewart for polling booth No. 3 Municipal
May 26 A. McNair for Fivauoial statement for 1902
Anthony Raymann,aeeeeeor
Out. 12 Anthony Reymann, eelecting Jurors
Dee. 16 Robert W. Livingston, salary as Reeve
Robert W. Livingston for selecting Jurore
John Molntoeh,eatery se Clerk
John Maiutoeh for selecting Jurors
Thomas Chapman, eatery se caretaker
William Fraser, ealary as Councillor
William Work, eatery as Councillor
Adam Turnbull, eatery as Coanoillor
John Grant, salary as Councillor
Alex, McNair, cutlery ns Treaearer •
9 1724
20 8
177 8
106 4
54 6
265 4
62 5
$ 677 2
10 6
11 41
8 4
4 01
1 60
2 50
12 80
14 54
9 50
3 00
1 00
2 00
16 80
18 00
4 50
6 10
1 40
1 50
5 25
10 00
9 00
7 80
$ 204 69
9 2000 00
5 31 00
Apr. 20 F. 8. Soott, aeeieting Mutineer Lamont Drain 15 00
May 11 James Johneton, for ditch on S. R. 2 onn, 18 4 03
26 James Fulton, tile drain B. R. 2 eon. 12 2 00
June 15 John L. MoKse, drain on Howiok B'd'y 1 00
Henry Armstrong, ditch and tile 2 50
Jnly 18 Ronald McNaughton, tile for dram lot 15, eon. 6 3 22
John Savage, tile for dram lot I5, eon. 4 3 00
Charles Pollard, drain on Morrie B'd'y 4 00
James Fulton, tile dram 8 R. 2 eon. 17 2 25
Mark Cardiff, ditch lot 10, con, 13 2 00
Aug. 10 John Roger, 0. E., for Bowen award ditch 13 00
John Roger, A. MoDonald award ditch 16 60
John Roger, J. K. Baker award ditch 24 00
William MoAllieter tile dram S. R Zoon, 17 2 00
Oct, 5 John Hanna, olearing ditch 75
Wesley Young, digging drain 8. R 6 con. 8 16 00
John Bolger, ditch on Morrie B'd'y 3 26
Dan. Gavage, olearing ditch on 8 R 8 eon, 5 12 50
John Highbine, digging drain B. R 3 coo. 2 14 64
John Gainer ditching on Elma B'd'y 26 25
James W. Grant for tile drain lot 1 eon. 16 10 70
Nov. 9 William Rilley tile (train on Morrie B'd'y 4 25
Ronald MoNanghton, for tile 1 19
Robert Duckett, part payment on Hndeon award drain 24 00
Maury Alaock, clearing drain S. R. 1 eon. 14 10 05
Ronald McNaughton, tile for drain lot 1, eon. 16 11 69
Hugh McKay, for digging drain 20 00
Angne McKay for digging drain 20 00
Robert Clark, for tile daaio 2 50
Deo. 16 Samuel Wright, for thee 1 44
John W. Rose, aeeieting Eng. 6 con. drain 5 25
John Reid aeeieting Eng. 6 eon. drain 6 00
John Malntosh,registering Bolton Drain, By-law 2 00
Dongald McTaggart, assisting Eng. McLean drain 4 50
Geo. Whitfield, for tile dram 6 50
Geo, Dunlop, assisting Engineer McLean drain 3 00
Geo. Dunlop aeeieting Engineer Silver Corner drain ..,3 00
Hyslop, maiming Municipal drain 3 00
John Dougherty, notating Silver Corner drain 2 25
Daniel Mahon aeeieting Silver Corner drain 3 00
Thomae Dougherty, modeling Silver Corner drafty 8 00
William Woods, °leering ditch S. R. 3 000, 10 1 00,
L, Mason, drawing tile for dram lot 26, eon. 8 2 50
Robert Dockett, bal. pay't on Hndeon drain award 6 00
9 822 61
3 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
16 20
40 00
40 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
3 00
4 00
3 00
4 00
3 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
10 00
10 00
3 00
4 00
4 00
8 00
7 50
95 00
4 40
88 00
4 00
175 00
4 00
17 00
62 00
48 00
52 00
47 00
86 00
5 868 70
Pelt. 20 Debentures
May 80 Interest
Nov. 80 Interest
Special levied to meet deficiency
May 1 Cash to Local for loan
Sept. 7 Louie Steins, for farm bridge
29 William Connelly, on ooutraot
912 91
6 87
8 7
82 38 $ 1010 58
89 20
10 00
400 00
i n r C o,
We are about closing up par Millinery department for this Beason and
during the °ext 10 days all MiOluery Goode will be °leered out regardless
of cont, We are determined to carry nothing over. Terrific reduction
will be made in Trimmed Hate, Ready -to wear Hate, Wings, Flowers, Etc,
Everything mast go, if we only get half price for them.
Ladiee' Ready to wear Hate, worth $1 for 60c,
Ladiee' Hat Shapes, all new goods, at half price.
Ladies' Ready to wear Hate, very stylish, worth $2 for $1.
Misses' and Ohildreo'e Hate, new goods, at half prise.
Ladiee' Trimmed Bate, up to date, worth 95 for 92.50,
Ladiee' Hate, trimmed in the latent style, worth 910 for 55 95,
We are clearing out our Ladies' Cloth Coate at very low prioes. Our
t Ladiee' Astraohan Coate have all been marked down to clearing prioes, We
have a few Ladiee' Cloth Coate left over which we are slaughtering.
Ladiee' Coate that were Bold for $4.50, 06, 05 and 97.60, we give your choice:
for $2 each, and a few lower priced nate, your choice 51 50.
WRAPPERETTES-We show Bone great values in Fancy Reversible
Wragperettee, wide width, heavy weight, good oolore, good value at 100.
Our p,ioe white they last no.
Nov. 5 Connelly & Waters, balance on contract 396 34
9 Anthony MoDonald, for epikee 80
Otto Schnook, for farm bridge 10 00
Anthony Raymann, for culvert 9 00
26 5, S. Cole, for timber 7 66
Deo, 15 Jae. M, Knight, farm bridge 10 00
Valentine Forrester, farm bridge 10 00
L. McNeil, farm bridge 10 00
John Roger, inepeoting
21 00 9 973 50
$ 37 08
Jan, 1 Balance from 1902 1242 86
Nov, 30 Interest 18 40 9 1261 28
Jan, 1 John Roger, Engineer to looal for loan 16 50
Oot. 5 Robert Ransom, repairing 1 00
Deo. 15 P. J, Bishop, assisting engineer
1 50 $ 19 90
$ 1242 28
Jan. 1 Cash in Standard Bank 8395 42
Nov, 30 Interest 31 84 $ 8427 2G
Jan. 12 Louie Steles, for work on culvert 2 00
Feb. 3 Guhr & Fogel, on contract 320 00
S. B. Cole, for lumber ' 49 75
Mar. 4 John Curtain, on contract 114.00
John Roger, for loan to local 92 50
W. H. Kerr, for printing local 1 00
May 29 Thos. Learmont, for cedar 4 50
June 15 Thoe, Williamson, for farm bridge 10 00
Guhr & Fogal, on contract 60 OD
19 Curtain & Reid, on contract 300 00
July 13 Robert Dougherty, drawing lumber 2 00
John McNabb, drawing timber 3 00
Aug. 10 S. S. Cole, for timber and plank 41 15
rContinned on page 83
As the season is rapidly pas-
sing along we are offering our
Ready-to-wear Millinery atR
OCIICreduced prices clear them out.
Our Millinery Department is
in better shape than ever to sup-
&% ply Fashionable Goods at Reason-
able Prices.
are determined to please
all who f aver us with thei pat-
ronage. at
ronage. P
A call will be appreciated.
•,Yi; �lv
�.J; rt Fl U) r'��,�j
F,d,i rf
Choice Stock of
'�,f f3a�
••., :ROBES,uOs
&C, &C.
A fine range of Robes, best in the market, has been
opened up consisting of :-
--Plush and Wool
Rugs, a very choice
-In Horse Blankets a large stock is carried
at Close Prices.
and sold
Repairing Promptly Attended to
Sig rl of
Horse's Head