HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-24, Page 3KERRY CTM ENGLAND NEWS BX 1Y1AIL • ABOUT ,707;11V' BULL AND I• I5 PEOPLE. Occurrences 311 • the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial W o1'ld. The last tanitntl!1' has boon thewet- test experienced In the 'British Estes The ltturilimo Allis of Eastern fol Nasty yours, Franco have long boon noted us be- '1'hm•a is it+eve three minion la0ts ing tho haunt of the most ferocious acres under the plough 111 Great 13r1- Loin Limo woe tha caro 31) years -ago. Immoilialo stops aro to be taken by the Moll'op011tan Even (hurcli Fed- eration with r ^spout to the ulieux- pioyo(1 question A municipal le:ephonL s'st010 has born 111:nlglnatod Ily tho Boyar of Swim:we. 14 has already 860 sub- scr ibus, tool ,t, is to cost 120,800, '1'110 first. tucbhirl f”.0 cr, t.hO Anus- ft beltally, injured, fie managed to 3tltst„ waa recently 10110ehril front (11110 oft tris winged aan -suilts, with _ 0000 ODA] FEATHERED ENEMIES collectors, wary though they are Lognontly come to grata while die- as101a JIIRnlnel't(ble have overtaken EAGLES AND SEA. ?OWLS ART' aulatcur0. FIERCE FZGTITE,B,S, PRAISE FOR TEE ESQUIMAU. A .Postman's Experiofco—Two -"- French Tour:fists Killed An I11C1nS 13 ci Chap Who DetlOrvos Eagles, a Helping ;Hand, noel powerful Mood of eagles in exis- tence. L'lildrell in:uuue(able ha.o Tho natives of .Alnoka aro a fost- dwll'. Haler race. '1,`, 011• owl fs 1[i,,3t:o which tho kaiser is peculiarly s118- 1'robahly their mid.ay owl r.eult' c1pt1111n: AC all events, he act only rose higher than tl'o 1111(101,:31' nun UM. alnc,d 100 Ioplto numeral spate rhos in this lutittiro, appropriations for the t•neoarngr-! Diose of Lao 1',oidntoa in itlns•I(a are relent of tousieal tnfonl, hut added heoa carried 1)3 by them, ah.d they gathe.erl at alio ,r,1 „os lint the 0110 thousuuil niurka 11 p'onr alit of bank, and begged or bullied her fond brothel's till they gage iron from their s(o)'lllgs. But tho whole amount Was not large, so Princess Louise re- turned to her father with tears in tier eyes, and told him that he untst. do the root. 'J'ho royal 'Iva" was 0301 ted rnttool y. 11 it' said tImo 1 the Priurrns I.n'ura•'y 301.111.3 are it forth of fetnlume influent., The sati4fact•on of having thi. washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every oven attack adults on occablolia, ttavelw•e will lir:d a few in v11101.1101 his iu•ivat0 purso. NeCar lheless, 1t user of Sunlight Soap. toll sumrtimea with (1110 results, of two or ohne or half a Mama is probable tont. he will tidal. t.wi1,0 -._._ _._-. 000.0._._.._ _..- c -d In Joly, 18010, for instance, a post- ael.,os in 33r0_or 10(1'.1.101)1 for fish- boron) bringing rutother prodigy to THE 100 -MILL. TRA.411. man mooed Gustave Sika, who car-- hag, as 11011 10 t:'u'&taplo diet of ti esu UM attention of the prin.'s. Fled the mails on foot belay/ion the people• Stan 1.m 0311 el ea 0 ha•n We're Likely to Be Travailing at vi Rages Of 80111 olio and Puget 'Hien- 0 �— That Bate. tats wns pet upon while (•rn sing the We nut, I(i111 1)1P1an1'0 that our spa' 5) 001 Ocr ing 1.10010 at 7o: sea, Germany, JUL \e oat yet satiated their hanger for para, and too i•ed 11.0 10 co'. 11 tl:e other day for 110 loss than 4 lc hour, says .•i S.1 e 7. D miles per 1, rut t e t e.t Railway Journal, They seem to be rivetmiming air pt'e,s1re rather condo, tally up to the present, and William Doeg, of Strong Tc+w e- ism have I:eerd nothing about the ship, Hale and Hearty Aaar ulotors fulling Or 3110 110.4811 1 otty- Fow; Years of Torture—The ing in 1ho front end of the car. Story of His Sickness and Itis 1'crhaps the doubting gontl0nuen who figured on the motors burning Cure. out from ova:load at EO niil+•s ler 101 but (a ten.ual,1 of 010.0 30111(010 11 11)031. Contact Wil./1 the whit() race has had a groat doal to to with 31 oir (IOt1)•i(rati0n. '1'• oy A. o wi I1'-ey, and,like )111 other native races, a.0 SAT NIGHT AND DAY IN A CHAIR pave by three large coati -birds, and the. 1'lswick 5111111ruilaing yard. liar di)., 10,10(11001 151 ;1,000 tolls. teary ISt"eadressmakera was awarded 8%27,0 against 13811 de Grey for injuries 31(1tainoci by being rust S ' car. driven by his 1c1•[til 1 t i s motor c A V. Cl. Warl.rcccntly sold at :iotho- hy'n rooms, London, for 14:1. It was wen by a private of the Dragoon (lunrds during the liollan tiutiny. W. P. J'olurston, at London engin- eer, was awa•dcd 1:3,000 damagen against 'the Groat Woetcl'n hallway for injuries to his left log; which ren- dore(1 111m lame, hour 111811ed lady teachors watched tho washing, drviug and dressing of n. bnhy nt tho board room of the LOIUIOn School 1101r(1 to bo able to teach .Loaminess. (:apt. Leinster, of North Shields, who last year was sentenced at 'Dur- ban to five yours' p011a1 servitude for burning the ship Richmond, has died in prises. the aid of hi:; ulpenstucl(, and 040(1- t aly ht( ie his dattla t n with reached lira hag of haters. But 11114 011r0 te1.10 from the first regarded as hopeloss by IPP local (10 1010, (11(i sur0 et.0ugh, Lifter lingering In lar:e'criha- Illo agony for Fix days, he succumbed 1.0 Lis wounds. Meanwhile two young French. tour- ists, 130mis. JOaepll Monatnd and Aotoioo Neyssel, wont up into the mountains to try to trill the birds that had do,o the damage, and w'er0 savagely attacked in tl mfr turn. Both men were. armed, but the sud- den onslaught of the winged (reat- ures completely unlrorved them, and after tiring only one shot they TRIED TO ESCAPE by running. Tho 111r(a, however,. struck them down oro they had gore many yards, and they would have doubtless been torn to pieces whoro they lay but for the opportuno arra- vat of a party of shepherds. These Damage dor.°. lly his bulls valuing succeeded in rescuing 141r. Neyssol. foil a cycle shop at ]lrintol WETS the alive, but terribly injured, he having reason of John Gyfo•d, a Sul(olk suotailled no fewer than ten seat's° Woun(ts In tho head and back, besides innumerable minor lacerations and abrasions. His companion, Mr. Dfonand, was killed out'tight early in the fray, and his body when re- covered presented- a most shocking aJ o tarlo. Mr Neyssel recovered at- tarpix weeks in bed, but is disfigured for life. Very tragic was the fate of Peter Thoralson and John llihbert, two seamen belonging to tko whaler Good Hope, who attempted for a wager to loath the summit of Pose!. - sine /eland sumo years ago. 'this, perhaps the most desolate and sel- dom -visited spot 011 the whole globe, is the home of myriads of sea. -fowl, w•t.o occupy the entire surface of the land, from the lowermost beach to. the top of the conical mountain which 0000(1ies the CENTRE OT' THE ISLAND. 1t wns noticed from the ship that too sitting birds attacked tho °spin'- et's t igorol'5 y as they weed through tIeni, pecking at them with their sharp beaks and scree, hing savagely, cattle dealer, having to pity the proprietor 110 (ltuunges, A London virtu' true said his fam- ily were "nearly starving" pcovailed nu tho Illoomsbury County Court judge to resciu'1 an order committing him Lo prison for deht. At sin itiquesl on a w01110.11 at Brentford, who had acquired the habit of chinking laudanum, her doc- tor said she, had told hila it was 101' only pleasure of life, An American oiliest]) who commit- ted a1(10ide in Bloomsbury, London, bogimalhed his body to a medical college. The coroner pointed out Grit s':ch a hoquest in not valid in low, According to n Leeds; by-law clerks With small wogos, gh•ls, such as poet - office nlllployes, rout apprentices in "clean'' trad%s, aro not "worltmen.'' Thep have not the advantage of cheap cal' fares. Ono of the gold medals presenterl to Nelson after the victory of the Nilo W110 recently sold at London for 1113. During a tiro in Soho, London, in but no one anticipated clangor. the•absenca of their mothor, aEbur- \Vhon about two-thirds of the as - year -old boy fend a fourteen month rent had been completed, however, blahy w'Pfe rawest by their three-year the 111011 Wer0 seen to be in dilllcul- old sister, who dn'aggncl than frau ties, and a feller party was organize o(l; but at that moment there sprang Hui roan, Charles Mousy Salmon, solicitor, of up ono of those terrific blizzards ,four years ago woe that aro so frequent in the Antal tie Leyton, who Moor!: aft tho rolls fora small of- regions, and conununir_ation bolwcon a fence, committed suicide by throwingshipand shore became for 1110 time being hiuwelf undo.. a train dimpossible. at Aldersgate it station, London. Next dayywas restored, but it was thein too late. The esl!lorors A woman named Ilowe, charged at wore found upright among tho guano, 11hu•lhorough Police Court, Lon00n, into which they had sunk up to with nllomptud suicide, said her has- their Waists, and quite dead, whilo band had sold leer to another man ,round the disfigured end mutilate:I for two shillings. She had lived bodies 1,111ed thousands of bloated with-11pr• purchaser flvc months. soafowl gored to 1eplotion with a Lor gr•eatoo 30.1O13, as Ilford w0- hideous and unwonted (lint, man deposited a cash box containing Ordinarily the osiri.ln is a shy £(i0 worth of property amongst route bizd, more ready to run than to olil rags. ITer servant girl sold the fight on the approl(ch of a human whole lot for 401, to a rag and bone being. But in the breeding season, -.letter, who cannot be traced, and especially when the hen has near- Pc0p10 of Portsmouth and parts of ly 'finished .sitting, tl:o old cock is ihr. Tsle. of Wight recently thought frequently little less dangerous than they had experienced an earthquake. A iVOUNDED TIGER, It wns a simultaneous explosion of tcrlible • tales are told i about. forty. mines by '1110 exporimen Cape any Colony of the ferocity \CIn A Fal st1101 of II, M. S. Vernon. which they Will then attack all and "I think tho interest and w01[aro sundry, and of the shociing injuries of 40,000,000 of ouc people here aro the are ablo to inflict" with their 1100)0 important 3111011, as I beltove, ldng pointed toes. Nor is escape at the mistaken policy. of 11,000,000 in all easy. A native w911 spring up tho colonies," said Sir Michael T•lioks- wards at the bin'd's long neck, and 31010011 at a conference of business gripping it tightly swing himseif o1 men i11 Manchester. 11is assailant's back, where be is A ch•aper woo at Bury St. Ed' comparatively safe. But woe be - mutual' soot;emed to 12 months hard tide hint if ho misses, 10bo1• for bigamy,after• a, un,u'010(1 The coou, ton, is equally dangerous life. of twenty-one years. LTO spent under similar circumstances. 'Bert" week (lairs with his first Wife mud Castleton, tl:e Wall -.known 'Anstra- woolc onds with the second. Ho endod Ii(011 explorer and p1•oseoctor, lost up by deserting both, his life in a fight with one of those 33'dS after 00331113 11.800.3110d THE ILI;MLDY A NUISANCE. through all sorts of dangers, Tho S01110 25 years ago m011300ses worn emu, an "old man" bird, took him imparted 11(10 13arbadoos to drive 01101)7(0'es, hurling !him to tl•e ground away tho, rats which ate the sugar- and breaking oar. of lois legs, after cal co. Now the sugar -planters havewhich it dclihora.toly sot to work petitioned the govornor to authorise and. pounded hila 1t' death. When the deetrucLi0ln of the 1110113005es 30- c111so the latter, in310114 of confining their at tont.ion to the fats, have (bison out many usefi,l nttti1'o ani- mal!, intln(linq 1iz01ds, which wino the enoull00 of tho inoil.bo)'Or cater- pillars, The catorialia it ore now loft toe to poonlrat.e ileo sugar -canes thoroiy a3`ordiug holes for the lodg- ment of destructive futgeses. Thus in the 101ti11a01 struggle for exis- tence nature herself is 311011 Rion(' to have 0stablisl:ecl the' bait system of eso ilibihun, into,foronc° with which bltrigs more ills than it drives away, --.--0- IV.II:ENCE COMES' COLOR, In ,what way colors aro produced is n; iuyslory still. Tdndless aro the 101016 pnoduvod from coal' tar, But how no sdientist can say. Why it is that in tho ieeitln w0 have, in fide heather, at deep, rich blue' is perhaps not generally I(11OIVn. There in al- ways above us a loaze, 1howover flue.: 'This haze is the aggregate of 1110 1111- eat colltbllla1i0n, t'1 moisture 011 dust par ti' les. And wat0r is 3(110; oven when 1Jstiil0d b1 o is its In3010nt 00181., A000rdingly the deop ilxto color in ilii upper 1)oavans is caused by tho light through depth of line have. '11 there was ,110 haze above, US 010 .411v' 13011111 Jae black ---that' 10, We wonj3/ be looking into the 3105)1" lions 01 lfniit4olts 03010. nut n lltall3 Indust Liet. s. 11efo l0 TILL DODD 'S KIDNEX PILLS the con.vlg c,f the willed loan s•tei•n CURED RIS RHEUMATISM. uccon dly mare to els proviim for the innne(liate future. The sea supplied them mail most of tl.eir food, anti 11 ere Wo o All d bc'.ries and V0710113 hinds of getout on the load to vary their fish diet. I3y i,state; MI (sat- ed from a long Deo of twee .tore, they are fishermen and home s, but by contact with the Caucasian ti o y Sundridge, Dec. 14.—(Special).— hour to 100 miles pr's hour will now aro l21al:erS of coshes nod traders. in their new avocations they have bo- After four years of Lecture, during be convinced that higher speeds aro comp dependent to a groat extent which he wits scarcely an hour lroo both possible mill practl"able. Ono upon the \vhile people. from pain, Wm. Doeg, n footnote, liv- hun'lrod and forty miles per hour is 1But the I i rbei vac is not r s ing 011 Oat. 3, s000ng Township, a decidedly hot pate, but it will i b c reS13011^ siblo for all their ills. The unsani_ and well known hero is a halo and tar state in wi icll 11.0 Iia i t : hearty nota. I)odd's esigeey fills go to press. IL has taken a good y y O s no many years to evolve the two -min - conducive) to longovihy. r `OLD im- cured hien. 1 says:ute trotting -horse, but 31 is `-ear we pica air 111 the natite Winter huts, Spcaking of his cute Mr. Dom 71 ave Lim in triplieato, and just so it the lack of 1..0,soual )lea,,li•ess, and "The trouble started in my back has 3001) with electric tailroaeing. much of the food 1'.0 Bata e Oats likely he b0ateu before A• wotld shorten the clays of the hard- iest people. The 1'131imo has 001110 qualities of character to be a•In1i. ell. 33e has of- ten shared Iris last bit of food with starving prOsportoi s or wrecked sail- ors. Ho is bright and ingenuous, wimple mirdeci as a 01111d, with a happy dispo..ition, that takes no thought of the morrow. IIo is bad only when under the influence of liquors. 7110 Govo-nmenL• should make some provisions for the 1'.s'•imo. Ile can bo m0(13 self -stiletto! ting, poo sibly a contributor to the wealth of the world, by placing hint in a I1 o of wo1'k for which fature fitted him. Provide him with modern appliances earl means for fishing and whaling, and with proper.management 11e will become a producer of wealth. WEIGHT 011' TAE BRAIN. Development Follows Dilferio.g Lines of Work, M. 11faLhlega, an anthropologist of Prague, has,just male some Onor0st- big experiments with 10gard to the weight of brain in different branches of tho community. Having first os- certaiocd that the mato br•aitn weighs on an average 1,400 grammes. and the female brain 1,200 grammes be- tweon the ages of 20 and 00. he has gathered the following sa118101 3, bas- ed on tie study of the brains of 235 persons, ditTering widely in their occupation and int:011eotual culture : Grammes. Day laborers 0000..... 1,400 Workmen and 11118131011 labor - 0r 1,153 Pottors, gmardiars and watch- .1,4 36 1 Arca ma .. 131o.hordes 000,0 Business 11101 Phye'i,ciaus and processors .1,600 Tho manefactu0ing or salo of al- coholic drinks is not favorable to co'obral Oot0101)nlen1, judging by the light weight of the brains of blooms, 511001.ke03ors, and waiters in cafes. Tho average weight among this class Is only 1,11.0 grammes, whereas it rises to 1.,442 among cahiuotlnal'ers, 1,146 among shoomalco's, and 1,447 an1Utng blacksmiths, locksmiths, and other workers in iron and steel. THE FIRST BABY. What joy there is it the home when tho first baby cotuos, and yet to the ,young and inoxporicncod mother who has to care for it thorn is no other period of her life so trying. In the liltlo We that are certain to come tho inexporioncod mothor scarcely knows what to do. To tho young mother—to all mothers—Baby's Own Tablots are a real blessing. They promptly euro such troublos as con- stipation,' colic, sour stomach, diar- rhoea and simple fevers, 3.'hoy break up colds, destroy worms, allay the irritation accompanying .the cutting of feoth and prevent more serious ills. These Tablets aro sold under a guarantee to contain 110 opiate, nor any other of the 33(011ul drugs al- ways found in the so-called "Sooth- ing' modi0inos. They aro good for all children from the now born babe mixt day, .tiro body was dL:co•� ere.l to the woll grown child. I1 you do by o f.0alchhrg pari}, it was found root find tho Tablets at your medl- io Kato sustained no fewer than sixty-ihiTe twou1)110, many of them of the most, shod.ing ohmmeter, STRONGEST PEAK. Tho strongest and most formidable beak among birds of prey is ovrod by the'Tlgyl:tfan vulture. TI is bird ,is "prole ted" throughout No•the'n. Afriva, as it acts the part of a sanxeinger, anddoes not, as a rule, use. upon living (11.Oaturas the (0rrihie weemo11 with which nature has en- dowed 11. But when famine falls (1(10)1 tho laud, as in certain districts Is not inhcquontly the case, tho vole tore at onto 1)00011106 a source of acttto and very positive ('anger. Gar - no longer available. brtgc is. then 8 able. ll'anger )010(10)3 him foro(iou0, and, on occasions, I;o will not hesitate t0 attach even adult human beings, Weird tales used to ho told of the strength and ferocity of the condo'. As a noattor of fort this giant among vultur0o is comparatively ho131035 'oxcopt d(i1•ing tido hosting 00x6011, 'rhtn both male and female betotio not inlr031101)11y wantonly aggressive, and they Will, bookies, Invariably light to the lest in (1OCO)ic0 of their eggs 0r thele young, Via' this reason tho man who 'aspires to Mt) ' a condor's °eyr'10, arrolupllsitos his task always at tho risk of Ilya Oin0 dealers send 25 coats to The Dr. Williams 1Ylodioino Co., Brock- ville, Ont., and a box will ho mailed you post paid. THE PRINCESS AND P,EPITO. I3ow the Kaiser Was Influenced by • Xis Daughter. Princess Victoria Louis°, the only girl in the Raiser's largo family, al- though oho is only eleven year old, already promisor to be a patron of musicians. As in the cnso of other daughters not royal, it is "father" who has to pay in coin of the realm for this'syiupathy with genius, Tho London Chronicle says that a musician in Berlin told tho emperor or the woildorful piano -playing of a small boy POpito Arriola. The boy was biddon '10 tllo,palae0, Tho em- peror told the prinOoss that 3110 was to be present at tho cOttcert, and ad- ded that she must listen closely, for Popito played oven better than ma- ma. aAlthough the little girl said. that sho did not believe that 10 be 30ssiblo, oho was delighted With I'epito's playing. On acing told that ho Was 3060, she baidt "Wo' 11nrst help bifid" life, The native Peruvian .and Chil- She Tann off and emptied h61 own and the pain got so bad 1 could not lio down to take rest, but had to sit night and day in a chair. "The pain would sometimes move to other parts of my body, and when in my knees I was 0111 01)33 10 walk, "I was treated for Rheumatism 1)3' t,bn hundred mile -al• -hour train is several doctors, and also tried din- much nearer to reality than it has ferent modi)ines without receiving ever been before. That speed ns any benefit, I roared I would novel' quite feasible whonooer it is 0cln:ulde again be free from pain. ed. and it is moreover, gait° high "My attention was called to cures anough to meet the requirements of by Dodd's Kidney Pills and I started humanity for some little 111110 to to use them, Before I had finished como. Its real importance lies, as tho second box I was a now man, en- We have often remote:cod, in its ap- tirely free from pain. It has not plication to long lines on whlth the come back since." saving of time would bo l 0,101401. Uric acid in the blood is the cause Cutting down the running time to of Rheumatism. If the Kidneys aro Flatboat or Hackensack may de - Once the 1'0c01•ds began to break they fairly blew up and left only small fragments, One hundred and forty ores • per hour, oven if nut outdone by a coir steerable margin, still memos that working right thoy take all the uric out of tho blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills 01ake the Kidneys work right. FETICH DOCTORS. Rave Just Stirred Up a Revolt in the Congo Free State. A despatch from Loudon says that fetidt.doctors in the Lomami District of the Congo State, about 000 miles from the Atlantic, have stirred 71p many nati\bs to re.olt, fortifying their courage to this point by 1100au- tatiors width will 1021(1et• t1oin in- of that lino is by no moans 'novo- vulnerable to the Lutists of the bablo. Soinohow the hundrel-rnilo- whi (ns. 1001ichism is recognized as an im- pediment to progress on the Congo. Jost as the Congo StatP has made the crimes of slave raiding, cannibal- ism, and human sacrifices punishable with death, so it has placed the acts of tiro fetich doctor on the list of misdemeanors, and punishes these mon when they are caught plying tl eh' trade. These fellows live by their wits, Thoy keep alive faith in the efficacy of charms, belief in witch craft, and many other harmful superstitious. Any ono is likely to be accused of being a witch if he happens to have property that 4s covoted by tho chief or the fetich doctor, of has in- curred the hatred of sones ono whom the folith mon desires to plea c. The natives belie0e that the person thus noosed is a wizard, and when ho takes tho poison test, and staggers and falls under the 1111110I1c0 of the drug, his guilt Is considered as es- tablis'bod, and tho by-standers rash at Lim and beat hila to death. Dr. i3entley, cf the Baptist mis- sions, wrote a white ago that many bun:drods of terrible stoles of this kind with hutch variety of detail might .doily bo co'lected. He told of a case on the Lowor Congo where eighteen men were compelled to suf- for death Nowise a fetich doctor ac- cused them of causing the death of six mon wino hod boon clro8wnod by the upsetting of their canoe. As fast as the influence of tho Congo Stale is extended over its vast domain, the aut110011ios aro malting much trouble for the folich cloetor by fimininishing his prestige and punishing him for practising his art. So he regards white men as his spc:ial enemies, ancl, if possible, stirs up the natives against thorn. ter tee dyspepsia of the commuter for another season or two, but it is sot commercially important. It is cutting the time on long runs that counts—reducing the time to Wash- intrton to loss than threo hours, and convurtiug the trip to Chicago into a mere flight's run. It is 21081 announced that the ox- petit/lents have been conducted large- ly with the idea cf the early applico- tion• of the system to the railroad c0nreeting Be lin with Hamburg, dis- taut by tall 176 rates from each other, and that an early conversion 33)ISB,3BLI WAS A COWARD. Tho late oar] of Beaconsfield was gifted with any amount of political and moral courage, 'but he was an abject coward physically. When ho was still plain Mr. Disraeli his wife once said of .hiss: "Bunjalnin is 1110 greatest coward I over saw. Why, do you know I always havo to, pull the string of his shower bath?" And the groat man was fain to confess that this WPM tactually the case. asieeeesaaaaaseeaseeeeeseeeiaseeeseereamiseeee You can't cure a cough or cold from theg outside. You must cure it through the blood, g l Cure The Lung Tonic is the only, remedy that will do this. It gets right to the root of tho trouble. It is guaranteed 16 cure, Prldeft 25c., 600 and S 1(00 5, 0, WELLS & CO, Toronto, Leon. 'Lenny, N,v. f an -hour train looks (teaser than it did a few months ago, and our spy- glass is still trained in the direction of Germany. Physician (to patlont's wi(0)--•"Why diel you delay sending for mo until your husband was unconscious?" Wife—"Well, doctor, as long as he re- tained his senses he wouldn't let us send for you." ((('TATS OF 0100, CITY Ole TOI,3Do, I atoms COUNTY, iJ6 FRANK, J. CIIIINI:Y- mattes °nth that he is senior partner of the Min of P. .1. CHEN1)Y S: CO., doing business a the City of Toledo, County and 'Lata aforesaid, and 1hnt said atm will wv the aunt of ONE BUMMED i)OL- ,iC 0S for each and every case of CA - 1' J .1 ltltt3 that cannot be cured by the as0 of 11ALL'S CATARRit OCR S. F1tA N1{1. 01112NUY, Sworn to before me and subscribed 1n A Uplti0llce, this Ota day of December, A. 1V, GLEA3011, • Ay Notary Public, Iln)1's Catarrh Cure le tabs: 1013; - pally, and act, directly on the blood and 11111001(5 surfaces Ofthe system. Send for testimonials, free, F. J. 01II,11b)2 a U0., Toledo, 0. gold by all .Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family fills are the best. A BAD RECORD. 511100 1.352 mole than 26,000 con - Siete have boen scot to French Guia- na, of whom 84.1 per cont. die of ell ease, bar(lsldp and iusu13cient food. Mlnard's Liniment Cures iiiP htheria, "Can you tell 1no," said a lazy man to a witty acgt,aintance, "of a plan for getting up earlier in the morning? T boons to be getting later and later every day." "Well," said the friend, "just continua as at pres- ent, getting up later every day, and by-and-by yon Will be Ftp at four o'clock in tho morning." ` inard's Liniment Cures Cistempnrr WORLD'S BIGGEST MARIZET. The honor of possessing the great- est 110arket in tho world belongs to Russia. It is .situatocl in Moscow, covers twenty acres, and embraces' a thousand different establishments, catch of which has its ow11. proprietor. The place is in fact a sort of baz- aar, consisting not only of shops o1 the ground floor, but also on three floors above it. P110 merchandise of- fered for sale is described ns of fabu- lous 1 Oniits h fact loos vain t an. 1 s t to 111111io)3 of pounds. The prices of the w0ree are not ninn'ked. The Rue - sinus aro moth' giver to bargaining for and cheapening the goods thoy buy, and in buying at tho bazaar most of them "negotiate With tho tradesman very much 31 the Oriental fashion,, GIRL DRUG CLERKS, There Is a dehnana for girls as chinks 111 German drug stores. Tho course of iustrllotiol 10311b•cs 1(1ro0 years, except in the caro of ltdgl5 001001 g1'atlnateS,.. who mod only tWO. Ahel nate gi„ 4y1,4,7 gefrazazith Y v. cfm-441 afro-ifrozei grg, te, f? a=1.-rre'" LOWER USE BETTER fA "V 319 5u QUALITY R.A i' P C Pails, 'ash GAM SE MD IN ix INSIST ON asins9 Elk Pang, dzo GETTING EDDY'S.EDDY'S.Any Brat.0135s oraoar C¢n supply You. EMBRACING ALL CLASSES, Tee "sandwi.11 army" of London is over 7,000 strong. In the sersi:o of one adtortising contractor Have been cict'gymeu, doctors, architects, ac- tors, tlerl,s, and even a former wealthy s(11141e, Steer misfortune,as a rule, presses men into the work, but, according to a well-known con- tractor re:1'uiting sergeant of the army of board -bearers, whoso ordin- ary wages vary from one shilling to two shillings a day, For Over Sixty 0103rd etas. 1111110201)0500TDI18 SYNO0 bee boon atpd is 5p011ore of m8130,1 for the, ablldr(•n while teething, 1(000Wea (h. oiled tokens the gum& nears palm, 53000 Old nater rogt(laten 0,ostotneab.aadbovein, mod to the Nat remedy for elerrhaa'. 1'we,ny.3m come a bottle 501,1 ty elr115(18 s 214103 hsut the world, 11,, .uro and iekflr" h1,tq, W,NSLOn•') S l0Ter50 SYLOP." 2341 "Confound the railroads!'' .ex- claimed Subbubs, ea he entered the office an hour late and took off his coat. "Train late again, I sup- pose?" asked Townley. "Not at. all. For 1130 first tlmo in six months the measly tiling was on time. and, of course, I missed it " Piles curedIca 3 to 6 nights, One application gives relief. Dr. Agnew') Ointment 1s a boon for Itching Piles, of Blind, BleedingPiles. It relieves quickll and permanently. In skin eruptions it stands without a rival. Thousands of testimonlall if von want evidence, g5 cents,—z9 "Hallos, old chap! I hear you've lost your Job?" "Nell, I wouldn't put it like that exactly, but the firm has been foolish enough to sever its connection with me." I was Cured of a bad case of Grip by KINARD'S LINIMENT. Sydney, C.B. C. I. L AGUE:, I was Cured of loss of voice by 'WARD'S LINIMENT, Y,arinouth, CHAS. PLUMMET.. I was Cured of Sciatica Rheuma- tism by KINARD'S LINIMENT, BURIN, Nfld. LEWIS S. BUTLER. t-1 Mugg—"Yes; they thought I was poisoned, and 3110 doctor came with his stomach -pump," Wulnp--"D1d lie get anything out of you?" Mugg-- Yes; two dollars." Mr. Kidder—"Ah, how -der -do, doc- tor? If you have a few minutes to spare, I wish you would como ovor to my house and chloroform 111,3' youngest boy." Dr. Price—"What is tho matter with. the lad?" Mr. I(id- dor—"Oh, his mothor wants to comb his hair " To Starve Is an FallAoy.—The dictum to stop eating because you have indi- gestion has long sines) been exploded, Dr. Von Stasis Pineapple Tablets introduced a new era in the treatment of stomach troubles, (1 has proved that one may eat his fill of anything endeverything he relishes, and one tablet taken after the meal will aid tate stomach is doing its work, 6o in a box, 35 cents.• -54. Wife (who was always ailing)— "You will bury me by the sido of my first husband, won't you, dear?" husband—"With pleasure, 111y dear." Mlnard's iin(mani cures Gomel in COws. Gentleman—"What do you mean by putting your hand in my pocket?" Light -lingered Bill—"1':.xcuse me sir; T'm so absent-minded. I used to havo a pair of trousers exactly like yours." Wash greasy dishes,, pots 013 pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will 1.Onlove the' grease With the greatest case. Sam --"hove is it Pato (10000 wears snit flux clothes on 'cloan'• do nuf- fln'?" Rolnns—" Why, be lies a Washin' inaclnino dot suppohts him, and does it very well, too." Sam— "I•.luhl Did bo invent it?" Remus- "No; married it." tJ eart urease Most Sudden told Daugerotts of Ailments. Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure relieves in 30 riinutes. StealthyAS a tiller hl the flight, ihoart. disease heralds its oontio only try the timidly grip It lays lagan Lits victims. If you have palpitation, short breath,,, smothering spoils, or vertigo,do 1)01'de, lay Dm 030 of Dv. Agnew s E150rt, Cure, It will relieve every ease In 80 minutes and will radloall31 onto ninoty-Ivo 1101' a5nt, of those affect trj, It to a perfeot rotnedy for n0r•V65 at stomach. 8 1)r. Agnew's Ointment Ctfres All Stein otvrption5, 35e. mime- ..slemlitosigmamsmau (3111no10 farmers use a. plow that is very small and with but aro handle, the moldboard having but a few. inches of surface. It simply scratch- es the top of the soil and is frequent- ly drawn by men and W011101. Tho Chinese have 110 conception of deep plowing and it would be contrary to their traditional agricultural train- ing to turn the valuable surface soli underneath. Voter0f'6 Story.. --George Lewis; • of Shamokin, Pa., writes: "I am eighty years of age. I have been troubled with' Catarrh for fifty years, and in my time have used a greet many catarrh cures, but never had any relief until. Iused Dr: Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. One box cured and completely." 50 cents, z5 "Pa, won't you buy me a watch?'1 "Nkat for, my boy?" "I want to swap it to Billy Wiggins for one O1 his pups." ;Minard's Liniment Cares Colds, etc,' Doctor—"Professor, a little son has just arrived." Professor (absent mindodly)—"Tell him to wait in the ante -room." An admirable Food of the Finest quality and flavour. Nutritious axed Economical. 48-21 Billiard Tables Tho Best at the Lowest Prtco 8rtto for Terms s:EID BROS., €t'1"s'if'gn Co.'y Fes i(infg Ct. W. 32-31 Dominion line Steamships Pilon0rpat to Liverpool 0ootora to Liverpool Large and Fant Stoantempt Superior acoomn(odauce bran clamps of pa.eongero. Saloons and Stateroon,a km nmldeblp, 0peolal aENnttoahnn born girth to 033 loosed Saloon sad Third -Ono '315)781modulloa P e,! o5 aeeage and all pmrtlinulars, apryi-0.4,111 nits ass Iftbo (%npany, or to passenger soca -• >: 81c,IA331100. 1Il5.E oppres0, �. .•• '? 800110 Ett., Sootvo. 11 St, Saoronoal SE Montny CARPECARPET DY tN T Moaning, This is n apeola(10 with rho BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING QQ. Sood pnrtlanlars hyped and wt' aro euro to e&.ts1y Address 850 035, blontreat. BASTEDITS 77 gl 10(05110.OAST, ST'ef;NAL SALE 6F send for catalog, W o give extra value. Raw Pure and Genaing, Send for pricPATe 1 SN Alta, ) EK 1'igt'd E' fg 11POCIAL n § ' APPAT N TO PAY'OINT �.Y i d to r Hand41 n0 . ��• -y send tar naadboap (03 Gay ffitTOGONTO on Patently Se. Thobesthollda7 g(ILI aro 30051,lgltla and moot (.hcmun(ueomtl to mho Nom and 00rargel1013 0t. 81 WED3TE11'S INTbRN ON IONAL Ry of English, liioer80LR naoamplar, riottoa, Eta 'Csofnl. lie)iable.' Attraetivo, Lasting. The New l;dition etas 58,000 Now Words NSW Gazetteer of the World New'ittograpltiaal Dictionary :10 sago,, 0000 I11ustrationa nioh mnah,go, Why Not Give Seine ass This Wieful 130005(1 FIX E1 '.4Testinrc0ntunalation," Iattrnetive and entcrunbdnX tar nm whole funny, 11101810) pnmpllia(33(01 lea. 0. & O. MERRIIIM 00. ]sublishers, (if Spring5old, Mass„ 117, 5, A, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, 1 ALL MOS Op FRUITS And Farm Pro- duce generally, consign it to us atll we will get you good prices, THm Commission on Cn f tlrnitti] I3(—Q da