HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-24, Page 1Vol. 32. No, 24 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1903 New Advertisements, Loral—Tan Pose. Local—.H, It, Brewer, Grey Financial Statement, ,Ponders wanted—W, Lane. Millinery-MaBinnou & Oo. Bull for rale—J, D. MoNair,' Mzxtxix ° do. Blue vale. WEDDING, -On. Deo. 16th a very import. ant and interesting eeremouy was per- formed at Tile reemdenoe of John and Mre. Bobineon, Tnrnberry, when their 'Ueda ter, Mtge Margaret, and Robert Johnston were united in marriage; The matri- monial eervioe was 000duoted by Rev. W. Lowe, of Wingham. Bridal party looked bendsome standing beneath an arch of holly and white .rosea. The bride was becomingly gowned in bieo4it eilk voile trimmed with white silk and applique and carried a hogaetp'of bridal roeee with white Bilk atreamere, She was attended by her friend, Miee Jessie Murray, who was charmingly attired in graf poplin and carried a briquet of pink rosea, while tbe groom Was aneieted by bit brother, Adam Jobneton. The bride was given away by her father amid the strains of Lohringbrin'e Wedding Mardi artietioally rendered by her easter, Mita Letitia, The groom's gift to the bride and brides. maid were beautiful breaches, est with—opals and diamonds. Only the friende and relatives of the interested partiee were present and left babiud them many tokens of esteem. We wish the young oonple a safe voyage over life's stormy see. We•rex attor. Mita Sinclair left for her home in Hay rieton this week. Joe, Heyworth vieited relatives in Tor- onto over Sunday. E. Rheim, of London, epent a few days thie week with 0. F. Edwards. Mre. Geo. Town has returned from a few bolidaye spent at Guelph. Reuben Wendt, of Mildmay, is asaiet. ing hie brother, J. R. Wendt, this weak. 0. Reis had bin fingers unshed one day laet week while working in the oat meal mill. Miro Irvine has gine to Toronto having etteoeeefully unread Harry Town through hie severe illness. Thee, lIfebood hits gone to Wiarion where he ie employed in a printing office, W. Bricker 'tolled on Mends in the vll- lage on hie way bome from Owen Sound. Miss Wellwood, of Ultimate, has bean appointee no junior timelier lu the upbeat here. The' skating rink opens on Thereby night ander the management of Edward Barnard, Wm. and Mrs, Lovell, of Saskatoon, N. W. T„ are the guest, fon :wear the foer'e perente in town, Lewrenee and pare. Lovell. A load of young people attended an en.. tertainment given at school No. 2 Turn. berry on Monday evening and report a pleasant time. IV fat ttetit. A debate will take plane in Duff's oburoh, Welton, on Wed. the 30111 inat., at 7 80 p, m , The anbjsot will be "Ree solved, that- professional Life offers greater opportunities of 'Daefnlnees to the Young Man of today than due. Mesa Lite." The leader; will be John Gardiner, and Robert Donoaaeon, it 'armee ker•oolr. Mae Aggie MoNair le visiting her Blanc at Goderioh, !Rise Aggie Cowan of Toronto, is visit. ing at lire. Calder's. John MoQnarrie, of Walkerville, is vie - Ding friende and relatives in this twenty, Last Sabbath afternoon Illi Smith took the serene' in the Methodiet ohnrohr here. Mise Campbell, smelter, left for her. home near London. Many good wishes aoennepany ger. Mise Maggie Oalder, David McNair and Tboe. McRae are home from Toronto Medical Colleges for the Christmas bolidaye. We were very aorry to hear of the dem. iee of Mre, Jacob Hollinger, formerly, Mies Minerva Ennio, of tbie locality. Several attended the (neared on Monday from this0eotion, SUNDAY BOSOM. ENTEoTAINnENT.— An enjoyable entertainment and Xmas Tree was held In the Presbyterian ohuroh on Tuesday evening last. After having done; Sandi Sandi to a Brat -ulnae Much, provided by the parents of the S. B. ecboiare the fol. lowing program wag rendered :—Roof. Melon by nine gide : quartette, "Star of the East" ; recitation, Arthur Fox ; recitation, Allie Format ; dialogue, "The Sick Doll" ; recitation, Athol Mogul..fie ; solo, Wm. Ritchie ; recitation, Ida radiation, Mina McRae ; reoitation, Lizzie MoKny � Christmas Play, "'i'he Day Before Uhrietmae", The bree, wbioh wee heavily laden with presents for both young and old, was unburdened and the meeting closed with "God Save the Ring". 3'ltat a,1. Wm, Bawler ie now e fully certified teacher. Neat Wednesday will be the date of the annual eohool meeting, Tbe new teacher engaged no Principal of our school ie a kir. Smith, whose home to in Stratford locality. Tile loot abeamof this Beason was ohlpped on Wednesday. Mr, Riley wee the buyer at 9 9/16 mance. John Wright and wife, of Detroit, ware Arbors at Jonathan Wrigbt's during the past week. The men are mains.John Imlay is home from North Bay where he spent the past 6 months in the employ of W. Milne, formerly of Ethel. Robt. Lindeay, of Neepawa, formerly of this locality is home from the West ou a visit. It le 8 years since he has been here, It is reported that Ray Bros., of Lie• towel, have parahaeed the gralo ,tore. hoose at the railway here from H. F, McAllister. Obrietmae Tree entertainment in the Methodiet ohuroh, Thursday evening of this week under the auspices of the Sate bath school. The service in the Methodiet church laet Sabbath evening was withdrawn owing to the Bible Society meeting in the Presbyterian ohuroh. 0 t Mao ELLtoT PateraAwex.—About 1 a. m. Wednesday Mrs. William Elliot, o thie plaoe, died at the home of her daughter, Mre. Peter Motley, West of here, after a brief Musa, aged 66 years and 1 month. She book ill on Tuesday evening with heart 1014000 and died as above stated. Deceased's maiden name was Margaret Thompson and ehe was pre -deceased by Mr. Elliot by 4 years. She held adherenoe to the Presbyterian church end enjoyed tbe esteem of a large oirole of friende. The enrviving children are :—Jae. and Robert, of Arden, Man. 'toba ; Mre. Patteraon, Galt ; Mre. Menzies, of Howiok •,and Mrs. P. Me. Kay, of Grey. Mre. Elllot bad returned' ram a visit to Galt two weeke ago and her demise Dame 00 a great surprise to the neagbborhood. Funeral will take plaoe on Saturday afternoon from the reeidenoe of Mr. Mo$ay, Lot 13, Con. 8, of 2 O'olook, eervioe at 180 p, m. Inter. meat will be made at Bruesels cemetery, PasoENTATloae.—A large orowd assem• bled et the school house on Taeeday afternoon, when the oloeing exercises were held, A lengthy program was given by the pupils and addreeeee by the Trustees, R. McRay, H. Dobson, S. Chambers and Rev. 0. P. 'Wella. And• rew MoKee aoted ae chairman. At the oloee of the program the teachers were called to the platform and the following addreeeee read and preeentationo made Ma. G. Dobson : Dma TnAoann.—At this Beason of rejoioing end thanksgiving we take this Opportunity of expressing to you tbe pleasure and profit we have had during yeses ander your tutorship and our only regret ie that we have not been more diligent ander your inetruotion and worthy of your kindneae. Now that we are aboat to part, as a alight token of one regent and appreoiatioo, we ask you to aoeept this ohair. Wherever you go may Divine Mercies and blessings be yours, Signed on behalf of the robed, MAndoR=E MoALLaoe JEANETTA SLnPSoN, Tuonrte MOALLreTaa, BEET. E0xttlEf. Ethel, Deo, 22nd, 1903, Alis .L. Shannon ; Draft TEACHER.—Ab this season of rejoicing and Thanksgiving we take thie opportunity of expreeeing to you the pleasure and profit we have had daring the peat year under you as our Wolter. Our only regret at thie time ie that we have not been more diligent under your inatruotion and worthy of your kindness. Now that we are about to part, 00 a alight token of our regard and appreoia• COMING- The OMING Xmas EV"NTS The V Ch The lady of every house is now busy planning and preparing the many good thinge that Will satisfy the most delicate Epicure. We with to aesiet you and havejugt plaited in stook —NEW PEELS -SHELLED ALMONDS —SHELLED ,WALN'UTel —SHREDDED .'COCOANUT, —FIGS and DATES —RAISINS and CURRANTS In Oonfeotiouery we are offering the moat tempting dieplay being Sole Agents for Stewart's and I errin's Newport Celebrated Chocolates and Bon Bons ORANGE$, LEMONS and BANANAS -Only the select stook in these Fruits handled and the prioes the Lowest. FRESH OYSTERS AND Fl+rt ALWAYS ON HAND f 'Just in a large ateortmont of Perrin's Panay Bisouite and Oakes. W. A. GRE Por GOOd Goode �TAF�f at Right Prices. Nies. mot tion we mat you 40.000ept tbie ring an bracelet, Wherever yon go, may the fo blessing of salvation that domes throng our Lord end Saviour Jesus Christ b yours, and may the providential blueing Of oar Heavenly Fattier be yenta a through life. Signed on behalf of the school, Donut Huns, AMOR BARR, ALYIE FLETooaa, ALLEN Ma.LLiseen, Babe', Deo. 22nd, 1303, The recipients made very suitable replio for the kindnete shown and gifts received Many pleasing remembranoeo will b held of the valuable eerviaea repeated by Mr. Dobson and Mine Shannon. Amen Maer•INo,—The annual meeting of the Bible 800101y was held in the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath evening Met. The weatbet was by uo mune favorable for a large tarn out but the gathering was very good, more than any one might export on such a night. The choir was there tboe adding mnob to make the eervioe what it was—a great mouse. R. McKay 000upied the ohair and oondtoted the meeting in his unique style, we think to the Batiefaction of all pregame. The aervioe was opened by singing, reading the Soriptaree and prayer. After a short 0peeeh by the obairman, and a hymn by the choir, A. Mo$ay, of Brussels, was called upoo, who gave a very praotioal aid earnest address on "The Bible, the Voioe of God, to the nation, the ohnrob, the borne, and the individual." Another eeleotian ca music was rendered and Rev. R, Paul, of Brunie, was introduced who addressed the audienoe on "The Bible, the Book itself, cod work of the British and. Foreign Bible Society whose aim le to put a Bible in the bands of every mem- ber of the Inman rare," There am 800 millions, who have never eau a Bible Dor beard of thsLord Jeans. This will give some idea of the extent and magnitude of the work to be done, The collection was $8 40. s.1" aisle s to vv 2t. Nice May Hogg ie spending her van, tion at her bome on the 4th. D. L. Straohan will spend Xmae with A. D, and Mrs. Mo0ooh, of Pine River. Geo. Eokmier, who bad to take a rest for some time owing to an injured leg, ie now able to attend to bis duties again. Loot Sabbath evening in the abeenoeof Mr. Gallagher, of Gerrie, Thos. Straohan took charge of the oervioee in Victoria Hall. D. L, Straohan bee resigned hie oohed at Gerrie to take a better position at Beaton. We with him 0000085. He'e a good teacher. John F Strachan, who nee bean at tending Kincardine Model epbool, arrived home last week. He will begin beaching in S. S. No, 10 when school re opens after New Years. Among the Uhrietmae visitors we noticed Jas. Innis, from Toronto Baei neon Oollege ; W. 1. Bryane, from the Medical College of the game city ; Joseph Ooombee and Jae. Cott jr., from Strut. ford Bgeinese College. SUDDEN DEntroe: We are very sorry to be oared upon to report the deoease of Robert Moffatt, of this locality. He took ill with inflammation of the bowele on Monday and despite all two phyefoiane and kind friende mold do, Mr. Moffett was a fine built, hearty man, highly esteemed in the neighhorhooi whose sudden death will be a napes of great regret. He leaves a wife and one (laugh, ter. Funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to Bluevale oemotery. B000000am.—Tuesday evening a very enjoyable entertainment was held here, under the Roepioes of the Sabbath Salient, which was, largely attended. The obair wee .000upied by Superintendent Jame Straohan and a very interesting program of mneio aid literary eeleotione was well rendered. Short addresses were given by Thou. Siraehen, Geo. Coombee, Rev. R. Maunders and Walter Ionia. A Christ. mile Tree pomeeeed a great obarm for more than the youngsters, The young ladies who arranged the entertainment deserve great credit. "The hite Store" R. FLE T CHER, JEWELER. Our Store is a Dazzling Display of Elegant Goods, suitable for Christmas Presents, We always carry the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, f 11HE morel, of the 0000800 of our baginot; is UNE Bore AND Gime Oun 1! Onettet0ne HONEe0' GOODS. Our Motto 10 "`UNIso0AILY Low Purees." We buy direst from the Manofeoturere for oath and eau, give one Oaotomete the Orman BAROAINd, We ready for the Holiday Business. Purchasers should Make their selections while one. Stook is at Re beet. WE DAN those E009w WANT AT 09(8 LOWEST PERM, Oome and See Our Money Savers. —Ladies' Gold and Gold Filled Watcher]. —Gents' Gold and Gold Fiiled Watchee, —•Ladies', Gents', Boye' and Gine' Silver and Silverine Watches. —Sao OUR GENTS', 12 aIZE, OPEN FACE AND HUMUS FTLLEn Winne%, —CCente' 18 and 16 size Vanggard, 21 and 28 Jewelled Movements, —Also 17, 15,11 and 7 Jewelled Movemente in Elgin, Waltham, Daeber.Hampden and Omega makes, —Swigs and English Watches kept inato0k, "Sole Agents for the x)ueber•Hampdan. Watohe0." ' CLQCHS—We have isetook a very fine line of Mantle Olooke, in Marble, Iron and Wood' Onyx fi y OlIh. Oak and Walnut 8 day Clocks ; Fancy, Gilt sed Alarm Cloak%., Me/GS—Gem Rings set with DrAttoano, Oi'ALe, DAIMIAhne SAPPHIRE and GAnnnme. GENT;' RI14e0, get with 90120000, GARNEHH, OKIMI:2aLEe and BLooD 880285,. AMC INITIAL and S00I222 RIede. , See. our Btrthdey and Baby Binge.. Solid Gold Binge from 500 to $100 each, LADIES' Ci/AIMS AND BRACELETS—A beautiGtl rile la of Ladies' Lon atop Chains, Ciente' Chains, Ladieel and Children;' Dr oeleto Oat a Linke, ball Buttons, Baby Pine, Necktie Pine,'Brooehee, Obarma, SoaistyPins, Eta, GENTS' AND LADIES' LOORETS AND PENDANTS eat with Paula, Opole, Rubies, and Rose Diamonds. Bee them, they are BBA00IOo, Ladies' Neok.laoee [soorted lengths. Also an elegant Line of. Solid Gold Br000hee set with genuine Pearl,. A BEAUTIFUL SILVER DISPLAY Five Piers Tea Seta -Three Pieoe Tea Bete —Fern 0oaatero Baking Diahee — Sugars and Dreams —Berry Dither —Dake Baskets •--Bioouit .Jure — Pickle and Butters —Bon Bon Dishes —Berry Spoons —bake Baines —Sardine Forks --Jelly Rnivee —Cold Meat Forks --knives and Forks A 1 —Cake Folks —Pie Reims —Oaoumber Iork —Jelly Spoons —After Dinner Coffee Spoons —Soup Le.dlee --Also a Beautiful Display of Cut Gtaee 1847 Roger Breit. A 1 Goode. A full line of Sterling Silver Flat Ware andNovelties, Engraving dorsFree of Charge, A Grand Display of FANCY CHINA, in JapaneseWare, Qrown Derby Wedgewood: lase our Genuine Ebony Goode. and d • OPTIb aL DEPARTMENT Tble Department is well looked after by Mrs. Pletobee. Coneultatien Free, Eyeeproperly Tested. Framer] at Axe, Prmoeo, We will be loosed to have o0 p y look through oar Stook. ,Oar prices are the Lowest—We one gave you money, Watob and Jewelry Repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. R. . L, The Close Vrice J"ave1®xe ge01111 SPECIALTIES ARE WATCHES AND RING. W. H. K E R R,Prop, See. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter, will cion. please eneept this ohair not for its. in. dost the envier] In Vietoria Ha11 next trtaeie value but for the motive thea Sabbath evening. prompted the gift end ae the yeere 001ne AMEN AND P8Eert9Tkt'ION.—Last Tues- and g0 may you enjoy the oomtert tine day evening Thos. Strachan, who bas ohair may afford you in recti and quiet devoted read) time and study to themeditation of the 17 years of faithful toil leadership of prayer meeting aid other 3'0u spent in our behalf. We wish you a services was presented with a line pouch very happy New Year a prosperous aoeompanied by the following addreee by future and tbe well done good and faith. his many friends in Jemeetown locality : fel one in the life to Dome, 'Sigood on Dear Air. Strachan.— behalf of the school. Alex. Speir, Jas, Mfohie, Alex, Cameron. Mr, Black made a very appropriate reply and wished to popile every 0000000,. Mr. Montgomery, who will Roomed Mr, Black, was 'preeen4, Ddr, Black nae not yet decided definitely what be will tern hie bend to, He has several rffera et poei- tione, We hope be will oontinne to reside in bhio locality where be me so well and favorably known, Por many years we have appreciated your zeal in tbe Maetee's 0a0eein carry. Mg on His work both here and at an earlier date in your own borne, While we feel that you have had the highest reward that one out have in the coneoioae• nese that you -have been at honored instrument in God's heads for tarrying on His wont, we think that we would like to take thin opportunity of auguring you that we, one and all, who are .privileged to gather in the prayer,meeling in the Hall, value the' eervioe that you have rendered in oouduoting our prayer service here, and aekyou to aoeept tbis c000b with our beet wither' that you may long be spared to sejoy the oomfort that we tenet ft will afford. Rest aeeured that our beat wishes will aeoompaty you se you journey forward in life and we hope that you may be long spored to continue the good work that you have so faithfully earned on in the past. We feel the firm assurance that scab a life ae y0Or0 est have but one end and that at eventide it will be light. Signed on behalf of your bearers, 8AAIDaL SNELL, JAMES CUM Mr. Straohan was oompletely taken by enrpriee and very heartily thanked tbe donors for their kind wads and generoae and highly appreciated deed. M o a•rl,r> Snnahine Xmas entertainment had the Bloevale Orohestrein attendance. Main street ea Sunshine wast oomplet0. ly blockaded last week by the storm. Midi Maggie Bielby and her brother George, both of Toronto, are visitors un- der the parental root for a few weeks. Nominatinn Day neat Monday at the Township Hall. The probabilities are the old Oonooil will be elected by acclamation. Rev, Robert Maunders, of 'Victoria University, Toronto, and Ernest Maund- ers, of Albert College, Belleville, arrived borne last Saturday evening for the Christ. Ma vacation. Daniel Barkley an old time resident of Morrie, lately of M0000min, N. W. T., has been the guest of hie aiater•in law, Mrs. Joseph Clegg, during the paid week. Mr. Barkley intends spending the Winter with hie son, George, of Brussels. Dr, Frank Lambie, of Midland, Mirth. igen, is renewing old frieodebipe in Morrie and locality. He is well pleased with his new home and if appearauoeo are any indication of affairs, it mast agree with him will. He has a large praotice. De. Lambie is quite a hostler, A Bylaw will be submitted aeking for $4000 in the form of a sectional bones to the proposed 0, P, R. extension from. Guelph to Goderiob. It ie proposed to in• elude eons. 9, 8 and 7 and 6 from tbe west boundary to lot 10, The Bylaw will be on Jan. llth read in Cannon. Last week Simon, John and W. J. For. eyth arrived here from Frobisher, N, W. T., and will renew old friendships and aobnsittaaces here.They were former well known reoidenta of the 6th line. Meeaere, Forsyth have done well in the West and this year bad from 20 to 35 whale of grain to the aore. They will ieit here for few months and will be made beertily welcome among old friends in Morrie and locality. Tuesday evening of last week was net part by A. and Mre. Howlett, 7th line, e their reception party in their new esidence to wbiob some forty invitations ere given. Although from the inolem. Goy of the weather some of the ggeate roma dietanae were not present the veniog was enjoyed with maaio and amee of various kinde. In the small ogre of the morning the parties took heir departure. That many years of appin000 may be spent by Mr. and Mre, owlet') in their new reeidenoe is the bob of all. Prom the Finanomal Statement printed' by Morrie Coluoilfor the present year the reoeiplh bave beep $18 015 80, which itolnded a balance of $8484.18 from last year. In the expenditure $1918,59 went to roads and bridges ; $9.00 to Board of Health; $785 to Officers' eateries; $32.00 for printing; the extravagant 0000 of $1,00 for law auto; 31947 80, County rate ; $4820.12 for eoboole ; $16,00 for o11arity $281 68 in misoellaneone accounts, In oonteotion with the Lamont drama 34449, 11 is the amonat expended , $4359,71 be• ing the amount of the debenturee for drain oonebraotion. A fall explanation of the rims items will DO doubt. be given in e Nomination opeeobeo. Morrie le an od condition financially. PaaaENTATION,—Leat Taeeday before col oloeed in S. S. No. 3, the highly earned teacher, Malcolm Black, was tented with a fine ohair and a silver ded walking atiok. The following ree0, read by Alex. Spar, 0000mpanied valuable gine :— To Mr, M. Dlaola: b s 0 va alt go soh est Pre hen add the Dann TEAorrr,—We, the undersigned pupils, in behalf of the eohool in which you have taught for the past 17 years take this opportunity of expre0eingg our regret that, in the Providence of God, we are soon t0 separate ae teacher le there upitthe mingled with our regret h;high es sem in which yon have ever been held by qe and the whole section. prom the earnest and undue endeavor with which your have labored for our intelleotnal, moral and spiritual Welfare we predict, with much con. fldenoe, to bright haute for yon, Fend reoolleotione of tharo:glrnese, prompt. aeee and faithfalnoee will, we trust, ever inspire ue to noble and lofty Wale in lite. We heat learned ander your able tuition that there in no royal road to learning but that the way to Maroon le by the way of unmet effort 'find that the way to victory me by the way of oonfitot. Ae a token of our appreolation of 7000 valuable 0erv1000 ae oar beloved teacher Honeawile", 2 girie and 3 boyo; ab10, Grev. Nomination. Day next Monday at Ethel. fore A ooa1004 pleswofinge weddmit, ings will take place be - Um, W. A. Rillongb, of Clinton, was The Munioipal Council of the Town- daugeronely ill with .pneomonla but will ship of Grey met at the Township Ball soon be quite smart we trait, Deo. 1501, pennant to adjournment. S• R. Orerar is home from the School Members were all present, Reeve in 1ne of Preotiant Sofenoe, Tomato, fpr his ohair. Minutes of last meeting were Ohrietmae holiday, looking firct-olaeo. read and passed, At the Court of Revi= The residents in the Southerly portion ;fon on Whitfield Municipal drain By - of Gray are quite interested in the pro- taw the following m0ti0n was paasod poeed 0. P. it, Line—Guelph to Goderioh. That there being no appeale, that the S. S. No. 9 will have Mr. Sewers, of asseament as set out by the By-law be Benefield, as teacher for 1904. Mise confirmed and that the By-law be read e Cameron will teach in S. 9, No. 2, How. third time and finally. passed, Carried, irk towoehip, Moved by Work, emended by Turnbull Mies Annie Ring, teaober in S. S. No, that the taxes of the following pareona be 1, who tendered bee reeignaliou left for remitted for the current year ; Mre. her bome at Oen/told, Haldimand Oo., Stomata Mrs. Malay, Mro. Steele and last Saturday. She waif a good teacher. Mre, McIntosh. Carried. Tenders were Among those who attended tie Fat received for the construction of the alc- Stook Sbow at Guelphh ware John o2agLean Municipal Drain from, John Nioh- gart, Oliver Turnbull, J. D. MoNair, Olson, tender, 31100.00 ; Connelly & Andrew Hislop Jr., and Robert McCallum. Water', 31,248,00 ; Mather & Ender, 190 A $6,000 sectional bonne will be voted per oubio yd. ; Duncan MoRay, 31,099.. on for the proposed 0. P. R., Guelph to 00 ; Dougal Manggart, $1000,00 ; John Gaderieb, The territory included will be Curtain, 31,160.00. Moved by 'Turnbull, the 1411, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th Dona„ 0eoonded by Fraser that the tender of it la said. Bylaw will be read at next Dougal McTaggart be accepted, Mr. Mo-. meeting of the Connell. Taggart to give security satisfactory to An amnion sale bae been announced by the Donnell for the due completion of Henry Wolfe, Lot 82, oon. 3, for January contract, Carried. A petition was re. 5111, as be intends giving up farming. owed from R. H. Ferguson and 72 other He will take a position in Bentryn brick. Freeholders requesting the Municipal yard next Beason, F. S. Soon, of Brunie Council of the Township of Grey to sub - will be the auctioneer. mit a By-law to raise the sem of 36,000 John Hollinger, of Winnipeg, eon of J, to purchase the right of way for the Hollinger , 9t13 con„ ie bome for a holiday Guelph Junotton Railway Company, visit under the parental roof. It is 7 provided a station be located within half yeere since Mr. Hollinger went Weat and a mile of Walton P. 0., said By-law to he le doing well and likes the Country. inolude the 13th, 14t11,15111,10111,17thand He deals in sporting goods. , 18111 cone. of the said towno11ip of Grey. The 100 sora farm of Wm. Ritobie,14111 The Donnell approved the petition. By. eon., bae been purobaaed by Wm. Blake, law No. 211 to provide polling places and of the Baru 110e,oma in S bb g over $4,000 appoint Deputy Returning Officers for was paid. Mr, nimble is not yet defiuit holding elections, if required, also rip- ely settled as to where he will looate but pointing a place for bolding nomination, we hope it will be in this looelity, read let, 2nd and 3rd time and finally The Bnodey School workers of Union passed. The following named persona ohuroh are making preparations for a are appointed Deputy Returning Officers: New Year's Arob, to be held in the Fpr pulling eub-diviaion No. 1, John Outt; church on New Yeat'o Eve, Deo, 31. A No. 2, James Mitchell • No, 3, Oliver good program will be presented and a Turnbull • No, 4, Neil McNair ; No. 5, pleasant time ie antioipated. John MoIntoah ; No. 6, James Brown It is Bald Oonooillor Work will not (S. pt. lots 63 and 64, eon. 1) ; No. 7, A. Beek re-eleotioo aa he has not the time to Heymann. A. large number of a000unte devote to the position. Whether there were passed which appear in the financial will be other chargee remains to be seen abatement. The Council then adjourned. next Monday. Mr. Work made an excel. JOHN MaiNTosn, Clerk. lent Oonnoillor and Mena would like to see him continue in office. H. W. Avi000, teacher, was taken dangerously ill last week with pneumonia but is ooneiderabiybetter now end ablate go to his home at Barrister' for the Chrfetmas 00000100, Hie mother, Mre. (Rev,) Liddy, was here nursing him. He boards at James E lliotta, 8011. D. D. and Robert Ferguson, sone of James FBrgneoo, 9th ran., arrived bome from Calgary, N. W. T„ for a holiday visit, The former has been in the Wast for the past 7 years and both gentlemen speak very onthueiastioally of that great country. They are welooree vieltore. Mre. N, M. Biohardecn and eon are home from an extended visit to Manitoba. The latter'e health is greatly improved. It ie the intention of Mr. Riobardeon and fammly to move West next Spring, having perohaeed a large farm there. We will be sorry to have them leave the 7th. Tuesday of thie week Thos. Straohan, euperinteadeot of the Sabbath school meeting in the Bobool house of S. S. No. 6, 3rd line, Morrie, wail very pleasantly surprised by having an easy ohair left at his bome with the following note :— "Presented to Thomas Straohan, sr„ with the best wishes of No, 6, Morrie Sabbath School. Signed in behalf—N. A. JAttre- eON," It wag a thoughtful act and worthy of all concerned. Mr. Straohan replied appropriately, GaAnn; S000nee.-.The entertainment given in the Whitfield eohool, 12th eon., on the 18th inst., was a bolded encoeoe 10 every reepeot. The night was fine and altho0gh 111; roads were not what might have been desired a largo crowd gathered so that the school bonne was well filled. The eohool room was gorgeooely bat teetotally decorated for the mouton with evergreens, flags, lfowere, &o. At 8 o'clock Ino, Hnbahinoon took the ohair and in a neatly worded, appropriate addreee introdnoed the following exoel- lent program ;—oborno, "Welcome", Sophia Sperling, Clara Rathwell, Luna Taylor and Cela, Rathwell ; recitation, "MiesMinerva's Disappointment", Mien Bathe/ell ; magic, unbeaten, encore ; recitation, "Marry Christmas",14 pupils; solo, A. A. Lamont, encore ; Metope,"Brought to trial for blowio", 10 school boys; solo, Darcy Grierson, encore ; reading, "The bashful man", 8. B. Lamont ; tnnelo, oroheotre, encore ; red nation, Grace Speirsn; dialogue, "Pon. kin Ridge", 3 gide and 6 boye; solo, Wm. Spence, 0noor0 ; reoitation, "The Soboolmaeter a Quests", Mies I. Baker ; sole, Darcy Grierson, armors ; reoitation, "Pat's Reply", Clara Rothwell 1 reading, "How Jimmy reed the eeaelpt to hie mother", J. A. Spoken ; mn010, °robes. tea, atom ; reoitation, "Jane Jones", Cala, ltathwelI ; Bolo, A, D. Lemont, enure; molt/aide, "Sara Emma's photo. graphs", Moreton Whitfield I moeta, orchestra, encore ; dialogue, "A Changed Wm. Spen00, snore ; reoitation "Pat end the Pig", Lynn' b'ivags; "SWUMAnthem", he program, though long, proved intereoeiog to the endle 1010 and the order maintained tbrolghOut 1008 a credit to the ohairmao as well n.8 to the oommanity. The made supplied by the Mises Spence and Mill, Of .Lth81, and 160011 end the Misses bdolleobook, of the motion, wile a rare treat, while Messrs. Sponge and Lamont, of Ethel, and Cater. eon, of Listowel, gang tome splendid songs, The dialogue were also very good and befog well acted brought forth many a hearty laugh from the onlookers. The goons people of S. S. No, 10 evident. ly koovf bow to give an enjoyable time and are to be congratulated on the 000. wee wbioh attended their efforts, The proceeds totaled neatly $20 wbich will form part of the Lunde 01 e ochool,library for the use of the people of the 000190n which will supply plenty of good reading within the reach 01 all. Grey Counoil Meeting. CHC1t011 UllI8lES. Christmas service in St. John's church on Friday at 10.30 a. m. A oolleotion of $5.55 was taken in the Methodiet Sabbath SotiLol last Sunday for the Free Hospital for Consumptives. There will be divine aervioe in the ()ethane oburob, Brussels, on Melanins Day, at 10 a. m, Last Sabbath morning the paeleets topic in Melville ohuroh was "The' separation of the tares from the wheat" and in the evening "Some popular but false aims in life." There will be Uhrietmae services next Sabbath morning and evening. Inberoetiug anniversary services were held in the Methodiet ohuroh last Sab. batb, Rev. Joseph Phtip, 8.D., of Rinoar. dine, being the preacher. Tbe oontribut. ions were about 360. Mies Beokot6 sang two Bolos at the evening service. Mon. day evening Rev. Mr. Philp delivered hie excellent Lecture an Jerusalem and it's Environs, and a musical program wee rendered by a Ladiee' Quartette from dlfoleeworth ; trombone Bolo by W. A. Grewar and eolos by Mies Beckett. 8. more extended notice le crowded out One ween. PLEBE/EERY or MAIT,AND.—Tbe Presby.. tery of Maitland met In Wingham on Tuesday, 15th Sept., with Rev. D. Perrie Moderator pro tem. in the ohair, The Emanate! Report was real and showed the finanooe of the Presbytery to be in good oondition, It was agreed that the 0000B0m001 of congregations for the encl. ing oaletdat year be at the rate of 7o. per family, for the Presbytery Vaud, and at the rate of 40, per member for the Synod Fend, Owing to the storm that prevail. ed it was denuded to defer action with regard to the resignation of the Elders of Molesworth ti11 the next regular meeting in March, No action wag taken in regard to the nomination of a profeeser to noosed Principal Pollook in the ohair of Praatieal Theology and Oheroh History f a Halifax College. On consideration of the Remit from the Galatea! Assembly's Commission re the election of Queen's tlnivereity to the Ohatoh it wits emitted to take no aotiou. A motion woe pawed approving of the recommendation of the Augmentation Oommittee that the min. imam stipend it augmented charges bo inoreaeed fifty dolhtre to the inere:teed 000t of living, Rev, D, Perrbe was elosted Moderator Of Presbytery for 190a. The• following ghargee are entitled to mend Commissioners to the General Assembly, to meet hi St. John's, N, B.-MiSafters blolntoele and Belmore, Ripley Rut: ohuroh and Bervee, Molesworth, Dungan. non and Port Albert; Endure; Laoknow, Einoardioe, Pine River, Whiteohurah and Langside. It wail agreed that etre nano regular meetlag take 91000 in Wingham on Tuesday, March 1r at 10 a. be. A, Neait.s, Presbytery 010011,