HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-17, Page 8:lw
To the Undecided one, not linowing What to hay, or wbere to look, our
stook effete many ideas. Hare yon oan hardly fall to find something
that will be nuitable and acceptable to Boma of your feiende,
was never so Pull of attractive tbinge, new tbinge and novel things,
stilted to all pueoee, Besldee we bays a large stook of
Spaoe forbids any detailed deeeription, Yon will simply have to come
and see for yourself. We don't ask you to bay at all and you won't be
pressed to do co. But we would suggest that you make your visit early,
before things get "picked over."
oral °'.sale em .
A ohiel'e among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent
Tse enow plows are on duty.
TRAINS arrive ae late as usual.
A WEDDING Or two le On the tapie.
Tan Mo/el School pupils are borne.
Oanramrae Day will be Friday of next
Rena the local news on page 5 of this
Near monthly Horse Fair will be held
on Thursday, Jan. 7,
ROBERT HENDERSON received another
oar of ooal Iaet week.
Tag grist mills are kept very busy
chopping grain for the farmers for stook
feeding purposes.
Punnet eahoole will aloee on Thursday
of next week for Christmae holidays to
resume on January 4th, 1904.
Tan holiday trade has the advertising
field and the discerning public will read
there annou0oemente you may be sure.
TAx COLLECTOR Lotto wishes to have
those who have not paid their taxes to
pay them so as to have the books made
np at onoe.
A MEETING of East Huron Liberal Ae•
soeiatton Bseantive was called for Mon-
day afternoon but the snow storm and
delayed trains interfered with it.
Tan morning mail train on Monday
got shook in a enowbank near Luoknow
and had to go back for another engine.
Train reached Brueeels about 11 o'olook.
T. A. HAwxute has purchased a fine
Heintzman Cabinet Grand piano from R.
Leatherdale & Son which wae delivered
at hie parlor this week. He has a large
Claes of pupils.
Waal about the extension of the pro-
posed Eleotrio railway from Berlin to
Brueeele 2 An a000unt of the move
already made by Lietowel people may be
read on page 4 of tbie ieene. One thing
is certain we will only get what we bustle
WORD has been received by the
Seoretary-Treasurer of the Tennis Club
that Harold Jarvis, Jamee Fax and Mies
Fax will be in Brussels on the evening of
Friday, January Sth next. He would.
advise the public not to mise tbie grand
opportunity. Harold Jarvis and James
Fax are tooell
w known to require equ re an y
NEW maohinery has come to band for
the Looltridge Bros; Woollen Factory in
the fotm•of• "additions to the spinning,
weaving and other departments. When
in operation the working staff will be
inoreaeed to 30 or 35 bands with probab.
ilities of other accessions, The factory
is turning bat splendid work in the
blanket line and we hope good peals are
being realized by the steady, energetic
work being done.
TUESDAY evening the Statutory Counofl
meeting was held to close up the boeiuees
of the year for this municipality. Nom-
ination day will be Monday 28th when
the Financial statement will be present.
ed and expieined. In Brueeele the nom-
ination will be held in the Town Hall at
7.80 p. m. on above date and if en elec.
lion as,.necessary it will be held the Mon-
day following when the polling plane will
be for No. 1 at J. J. Gilpin's eines No.
2 at the Ooanoil Chamber ; and No. 3
at Geo, Birt's reeidenoe. Public School
affairs will also come np for review on
the 28th and three trustees 'laminated
for the current term. The retiring
members are :—D. 0. Ross, Jas. Turn-
bull and R. Leatherdale.
Tag Goderiob Signal of Iasi week Saye
of people web known to many here :—D.
and Mre. McGillicuddy and family will
hereafter make their borne at Ottawa,
where Mr, MoGillionddy bas been engag-
ed for some time. Mre. MoGillioaddy
left Thursday morning with her two eons,
Owen and Arthur, for Toronto where
they will remain a few daye before pro.
Deeding to the capital. Miens Katie and
Jean left Monday morning for Toronto
and will go cm to their new home with
their mother. The Minn MaGlilionddy
leave thie week to reside in Toronto.
The many friends of tbeee departing ones
tract they will find in their new homes
at Ottawa and Toronto mole happiness
and good fortune. They will be missed
in many wage, Mre. MoGilliauddy eepeo•
laity in Delineation with the W, 0. T. U.,
of which body ebe was an active, energet.
ie member.
A Vnaw PROPER Movo.—Tbe Stratford
Beason of teat Friday says :—J. D. Mao.
donald, Of Toronto, G. T. R. district
passenger agent, wae in the city this
meriting, ile,made the interesting an
nottnoement that on Deo. 21 an extra
paeeeeger train will be pat on the branch
between Stretford and Goderiob so as to
give a maul improved service, The new
stain will leave here at 9 a. •m., arriving
in Goderieb at 10.45. Returning it will
leave Goderiob at 5 p. m., and teach bete
at 8 '20 in time to connect withthe train
ler the Nortb and alto tthe mixed for
"Toronto at 7.80. In consequence of thie
change the pa0een0er 'each will be re.
meved from the mixed train which leaves
Isere at 5 50 a, m, and returns at 8.10 p.
rtr. The now train will be a great 0ou-
veni0n0e remedially in the Summer when
people will be able to go to the lake by
1045 in the morning and have the great.
er part of the day there, taunting In
reaednable time,
Do yon patronize the Publio Library 7
Teas a look at tbe label on your copy
of Tam POST.
SEVERAL oases of nipped eare by Jaok
Frost are reported.
MONDAY nigbt was said to be the cold..
est night, of the seaeo0.
PUBLIC schools will aloes for Chrietmae
holidays on Tuoeday of next week.
Friday of last week was the roughest
day of this Winter so far. The weather
bad been charming up to that date.
OHRlernaos advertising hae orowded opt
several matters, of interest wbioh will
find space iu our next ienae we expect.
Rend the advts.
THE senior oinee in Prineipal Oamer-
on's department of Brueeels Pubiio
School had a short venation while he wee
attending to hie duties as Co. Examiner
at the Clinton Model School, Inepeetor
Robb was also officiating.
THE Oo. Board of Examiners, of which
Ioepeotor Babb and Principal Cameron
are ms re, will meet at Seaforth on
Wednesday of next week to complete
their work. List of successful Modelitee
will be completed at that meeting.
Tan mail train from the East did not
reach Brunets on Monday until about 4
o'olook. Freight traine were cancelled
and the night train pulled in atter mid.
night. Two engines were attached to
the morning train both Monday and
A. 0. U. W.—Friday evening of thie
week will be the regular annual eleation
of nffioere in connection with Brueeele A.
0, U. W. Lodge. A large representation
of members is asked for as several mat
tare of importance will be ooneidered
tbat evening.
TRIS week Judges Doyle and Holt,
'Drown Attorney -Seeger, Warden Kerr
Co. Clerk Lane and Sheriff Reynolds are
busy at Goderiob at the annual, eeleotiog
of jarore. From a week to ten daye are
consumed in attending to this duty. The
selectors oommenoed work on Monday.
Single first class fare return tiokete will
be issued, good going Deo. 24 or 25, valid
to return on the 28, oleo going Deo. 81
and Jan. 1 to return on Jan. 4. Fare
and a third tiokete are good to go on 23rd
and to return on Jan. 5. The excursion
will no doubt be heavy.
EAST HURON Coneervativee Convention
will be held in Wingnam on Tnesday
afternoon of this week. A number of
repreeentativee will go from this locality.
The Liberals will attend to the same duty
in the near future. Dr. MacDonald, the
web known M.P., and Deputy Speaker,
will be the candidate it ie expected.
Tam 0. 0. F. debate on Capital and
Labor will be continued as the dispassion
at last meeting only edged np the debates.
The defenders of Capital were A. E. Mel-
lish, Jas. Sbprrie and Geo, Thomson and
for Labor J. Wilbee, Wm. Miller and A.
Livingetone. chair wae occupied by 0.
Ritchie who deoided in favor of Capital.
Tag Editor of the Canadian Poultry
Review, Canada's national Poultry mag-
azine, tells ue that this paper has been
enlarged to 48 pages and upwards, filled
with an that pertains to poultry' in every
department. Prof. A. G. Gilbert, Man-
ager of the Government Poultry Farm
at Ottawa, remotes in charge of tbe
"Practical Poultry" department. Then
there i, a Turkey page, page for Water.
fowl, Ducks and Geeee, page for Bantams,
and departments of Diseases, Artificial
Hatching and Rearing, full show reporte
other interesting feeturee. The sub.
eoription rate to readers of tbie paper is
but 50e. per year or three years for 61.00.
A sample will be seat for the asking.
Viotoria St„ Toronto, Ont.
MexaiMoolex.—At thereeidenoe of John
Martin, Wingham, on Wednesday,
Deoember 9th, wae solemnized the
marriage of hie daughter, Graoe, to Char.
les Garfield VanStone, only son of W. 3.
VanStone, formerly of Brueeels. The
bride wbo wae given away by her father
wae exquisitely gowned in white silk with
trimmingo of Duchess lace, and wore tbe
gilt of the worn, a pendant in the form
of n heart, studded with turquoise and
pearls, suspended on a dainty neok•ohain
and oarried a ebower boquet of bride's
roses, The bridesmaid, Mise Laura
Martin, sister of the bride, wore a gown
of pale blue Drape de Parte 'relieved with
touobee of white, and carried a boquet of
American Beauties, Mies Freda Van -
Stone, dieter of the groom, and Mies Nora
Smith made two very dainty little
attendants in •their dainty white eiik
frocks, bolding the ribbons which formed
the bridal aisle. The groom was sup.
ported by herb, Wightman, while Mies
Norma Dineley very charmingly rendered
Mendeleeohn'e Wedding Maroh. The
ceremony wae performed by the Rev.
Wm. Lowe, motor of St. Paul's, The
aroma' gilts to .the bridesmaid and
flower gide were dainty pine, set with
pearls, and to the groomsman, a pearl
'uteri pin. Mr, and Mre, VaoStone left
on the 8 05 train for a ebort trip. The
bride's going•awpy costume wae of brown
tweed, flocked with green and white,
with bat en suite and sable fere, On
their return,' Mre. Van0tone will receive
at her fatber'e reeidenoe, on January 5th
and ash. The groom ie a capable
boainees young man, and both bride and
groom have many Mende, who trope that.
their fdtara may be full of heppineee,
Tag Pam exprensesthe hearty oongeat,
uldtioue of Mr. Vattetone'e many friends
and around Bro0eele.
DEC. 17, 1003
White Jewel. ; 't`9AtR1 IR1l�%Christmas
R. FLETCHER, JEWELER, Satisfaet1on
Our Store is a Dazzling Display of Elegant Goods, suitable for Christmas Presents:
We always carry the Largest and Best Selected Stook of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry,
THE secret of the enolase of oar bneineee le
0u arRRe HONEST GOODS. Gar Mobto 19 "UNIrORMLY Low PRIDES." Rabiee, and .8000 1,la1110nd% See them, they are Blab:e s. Ladies'
Neok.la00s adsorbed lengths.
We buy direct from the. Menafaoburers for cash and oan give our Ouetomere the
OLo6EeT BA to..t e, We are ready for the. Holiday Busineen. Purchasers should Also as elegant Line of. Solid Gold Br000hes 381 with genuine Pearls,
make their selections while our Stook is at ltd boat. A BEAUTIFUL SILVER DISPLAY
Come and See Our Money Savers.
— Ladiee' Gold and Gold Fill ed Watohee,
— Gents' Gold and Gold Filled Watches,
-Ladiee', Gents', Boye' and Girle' Silver and Bilverine Watohee.
—Gents' 18 and 16 size Vanguard, 21. and 29 Jewelled Moveenente,
—Also 17, 15,11 and 7 Jewelled Movements in Elgin, Waltham, Dueber-Hampden
and Omega makes.
— Swiee and Engiish Watches kept in stook. "Sole Agents for the Dueber•Hempden
CLOCKS—We have is stook a very fine line of Mantle Clocks, in Marble, Iron and
Wood ; Onyx fioieh. Oak and Walnut 8 day cloaks ; Fancy, Gilt and
Alarm Clocks.
ALeo INITIAL and SOCIETY RINae, See our Birthday and Baby Rings,
Solid Gold Binge from 60a to 8100 each.
LADIIiS' CHA1S AND BRACELETS --A beautiful dieplay of Ladies' Long Watoh
Chains, Gents' Chains, Ladies' and Children's' Bracelets, Ouff Li, ke, Ouff
Buttons, Baby Pius, Necktie Pine, Br000hee, Obarma, Society Pins, Eta.
—Elva Piece Tea Sete —Oaks Naives
—Three Piece Tea Sete Sardine Forks
—Fern Ooaetere —Jelly Knivee
--Baking Disbar —Cold Meat Forks
—Sugars and Oreame Knives and Forks A 1
—Berry Diebea —Oahe Forks
—Cake Baskets —Pie Kaiven
-Bieaoit Jars —Cucumber Forks
-Pickle and Batters —Jelly Spoons
—Bon Bon Dishes —After Dinner .Coffee Spoone
—Berry Spoons --Soup Ladles
Also a Beautiful Dieplay of Out Glass
1847 Roger Bros. A 1 Goode. A full line of Sterling Silver Flat Ware and
Novelties, Engraving done Free of Charge.
A Grand Dieplay of FANCY OHINA, in Japanese Ware, Crown Derby and
Wedgewood. See our Genuine Ebony Goode.
Tbie Department is well looked after by Mre. Fletcher. Consultation Free.
Eyes properly Tested. Faunae at Ana Prices.
We will be pleaeed to have you look through our Stook, Oar prioee are the
Loweet—We oan save you money.
Watoh and Jewelry Repairs promptly attended to, Satiefaction guaranteed.
Re, FLETCHER, 1nto Oloee price jeweler.
THE sale of clatters has been splendid so
far this season and the dealers are well
Comae Friday, January 8, at the Town
Hall, Brunetti, Harold Jarvis, the Delta
braced tenor singer, Jamee'Fax, the noted
humorist, and Mies BellaFax, accompan-
Tem Caber & Sons carriage Factory
staff is at work on the buggy output for
1904. They are going into It stronger
than ever for next year as their past
experience has been of a very eatiefaotory
oharaoter and tbey have always been
under the mark as to possible ealee.
G. T. R. SamoMawrs.—The following
are the shipments from Brussels station
for the past week :-6 oars hay and 8
oars wheat by Alf. Beaker ; 8 oars
wheat by R. Graham ; 4 oars salt by
the Enterprise Salt Werke ; 1 oar
oattle, 1 oar hogs and oar of cheep by A,
C. Dames ; 1 oar cattle by Peter Barr ;
1 oar dour by Stewart & Lowick ; 1 oar
of heading by J. McDonald, Walton ; 1
oar cheese from Brueeels Obeeee Factory;
1 oar dressed fowl by Juo. B. MoLauob.
Mr. Chatterton refined to in this item
is known to a number of people in Bros.
sale having spent eeveral days here when
arranging to open a branch of the Met•
ropolitan Bank here. Theaooident bap.
posed at London on Saturday and ie re•
ported as follows :—A serious aooident
happened yesterday afternoon to Pittenger
Obatterton, of the Pretrolea branch of the
Metropolitan Bank. He was driving with
others into the city from the Hunt club's
kennels, sitting with his bask to the horse
when the animal became frightened, and,
striking oat with its hind hoofs, kinked
Mr. Ohatterton in the bask. The daolore
are unable to gay yet bow seriously be is
injured, and although be is resting eaeily
at the home of friends, complications are
"THE OLD ORanemD".—Tbie ie the
title of a new book of 821 pages
placed upon the market whose author is
Rev. Arch. MaKibbon, Methodist minis.
ter at Ailsa Craig, formerly of Walton
locality. The book is written in an
interesting etyle. wbioh is maintained
throngbout, and the obaraotere are not
overdrawn. We have read the story,
which ie a temperanoe one, with no email
pleasure and would heartily recommend
it to the reading publio eepeoially the
young people of Canada. The nom de
plume the reverend author has chosen is
Mock Olcie, Book is to be found on Bale
at J. Fax's store. It is along the right.
line and will exert an influence for, good
in elevating the tone of public morals.
Mr. McKibben is receiving many
complimentary references from the
pulpit and press.
Thursday evening of Inst week the con.
cert announced ander tbe auepioee oftbe
Chosen Friends came off and although
the Town Hall was not crowded the pro-
gram was a good one and presented in
good style. Mies Anna Beokett, of
Detroit, wae the eoloist and wee very
generous in her oontributions. She ie
possessed of a clear sweet veioe of great
range and eines with great ease. In
double piano parte ebe excels as almost
bird like she earole her melodious songs.
Trueman Smith, the chief Oounoiilor,
epoke a few appropriate introductory
words after the R. 0. T. M. Band had
played eeveral selections when the follow.
Ing program was presented :-Mnsioal
selection, Baud; solo, "Prooh's 'Theme
and variations" Mies Anna Beokett ;
recitation, "The fire fiend", Mies Winnie
MoGuire ; solo, "Song of the Night.
insole" Miss Beokett ; leading, Mies
Buchanan ; song, "March of the Oamer.
on Men", Miss Beokett ;• piano Bolo, T.
A. 'Hawkins ; selection by the Band ;
eolo, "01 Dry Tboee Tame", Mies Beek.
eft ; recitation, "Pat's First Love Letter';
Mise Winnie MoGuire ; selection by the
Band'; solo, "Love is a Bubble", Mies
Beokett 1 reoitation, ''Kissing's fjop.
Race", Mine Nora Holmes ; solo, "Sweet
Bye•and Bye" (with variations) Mise
Beokett. Mise Winnie McGuire was as
heartily applauded as ever and Mies Nora
Holrnee respocded to a well deserved
eaoore after bet rendition of the Kiesing's
Oop Race. Mies Josie Bnabanan related
in an entertaining manner the story of
"George Washington and his hatchet"
interepereed by the questions of it boy of
enquiring mindbut short memory, With
the three young ladies mentioned and
other worthy eloentionary talent in town
Brdeeele is well able to hold its own along
thie line, Mr. Hawking' piano solo,
"Blaok Joe," with yariatione wae well
ed most efficient service. The Band did
ite part in good etyle and made au agree-
able addition to the program.
Business Locals.
Oneaane, 15, 25, 80, 40, 50, 80a. per
doz. at W. A. Grewar's.
Raw FURS—Highest price paid for raw
fare. A. Cousins, Brunets.
Xmas goode and at Xmas prices for the
rent of this month. R. Leatherdale.
San our fanny odd pie/es for theparlot,
Somethiug new and up•to date. R.
HANDSOME walnut sideboard for sale at
great reduotiou. Apply to MRs. W. M.
SINCLAIR, Brneeels.
WE have a larger assortment of Panay
rookers than we ever bad before at lower
prions. R. Leatherdale.
30 pairs of ladies' and S0 pairs of
menta shoes Belling at asst prioe on Fri-
day and Saturday at H. A. Matabett'a.
To any one needing good cutting saws
I will sell at any price to make room for
more saws. T. MaGnxaoa, Mill street,
GENTLEMEN.—GO to Matahett's for
glovee, neck smarts, shirts and underwear.
He is giving epeeist prices Friday and
WANTED. -5000 turkeys', 16a for choice
stock. If your live buyer wont take them
at the pride, we will. We want all kinds
of fowl, dried apples, beans, large onions
and raw furs. GEo. E. Kum, Wingbum.
This is the greatest Bale of solely Drees
Goods ever offered in the /minty and in•
eludes all this
Pelee importations. ortatinns. 50
80 and 66n lines for 860 ; 75o and $1.00
lines for 50a, eta.
Geo. E. KING, Wingham.
HURRAH 1 Hurrah 1 sleighing is here
and we are ready for it we have the finest
aeeortment of cutters and bob•sleighe on
hand ever ehown in Brueeels and all our
own make and therefore we know just
what we are selling. Prime right. Be
sure and eel them before ' buying. Also
a good tasty lot of band sleighs for boys.
J. conga & SON'S, carriage Works.
People We Talk About.
DeWitt Omens is on the eiok list this
W. F. VanStone, of Wingham, was in
town on Wednesday.
Mied Maud Ooseue, of Trowbridge, is
the guest of her sister.in law, Mre, (Rev.)
Mre. R. W. Matheson and baby, of
Laoknow, are visitors at the home of the
former, Queen street, Brunette.
Mr. Moffatt, teaober of Seafortb, who
is a member of the 0o. Board of Exam
iuere, was palled from his duties et the
Model School, Goderiob, to the parental
home near Laoknow, to attend the
funeral of his sinter, an estimable young
lady wbo passed away after a brief illness.
Funeral tookplaoe Monday afternoon.
Mre. James cooper has been under the
(looter's care tbie week but we hope she
will eoon be all right Brain.
Leon F. Jackson, of Ottawa,. formerly
of Braseele, now holds a position in the
Custom's Department in that city. He
wae in the Census Department before
tbie move.
Mre, J. Hollinger wbo went to Civet.
ford for medical treatment, has been
dangerously ill during the pant week and
her mother, Mrs. Thee. Bunte, wag
-eummo`tned to her bed-eide.
J. J. Gilpin, wbo was confined to the
house for five weeks le able to get out
occasionally now. Mrs. Gilpin is still a
prisoner to the bones altbougb ooneider-
ably improved in health.
George Buchanan, wbo has been
beaching in Kiolose with no email
measure of eneoeee, will go to Dungannon
for 1904. Mr. Buchanan ie a former
Brueeellte and will give a good a000unt
of himself.
Mre. George Skelton, wbo has been
dangerously ill for some weeke, at tbe
home of her mother, Mrs. Tbuell,
Alexander street, is somewhat better
but still in a very weakly condition. We
hope a change for the better will soon
ensue. ,
J. M O'Connor is removing from the
apartments over I. 0. Richards store to
the lower Sat in the Stratton bleak where -
he will attend to hie insurance business.
Hie health is keeping fairly good for a
mac of his years.
We are sorry to report that George
Shield, Tarnberry street, ie in very poor
health. He pulled up fairly well during
the past Summer and made favorable
prograde but complications in bis ailment
have asserted themeelvee tbat leave eona.
eiderably reduced his strength.
Mies Ella Fannon, who has }leen on
Tam Pon staff for the past three months
and made good progress too, will leave
after the Christmas vacation for Strat
ford where ebe will attend tbe Baldness
College tor a term. She ehonld matte a
good student as else is tbe holder of a non.
protee:ional and olass teacher's oertifioate
but ie not anxious to teach. Mise Olive
Mainprize euooeede Mfas 1unston at Tan
Poem Publishing House.
R. M. Farrow, of Ottawn, wae in Brue.
eels for a few days curiae the past week
viaiting at his father's, Postmaster Far.
row's. Re has been at the Oapital for
about 23 years and in the Cuetome
Department in the Civil service is rec-
ognized as one of the most competent of
the chiefs. Mr, Farrow took a holiday
for a week to efface the effect of hard
oonetant work and long hours. It isn't
every emp'oyee that rendere such faith.
ful service as Mr. Farrow and web merit.
ed advancement bas been hie record.
Rev. Father Fulham, who wae irjnred
in the Ottawa'Univeesity fire, has
enooumbed to hie injuries.
A. 37. Ames & Co, have issued writs
spinet las. Oommee; M. P. P., Ether
Sutherland, and A, R. Blake•Foreter, to
recover a total of $12,000, balance' 'lleg.
ed to be doe on Stook bought on amount
of defendants.
I]r OVt�± COATr8
We have a large stock of Men's, Boys', Youths' and
Children's Overcoats and in order to clear them out
quickly have decided to make big reductions in the
price of all: lines.
We Offer You in thisSpeCi
al December Sale
$4 00 Overcoats now going at $3 2G
500 r' (r 425
6 00 & 6.50 Overcoats now going at 5 00, ; ,
7 00 Overcoats now going oin at 5 50,
8 00 it rrg 6 60,
10' 00 " 8 25
Theo are actual reductions off regular $rst'claes values and not
done and the audience demanded a merited up in order to cut prides. Act quickly and get first choice
second number bat teethed a graoefut and yoLii' proper size.
bow instead, Mise Beckett reependad to
a number of encores and did her part
with grata) and ability. Meg. (De.)
Holmes was the aaeompaniet and raider.
HAIsT—STkwAnT--I5 Ubly, on Deo, 9,
Henry Halet,formerly of Brunets,.
to Mies Jennie Stewart, both of Ubly,
Locum .—In Grey, on Deo, lith, Jane
Little, beloved wife of Tbos.Looking,
in ber 77th year.
Comm.—At Ethel, on Deo. 13, Robert
Scott, aged 84 years.
Aa.rowx ,q'
MONDAY, DEO. 21.—Farm Stook,
implements, &a., St Lots
2, Oon. 0,
Grey, Sa'e unreaerved,ab 1 0'0100$. J.
B. MoLeuohlin, Prop. F. S. Scott, Auo.
TUESDAY, DES. 22.—Farm Stook,
implements; &o. Lot 29, Oon 13, Grey.
Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Jae. &
Geo. Mann, Propts.. F. S. Scott, Ano.
WANTED. -1 011 2 HEAVY
Spring Bolts of good quality,- fillies
preferred. Also a fairly goodcircular wood
saw. If interested drop a pard to Box 206,
Brueeels, P. 0.
and Saving
If there la ever a time during the
whole year when you want your money to
go fertbeet it is right now, Everyone
likes to give. The problem le what you
can give that Is worthy of giving and
still bava your money go around. In
both of these respeote this store oan be of
eerviee to you, What to give becomes as
easy matter when you have such an
ample stook of desirable gifts to ohooes
from as we are showing thie year. It
oombinee every element of beauty, use•
fulness, novelty and real worth. Many
items in our stook that you' cannot get
elsewhere and nothing that you - oan get
elsewhere that is worth having that you
cannot get here for the lowest 'obtainable
prices. Aotnal bargains in goode of
worthy quality are what we promise you.
Come Soon
We would like to impend' upon every
one thedesirability of making their
eeleotioue Boon. Every day will count
from now until Christmas, and every day
the task of making selection's if put off
will only increase your worry. The
prime menet be lower than they now are
and the assortment will constantly grow
lees. Oar stook is too large to be Som.
pietely exhausted bat it is mach easier to
pick your gifts before the final rush
Wo want to lend every antistaaoe in
our power that will help make this a eat.
iefaatory holiday season for you.
We will be glad to
see you at
Fo X' s
Drug Store.
Piga for aa10, consisting of 1 hog and
8 sows, onemonth old. Por prides apply
ab Bodmin Lime works. R. B. NIOHOG-
SON, Proprietor, Bolgrave P. O. 22tf
Wood Wanted.
Tenders will,' bo received until December
29th for Oho delivery of 100 (lords' of Good,
bound, G,'oan Hard Wood 22 inches Long,
to be delivered at the Brueeels Public
School before the first day of Marna 1904
borders in whole or part as low as, 25 Cords
will be received. R. R088,
Secretary Public School Board,
Brussels, Deo, 14,1006.
The Holiday
Season. is almost h
Y os ere
The Most Joyful of all the 'Year.
ATURALLY the mind turns to the Christmas Gifts,
What shall weive—something useful' ? Nothing
g g
more appropriate for Ladies than a New Dress,
a Pretty Waist, Nice pair of Gloves, Handkerchiefs,
Dainty Neck Ribbons, Shoes, Hosiery or Umbrella.
For Gentlemen
a Perfect. Fitting Suit of Clothes, a Warm Dressy
Overcoat, Fine Pair Shoes, Shirts, Neck Scarf,
Gloves, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, or Underwear.
For the House
We have just Placed in Stock a Beautiful Assort-
ment of Fancy Table Covers, Fine Table Linen. Table
Napkins, White Quilts, Lace Curtains and Fine
-2One case of Loclieo' and 1 ease of Gentle-
men's Shoes will 'be.: cleared at Cot Price
on Friday. and Saturday.
The balance of our Underwear at Cost Price.
' Jh1�t'l(!9u'fe'u,gn'ri'unmltnl, rt -