HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-17, Page 5Md. 11/, i.GO$
dfl II be POST
�5 �y1�� y s, a6 tnakoe aldowape, agnoeaing Sir. Count's tr—-----
T P L I ° A j .14s: GU ' a girt. 13iandt ovee bae
CAPITAL --Paid up $1,000,000
RES1Si;VI Et3M) • $1,000,000
BEV, R. H, WARDRN, D, 0., N J, 540010!,
President, Vice -President,
0, D, }tA900Y, 4'000. BNAnaBA}r, 0, E, H. 0.
Drone Bought and Sold, Partnere' Notes Discounted.
sgePAWS Name Par, Ram abr
Interest at HIGBEBT CURRENT RATER allowed on all sumo of $1 and upwards
ltd8'1.12, , °l°ks fleaxam
G. I. BLAIR, Solicitor. A.. E. MELLIBH, Manager,
0. 0. J'.
Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, 0.0. F„
Bruseele menta in their Lodge Room,Sias.
hill Bloolr on the Sad and last Tueeta a of
eaoh month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
alWay6 welcome. JAB. BURGESS, 0. R.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
$I7.7SSI71+S, MITT.
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4i, 411 & 5 Por Cont.
Office over Hareley's Drug Store,
Nov. Ord,1009. B0 -9m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insaranoe Co.,
EeTARLt0IIEf 1840
Insurance taken on the mob and premium
ing elsewhere call on He underegeed oreAgent
of the Company.
GEORGE 0OGER0, Bruseele.
• REB. will sell for bettor prices, to
better men, in lees time and lase 'bargee
uron or
he won't charge other anything r DaEast
e and orders
eonalwaysbe arranged at this office or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the office of 'Inn Poem, Brussels. 2211
e7 • -Honor. Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animate in a oompet-
nut manner. Particular attention paid to
Dentistry. Calls
promptly tly
tended to. Office
and Infirmary -Four doors
North of bridge, huinberry et„ 13 reseals. •
. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Pito.
Buoeeseor to. G. Blair. Office over Stan.
dard Bank, Brneeele, Sotioitor for Metro-
politan Bank.
1I • Barrister, Solloitor,,conveyanoer,
1 toloor North of Central Hotel. Bleak
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
M. U., C. M,,
Trinity Univereitpp Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Melchor College of Physicians, and
Surgeon'', Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
Witery Edinburgh. terTolopltonc No.14,.
Residence -Miall a
ence-Mill etreet, Brueaele..
Graduate of •too Royal College of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and Piret•eleee Honor
Graduate of - Toronto University, Omoe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
British Columbia
Red Cedar
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Alis
Also Doors and Saeh of all Pat
(erne on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Bethnates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman.
obip and Material Guaranteed.
...A.M .L' f NT
Pre Nan rems,
MoNromAr, nomivatione will be held on
Mouday, Deo. 28, and where elections are
necessary they will come off a week later,
viz Monday, January 4th,
DAVID 'DOn10N, of Abilene, Kansas,
formerly of Brunets, writes that he may
make a visit to this locality next Spring.
He 'aye he will gond a photo of the
looa'ity after the, terrible windstorm that
%deiced their section. It took away Mr.
Dobson's buildings, orchards, &u. The
many old friende of Mr. Doboon will be
pleased to see him return to visit this
$1,OOrn AN ID
0 o Ai
.-IIere s obanoe
for our readers: To any poreou who can
suggest prrminma that can be adopted
and will prove more popular ar,d greater
value than the two pictaree, "Heart
Broken" and "Hard to Ohooee," and the
quick reference co'oured map of the
Dominion with enlarged mope of thie
province, .which are this year given with
The Family Herald and Weekly Star of
Montreal, the publishers of that great
Weekly will pay one thousand dollars.
`,I'hle year's premiums are oerlainly im
menee value, and will be bard to Rupees.
However, there is 01,000 waiting for any
one who Can improve ou them.
FRIENnLY Wonne.-A Berlin subscrib-
er in remitting his aubeeription to THE
POST soya ;-"You publish a paper which
is a credit to yooreelf and I am store ie
appreciated by your eubeoribere," Writ•
ing from Kansas a person aaye, "I
thought I could get along without THE
Poem but find we have to try it again so
enclose a dollar for 1904" From Miob-
igen a eubsoriber sends 'along a dollar
for 1904 and remarks :--"I like the paper
very much as it gives all the news to me
from Brneeele and the enrroandiug
oountry and I like to bear from tboee
parte." Many other eaoh lettere come to
hand and are very highly appreciated,
teprsiaily when the collateral 000om.
ponies the good words. Our creditors
will accept the cash but will not allow
mach for the compliments alone. Tau
POST for a year malice a very fine present
to an absent relative or friend. Suppose
you invest 61 00 that way at Christmas
or N»w Years°and try the plan suggested.
Yon will be thoukfully remembered 62
times in 1904
FARMERS' Lamm. - Eaet Huron
Farmers' Institute will hold meeting'
for thedisouseion of agricultural and
kindred ouhjeate as uodermention•
ed : Brussels, Wednesday, Jan. 6,,
1904: Afternoon - Ohsirman'e addreee ;
1'. S. Raoe, Mitchell, The farmers' fruit
and vegetable garden, with five minutes
talk on pruning, grafting, r0eee, bedding
plants, pare of flowers, olimbiog pleats,
lawns, and spraying, as eoleoted by the
audience. W. O. Shearer, Bright, Bernie
fits of aoiliogth cows in Summer. In e
evening Mr..Ruoe will speak on. "The
social aide of farm life" and Mr. Shearer
on "Advantages of farm life." Gorrie,
Jinn. 7 , 1904. Afternoon - Chairman's
addreee; T. H. Rase will speak on "The
farmers' fruit and vegetable garden";
W. 0. Shearer' will speak on "Breeding
cud feeding bogs for market. Evening-
Mr. Race will epeak on "The true ideal
in Institute work" and 'Mr. Shearer on
"Advantages of farm lite.". The atter-
noon eeeeione will open at 1 80 and the
evening-eeeoione at 7 80. A maeical and
literary program will be looked after by.
the looal Directors for each evening. All
are cordially invited to attend these
meetings and take an intelligent part in
the dieoueoione on the various galleon;
introduced by the speakers. Thee. Mo
Milian is the President and Geo. Hood is
the Beoretary.
A MtLLIoNA1RE Now. -The Wiugbam
Advance 'aye :-Our readers will remem
ber that a short time ago the Advanoe
reported that Mise M. Campbell, of
Braeeeie, (formerly of Wingham) had
been left it large legacy by a Mr. Ooldoe-
oo, of Mexico, a oomparative stranger.
We noted oleo that Mies Campbellbed
received 6200 to pay her expenaee to
Mexico whither she was called to receive
papers entitling her to the amount of the
kg at. We are in receipt of a letter
9 t0 1?
from Miss Campbell dat,.d November 28
etaling•tbat aha arrived stately in Mexico
city. She lilies the country well and it
appears to be a piece where money•
making ie easy. Cotton, ooffee, augur
cane and robber are some of the products.
There are large ranchoa.. of sheep and
cattle. The wool is made into blankets,
The dyes used are far superior to Caned -
Ian dyes and do not fade. But about the
legacy :-When Mr, Goldoni: died be left
Mise Campbell one million dollars in.
vested in.a mine, For three year° she
reoeivee the aeoumulation of this million
dollars Which
hii 'h payable to ber earl on
August 1. At the end of the three
years she can command the principal,,
61,000,000. Mien Onm; boll's letter to
the Advanoe hae by acme means gone
astray and the above is,lhe substance of
her letter to a lady friend. The .story of
thie immense legaoy is it pretty pieoe of
remanae, a strange feature of it being
that Mr, Ooldosoo seven van ago wars a
poor male, but the disoovery of a rioh
mine made him wealthy. A letter, a
brief call and then no more until receipt
of the letter informing Mies Campbell
that she wag a legatee of therfbh Wale,
ate the links in the chain of events that
hae made IOW .-Cal/Then a millionaire,
The Advance congratulates her ou her
remarkable good fortune, The most
onplivating novels have boon written on
lessor foundations than this somewhat
strange hat (for • Mies Campbell) most
fortunate affair.
- !'hie Bank advances mangy on Partnere' Bale Nolen, in large or
Mall amounts and for long or short torfne, to suit the customer.
g e time o su may
e full amount of Nos t e r
-You may drat th f I am a on Y
R t v o
draw smaller amounts when you win and or any
time that
Kilts year eonvonieuoe. Inerest
is obarged'only for the num•
her of days you take the money. Noteo left for collection
receive our beet attention.
- Nolen may be left for WA xgnrruO only for wbiob no charge le made
SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards received
and Higheet Bank Interest allowed thereon from date of deposit on daily balanoo,
t9'Every oonvenienee afforded onetomere living at a distance.
Tnn Wonmi JaWeany BToto,-`!'hie le
the new designation of the Fletcher
Jewelry store. Daring the past year
great improvements have been made In
the building in the rem,val of the former
front and the eubetitution of pressed
brick and plate gioee which added in no
small degree to the appearance, comfort
and value of the premises, A metal
balcony of tasty design wag also planed
for the upper story and with the exterior
woodwork painted a pare white has at
treated the attention of many a visitor.
In the interior the store was remodeled
and by the introduction of new show
casae and jewelry oabiuete together with
larger and more modern window aoom-
mdationplus toe skill of the paper
hanger and painter, the faailitiek for
displaying goods are not often sarpaeeed,
Mrs. Fletcher oleo had a number of
ohangos made in the apartments utilized
ae their home whioh hae been enlarged
and modernized eo as to add greatly to the
comfort and eooveoienoe of the family.
Mr. Fletcher woe one of the oldest
bueiueee men in Brussels and since hie
dereaee hie son Regineld, assisted by his
mother, hoe managed the jewelry, watch
making and optimal departments as well
the telegraph office.
CANADA. -At St. Andrew's supper in
Stratford, Mt nday evening of lost week,
Dr. Maodouaid, M. P. for East Huron,
was one of the speakers. The Stratford
Beaoon givee the following synopsis of
his address :-Dr. Macdonald, M. P ,
replied to the toast "Canada." Hie was
really a fine effort. He expressed hie
pleasure at being present and was pleaeed
that hie name was opposite the greatest
subject of the evening -"Canada" Boot.
land might be good, Eniaod might not
be better (laughter), but there wee no
comparison with 5,000,000. people who
could not be matched for pueb, enterprise,
intelligence and good behavior, why there
VMS no mob country ma' Canada on the
fame of the earth. It was a Oou0try
whioh probably moat in the world regale.
ed the greatest amount of wisdom of its
legielatore and ite peop'e. • We had a
oo0otry forty times larger than Great
Britain -a nation unrivalled in its civil
and religious liberty. It was eighteen
times greater than the territory of
France ; sixteen timed greater than
modern Germany. Canada was the
noblest and greatest of them all. It was
rich in its material wealth and it waa
the duty of Oanadiane to unlock this
wtalth and rectors it to the people. Ceo•
ads had one of the best forme of Govern-
ment in the world. Ite judiciary was
the bast that ever existed. It was pure
and unsullied, Its educational system
w,.a t,f the highest. Its inetitutione rested
almost entirely upon the character of
it, people which was the oharaoter of its
Government. 'We bad civil and religious
liberty and were tree to worebip God
according to the dictates of our own
coneoienoe. Another element was our
patriotiem. The speaker gave a eplendid
recital of the bravery displayed by the
Canadian soldiers who fought in South
Africa. His pen pictures of the engage.
menta they weut through were most
vivid. He cone uded his remarks amid
mooh applause.
E'0. t'.w 0 041.
NOTES.-W°g. Boyd left last Friday
morning on a two menthe' trip to Caliter.
nig.-T wo carloads of telephone poles
have arrived at the station and have been
unloaded here. This indioateo that
the Bell Telephone Co. purpose building
the line to Monkton as soon as possible.
-J. W. Boyd'' many friends are pleased
to see him moving around once more.
He has to keep a bandage over the eye
from whioh the oataraot was removed but
informs tie that he can see with it
although not able to stand a very strong
BLotnfx-vu ,
A. ?garrison, the efficient oheeoemaker
of Silver Corners, bag begun batter mak•
Wright, of Henfryn, manatee.
torer of red and white brink and drain
tit', has had a most eaaoeeafal eeseon,
The Henfryn brink end tile yards turned
oat this year 750,000 briok and 150,000
tile and it hat all been sold too.
Newey Noose. -Jae. Kerr who has been
in the West for some years, hae returned
hnme.-Ohnrobill Bawtenbeimer and
Mise Jennie were visiting friends at Ayr.
-Jack 8t. Armour, who hae been work-
ing in Owen Sound this past Summer,
has returned home. -Jae Rodgers, who
worked with 0, Bawtenbeimer this year,
hat goue to the Bneineee College et
Stratford. -Mrs. Rowland hae a new
storm door on the front of her store. It
adds much to the warmth of the etore.-
A very painful sooident marred to Alex.
Coutts who was working with Win. Coop
er. They were putting the threabing
machine in the barn when it slid about
OW is the time to be thinking of what Pres-
ents you will make. If you are puzzled as
to what to buy, come and let us help you to decide.
There are many things that a visit here will sug-
We have Slippers, Underwear, Umbrellas, Fur Gauntlets,
Mufflers, Hose, Cuffs, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Gloves and
Ties (including the Stewart, Boss, Davidson, Cameron,
MacKay and Scott Tartans.)
Evening Slippers, Felt Shoes, Spats, Ruffs, Muffs, Gaunt.
lets, Fur Coats and Caps, Fanoy
Waist Goods Fancy
lars and Neck Ribbons, Gloves, Pretty Belts, Blouse Sets,
Umbrellas, Shawls, Handkerchiefs galore from 2e. to $1.00.
House Slippers; Cardigans, Toboggan Caps, Gray Lamb
Caps, Mitts, Gloves, Ruffs, Sweaters, Leggings, Purses,
Beads, Handkerchiefs all sorts and sizes.
No need to overlook any of your friends. All kinds of
Presents for all kinds of Pocket Boots
very complete and worthy of your epeoial attention.
We oonfideutly antioipate more than pleasing yon in almost anything yen
require and here yen will find NO 9ANOY Pawns but EVERY-
T11ING OH1.7AP and Reliable. We shall be pleased to have you
call often between now and Xmas.
dlIeiA4e IG.111yq,1101,'Ib4,Aid't,4,ii,
r .e taken 150 a dower and Kot
drt•,•-.1 it will no doubt lay him , If
i not for,. x ,veeka or mere. -••Alias time
Rowland, %vino Ilse been working nt New.
ry ;hie Bummer, has returned home, -L,
and and Mrs, Luoas'were vioitblg friends
at Exeter,
.tv1:>x•Idg ee.
Noose.-Widdle Jackson hae returned
from the Northwest, looking hale and
hearty -Mise E. A. Oosene was vieitingher
brother, Rev. T, W. Oosens, of Bruseele,
-Mr, and Mie. Morahan have moved
to their farm, lately purchased from
J. Adams. We we'onme Mre. and MIT,
Marshall to our community, -What
might have proved a actions accident
happened to Will. Tngben. He was
letting the horses out of the stable, and
was thrown down by one of them and hie
bead crushed against the etable, almost
severing one of hie ears. The Dr. eco.
(leaded in stitching it on again and tbe
patient le doing as well as can be expect.
ed. We treat the acoidentmay have no
serious reeo•t.-Mre. Robt Oliver is still
=glued to her bed with her broken leg,
but is improviog.-The Missionary Der.
vi0ee were held here on Sunday, Dr.
Stephenson, of Toronto, was the preacher,
-We are sorry to learn that the O. P. 11
is not coming our way, but perbape some
day we may yet have 0. railroad.
VVIfacto larya .
NEWSY WRINELEa,-J. A. Cline and
family intend returning to Wingham and
will reside in Mr. Button's house on
Patrick street, -Tho Mayor reported at
the Council meetings regarding the road
South of town, that the Engineer eetim•
etas the Moet $0,000. The townebipe of
Morrie and Wawanoeh preferred to have
the matter laid over till January meeting
of County Connell, whioh was done. -The
report of the Lioenee Oommieofonere
announced that the amount aiming to
the town on the second division of the
Lioenee Fund waa $362 60. -Mr. Baokley
has sold his restaurant to L G. Kruse, of
Beafortb.--Dr. Gandy was in Toronto
last week attending an important meet-
ing of the Ex,outive of General Board
of Missions, -Rev. Dr, Gandy preached
anniversary eermone in Teeewater Sun-
day. Rev. G. J. Herr, of Teeewater,
000upied the pulpit of Wingham Metho•
diet ohnroh.-R Barrett and M. B. L.
Homnth interviewed the Council asking
for the nee of the Town Hall for a series
of 000certe during the Winter season. It
is proposed to bold a 0000ert about every
two weeks, at whioh admieeion fee will
be charged, to provide funds for the
purohaee of uniforms for the members
of the band. The Coanoil viewed the
request favorably and on motion of
Coons. Bell and Elliott, it was granted,
together with an order for a quarterly
grant of $25 -The anneal meeting of the
Wingham branch of the Upper Canada
Bible Sooiety was held in St. Paul's
church. The reports presented showed
that the local theists, had a very
aaaoeesfai year and already over 6100
had been collected. The following
officers were eleoted for the ensuing
year :-President, Jno. Kerr ; Vine
President, Robt. Currie ; Ssaretary, A•
E. Lloyd ; Treasurer, Rev. N. B. Bur.
wash. The Directors of last year were
re.eleoted with the exception that W.
Onrbooid was elected in plane of F. Shore.
-On Toeeday afternoon of last week an
ac eot marred in Howson& Co.'s grist
milt that might have proved fatal to some
of those near, Shortly before 6 o'olook,
one of the chopper' buret, the pieces fly
ing with terrible )orae in every direction.
To one young man, John MoKay, the
result woe very serious. Pieces of the
flying metal etruok him in the face. Both
eyes were injured, Moe of them was burst,
and the eight entirely destroyed. -At the
December meeting of L. 0. L , No. 794,
for the eleolion of °femora, results were
ae follows :-W. Master, T. Hall ; Deputy-
Moter,Geo. Rankin ; Rea. Secreta
e , ry, J.
J. Mohlannoa ; Fin. Secretary, J. G.
Stewart ; Treasurer, D. Bell ; Chaplain,
J. MaNevin ; Leoturer, Lr. J. Chisholm ;
Dir. of Ceremonies, R Sharp ; Auditors,
A. a. Musgrove, Wm. Clegg ; Committee;
let, A. Dalmage ; and, Alex• Young ; 8rd,
0. Thornton ; 4th, J. Glenn ; 5th, J.
Noma Comma -W. Goats hae rented
the house in Goderiob recently occupied
by Judge Maeeon, and expecte to eocopy
it shortly. after New Years. -D. Cautelon
hae yet about 4,000 barrels of appiee to
ship before he will finish the eeston's
business, -At the last meeting of the
Pablio eobool board Mies Clara Ohidiay
wee engaged to fill the vacancy oaneed by
Mies Robb's reeignation.-Hitherto the
deputise at municipal eleotione received
68 dollars per day and the owners of the
booths $2, Tbie has been reversed, depu-
ties now getting the smaller amount, -E.
Butt hauled out from the farm of James
Stevens, Base Line, one of the largest
oak loge ever taken to Stapleton mill
yard. It was 12 feet long and coaled
1442 feet, -At a meeting of the Library
board itwart deoidedto reduce the Hoes
on hooka not returned on time, to 8 dente
for the first and 1 cent for each euooeed•
ingday,with no char a for days on
whioh the Library may not be open, an
Sundays end holidays. About 125 new
volumes will be added this Month. -
Reeve Middleton, of Goderioh township,
addressed the connoil in reference to the
work done on the Bolmeeville bill He
had a plan of the work and showed what
portion bad been completed and what
yet remained to 40 in the Spring. The
oonnoil listened with interest and then
granted $50, ae much more to be given
when the job ie finished.-Bigbteen
membere of the Dominion Heavy Draught
Horse Breeders' Aseooiation met in an.
noel y eeeeionat the Rattenbur Route on
Wednesday of last week. Secretary
Mitchell was preeent and in the absence
of Pres, McIntosh, Vine Pres, Slntllie
000upied the chair. The principal beef-
neat of the day was the reoeivingof the
reports of the oeorotary and treasurer
which were heard with pteaanre con-
cerning the very satieleotory etauding of
the Booiety. After payingall oatetand•
ing claims with the excepion of the ad
jnetmentof the $115 voted to the Western
Fair Board, they bave in the bank 5050.
Leat year's officers and board 'of mad.
agement were re.eleoted, amongst them
being Potor McGregor, treasurer, and
Meagre., stanbury, ,Avery, trines and
Dale, members of the hoard, In the
Nitrite the date of their annual meeting
will be the third Wednesday in Decent.
liar a0 at not to interfere with the Stook
Show at Gueiph. Font drosses were
I Made the standard ok registration, 'rhos,
Christmas Goods
Chrietinas is onlytwo awayand ohr
wd cash bu
ore are
their selections now while
the stook is at Its beet andthey have first ohoioe.
We have made great preparati0ne for the Cbrietmae trade, Below we
mention a few linee token at random. from oar immattee stook, whioh will
make very eaitable Cbrietmae primate :—
Japaneee Satin Cushion Tope, elaborately embroidered, in all colors, at 50o,
75, $1, 51,50 and 52.50,, ,,Lithographed Cushion Tope in new colors
and designs, at 26o, 85o, 60o and 750.,...Japeneee Bilk Table Drapes,
Mantle Drapes, Piano Drapes, etc., at very close prioee,.,...Ladies'
Fanny Faeoinatore at 85o, 60o and 76u,...Ladiee',Sid Gloves in all the
new ebadea,...Ladiee' Fancy Belts, in new thous, from 25e to $1.75.,
Men's !Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves, in all the beet colors, at 60o, 76o,
$1, $1:26 and 51 60....Way Muffisre for men, in plain and fanoy stripes'
at 25s, 85o, 611o, 760 and $1.... Haoditerohiefe in endless variety, fu
silk, muslin, IaWI and linen, from 2o to $1....Teble Covera, in linen,
tapestry, ohonille, etc., at from 60o to $4,...Ladiao' Leather Wriet
Bags and Parsee at all priess....Ladiee' Aetraohan Gauntlets, in buck
and gray....Ohiidren'e Gauutlate, in blank, white and gray.... Ladies'
5 1
Silk tack allots at 25o,850,600 75o and $ ,
B S,
Also -n Full Stock or ether f'hrlslrnas (Coeds
too numerous to newton.
McMillan will be the delegate to the
Canadian Horse Breeders' Asea, and
Alex. Innes and D. M. Cole repreeentat-
ivad to the Western Fair board. The
rest of the time was' devoted to routine
work, adjourning to catch the 8 28 train.
ON JAN. 4, 1904,
Two Courses-Oommorolai and Shorthand..
Send for College Journal.
A.L..MoII4TYRE, Manager.
PFrt''' i7Q f
I/ A Famous School 2
A large wide-awake, working. buetql
ling, result -producing school -she hest
JfBasincae Cotreeo In Canada ,g.
8raenatee always get poe,tiu80. '0010
College pieties many of its graduates
gin other Business Colleges as teoohere.
Winter terns opens Jan, 4011. Hand -
4'( some OataiOgae fres.
W, J. ELLIOTT, Prinoipal.
=7 r
It Pays to Feed It
Worthington's Cnnatllnn Stock Thule
18 given a preference over all other Stock
Foods by taiga and experienced feeders
apart -from the fact that it is leo' than half
the price of any other.
Duda SIR, -
I have fed your Stook Tonic to cattle
and like it vory much. It makes them thrive
well and put on Seth more rapidly. I think
it is the beet Tonle I have led to heroes. We
are also feeding it to our haus this Winter,
and they are laying bettor than they have
done fora long time. It pays to feed it.
Yours truly,
Feeder Sweepstakes Fat Cattle, Prey.
Winter Fair, 1901.02,
Greeubana P.O.,Feb. 28, 1908.
I had a mere stocked In both lege. Wer.
thington's Stock Feed took it down com-
pletely and put her in good condition. It
hae done my COWS good. Think it tea good
thing and oan recommend it.
B. OBUROHILL, "Dairyman,"
Clinton, Zan. 17th, 1908.
10 Ib. box, 200 feeds, 50e ; 50 1b. seek 82.
For sale by- N.F. GERRY, Brussels
H. F. MoALLISTE1i, Ethel ;
WM. MESSER, Rloevala;
N. B, GERRY, Blyth.
Now we find ourselves fade
to face with the Obrietmae
season and we are after the
niowet Gifts for our Friends.
Yon can net one dozen
Photos. for 75e and top.
We have a splendid assort•
mentof Photo. Mounts and
in Photographing we pride
oaraelvee in being op to•dete.
Ai this season of the year
the days are abort so come in
the fore part of the day.
The advantage in getting
Photos. taken now is that we
oan have them ready before
the Xmee rush.
With the compliments of
tbe season to one and all.
H. R.
F1boI & Wood
McCaughey Block
I temer.bar
oar Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Harrows,
Cultivators,rills etc. are not excelled
by any in. the market.
If You are iu Need
of any Farm requisite we have it at to
RIGHT pries.
This is the Place
for rare values in Outtera and Sleighs,
Harness, Cream Separators, • Pnlpere,
Washers and Wringers.
To Come
inspect our Stook and get oar Prides
is your Go'den Opportunity if you are n,
tiller of the soil,
Wagons, Buggies, Hay Loadere, Fork°
and Blioge, Windmille, Tread Powers,
Ensilage Cutters, &o., handled in season
Neil S. McLauchlan,
As the Summer trade is over I heartily thank
my Customers for their patronage and wish
to state that I have put in a full stock of
Cutters and Sleighs.
We would ask you to call and inspect our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting
promptly attended to,