HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-17, Page 4SI it
he `Sr tsz..14 Vast. WE ARE CAPTURING THE
T IUR$DAY9 DRC. 17, 190B.
ussels Conned.
The regular meeting of Brawls Conn-
ell woe held on Monday evening, all the
n3embere present.
Miputee of last meeting read and paint -
ea on motion of R. Thomson and S. T.
Accounts were preeented-ae followe :-
Ewan & Co., Fire Dept $ 55
W. Denbuw, gravel 2 60
W. Ellie, etreet imp 3 00
Juo. Lott, street imp., 8 50
W, Gordon, Fire Dept........,.., 50
3. Wright, Constable 1 50
Be Oliver, Oouetable 1 50
8, T. Plum, etreetimp 75
W, M. Sinclair, postage 50
J. T. Roes, attending aoalee 15 00
Moved by G. F. Blair, eeoonded by A.
Beaker, that a000unte be paid. Carried.
Jus. Donee, leader of the Band, 8pp1ied
for the balance of the Band grant, viz
$25 00 He stated that the Band bad
done Ile duty better than many former
Banda and at less expense to the village.
The matter was discussed at some length
when it was moved by A. Beaker, seoond.
ed by S. T. Plum, that balance of amount
be paid. Carried.
W. Lookridge.eaked in reference to bis
taxes suggesting that hie taxes be on en
assessment 05 $5,000 instead of $7,500.
The Reeve promised to see about what
could be done in the matter of meeting
Meaera. Lookridge.
The Council dismissed the question of
the proposed sewer at length after which
it was moved by Robert Thomson, see
ouded by Alfred Baeker, that the Oonrt
of Rorieion stand adjourned anti' Tnee
day evening next and that the Reeve be
instructed to get a legal opinion as to the
legality of the Bylaw. Carried.
A regneet was made from the Public
Library Board for the grant of $190 from
the Council. Council decided it oonld
not be paid until January as one grant
had already been made in 1008.
By-law No. 8 wan passed fixing polling
places and naming Deputy Returning
alters for the Doming Maninipal Elec-
tion in the eleation of a Reeve, 4 Oonooil-
lore and 3 Soboof Trustees. Nomination
will take plane nt 7 p. m. an Monday
Deo. 28 at the Town Hall and if an alao.
tion ie necessary the date will be Jan. 4.
Polling planes will be No. 1, ab J. J. Gil -
pin's office, in obarge of Geo. Rogue ;
No. 2, Commit Chamber, W. M, Sinolair,
Deputy ; and No. 3 at Geo. Birt'e real.
dance, A. Conetey, Deputy.
Weightnaeter MoLanohiin reported
receipts from scales ae $39 65 for Nov.
A letter was read from R. & J. Rana.
ford, Clintoo,in reference to the assess-
ment of the Salt Works here. The Olerk
was instructed to reply stating that the
matter would be looked into at an early
Commit then adjourn d to meet, as per
Statute, on Tueaday evening of next
week at 8 o'clock..
A delegation from Listowel drove down
to Wellesley village on Thursday after
upon, Deo, 3, to attend a meeting palled
inao0neotion with the proposed eaten.
Mon of the Berlin, Waterloo and Lake
Heron Electrical Railway. The meet-
ing was held 10 the village .opera house,
a large hall which was filled to the doors,
the farmers of Wellesley townebip being
strongly represented.
The delggation consisted of John C.
--'Hay, i ofiairman Railway Oommibtee,
Board of Trade, Councillor 0. Prneter,
John H, McDonald and W. Otimie. The
sleighing was excellent and the delega•
tion made good time, leaving Listowel
about thrse and reaching Wellesley
village at 6 80 p. m„ returning left the
ti,lageat midnight and reached home
about 3 30 a. m„ making a long drive of
about 55 miles.
Thep p Y
ro ose
railway fa an outcome in
a wayof
the Galt, P
, rseton, Rooster,
Berlin trolley linea. On behalf of the
board of direction Geo. A. Clare, M. P.,
obtained a chatter for an eleolrioal road
from Berlin via Waterloo, Elmira and
Listowel to Goderiob, and they have had
an engineer over the road examining the
route. The engineer is Mr, Pray, of
Boston, and hie report is 9. most favor.
able ono as to grades and ease of eon-
strnoEioo, oepeoisily on the section from
Berlin to Listowel on whiob he Saye be
can build it road on whiob 50 miles an
hour speed can be made.
The ohairman of the Wellesley meet-
ing teas Editor Green, of Wellesley, who
has taken a very active part in the road.
3. G. Reiner, of Wellesley, outlined the
eobeme. It was proposed to I wild an
alentrioal line from Berlin to Wellesley
and on to Lielowel, provided the bonuses
coked were voted, The road would carry
freight as well as paeeengere and was
the only chance Wellesley would have to
obtain railway connection. Berlin was
voting on a $10,000 bonne, Waterloo $4,
000, and it wan proposed 50 ask Wilmot
township for $2,500, North Easthope for
$2,500, and Wellesley township for $15,
Prof. Shuttleworth, of the Berlin
Sugar Beet Factory, spoke of the benefits
of the sugar beet industry and the profits
to the farmer of from $50 to $75 per gore,
at the same time the Drop was the most
valuable means of gleaning the land of all
kinds of weeds and dirt, and the farmer
gets the pulp fat feed, a product which
had proven to be better than turnips or
Dorn ensilage. Two farmers, lift, Miller
from near Berlin and Mr. Shantz, had,
experience in, growing beets and they
spoke in very glowing terms Of the intros•
try 08 being She most profitable drop
that geoid be grown on the farm, Beene
could be brought by rail a long dietanoe,.
Mn, Rennie, Eaat of Toronto, had bent
in a large goahtity of ',este and found it
very profitable. The present road would
give the farmers 900ee9 to the history at
profitable rates, as the beets ocn'd be
carried to the factory and pulp returned
for feed,
Geo, A, Clare, M,. P„ field the position
was Shia that if the preeent bylaws were
battled the oompanyy would proceed with
the building of the road. They wer5not
asking the bonne, but it was jdet a gaes-
tioI of Ana/ming the road. I3 the aid.
Were given they could go on, if not, that
Would end it, They wobid build a first
class road, heavy rade and good grades,
Our display of Holiday Goods is a Popular Success. It PLEASES
because it is fresh, new and novel. It SATISFIES because it an-
ticipates your every want. It SAVES because the prides are right
and reasonable. Don't fail to see our Very Special Attractions in
Men's auil �oyti CImVi��
Bats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings
And many oharming and appropriate Gifts that cannot be here
mentioned. Our Holiday Line is as complete as it is fresh and
desirable. It contains a great variety of good and appropriate
presents for everybody's needs.
We show a Superb Stock including only
Goods of Approved Worth and Superiority.
A fine assortment, nothing missing, everything the Newest and
Beet. We are prepared to meet your wants in the most satisfac-
tory manner and at the Fairest Prices.
Rosz 41 Dodds
able to carry freight and paeeengere and
make good time. If the by-laws were
carried the road would be built ap to
Listowel next Sommer.
A statement was made to the meeting
showing how much it would emit each
100 acres in the townships to pay the
beauties in 20 years, the amounts ranging
from $1.50 to $400 per 100 acres per
year to pay off the principal and interest.
At the aloes of the meeting a standing
vote was taken of those approving of the
eabmieeionof a by-law and nearly every-
one in the hall rose to his feet, ehowing
that it was preotioatly unanimous so far
ae Wellesley was concerned The other
townehipe were not so fully represented
but the feeling of those present was in
favor of the by taws. Judging from this
meeting there is uo doubt but that fn
Wellesley the by-law will be parried
After the meeting the Lietowel de's.
gates diecaeeed the proposals with the
promoters. It was pointed out by 3. 0.
Hay that so far ae Wellesley was eon.
earned they were even more interested in
having the -road extended West of the
village to draw trade and give the farm
ere the benefit of the road, and be eng•
gseted that the proposed by law for
Welleeley should be aplit in two parte,
$10,000 to be ogaile.ble when the road
reached the village n 5 when 't
and 000 en 1
g $,
waebuilteat. The importance i
w o Eases of this
eaggaetion was at once even and it has
been decided to submit the Wellesley
bonne in that shape.
Some details ae to the extension to
Listowel were also diecaeeed with Mr.
Clare and others, and speaking -off hand
Itlr. Clare said he thought the rdad could
be built if aid to the extent of $21,000
ooald be obi i d i the
a ue n territory from
Dorking to Listowel. Of this amount
Lietowel would probably be asked to
vote $5,000.
The oommittee in Listowel are expel'.
a communication from the
Secretary t of
the railway board giving ae full data as
possible about the whole eobeme.
The road is being financed and built by
a oompaey entirely independent of either
the Grand Trunk or the C. P. R., though
the indications are that it would be
operated in prettyoloee touch with the
latter system.
81 e• tem.
LIMA BLxNxe.-Mieset Dick have re.
turned from their visit with friends in
Manitoba, -3. J. Maguire, an old Blyth
boy, and who hae been Grand Trunk
agent at Shakespeare for the past two
years, bas been promoted to the Litman
agenoy,--George Smith and family have
removed from Blyth to Brume's. Two
of the boys and two of tbe girls have
enured good poeitione in the woolen mill
in tbe latter village. -Rev. J. Holmes and
Rev. A, E. Jones, of Belgreve, exchanged
pulpits teat Sunday. -Wm. Robertson
hae disposed of hie biaokemith boeineee
to Wm, Phillipa, late of Whitechurch,
who tools possession on Deo, let. -Master
Henry White had the misfortune to get
000 of his ankles knocked out of joint
while playing football at the echool
grounds on Tdeeday of last week.-Jno.
8. and Mre. McKinnon, of Toronto, ar.
rived in the village and epent Sunday
with Poetmeeter MoRinnou. John S.
returnedto Toronto' bo Monday morning.
Mre. McKinnon remained here and will
Visit here eieter.indaw, Mre. Milne, for e
oonple of weeks.
,iwt,b v0 el.
Nawas Elms, --The piano factory is
very b.ney at present and is somewhat
behind with its Christmas ttade otdere..
-•-The annual erste of Work oonduoted by
fhe ladies of Chriet Ohnroh in the Town
tall resulted very eoneeeafully-, $128
being realized. -Au engine tanning
light jumped the track at a ewithh in the
G. T. R yards Wednesday morning ofleet
week, caused by a spreading rail. It was
putou again without damage after an
hour or two of delay. -Dr. Rutherfurd
left on Monday on hie periodical visit to
the leading Ameriaau hospitals, This
year he will spend most of his time in
New York. -Bert. Ssolb represented the
Listowel Hockey Club at the auntie!
meeting of the Ontario Hockey Aesoai•
abion, held in Torouto.-This town has
received a promise of 010,000 from
Andrew pariegie, the mniti.m,llionaite,
to be expended in the erection and equip.
ment ofu Public Freet
a P b a Library in Liebe
wel. The offer was enured through a
letter written by David Roy, one of onr
oldest and most respected citizens, and
who ie a native of Dunfermline, Scotland,
which is also Mr. Carnegie's birthplace.
This means that Listowel will be regnired
to spend $1,000 a year for maiateaanee
of the Library,
1VIe i11op.
Towsenlr NoTae.-A piano recital was
held at the home of Min Mamie McEwen,
Leadbory, one afternoon recently, when
the following pupils of her class took part
8e follows : Rondo, Maggie Davidson :;
petite polka, Jennie Shannon ;,duet, Ida
Driscoll anCorah
dWhite 1e Abide with
me vocal Florence Stitttiara matin,
Clara Aav1Prdeon mi0nitto, Lizzie O'-
Hara ; galop burlesque, Maggie McPher-
eon ; duet, M. Reid and M. MoEwen ;
"The gift," 9ooe.1, Cora White ; these
waltzesMary Reid ; lorelei,Annie
Somerville 1 eooatine, Florence Stitt ;
gavotte, Oore White. Thenumbere were
taken from thereat nom Deere of mus'
g p ho
of both :ancient and .modern times,
IIS> 1tS 1aOBT DEc,17, 1908
of the ooquty of 'Leeds, near Brookville, itgkkgfisaii8bsztlega "&. 76 ail l' f;d 6-1
and we ave pleased to knew the progress
whiob llioee girls are making in mueicst
attainmente, something whioli innow
and always will be the mast pletteing and
charming of all eoaompliellmente,-J. 0.
Morrison, the ever genial clerk of M.
Klllop, paid a vieit to his native heath a
fete weeks ago, tUr. Mol visci, 18 a native
AEthos, IA,YLa0reNTe, &e -Mr, F. S.
Scott, Auctioneer,has reeelved inttrnotione
from the undersigned to sell by neldio nue-
Mon at Lot 29, 000,18, Grey, on TUESDAY,
1/150. 92,1508, at 1 o'clock, the following
Properby, Viz. ;-1 span heavy draught
==tolled mares, 1 mare 10 years sld,l horse
4 years M5,8 setae supposed in cal ,1 farrow
cow, 8 two -Year-old beifereenppoeedin emit,
2 eteere 1 year old, 3 heifers 1 year old, 0
calves, 8 well bred ewes, 1 ram '1 sow, 1 fat
Pig, a number of hone, 1 Chatham wagon
nearly new, 1 Nexon seed drill, 1 Froet &
Wend mower, 1 hay rake, 1 disc harrow, 1
single plow, 1 two -furrowed gang plow, 1
get 3,08 harrows, 1 bay rank 1 fanning mill,
1 muffler, 1 tugoy, 1 wheelbarrow, 3 car for
bay fork and slings, 1 set heavy hereon, 1
set doubletrees, 1 milk tank, 1 water tank,
1 manure fork, 2 pitch forks 1 snoop shovel,
1 cooking stove. Sale without reserve as
farm has changed bands. Terms -All surae
of 06 andunder, cash, over that amount 12
menthe onedlt will he given ton furnishing
100 eesh onoaredit amounts sent. allowed off
voorl JAS. 4 GEU. MANN, Pmprl-
Sxoon, ImermicENTe &n, -Mr. P. 8,
Scott, Auctioneer, has ramify ed l ustruotieni
from the undersigned to sell by public the -
auction at 84, Lots 1 & 2, Con, 0, Grey, 12
mlioe North of Brussels) ou Monday,
December 21st, 1908, the rollowing val-
uable property; -2 aged heavy draught
mares, 1 heavy draught mare.? yeore 015,1
driving mare 9 years old in foal to"Cos-
tumer", 1 driving mare 0 years old, 1. driving
were 4 years old, 1 roadster gelding by
Kaplan" rising 2 years, t heavy draught
gelding rlerug 2 years, 1 roadster filly, 1 cow,
newly calved, 5 cows euppesnd in pelf, 4
Meets 2 years old, 8 heifers 2- years old 7
yearling heifers, 2 calves, 1 brood Bow, 8
young pige,1 Medal. and truok nearly new,
MbnandeyerH,laDv,e1rinmgwuertipveaatohnveeosrtelyr tilted
1 seed drill, 1 new bores rake, 1 land roller,
2 top buggies, 2 cutters, 1 truok waggon and
box, 1 eat bob-elei;hs,1 set esafes, 2000 Ibe.
platform, 1 turnip sower,1 .huffier, 1 turnip
pulper, l Chatham fanning mt1, and bagger,
1 twin plow big. Hassel -11 41'080 single plow,
1 set true harrows, 2bay taoke, 1 w0od_raok,
1 wheelba,row 1 set teem harness. 1 third
ho,ee new,1 get plough harness 3 set Bingle
harness, 1 set leather fly nets, 1 set light
harness, 1 stone boat. 1 log boat, 1 InlerY
sibkle grinder, 2 grinding non es, 3 set
whiiaetreee, 1 cutter pole, 1 buggy pole,2
robes,4 horse blankets, 2 dos grain bags, 1
oo10planter, 2 milk 0aue,1 Daisy churn, 000
bushels turnips, 250 bushels m0ngolde,
quantioy seed nate, kirks, chains, soythee,
ueokyokes and other articles too numerous
to mention. sale without reserve as pro-
prietor hae Bold iris farm. Salo at 1 o'reeek
p no. Terms -S0 and under oaeb, over shut
amount 12 months credit on approved joint
notes, 4 per cent off for ease on credit
amounts. Roots and oats to be cash. J80.
10. McLAVORLIN, Proprietor ; F. 3, S00TT,
He bee two brothers there, one on the
old homeetead and Doe in the town. It
is 81 yenta ulnae Mr. Morrison woe there
before. While in Brookville be called on
Dr, Smith, at .the asylum, and the d4otor,
with his uoetl oonrtesy and hindnoev,
allowed him through the institution.--
nstitution.-Mre, Alexander K..rr died at the family
lesidetioe, on the 7th 00110080ion of Mo.
Killop,.on Satuitlay afternoon 0th Met,
Shelled been a savers sufferer fur several
mouths. 1n Metall Mat the underwent a
very severe operation. From .this she.
had recovered so that the wee able to get
around. The last time she woe out was
the occasion of the funeral of Mrs. John.
Walker, of Roxboro'. Soon after that
symptoms of the former disease corn.
minced to reappear and it developed very
rapidly and for some time she Buffered
very severely, and in her ease the ohange
from this 1138 to the other wee a moot
welcome one. Mre. Kerr was 61 years of
age. Her maiden name was Helen Laps.
Ile. She was the second daughter of the
late Robert Lapelle, and she was born on
the Lepslie farm adjoining the town of
Seaforth. She was married to Mr. Kerr
44 years ago and hae resided ever eines
on the farm where she died. She had a
fami y of nine children, eight of whom,
four sone and four daughters, still survive
and are grown up. She was a quiet,
unassuming, kind hearted woman, good
neighbor and a constant friend and those
who knew her best.loved her most sincere-
ly. She was a devoted and ooneietent
member of the Presbyterian oburoh and
both by precept and example she always
encouraged that which tended for the
good. She will be missed, not only in
her own family oirole, boo in the Som•
munity where she bad lived so long and
where ebe had been so highly esteemed,
Much sympathy will be felt for tb-eorrow-
ing husband and family on aoconnt of
their irreparable loss. The remains were
laid to rest in the Maitlandbaok cemetery
00 Tuesday.
mud a Parow Cow for gale. Minty to
3, HOGGARD, Brussels South. 20-tf
Cow for sale. 0 years old,- due to
calve Marne 80, THOS. 81sLAIlOHLIN,
20.51 Brussels,
Sows, over 8 mouths old, for sale.
Their mother is registeredand bas 4 ermine
off imported stook. A quantity of Itueeian
seed barley ie also r'ffered for sale. Apply
at once to J110, 8IURRIE, Lob 28, flan, 4,
Morris, or Brussels P. J. 21.50
.LJ even dug lost on Wednosaay, Novem-
ber 18111. 3000 black and tan marks on both
aides of head and answers to the name of
"Jerry." Any information leadlug to hie re-
covery will be thanklully received by the
owner, W DUNCAN, barber, lorussele
der -to wind up the estate of tee late, Neil
McDonald, tenders or offers will be received
bythe undersigned executors up to the 10th
day of January 1904, for the purchase of
that valuable grass farm, or m oeed of Lot
No. 18 In the 10111 concession of the Town-
ship of Morrie in the County of Huron, con-
taining sixty four acne of land. On the
farm there are about 10 acres of bush. The
balance bae boon under grape for eight
yours. The land Is well watered bya spring
creek and ie conveniently tit0ated. Pos-
session can be glean at 10019 time to suit the
purchaser. For further partioulare apply
to the Exeoutore' or to the undersigned. A.
B, AleuDunala, Exrentbre' S1lleitor, Brus-
sels; Alexander McDonald, 1311th, Out,
John McDonald, Molesworth, 1'.O ,.Exeou
oraOe La wind up the estate Of Alexendel
McDonald. 8r., tendere or oilers will be re-
ceived by the uudoreigned administrator up
to January 1001,, 1904, for the purchase of
teat valuable grana farm, .bang composed
of Lots 10 until? in the 10th Oo100Bsion 01
Ibe Township of Morris, contelniog Duo
hundred au twenty 8,0110 80185. of land,
The land is all cleared, has beau under
erase for eight y50r0 and Feinexcellent oou-
ditiou. It is well state red by spring ereek,
The (arm is conveniently situated to mar-
kets There is a good gravel house 28x 88
andkitaheu 29x18, with wood shed attached.
There Bre Lau barns on the place, one a
bank bare O8x48, the other is 00x00 with open
tilted attached. Postnatal!)..
cap be( i t
given a
nn time to eu1E the -
Y purchaser et
p of the b }arm
with the exception o t
P t he hitt
whiop the
owner deeiroa to retain until about June 101
3904 Also snob stabling as be may require.
For further parlionlare appy to the wider -
signed. • A. 13. MecDONALD, Solicitor for
Administyntor, Blussele ; ALEXANDER
McDONALD, Blyth P. 0., AdorioieLrator,
Theabovetwo properties being Lobs 10,17
and 18 as aforesaid will be sold either in
or twoparoels as may be agreed upon be-
tween endure
0 V andalae L1' 1 0
p re ane tenders
bare nohor
igh t
°tar m
Some people
don't like to wear
a heavy shoe at any
time. We are in the business to sell the kind of foot-
wear you want.
For good warm winter comfort, we recommend
for "light -shoe" wearers a fleece -lined, jersey cloth,
bellows front overshoe, one or more buckles.
We have some beauties, good strong rubber, one
pair will wear a whole season.
Both men's and ladies' in all styles at all11 rices.
Also Felt Shoes and Boots for Ladies 03 Gents.
A few pairs of heavy Leather Foxed Felt Shoos for Boys
going now at :�1.2G; regular price was 1$1,50.
Repairs promptly done.
Large stock of Blankets and Robes of all kinds, selling at
very low prices, Harness, both Ileavy and Light, at prices
that cannot be surpassed.
Repairs in Harnoas done cheaper than ever,
1. C. It C At' `
bull ()menthe old, dark red, sad Is a
grand type of Shorthorn ; a splendid an-
imal and bred close to Imported Stook. Also
a few registered Leioeater ewes will be sold
right, to make more room. Let 19, 000,15,
Walton P.O.
SALE -9 Leicester Ram Lambe, Woes
$5 to $7 ; 1 Sheath»g and 2 Two•Shoar
Barna, Prices sl0.te 612 All are good alms,
Also a few Ewe Lambs, prim ' $0, any a few
good Ewes :.b moderate prime. DAVID
MILNE & SON, Ethel, Ont. 18
Bulls for sole. One is 1 year old nod
the other two younger. Also several neat -
erect Oowa and heifers, Apply to JAMES I
8PE120, Lot 80, Ooo, 6, Morris Twp„ or Brut -
sets P. 0, 22.05
i,AR con O, Grey. bare100
20 under ouftivation. Apply to J08EPn F.
24101)100301), on the promises, or M000riel
P, 0. 21-51
TT, 0R SALE. -LOT 6, CON. 6;
AGrey, ooutuininaxao-coax, 70being
cleared and in good state of m,ltlyadou.
Farm le well watered; good buildings, or-
o. Failure health One
ling. for 1
]in . Poeeoa to
g e n leen Oil ne'
one pia -
notice Terms aunt'. For further particu-
twos apply to TRUEMAN 8151I'i'15,. 018n the 1800
promisee, or Brunets P. 0. 10
being Lot 11, Con, 4, Grey town-
ship. 80 three elc•ared,balauoe bush, There
is a good house, bank barn, "mobard, &o,
Well fenced and farm i0 good condition ; 25
acres of Pian wheat 111, 6 miles s tram Br -
exle; only ue
of a 'mile from o
Y # scion and
31 e miles from taboo'. bp l boar, O' tmold
given particulars
anis the pice, terms,
&0. therfa-
pnrtioulure ae to price, terms, &o„ ap-
tor, r the
t Tnm' Pone Braes lsaOUli, Proems -
T.i'ARMS FOR SALE. - 360
a01'OB 11rat-Ola08 land in the Township
of Grey -1 of 10 Con. 14, 300 Soret; Lot17,
One 14,100 acres ; and Wt Lot 16, floe. 14,
00 aoree-200 three. A11 10 excellent condi-
tion with nest -class buildle:0 ; brlok house
with all modern eoneeniences, and large
baullbaru, root aua straw house. stables.
&o. Well watered, Front 85 to 40 norm of
tui ng8100 hardwood
Math. 00E Lot
h good
frame Dose and large hank barn Horror
new. Theistproperty can lievo gold to two or
Ale t0 cult }}mrobdwelli Terme
and let Also a oAmmooe (e dwelling p n ion.
and int In tonh o For 1s tier remises•
lava apply to the owner ou the premises,
LAIIOHLIN M0N1151., Or to JNO..15(115118,
Brussels. 01.30
U Trot e,ACRE 000FA.7, Orey, 2OmilesSAfrom
Village of Brussels, 4 mile from school,
Splendid location 'Under first class state of
arn, home, comfortable ho,, largo bank
barn, improved 0080000 stabling 0011
pilo, Orchard, two Lever failing wells, and
other 0 onvonienoeo. Pall wheat , Bonn.
Pro rietgoing
p r t0 tenni]
West, For further leen
ticulars as toouerms &h , Li,
,l, 1 premie.
or address Brussels, P. 0, N, M..1R10HARb•
SON. tf
J.. the Dant 1 of Lot 7, Con. 17, Grey, eon.
taming 90 three, 0 00000 in good hardwood
Web, remainder cleared. Good frame house
and barn ; farm well drained and feuded;
sed all seeded to gram exoept18tures This
will bo sold enbjnct to 0100 100r's leaoo
Will alae sell bet 00, Con 18, Grey, contain.
ing-04 soros, all bush. There is some valu-
able timber on able land. A bargain can be
emitted on thfe property. Address DANIEL
MrMXL nAN, 1100 Grand 'River ave., Detroit,
ga , 144
too 00 ammo, being North halves of
Lots fa ane lO Con. 1, Grey. Comfortable
frae hoone, bank barn, arehartl, &o. Only
4mlloe from Meloswoith, Geed looality
and nue 101(19• Immediate posemei00, If
ldrm le not sold by. end el year id will be.
tented if !eatable tenant offers. Aerango•
n mite clan be made to Wietot steep at barn
00 00 50 work up straw on hand. 'For fur.
that particulars apply to or write
19•bf W. H', EE1tlt,Brussets
STAPLE GOOD` Old Reliable
Grocery and Bakery
Shrewd buyers are making their purchased early
while our Stock is most complete.
A full assortment of the Choicest
Fruits of the Season.
A largo and well selected stock of Fancy China
and Glassware, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets.
Geo® Thomson.
The Xmas Cheer
The lady of every house is now busy planning and preparing the
many good things that will satisfy the most delicate
Epicure. We wish to assist you and
have just placed in stock
Iu Oonfeotionory we are offering the most tempting display
being Sole Agents for
Stewart's and Perrin's Newport
Celebrated Chocolates and Bon Bons
ORANGES, LEMONS. and BANANAS -Only the select stook in these Fruits
bandied and the prices the Lowest.
l Just in a large a•sortmdnt of Perrin's Fancy Sisonits and Oakes.
W. . A. GREWAR V .C�f AFor Good Goods
�/ at Right Prices.
As the season is rapidly pas-
sing along we are offering our
Ready-to-wear Millinery at
reducedP rices to clear them out.
Our Millinery Department is
in better shape than ever to sup-
ply Fashionable Goods at Reason-
able Prices.
We are Safaris'
o' please
all who favor us with their pat-
will A.
A be appreciated,
ChoiC•e. Stock of
A fine range of Robes, best in the
opened up consisting of
market, has been
AR. ,
-Plush and Wool Rugs, a very choice lot.
-In Horse Blankets a large tock is carried
g a
at, Close Prices.
Repairing Promptly A11333505 10
and sold
Sign of
Horse's Head