HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-17, Page 1� F. & STRICTLY ONE PRICE o. ALWAYS THIS LOWEST Now for -Christ.rnas Just Eight Days more and the World's Greatest Holiday will be,here. From now till: then . things for Christmas will have first Place in this Store. There will be no neglect. of Regular Stocks, but Holiday Goods of all kinds will be kept in the Foreground. This week the Store is putting on its Holiday Dress. New Goods and Noyelities Suitable' for Gifts are arriving every ay.D Bythe Time this paper reaches you we will be ready with a Display of the Useful and Sensible for holiday giving that will be well worth seeing. You will buy in greater Comfort and have greater Variety to select from if you do your Xmas buying .early. Stooks here are all Ready. RIBBONS FOR FANCY' WORK This is unquestionably the Ribbon Store of the Town. Every wantedattern kind and width, suitable for Fancy Work is here and you will'save time and bother if you come here first when looking for Ribbons. LINENS FOR FANCY WORK New Drawing and Fancy Work Linens just to hand, We earny several qu l tics and different widths up to 54 inches.' They are made by one of the best Irish Linen Manufact- .urers and eell at 40,50 and 65c. CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS The Finest and largest stock of Fancy Handkerchiefs that has ever g y a v been in this store will be ready Saturday. Never have we had such dainty and beautiful designs nor the variety to select from that we will show this Season, Wo advise early buying. rot best Patterns go first and of them we only have a limited' quantity of any one design. We show an immense Stook of bright new goods suitable- for Holiday presents and we extend to all an invitation to call and 808 our large assortment and compare prions, i� t6 a .ata a sale► - i ftl Vol, 32. No. 23 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, JACKSON JEWELLER WATCHES 14k. Solid Gold and Gold Filled Watches for Ladies, Gents' Gold Filled and Silverine Cased Watches, fitted with WALTHAM, EXAM, REGINA, OMEGA and Harr - DEN Movements. RELIABLE GOODS is the foundation of our success. Prices. are as Low as the Lowest. RINGS Beautiful Gem Set Rings from $1.00 up. Opals, Dia- monds, Pearls, Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds, &e., &c. Our assortment is not surpassed and prices right. JEWELLERY 14k. Solid Gold Br000bes, Pins &c. set with real Pearls. Bracelets, Lolag Chains, Lockets, Charms, Necklets, Cuff Links, Tie Pins, Studs, Gents Chains, Bic &e. SIE11177ARE 1847 Rogers Bros' , A 1 Knives, Forks and Spoons ; Butter plebes, Pickles, Bon Bone, Berries, Sugars,Cake Plates, Fern Pots, Napkin Rings, Biscuit Jars &e, &o. Every article guar- anteed. Engraving done free. .A. piece of Silver; Plate is useless unless it wears. Buy here and be assured of quality. FANCY PIECES Mirrors, Comb and Brushes, Bonnet Brushes, Military Brush- es, Oases, .&e. MOUTH ORGANS CLOOKS PIPES VIOLINS &O, c O. We buy for mall from the manufacturers. We assure you ofualit in all. our Jewellery q y lines. We keep no trashy imit- ation goods,We give you a dollars worth of value for every dollar spent.. We have the stock and, will bepleased to see you. R. L. Jaceu JEWZLLlyR. New Advertisements, W atohea—R. lrletoher, Looala--R, Leatberdale, Louis—IL A. Matobott. Jewellery -FL L Jaokoon• Wood wanted -R X BOSS. XmM Greeting—H. A, Matobett. Remember—Neil S. MoLaunhdit, Now for 0hrietmae—J. Ferguson & Co. ilRistrict C..e os, W rare tett•. NoTue.—David Martin has puroha,ed. the atone and dwelling on Main Mr. own- ed by John Bray.—Mrs, 0. Cook and lit- tle daughter, of Hensel], are visiting the former 'e parents G. and Mrs. Hemphill. —Amos Gotten has returned from Youngstown, Ohio,—Jamee Barton, of Toronto, was the b'uest of his brother, John Hartley last week. --Hamilton & Robertson shipped four oar loads of sheep and .two of cattle on Wednesday.—Mre.. 0. F. Edwards entertained a number of her girl friends Thursday evening, --Mrs, John Hamilton is spending this week in TH U R S DAA,Y, DECEMBER 17, 1903 W. H. KERR, Px'op. Toronto,—Miss Sarah Bray, of Stratford, is vieitieg her many friends here, -+-F, 0, Powell, a student of. Huron College, Lon - dun, occupied the pulpit in the Episcopal Church on Sunday,—John Bray had a most euoceseful sale on Saturday afber. noon.—An oyster ,upper wee given by the businese men of the village St bhe Gotten House, Tuesday evening in honor of John Bray,—The Dare -taking of the Presby- terian Morph 'tesby-terian-Ohurph has been let to Thee, Fi1- more whom we have no doubt will do the work as well hie predecessor, G. Barnard. —About 65 attended bbe supper by the Forester's Friday night, Short addresses were given by Organizers Strong and Walker, of Borrie, and other members of the Lodge, al oriole,. An acclamation muniolpal eleotion is ant•ioipated' for Morris on the 28th inst. The fine 100 aere farm of Laurence Wheeler, 411 line, has been wild to Niob• oleen Bros., well known in this eomwen- ity as hustlers, for the sum of 65,500. Mr. Wheeler ie an old end bigbly esteem• ed resident of Morris end will be remov. ing with his family to the MoLanchlin farm, 2 miles North of Brussels, which' he recently purchased. Mre, Wheeler Watches watches CHEAP ! CI P1AP ! FLETCH ER'S WHITE JEWELRY STORE W'th'104dhiahN,0Ala4A'he01,Slo 'e,'II,' II'I,S101.s , Ladies' Solid Silver Watches with guaranteed Movements, e4 75 and np. Ladies' Gold Filled Watches - Cases guaranteed for 25 years, with guaranteed movements, $9 00 and up. Gents' Silverine Watches With guaranteed Movements, $7 00 and np. Gents' Filled Watches Cases guaranteed for 20 & 25 years, with guaranteed Movements, $11 and up. We give a Written Guarantee with each of the above Watches. lohrhoole h'tioto 'ta'1e4Ve,hplrhrhAhr" Rte PlotCheiy The Close Price Jeweler, will be much miseed in the Snnehine' oburob but we wietr them many happy prosperous years in their new and Isom. fortable home and we ere glad they are locating to nearby their many Mende. John Black, bob line, is hauling sand and other material for the improvements oontemplalsd to hie barn next Sommer: He will have the bnildiog raised and 51005 stabling under it. A 2 story brlok cottage will be built to the trout of the present residence ofNames Devitt. 4th line, next Summer. Boma of the material is being hauled so as to be in readiness. Mr, Davie is a thrifty farmer. We are pleased to hear that William Shedden, 4th line, wbo fell and broke hie thigh bone a number of weeks ago, is making favorable progrees and will before very long be able to alt up. He's one of the veterans as to pioneering. , avant aa,tow re. Mrs. Jae. Simpson is still very poorly. Rob. MoAlhsber is spending a week at Guelph. Mrs. Dd. Bryane and son, John, spent Sunday at A. Gallagher's, Howiok. Mies Martha Ireland, of Teesvtater, is visiting. at Archie Macdonald'e, Mr. Eokmior is again began work after being laid aside from a kiok from e horse. - - Our store has again put on Be Xmas appearance and everything looks fresh and gay. The invitation cards are out for the marriage of Miss Mary Pearson, of Grey, and Wesley Bacom, of Hullett. S. Pope's Bale the other day realized very high prime. His sale came to about' $2,000. The bidding was keen. There is to be an examination and foot ball match in Jamestown Public ublfc School ' Grey,and eat excellent entertainment at night on Dec. 18, the funds to be used for a eohool library. Tbe Literary meeting is to meet' on Wednesday evening, Deo. 28, and .in- struotive talks are to be given on Canada, Ireland, England, and Scotland, by Mes- srs, John Bryane, James Hogg, John Outt and Duncan McDonald respectively, Last Sunday night was the first since the Hall was built that tbere was no service. Mr. Caption, 2 miles North of Bluevale, was to ofdoiate, but owing to the storm did nob Dome. Jae, Strachan and the Misses Strachan came and boldly faced the storm along with Mrs. A. Simpsonand took their places in Sunday Sobool. There were about 20 children present. The debate last week held in the Hall - came off and was well attended. Hall was filled np. Mr. Bowman, wbo was to speak, did not east nil; perhaps he did not like to speak, against his conscience as he is a pretty straight fellow. How- ever Geo Johnston took- hie place and did bis part well. It was not put to the vote as it was thought it was not fully discussed. I1 will be taken up later on. Grey will welcome home for their hall- days many of her ebudenta this owning week c Elegem, R, Pearson, Victoria College, Toronto ; W, B. Bryans, Medi - sal University, Toronto ; Jae, Lanes, Oen, Beninese, Col). Toronto, H. Jaokson Medical University, Toronto ; Jae. Cate and Jas. Combos, Bueineas College, Strat- ford, We wish them all happy bolidaye, kit'toval°. Turnberry Council met here Tuesday of this weak, The Mebbodiet Sunday School enter- tainment will be held on Ohrlstmae night. Geo. Lemont, of the Binevale road, has taken a situation on the G.T,R. and ie at the Wbiteahuroh station. - - The Presbyterian Sunday Sobool in. tertainment:will be be d on Wednesday evening, Deo. 28, doors open et 7. Janne Casemore will have a male an Saturday of this week of farm etook and implement', mp amanta staving rented hie farm, Robert Farrow, Accountant iu the Customs Department at Ottawa, was calling on old friends in the village. Wee, D 'nounmet with a painful gun accident last week, He tette firing at a rabbit and the gen bunted sad measly injured bit left band, John Messer has mold hie farm to Silas Jobneton for 62,800 and bought William Roberteoo's farm, the price being $4,000. The former ooetaina 80 sores and the latter 100 sores, Will and Heart Paterson and Fred. Waeman are all doing well In New 'York, Heart is in an expreee. office, Will is in a wood working establishment and Fred, ie - still behind the counter. Mts. Joseph Pugh attended the Pro- vinoial Woman's institute at Guelph, being the delegate from the leoal branch. Mrs. Pngb reports having a profitable meeting. in be le S a o attended the 'tat Stook Show and gives an interesting deooription of the animals on exhibition. David Jenkins, 500 of Thos. Jenkins, of the Blnevale road, met with a .serious accident a few days ago. He wee working on a ranch near Calgary and was in some manner thrown from his horse and bad hie arm and leg broken. Mr. Jenkins is now in the hospital at Calgary and will be laid up for some weeks. Fred. Kellner lost a valuable horse Iasi week. It looks like anaoolamation election in Gray tbistime, Township Oonnoil met in Ethel on Tueeday to oloseup the year's business. Miss Rae, of S. S. No. 5, intends hold- ing. an entertainment next Monday eveving. Mrs. J. Flood baa been dolts i11 with typhoid fever. We hope soon to hear of her reoovary, Albert Looking wart home from Galt to attendthe funeral of his mother who died last Friday. Russel MoAllieter and sister, Mies Lily, left for Manitoulin Island, where they intend spending the Winter, The trustees of Sohcol Section No. 1 have engaged Mise Marion Smith, of Brnseele, as teacher for 1904, as visa' Xing hasresigned. John B. MoLauoblin'eanotion Bale of farm stook, implementsis menta &c. will take place at his arm 2 miles North of Brae• sale on Monday afternoon next, 21st incl. Thos. and Mra Davidson, of the llth son„ have been visiting with relatives and friends in Toronto for the pant few weeks. They are expected home this week. The Bible Society Oolleotore were making their annual call on several of the concession lines last week, end meet. ing with ooneiderable 0000055 we are pleased to here Mrs. W. H. Hudson and Mrs. W. A. Wheeler, of Detroit, are visiting under the parental roof, for the Christmas holidays. .Tbeyare daughters of Mrs. Duncan Liviogoton, Henry Buttrey and his grand daughter, Miss Snider, left recently tot the latter's home near Wades. Mr, Bettrey bas for along time lived ou the 12th con. and will be greatly Mimed. We wish him a pleasant stay. George Zimmer, formerly of Kilman. agh, Huron Oo„ Michigan,, has been laid up with blood poisoning on hie hand caused by a oat on hie finger and is nn able to work yeb although off duty for 6 or 7 weeks now. He eeye people have been busy with the engem beet crop and that their first avow had fallen on Nov, 22nd, Hie address i5 now Pigeon, in the sense County. They have a free postal delivery, Mr. Zimmer watt a reeident of bbe Otb non, several years ago. Samson Raeoac.—Following is the re. port for the pat month in 8. S. No. 1 :— Sr. 4—Lettis —Sr.4—Louis Blake, 80; Sidney Arita.; strong, 74 ; Lizzie Grant, 71 ; Hazel Boon, 88'; Alfred Glaseler, 56 ; John Dickson, 60 ; Baxter Stevenson, 46. Sr, III—Joe rmstrong, 86 ; Oita Arm- strong,: 88 ; ' James Dicltson, 82 ; Fanny Al000k, 82 ; Lizzie Hoover, 81 ; Addis Greet, 71; Maggie Stevenson, 70. Jr. III—Fred. Al000k. Sr. II—T. Diokson, 100 ; John McCallum, 90 ; Leslie Switzer, 80 ; Lizzie Glassier, 70 ; Harvey Hoover, 70 ; Willie Hoover, 60 ; Robe ' Grigg, 40 ; Archie. Engel, 38, Pt, II—John Al000k, James Stevenson, Jeanie AIooek, Willie Hollinger. Mies ANNIE EXNa, Teacher. Oniruonx.—Aitsr a short Mese of pneumonia, lasting teas than a' week, Mee, 'nodes Looking, an old and worthy reeident of the 12th cons orossed that bourne from whence no traveller retnrns on Fciday,in her 77th year. Deceased was born irk Armagh, Ireland, hot maid- en name being Jane Little, and she came to Canada id 1849. About 41 year° ago elm was united in marriage to her now bereft partner who with his three gone, Albert, of Galt, 0n6 William and Robert, at home will bold in toying remembrance the worde and dead', of the one passed before. The Lookingfamily ybeets been residents of Grey townshipfor a good many years. Mrs. Looking's funeral tOOk place Monday afternoon to Brusael's cemetery, !Rev. C. P. Wells, taking the service. The bereaved will have their sorrow shared by the people of the mom• munity, ever es-. James Kerr jr., bee returned home after spending a number of years gimp ranobing in tue Wotan' oountry, Rao. Porter, of Grey, hart taken Millon Struther's position as oletk and telephone operator in 0, H. Holmes' store at At. wood. Souooa Raronw,—Tbe following is re- port of 5, S. No. 10 for month of Novem. ber. Average attendanoe, 46.-8r. IV.— Cele Rothwell, 65 ; Clara Rathweil, 84 ; Sophia Spading, 53 : May Oxtoby, 44 t RoyOxtoby,40 ; Jennie Oontbs, 30. Sr, III—Floreuoe Whitfield, 82 ;- Louie Bugler, 80 ; Ruth Bugler, 79 ; Jeeele Campbell, 77 ; Eva Rethwed, 7 ; An. drew Done, 72 ; Mamie Denman, 70 ; Stanley Hutchinson, 69 ; (Thalia Bat. troy, 65 ; Irene Foga!, 68; Chester Baker, 40.—Jr. III.— Melvyn Oxtoby, 52 Willie Sperian, 45. Sr. IL—Aima !Medea, 80 ; Pearl Oxtoby, 79 -Katie Denman, 72 ; Wilfred Whitfield, 60• James Donll, 51 ; Percy Ward, 60 1 Maggie Ward, 45 ; Blanche Whitfield, 45 ; Jr. II—Irene ngler, 80 Myrtle Spartan, 70; - Iva Sperian, 69 ; -Lily Beane, 82 ; Geo. Evade, 58 I RotaPlokerell, 46 ;- Della Whitfield, 45 ; Hermann Pickerel!, 42 Bert. Ameab, 35. Pt. II,—Marguerite Hutchinson, 70; Joo, Hyde, 68 ; Mary Meehan, 68 ; Alex. Hyde, 53 ! Roast] Comte, 48 Willie Ward, 46 ; Minnie Hannsb, 46. Sr. Pt, I—Freddie Cox, -Jr, .Pt. I.— Christie Engler, Hartwell 'Spartan, Gordon Whitfield, Mitten Oxboby, Wes ley Ballantyne, Stanley Meehan, Millie Cox; Edith Piokerell. B. B. LAatoNT, Teacher. Cratnbruolz. Eli Smith will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday attetaoon, Rev. D. B. McBee attended the Matt. land Presbytery at W Ingham monTrtee Tuesday of this week. The Sunday School of the Presbyterian Church here, will hold an entertainment in the obaroh next Tuesday evening. A good time ie excepted. A "New Year's Arob" will be held in the Methodist aburoh on New Year's eve, under the empties of the Sunday School, An exoelleat program will be rendered and lunoh will be served. 1.bltlrel. A wedding is talked of before long. Misses L. MoColium and B. Spence, visited at Seaforth. J. Lamont aoaom panisd them on the trip. Mies Ella and Russell Dilworth visited in Atwood and Monkbon last week. They report a good time. Walter Mason, who has been ander the Dr'e. oars with pneumonia, is improv- ing mproving nicely. Hie many friende' wish him a speedy recovery. Townebip.Nvminatiou of a Reeve and 4 Councillors will take plan at the Town Hall here on Monday, 28th intik from 12 to 1 p, in. with Clerk McIntosh in oommaud. Township Council mat here on Tem - day to aouoiude the baeinoos of -the year. They have handled a large amount of municipal matters since bbeir Bret meet- ing 1n 1903. Principal Dobson has . tendered his resignation as teaoher here after a most successful seri 'severing years. a service, oovar n S r 10' o In addition to good work done in the school hie example in the neighborhood has been fraught with good. We are pleased that he will now be looked upon ae a permanent resident of Ethel a he purposes becoming a partner with Oboe. Davies in the purohaso of the general store business of H. F. MoAllieter, The latter will remove nearer the timber limit he is interested in. Tbe removal of the McAllister family from Ethel will be regretted as they have been firstplass oitizene. They will not be moving away for some montbe yet we understand. ROnnIE SCOTT PASSES Awes -Another of the worthy old men wbo did much to make this Canadian land what it is, passed over to the "Land that is fairer then day" on Sunday last in the person of Robert Soott, who died at the home of bie eon.in.law, Andrew McInnes, at the advanced age of 84 years. Mr. Soott was a true eon of Avid Scotia who never lost interest inthe land of his birth. He bad been in declining health for some time so that hie demise wee not a matter of great surprise. Hie wife pre -deceased him some years ago and since then be made hie home wtth his daughters, Mrs, Wm, Ames, then of Morrie township ; and Mrs. McInnes, He also lived for a while with hie son, John, in Brussels, Who afterwards removed to Woodebook, Mr. Scott wee a Presbyterian in religion end a Liberal in politica. He was a well road man, honest in hie dealings and had a wide circle of friends. The funeral - took place on Wednesday afternoon from Mr. McInnes' to Cranbrook oemetery whore his remains were interred in the family plot. Mo1ijsaegort]t. a The Methodist S. S. are making ell preparatione for a geed Xmas Tree enter. tninment to be held on Wednesday even- ing, Deo. 28. Dr. Stephenson, Secretary of the "Forward Movement", 000npied the Methodist pulpit Sunday, Dr. Fraser;. Smith preaohed to the Preebyteriane. The concert for the Publics Library held in the cheese factory was in every partioular a enemas. The program con- elated of two brillant recitations by Mies P/inni i MoGnire, of Biuesete, who highly delighted the audience with bee fearless and pleasing .manner with which ebe delivered ber soleotione. J. Leslie herr; ale° of Bruenole, rendered two beautiful aiud inspiring halftone solos in his genial and pleasing manner. S, S. Moto, of Harrieton, gave two rousing Woe and Prof. Gareth, of Gerrie, ' mixed op the pr000ediege with his waneon tumor and wibe Master Norman Hermiston, of Listowel, performed many wonderful Coate of daring with his bicycle and violin and hie litto eider, although a girl of nevelt or eight Sbmmere held the erawd by her sweet Wee aonompanied by her brother on the violin, Among the loofa talent wag au hoar amental duet by Mfg. see Pearl and Winnie MaBos, The Ledies OM/dotter a trig entitled "A Little Farm woo Tined" by 0. E. Lappara, q. S. Halloo and 13. A. IvioJCee, the A B U dnot by tare, W. T, l loRfee and B. A. Monne and an inabrumonlal solo by Pearl MoKee eatibled "A. Storm" which deaervoa menial mention. R. 5, Currie, of Atwood, gave an interesting and high. ly inetraetive addreeo on "Reading." A debate, resolved "that a dirty good nat• tired woman was preferable to a eleaa ' cranky wotoab," was ably bandied by Tom Bonnett and Alex, Greer for the affirmative and R. U. Fraser and J. A. MoDonald for the negative. The result was decided by R. 5, Carrie who dealer - ed it a draw. W. T. McBee, Freeident of the Board, occupied the chair and - fi led in the obinks wlbh a few good - 010015e which were appreciated by all. The entertainment closed with "God Save the King." Prooeeds,$60 00. Ulf II L'lll,IIES. Next Sabbath Rev, T. W. Coeens will preach at Kincardine. Sunday's snow storm and blizzard out down the atbendanooae °hterob. There will be High Mass and Advent setmon.in theCatboli° °hutch, Bruaaele, next Sunday at 11 a. m. Mies Auna Beckett, the famous soloist, will sing et the Methodist ohnroh ao. nivereary services, Sunday and Monday evenings. The Maitland Presbytery met at Wing ham on Tueeaay of this week. Rev. Jno. Ross and 'Thoe. Strachan attended from Melville Ohnroh. The next meeting will be held !n Wingbam on the let Tuecday of March. In Melville cburch last Sabbath morn. ing Rev. Jno. Rem' subject was "The wheat and tares" and in the evening "The Tree sins of Life". Rev. Mr. Roes " is reaobio aeries sermons n " if A g a of rte n o L a every Suaday evening espeoially for the young people, Rev. Mr. Coma' text last Sabbath morning was St. Matt., lath'obapter and 8rd verge, The reoeption eerveoe was postponed fort weeks owing to the in- clement weather preventing a number of Interested from being present. At the evening aervioe the pastor's theme was "The Oonvereionn of Sent of Tarsus". Anniversary sermons will be preached in the Methodist church here next Sala. bath,morning and evening, by Bev. Joseph Philp, B. D., of Xinoardine. A apectoa! offering of $75.00, le being asked 'for by the Trustee Board. Monday even- ing Rev. Mr. Philp will deliver his interesting and instraotive leotnre so- titied "Jerusalem and ite Environs," commencing at 8 o'clock. A 'fall house should greet him. The Ladies' Quartette - of Molesworth, will give several selections with their nsual ability and W. A. Grewar, of Bruaaele, will oontribate the • beautiful trombone eo'o "The Holy City". Rev, T, W. Oceans, pastor, will oaoapy the chair. Brussels School Beard, The regular monthly meeting of the Palate Sohool Board was held in the Board room on Friday evening of last week. All members present except, R, Leatherdale, Moved by D os O, Rose mended by �. G. Skene that Jas. Turnbull be ohaIrman pro.tem. Carried. The minutes of the lest "regular meet- ing were read and passed, Tbe following aminint0 were present. ed -Fred. Atesme, $1.60; Wilton & Tomball, 643,68 and it was moved by W. M. Similar emended by J. G. Skene and 'serried that they be. paid.. Moved by J. G, Skene eeoonded by D. 0. Rose that the Board advertise for 100 cords of good, sound green hardwood 22 Mabee long to be delivered at the sobool before Marsh let, 1904. Teudere in whole or part as low as 25 cords to be received until Deo. 20oh, 1903, (larried, Inspector Robb's report was read and flied, The Board then adjourned. Brussels Council. Brussels Coanait met on Tuesday even- ing for the dnel meeting of this year. Bases Wilton and Councillors Peon, Thomson and Beaker present. Minutes of last meeting read and oonfirmed. Moved by Thomson eeooaded by Plum that the following accounts be paid :— Massy tic Co., Hardware 6 8 88 Jno, Rogers, sewer expenses65 00 F. 5, Soott, eatery and loan fees78 00 P. Anent, lumber 816 Noble Gerry, hardware 2 18 s. H. Jaakeon, blaoscsmitking.;,1 00 Jaa. Fox, stationery 1 35 Fred. Adams, repairing pump1 50 Brnseele Herald, printing 25 50 W. M, Sinclair, legal 5 00 W. M, Sinclair, salary as clerk15 00 A. MoLanobiio, eatery 25 00 4, Comity, Jame fees 4 00 5. Wilton, " " 4 00 J. Lsokie, re 0, P. R 15 00 W. H.1 err, printing 8 50 The Colleotor was present and reported teat the sum of 67,888 66 teles had been oolleotedand that a butanes of $64878 was still unpaid. An application was made by Wm. Biaehill and Barbera Strachan for rebate of 5% on taxes. Was ooaeidered b Council and ordered that no 600100 be. taken. Connell then held the adjourned Court of Revision on the Toruberry St. Sewer Bylaw and a legal opinion from W. 101. Sioolair wee read and explttined, to the effect that the By tow and proosedinge leading up to it were Valid. Moved by Plum, emended by Thornton that the appease of Dunford,._GrimBtb and McRae be dismissed and that the sly -law be now adopted and peened. The 5ald Bylaw was then read throe tiinee and peened. Signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and theI O ark inetruoted to attack the 0orporetiou mai thereto. Oouboil meet. ing then adjourned. A Woodstock girl who eloped with her brothee.ih.law has been Iooeted by her father at Winnipeg and will return home with WM. -