HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-10, Page 8CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS To the undeolded one, not knowing what to bay, or wbere to look, onr otoots offers many ideas. Here you oan hardly fail to And something that win he suitable and aooeptable to sone of your Mende, OUR FANO Y GOODS DEPARTMENT was never So fell of attractive things, new thing° and novel things, spited to all pumas, Boaidee we have a large stook of BIBLES, HYMN BOORS, PRAYER BOORS, CHRISTMAS DARDS and CALENDARS, PERFUMES, FINE STATIONERY, JAPANESE CHINA, EBONY GOODS, NEW GAMES, TOYS, DOLLS, PICTTJRE BOOKS, &o,, &c; Spec° forbids any detailed description. You will simply have to oome and see for yourself. We don't ask you to buy at all andyou won't be premed to do ao. But we would suggest that you make your vieit early, before things get "plotted over," T H, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. rota' Ethos Items. A obiel'e amang ye taker' notee, An' faith he'll unmet i(. Motanax Horse Fair Thursday, San. 71h, B11ueeE10 Sohool Board Friday evening of this week. Sone green wood is being delivered bet quantity is small yet although roads are tiptop for banliae. DR. MACDONALD, M. P. for East Huron, wag in Brusaele teat Mouday while en route to Walton Presbyterian Tea Meet - in", R. MArNParza had the new dynamo installed this week. Monday night the lights were out in making the oonneetione but Tuesday everything was all right and the improvement is very noticeable. Preaeut circuit will be enlarged. TEE house and lot of Arthur MoGuire, Turoberry street, Brun iele, has been sold to Fletcher Roe, of Mogillop towosbip, for the tam of $900. He will get poe- eeeeiou in the course of a few months. Mr, Roe sold his farm and wilt take a rest for a time as his healtb is not extra good. Mess ANNA BEoxiTr, the sweet singer, wbo has made trleude wherever abe has appeared, will sing in the Town Hall, Brussels, Thursday evening of this week, under the aaepicee of the Chosen Friends. Prooeede go toward the Conearepblve Sanitorinm at Gravenhurat. No extra charge for reserving a Beat. Plan of Ball at Fox's drug store. The K. 0. T. M. Band will play. PAY UP AND SATE 8%.—All taxes not peed on or before next Mouday night to Collector Long will have 6 per cent. add- ed to them so there will likely be a hustle between now and then. Up tothepreeent the amount paid in totals $8,100, oat of a total on the roil of $7,900. Oolteotor Long will be at the Connell Ohamber on Saturday and Monday from 9 to 4 o'olook to receive taxes. L. 0. L. No. 771,—The annual meet. ing of Bra0dele L. 0. L. No. 774, was held on Monday evening of this week. S. T. Plana, W. M., in the chair, Following officers were elected ;—W. M., Jae. Kernaghan ; D. M., W.H. MK/atoll- eon ; Chap., B. Gerry ; Rec. Sae„ W. R. Mooney ; F. B., Thos. Farrow • Treae„ Jno, Clegg ; Dir. of Oer., W. Holt ; Lecturers, S. T. Plum and M. H, Moore ; Ex. Com., Frank MoOntoheon, Jas. Rus• sell, M, M, Cardiff, Jno. Mooney and P. Cantlon er. A oommnnioation was read from the Lord'e Day Alliance and a resolution passed promising aid in the work of the Alliance. Auditors' Report thawed a good financial etanding, Mem- bership 45. Co.Lodgo will be held on let Tuesday in January in Wingham. EMIT Humor; CONBERVATI7Ee.—The an- nual meeting of the Liberal Conservatives of East Heron will be held in the Town Hall, Wiugbam, on Friday, December 18811, at 1.80, p. m„ for the eleotion of officers and general business, Dr. T. B. Spronle, M, P. for East Grey ; D. Hen. derson M. P. for Halton ; and H. Silber M. P. P. for South Huron have oontented to be present and deliver addreseee. A public meeting will be held in the evening, at whittle the above named epithets Will address the electors on the gnettione of the day. Chair taken ab eight o'olook. It is reported in some quarbere that the oboioe of candidate may fall upon Go, Councillor Jamee Bowman, a well known farmer of the 8rd line of Morrie, who also spent several years as township Commit. for and Reeve of the aforementioned townebip, Dr, Chieholm's name has been mentioned but the Wingham medico doolinee to enter a oonteet with Dr. Mag. Donald. Go. Councillor Lockhart, of Wawanoeh, has been spoken of and oleo Edward Doyens, of Grey, would make good oandidatee bat the first mentioned, who is the President of the Riding Aeeoolationr has the oall if be is willing to aooept. ENJOYABLE Pecenn ,—The entertain. mans in the Town Hall Thursday evening of last week, under the auspices of Bras. eels Public Library, was suooeesful al. though a larger audience should have been printout considering the objeot of the gathering. Following was Ibe program which was rendered In a very pleasing manner to the Radiance and roost credit. able to all who took part :--Xnetramental daet, "Mattei", Misses Jean !and Maggie MoLanohlin; solo, "A Warrior Bold", W, M. Sinclair ; recitation, "Mies Siep• oral Courting Experience" Mist Minnie MaNaugbtou ; solo, "The Deathless Army", H. W. Avi008 ; violin solo, H, L. Jadkeon ; Male quartette, "At Home by the Sea," Metiers, Sinclair, donee, Straohan and Cameron I solo, "The Flight of Agee," Mina Nora Hofinee duet, "The Battle Eve," Messrs. Minn and Gilroy ; piano solo, Dire. (Dr,) Holmes ; 001D, J. G, Jones ; reading, "On the Eva of a Trial," T. A. Hawkins ; quartette, ''014 Virginia," Messrs. Sin. olair, Jones, Straohan and Oameron solo, "Out where the Billows roll high," F. Ii, Gilroy ; recitation, Mise Nora Mange ; dant, "After the Fray," Meaere, vieon and Gilroy; The 8000M - Palliate were Mtge Jean MoLauohlin, Mre, Helmet, Mrs, Et. L ;galleon and T. A. Hawkins, Abo11t $40 was realized and wag banded over to the Treoenrer of the Library Board, THE mill dam has been a favorite resort for many of the young people in the evenings daring the past weeke as they enjoyed the healtbfnl exeroise of skating, THE first monthly Horse Fair for ibis 9eaeon in Brussels was held on Thursday of last week. Next Fair will take pleoe on Thursday, January 7811. Mark down the date so as to keep track of it. CONDOLENCE. — We, the off.oere and members of Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 774, Brussels, desire to extend to oar brothers, W. 11. MoOutoheon and David Mo0utcheon, honored members of onr Order, also to the now lonely and bereaved husband, F. MoCuteheon, and to all the other members of the family, our heartfelt sympathy in the sad at fliotion in the death of your dear mother and wife. Your dear departed mother was held in muoh esteem by all ber Borrowing neighbors and friends all testified by so many who met to pay their last tribute -of respect to the depart. ed one at the funeral. Your own homes will fealell the eadderae you will often oall to remembrance her genial kind faoe and her numberless kind acts done to you all, but the saddest of all to the new bereaved husband who ie left alone to measure the few steps of life left him. We feel that our words of sympathy ander the air. oometanoes can give but little comfort, and we do most earnestly commend you all to Him who hae promieed to be with tie fa onr triale and afflictions. To Him we would have you look for help and etrengtb in this hour of and aftiiotion and may He every bays you in Hie Holy keeping and gather you all together in that blessed Abode beyond the Jordan of death, is the prayer of your brethren cf said Lodge. 0. P. R. TARES CENTRAL ROUTE,—A letter from President Shaughnessy, of the 0. P. R. was reoeived from Montreal last week which sets to rest the question of route by the proposed extension of the 0. P, R. from Guelph to Goderiob. It save :- 7.. Leckie, Bag , Brussels, : DEAR AIR,—Many thanks for your letter of Deo. 2od., I do not think that we overlooked any of the facto outlined in your letter in determining the route over which tbe Guelph Junction line ebould be built. After giving Ube subject meet careful oonsideration we deoided, that to begin with, at any rate, the road should be constructed so as to provide transportation faoilitiee to many localities that are not nerved at the present time. Yours truly, L. L. SnatieHNEset, President. Canadian Paoifio Ry. Go„ Offioee Mon- treal. This will take the road via Monkton, Walton, Blyth and Auburn and the interested mnninipalitiee are busy now looking after the preliminary work necessary in the matter of By laws, &c. We congratulate the people of the Central routs on the preferenoe shown them and have no doubt they will And the road a oonveoienne when in operation. It would appear that the 0. P. R. is after a short route with a doable traok, and are looking to the carrying of through freight, pre- sumably from tbe Weet. If tbie ie so the municipalities need not lie awake at night worrylog abont right of way, &o., for if it were never voted they would no doubt build the road by this route anyway. Sectional bonosee will be asked for no doubt and all the amounts will not be very large no will be carried in all pro. bability. Snnoeeerot,—A very ihtereeting and sncoesefu! patriotic social was held on Taeeday evening by tbe Young People'e Guild of Melville ohuroh. A great many of the invitations which had been issued were accepted end as each one entered, the "silken Book" was deposited in a large boot euepended near the door. Rev. John Rose, 5, A. 000upied tbe chair and epoke a few words of welcome before introducing the program. It was etttirely patriotic in ohareoter and after listening to the font splendid addressee it would be hard to decide to wbial' oountry one would rather belong. A. Hislop, M. P. P., upheld Scotland and the great men she hod produced and was seconded by Mies Ritchie and Mre. Cameron in the singing of two Scotch solos—"The Auld Soetoh Sang" and "Lang Lang leyne." After the Straohan male Quartette Rang "Larboard Watch," A, E. Mellish gave an interesting tally on England, dealing with plaoee he bad visited and eaenee he had witnessed. This was followed by a recitation "The Drummer boy" be, Mise Winuie McGuire. Mise Buchanan did not allow Ireland to take second plane by any means and read a most interesting account nt the Emerald Isle and its happy people. Mignon Forbes and Ross sang "The ,Tele of Beauty" and Mies Taylor "An Irishman's Toast. Last but by no mane least dame our own Canada. 1t was introdaoed by font young Canadians singing "The Lady of the Snowe," Mr, Cameron gave an exdenant addre8e, eo patriotic in tone that these who beard biro could not help feeling proud of the foot that they were Canadian born. The audience then joined very heartily In singing "The Maple Leaf" and atter refreshments were Reread went borne well pleased with the evening's entertainment, Misses Jessie MOLauohlin and Marjoty Strachan preeicied at the organ. A tormor member now living id Gnelph, sent greetings in the form of a short h 0903 003011111° "The TIIJ BRUSSELS POST Iiiti. ,. . r' fs{ tkr 1 R. FLETCHER, JEWELER, Our Store is a Dazzling Display of Elegant Goods, suitable for Christmas Presents, 'We always carry the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, THD eooreb of the suooees of our bueineee Is prose DOrn o AND G1y1Na Oen GENTS' AND LADIES' L001t15'TS AND PENDANTS set with Pearls, Opals, OUeTogeis Home Groom Our Motto le 'UtueonttLY Low Perces. Rubies, and Dose Dlam011de, See them, they are DoluvoES, Ladies' We boy direct from the Mauofecturere for oath and oan give our Cnetomera the Neok-lacee useorted lengths, CLOSEST BARGAINS, We are ready for the Holiday Bueineea, Purchasers ebould Aleo an elegant Lina of Solid Gold Br000bee set with genuine Pearls. make their ealeotioae while our Stook is et its best. A BEAUTIFUL SILVER DISPLAY WR oAN MEAT EV0118 WANT AT TIM LOWEaT PRIME, —Five Pieos Tea Sete —Cake Koives Oome and See Our MoneyS avers. —Three Piece Tea Sets —Sardine Forks —Fern Coasters —Jelly Knives —Ladies Gold and Gold Filled Watohee. --Baking Dishes --Cold Meat Forks ' —Gents' Gold and Gold Filled Watches. —Sugars and Oreame —Knives and Forks A 1 —Ladies', Gents', Boys' end Girls' Silver and Silverine Watohee, —Berry Dishes —Cake Forks --SEE OUR GENTS', 12 8000, OPEN FA08 AND HUNTING FILLED WATonE9. —Oahe Beekeee- —Pie Knives —Bente' 18 and 16 size Vanguard, 21 and 28 Jewelled Movements.—Bieoait Jars—Ououmbor Forlta —Also 17, 15, 11 and 7 Jewelled Movomente in Elgin, Waltham, Dneber.Hampden—Rollie end Batters —Jelly Spoons and Omega maim, .—Bon Bon Dishes —Alter Dinner Coffee Spoons —Swiee and English Watches kept in stock, "Selo Agents for the Dneber.Rampden --Berry Spoons —Soup Ladlee Watohee." ---Mao a Beautifal Display of Out Glace OLOUSCS—We bave le gook a very tine line of Mantle Oinoke, in Marble, Iron and 1847 Roger Bros, A 1 Goode, A full line o! Sterling Silver Flat Ware and Wood ; Onyx finieb. Oak and Walnut 8 day Olooka ; Fanny, Gilt aud Novelties. Engraving (10110 Free o! charge. Alarm Cloche. A Grand Display of FANCY OHINA, in Japaueee Ware, Crowe Derby and EINGS—Gem Rings set with D8Att0NDe, OPALS, EMERALDS, SAPPHIRE and GARNETS. Wedgewood. See our Genuine Ebony Goode. GENTS' RINGS, set With DIAMONDS, GARNETS, OA0DONMLEe and BLOOD STONE°. Also INITIAL and SooflTr Rases. See oar Birthday and Baby Rings. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Solid Gold Rings from 60o to $100 each. This Department ie well looked after by Dire. Fletober. Ooasultatiun Free. LADES' CHAINS AND BftACEGET$—A beautiful display of Ladies' Long Watch Eyes properly Tested. Frames at ALL Praise. p Y We will be pleased to have you look through our Stook, Oar pilose are the Chaim, Gents' Chains, Ladies' and Childress' Braoelete, Onff Linke, Ouff Lowest—We can save yon money. Buttons, Baby Pine, Necktie Pine, Brooches, Charms, Society Pine, Eto. Wateb and Jewelry Repairs promptly attended to. Satiefaotion guaranteed, F 1.4 • °_:. . . ,.; en Tho 1Qse Price �'eweler. arOUR SPECIALTIES ARE WATCHES AND RINGS. which was read at the close. Those in charge are to be congratulated upon the success both socially and financially ea 'the treasury was eoriohed by $86,00, Business Locals. RAW Fuas—Highest pride paid for raw furs. A. COWLEY, Bruesels, HANDSOME walnut sideboard for sale at greet reduotioo, Apply to Mae. W. M. 8INOLAIR, Brussels. To any one needing good cutting SAWS I will sell at any price to make room for more °awe. T. MoGEEooR, Mill eireet, Brussels. WANTED, -5000 turkeys, 160 for choice stock. Ii your live buyer wont take them at the pride, we will. We want all kinds of fowl, dried apples, beans, large onions and raw furs. GEo. E. ECoG, Wingbam. SLAUGHTER SALE or Danes Goose :— Thio is the greatest eale of solely Drees Goode ever offered in the county and in. oladee all tbie Fall's importations. 60, 60 and 66a lines for 85o ; 750 and $1.00 lines for 500, etc. Geo. E. KING, Wfngbam. BUREAU 1 Harrah i sleighing ie here and we are ready for it we have the finest assortment of cutters and bob -sleighs on hand ever shown in Broseele and ail our own make and therefore we know just what we are selling. Prices right. Be sure and see them before buying. Also a good tasty lot of hand sleighs for boys. J. CORER & Sort's, Carriage Worke, CifUftCtl CHIMES. Rev. R. Paul preaobed at Londesboro' last Sabbath. Rev. John Rose, B. A., dwelt upon "Wickedness bnrneth like fire," in Mel- ville ohuroh last Sabbath morning. The eubjeot in the evening was "The seared. nese of human lite," The Epworth League forwarded a bale of olothing, &o, to the Deaconess' Home, Toronto, tan Tuesday. Junior League is also contributing guilts, olothing and other articles to charitable porpoaee, Bev. Arab. Me$ibbon, B. D„ of Ailsa Graig, was visiting in thin locality last week and premised a very interesting sermon at the evangelistic services being held in the Methodist ohuroh, on There- day evening. Bible Society 001180lore are asked to kindly keep the foot in mind that tbe financial year of the Society oloees on Deo. 81 when the returns are to be made. Several booke leave already been handed in to W. H, Kerr, Treasurer of Brussels branch, A raddption service will be held next Sabbath morning in the Methodist oburob of those deeiroue of uniting with the ohurob as a result of the [special services oonaloding this week. Meetings were held on Monday and Wednesday evenings of this week and will also be held on Fri- dey evening, A large number have expressed their intention of living a Christian lite. Last Sabbath Rev. Jobn Kennedy, B. D„ of Londeeboro', ooanpied the pulpit of the Methodist ahurob here. Hie theme in the morning was " 8eeiog the faoe and Ebeling the strength of God," and in the evening the text was "Ohriet in you the hope of glory," Mr. Kennedy to a very praotioal expounder of the Truth and has a way paonliarly his own of present- ing it and not without good effect either. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Stratford in Knox Church Monday, Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, of First March, St. Marys, was releaeed from hie charge, to take effect Deo. 28113. Metiers. McLean, McMaster, Lawrie and Coapland reprr• scanted the oongregatioo and epoke very highly of Mr, Coegrove's services as their minister for twelve yearn, Mr. Cosgrove, who is a sonata law of R. White, of Strafford, gone to Newark, Ohio. ANNrvoasenr.—On Sabbath, 20111 Inst„ Rev. Joeeph Philp, B. D., of Kinonrdlne, will preach anniversary sermons in Brae• eels Methodist ohuroh, morning and evening. A epeeist offering of $76 00 is being asked by the Trustee Board instead of a Tea meeting. Monday evening Rev. Mr, Pbilp will deliver hie popular lecture, "Jerueelem and its environs," which is; tvell worth hearing, all be spent about 8 monthe in the Roly Land so speaks from actual experieuoe. He will also address the Sabbath school Sunday afternoon. JOR1V BEgxott---Io Brussels, on Deo. 5, to Mr. and Mrs, Jonee Beaker, a eon. Aa.1i.Raritt=a. GARDEN—TA3L011.—At the residence of the bride's father, Morris, on Dee. 3rd, by the Be,, John Holmes, Mr. Jun. R. Garden, of Ellieboro', Asea., N .W. 0.'„ to Mee Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Taylor, of Morrie. PDIbP. EDGAR,—Io Toronto on Deo, 5th, David Edgar, aged 88 years, eon of R. Edgar, of Orange Hill. GoANT.—In Seatorgb, ou Nov. 29, John Grant, aged 78 years and 5 menthe. MoQuannxo,—In Detroit, on Deo, 2, Flooring Watson, beloved wife of John McQnarrie, aged 32 years. MoNArn.—In Grey, on Deo. 10, Duncan McNair, aged 74 years, 7 months and 26 days, MOOvecatote In Morrie, on Deo. 5, Jane Selena Croats, beloved wife of Frank Mo0atobeon, aged 68 prate. .av-c'sxozv' FRIDAY, DEO 11.—Farm stook, imple. menta, &o., Lot 10, Con. A, Tornberry. Sale without reserve, at 1 p. m. Samuel Pope, Prop. ; P. S. Scott, Ano. Moamar, Dao. 21.—Perm Stook, implements, &o., S Lots 1 & 2, Can. 7, Gray, Sala unreserved, at 1 o'oloak, J. B. McLaaoblin, Prop, F. 8. Soott, Aao. TUESDAY, Deo. 22.—Fare, Stook, implements, &o. Lot 29, Con 13, Grey. Sale unreserved, at I o'aloak. Jae. & Geo, Mann, Propte. F. S. Soott, Ano. Rare Opportunity IN OVT i COATS DON'T MISS i T We have a large stock of Men's, Boys', Youths' and Children's Overcoats and in order to clear them out quickly have decided to make big reductions in the price of all lines. We Offer You in this Special December Sale : $4 00 Overcoats now going at 5 00 " rr 6 00 & 6.50 Overcoats now going at 7 00 Overcoats now going at 8 00 a rr 10 00 " 11 $8 25 4 25 5 00 5 50 6 60 8 25 These are actual reductions off regular first-class values and not marked up in order to out prices. Act quickly and get first choice and your proper size, Ates,A. / I \A HA# Mr AB. MACDONALD— Barrister, Solicitor, late, Soceasaor to et, T, Blair. Office over Standard Bank, Brussels. Bolieitor for Metropolitan Beek, AUCTION SALE OF FAE1II Ening, Ist'LEteENT0 ka,—Mr, F, 8, Scott, Auctioneer, bailremixedics8ruo tlo n from the undersigned to sell by public ane. auction at 81, Lots 1 & 0, Con, 7, Grey, (2 miles Norte of Nrueeela) on Monday, December 2101, 1900, the following val- uable property; --2 aged heavy draught mares, I heavy dranghtmare 7 years 01(1,1 driving mare 9 years old iu foal to "Cos- tumer", 1 driving mere 0 year0 old, 1 driving mare 4 yenta old, 1 roadster gelding by "Minion" rising 2 years, 1 booty draught geldingrieing2 years, 1 roadster ally, 1 cow, newly calved, 6 cows enppesed iu calf, 4 steers 2 years old. 1 heifers 2 years old, 7 yearling Leiters, 2 calves, 1 brood sow, 3 young pegs, 1 hinder and trunk nearly now, Massey -Barrie, 1 mower, pea harvester and bundler ,1 Deering oulttvator nearly new I seed drill, 1 new horse rake, 11and roller, 2 top buggies, 2 tuatara, 1 trunk waggon and box,1. set bob-sleighs,1 set melee, 2,000 Ibe, platform, 1 turnip bower,1 aoumr, 1 turnip pulper, 1 Obatham fanning m111 and bagger, 1 twin Vow big Massey :Harried aingleplow, 1 tet tree harrows, 2 hay racks, 1 wood rack, 1 wbeelba rity 1 Set 104333 harness.] third horse new, 0 sot plough harmer; 3 088 single harness,1 set leather fly nets, 1 set light harness, 1 atone boat, 1 log boat, 1 emery Mlle grinder, 2 grinding stones, 3 Bat whiffietreee,1 nutter pole, 1 buggy pole,2 robes, 4 horse blankets, 2 dos. grata bags, 1 corn planter, 2 milk eans,l Maley Ober], 000 bushels turnips, 260 bushels mnngolde, gnantipy seed oats, lurks, chains, eoytbee, neekyekos and other article, too numerous to mention. Sale without reserve as pro- prietor ermeas - 85is andrunderle at cash, oyo'clock r that amount 12 montha credit on approyed joint notes, 4 per cent off for Bath on credit amounts. Beets end oats to be Mb. 1190. II. MnLAVOHLIN, Proprietor; F, B. 900TT, Auctioneer. e 7 ANTED. -1 OR 2 HEAVY i Bprieg colts of good quality, Elites saw o If interested drop fairly 011110 Eo 80x1200 Brussels, P. 0. PEDIGREED Y011K8HIPI; .Piga for Bala, consisting oil hog and 8 sows, ono month old. For 511008 apply at Bodmin Lime works, 18. B. NI0B06- BON,Proprietor,Belgraye P.O. 22(1 ROS T. H. GARNISS IOLOEVALE — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reaaooable, Bales arranged for at the 08100 of 'PEE PO8T, Brussels, 2281 pcxucUTORS' SALE OF VAL— DARL10 FA181 PROPERTY,—Ie or- der to wird up the estate of the late, Neil McDonald, tenders or offers will be received bdayhe ofudtr January00' tors i ba eOEb y y posehase of that valuable grass111farm, 0 m! Ilte of Lo - 011 30 in tri 10Th a County or the non_ Town- ship of Morris 1n the Ooau tv of lan.Bump, cone bathing sixty four scree a lend. On the farm there are shoat itl acres of bu lib. The balance has been under grass for eight years. The land ie wolf watered by a spring creek and is conveniently situated. Poe• session eau be given at tiny time to suit the purchaser. Pot further particulars apply to the Executors' or to the undoroiguod, A. B„MaaDunale, Exrcutore' Sulfoitor, Brus- sels; A1011000100 McDonald, Blyth, Ont, John McDonald, Aloleeworbn, P.O„ Ex0on tors. A• D2IINISTIi,ATORS' SALE OE VALUABLE FARM PaOPEitT3,—In order to wlud up the estate of Alexander McDonald, Sr„ tenders or Orem will be re- ceived by the undersigned administrator up to January 10813, 1004, for too mama of Ch DEC, 10, 1908 r1st17:1.dfS Satisfaction ILIECI" _ tallf�3Y and Saving I1 there is ever a time daring tbe whole year when you want your money to go farthest it is right now. Everyone /Ikea to give. The problem is what you ono give that 19 worthy of giving and 01111 have your money go around. In both of these respects thin store oan be of service to you. What to give becomes an easy matter when you have each an ample stook of desirable gibe to chorea trona as we etre showing title year. It eombinee every element of beauty, nee. fulness, novelty aud real worth. Many items in our stook that you cannot get elsewhere and nothing that you oan get elsewhere that le worth having that yen cannot get here for the lowest obtainable prices. Actual bargaine in goods of worthy quality are what we promise you. Come Soon We would like to impress aeon every ono the desirability of making their eeleotiooe soca. Every day will count from now until Obriatmae, and every day the task of making eelootione if put off will only inaresee your worry. The prices eaunot be lower than they now are and the aoeorlmeut will constantly grow less. Our stock is too large to be com- pletely exhausted but it ie much easier to pick your gifts before the final rush begins, Wo want to lend every 00aietanee in our power that will help make tike a sat. isfaotory holiday season for you. We will be glad to see you at 2sE Drug Store. that valuable grata farm, being eompoead of Late 16 and 17 fn, the 10th ooroesalon of the Townellip of Morris, containing ono hundred and twenty eight aore0 of land. The land is all cleared, has been under grass for eight years end is in excellent eon- litiou. It is well watered by a spring creek. The farm is conveniently situated to mar- kets There is a good gravel house 28 x 88 mud kitchen 28E18, with wood shed attached. There ore two barna en the place, one a bank barb 58E48, the other is 38E58 with open abed attaohod. Poeee0sion eau be given at. any tiwo to suit tile perohaeor of the farm, with the exception of the house which the owner desire, to retain until aboubJuno 1st 1904. A10o snob stabling as he may require. For further parlionlare apply to the under- signed. A. B. MacDONALD, Soliel1or for Administrator, Brnsnele ; ALEXANDER MoDONALD, Blyth P. O„ Administrator. The above Iwo properties beteg Lots 16, 17 aud 18 as aforesaid will bo sold either in one or two pareela as may be nereed upon be- twem, vendors and emolument, ane tender, will be reoeived ao0ordingly. ALEX 1ND1011 elo00NALD, JOHN h1oDONALD, r ., ,:asra:r-a.. ...•r4 You S 1 ow About A Greater Buying Opportunity never was known than we are offering for the nest 10 days, Only a small list of the many good things : CLOTHING THAT FITS THE FORM Men's extra beavy All Wool Pants, regular $1.75 For 10 days 51 85 Mede Fine Tweed Pants, All Wool, regular $2.50 For10 days 1 76 Men's extra strong Working Pante, regular $1.50 For 10 days 1 25 Men's Fine Tweed Snits, all wool, regular $8 00 For 10 days 6 00 Men'e Soetch Tweed Suite, all WOW, reg. 512.50 For 10 dnye $ 750 Men's fine Eng. Tweed Suite, all wool, reg. $10.00 For 10 days 7 00 Men's Extra Heavy Fine Raglan Overcoats at prices that will surprise the closest buyers. UNDERWEAR A SMALL QUANTITY L70UT The quantity of Underwear we have sold this aea8on has been stupendous but we are gelling it et almost mill prices t Men's Extra Heavy Wool Fleeoe, fn Sbirta and Drawere, regular 90c, our pride 60a. Men's Heavy Wool Fleece Shirts Red Drawers, regular 60o, oar price 43e, Men'e Scotch Wool Shirts and; Drawers, regular 75e, our price 60e. Men'e Knit Unehrinkable Bbirte and Drawers, pure wool, regular $1.25, out price 90e. Ladies' Wool Vesta and Drawers, regular 50o, our price 86,0, Ladies' Heavy Fleece Lined Veste and Drawers, regular 66e, our prole 450, SOS TS & SHOES T0691 BEST VALUES IN TOWN Men's One Bf, Bala,, regular $2 25 For 10 days $ 1 60 Men's find 13f. Bale., regular 51.75 For 10 days 1 20 Men's fine Dol,g. Bala„ regular $2.00 For 10 dale 1 40 Men's Fine Vici Kid Bale., regular $8 00 For 10 days 2 00 Women's Fine Dong. Bale„ regular $2 00 For 10 days 1 36 Women's Fine Viol Bala., regular $2.25 For 10 days 1 75 Women'e Strong Sheen, regular $1.85 For 10 days _ 100 —A Full Line of Rubbete at Equally Low Prioee Seo our Special Lines ill. We can Save you Money in OS> Gloves, Flannelettes, Tick - eery, Corsets andGlove , in -.s, Linen g , sand Towelings. arr,i,, lie, f�, a,tll' ktchet 4 S MON.M-5t SAVII rG SPOT Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs.