The Brussels Post, 1903-12-10, Page 5�yY
Th i, .10, 1908
CAPITAL -Paid m/ $1,000,000
RESERVE FUND • • $1,000,000
REV. It, H, WARDEN, D. D. 0 J. 11001111,
Proatdout, Vloo-Pro old out.
Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmed' Notes Dieoounted,
8840"/"71.� ai" t 140 Fdatfrtr. ear
Interest at EIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all some of $1. and upwards
Dynosszy literacy
G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
cent, E.R.,B00T2', Brussels.
• 118080 of blarrlage Lioenees, Of-
aoe alGonoery,Turnberry street, Draseoln,
nBnBr0NED nae Several good Faroe 508
sale and to rent, easy tome, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. F R. SOUTT,Bruesel
0. O. F.
Court Princess Alexa.,dria, No. 24, 0.0. F„
Brueoelo, meets iu their I.odgo Room Bias -
hill Stook, on the Sud and last Tuesdays of
' each month, ate o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome. JAS. BURGESS. 0. R,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
8R•CTc,S>r7.,B, O 2 T.
✓, LECK/E,
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4t, 4t' h 5 Per neut.
Of200 over IIursley's Drug Store,
Nov, 3rd,1002. 30.318 Brus0010.
Wellington Mutual
Fire insurance CO.,
E°TABLI0n0n 1840
loser/moo taken on the cash and premium
note system atomrcetit rates. 10i fore Mein. -
ins elsewhere call on the undorsigued-Agent
of the Company.
7H' for batter
rices to
• will cell p
o e lass time and East
than any oiker auctioneer er iu Eoet 08(1 or
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be nrrauged at thin cane or by
personal application. •
Gr• Honor Gt advance of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die-
en606 of domesticated ant mots in a compet-
entmanner. Partinular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry 0a11spromptly at.
tended to, O1Doe and Infirmary -Four doors
North of bridge, TurnbOlry et,,. Brussels,
• Barrister, Solloitor,!Oouveyauoer,
Notary Publio, do. office-8.tewart's Stook
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solloltor for the Standard Bank.
M. 1►., O.
Trinity University Fellow Trinityy. Medical
College, Member College of Physicians and
Sorgeone, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Lioentiu.te of Mid.
8 b t�-Te)e hour N 14,
iter Edinburgh. P
B els.
e i5enae-Mill' treeE Bruce
Re e
Graduate 3 College .
O r ate of the Royal o
Sugeouno! Ontario
of Deutal
nnQ FIrSt•alaee Honor
Graduate of Toronto University, Office
next t0 Brewels Photograph Gallery,
British Columbia
Jted Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
rine and Cedar
Brussels Planing dills
Also Donee and Sash o! all Pat
*erne on hand or made to order
M Shed Notice.
EeErates i'arniehed for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman•
ship and Material Gaatanteed,
:Cstrizt : .cl z,
fli ve h,
Young men's ohurah olube may be
organized in Blyth.
Howard and alre. Alexander and Mies
Marjory arrived here from Winnipeg and
are at present visiting at the home of
Jae. and Mrs. Bentley.
M. D. McMillan, who has been seriously
ill for several weeks past, is now molt
improved in health and there is every
hope of hie ultimate recovery.
R. G. Orawford, who sped the past two
woke vieiting at the home of his psrente,
left for Brantford where he hue secured a
good siteation in a barber shop.
At the last meeting of Blyth Connell
Coun. Milne moved, Beoouded by Coon.
Stolhere, that a by law be submitted at
tbe approaching municipal elections for
granting n bonne of $3,000 to the Caned.
Jan Pao fie railway company for the
extension of the Guelph Jonotiou rail-
way from Guelph to Goderiah through
Blyth, said bonus to be need for the
purpose of purchasing the right of way
through the village of Blyth.-Oarried.
VV tYo -pain.
The Winghnm bcokey team plays first
league game in Listowel on the let
of January.
Dr. 3, S. Jerome has opened a dental
nflioe in the rooms next to M. E. Zur
brigg'e photograph gallery.
H. 0. Bell bee sold hie house and one
Int on Frenoes street to L. Harold, G T.
R agent, who will get poesesoion about
the let of February.
Thos. Gregory has offered to sell a
portion of his land opposite the town
hall for poaoiiiee site that would give a
frontage of 63 feet at $8,000.
Mre, Davis, of Mitoholl, relict of the
late J. E. Davie, brother of H. Davis, of
Wiugbam, passed away on Monday of
last week, after a painful illness.
Mies Marjorie Fiedler, who ie et pre°•
ant attending the llSodel School at
Kinclardine, bee been engaged to teach in
the Lower Wingham eohool next year.
Jae. Brook has been nursing a sore
hand. He had it severely burned with
hot tar a few weeks ago and blood poison.
ing set in and it will be some days before
he is able to do any work.
December 20th and 21st are the dates
for the t anniverearv o Wingham t W am Metho•
di h
e Church. Rev. J. II.livor, t
Listowel. and Dr. Gundy will exohnof
pulpits that day. Mr. Oliver will re-
main for Mouday evening and may
deliver a lecture.
.tvv 040(8.
Communion eervioe was held in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday.
Fred. Davie, who lately sold his farm
to John Buoban, has purchased the
Stewed property near the sawmill.
It ie the intention of Principal Mo-
Kiunon and Mies Ferguson to hold a
grand euhooloonoart on Tuesday evening,
Deo, 22nd.
Rev. ?dr, and Mrs. Peahell, and
daughter Ida, are spending a few weeks
vieiting relatives in London, and inti.
dentally attending the wedding of o noioe
of the family.
W. H. Hamilton oompleted his ee000d
season at the Newry diem factory last
week and is at present visiting friends
and acgoaiatan0ee at Kincardine. He
will work during the W Palmed
inter at Palme
The Atwood Bee dye : "There were
some pretty,nrprieed people in our town
on Saturday when it was rumored that
word had been reoeived from Listowel
that they had been informed from cffioial
sources that the O. P. R. would build by
the Southern route, After the first
shook the peop'e began to qua• tion thus
"Why 0hie sudden decision? Why wee
the Nortbe,n route surveyed ? Why were
we Raked to submit by-laws for the par•
abase of tine of right&e. Well it
R way
all tranepired as follows : The loom!
business men met on Friday evening and
decided to push the petition for the enb-
mission of a by-law. Jno. Knox wee ap•
pointed to go to Listowel toot a properly
worded and P. legal petition drawn u
While there he was informed that the
game 1280 tap and that the matter had
been deoided in favor of the Southern
route. It eeems that a000rding to the old
charter, the road wee to receive a bonus
from the Government of 68;200 a mile,
providing the line did not run parallel
to any other railway but through places
where there wee no other line, The
reason that the Northern route Wee ear.
'dyed wits as follows : The oompany
desired to see if they oonld afford to run
the line by the Northern route, indepund•
ant of the Government bonus, by means
of bonne from the munioipalitieo in the
matter of the right of way. Upon ih-
veotigation it was found that this could
not be done and that the Southern route
was the least expensive. This then i0
the reason, so far as we are able to ender.
eland the matter. The line will run from
Guelph to Elmira, Linwood, Menden,
Walton, Blyth and Goderioh. Of noose
it in not yet built but if it is oouetrnsted,
then it will run through or near Monkton.
Needless to say the residents of that
village ate tinkled to death, and who can
blame thrm ? It will mean a great deal
to them. Seven utiles from rho heareet
depot mining, a great held inconvenience
in travelling and of inoroosed expense to
the mm.01151110 who have to pay more to
have their geode
node delivered. Nodoubt the
aognieitionof the railway by Monkton
win hurt our village to some extant, bat
it does not ueoessariiy mean That we are
going togive up the ghost. It wall empty
TJ JZ :Isfl/t3)1414' POn
Standard Sneak of Canada
-TUie Bank advances money on Partnere' Bale Notes, in htrgo or
email amounts and for long Or short terms, to Balt the auotomer.
-You ma drew the full amount o' o' a at one time or to may
o f I N e
y y
draw smeller amoanta when you weand for any time that
snits your oonvenienae. Interest 10 charged only for the nam•
bar of days you take the money. . Notoe loft for aolleotlon
receive our beet attention,
-Roles may bo left for On 1calln5No only for which no obarge is made
SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards reoeived
and Highe01 Bank Internet allowed thereon from date of deposit un daily balance.
tSrEvery ooavonienoe afforded 000tomere living at a (Beheld.
mean that all our buelneoe men and
aitizeno generally will have to keep wide
awake and up-to-date. Increased Dom.
petition may do us good, instead of harm.
We have evey faith in our little town
holding ire own. If Monkton gets the
railway we wish them every noose and
proeptrity and are sore that they will
appreciate its advantages."
The Bell Telephone gang, who have
been putting in the local service, left for
Owen Sound.
Geo. and Mre. Walkey attended the
funeral of her father, the late Mr. Grant,
of Seaforth, the fore part of last week,
B. B, Cook was in Goderioh ae a wit
nese on the Wakefield ve. Carson Estate
law emit. The Judge reeerved his deals.
Oliver Hepiueta'l, of St. Thomne, was
in town with hie mother who went to St.
Thomas with him to spend the Winter
Andrew Brown is making preparations
for building a new Rouse on the South
aide of B. Jebel/tun, which he parohased
from Thome Gibson.
Mre. Lowry, of Delmore, who spent the
past Summar and Fall at the Soo, return-
ed and is vieiting her daughter, Mre.
Rogers, at the parsonage,
W. T. Downey, who hue been working
on the staff of the Jonrual, of London, is
spending a few well earned holidays in
the village amid the ecenee of hie youth.
Be hue been absent over a year.
Sunday, Dec, 13, is the day fixed for
the annual anniversary of the Methodist
vhorob in Fordwioh. Service at 10,30 a.
it. and 7.00 p. m., oondooted by Rev. J.
W. Holmes of lecture Gerrie. A leo are will be
given the following Tuesday evening by
Rev, J, H. Oliver, of Listowel.
The remains of the late Christina Mar
egret Gala Cameron, wife of H. N. Lay,
renohed the old home, Goderiah, on
Monday of last week, from Skagway,
Alaska, after a journey of nearly two
weeks' duration. Mr. Ley arrived with
his wife's romaine, their little nine
menthe' old motherless child being left
behind, ae it Woo too young for the long
journey in Winter, Many old friends
took a last farewell of the late Mad. Lay,
who looked almost life -life amid the
floral emblems Is s that well nigh bid her
oaeket. The funeral tookPae no
1 o e -
day from the family residence to Maitland
cemetery, and was largely attended.
Rev. Jas. A. Anderson held service at
the house and at the grave, and the pall
bearers were Judge Doyle, Judge Holt,
Sheriff Reynolds, Mayor Lewis, D. Ma•
Donald and W. L. Eliot.
0. P. R. -A special meeting of the
Council wee held on Thursday evening of
last week to hear a report tom the
mayor on the railway matter. All the
members were preeeot. Hie Wor-
ship gave the mein facie of the two
meetings bald at Guelph, saying that
at the request of the Guelph Junction
offidale he land notified all the munioipab
itiee on the respective routes. He had
ask d partionleriy if Clinton was includ-
ed, and on being informed yea, had
telephoned and written that town to
attend, While the representatives of
Brueseie, Listowel and Olinton seemed
doubtful of endless in carrying a bylaw
except upon onuditione, the people of
Wilton Monkton,Heerlen and
d L
wood were more voided saying they had
the bedtime, they wanted
the road and
would vote the money. Since that meet•
iitg, said hie Worship, I am informed it
has been decided to build the line in as
direct a rotate ae possible, and I believe
there will be epnre as fenders North and
Borth. I bave been in Clinton one day,
Colborne and Hallett one day, Blyth,
Auburn, the Wawenoebee and Hallett
one day, all dnring last week accompany.
ing the 0. P. R engineer. Monday I
drove ant end interviewed Mr. Taylor,
Reeve of oo,borne and some
of the
c e'
qou oillor in reference toe submitting ag m
by-law for the right of way parched,
They are to have a epeoiel meeting of the
munioipal Connell this week, which I
have been asked to attend. The by Tawe
to be submitted January 4'1 have to be
advertised in next weelt'eerea have
soot to all the townehipe and villages
draft by-laws for,nbmieeion, with written
inetructione ae to course to pareue. The
survey party at tbie end have run n line
South through Goderiah township and
Clinton, and Mr. Roberts, the engineer in
charge, says he has reoeived great armlet.
enoe and infuimation from David Oante-
Ion. Mr. Roberts; petty have also etttrted
a trial line along the river South to
Clinton between the Grand Trunk and
the river bank, and have aleo started a
trialline East from the Point Farm to
try and get to Auburn, North of and
encamping Smith's Hill, While at Auburn
the engineers were entertained by the
village and townehipe, and Mesere. Mon-
roe, Young, Lockhart, Yo1nprbint and
others drove 11r. Roberta to view pros.
pootive routes and openings in the hills.
Thursday repreeenlatives of Blyth,
Hallen, Auburn and Wawanoeh were in
town oonsatting solicitors and having
petitions, etc„ drawn up for by-laws.
The 0a0noll were greatly pleased with
the ?Jaycee report, which certainly
seemed to indioate great things for Gods.
rich in the hear future, and the ne0e0eory
by-law to raise the mum of probably
820,000 for purolled of tight of way and
elation grounds hero, will be prepared
and read at the Cloned! meeting Irt
evening, that it may be in limo for voting
on at tbomunioipal deolfono, Ameeting
of the direotore of the G. J. 10 Co, wag
held at Goderioh last Friday, mays the
Meroury, when the oorreepondenoe with
the O P. R authorities 12006 considered,
and the coaolaeion arrived at that upon
the municipalities finding the right of
way by the oeotral route, preference
would be given to bnildiog the line on
that by Elmira, Linwood, Milverton,
Monkton, Walton and Blyth to Goderioh.
Other bramohee are also ooutemplated.
i.iMfo W sol.
P. J. Liviugaton has decided to go into
the coal bueinees,
Mies Minnie Hay, who hue been 111
with typhoid fever in Naw York, is
improving and is now able to sit up for a
short timo each day,
Rev, James Livingstone, formerly of
this town, has reoeived a oall from the
Wellington Street Methodist ohoroh of
Locdoo, to become their pastor next
Mise Kate Rothwell, daughter of B. S.
Rothwell, of Elma, returned home last
week after spending over a year with
friends at Moose Jew and other pointe in
the Northwest.
Henry Zilliax had the misfortune of
having one of hie legs badly out by a
skate at the rink. I0 wee neoeeeary to
have four stitches put in the not.
The hookey team is now down to hard
praotioe, and by their showing on the ice
there ie no,doubt but that they will be
the winning team. Manager Arnold is
keeping the boys down to their knitting.
Dr. F. A. Large lett for New York
whenoe he Bailed by the Etruria for
London, Eng, He ie taking a year's:poet•
graduate work in the London hoopitale,
after whioh he expeote to take up prao.
tine in Canada.
Little Minnie, daughter of William
Bell, Davidson street, hag been removed
to Stratford Hospital with a very bad
knee, for . operation. Sbe was a great
sufferer. Mr. Bell is elill at the Hoopital
but ie doing well.
E. M. Alexander reoeived a telegram
announcing the death of hie niece, Mrs,
A. Prosier, nee Alive Edith Alexander,
daogbter of Mrs, T. A. Alexander,
formerly of Britton, and now at Moose
Jaw. She had been ailing only a few
A large and enthnsiaetio gathering of
young men of Listowel met in the annex
of MoDonaid,e Hall for the purpose of
organizing a Debating Society whereby
they oonld spend one night a week very
profitably in discussing some of the
important queotione of the day, thereby
etrengtheuiug their intellect and adding
to their general store of kouwledge.
The Society shall be known as "Onnada
Olub." The following are the offioere
e'eoted for the emitting year : Pree.,
W. W. Nichol ; let Vice Pree., Geo.
Bray ; 211(1 aloe, 1. W. Norton ;
Bearetary, A. J. Oandiok ; Treaenrer,
P. S. Oonnolley ; Exeontive Committee,
Rev. Bnokland, Rev. Oliver, 0, N. Boort.
Ion -Jury Sittings
Or the Itlgh Court IOerorcJnstIce
The oourt opened at 3 o'olook Monday
afternoon of taut week, eight oases being
set down for trial. Following ie a record
of the Renee end their disposal :
Mitchell v. SloBeath et al. -An action
for an alleged breach of agreement. J.
Laub wfor plaintiff, G. S u. ai teffWm.c
foot, K. 0., for defendant. By dement of
conned His Lordship direoted that judg-
ment be entered for the defendante for
$125 and full orate of exit, inoludiug octets
of examinatione for discovery,
Wakefield v. Laird et al. -Au notion
for speoifio performance of an agreement
to provide by will for plaintiff and for
wages. Anson Spottoo for plaintiff, E
L. Diokine m for defend9nt. This settee
wee broagbt,by Mrs. Jane Wakefield
against the exeontore of the estate of the
late Wiliism Carson, Mre. Wakefield
had been taken into the family of the
Mooed at the age of twelve and remain•
ed, nu she alleges, on the understanding
that Mr. parson would provide for her in
his will, and brought the action to secure
the performance of thin agreement,
Judgment reeerved.
Stephens v. Greenslade. -An action
balance of the putobaee money of an
hotel in Bayfield. Wm. Proudfoot, K.
0„ for plaintiff. J. G. Stanbury for
defendant. By consent of dianeal the
trial and determination of Mate aotion ie
referred to Philip Holt, junior judge of
the County Court.
Scott et al, v. Soott.-An motion for
()adduction of a will and for damages
under a lease. Wm. Proudfoot, K. 0 ,
for ploiotiff. J. P. Mabee, K. 0.and
A, M'aodouald for defendant, This ao•
tion wag brought by the widow and other
heirs of the late Mr. Boots against a eon,
Jas. Rood, who held a lease of the deoeae-
ed'a farm, the term° of whi0h were defin•
ed by will of whioh, however, the full
intent was in question. Hie Lordship
thought an agreement among the parties
should be arrangable without a trial.
This was finally done and Hie Lordship
directed that judgment be entered in
accordance with consent minatee attaoh•
ed to the record and signed by counsel for
plaintiffs and defendant.
Young v. Young. -An action to deter.
mine the true boundary line between two
fame in the township of Colborne. J, P.
Mabee, K. 0., and O. Seager for plain.
tiff, Wm. Prondfoot, K. 0., for defend.
nut, The plaintiff, Wm, Young, claimed
that the defendant,
as. nn
J Xu kis
brother, in putting new fenoe in plane
of a portion of the old dividing feriae
between the two farms, had placed it en
plaintiff's property a diotanoe of about 8
I• et at one end and 10 inohee at the other,
'Phe Inn l ,+, question ie about oneetbirty
•coot d •f , aor0, worth about $1.60.
Jndsto f plaintiff deolaring that the
t, ne ti , b erten the lands mentioned to
1 the glottal' ;c• is that set out and deter.
rained by 1'red. W. I'ernoombe in hie
report made in pursuance of the order of
this honorab'e oourt referring the true
definition of snob boundary line 10 biro,
anti that the defendant be ordered to
deliver up immediately to the plaintiff
any laud of his that he may have fu hie
posse si n e e
I e o a app era by anal report and
defination of said boundary litre and that
the defrndent be ordered to remove the
fenoe he put on plaintiff's land, with
mete of notion on the comity court sole.
Beattie et al. v. Diatom -An action
for an injunotion to restrain defendant
from acing the firm name of A. Beattie
& 0o, Tbe late A. Beattie had bean in
business with the defendant, Robt. Dick-
son, with etorae at St, Marys, Thedford
and Stratford. Mrs. Beattie sod anoth•
er person had acquired one of the bud.
noose and the defendant, Robt. Dickson,
bad purchased another and both parties
were eshrg the old firm name. There is
also a oouuter aotion of the eame nature
brought by Diokson agoinetthe plafnnffd
in the other cute. J. P. Mabee, K. 0.,
counsel for Beattie et al, W. Proudfo •t,
It. O., and G. le. Blair for Dickson,
Judgment reeerved.
Biggar° v. Town of Clinton. -An motion
for damagee caused by an alleged defec-
tive sidewalk, Wm. Proudfoot, K. 0 ,
and G. F. Blair fur plaintiff. E. L.
Dioklnsou and B. Beattie for defendant.
Judgment reeerved.
Tho court concluded Thursday morn.
Perth County.
Rev. R S. Howard, late of Mitchell,
already bite a membership in his Bible
olaee in 0onneotion with Ohriet Church,
London, of fifty young men and woman.
Henry Sharp, eon of H. Fred. Sharp,
St. Marys, bee reoeived a promotion.
Ha has been moved from the Nelson's
Bank at Woodstock to its brooch at
St. Marys Journal : The Dutton farm
Stratford road, wee sold by emotion a few
days ago. The price realized was $0,260,
the purchaser being Hugh Kelly, of Beet
N humeri.
Robert Smith, of Logan, left for
Bootlaod, where he intends to spend two
or three mouths among old friends, and
old donee of hie earlier days. He exile
from Portland.
Mayor Hepburn, of Stratford, and
some of the oounoillure have decided to
meet N. M. dentine, who is promoting a
eobeme to build a radial railway from
Stratford to St. Joseph, when the
proposition will be fully presented. rreent
edr. Frederik Parker, sonof Jonathan
Parker, will take over Dr. Egbert'e
practice in Milverton. Dr. Parker has
oonduoted a successful practice at Brune
Mines for some years past. Dr, Egbert
will visit European hospitals for some
Mre. D. MaLarty, of Bt. Marys nearly
bled to death on Monday night of last
week. A blood veeeel buret in her nose
and it was with great difficulty that the
flow of blood was stopped. She-- is very
weak from lose of blood but is now out of
Elise Miobm, of Stratford, was
arraigned in court there upon s ohsrge of
mud .ugbter for having eaoeed the death
of hie f nrte
o eneanold daughter.
Y g
Miohm and hie wife are faith mists,
but their faith did not prevent the girl
dying of typhoid,
John Duffield went to St. Marys on
Tneeday, dye the Montt Forest (tented.
orate, to attend the funeral of his brother,
Wm. H. Duffield, who mysteriously
dteappeered during a blizzard, near
Arao!a, ABBa., and who; ae surmised at
the time was lost iu the storm. His
remain° were found recently and brought
East for interment at his old bome at
Granton, the funeral taking plane on
Crn,nctdiam. New,e.
George E. Oaeey, ex•M. P., died at
M. J. F. Quinn ex M. P., of Montreal,
is dead.
Albert Myers, of Uffington, was ao.
Bleottleg hae broken out among cattle
in Kitg atop dietriot.
The by election in North Renfrew will
be held December 26.
OoI. Guiilot, Treasurer.of Windsor, ie
threatened with blindness
Micheal Drew, of Orowland, brakeman
was xnn over and killed at Fort Erie,
William Moore, a Toronto carpenter,
was killed at n Bloor street dossing.
A North Dumfries farmer suffered
heavy lose by the cremation of 600 pige.
Crawford Street School, Toronto, was
closed by Dr, Sheard on account of
dhthria e
a40el•a containing A p o g $10,000, sent from
n bank in Winnipeg to Vancouver by
mail has been loot,
Frederick Bush oommitted euioide at
Niagara on•the Lake by opening au
artery in hie arm.
ne0n'e etudonte (tame innon n t. not with
theolive of Kingdom
p g and both rides
eoffored minor oaonaltles,
E. S. Ryott was committed for (tial on
obargee of theft from hie former employ.
ere, Atkinson Brost, at Toronto.
Deice. Jamee P. Walla, mother of Hon.
W. 0. Wella, of Viotoria, B. C., died
Tneeday at Vanleek Hill, aged 95,
Stanley Amber, aged 00850, wag fatally
wounded by an elder brother, who was
°hooting eparrowe near Belleville.
Oanadian sheep and lambs took nine
ant of twelve pride in two Manes at the
Chicago International Stook Show.
James Pearie, a Dundee constable, wee
allot and wonnded by burgled whom he
was dosing, He will probably recover.
John Redline, of Maidstone °rose, died
in Windsor from injuries received by be.
Mg struck on the head with a billiard
A commissioner may be gent to Europe
by the Minister of the Interior to ingoite
into the promote of smelting iron by oleo.
T. B. MoNanghton, Manager of the
Merchants' Bank at Wham oommitted
suicide by shooting himself through the
William Dyson, the young West End
burglar, was sent to the Central Priem')
for sax menthe by Magistrate Denison, of
Salutes in honor of the 59th birthday
of Queen A'vxandra were Bred at various
Military stationo throughout Canada
Christmas Goods
Ohrletmae 'te only two weeks away and shrewd each buyers ere re maks g
their eoleotione now while the stook is at its best and they have first choices,
We ha30 made great preparations for the Christmas trade, Below we
mention a few linea taken at random from oar immenoe stook, which wfil
make very suitable Obrlotmse presents :-
J epanooe Satin Cashion Tope, elaborately embroidered, in all oolore, at 60e,
76, $1, $1.50 and $2.60....Llthographed 00011100 Tope in new colors
and dallied, at 25o, 85o, 60o and 76o....Japanexe Silk Table Drapee,
Mantle Drapes, Piano Drapes, aro., at very oloee prices Ledo'
F.tnoy Faeotuatoro at 86o, 60o and 76o.,..f,adieo' Kid Gloves in all the
now ehadee....Ladiee' Fancy Belts, in new shades, from 26o to 41.76„
„Mien's Lined Kid and Mooha Gime, in all tbe best colors, at 600, 760,
$1, $126 and 61 60.... Way Mufflers for men, in plain and fauoy stripes
at 251, 865, 60o, 75o and 81.... Handkerobiete in endleee variety, iu
silk, mastic, lawu and linen, from 20 to 61....Table Oovere, in linen,
tapestry, (Manilla, eto., at from 60o to $4.. -.Ladies' Leather Wrist
Sage and Parsee at all priaes....Lediee' Astrachan Gauntlets, in black
and gray..,.Obildren's Gauntlets, in blaok, white and grayLadiee'
Bilk Brook Collate at 26o, 85o, 600, 750 and $1.
Also a Pall Stock of other Christmas Goods
too unn.arouse to Mention,
Western Ontario hotel men met at
Loudun,Ont., and decided to advance
ratee in all dollar a day hotels to a dollar
and a half.
Brenherdt Barns, of Anderson town•
ehip, wee aroehed to death while etrogg•
ling with a pair of frightened home at
Mre. Ida Boyle, convicted of swindling
at Montreal by the sale of ladies' coats
made of far peeohee, was sentenced to
three months in jail.
An action has been entered by John J.
Price to quash the Hamilton by law
giving the Bell Telephone Oompany an
exolueive fraoohiee in the pity,
The Kingston Locomotive Works on
Monday night turned out the last of 25
engines boi,t for the Oanadian Northern
Railway. The first one was turned out
in May last.
The Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will
be held as follows :-
JANUARY 7th, 1904
FEBRUARY 7.b, 1904
MARCH 3rd, 1904
APRIL 7th, 1904
A number of leading tool and foreign
buyers will be in attendenoe.
Parties wiehing to Bell live stook of any
deeoription, or other ohattele, by anotiou,
snob Faire oan have
the eame a
e to bycommunicating with the aoder-
signed before date of Fair.
F. S. BOOT'1, Clerk.
ON JAN. 4, 1004,
Two Courses -Commercial and Shorthand.
Send for College Journal.
A. L. MOINTYRE, Manager.
Trart3P-ar-a.--ati C-0;1
11 A Famous School ri
ff A large, wide-awake, working, host- e
ea ling, result-produoing eohool-the best
py Business College In Canada,
al Graduates always get emotions. This J
College places many of ite gradnatee pt
in other Business Oolleges as teachers, 1.t
'f winter term opens Jan. 4th, Hand -
aI,u souse Catalogue free.
W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
a s
Now we find ourselves face
to faoe with the Ohrietmae
003000 and we are after the
nioeet Gifts for our Friends.
Yon oan act one dozen
Photos. for 76e and up.
We have a eplendid assort-
ment of Photo. Monate and
in Photographing we pride
ourselves in being up to -date,
At tbie season of the year
the days are abort so come in
the fore part of the day.
The advantage in getting
Photos. taken now ie that we
oan have them ready before
the Xmas rneh.
With the oomplimente of
the season to one and all.
H. R.
Frost & Nootl
McCaughey Block
RENEW, or this paper, "Tan Pod,"
YOUR home advertisements are lost ;
YOUTH, or aged, why we're beetle'
BY half those of Timothy Eaton.
RIDING plows and walking galore,
IN line with oar binder and mower ;
ONE look round our implement shop
OF worse will oonvi0oe you we're on top.
OUR wish is that you ehonld compare
COMFORTABLE a0d no end to wear ;
AND if tie not too much bother,
UP one aide and down the other,
TO Drills, Cultivators, etc., no end,
DATE neat yon're in town we'll extend,
A welcome, to see; bargains, bumpers ;
CUT 'l'EIfS, Portland and Jumpers,
Now that the rush of farming opera -
Hone is over and marketing will be general
we extend a hearty weloome to all to
oom0 in and hoped our stook. No
trouble to show goods,
Neil S. McLauchlin,
c auchlin
.As the Summer trade is over I heartily thank
my Customers for their patronage and wish
to state that 1 have put in a full stock of
Cutters and Sleighs.
We would ask you to call and inspect our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting
promptly attended to.