The Brussels Post, 1903-12-10, Page 4i C4t` Torrance, of Tuokeremitb, was appointed
l r
THURSOA,Y, DEO. 3,1908.
(Continued from last week.)
We reoommend that $25 be granted
to the Hattie Poultry Aesosiation. That
the tender of nose from F. B. Holmes,
Goderioh, be aooepted for the Co, build.
Inge. That in the mutation referred to ss
Salo of iaods for taxes being taken out of
the handset the 0o. Treasurer and plsoed
in the Bberiffld it is not in the interests of
he munioipaiities and we think the Leg.
idlatnre should be memorialized to that
effectthis e Oo nail.
by u
R. Matzen, Chairman.
In considering this report in Oemmittee
the Warden asked Mr. Gunn to take the
chair. Report was diem:heed and adopt.
ed Loth in Committee and Council.
We have been fairly free from any
epidemic during the year although whet
appeared to
pp be a rerione one of erysipelas
was averted by prompt measures being
adopted. A patient affiliated with Elie
disease Wae sent in to the House and al.
though remaining only a few hours the
0o0ta ion spread cad iu due ae time two
p w
oases o
d P virulent type
developed, one
whom diad, but with patient isolation
and destroying of every means of info.
tion no farther oases occurred. I mea•
Don . this only to emphasize the caution
that members should exercise before sign•
ing applloatiun papers. Several accidents
happened during the year, one fractured
arm, one shoulder and one hip, I re sat
and exoieed the large bone of the leg, am
putated a leg below the knee for gangrine
all of which did web. There was one
birth and sight deaths. Deaths were due
to epilepsy, erysipelas, tuberoolsia, par-
alysis (2) pneamouia and old age (2). 1
insane man was sent to London asylum.
I made 69 vleits since last report.
J. W. SHAW, Physioinn,
We beg to report that we visited the
H ,bas of Refuge on Dm. let and are sat.
iafied with the mauagemeut. We ere
pleased to know that the Building Com
mittee appointed by thie Oouuoil last
June ie ready to report on the proposed
addition to the Hoose. 82 inmaies are at
preeeut in the House and according to
Physician's report, the general health of
the inmates has been as good as could be
xpeoted. The reports of the Inspector,
Physiaiaa and Keeper will be presented
to you Inc your consideration, A000nute'
Nes. 987 to 1134, inclusive for the year
have been planed before us and we find
the same correct. We advise that the
keeper and J. Torrance be instructed to
sell a fat cow and pnrohese a good milk
cow as mare milk is required by inmates.
R. Hicks, Chairman,
In Committee of the Whole Mr. Speak.
man cocupied the abair sod report was
passed and wee similarly dealt with in
the Caunoil.
00. 00010U8BIONEn ANSLEY'e 880080.
The Hunter Bridge Oompsny has
ereoted three steel bridges in this Oo.
during 1903, viz the Stanley bridge, over
the Bayfield river, 110 feet clear span • a
bridge over the North Branch of the
Maitland river, between Upper and Lower
Wingham, 183 feet epee ; and the Ben -
miller bridge, 378 fest long. The last
was opened far traffic on Nov. 4'h.
These bridges are good, substantial
structures and if your time and weather
permit it might be web to drive out and
inspect the Beumiller bridge. We also
ereoted a cedar bridge on plies North of
Belgtave, known as the Ferguson bridge,
on the boundary of Morris and Wawa.
nub. Oousiderable repairing to bridges
and approaches was done during the
year and there are several bridges that
should be re -built daring the year 1904 ee
they are considerably decayed and some.
what unsafe for heavy traffic. One is a
branch of the Maitland river ou the
boundary between Huwiok and Gray. It
should be 70 feet long between abotmeute,
A new bridge should also be built over
Fish Creek at the village of Kirktou,
boundary of Ueborue and Blanchard and
will be required to be about 50 feet long.
The County of Perth will have to pay
half the oo8t, Westfield bridge over the
Maitland river on boundary between Emit
and West Wawanoeb, (whic): yon have
already ordered) ehonld be built in 1904.
This bridge will have to be 255 feet long,
about 70 feet wide and 26 feet high ; also
a bridge of about 70 feet span on the
"prairie" South of Wingham, should be
built next year. If yon order these
bridges I suggest they should be steel
with eteel jciste on concrete outwork.
Amount of +orders passed Sfnee June
report $17,138 12• total expense since
January let $17,353 82.
JOHN ANeLEY, COmntissioner.
800800 08008800 000002I08E5,
We visited the jail and foetid 3 in
mates. Advise that report of Jailer t.8
euoepted and be printed in mimeo. We
found everything about the jell In good
order, Recommend that Clerk notify
Telephone Co. to remove telephone from
residence of Mre. Headorson (wife of
tieoeased Turnkey) aid have it primed in
Registry Moe, We recommend that no
change be mode in beating off jail at
present. Advise the petahase rtgoired
by inmates it jail, Have had notifl0a.
tion planed before us from Sheriff Rey.
nolds Elating that Jno. Iioox bee beau
appointed Turnkey at NI as euooeeear to
Robt. Henderson, deceased. We visited
the various room° in Court House and
found them in good order. In referenoe
to oommuoioation of the Sheriff asking
that dry earth closet be placed in Judges'
room for convenience at time of Corot,
we recommend that the same be granted
nud work be done under supervision of
Co. Clerk.
S. W. FEueo°oa, Obaiman.
Mr. Miller was naked to take the chafe
in Committee and the report Was passed
and adopted in the0inn 0l.
0008n OF 0EFlt5514
We have examined the Keeper's, In.
epeetor's and Pbyeloiants reports of the
Hoene of Refuge and advise that they be
printed in the minutes as tonal, Irl the
matter of the resignation of W. Coats, eo
Inspector, we recommend that the same
be accepted, to take effect on Jan. let
R. HUM, Chairman.
Report passed in Committee of the
Whole with kir. Oantslon in the chair
and wag adopted by the Connell. Jahn
e 50105 salary, v z 9160 per auuum,
1 hie dnties to nem une° on Jae, 1st 1904.
ammeeto3 000ARTTEE.
We report that both Mr. Field, of
Goderiob, and Mr, Moffat', of $esfortb,
are qualified for the positfou of Go, Ex-
aminer. We recommend that the oom-
munioatfong from Parkhill and Harrl5tun
High Belmols relative to Go. pupils be
filed with the Clerk. We would direct
the alteotiou of the Counoil to the
lnoreaee of the travelliug allowance to
Publics Sabool Inspectors, the sum of
$1.50 being added for enoh additional
eohool over 50 and up to 150.
M, LocaHAnv, Obairman.
Report was oonsidered fn Oommittee
with lir. Bioko in the chair and paeeed
with the amendment that the Clerk
write the Eduoaliou Department for a
0oastruin of t
g the Law on the two
last items ; to be laid before this❑oi
G u 1
at the Jauaary session. Goanoil aaoept.
ed report ao amended.
JAILEa earee N'e 8800118.
I herewith submit my report of ntim.
bar of persona in custody in the Go. jail
at present ae follows ; Robt. Walleoe,
Tuokeremitb ; Joshua Craven, Mont.
e❑d Juo. M
oAa! Dungannon, ❑wu ail
vagrants. It will be necessary to 'pur-
ohase half dozen suite of underwear
and half a dozen over ebirte for
prison use. According to the revised.
Jail rules I ask for two uniforms for
Jailer and r
2 ❑ e
a k In
refs u
to a5
Y to
heating pati I siuoerely hope your honor-
able body will see the advisability of pub.
ting in a hot water system of beating as
we could do a great deal of the work with
prison tabor if decided at this meeting.
J. GRIFFIN, Jailer.
00003E OF REFUGE BQTLO130 0011e200085.
Re proposed addition, We met at the
Hoose ou Sept. 11 and decided that an
addition, if built, sho❑Id be ereoted at
the rear of the prevent building, not lees
than abont 40 x 60 feet; basement foil
size and building eeme height as present
cue. Also decided upon number of rooms
building should contsio and their porpois-
es, so that neoeeeary aa00mmodation
be provided. 0. H. McBride, amid -
two of Loudon, was employed to prepare
plana and epeo,dsetione to conform. ae
es possible, with our ideas set out nearly
in a rough sketch, This Mr. MoBride did
and your Committee met again on Nov. 8
acid considered the plane and speoifioa-
tions very carefully and were generally
satisfied. A few minor matters were not
olear and the Clerk was asked to write
Mr. MoBride for farther explanations.
These have been made and are quite
satisfactory to me. We therefor reoorn
mend that the plane and specifications,
wbiolh we piece before you, be accepted.
D CaorELON, Chairman,
This report was dieouseed and ooneid.
ered for upwards of two hours Thursday
evening in Committee with, Mr. Patter-
son in the chair. A motion was carried
to accept plane and epeoifiaabions sod ask
(or tenders for ereotion of the building
the same to be plsoed before the January
session. In Council the yeae and nays
were taken on the same cinematic' with
the same result. The question of the
expenditure of so large a sum, possibly
from 96000 to $8000 being iuvolved, being
the point at issue. No member doubted
the ne0.eeity of enlargement in the over-
crowded condition when 83 inmatee and
keeper and matron are living in a build•
ins whom utmost limit was supposed to
be 75 Inmates have had to sleep in
Increment for the past couple of years.
The Fivanoe Oommittee paeeed a large
number of accounts. B. B. Gunn is the
chairman. In Committee of the Wbole
Mr. Connolly alae in the chair when
report passed and the Council also adopt-
ed it.
Mr. Moffett, of Sealortb, was elected a
member of the Go. Board of Examiners
as saaoeesor to Mr. Anderson, of Exeter,
who reeigned.
A delegation was present from Col.
borne township and Clinton objsoting to
the way Goderiob township Connell had
expended monies voted by them, and to
which the Co. made a grant of $500, in
cutting down Holmeevilie hill. Reeve
Middleton, of Goderioh township, and
Engineer Brough, of Goderiob, addressed
the Ceuaoil stating that the work was
not yet completed. In oppoeitian Mayor
Jackson, Messrs. Snider, Forster, Taylor,
Jewel and others spoke. The matter was
referred to the Road and Bridge Com•
It wars decided to ask the Co. Solioitor's
opinion relative to the legality of making
grants of this nslgre.
man AND 50I008 000It11TTEE.
We recommend that the report of Engi•
neer Ansley be souped and printed in
the minute's. That the bridge between
Grey and Howlok townships ; ISirkton
bridge,betwee2 Ueborue and Blanehard
townships ;the Westfield bridge over Wait -
land river, between East and Wast
Wawanoeb ; and bridge on Prairie Booth
of Wiugbam, be rebuilt beet year and
that tenders be aekgd for steel super.
sbrneturee and Oonaret° ebnbmente and
planed before this Connell at the January
session, Perth Go. will be held veep in.
Bible for hall the eapenee of the Kiritton
bridge. With reference to liolmeeville
hill delegation from the muuioipa'itise of
Colborne, Clinton end Goderiob ie tele-
EIon to grant of $500 from Comity for
this work we recommend that $250 he
paid to Reeve Middlebou, of Goderiob
township, on seoouut
D.OANTuLON, Chairman.
Report Wile read in Committee with 31r.
Bowman iu the chair and was adopted iu
the Council.
A reeolutio❑ of oondolenoe was p5seed
by the 00012011 to Mrs. Robert Henderson
In connection with the deoeaes of her
hoeband who was Turnkey at the jeil for
many years and was a most faithful
official. The 0 erk wee instructed to
send acopy of resolution to the widow,
A finanoialt
e stem
nut woenen s
re t
P by
the Co. Traseurer for this year in whish
it was shown that while some deport.
meat bad overran the eebimated ex-
penditure on the whole there would be a
balanoe on the oredit side,
0ounoil concluded Friday and
y noon
Sere ret r n
n ni thanks ban a to the o i
g a ffio tel
membere of the Ooanoil for their courtesy
and kindness daring the year he 00011 -
pied the obeir. He wished hie suooeseor
the same treatment.
London Conference `Epworth
League Convention.
The 5th bi-annual Epworth League
Convention in oonneotion with London
(lonterenoe was held in Victoria avenue
Methodist ohnroh, Chatham, on Nov. 24
and 25, and was a very enooeeeful gather-
ing. It was eondnabed aloug the line of a
School of Methods each department being
a separate olaee and after the respective
Vise Presideuts bad reported, a keyuote
address was given before the station
topios were introduced. The addressee
were brief, timely and practical and if
any fault could he found it wag beoanee
there was so muoh 00 the program die-
oue5100 bad to be almost entirely elimin•
ated. Evening addreeeee were delivered
by Rev. R D. Hamilton, of London,
-hie subject being "Mebhodiet Con.
uexionallam—its value and dampers" ;
"The League and the soak' problems of
to -day," Rev. T. Manning, B, A., St.
IMLary% Wednesday evening Rev. Dr.
Young, of St. Thomae, spoke on "A
revival on every circuit and a quarter of
a million for Missions," and the closing
address on "The image of Jesus" was by
0. B. Keenleyeide, B A , of London.
The saorament of the Lord's Supper was
administered by Rev. Dr. Gundy, of
Wingham. In connection with the
Missionary department Rev. Dr, Fred.
Stephenson, of Toronto, look an active
part and was es enthusiastic as ever.
The Oonveution was greatly benefitted by
his addressee. Miss Bitten, a returned
Missionary from Japan, watt also present
and gave a most interesting address,
10 or 12 persona whose names appeared
on the program failed to show up al
though some of them seat their papers to
he read. There were about 200 delegates
registered. From Wingham District
Mies Irene Baker, of Henfryn ; K. J.
Beaton, of Whiteohurob ; Rev. Dr,
Gandy, of Wingham ; and Rev, 0. P.
Wells, B. D , of Ethel, bad topios and
did their part well. The only other
representabivee from Wingbatn Distriot
were Rev. G. J. Kerr, of Teeewaier,
Thos. Dougherty, Ethel ; and W. H.
Kerr, of &nasals, who was President,
The Secretary's report showed as fol.
lows :—
Number of Leaguee in the London eon.
fsrenoe, 868, iooluding 48 Junior Leagues.
The total membership of these Leagues
its now 12,881. with as additional mem.
berebip of 2,142 in the Junior Leagues.
The contribution of the Leagues last
vear amounted to $14,865, of which 35,•
888 was for missionary work, being an
i❑areese of more than $1,000 over the
missionary giviuge of the preceding year.
A complete change was made ii the
officers and the result of the ballot was
as under :—
Hon. President, Rev. Jasper Wilson,
M. A., Ridgetown.
President, Rev. J. W. Baird, B. A.,
tl igh t
Some people
don't like to wear
a heavy shoe at any
time. We are in the business to sell the kind of foot-
wear you want.
For good warm winter comfort, we recommend
for tl light -shoe" wearers a fleece -lined, jersey cloth,
bellows front overshoe, one or more buckles.
We have some beauties, good strong rubber, one
pair will wear a whole season.
Both men's and ladies' in ail styles at all prices.
Also Felt Shoes and Boots for Ladies or Gents.
Afew pairs
heavy Leather
Des for
sleftgoingnow at 1.2G> regular
was $1.50.
Repairs promptly done.
Large stook of Blankets and Robes of all kinds
very low prices. Harness, both Heavy and Light, at prices
that cannot be surpassed.
Repairs in harness done cheaper than ever.
Z. C. Wit1 rllatlalra re S.
PO ',1'
Fleet vice•president, Mies Irene Baker,
Second vice•president, Rrv, R F, I,
win, B. D„ Litmtobh,
`.Third vto5 president, Dir, A. A. Make,
Foorbh viae president, Mite 111, Mo.
Naaghbau, Bruose!s.
Fifth vice-preeident, Mre W. It. Vanas,
Beoretary, Rev. 1.1. J. Dem, Tilbury.
Treasurer, Mies 04 Bond, DO den,
Rapresoutativs 10 genera, Loa' (1, Rev.
G. N. Buzau, Burnie.
The otli,a bearers bold office for a. two
year toren.
A number of ohoioe solos and duets
were given during the Convection in
addition to the evening programa by the
united choirs of the two Methodieb
Among the reeolutious pawed were
Eh alta t
d D the OffiUe d Of the Pest term
the Chatham friends for theire
hospitality ; the choir and others for
their mem ; and a resolution urging
increased interest and faithfulness fu
curtailing the liquor traffic and looking
after more rigid enforoemsnt of the
present Aot. The new President, Rev,
J. W. Baird, B. D., has been a very
aotive wort er
s in neons ert'
en with the
Epworth League and Bummer sohooleand
will no doubt prove a very efficient otiio•
Mayor Malisoagh's welcome to , the
Meths Oity was out of the usual but none
le s oo me and was as follows •—
Tor '
W.$. Ker Dv vi
Pre da t f he
q, n 0 G
Epworth League of the Landau Con.
tereuos of the Methodist Ohuroh of
Caosda :
Dear Sir,—I regret exceedingly that I
shall be unable to attend the opening
eeseione of the biennial convention of the
London 0oufereuoe now being held in
our midst, in order to personally extend
to you on behalf of the city 0 most hearty
weloome to Ohatham.
We feel honored in your having
seleoted the Maple Oity this year as the
Beat of your deliberations, and I sincerely
trust blot all our oitizene will honor you
in tendering to you a very cordial re-
I trust your convention will be of etch
a character ae will greatly advance the
already efficient work of the L ague and
will be a great blearing and inspiration 10
ell who take part as well as to this oom•
munity and fair Dominion.
Being a member of the great Methodist
Church, of whose traditioue we are all so
justly proud. I know what loos been au
oomplisbed both mentally and spiritually
for the young people of our ohurub by the
Epworth League, and I earnestly hope
your visit to Chatham wid be most happy
and profitable and that the Leaguers may
be refilled wi h entbusinsm iii the
advancement of Christ's Kingdom on
earth and that the great revival whiob
the Chetah is antioipaing in the near
future may be more than realized and
that the young people will be foremost in
fight and will gallantly win viotory after
victory in the coming battle for the right,
I gladly extend the freedom of the city to
you. Take and puseese as and do us
good and return to ne again and again.
Faithfully yours,
W. E. MOKE000R.
The President asked the Hon. Preen•
deur, Rev. Jasper Wilson, M. A., of
Ridgetowt, to reply whiah be did in a
brief suitable ebyle.
The Provincial Secretary's Depart
meat has ironed to the License inspectors
of the Province an impurtant oiroalar
with regard to thirtyday permits.
'Under the statute inspectors are permit.
ted to Woe such permits in ossa of a
botelkerper desiring to immediately
transfer his license to another party.
Thus the latter is not obiieed to wait
tined the monthly meeting of the License
Oammiesioners before obtaining possess•
ion, altho❑.h the transfer must be dually
ratified by the Board, It hes been found
that undesirable p5,8ons obtain permits
in this way, and by immediately spend
ing money on the premises render it
d ffioalty for the Board to cermet the
permit at the expiration of thirty days.
The circular advisee more pare in the
poblio interest as to the obaraoter of
those to whom transfers of licensee are
made, and to that end it is suggested that
ibis inadvisable to oontinue the issue of
thirty day parable, and that an applioa-
tion for a Transfer should wait until the
Board has had a full opportunity of
considering the application and all the
surrounding eiroumetances before be is
allowed to exercise in any way the
privileges of a licensee.
Moreover when au application for a
permit or provisional 000eent is made,
the License Board should, 10 every Daae
be notified and in every case the reason
fully reported before any mole permit is
Iuspeotors are directed in every case to
make the fullest er'quiries ae to the fit-
ness of the applioants, and especially to
obtain from the inopeotor et the dietriot
in which the person who is seeking the
license or trsusfer resides, a, written
abatement as to the fitness of any snob
applioant so far as known.
The Minister, it is stored, fe nx'rrmely
anxious in every way to Improve the
administration of the liquor laws, and
to this end it is absolutely necessary tbat
only the beet (Fere of men available for
the purpose shall be entrneted with
lioensee, as it le only that (lose that can
bo relied upon not to violate the Int".
The atteubi.,n of iopeotors is also
called to the toot that !bore is much
complaint of Saturday night and Sunday
selling. This 90802100 is trot only illegal,
but it is entirely opposed to the eenti•
menta of the public, and must be stamp
ed out. Iuopeobore are urged to 5800055
the utmost Vigilance to prevent violation
of the law, and to prosecute those guilty
of the infraction of it.
J dm, the twolve•yeer oldsan of Janice
MoPhereon, manager of the MoPnerson
Shoe Company 81 Hamilton, was fatally
injured by falling from the roof Od hie
father's reoidenoe.
Eleven oar
Grand Trunk freight
train went over a 15 Not embankment
between St, Thome and Hamilton Tues.
dey morning, but the rest of the train re-
mained irtt5ot, No One Was iujnred,
The hoose e0rgeone of the Kingoten
General Hoepitel Weot on strike Taeeday
morning become the governor caked
them to [terve under a lady superintend.
Ont. Miss $'taws, formerly of Toronto,
Frank Jobneon, a e0tared barber, of
Hamilton, while drunk aooased an em.
ployse named Nathaniel Moore of robbing
him. fie dreW a revolver and began a 5^
lively fusilade in the shop. Moore was
", _ DEC 10, l0O
wounded in the noels nod shoulder, W m, * .nt , _. _ _ .
Howard another empluyse, wee endued.
" p1
ed iu 1110 hand, and then Johnson elicit .;till), ej
hitneelt in the heed, None of the injnr ttf
ice are reported ae fatal, fp n
livor. 1arrrx0teNra. mo—Mr. F. 8,
Reett,Atw f un,., a to received lu•ttnetions
from the uudere!euad to sell hs' pahho Otto
tion at Lot 99, Oon.13, Grey, on TIJ108DAY,
DISC. 22,1008, at 1 o'clock, the following
property, viz. :-1 spar heavy draught
Iuutthod m0re0,1 mare 10 yours shl.l horse
4 years o1d, 0 oowa 0u1005ed in Dili, 1 farrow
eo,v, 3 two -)ear -old bolters supposed in calf,
2ebeerO1 year old, 3 beltor5 1 year old, 0
calves, 8 well bred ewes, 1 ram, 1 now, 1 tut
pig, n number Whims, 1 Chatham wagon
nearly new, 1 None seed drill, 1 Prost &
Wood mower,
1 hayrel
o 1 filen h arrow 1
Slu le plow, aw 1 two -furrowed entre
gang place. w 1
se iron
t harrows, ,hay rack 1 Limning 1 0 bine
1 mufflerfork 1 buggy, 1 wheel cavy Citroen. 1 ear fol
1omhay fork and eling5, 1 set heave• ttank,tiOer 1
anureefork,, 8 pitab fortesmilk ' 1 snoop abovel
1 Cooking stove. Sale without rea5rv0 as
farm ham changed heads, Terme—All SIMS
of 85 and under, 00510, over that amount 12R
mapproved joint not se; $ per oevt. furnishing
llowe l off
forcash s on credit odi amounts, 1?.
etersfuueer; JAB, & CLO, MANN, Prapr!=
J JERSEY e.Apply to
S. HOG0A00, Brussels South le, Alp tl to
Cow for sale. 0 years old, due to
calve Marsh 80, THOS, MoLACOHLtN,
20.11 Brussele,
dwelling thereon, North -wog corner
William and Albert streets, Brussels,
42-tf 3. LE00000,
Bowe, over 8 mouths old, for sale,
Their mother is ,egietered and has 4 mimes
off imported stock. A quantity of Bunion
seed barley d5 also offered for 5010. Apply
at once to JAS. 83tII1tRIE, Lot 28, Con, 4,
Morrie, or Brussels P. O. 21.54
ram: dog lost on Wednesday, Novem-
ber 18th. Hue bleak and tan marks on both
sides of head and anewere to the naMO of
Jerry." Any information leading to ifs re-
covery will be thankfully received by the
owner, W. DIINOAN, barber, Brussels
Bull 0 menthe old, dark red, and le e.
grand type of 8hortharu ; a epleudtd nn-
Ittaw aregistered Letaested bred close to imported
Cowes will be sold
right, to make more room. Lot 10 Con,15,
Croy. OLIVER 01111/1 BULL,
Walton P.O.
Sean —0 Leicester Rem Lambs, prices
65 t0 87 ; 1 Sltenrling and 2 Two•Shear
Rams, prices 510 to 212 All are good outs,
Also a few Hwe Lambs, price 85, and a few
good Ewes at moderate prices. DAVID
MILNE & SON, Ethel, Ont, 18
Bulls for sale. Ono is lyear ofd and
the other two yotuger. Also several regist-
ered Cows and Heifers. Apply to JAMES
SPEIR, Lot 00, Con, 6, Morrie Twp., or Brute,
sale P. 0. 32-11
20 under ultivntton, Apply. to JOSE1'Hrk
REDMOND, on the premises, or Moneriefl
P. 0. 21.11
Il,"OR BALE.—LOT 6, 00N. 0,
Grey, containing 100 arena, 75 beteg
cleared and it good state of cultivation.
Farm is well watered; good buildings, or-
chard, &c. Pellure iu bealtb cause for 501-
lhog, Possession given on one mouth's
notice Terms easy. Fax further particu-
lars apply to TRt)Er4AN SMITH, ou rue
premises, or Brnssets P. 0. l8
being Lot 11. Con, 4. Grey town,
able. 80 soros of cared, balanoe bush, There
is a good house, bank barn, orchard, &o.
Well fenced and farm in good eoudittou ;'A5
awes of Fall wheat in. 0 miles from Brus-
Oslo; only * of a ;mild from church and
li miles from school, 1 nesomeion could
be given to suit the purchaser. For fur-
ther particulars as to price, tome, &a , ap-
ply ou the promisee to A. COOS Proprie-
tor, or at THE POST, 80055018. 21_tt
T.' ABMS FOR SALE. — 350
aaesgrst'lase land in the Township
of Grey—Lot10, Coal 14, lea nemsLot17,
nen 14,100 aeras ; and i Lot 18, 'Con. 14,
50 asree-250 pores. All in excellent ooudh-
tion with Systoles/3 buildings ; bruit bones
with all moder0 conveniences, and large
Sto akWeb watered d straw
86 to 40 acstables,
es of
Esiui gord0 qo ash ofb. Lob 18, Con, 18, eon.
flrebohtss laud, good
frame locum and large bank barn nearly
new, The property can be sold in two or
liberal,three parcels Also a commodious divelllug house
and lot in Brussels, For farther parlictl-
lara apply to the owner o0 the premises,
Brussels, 2141
Lot 5, Oou. 7, Grey, 8 miles from
Village 0! Brussels, d mile from- eoboof
Splendid location, Coder rst class eteteor
been, atlon comfortabled house, large bank
been, babas( improved cement stabling and
alto. Orchard, bwo never fallieg wells, and
other conveniences. Fall ,boat sown,
Proprietor Is going West, Por further par-
tleitlars us to berme &o , apply ou eremites
or address Brussels, P. •, el, AI, RICHARD -
SON. tf
the East i of Lot 7, Con,17, Grey, onu-
tainiug 50 acres, 'g sem in good hardwood
Lush, remainder cleared. Good frame house
and barn ; farm well drained and /oboe(' ;
and all seeded to grass except 10 acres This
will be sold mubieot to Doe leer's lease
Will also es, all hot
ush. Oen
ria sodentate-
lug lu-
able timber on this land, A bargain eco be
seemed on life property. Addreoe11ANIelL
M0IIILLAN, 1100 Grand River .two„ Detroit,
Michigan, 10 48
part Lots 88 and 84, Oou, 0,10aet Wawa -
nosh, About 45 sores cleared, balance hush
well timbered, There le a log houvo, frame
barn and frame stable, good orchard, &o ,out
farm. 0 Milo
s from Beigrave ave lip 0'
g village
tone hem om echoer t
011 rtob n3 (
l and 05EOGla
POaSeeef0I1 given on March 2
g 100, nithWhive,
ego of working oa ib this all
t and Whites,
1 0r hprbber pnrtirulatrs ng to prion, terms,
&o., apply to 7TJNUAN MCDONALD, hot 4,
000.3, Grey, Jamestown P, 0, 184
r10 00 aeras, being North baivos of
Tistslearu110, Oon.1, Grey, Comfortable
frame Boise, bank ben, orchard, &a. Only
4,niles from M0loowortb, Gond ibbality
and find roads. Ilumediate p00e0seian. If
fa'm is not sold by end Of yank it Will be
rented If suitable tenant offers, Arrange.
trouts can be made to Winter Moak at bate
its t0 tvorlt alp mtraw ou hat. -
her psrtioulare ap ly to or write 00 et.
184f W, 71, I8E1b12,Bt'ussole,
As the season is rapidly pas-
sing along we are offering our
Readyoto-wear Millinery at
reduced prices to clear them out.
Our Millinery Department is
in better shape than ever to sup -
8 ply Fashionable Goods at Reason-
able Prices.
' .l! 11all whofavor
their r
pat -
We are determined to please
A call will be appreciated.
Choice Stock of i
A fine range of Robes, best in the market, has been
opened up consisting of :-
—Plush and Wool Rugs, a very choice lot.
—In Horse Blankets a large stoek is parried and sold
at Close Prices.
Repairing Promptly Attended to
Sign of
Horse's Head
It Pays to Feed It
worthinttdnr's 4inntitltau Sisk Tonic
1e given a preference over all other Stook
Foods by large aura experienced feeders
apart from the fact that it is less than half
the price of any other,
Mon Rin, -
1 have fed your Stock Tonic to cattle
and like it very much. It makes them thrive
well end put on flesh more rapidly. I think
it 00 the best 'Tufo I have fed to horses. We
are also seeding it to our haus this Winter,
Dud tl:oy are laying better than they have
done fora long time. Ib pays to feed 1t,
Tours truly,
144.1145 LEASE,
I ender Sweepstakes Pat Cattle, Prey,
Winter Fair, 1001.02.
Greenbank P,O., Feb. 28, 1008
DUAR 8in,—
I had a mere stocked in both legs, Wor-
thington's Stoolt Food took itdown eum-
has done my coiter
s good. VILA Jt isse i good
thing and can recommend it,
B 0100120501LL, "Dairyman."
Clinton, Jan 17011, 1008,
10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50a 1 501h, sack 82,
For Bale by— N P. GER1tY, Brussels'
Be F. SMALLIST1D1t, lobIosl ;
wit, MESS Mit, Nl"elede;
le, B. G1eRRY, Blyth.
A. IIAYNIANN, Cranbrooll,
who has had 30 years' experience
in the Pump business, is dealing
larger than ever in Iron and
Wooden Pumps, and ready to
attend to rom repairs promptly.
p ptly.
He is also agent for the
Woodstock Windmill. This mill
is a marvel and should be seen
before ordering any other.
Persons requiring Water
Troughs should call and get
Pump Maker, Cranbrook.
Before you begin to
Paint your house be sure
you get the BEST Paint
possible for the money and
at the same time give Best
satisfaction and longest
TVe SJcrillillias Paint
gives these results 1—It's a pure Lead, Zinc, Linseed
Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface to
the 'gallon ; easily applied and gives better results
than any other, Try a gallon and see for yourself.
For sale by—
+u t