The Brussels Post, 1903-12-10, Page 1Vol. 82. No. 22 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908 W. H.KERR, Prop. SUCCESTWNS XMAS PRESENTS OW is the time to be thinking of what Pres- ents you will make. If you are puzzled as to what to buy, come and let us help you to decide. There are many things that a visit here will sug- gest, FOR MEN We have Slippers, Underwear, Umbrellas, Fur Gauntlets, Mufflers, Hose, Cuffs, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Ties (including the Stewart, Roes, Davidson, Cameron, MacKay and Scott Tartans.) FOR LADIES Evening Slippers, Felt Shoes, Spats, Ruffs, Muffs, Gaunt- lets, Fur Coats and Caps, Fancy Waist Goods, Fancy Col- lars and Neck Ribbons, Gloves, Pretty Belts, Blouse Sets, Umbrellas, Shawls, Handkerchiefs galore from 2c. to $1.00. FOR CHILDREN House Slippers, Cardigans, Toboggan Cape, Gray Lamb Caps, Mitts, Gloves, Ruffs, Sweaters, Leggings, Purses, Beads, Handkerchiefs all sorts and sizes. No need to overlook any of your friends. All kinds of Presents for all kinds of Pocket Books. Our General Stook of DRESS GOODS, BILKS, VELVETS, LINEN TABLING, TABLE NAPKINS, FINE LINEN TOWELS, &o., is Very complete and worthy of your special attention. We confidently anticipate more than pleasing you in almnet anything you require and here you will find NO FANCY PRIORS but EVERY— THING CHEAP and Reliable. We than be pleased to have you Dail often between now and Xmas. ea. Viell'la'N'1.I'1e'60101.4sW,'1s'het"I'e Strachans 7lENIIISEM0 WE ARE CAPTURING THE GIFT MAKERS IRRESISTIBLE ATTRACTIONS IN BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS FOR ALL. DON'T MISS A GREAT CHRISTMAS OPPORTUNITY Our display of Holiday Goods is a Popular Success. It PLEASES because it is fresh, new and novel. It SATISFIES because it an- ticipates your every want. It SAVES because the prices are right and reasonable. Don't fail to see our Very Special Attractions in lle� s and Boys' Clolhiu� Bats, Caps and (lents' Furnishings And many charming and appropriate Gifts that cannot be hero mentioned.' Our Holiday Line is as complete as it is fresh and desirable. It contains a great variety of good and appropriate presentsfor everbody's needs. We show a Superb Stock including only Goode of Approved Worth and Superiority. A fine assortment, nothing missing, everything the Newest and Best. We are prepared to meet yot[r wants in the most satisfac- tory manner and at the Pelted Prices. asilissielossmossens Ross ill Dodds LEADING CLOTHIERS AND EIJRNISHERS. 1151611111111110 New Advertisements. Christmas—Jae. Fox. Ooite wanted—Box 260. Oard—Robb. H, Garniee. Card—A. B. IYIao0one d, Auntion eale—Jas. Manu, Suggeetione—V, R. Smith. Over h e — e o s f, C. Richards, rd Xmas cheer—W, A. Grower, Gift makers—Rose & Decide, Buggeetiene--•Alex. Strachan, Staple goode—Goo. Thomeon. Piga for sale—R. S. Nicholson. Rare opportunity—A. Strachan. White Jewelry Store—R. Fletcher. Chrietmee gouda—@io1iouon & Co. Exeootore' Bale—A. B. MeaDonerd, Auction Bale—Jno, B. MoLauohlin. Adminietrator'e Bale—A. B. MeoDon. old. I"3 IZ,C f.Ct1 LL, I3l zee vale. The annual meeting of the Cheese and Batter Co. will be held in the Foresters' Emil at Blnevale on Thursday, December 17, at 1.30 o'olook p. m, Bair: lave. Mre. Robert Gallagher died on Friday of last week and was buried ne Sunday. She was a daughter of Miles Miller, 3rd lino, Morris, She ie survived by her huattend and 7 obildren. To MEETSNa.—A tea meeting will be hold in Il0ox church, Belgrave, on Wed• needay, Deo. 16th, The program will ooueiet of addreeeee by Rev. J, L. Small, of Anburn, Rev. A. F. Jouee, of Belgrave, and W. H. Kerr, of Brueseie. Bolos by Miee Staples, of Teeewater, and Fred, H. Gilroy, of Bruesels, and music by the Choir end Sabbath Sobool scholars. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 O'olook, Preemen in aid of the Sabbath school. Rev. J. J. Beetle, pastor ; John MoOul- lnm, superintendent ; and L. A. Cunning. ham, secretary. W roxxecer. Mie KateRobinsonMies Rob ru reta d e from Tor. onto thie week. Mre. T. G. Hemphill ie spending a few days in Toronto. Harry Bandereou has taken a petition in A: Rae'e grocery etore. Hamilton & Robertson made a ebip. ment of hoge Monday, W. Button, has resumed hie duties at the Gofton House tbie week. A load of Masons attended the Mason's lodge in Fordwiab last Thursday night. Mre. H. Lowry visited ftiende here last week having just returned from a visit to Sault Ste. Marie. The O. 0. 2', Lodge intend having en oyster sapper Friday evening in honor of their 0. R., Jno. Bray. who leavea for Hamilton shortly. Mies Tena Smith returned on Friday fromit a a vi nit wish rel Wvee a0 Galt and Hamilton, The annual meeting of the Bible Son,. ety, held 10 the Anglican ebaroh on Wednesday evening was eddreseed by the agent, Rev. E. A. Hall, In the absentee of the President, W. 0. Hazlewood, Jno, te o u i t Hartley tete p ed hechair, T. Gib eon wee eta made Secretary and a e S r ry W. 0, Hazlewood re.eleated Preeident. .Tette al4Eo•vVrl. Leet Sunday evening John McAllister took the service in Viotoria Ball. It is said that Lem. Jaaklin has pur- chased the homeetead 150 tearer' en the boundary of Howiok and Grey townehipe, The people of Jamestown sobool (Grey) have unanimously decided to supply a long neglected want the putting in of a school library. To raise part of the kande they have decided to hold en entertain- ment on Friday, Deo. 18th, in the sobool house. At; the eohool can be made to Beet from 860 to 400 and as all are spar. ing no effurte to make it a reusing moms e full school le expected. The program will consist of old time dialogues, reol- tatione. singing, mimic and funny men. The program is to be talon mostly by outside talent by those who desire to help ono good cause of putting in a eohool library. Every person Dome and bring every pereon'e friends, just a week from Friday to Jameetowu Publioeahool, town. ship of Grey. It: tat rel. We're disappointed about the turn the 0. P. R. negotiations have taken, Mre. Robert Blair has been on the sick iiet but is getting along nicely now. We are eoray to hear that John San• dere er. le laid up with pneumouiu but we hope he will soon be all right, The township fathers will meet here next Tuesday to wind up the bnaineee of the year. There is no talk of an election in this Iooality. Mre. Skelton, of Brussels, a deter to Mra. Jiro. Molntoeb, of Ethel, is danger - mealy ill at the home of her mother, Mrs. ThueU, She has been in poor health for some time. Ono.—Brief referenoe wee made in Tun POST of last week relative true to the demise of a well known former resident of thie locality, in the person of Jobe Grant who died at the home of bis daughter, Mae. Agnea Oriob, Seaforth, on $onday, Nov, 29, aged 78 yeare and 5 months. Deceased was born io Scotland, near Aberloar, on Jane 28, 1825, and came to thio country shoat 1847. Be settled in Ancestor, Co. Wentworth, and was married to Miss Elizabeth Bishop early in 1849. About the year 1855 they name into Grey townebip and settled near Ethel where Mr, Giant continued to live until 5 years ago when he Bold his farm and went to reside at Seafortb making hie home with bis daughter. Deaeaeed was oonflned to his bed for six weeks prior to his death bet was always COMINQr +'VTTN' 'S The Xmas Cheer The lady of every house is now busy planning and preparing the many good things that will satisfy the moat delicate Epicure. We wish to assist you and have just plaeed in stook —NEW PEELS —SHREDDED COCOANUT, —SHELLED ALMONDS —FIGS and DATES —SHELLED WALNUTS —RAISINS and CURRANTS In Confectionery we are offering the meet tempting display being Sole Agents for Stewart's and Perrin's Newport Celebrated Chocolates and Bon Bons ORANGES, LEMONS and BANANAS—Only the eeleat stook in these Fruits handled and the prima the Loweet. FRESlr OYSTERS AND 1vI'u ALW LES ON !LAND l Jnet in a large a0e0rtment of Perrin's Fanny Bisonite and roala%aiaatataailla=alitat2i= W. A. GREWAR For Good Goods at Right Prices. S CHRISTMAS AND AT THE STAPLE COODS.Old Reliable 'Grocery and Bakery Shrewd buyers are making their purchases early while our Stook is most complete. A full assortment of the Choicest Fruits of the Season. A large and well selected stock of Fancy China and Glassware, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets. Geo. Thomson. oheerfal and patient as be waited for the e e B qmm n . Thecause of hi d t e ea h was kidney trouble and old ago, Mrs. Grant ere.deoeaeed her husband by 27 yeare the 8rd of November, The enbieat of this netioe was a life long Liberal in polities and held adherence to the Preebyteriaa oborab. He lett eleven children, five sone and six daggbtere, The funeral eervioe at Mre. Crioh'e was oonduoted by Rev. Mr. Larkin, of Searortb, and at Oranbrook oemetery, where the remains were interred in the family plot alongside bre wife, Rev.)). 13. McRae, Mr. Gragfe former pastor, took charge of the servitor', Mr. Grant's deoeaee removes another of the eturdy pioneere of Grey township whose number is rapidly growing smaller. Dammed was a familiar figure here and wee a ohatly, good natured man with a great fauoy for the social aide of life, VV n.1 Eon. Lour in Walton on Tuesday evening between Dr. Irving'e office and the Pro.byterien church a lady's fancy comb, Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the earns ab this oifioe. The anniversary services in connection with Dnff'e church last Sunday were well attended and the earmone of Rev. Mr. Larkin thoroughly enjoyed. On Monday evening et the Ten Meeting addreoaee were given by Revco. Meoero, Bmall and Androwe, Dr. MoDoneld, M. P., and A. Hislop, M. P. T. A recitation was oon tributed by A. E. Mellish, of the Metro- politan Bank, Braemar'. The oboir gave a good program of mueio. Paorooan Oanxoae, Tho Metbodiet people on this circuit have made some Omegas in the order of their eerviom, Commencing with Sunday next, Rev. A, Aadrewe will preach at Providence oharah at 10.80 a. m. and Waltou at 2.30. Rev. A. MaoNab, M. A., Presbyterian minister, will preach at Bethel at 2 80 p. m., the same day. On the Sunday following Mr. Andrews will preach at Providence at 10.30 ; Bethel 2 80 ; and probably Walton village in the evening at 7 o'clock, The Sunday sobool will be held at the old hour 1.80, at Walton church each Sunday. These arrange menta will prevent the amenity for a Methodist and a Presbyterian minister both Dia to the same me oon re a i to on goiog a g g the eame day and hoar. It is hoped this plan will be prodnotive of moole good every way. Orueditroois. Mies Jean Ritchie is home from Detroit on a short visit. Jno. ()moron arrived home last week after an absence of about three months in the Wept. Thos. and Mre. Davidson are away on a two weeks' visit with friends at Toronto and Boarbnro'. George Bperain, who liver/East of bare, bee been dangeroaely i11 with pneumonia but Ie making favorable progress now we are pleased to hear, Fred. Jeeke, nephew of F. Raddatz, who name out from Germany a abort time ago has gone to Ethel to learn tbe blacksmith trade. We wish him euooeeo. Jno. :and Charlie Fiecber and Ruy Smalldon leave Friday for St. Thomas where they will enter the employment of the Thomas broom works. We wish them emcees, D. MoQnarrie was called away to Detroit on Thursday of Met week to attend the funeral of hie eon's wife, Mre. John MoQnarrie, which took place on Friday. Mae, MoQnarrie died at St. Mary'e hospital, Detroit, on Wednesday whither ebe had gone for en operation. Her maiden name wap Florence Watson. Besides bar Borrowing husband she leaves two children, Roy Wateou, 10 years of age, and Beatrice Viola, 7 years old. The family reeidenoe is at Walkerville. Ont, The bereaved will be sincerely sympathized with in their Borrow. Mr. MoQaarrio was a resident of this section and will be remembered by a goodly number of people to Grey and Morrie townehips. Mre. MoQuarrie was a very eetimable person, GreAir . The township Connell will meet next Tuesday. Miss Louise Liddy, of Harrieton, woe visiting in Chia locality during the past week, Samuel Webber and Mies Mary, of Howiok, were visaing Jonathan Wright, 10th con. last week. Mies Elliott, 8th oon,, is on the sick list with br000hitie but her many triende hope for a speedy reoovery, Miee Anna Beokett, a well known vocalist, was a visitor for a few days with Mieelie Be Smith. Tbey are old friends. Mise Randall, teacher in S. $. No, 8, has tendered her resignation and will teoob next year near her home at Hamil. ton, The treeteee are advertising for a enure ear. The entertainment fn the Whitfield school hones, 12th oon., promisee to be a very enjoyable one. Date ie Friday evening of next weep, The teaober is S, B. Lamont. A clearing amnion Bale of farm stook, implements, &a, ie announced by John B. MoLeuohlin for Monday 21e1 inet, with F B. Booth as anotioneer. Mr. MoLaoobltn reoently disposed of hie farm toL. Wheeler, of Morrie townebip, who gots poeeeesion shortly. Saconeerute—A very eneaeseful enter. taiament weetheld in the school hones of B. S. No, 3 last Friday, Thera was a large attendance. Peter McArthur ca- nopied the chair and the following excel- lent program wee preeeuted :—Opaaiog hymn • Prayer ; ohairman'e address ; glee, Mimeeo MoArthnr, Smith, Mo. Kinnon and Strachan, and Meagre, Avioon, McArthur, Straoban end $traoh. an ; reoitation, Engle Smith ; solo, H. W. Aviaon; recitation, Primary dtaee; duet, Miss Belle Smith and H. W. Avieon ; reoitation, Mies Louise Liddy, Barrister) ; Bolo, Mise McArthur; dial°. gnu, "Going to Mauro" ; duet, Mite Tesler end D. Taylor I recitation, Oeoil MaKttoon ; duet, F, H. Gilroy sots 13. W. AVieon ; recitation, Miaa Louise Liddy ; drill, "Tennis" in oberge of Mae Taylor ; tole, F. H. Gilroy ; recitation, Mise Louie() biddy ; charade, "Se000ne", Prooeede over 926 00, There was 0tree onwhioh were presents from Sabbathtb school and persona, Rofreshmente were served and everybody bad a tiptop time. An Onr SETTLE= 240009 Awex.—Early Thureday morning of tole weak Dantean McNair, as old and highly reepeoted resident of the 14th con„ paid Nature's a debt at the a e of 74 yeare 7 months and . u 25 days. He had been poorly a good p rb of the Summer, a eompfication of ailments existing end he passed peaceful- ly away es above stated. Mr, MoNair was one al 9 ohildreo and was born in Argyleehire, Boatload, Doming to this aoontry about 1860. He took np the farm upon whioh healed, lot 21, Con. 14 in 1854 and lived oontinnonaly 0900 it, transforming it from a boob lot to a well tilled 100 agree. To 1869 he was united in marriage to Miss Jane Borne, of Oxford Co., who with three eons (Neil, John A., and Donald,) and three daughters (Nilsen Jeanet, Jane and Maggie S.,) enrolee husband and father. Deceased was trustworthy, honorable man, whose demise will be greatly re- gretted. He served as Assessor for a few years end also as sobool trustee hut was not a seeker after earthly honors. In church relationship he was a life long Presbyterian and in polities he was a Liberal. The family will be sincerely eympathieed with in their sorrow, Funeral will leave bio late residence on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. $ervioe at the home at 1.80. Interment will be made at Oranbrook. Moa-ruet. Oonnoil meeting neat Tuesday. Another wedding or two in the near future in thie townebip. Charlie Lake is hired with Wm.Eiston for the Winter months. Ohrietmae Tree entertainment at Browntown-S. S. on Deoember 22nd. James Speir and Wm. Dark were among the vieitore from Morrie to the Fat Stook Show at Guelph thie week. The township Council will be asked to pane a Bylaw oonaerning a sectional bonne to the proposed 0. P. R. railway extension. During the peat week Mrs. Samnel Walker, er 6th line hae been botheredw iEh quinsy. We hope she will woe be entire- ly free from it. 1. letter from Joseph Clegg says he ie visiting with hie brother in Washington territory and will probably proceed to California. Wedneeday of this week John Mooney, 5111 line, delivered 6 June pigs to Wm, Jewitt, at Braeeele G. T, R., that weigh. ed 1740 pounds. They were fine ones. The anaaal Sabbath School entertain. ment in connection with Jaokeon'e ohuroh, on 8th lice, will be held on Deo. 28rd. A good program will be provided and refreshments eerved. Jas. McKenzie, drug traveller was home for a brief stay during the past week. He has a toning oommiseion from the Atlanbin to the Paoifio and eajoye his work. He ie a eon of K. and Mre. Mo. Kenzie, 4th line. The Hunter family, 7th line, will re. move to Broseele in the near future hav- ing disposed of their farm and lensed the o.mfettable brick residence of George Howe, They will be greatly missed at Stens/eine Methodist church. Tuesday afternoon James Speir, 6th line, delivered the fine young bull "Challenger," got by Andrew Hislop'o let prize boll 1 Colleotor" to amnia Shed- den, 4th line. He is an extra good animal. Mr. Speir has two more from the eame sire for sale. L. J. and Mae. 'Williams, of Morris, lett on Friday of lest week on a business trip to Wales, England. We hope tbey will have a enooeseful tour and wish them a sate return, They sail by the Bavarian and expect to tough Canadian soil again about the end of February. Sanehtne Methodist Sabbath school have decided to hold their annual en. tertainmant on Monday, 210t, A pro- gram and Christmas Tree ere being got ready. Jas. Russell is the new Supsrin. bondent as euooeeeor to Wm. Hunter removed. Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. J, E. Hunter, of Viotoria University, gave e. very interesting address to the school. On °behamae Day Harry Mooney, formerly of the Mb line, now of Weyburn, N. W. T., will wed Mies Peacoats, of Oraigeville, neer Barrie, Ont. Aaoom- panied by hie father and mother (Henry and Mrs. Mooney) they will Dome here on the Satnrday following and will renew old friendships for a short time. They will be welcome visitors. Samuel MWOnll, eon of Alex, MoOall, 7th line, has polled out of the St. Ledger shoe bueineee, Toronto, where he has proven bimeolf quite a hustler for several years and has gone to Chatham and aeenmed a position in the drug etore of A. 0. MoCall & Co. They oleo have a drag store ate Dresden and rumor says the business will be oxteuded elsewhere in the near future. hors, S. McCall end baby are still in Toronto but will move ehortly to Kent's capital. Ome.—Leat Saturday the silent boat- man beokoned the spirit of Jane Selena Crow, beloved witeot Prank MaOutobeon, 0110 line, aeon the tide. She was be her 66th year. Mrs. ltleCutcheon had a light stroke of paralyeie last April and the emend one Dame last Saturday when Bbe lapsed into en nncaneoions state and soon passed away. Mr, and Mre. Mo. Catoheon ware old and well known resid- ents of Morrie having rooided here for about 60 years. They were held in high esteem. Mrs. MoOntoheon is survived by her bneband, two eons and three danghtera. The ohildren aro ;—David and Booty, of Morrie ; Mrs, W. H. Oloakey, of Toronto; Mre, Robert Nich- ol, 6th line ; and Mrs. Potion, cif Min. nes0ta. Funeral took pinoo Monday afternoon to the family burying Piot on the farm, Rev. I, M. Webb, of Bromine, conducted an appropriate eervioe at the lets home and grave. The pall bearers were t—Lake Sperain, Thee. Bernard, Jno. Robb, Joo, Mooney, Jas, Ball end John Manning. Mr. MoOntohoon'e health is none too vigorous bet we bops be will improve. Mr, and Mre, Cloakey attended the funeral horn Toronto, NoTEe—Bleighing le good and a lot of teaming ie beingdone.— R, Young hue the sand heeledfor building tender ilia bean in the Spring. --Wm. Fergneon intends to build a burn. ale will have Dement walla.—D. Dauber in getting eve timber for a new barn. -B. Pewee bee jobs on band to keep him going all Wint- er.—R. Thaeli ie out with a newg rain grinder,—A large number attended the funeral of Mre, Rabt. Gallagher on Sue. day last et Belgrave.--Geo, and Robert Cole are outtiag wood ou the 6th lir e this week.—Tea meeting in Belgrave on Wednesday evening, 10th inst., in Knox ohuroh..—A large quantity of fowl was Bent away from Bement this week.—Jno, Pickett has rented a term in poet Wawa. note. We hope he will do well as be 1.1 a good farmer,—The 0. P. ,R. talk bee reached Walton. The next thing we will bear it will be going by Leadbury, lent just watch the MoKillop farmers how they will vote. Hsaratun.—A very pleasing matrimon. ial alliance was oonsummated on Thursday of last week at 11 0. m., at tbe comfort- able reeidenoe of William Taylor, 9th line, when Rev. Jobe Holmes, Mabhodiot minister of Blyth, pronounced the mystic words making Jno. R. Garden, of Ellieboro, Assinaboia, N. W. T., and Mee Sarah, the eldest demister of the host, husband and wife. The bride was accompanied by her sister,Miss Mary. Aoth ladies looking charming in beoom. ing ooetumes of white orepe de obese, and parried white and pink aarnetlons respectively. Ralph Garden, of Ellie - bore, brother to the groom, was groom. man and thereby improved bis acquaintance with the marriage ceremony that may stand him in good stead. An elegant dinner was eerved after oongratnlatiooe were over. The wedding gifts were of a tine order, the grooms present being a Persian lamb coat trimmed with mink. The travelling snit of the bride was brown cloth, hat trimmed with mink far and whiteooprey. Mr. and Mre. Garden took the train for Toronto on to Halifax where they sailed on the Allan steamship for Liverpool. They will spend about three months in England and Scotland witb relatives and will atop off here on the rebore trip to their 1r home in the Northwest. Mrs. r. Garden will be missed to this locality ebe taught in the Sabbath schol in Jaokeon'e church and was eleo a member of the ohoir. The beet wishes of a large airole of friends will 00nompa0y Mr. and Mre. Garden, in which Tao Post- heartily joins, for a proeperone and happy sail over the ocean of life. People We Know. Mies Carrie Milhaoeeu was in town over Sunday. Mies Jennie Habkirk wag visiting in Blyth last week. Mise Loretta Boneton is home from Walkerton for her variation. Mre. H. Bail, of Wingbam, is renewing old frieodebips in Bcaesele and locality. Mies Eliza Roddiok, of London, was renewing old frioodehtpe in town for a few Jaya. John Angus, of Galt, formerly of Bros. eels, was visiting with lea cousins, the Misses .He bkirk, Mrs. Daily, of Trowbridge, was visit. ing ber daughter, Mre, J. Nathaaeen, Bruooele, last week, Mae, Jas, Fox and son Alex. are spend ing a few days et Arthur, the bonne of Mre. Fox's toolbar. Mrs, ilayorott sr, hes been on the eiok fiat with bronchitis but we bope she will soon be quite smart. Priooipal Uameton goes to Clinton Friday of this week to do his work as examiner at the Model School, W. and Mrs. Adams and daughter, of Trowbridge, are visitors with their eon, Fred. Adams, Mill street, Brueeele, E. Levis and wife, of Holmesville, were visitors at Jno, Hill's, Queen retreat. Mae. Lavie is a daughter of Mr. Hill's, Mies Winnie MaGoire spent a few days. fn Wingham fast week and took part in the concert given by Mies Anna Beokebt in that town. One day recently Peter Ritchie, Wil. Ilam street, had a fall that hag oaneed him to walk with a limp metes but be will soon be o. k. we hope. F. H. Gilroy was laid 0p with the prevailing bad sold and grippe for a few days this week and enable to attend to his ocotomary duties in the Bank. Oherlie Dodds is able to be about once more after a siege of 8 or 9 make Boyers illness. Mr. and Mre. Dodds have moved to the apartments in the Geo. Thomson block, Barrister Blair, e i , of G darioh, was in town this week for a short time. Be mine to attend the Oonnoil meeting t f which body be hag been a member for the peat year. Jae. Sherwin, youngest eon 0f Rev. S. J. Allies, London, bae been to the hospital with dipbtheefe but as it is a light type it is hoped be will be able to be taken home in a short time. Mae. Arlin i0 with him. Alin Fannie Thompson, Mill street, bas gone to Fergus where she will assume a position iu the newspaper offioe of leer brother. She should make a competent hand and we wish her moose, Invitations are out for the marriage of Mies Jennie, daughter of Henry Mooney, formerly of thie looaltty, to O. H. Pea. °oak, all of Weyborne, N. W. T. The 15th inst. is set as the date of the inter- esting event. Bert. Williamson, has gone to Wing. ham to take a position in a barber ehop, He is a oompebent hand and we wish bine 6aooms. Olivet Kellington, of Morrie, i0 installed ea absiebant in W. Dnnoan'e ehop,hate now. Our old iriehd James Oliver, Tnrnberry street, bee been quite 01 during the pet week and has failed very peroeptlbiy. He is 88 yeare of age ea 000000ry . is not probable as the old gentleman's vital faros is well spent. Mr, Oliver has been a remarkably hearty man and le an old resident of B0uebel0. The Presbytery of Maitland will meet in the Preobytertan 0hutou, Wingham, oh Taetday of nest week, Deo, ZOtb,