HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-3, Page 8'Aldi i3ROSS,EL8 POST Diic, 8, 1903 HAVE YOt1 BEIDE THE NEW GAME—FLINCH--i 0R THIS SEASON, ASK TO SEE IT, PRIOR 50 OTS. PERFUM.E FO Of course you will give Perfume to some of your friends. There are few peoplehat cannot be pleased bythe gift of a deli ate fined Perfume. That ought to be a valuable hint to a great many anxious seekers after holiday Gifts. There isn't any place, either, where you can see a better class of goods or a more varied assortment than right here in our store. The prices start in at 10e and run as high as $2.00. Come right in and let us show them to you. It will be a pleas. ure for us to do so whether you buy or not. t6 DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 80UTIIESN EXTENSION W. G. & 13. Trains leave Brands Station, North and South, as tollowe GOme SOnTR GOING NORTB. Mail 1:15 am 'mixed 10:00 son mixed 1000 a.ntMail .. ......1:17 p.m Express 5:05 p.m 1 Express x......8:17 p.m goad. Re,b3s Pins. A chiefs amang ye takik' notes, An' faith he'll prent i s. DEO0ouooR. Tan Poor gives the news. Ono price of wood is Doming down. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this week. QUITE. a for trade is done by A. Coes- ley, of Brussels. PLAN of Hall for Public Library oonoert at Fox's drug store. Seats reserved for 26 Dente. Co0NOr0 meeting next Monday evening. This will also be Court of Revision for Turnherry sewer. Taa,good eleigbiag brought a lot of wood to town, good, bad and indifferent. Ready market was found. Comas Ocanai! is in session thin week and County Councillors Bowman and Kerr, from this District are in atten- danoe. MIgs Anna Beckett, the Queen of the oonoert stage, will appear to Brussels in the near future under the auspices of the Chosen Frieeda. M. H. Moore, V. B„ had one of his ankles badly twisted recently while hand- ling an unruly steer and nae a perceptible limp yet in bis walk. Tao Howe family moved to Wroxeter this week where Mr. Howe rune the 'woolen mill, Mr. Howe hes rented his briok bougie to John Hunter, of Morrie, who will move to town shortly. Tao proposed delegation from the Northerly route that was going to Mont- real to interview the 0. P. R. authorities WOE oalled off as Bir Thos. Shaughnessy expressed his wieh to have it that way. Tax Model School examinations will be held on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Principal Cameron, of Brussels, will go to Clinton on Friday of the same week to test the pupils in teaching quail. fination, &a. DR. MACDONALD, M. P. was a speaker at St. Andrew's sapper at Stratford on Monday eveoiog. His enbjeot was "Canada" and with so floe a theme and the Dre. well known ability we have no doubt ample justice was done. Ix the list of those appointed as depart- mental examiners by the Educational Connell for the next three years appear these named from this ao00ty : For district oertifioates, It. I. Strang, Goder- ieh, and D. Robb, Braeeele ; ou science, G. F. Rogers, Seaforth. IT ie said Philip Ament has purchased a large timber limit and sawmill in Mus• koka or in that loaality and may remove there to look after his interests. He may still retain a branoh of the business here. We would like to see him rebuild the planing mill as there is a big trade to be done in that line, WASP'S NEST.—The children of Jno. R. Ball, Morrie, brought Tax Po80 a regular old whopper of a wasp's neat last Satur- day. It measured 3 feet 4 inobee by naut- ly 4 feet in circumference. We out say much about tbe internal department of this oddity ea we are not so ready to go on investigations of this kind as one time in intlifs. Gusoro /IMeroury says :—There is a Story going the rounds now to the effeot that in a pertain Northern town the G. T. R. train was, to the aurpriee of every one, on time. The paeeengere and oitiz one were so gratified and aetonialled they got up a subscription and made a present to eaob of the train employees. Nob till the deed was done did they find out that it was the train that should have arrived the day before, DIED.—Eliaha Lemmex, a former well known resident of Wingham, died at his home in Harrieton on Monday of last week. Deoeased had been ailing for several weake and it was not thought be meld recover, Mr. Lemme8, when a resident of Wingham, lived on Minnie street and at the time of hie death owned two houses on that street, He wile a man held in high esteem end an honored Member of the Methodist church. The remains were interred in-Braeeele oemei. ery Wednesday afternoon. Boe000TfoN OF BYSoPATEL. The follow. ing Resolution of Sympathy was passed at the last meeting of Riverside Hive, No. 315, L. 0. T. M. To Mr', and Mrs. George Colvin DEAR I'nlsine,—We, the ladies of Riverside have, desire to convey to 300 an expression of our sympathy for you in the bereavement.eaetaf0od through the death of your daughter Limy ; but while frieude may expreoe their sympathy it ie G1od alone who can truly ooinlort the heart end eventually bring blueing out of what enema in the present to be a sere effliotlen. We can then direot yon to Ems, who, though 13e will 001 give bank to yon your daughter, yet holde oat 10 you the blessed hope of reunion with her in Hgeven. Signed in behalf of the Sive, E010Anaan Blerieuoanos, L 0, Jaw BiT01014, R. It. News items always welcome at 'Tau Pour, R. TIIOMSON shipped a oar of fowl to w inuipeg, Man., this week. 5 cues of salt wereshipped by the Eo- terpriee Salt Works this week. Porno Library ConoertThureday even. ing of this week in tbe Town Hall. NEI, S. MOLewo9LIN Bold four oattere between Saturday noon and Monday noon not bad work. Gomm MULD0003 nae added a double pleasure sleigh and a three seated sleigh to the outfit of his livery. Toe Evaporator completed a vary sao- oeefuI season laet week. J. Cunningham makes a good manager. POULTRY 10 coming to market more plentifully now although the price holds coueiderebly stiffer than in former years. SEVEN oars of oats were loaded and shipped at Brussels between 1 a. m. Monday morning and 10 a. m. Tuesday. They are consigned to Peterboro'. MoNner evening of next week Mines Winnie McGuire and Maggie MoDaooh lin and Leslie Herr, of Bruesele. will take part in the program of a Public Library O000ert at Molesworth, ROBERT Tao0eoN shipped a large seam tity of dreaead poultry during the past week. He has had a busy Fall of it be- tween eggs, apple(' and poultry and deem. 'weeto do well out of his produce, PanLro Lm0IOt NoT1os.—Ali persona having Magazines in their posaeeeion belonging to Braeeele Public Library are asked to return them at once as the an- nual sale is near at hand. Don't . forget. A portion of the implement wareraono in the McGaughey blook has been parti tioned off by N. S. MaLaachlin and will he utilized for an office, where he will be able to keep his customers cosy ae he tents baeioeee to them. INSPECTOR ROBE gota piton ont of his buggy while turning a corner in Wingham. It le thought be landed ou bia bead as be was anaonsoione for a few minutes and was quite sore for some time after. He did not relinquish hie work however. BARRISTER A. B. MCDONALD, of town, was at Goderioh this week attending the non -jury sittings of the High Court. He was looking atter the interests of the defendant in Scott vs. Scott, an action over the estate of the late William Scott, of Blyth locality. THE Olinton Record of last week Saye : —Liveryman Dark, Brussels, drove over to Clinton last Friday and perohaeed J. Raltenbury'e old bee. This ie the lest remnant of the Rattenbary House tree bee accommodation, and it will be need as a union bus in connection with the pnrobaser'e livery stable between botele and station. MoNTnLY HORSE FAtoe. Thu reday of this week was the first of this aeaeon'e monthly Horse Faire which have been carried on most eneoes100lly in Brussels for many years. They will be held on the Thnriday before the first Friday in eaoh month until Spring opens and will be attended by the beet local and outside buyers. Clip out the list of Faire to be found in soother column. A MEETING waeanoonoaed for Monday evening of thie week to discuss the pro. poeed Municipal By-law for right of way through Bruaeelefor the expeoted 0. P. R. but word received on Saturday after. noon indicating than the decision of the 0. P. R. was likely to be in favor of the proposed central route caused the oaocat. Wien of said meeting, at leant for the present. Boma BOOIAL —A honey social was held in St. John'a church eohool room on Tuesday evening before a large gath- ering. An interesting program was given as follows :—Organ solo, Mies Ina Bryane ; reoitetion, Beatrice Harris ; solo, Vioie Cardiff ; reading, Rev. I. M. Webb ; solo, Jas. Jones ; reading, Mise Maoniog ; solo Mise B. Geddee • reoi. tation, Albert Horton ; solo, R. J. Mo. Lanobli0. Honey wag served with ooffee and oaks after the program. The proceeds amounted to over 512.00. Dustmen Saaooe0. — The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal ie meeting with an enormo0e inoreaoe of subscriptions thio year. The euooees ie well deserved, for they are giving the biggest dollar's worth ever offered the public. Their two premium piotaree this year are beautiful and their Dominion map should be in every home. The generosity of The Family Herald pub• liebere this Beason ie winning them thoneende of new readers, In almoat every home one hears of The Family Herald's beentifal premiums thia season, Foatrnn BnneaELorzs.—While in Chat. ham last week we were pleased to meet former Brusselitee in the persona of Harry Dennie and family, A. I. and S. MoOa11, G. P. Scholfield, Mrs. Cummings, nee Mite Kate Hembly, and her stater, Mies Hembly All appear to be prosper. ing. Mr. Neem' has a flee drug and optioal baeineso. Mr. Dennis leads in the harneee Hue and Mr- Sobottleld in theohiet "push" in banking oiroleo. He will leave ehortly to ammo the important poeition of aeeletant manager in the head offi.oe, Toronto. It wag our good fortune to be billeted at Rev. G. 11. Oobblediok's, for. marl): of thle place, who now has a fine (barge as peetor of Park street Motbo. diet ohnroh in that town. The Truett* Board le expending thansando of dollare fu overhauling the interior, snob ae in. oliuing the floor, now seats, new plabfoem and pulpit and overhauling the gwlleriee. Mr. Oobblediak ie bolding the fort in good style. Tiet-lE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—Paid up $1,000,000 RESERVE FUND - e $1,000,000 Directors REV, R. E. WARDEN, D. D„ 8, 5. M001011, President. Vioe-Presideut, D, D. MASSEY, TH00. 111AD5UAW, 0.16. 0010110003, R O. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W,D,ROBS - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drente Bought and Bold. Farmers' Notes Dieoounted. Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 51 and epwarde DRlASa'. tart° Besavam G. F, BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager. R. GUARANI shipped 6 care of nate thio week. Tax trains continue to run about as far behind time as neual. A. Bemoan shipped 1 oar of hay, 1 oar of straw and 6 oars of oats this week. MINES CARRIE HIN08TON and Jean MaLaaohlin and R. J. MoLauoblin and Leslie Kerr took part in a Oonoert in the A, 0. H. W. Hall in Walton On Mo:,day evening. It was ander the aospioee of the ladies of the Methodist (thumb. A DAY or two ago A, E. Mellish, Sen,• Treas. of the Brussels ''Annie Club, re- ceived word that Harold Jarvis would sing here on the evening of the 8th of January. We anderetand that arrange. meets are being made to have James Fax, humorist, of Toronto, on the came evening. TAX COLLECTOR LONG will be at the Council Chamber to receive taxes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 7th, 8th and 9th, and also on Monday, the 14011, whioh is the last day before the additional 5 per cent is added. Par. ties wishing to pay at any other time will find Mr. Long at hie reeidaooe, Flora et , any morning or evening. THE young people of Melville church will hold a patriotic social next Tuesday evening in the eohool room, Addressee will be given on England, Ireland, Scot. land and Oaoada by A. E. Mellish, T. A. Hawkins, A, Hislop, M. P. P., and 5, H. Cameron, respectively. Patriotic songs will be rendered. Everybody go and enjoy a good time. Salem. FIRE,—Last Friday afternoon a fire started in the bake shop in oonneat. ion with James Ballantyoe'e grooery. The fire alarm was rung and the engine got out in a harry but the inoipieot blaze was soon put oat and the engine was not brought into requisition, Little damage wee done excepting the destruction of a few bags of Sour. The smoke was very dense for a time. 25TH ANNIVERSARY. — Tneeday Of teat week wan the 25th anniversary of Court Prinoeee Alexandria, No, 24, 0. 0, F., Brunelle, and a few short addressee of a reminiscent character were given at the meeting of the Court by diffstent breth- ren. Walter Smith, who was one of the charter members, wrote the following historical sketch, while off duty owing to a stroke of paralyaie :— "To the Chief Ranger, oMuere and mem- bers of Court Prinoeee Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brussels : BnETHRaN,— I thought ae I had plenty of time it might be interesting to the brethren to know how the Oonrt was organized on Nov. 21, 1878. 8 number of man agreed to forma local Court of the 0. 0. F. mud met in Jackson & Halliday'e Hall here for the purpose. Dr. Or000yhetka,R. W. H. C. R„ opened the ooart with Frank Myers, of Seaforth, ae lligb Marshal, and the following candidates applied for admission and were accepted :— Jae. Logie, Peter Thompson, W. White, J. R. Smith, Jno. Stewart, Jno. Halliday, Dr. Graham, Dr. McDonagh, Robb. Arm- strong, Thee, Wateou, Jae, Watson, Jas. MoLanohli0, Walter Smith, Jno. Wad- dell, B. smile, Alex. Cousins, W. R. Wil. eon W. MoDonald,jand Jas. Wilson. It was moved that J. R, Smith be Treasurer ; W. White, R. S., ; John Waddell, F. 5 , pro tem, after which the following oflioere were elected for the term ending Deo. 31 : 0. R.. Jae. Logie : V. 0. R., Peter Thomp- son ; R. B., W. White ; E. 6., John Wad- dell ; Treas., John Halliday ; S. W , W. R. Wilson ; 3. W„ Jae. Watson ; B. B., T. McCauley ; J. B„ Walter Smith ; Chap., R. Armstrong ; Phys., Drs. Graham and McDonagh. Moved, second ed and oarried that the name of the Court be Court Prinoeee Alexandria, No, 24, mod that the meetings be held the let and 8rd Wednesday of each month of 8 p, m. in the Jaokeoo & Holliday Hall. Follow. ing are the Chief Rangere who have occupied the ohair np to this date :—Jae. Logie, P. Thompson, Geo. Rogere, Walter Smith, S. Smote, Geo. Good, W. A. Tait, Jno, Nott, Riots. Williams, Wm. Biashill, A, Koenig, A. Reid, 8. T. Pinm, N. F. Gerry, N. Flats, W. H. Kerr, W. ff. Oloakey, A. J. Lowick, Jas. Blaehill, Jae. Sherrie, John Sherrie, Geo. Thom• eon and Jae. Bargees. There have been 4 deaths since the inauguration viz.: 0. Mitchell, P. Thompson, S. Smale and Jae. MoLaunhiin. We had a email beginning and Bro, Rogers and revisit are the poly members here and we look with pride on the grand Court we now have. Although we have had a great deal to contend with we never gave up and at the turning of the quarter mile poet we have abundant reason to thank Providence for our sun - 0800. 1 feel eorry, brethren, that owing to my affliction I am not able to be with you bot not my will but the will of the Lord be done. I know that Re dose everything for my good and if not present at the Court in body my heart is with you. Eopedially I thank the F. 5, for the aseietanoe he gave me. I heve Lade mistaken but they were of the head rather than the heart and I have tried to do my beet for the good of the Order and the Court, I heartily thank you all for the honor and confidence oonferred upon me in Beeping me 00 long in ofil.oe and who. ever my soaoeseor may be 5 wieh nim the game pleaeant relations I have enj.>tied. I thank Providence for sparing meaolong and for Hie goodnea0 to me and although eiekneee is not pleasant I feel 000teut with my lot for I know He gent it for my good, Sometimes I feel weary but at the leng(et my stay here ons only be for a short time and it in (Sheering to think that there i9 reek for the weary and I am glad I got eo long a time to be ready. When it is the Neater's will 10 pall me home to then land of rest for everyone who put their trued in Elm, my bean's desire and prayer is that we all may meet in that house of many mansions to part Do more. Your Brother, WALTER SMITH". Court Princess Alexandria ie mapping out a program for the Winter meetings. Neg. Tuesday's meeting a debate will be on "Resolved that Labor ie making too great demands on Capital" with James Sherrie and John Wilbee ae oaptaiuo, The members are asked to attend and aid in the progress. Business Locals. Two or three good farms for sale. Ap. ply at Tax PoeT. Him Funs—Highest prioe paid for raw furs. A, Comex, Brussels. Erman= walnut sideboard for Bale at great raduotion. Apply to MRs. W. M. SWUM, Braeeele. WANTED. -5000 turkeys, 150 for oboioe stock. It your live buyer wont take them at the price, we will. We want all kinde of fowl, dried apples, beano, large onions and rate furs, GEC. E. Kam, Wingham. SLAUGHTER BALE OP DRESS Goons This is the greatest sale of solely Drees Goods ever offered in the county and in- cludes all this Fall's importatione. 60, 60 end 053 linen for 850 ; 75e and 51.00 lines for 50o, eta. Geo. E, KIND, Wingham. HURRAH 1 Hurrah 1 sleighing is here and we are ready for it we have the finest assortment of cutters and bob-eleighe on hand ever ehowu in Brussels and all 000 own make and therefore we know just what we ore selling. Prides tight. Be sure and see them before buying. Also a good tasty lot of hand eleighe for boyo, J. Omuta & BON'S, Carriage Works, People We Know. J. Servioe, of Ingersoll, is a visitor at F. S. Soobt'o. Mina Jean MoLanohlin was in Listowel on Thursday. Dr, Loog, of Blyth, spent Sunday in town with friends. Mra. Steinman was vieiting friends in Oranbrook this week. Rev. A. Mo$ibboo, of Ailsa Craig, was a caller in town this week. Mine Henderson and Mr. Young, of Wingham spent Sunday in town. Mies Fanny Thomson and Mies Mary Smith spent Sunday in Wroxeter. Ohne. Dodds was out this week for the Drat time after hie illness, Mies Lucy Little is enjoying a two week,' visit with 0000100 10 Hallett. T. A. Hawkins was vieiting at Blyth and Clinton on Friday of lest week. Mre, J. Wren, of Lucan, is vieiting Mien Dora Shaw and other friends in town. Mre. R, Rankin, of Wingham, spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs, A, McGuire. Alex. McLennan, of the American House, was vieiting in Seaforth for a few days this week. John Ameut, of Millbank, was combin- ing business and pleasure in a visit to Bruesele tact weak. W. H. and Mre, Willie and son, of Beaforth, were vieitore at 13. Gerry's, Mill street, last Sunday. ' Geo. and Mrs. Brown were called to Gorrie ou Tuesday owing to Mr. Brown's lather being le poor health. James and Mre. Roddick, of London, have been vieitiog relatives iu town and also calling on friends in Grey. Mies Jean MoLauohlin goes to Tees. water next Thursday evening to aot me a0aompauist ata oonoert given by the Lacrosse boys in that town. Last Monday Joint D. and Mrs: Ronald left Detroit for Coronado, California, where they expect to speed the Winter. We wieh them au enjoyable time. Bev. R. Paul hen been of duly for a few days by an attach of rheumatism in one of hie knees. We hope the annoying oompanionohip will soon he severed, R. Leatherdale and F. S. Soott, both of whom have been prieonere in their reepeotive homes for some weds, are able to geb about now and will soon be as well ever, Dr, 5. M. Moore, of,Moorefield, wag a visitor in Bruseele Ode week. Ole has disposed of hie medical practice at Moore field but bite not yet decided where he will locate, Mre. John Wynn will go to Toronto ghottly where gibe will spend the Winter with F, J. and Mre. Sobealr. The latter ie her daughter. Mrs, Wynn will not rent her house in the meantime at any rate. Arthur MoNaughton, eon of D. Mc- Naughton, Princess street, is home from Deloraioe, Manitoba, where be has spent the past maroon brioltlaying at a good fee, Ho will spend the Whiter here and retain to the West next Spring. The Manitoba breezes have evidently agreed with Art. judging by eppeararooee, A, Mountjoy, the well koown fruit merchant of London, Out., is dead. z aA.xxtxxaon. EAoLE90N--410KEE, — At Wingham, on Nov, 24, by Rev. Dr. Gandy, Mr, W. H. Eagleson, of Ttarnberry, to Mies Jennie 11f oKeo, of Wroxeter, formerly of Laheleld. fibEese. HoLtfas.—In Wingbam, on Nov. 28x5, to Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Holmes, a daughter. Pnrren—In Hensall, en the 18th u1t., to Wm, and Mrs. Lepper, a daughter, Standard Bank of Canada .^a0TAflS,IB2S0:'T> 16%2, ASSETS --OVER TIIIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS FARMERS' CREDIT SALES —This Bank advances money on Farmera' Sale Notee, in large or small amounts and for long or short terms, to suit 4be customer. —You ruttydra the fall amount of Notee at one lima or you may draw smaller amonnta when you wish and for any time that unite your oonvenieeoo. Interest is obarged only for the num. bur of days you take the money, Notes left for oolleotion receive our beet attention. —Notes may be left for SAVE KEEPING only for which no charge is made SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards received and Highest Bank Interest allowed thereon from date of deposit on daily balonoe, 1"Every convenience afforded customers living ata dietanoe. BRUSSEL.S BRANCH F. H. GRAY, AGENT. w HO.VTER.—In Goderioh, on Nov. 220d, to Mr. and Mrs. Arohibald 0, Hunter, M. D., 0f a daughter, xaxFla- Ler --001 Skeguay, Alaska, Nov, 16th, Margaret Gale Lay, beloved wife of S. M. Lay, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, and third daughter of the late Hon. M. 0. Cameron, of Gode. riob. Funeral at Goderiob, Deo. 1. TAILOR.—In Wingham, on Boudey, Nov. 29, Arohibald Taylor, egad 91 years, Vim -memoir,— In Grey, on Thursday, Deo. 3, Elizabeth Oardiff, wife of Jae. B. Williamson, aged 68 years and 2 days. WooD.—In Wroxeter, on Nov. 23, Barbara Forrest, wife of William Wood, aged 84 peen. ,dVCTI01,7 FRIDAY, DEo. 11,—Farm stook, imple. meat,, &o., Lot 10, Con, A, Tarnberry. Sale without reserve, at 1 p, m. Samuel Pope, Prop. ; F. B. Scott, Ano. 00Rrr istos :,m nt.fis-0 e: m'x'n, Fall Wheat 74 75 Barley 36 86 Peas 60 56 Oats 26 26 Butter, tube and rolls .. 15 16 Eggs per dozen 16 17 Flour per owt. .. 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bas.) 30 40 Apples (per bbl) 75 1 00 Hay per ton 5 00 6 00 Balt per bbl., retail..,., 1 00 70 Hoge, Live 8 76 4 00 Wool 16 16 Hides trimmed 6 60 Hides rough. 5 5 Lamb skins each 26 30 Sheep skins, Oaoll 25 25 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. 13 Plea for Bale from 3 to 4 months old and a younger pigs. GE0. 8068, Bruseele. Film, large White Rooks for sale, 50o. up, 1f taken at 07108. B. 0. DBADMAN, Brussels. 1800 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 0 THORO'-BRED YORKSHIRE sows, over 8 months old, for sale. Their mother to registered and hoe 4 erotism off imported stock. A quantity of Russian seed oats ate also offered for eine. Apply at onoe to J.M. SI1IIIiRIE, Lot 28, Con, 4, Morrie, or Brussels P. 0. 21.5* I.0) ACRE FARM FOR SALE, b Hing Lot n, Gou. 4. Grey town- ship. 80 acres cleared, balance bush. There 18 a good house, bank burn orchard, &o. Well fenced and farm in good coalition ; 25 puree of Fall wheat in, 8 miles from Brus- sels ; only i' of a :mile from nhuroh and 14. miles from Behan'. Possession could be given to suit the purchaser. For fur- ther particulars ae to prioe, terms, &•n„ ap- ply on the premises to A. 00000, Proprie- tor, or at Tau Pon, Brunets, 21.bf I.♦'ARMS FOR, SALE. — 350 amen first-class land in the Towuabin of Grey—T,ot 10, Corr. 14, 100 acres ; Lot 17, Con 14,100 norm ; and Wt Lot 18, Oen. 14, 50 acres -250 acres, A11 In excellent oondl- ticn with lirst.elaee buildings ; brick house with all modern conveniences, and large bank barn, root and straw house, stables, .ko. Well watered, From 85 to 40 acres of good llurdwood bush. Lot 10, Cou. 18, eon- taiuing 100 aures of first-olne8 land, good frame house and large bank barn nearly new. The property can be sold In two or three parcels to suit purohaeere. Terme liberal, Also 0 n0mm0dioae dwelling house andlot in Brussels. For further particu- lars non ly to the owner on the premises, LATJOHLIN MOSUSI't,, or to TNO. LECEIB, Brunseln. 21-tf WALL PAPER REV ANTS We have just gone over our Wall Paper p 1 hack preparatory to receiving our new stock and have picked out some nice bundles consisting of 6, 8, 10 and 12 roll lots just the thing for small rooms, pantrys, i&o. These we offer at prices much below cost. We would like you to see them, Drug Store. AUCTION SALES, CLEARING CREDIT AUC– TION RALE OP FARtr 000013, IMPLE- MENTS, Pro—There will be cord by nubile motion at samuer,, PGPF'R, Lot 10, firm, A, Turn berry. on FRIDAY, Dill. 11th, 1003, at 1 o'elork, the following ;-1 mere 12 years old. 1 bmree 7 years old, 1 -horse 0 years old, 1 horse 5 years old, 2 horses 8. years old, 1 horse 2 y000110111, 1 mare 2 yearn 01d, 0 hero colts 1 year old, 1 sucking filly, 2 farrow Bowe, 1 cow in calf, 11 heifers 2 years old, 1 steer 2 years old, 2 beifera 1 year old, 0 Calves, 1 Yorkshire breed sow, 7 young pigs, a number of bene, 1 Doering hinder 0 ft, out, 1 Frost & Wood mower 5 ft, out, 1 Frost 1 Wood mower with Pea puller ebtaohed, 1 Coulthard -Rentt cultivator, 1 NO1on geed drill, 1 Sharp hay rake, 1 Maxwell roller, 1 top baggy, 2 heavy wagons, l road cart, 1 cutter, 1 pair bob-elelglte, 1 set 2000 pound wagon scales, 1 fourteen horse power Wet - emus engine, 1 Sarnia separator 10050,1 tank end tank pump, 1 drive belt 110 feet, 1 Climax corn cutter and. blower, 1 Maple Leaf grain ohopper,10 Mob.; 1 Toronto fan- ning mill, bagger atbanhed ; 1 bey fork and 011ngn, 1 gang plow, 1 set iron harrows, 1 Fieury plow. 1 bay malt and pig rack oom- bined,1 cylinder pulper, 1 muffler, 1 wheel- barrow, 1 bugger, 1 set heavy harness,. 2 sets plow harness, 1 get single harueoe, 1 Natlnual oroam separator 850 lbs. capacity, 1 milk can, 1 Daley churn, 1 tuoubater 140 egg oapaoity, forks, shovels, hose and mrm- ercue other art'olee. Most of the imple- ments, eta., are nearly now. No reserve ae proprietor has sold hie farm. Terme-115 and under Dash, over that amount 12 mos. credit on approved joint notes; special terms on engine and separator. 4 per cent, off for Dash ou credit amounts, SAM. POPE, Proprietor; F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. You oui,d now About A Greater Buying Opportunity never was known than we are offering for the next 10 days. We bought very heavy in Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing, Underwear, Shoes and Rubbers, and must turn thele into money at once. We have put the knife right into the prices and made long, clean cuts in values. You can save 35e on every dollar during this next 10 days. Only a small list of the many good things : CLOTHING HING THAT FITS THE FORM Men's extra heavy A11 Wool Pante, reader 51 76 For 10 days 51 35 Men's Fine Tweed Pante, All Wool, regular 52.50 For 10 days 1 75 Men's extra strong Working Pante, regular 51.60 For 10 days 1 25 Men's Fine Tweed finite, all wool, regular $800 For 10 days 6 00 Men'e Sootob Tweed Suite, all wool, reg. 512.50 For 10 dale 5 710 Man's fine Eng. Tweed Suite, ell wool, reg. 510.00 For 10 days7 00 Maisie Extra Heavy Fine Raglan Overcoats al prioee that will surprise the olosesb buyers. UNDERWEAR A SMALL QUANTITY 1,101FT The quantity of Underwear we have Bold thin Denson has been stupendous but we are Belling it at almost mill primes : Men's Extra Heavy Wool Fleece, fn Shirts and Drawers, regular 90e, our prioe 60o. Men's Heavy Wool Fleece Shirts and Drawers, regular 60o, our price 430, Men'o Bootch Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular 75o, our prioe 600. Men's Knit'Unehriokable abide and Drawers, pare wool, regular 51,25, oar prioe 90o. Ladies' Light Fleece Lined Vesta and Drawers, regular 90e, our price 23o. Ladiee' Wool Veete and Drawers, regular 6'00, Our prioe 36o. Ladino' Heavy Fleece Lined hosts and Drawers, regu'ar 66s, our price 460. BOOTS & SHOES Tlllt 11186T VALUES IN T0088 Mona fine 131. Bals., regular 52 26 For 10 Jaye 5 1 80 Men's fine BI, Bele., regular 51,75 For 10 days 1 20 Men's fine Dong. Bale,' regular 52 00 Ior 10 days 1 40 Men's Fine Vloi Kid Bale,, repu'ar 53 00 For 10 days...,. 2 00 Women's Fina Dong. Bats„ regular 52 00 t For 10 deya...,1 85 Woman's Fine Viol Bale., regular 52,25 For 10 days 1 75 Woman's Strong Shoes, regular 51.86 For 10 days 1 00 A full line of Rubbers at equally Low Prices. See our Special Lines in Hosiery. t Corsets and Gloves. We can Save you Money in Flannels, Flannelettes, Tick- ings, Linens and Towelings. ar#x.' rk 59 a ett's MON•F Y• SAVI ISR G SPOT Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs..