HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-3, Page 7THE BARBER .ABOARD SHIP
LeIR'oAL .14.11T AT SEA,
Chat With a Barber on Board
One o,f the Biggest
Not the least .important function -
How to Obtain Bright Eyes, Rosy
Cheeks and the Elastic Step of
Perfect Health,
.fry on board 1t beg liner is the "A woman's face," said a well
ship's barber, far few mon caro to known physielan, ' Is a mirror which
sun the tisk of shriving themselves reflects unfw11ing the condition of
at sea even in smooth weather, The her health. One can toll ata glance
post of shim's harbor, though not f she is well or not and usually one
highly paid by the company, is ono
eagerly sought, for lots of morel can
bo made and the "Lips" aro fre-
quently hands0tne,
Hundreds of men, sale the man-
ager of to big shipping first, are
'anxiously waiting for an opportun-
ity of occupying the tonsorial chair
on our steamers, and if all the ap-
plications were granted we should
have a bather for every passenger.
The accepted applicant generally
.signs on as steward. and receives the
nominal al salary'Milling of a sill' n a month.
no h.
a rule to he pofiacssos an excellent
.assortment of toilet requisites, a
fine collection of perfumes, a ward-
robe of wigs and fancy costumes in
roadinese for fancy-dress balls which
frequently take place on long voy-
ages, as well as portfolios of photo-
graphs of the ship, the crew, the
•captain, and his own shop. Alto-
gether a ship'fi barber can generally
turn over a pretty penny during the suffered from headaches, palpitation
voyage, and T don't wonder it he of the heart, and pains in all my
is sometimes envied by his brother
Thn writer also had a few min-
utes' chat with a barrier on board
one of the biggest liners which sail
between the Pinglish and American
ports, and learned some interesting
particulars, As to whether rough
or smooth weather was the better
from to business point of view, the
barber replied that the latter was
far more lucrative.
an tell what the. trouble is. It so
oftOn happens that instead of bright
eyes, rosy cheeks and an elastic step,
thorn aro dull eyes, pale, sallow or a
greenish complexion, and a languid-
ness of stop that bespeaks disease,
and perhaps an early death if the
right treatment is not resorted to.
The whole trouble lies with the
blood, and until it Is enriched and
Invigorated there will bo no release
from suffering and disease. Un-
questionably the greatest of all
blood -renewers is Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills. bloodl
1 s. Good means health, vi -
gor, life and beauty, and the one
way to make your blood good is
to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
Out of many cases which illustrate
tho truth of this may bo cited that
of Miss Amanda Darephouss0, Ste.
Anne de la Parade, Que., who says:
"For more than six months I suffer-
ed greatly from weakness. bordering
almost on nervous prostration. I
limbs. I had no energy, no appetite,
no color, and my nights were fre-
quently sleepless. At different times
I Consulted three doctors, but note
of them seemed able to euro tae. A
friene strongly urged mo to take Dr,
Williams' Pink Fills and I finally fol-
lowed her advice. With the use of
the first box my health began to im-
prove, and Ove boxes completely re-
stored me. I now have a good ap-
petite, headaches and pains have dis-
appeared, and I never felt better is
he said, we aro kept busy from early my life than I do now, It I ata ever
morning until noon, and again from sick again you may bo sure that Dr.
lour tell seven or half -past in tho Williams' Pink Pills will be my only
evening. In elle season I keep two doctor."
assistants who aro able to run their If you have any disease like anae-
hand to other work on the ship when mia, indigestion, heart palpitation,
necessary; in the winter time I man- neuralgia, rheumatism, or any of the
ago the shop alone. Melon the woo- other host of troubles caused by
tier is rough many of the passengers bad blood, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
get sick, and as in this condition will surely cure you.. ]le careful to In China and Japan, howee•er, the
they don't, as a rule, care moth If get the genuine, with the full name, dragon :nems to have been a most
they look like so many Rip Van Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale amiable creature, belonging evident,
'Winkles my business suffers. People." printed on the wrapper ly to another species. In allose
Some people 0.00 so }gardened to around the box. Sold by all medi- countries the "bob -tailed dragon" is
had weather that they c01110 for their cine dealers or sent post paid at 50 hold in great veneration. The In
customary morning shave even cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 dish dragon, true to the traditions
though the boat is pitching so much by writing to the Dr. Williams' of the gorgeous East, was supposed
•that it is difficult, to got into the Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. to boar a carbuncle on its bead; the
those. One old fellow who travels a - 4 natives used to steal this from the
treat deal and generally favors our ROYAL WEDDING CAKES. animal when dead. The origin of
goats moor, when on board, misses dragons was a disputed point among
'his usual shave. Ono of the Largest on Record mediaeval naturalists. Some main -
Yes, wo do get some pretty good Made in London. twined that these animals wore gen-
tips at Limes. There is one rather The wedding cake of Princess Alice elated by the heat of India; others
eccentric old gentleman who has been of Battenbog, who was recently were of the opinion that the vole
taking voyages for his health in married at Darmstadt to Prince An- canoes of Ethiopia used to belch
this vessel for a year or more, dur- Mena of Greece, was ordered in foith the monsters. Ono scientist,
Ing which time I have had the job London. Standing some six fret John Leo by name, declared the
of shaving hint every morning, He high, it Was one of the longest cakes (Magee to be a hybrid 0, cross 'be -
always pays aur the regular fen, and aver made for a royal '1Iido,
then on the da.,v we reach port 110 although that presented to Princess
hands me a sovereign and a shilling 'Beall'ice by the ladies of pent was
lF I
havenotcut hits once during the about twenty inches taller. The lat-
c'oyage. If, however., I novo so much ter masterpiaco int confectionery Cost
as scratebed h(n1, or oven touched n 000 views.
1t is a rule at royal weddings to
pimple, he simply wishes Me good- 1)400 four o1. 11\'e cakes, ono cf w•i11ch
day. it is more than six months is made by t le buic:e's otvn rooks
petit t,ttle'a Are Divided 111 Their
Descriptions of These
The dragon was a Most Important
animal in anclent and mediaeval oar
Mired history. Until comparatively
recent tinker, says the 'T'imes of In-
dia, no ocienlist ever thought of
quest hieing the exix:taltce of this
most forrnidabio of beasts. The an-
nals of Winchester for 1.177 gravely
state that "in this year dragons
w•e'e seen. of many in Engsb nd„ C0l»
nen', Professor. of Natio al Ilistory at
Gurirh, gives a detailed description
of the dragon, while AMerry an's,
fn his "Llistory of Serpents and
Dragons," published in 10L0, devotes
fifty pages to the moister, dillrours-
ing upon Its Differentiae, Fotma et
Descriptio, "Mores, Locus, Antipathia,
and Usus in Medicine_
In spite of this, it is no moan
task to
attempt to describe
tine an-
atomy of the dragon, for the more
one peers into the musty mediaeval
literature on the subject the greater
becomes o1e's bewilderment,
Scarcely any two authors agree on
the form of the fell monster. Some
deny that it ens wings, others would
deprive 1t of feet, a few would con.
fine its legs to two.
However, a good specimen of a
dragon would seem to have been -a
beast about the sire of a sheep, (m-
owed in a coat of scales which shone
like Edlyer. Its back was serrated
like a saw. It possessed a long tail,
a pair of bat -like wings, four heavily
clawed feet, a wolviee head, the
jaws. of which were atoned with very
formidable teeth. The tongue was
barbed, and fire and fury issued front
the monster's mouth. and the head
bore a crest.
Dragons were the most wicked and
\inflictive of creatures. They seem
always to have been in a towering
rage, and spent the greater portion
of their time in rusting up and
and down the earth destroying every-
thing that came 111 their path. Their
appetites were voracious. Small
wonder then that these monsters be -
cane the emblem of everything that
was horrible in the world.
-how, heweetl, since 1 have missed and cal up for despatch to her Dare
my guinea, fielder friends.
TIlIt BT(:GIIST TIP Among humbler brides there is a
r ever received was when I was growie,g demand for calces made in
aboard n vessel going to Australia. a single "tier," the pr'ic'e generally
The tveaLht'r had been grotty bad paid varying from ten to fifteen
and any customers had been parti- guineas, It is seldom, according to
eularl7 scanty, when an old fellow all authority, that stere thins the
whom T had never seen before calor latter sum is paid for a bride's ranee
. in and asked for a shave. "Finish even at a fashionable wedding,
the job in five Minutes," he said,
"or you'll hove to whistle for your
trip•" When a baby cries almost continue
Well, it was n pretty difficult mat- ally it is a certain sign that there is
ter, for the ship was rolling and something the matter with its stein -
straining trennenciuously. I eitonld ach or bowels, and the mother
not have feared for any tip had I should at oleo give ft a close of
been given plenty of time, but to Baby's Own Tablets, which sweeten
share a man under such conditions the sour little stomach, promote di -
le a twelfth part of an hour ens a gestion and gently relax the bow -
bit Llekl(sll, However, the old chap els. Mrs. Fred McIntosh, Wabigoon,
took nut his watch and told me to Ont., who has had experience,
go ahead, and ahead I went. As writes: "When my little boy vas
luck would have it wo seemed to two months old ho began to cry and
strike a bit of smooth water just kept it up almost continually day
then, and I went for the old chap's and night for several weeks. I gave
chin father recklessly. hint medicine, but it did not seem to
To stance a long story short, I ease slim a bit. I Karl not at this
Finished the jab with ten seconds to time used Baby's Own Tablets, but
/pare. Tho old fellow was hugely the -poo' little follow was suffering
.delighted and handed ere a cigar, so much that I sent for a box. 'Ho
which m(ide nee feel n. bit blue until obtained ease almost front the first
I discovered it was wrapped up in a dose, and -in a few days was quite
110 note. I heard afterwards that well, Since then he has grown splen
my eccentric customer was Tyson, did17, and is a bright, laughing,
She Australian millionaire, and that good -natural baby. I hold the Tab.
deo had allowed himself to he shaved lets in the highest regard and cheer-
osier such clangorous conditions to frilly recommend them to all mo-
Pottle a bet which ho had made with there.
ANOTHER PASSENGER. This is the verdict of all mothers
T. have road tips from a good runny who have used the Tablets. They
Well-known people, but they have are good for children of all ages and
neverliect in value the same always cure all their minor ailments,
witch I have approached
sometimes read ere re- Sold by medicine dealers or sent by
naafi at 25 cents a box by writing
ceived by a ship', barber. Tlal:ney P110 Dl. Williams' Medicine Co.,
nernnto frequently atm, 6
Brockville, Ont.
.00 me a v-
er," and I have had ten and twenty 4.---`
dollar hills from American million- ARTFUL JOHN 1
Aires, but as a•1'ule my tip does not "Jobe," said Mrs, (71't le-, "if
go beyond is or 2s 6r1. S'ometilnes
I have had between :CSO and :Bal in You aro too much of a coward to go
my pocket at the. earl 04 an eight (io\vn and scare those t tri tu•s ant,
day voyage, and this I consider a I'll t re is , I'll let thorn know
very good 00211,' that, thorn is at toast one lean in the
In winter, whenthe weather is 1101150."
',drain," said Mr. (Iiiggsley, run
had rand p088011;rrS foW, 7 frognont. elle started for the stairway, "I
ly only make three or fever shillings wouldn't go. It sounds like a
a day. I am an expert at dressing mouse,"
ladles' hair, het there is not very After she lutd jllinped back into
nitlell in this -It rims away With 0 bed and covered herself with two
e lot of LIMO, and as a rule wolllet quilts old a blanket:, Mr. Origgsloy
growl if you charge a little 011000 head those weeds, in low, pta.in.tivc,
titan they ere accuseon0d to pay Once I
in London or Pilots; and as to tips- "lf yon love me, John, pleaseldon't
Why, e10111e of them would ,lust as desert tae,"
` soon think of tipping the ship's call 1......
--..........4.------ 'A T3useine surveyor, in making os -
That, Mellon hag yet to be both rents of mountains in the Cancastes,
wifo }wale mistake a, plush sack fm' 113,01»g• suffered from "mountain Melo,
a ora sins on the benne of n. neighbor, n,,.fie, fermi a remedy in lea, al -
Meet of the evotne11 who go shorn- 'meet noodling 1301, A party pros -
Ting in the, mntr1"monial Market stat leafed by the sdcdcness war( Mile after
in the 3111( (101artreelnt and end tit' this treatment Le 101111110,10 the O.D.
Ail the imuneut ecet4Mtar, Mole,
tweet an. eagle and a wolf,
The sailors of the three men-of-war
American, French and llriti.=.11-while
in , the saute harbor were competing
with each other for the host (2101lay
el eea.manship. A Yankee went to
the top of the maintzllttt and stood
there with au arm melc•nclod, A
Frenchman then wont aloft end ex-
tended. both 1111110.
An Irishman on board the British
ship thought if he could stand there
with a leg and elm extended ho
would be declared the most (10030g
sailor. Nimbly 110 mounted to the
highest point and attemptod to c10
so, but at the .last moment lost his
balance .and fell through the rigging
toward the deck.
The various ropes with whirl) lie
cisme in contact broke ifs full, and
when roar the deck he saccooded in
grasping a tope. To this he hung for
a couple of seconds, and then drop-
ped lightly on the deck, landing
palely on his feet.
Folding his arms triumphantly, as
if it were ell i11 tine program, he
glanced 20000(e filo rival ships and
joymtely exclaimed :
"There, you fro eating and pig -
sticking io1'eguers, beat that if you
can I"
M'o've had to dismiss our coach-
oachmann " "For what reason '7" "Oh,
he got too ambitious. ire wanted
to be paid regularly."
M nerd's Liniment is used by Physicians
"I. wonder wily bees slake ,honey7"
queried tho inquisitive man. "I eup-
pose," replied the man w'he Anent/
all, "they make it to cell 1"
Road's Liniment Lumberman's Friend
Travers : "Yon Moe actually sent
a bill with my clothes 1 What in-
ault 1 What infamy 1' Tailor : "It
was all our new book -keeper's eeper's fanit,
si)•. T'ie got you mixed up wiill
those people who pay, 1"
When you think you have cured
a ceugt% or cold, but find
a dry, hacking cough remains,
there is danger. Take
hiloh s
Consu tion
Cure The Lung Tonle
at once.
It will strengthen the lenge
and stop trio cough.
Prices 26c, 600. and SI.00
S. 0. WELLS 10 CO,
T'1011s18, Can, LeRoy,
Pure soap i" You've heard
the words. In Sunlight
Soap you have 'the fact.
Ask for ase Octagon 7Say. .31
t -f
To What the horses of Royalty
Have Been Reduced,
Queen Victoria's favorite horses
were greys, and special care was tak-
en in their selection. On the old
greys becoming unsound in wild or
limb, they had to descend from their
high estate to follow humbler our-
LA. Usuall
for what Y sold at th
would fetch, many a man anode a
good bargain thereby,
Soino years ago a 'Windsor eahman
purchased one of the Queen's greys
for 36 guineas, subsequently hiring
Ole animal out to a lady for a
pound a week during five years, the
Indy providing for the horse.
The greys n.ppe(11 strongly to side -
street Romeos and Juliets who de-
sire to enter the matrimonial state
driven to church by an ex -royal
horse, and one cabman has increased
his income in satisfying this wish.
Some of the beeper, however, ha\'e
to follow more lowly callings, such
as drawing parcel vans and other
humble, though useful, conveyance,
Sonne comments are made at this
rather ign01n111ionS ending of such
fine horses, and not a fow are sorry
to see tho animals now drawing
other people's washing home.
They Profit by the Experience and
Advice of Mr, Lew Dake, of the
Dake House, St. Thomas-Dodd's
Kidney Pins Cured Him.
St. Thomas, Ont.,i\rov, 23.-(Specl-
a1).-Mr, L. Bake, the well-known
proprietor of the Dake 1 -rouse here
and one of the most popular men
in this railroad centre, is completely
cured of Backache and Kidney Dis-
ease of .fire years' standing and ho
has no hesitation in stating that the
cure was effected by Dodd's Kidney
I Yes," Arr. Doke says speaking of I
his cure, "I ran perfectly satisfied 1
that two or three boxes of Dodd's
1'idney Pills cured me, as I have not
been troubled by my Kidneys since I
took them.
"I had been troubled with my Kid-
neys and pains in my back for over
nth years and nothing T used gave
me any relief till I. tools the advice of
a friend and tried llocid's Kidney
Pills. I advise all my friends to
try t110n1."
Many of the railroad men have tak-
en Ill1'. 1)ake's advice and are using
Dodd's Kidney Pills. This work is
particularly hard on tho Kidneys end
they find Dodd's Kidney Pills bring
them sure relief,
Papa : "She says Dur child•ave
her child the 111eaeles." Mamma:,
"Whot a honed woman 1 Why, she
knows perfuctly well dant her child
cane oyer to 0311 Corel and took
Lever's S-75 (Wise Ileac') Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder is a boon to any
home, it disinfects anti cleans at
the sante time.
Madge ' "Don't you think a girl
should marry an eron01111001 men 7"
Dolly : "1 suppose so, but it's just
awful being engaged to ono."
a'i11 cure every 01000 of Diphtheria.
rill produce growth of hair.
Stanley, I'. E. 1.
1' Believe 1011NA11D'S LINIAIEN'i
Is the best household remedy on
Oil City, Out
At a public dinner in the country
a fanner, 'while relating something
to the company about two Chinese
women said
"I declare they were the ugliest
women 1' have seen anywhere."
Thera happocod 10 be two remittal
ladies per -exit Of no remarkable beau- 1
ty, The fame•, who was a little s
Will be Used in N'eighbor'hood of
FI'nm flel'nlan7 comes news of a
loreenn0l1Vo worked by steam and yet
independent of fire of its own, which
is 00010(11111g of a marvel evert in
there clays of Invention, The engine
has Just been completed at the Ho-
henzollern worsts at Puseeldol f, and
is one of a type designed fol' shunt-
ing iii explosive factories, 111stead
(1 currying the in its own holler it
filled with st.eesn front etntiolary
boiler s, and when so charged is cap-
able of r,overal ho•,rs' work.
'Pio first wurning up occupies ho.lf
an hour and subgequ0nt rec•luarging
can be done le a quarter of an hour.
The apparatus is ho simple that au
unskilled workman is uble to look
after it.
The ethcenre of pre in a p1a,r•e where.
dysln.ndte 0)' gunpowder is being
handled is tlao reason for the inven-
tion of this typo of englre, which
is known to otrginers as the Lamm
Franc sy#tein. Tl:e working of it
is said i to
be expensive as o1:1y . 1 1
a f
as that O1 an ordinary IoconloLit'e,
$100 Reward, $100
There is more Catarrh in thin section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and en ti the last fow
yearn W113 eul'110A00 to he lr(Curablo. For
a grout many years doctors pronounced
It a local disease and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
euro with local treatment, pronounced
It incurable. Sciatica has proven catarrh
to bo a constitutional disease and there.
fore requires constitutional treatment,
Mali's Catarrh Cure. manufactured by
1''. J. Ohenny a (lo., Toledo, 01110, Is
the only constitutional care on the mar-
ket.. It Is taken. internally In Bosse
from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It nets
directly on the blood and mucous sur-
unfaces of the system, 'J•hey offer one hun-
dred dollars for any case it falls to
cure. Send for circulars and testimoni-
als. Address,
F. J. CM 1214121 h 00., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Dreggl:as, 75e.
13n11's Family Phis aro the hest.
At Work in Brewer's Yard. While
Fortune Waited,
A brewer's drayman has been work-
ing for upwards of thirty years in
London when he might ha\'e been liv-
ing at that time on a fortune of
malty hundreds of thousands. In the
meantime the looney Inas accumulat-
ed to upw'ards of 17,500,000.
'Good is about fifty years of ago
For the last thirty years he has been
employed as a drayman by Messrs
Watnoy, tenths, and Reid, of Castle
street, Lcngacre. Until the telex-
pnted \ri,:dfall came Wood had nov-
or spoken to any of his fellow -work-
men of hopes of coming money.
But in talking over his good for-
tune with Mr. Charles Eveleigh,
foreman of the brewery yard, he told
him that he recollected his father
saving that they had relatives in. the
had emigrated to Australia in the
early years of last century. They
had, however, beau entitely lost eight
Wood was a strong, well-built man,
and had a good character in his sit-
uation. When a solicitor, who had
found out 111s existence by the search
of church 1 eglsters at Cambridge and
Wisbeach, told Wood or his good for-
tune, and handed hint a draft for
1,5.0(10 as a guarantee of good faith,
the hard-working cirayman did not
lose his head and buy up a.il the
casks in the yard for entertainment
of self and friends. lye calmly gave
a fortnight's notice. 0nd millionaire
that the was. worked out his Hale,
Wood lost his wife about eighteen
months ago, and has no children.
Tee lucky draynlnn lois et half.siste'
living, but apparently she 151 1101 011-
11 led to any of 11112 we've].
The e:.tnte from width tie fortune
Is derived is about 150 miler from
Sydeey, Wood has gale out to set-
tle up matters.
11000 WQrryrlsvg Masi--Ons
a(:plit,ttion of Dr. Agnow's Ointment will
goes you comfort. Applied every night
for three to six nights and a cure Is effected
In the most stubborn cases of Blind, Bleed.
Mg, or Itching Piles. Dr. Aenew's Oints
meat cures Eczema and all Itching and
burning skin diseases. It acts like magic.
55 scuts. -05
Parker: "Can your datghttes make
puddings and ral.e1 7" Darker :
"01, yes, they can 11)11.1,10 them, but
they can't snake the family eat
Kidney Doty ,-Tt 1s the particalal
function of the kidneys to filter out poisons
which pass through them into the blood,
When 1110 kidneys are diseased they cannot
do their whole duty, and should have the
help end strength that South American
Kidney Cure will afford in nay and all
forms of kidney disorder, It relieves in f.
hours. -r,}
Flanagan-"Phwat did yore, do whin
M(Ga•ry hit res end tl.e pick e" Fin-
negan -"01 doue ..eleGarry,"
Ask for Mind's and lake no other,
SI.STl.11tY Al E0T1'.ON,
Chatting with erne of leer neighbors
not long t1{uce, a 00011i an 1elltted her
expelieltc0s many years ego its fol -
"1 used to be very gay anti 10110 of
he world and all its fashions 1111 1
alv my folly, 1 liked sanies and
Sties, and ribbons 0.nd laces, and
ea.thol\s, but 1 found they were drag-
ging mut d0wn.to perdition, so I
gave them all to 1.•113 (logo)' 1"
nasty, began to think that 110 had
mode 0. mess O1 It, and that they
would inlag1110 he was alluding to
them, 1.o to put matte's straight as
he tllouglit, lie added :
"Present company excepted,"
hoses of laughter ensued, rind in
a few minutes both tamer and ladies
had vanished.
"Thorn is one 9005(1ol I want to
ask you, George, deo, said the
clog' gi,l wee had prcentoed to Merge
bar future with 111111. "When We
are 111a.1'rier1, will iOU expert line to
bairn my own broad 7
"You may ria as you ince about 11,
dolling, 101lled rho 011001001 le (me-
dicineo for Inat0litt0ni1ti honors, "but
I certainly shall 110(151 upon your
not banning Mine,"
ilu-LIEF IN so nice TE'S,
Dr, Agnetv's Cure for. the heart never
fulls to cure the heart and nerves and
to enrich the blood. 11 relieves le 70
minutes. It is a heaven light to -lead
yotr bark to health, 4y. 11, 13000(lmmn,
or t1,A,lt.. Wslssport, Pa., says:"Two
bottles of 11r. A eow'S heart Cure on-
tively cured ale of heart pnlpltatten and
ox11cWO eervel1011Ose, dte value 0a0 not
be estimated." I6
er. Ageeteleeitepnlri etdray,eves, ceeerlte and
affillOns011inktlerzln IVOY
For funnily use there is no late ;+er
tea than
particularly for these families who
like the best and most delicious tea
at a rea,sonaabae price.
Black. Mixed. Ceylon Arson, Aek for dt1,1 Label.
Rr'Orteelf C7LBITS-8i8OULR) IIIc frIFFe
flly "Shells"
Lawyer Bruce Thornton is examining into the affairs of his late
friend and client, A. It. Winston, Ho finds that his Life Insurance
Policies are only "shells," They were al) mortgaged to the mon-
eylenders for advances used in spoculatiofe. There is, therefore, no-
thing left for the dead man's lamlly. "A very sad case, a very
sad case indeed," remarked lawyer Thornton. "I wish tho poor
follow had carried a policy in the Tndependent Order of Foresters;
that Order would not have allowed him to mortgage it and MO
falnlly would now bo able to enjoy it."
Vcur Family's Daily Bread.
It is handy to .have a life insurance policy upon which you can
raise a loan with which to speculate.
Remember, however, that it le your family's daily bread that
you are risking.
Every man should carry a life Insurance policy which is "pure
life insurance," and such a policy is the policy of the I. 0. F.
H tel e e1 ec1aire
ei Broadway and 77th Street, New York.
LU8URm10LY 1001101100 ROOMS for permanent and
transient guests, et moderate priees.
CE10RST08 OF SOLD PLAYERS, 0 p. M. 3111 a, m.
RESTAURANT, Pea:sr R001i AND CAFE, gems of artistic
perfection. Cuisine and service really delightful.
SILLIAIn Penton Pox LAn1Es Is anotherplenant feature.
Our Gallery of Beautiful Paintings, valued at $60,000, Is
open evenings to visitors.
Alfnbdlity and courtesy guaranteed from every BELLE -
CLAIRE employe.
Asseverate' I'1noPRooi.
MILTON ROBLEE, Proprietor.
Young Lady (war cling game of cretin & 00758808
football) : "Oh, mercy 1 my brotherATENTs aorienormut Patouto
Canada L+to llo ld'e.
1 ' t'
1, s
in ca ( d
hurt 1 e be Toronto.
n h t
has been B
oO' the field." Paling ',Ian : "Oh, _ Wdto t°j 4zoo partes
never mind: they 11avc a substituto i St -O--00
who is just as good."_
77 King et, east, Toronto,
r•s.ts• SYLoanstoca.atta,plot= r Cares.
at oleos pricer send for catalog.
UAW 10128 AND CENaltle. wanted. Send fro
price 1180. 88-11
For Over Sixty Years
gee wt1,8r.0wb ao0Tn00c SYnt r hos been need by
tone.. et motherrt fur than ,hl1dnru walla tropine,
leenothee the child, tons= rho e„ma. allay pain, aural
One colic. rog1 latex the nemaoO oqd bowek, nod le the
teat romdy for Diner:ee. T'ronty-aro °unto a borers
loll 13,40050M dunugl,out tho World. No mare end
,sk 1,0. AIRS. Wisstot •e Soorrand SYRUP." 33-14
He %spappre THE' Old anutttvy
Bella : "So sire's engaged at last. ne o.-esse-mei
She seems likely to heat us all III
the matrimonial race.'' Stells. -
"Ycs, At any rate. she told me she
was on her last lap this time."
Ti eat Cutting Acid that arises from
the stomach and almost strangles, is caused
by fermentation of the food in the £tom4ch.
It is a foretaste of indigestion and dyspep.
�� ��ns
she Take one of Dr. Von Staa's Pineapple
Tablets immediately after Dating, and it Butter
will prevent this distress and aid digestion,
do in a bots, 35 cents, -16
dispatched to subscribers by first mails by
WE, DAWSON Zs SONS, Limited, Cannon
House, Bream's Buildings, London, England.
The largest Subserlption Agency in the world.
Send for our list, Free on application, Est.
1809, Prompt and reliable.
Shc-"Women may gossip some- Hee ge
Limos, but they have better control 1179
of their longues than minx have," inp�lea,
Ile -"You are right. lien have -110 >LL/p
control whatever of 3v01111131's ton-
Keep Mloard's Liolmeeat In the Help,
Bobby : "1 say, 1411•. 1Tpdyke, w'llat.
do you suppose Clara said about
you just before you cane in 2" Mr.
LTpdyloe : "1 haven't an idea in tho
world, Robert." lloblry (amazed ):
"Well. you've guesse(1 it 1 That's
Met what she did say 1"
An admirable Food of the
Finest quality and flavour.
Nutritious and Economical,
iy H C9B4,9Ak&T3€91�9n
Y D 1 ,„,, TO 1?ATtIWT
il!at.�,v" Lli'It5a1'rlillU.
flood for hanebeee
10'3Day aL,TOI®AiTO on Patents. Se,
Dominion Line Steamships
heontreal to Liverpool
Denton to Llvaorpool
Larva one Faat Stoosekrpl. Superior necomueiloUat
Or all aloes of paasavgo ., 8110011 004 alaloreosos
ve amldshipe. epeolo ateouo81lar be°n iron to a*11NN
saaof 9aleos 138(1 all pot1a8, aeo nes to
soarof 3ronago 1Or part mer Ra x41'17 10 any frit
,10hb ompob(, Or to wassail/ger eons w,1
2 SOaitoet t lieataa, 11110 snalam00tflt„ 100atrua
Dyeing i Cie; l!ling 1
icor lbs ,cry teat oaad polar winkle Sia
11 f lUTi811 AMERICAN IIYEllid 80.14
tan tot tract to your town,, or 1111110 ileal.
Mokttrealrtoronto, Ottatwttl Quebwti
And Farm Pro-
duce generally,
consign It to us
asa.l we will get
you good prices.
Dawson Commission Co,
, 845 TOFtCaNTO. U MIT6e1
1ti . 'i45th,'F 32,71,' 'i7s".vAh�zotti-6c
Daylight Ride of Boo Miles
along the beautiful
Columbia 12iver.
Two Through Trains Daily
Accommodation for all Classes
of Pusseugers,
Steam Reat--Plntela Llgbt,
Full Intermit (beerfnlly
furnisbecl nn app:ie,tlen to
11. F. CAl1PtY , T,P.A.,
14 Janes Building,
Toronto, Oanada,
g`. D, (02'IOATII, 0, A.,
15A Woodward Avd.,
Detroit, Melt.