HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-3, Page 5Dm. , lilOS
PF lflt3s'l Q'EiSUCCES
A largo wido•awako, working, h/7uab- �
ling, roault-prodWag school—the best by
Mb:W080 cnllc;te lit Canada to -day, atjr lr. Grantham; ahvaye get pueattous, This ,J
In1.1 CollageotherB Business
n man y of its graduates ' r
In 'Visitor
tern' 011 Oul h•ge, It teuo iuic2 a(
aSVinci tarn npaue Jttn. 't Wt, Rand- ii
�� eoipo Catalogue txno..
W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal, i
E=t=t"Aii E t -ut=ter" dig =;13
cent, F.R. BOOl'T, Brussels,
• Issuer of Marriage Lioonsoa, Of-
tioe at Grpoery,'1'urnberry ttroet, Brussels,
nEReiONED has several good Forme for
sate and to rant, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey, Ir S. BO OT'1',Brussel
C. O. F.
Court Prinoese Alexandria, No.24, C.O. b'.,
Brussels meets in their Lodge Room Blas.
hill Block, on the 20d and last Tuesdays of
each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always weluomo, JAS, BURGESS, 0. R.
Issuer of Marriage. Licenses,
smmrssmafz, ON'T. •
MONEY TO LOAN AT 41, 4i h• 9 Por Cent.
Office over Hursloy's Drug Store,
Nov. Srd,1902, 80.3m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire !Heimann CO,
ROTABLra0RD 1840
Insurance taken on the cash and premium
note system at current rates. Before tneur•
ing elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent
of the OompGEORGE ROGERS,Brussels.
Ban, will sell for better prices, to
better men in less time and less charges
b wonan t charge aother nything. DateseauHuron
d orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal applloation.
The undersigned, who le well acquainted
throughout the most part of the 0ounty
and who has had business with a large cir-
cle of farmers in and around this looallty,
begs to inform the community that he has
taken out an Auctioneer's Liaonoo for the
County of Huron and offers his services to
all purposing to bold ad los.
THOS. NEWSOME, Brussels.
ibr Honor Qraduaro of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dia-
caeee of domesticated animals in a compet-
entmanner• Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Deutletr99 Calle promptly at.
tended to. Wilco auInarme.ry—Four doors
North of bridge, Tornberry at., Bruooels.
Barrister, Solicitor,'Oonvoyan0er,
Notary Public, dro. OIDoe—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Rotel.
Bolioitor for the Standard Bank.
M. D., C. 111.,
Trinity University,Fellow Trinity Medical
College„Member Cllege of Physicians and
'Surgeons.Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Dol -
lege' of 'hysicians- and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh, Os -Telephone N0.14,
Reaidenee—M111 street, Brussels,
DR. R. ' P. i0 EILD.
Gradnate•ot the 'Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario anti Fi,'st•ulaoo Honor
Graduate of Toronto. Mayoralty,office
next to Brewer's Photograph Galery, •
British Columbia
lived Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing
Ain Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
et Short Notioe,
Eet.mates. Furnished for
kinds of Buildings. Workman -
nip and Material GUarantaod.
P. A „l.V-L J.:.1 .l+r -.Il.
ON JAN. 4, 1024,
Two Ooursos—Oommorolal and Shorthand,
Saud Sor 0ollogo Journal,
A. D. MOINTYltia, Manager,
Jeremiah Heenan, of the London Road
South, has leased hie fifty-eight dere
farm to Sanr'I Alexander fora term of
five years
The Rector of the Trivia Memorial
church has started a eerier of sermons on
Sunday evenings on "Proofs for Christi-
Those wood pile thieves, who have been
getting in their dirty work on Huron
street, should take more pains in cover.
ing op their troops.
The date of the Sacred Concert and
Organ Recital to be held in the Trivitt
Memorial aburob has been fixed for Tues.
day evening, Dtaember 8�
R. Gallagher is now wearing a broad
smile ; the oanne of it is twine.
Mrs, Ohne. Birney, of Exeter, is at
present visiting her parenle, R and Mrs.
Chas. W. Lawrence left on Wednes
day of last week for Bnffala, where he
intends spending the Winter.
0. W. Corbett wbo has a ant the last
ttwoears in the Pe est lice rets rued
home He appears tothiuk a gooddeal
of the West, as he intends returning in
the Spring.
Weser Allison has disposed of his
b anitemithing badness to John Stewart,
possession to be given at once. We have
not heard what Mr, Allison intends doing
but think be intends going West,
Jno end Mrs. Bell, of Morrie, mourn
the lose of their eon, Frederick William,
who died on Tuesday of last week. The
funeral took plane on Thursday, the 0.0.
F , of Belgrave, following the remains of
their deceased brother to the grave. He
was 26 years old.
John Goetz bas returned from Wioni•
peg after spending a very profitable 880.
son there at mason work. This is hie
fifth nano in that city
John Granger, popularly known eta the
Reeve of Dixie, hae parehased 01. Pfaff'e
residence, Brook St. for 5570 He in -
tench moving to town shortly.
T. Eyre, wife and family have moved
into town and taken up reeidenoe fn Mr,
Forsythe house on the London Road.
He intends moving West in the Spriug.
Mr. end Mre.-Hazzell, (nee Mise H.
Ortwein) are visiting bet prone here.
'They reside in Baltimore, Md, where
snow and in and skating, caging, eR, and
all Comedian Winter enjoyments are nn
A year ago last Jane F. Bengough and
R. Bullard took a entrain from the
Canada 0o. to clear fifty sores of bust)
land next to Mr. Tinny's farm fn Hay.
They have been working nit 1110 job ever
eince and have thirty aoree cleared and
moat finish the 'job by next Fall the
remaiuing twenty stores. Owing to the.
high prior of fuel they have been able to
dispose of the wood on the 'property at
good prices.
The good people of Heneall are pleased
to learn that Monsieur Confine is sunned.
log so well with his eleotrio road to, ran
from Heneall to St. Joseph. The right
of way between Zurich, 0strip 39 feet
wide running parallell with the. highway,
and the embrio pity, has been purchased
and the deeds given. Mon. Cantina draws
a glowing pioture of the happioees in
store for the inhabitants of thin fair burg
next Summer.
The Heneall Curling Clob held their
annual meeting in Dr, Sellory'e offroe.
The meeting wee the moat enthusiastic in
the history of the club. The following
are the officers elected for this season :—
Hon. President, G. ItlaEwen, M. P. ;
]ion. Vice Pres , S. Smillie ;• Patron, 0.
A. MaDooald ; Patroness, Mre. 0. A. Mo.
Donald ; Pres., J..Steany ; Vioe, Pres., A.
Baruton;. Chaplain, Rev. W. Doherty ;
Soo.•Treae„ W. McKay ; Managing, nom•
mittee. Dr. Sellery, M. Ellwood, F. Small.
combo, P. Steward, G. Hobkirk,
Forel wiO3c
The Presbyterian sheds have been cm.
proved by a ant of paint, •
Wacky Bros. have bricked up the in.
side of the finishing room of the farui-
tare baonary.
Thos. Gibson sold the last half of Sept.
and all Ool. °beeee of Fordwtob factory
for 10i. cents a pound.
Geo. Johnston has sold his beautiful
and commodious dwelling to Rioh. Dati-
on, of Orange Hill,
Daniel Harris hag parohased A. Mo.
Killop'e house in Harriston and will get
po8eeesioll next March.
W. A. Edwards has purahaeed two mrd
hones - in Newbridge which bol is tearing
down and bringing the lumber here.,
Beaker's old ahoo stand ie being fitted
up for the Bank or,Hamitbon. It is ex
peeled the Bank will open up here abort.
lyG, Walker, of Gorrie, le working here
in the intereet of Court Howie*, No, 84,
0. 0. F., and is meeting with good suo
The Willing Workers' Snoiety has re,
natty sent a large bale of clothing (in.
eluding tour now quilts) to the Desmon•
ere -Hume, for the needy.
A. W. Moots, formerly of the Record,
but now of Duuville, has been Buffering
for the past few weeps with a fearful cold
and rheumatiom in the left leg. He was
able to move around on erntehee when he
The Bell Telephone Co. have opened
rip an exchange hero and fitted up the
offiee with a new neitoh hoard. They
have Bemired a number of eubsoribers
and are likely to eoo,tre more. The Com.
pony are offering exceptionally low 000.04'.
Eaet HnronFaemers'Instilute held 018
annual meeting here to the Foreetoro'
hall on Friday afternoon and evening,
20th ult. The afternoon session was
slimly attended, but noverthelepe watt au
intending One. Dr, H. G. heed, of
Georgotewn, gave a gond address on "The
Uelalion whiobexiete .beseee u Improper
'UJI1 1.11t11881 :1415 POST
Feeding and Diseave," anti J. 13, Smith,
of Langbanil, gave an trnative talk on
"11'eede and Feeding " After each ad
dreeo, the farmers q'ieetloned the speak -
ere and gave bielo 0.vn opinions and
much peefol information WIN Melted..
There is quite a bit of ta'Ir about reale.
lug 11
eu -u hie Whiter co al
rK t aammo; l a
onili uainate,
J, O. Burt le making good progress
though it will be some aconite yet beloro
he is fully recovered,
A movement is on foot to serve a de•
bating club iu town to give the young
man an idea of how to speak before the
A ebrong effort should be made to have
an appropriation made at the next session
of Parliament for a publio building for
Llatoweland we believe thio mond be
secured. Such a building is regnind
here for Poet 011ioe, Custom Office, Gee
Inspection Can and Bxoine Oliioe•
3. S. Meyers has returned from Stanley
Barracks, London, having completed a
course of ivatrnotiori there which quell.
fin him to assume the rank of Captain.
He intends to take a farther coarse at an
early date and there aro hopes that the
military oompany here will be re•organ.
At a special meeting of the town mon-
d. it With moven by 0. Pruner and see
ended by W. Patton that the Cleric be
authorized to have prepared a by.law to
be submitted at the elections in January
for the purpose of ratline by the Bale of
debentures the sum of 55,000 for the pur-
pose of baying right of way and station
ground for the proposed extension of 0.
P. R. Guelph to Goderioh. Motion car.
ried without opposition.
Work on the water -works plant goes on
slowly. The building hi nearly finished
but none of the machinery is placed yet.
After a long delay for hydrants a supply
was shipped a short time ago, but were
found to be a little too abort, five feet
long instead of six. The mistake wee
made by the manufacturers, the Canada
I'bandary On., and this is causing further
delay in the work. It looks as if it might
be well in the New Year before the con-
tracts are oemplete3 and at that the
water tower will not be erected till next
Messrs. Sweet, of Exeter, and Rouen,
of Belgrave, have rented the McCaughey
rink fur the Winter.
E. J. Howard left Wednesday, for
San Franoieao. Ile does not know
whether be will atop in that sunny clime
or not, but he carries with him the beat
wishes of a hoot of friends, that he will
At the regular meeting of the I. 0. 0.
E. were eleeted by aaolamation for the
oomiag six months :—Noble Grand, W.
Townsend : V. G., W. Rues ; 'monkery
B. Gibbings ; F. S., J. Wiseman ; Teeae.,
H. B. 0bant.
The beating appliances of the new poet
office were tested, and found to work like
a charm. Aa soon ea they are painted
this part of the contract will be oomplet.
ed. The post office fittings are now at
the building and being pct in plaoe, and
the eleotrio lighting of the building will
h workf constructing,
nom lets the o o
A special meeting of the council was
held Monday evening of last week in the
Council chamber. The aouoeillors,
Mayor and Clerk were in their plane.
The object of the meeting was to receive
the report of thedelegation sent to
Guelph. J. Ranoford wee the apokeeman
for the occasion and be very minutely
and wittily enlightened the town fathers
on what was done ett that meeting that
was called to consider the proposed ex-
tension of the 0: P. R. from the above
named city to Goderioh. Although he
spoke enonnragingly of the prospects for
the 0. P.R. selecting the Southern or
central route, yet he felt that very little
aid may be looked for from the terminal
pointe, for no matter which way the road
went, these two pointe were sure to get
the benefit of the road, but the places
between World have to fight for it.
Wino the question of 0. P. R. building
their road throu;h to Goderioh fi et onus
up the latter ;floe sought Olinlou'e aid
immediately, but now that their end was
assured that same good wi11 does not
apparently exist one for the other. Mr.
Ranefurd said be thought we had the beet
of routes owing to the fact that it opened
op a new notion of oonntry through
This witch no railroads paned, hl point
wee pointed out to Sir Thee. Shaugh.
needy and we understand he Ihookht well
of it. The Liebowel trade, of course, wee
the moat desirous of the Northern route
to got, but part of this 00a1d be got by
using a spar line.
Atwood its after the 0• P.R.
Wm. Dewar, jr., 14th eon. had the mfg.
fo Yana to dielooate hie ehonlder by falling
from a beam in the barn.
Dr. Kidd ie getting material on the
ground for the erection of a haudeome
brick reoldenoe next year.
Wm. F. Forest has sold hie farm ed-
jaornt to hie flax mill property, to Jobe
Fisher for the sum of 57,950.
Hume Cheese Co. shipped their Oolober
cheese on Saturday morning, McLaren
Bros., Ingersoll, were the buyers.
J. A. Roe, 4. S., hen sold hie hones to
John Little, 12th eon. Mr. Little has
Bold hie farm of 200 aorea to Geo. Wilson,
of Toronto. Mr. Wilson formerly lived
near Woodetook and ie a brother of Mre,
Wm. Holman, Mr. Little realized about
59,000 for his farm,
A meeting for the organization of a
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society wan
held in the Methodist ohoroh on Nov, 19,
Mrs. (Dr.) Dunmore, of Stratford, Dia.
lure• Llndnay, and the etewarde etre Dr,
1lilue, 1')'• Liudeay, J. M, Hamilton,
Win. )±lues;', James MaMurohi, al.d A
l; Bi ,t xs.,.
A large a•,,d entbaeiaelio mooting of
oil gena and ratepayers Was held in LW'
duetry bull, The meeting wag nailed for
the purpose of disoueeing the advisability
of submitting a by-law for pro0uringright
of wry through Blyth for the proposed
exteneioo of theiaaoodian Nellie Railway
Loin Guelph to Goderioh. Reeve Sims
Was chairman and gave a review of what
took place at the meeting of railway
delegates in Guelph. Alex. Elder, who
0005 the reeve's oo delegate, also gave an
axoellaot address on what took plans at
Guelph. Short addressee were given by
Oouo. Sloan, Coun. McNally, 0. Hamil•
ton, George Powell and inhere all of
whom were favorable to the Cauadiaa
Peoifio Railway mitering Blyth. The
following motion was moved by T. W.
Botta seconded by George Powell; "That
we, as repreaentitive Iree•holders of the
corporation of the village of Blyth, ask
the ooenoil of said village to submit a
bylaw to he voted upon on the day ou
whiob municipal elections are held in
January next, for the 'tarpon of gran'ing
a suffioient amount as a bonne to par
chase the right of way in the event of the
proposed extension of tile Ounadian Pao.
the Railway from Guelph to Goder+ah
paseing through oar village." This
m00000 oariied unanimously,
( IOnerielr.
Two of the employees of the -nap.
orator in town peeled 27 bushels of apples
in 4 boars, one day.
There will be several 000p8 of poultry
from Goderioh at the Ontario Poultry
tatot Organizer, addressed a meeting of Show at Guelph from Deo, 7th to llth.
about twenty five ladies. After a disone. Beokett & Stenaton lost a parse oon-
taioiog between one and two hundred
dollars, whiob was pioked up and return.
ed to tbem by John Aohesoo,
The foreman at the elevator had a cold
bath by falling into the harbor. Be was
climbing the ladder t0 gat on board the
etr. Wexford, when the ladder slipped,
thus causing the mishap.
00 Sunday morning, Inveroeee Camp,
S. 0. S., honored St. Andrew's Day (Nov.
30) by having a obaroh parade to Koos
obaroh, wbeu the pastor, Rev, Mr, Ander.
eon, preached a special sermon.
A. 0. Hunter, M. D., had been ap-
pointed enrgeon•captaiu in oolloeotiou
with the 33rd regiment. Major Young
received the oommieeion on Tuesday of
net weak, and lbs Dootor is now Surgeon_
Capt. Hunker.
Mise Eloise A. Skimings had the honor
to reoeive from Kensington Palace, Eng-
land, a letter of thanks from H. R. H.
PIiaoese Louie°, Duohees of Argyle, for
Bending Her Royal Highness one of ben
souvenir photos.
sion to organize, the following offioere
were elected;—President, Mrs, Peahell I
Vioe-President, Mrs. Turnbull ; Reaord-
earetary+ Mre. Johnston ; Treasurer
Mies Parker ; Corresponding
Mrs MaBain ; Oanvaseer for Missionary
Outlook, Mre. Humphrey.
The Municipal Oounoil of the township
of Elma met in Ole Agricultural Hall on
the 23rd day of November 1903. Mem•
bete all present. Minutes of last meeting
read and signed. The Condi wag ad-
dressed bya delegation from Monkton
asking the 000nail to grant a right of
way to the 0. P. R. should it ran through
or near Monkton. Aleo another del•
egation from Lielowel asking the 000n001
to eubmit a eeobional By -flaw in favor of
0. P, R. extension provided mime line
would pass throngh Listowel and the
Northern part of Telma, and also a Bele
gatiou from the Western Cement Oom•
pany, Atwood, asking Oounoil to submit
a Bylaw to the ratepayers for a site of
may 5 agree exempt from taxation for 20
years and a right of way from site to
marl bads, all left over for farther eon.
I5 IN' els.
Mies Maggie Floody has resigned the
position of choir leader in Blyth Metho-
dist oburah and ie seconded by Mies
A. and Mre. Taylor, who have been
residents of Blyth for the past 30 years,
left on Tneeday morning of last week for
Va oauver where the. intend nd to make
their future home.
T. Lind Mre. Jones and Miez Emma
Mornay, of Beaforth, are moving book to
Blyth. Mr, Jones has decided to re en•
gage in the butchering business. He has
leased the store on Dineley street at
present raoupled by McMillan & Co. and
has also leaned the residence of Mre. W.
A. Garter.
The members of the Thimble club met
at the home of 3. A, Anderson and re-
organized for the oomiog eoaial season.
The club ie organized for minuet, eoaial
and educational benefits. The following
are the offioere :—Preeident, Mies Aitie
Emigh ; Secretary, Mies Annie Engl.
tan ; Treasurer, Mise A. M. Anderson,
The patrooeseee of the club are Mre. J.
M. Hamilton, Mre. T. W. Soott, Mre.
MoBeatb, Mre. Golden; Mre. Milne and
Wear Heavy
shoes now.
®,• e
When your feet are
cold you feel cold all
Cold feet are good
for the doctor's busi-
The man whose work
is more or less out of
doors must keep his
feet warm.
It is important.
Don't take chances
with light shoes when
you ought to wear good
heavy ones. Some we
have here will keep the
feet warm and snug and protect them from the wet
and snow,
Keep the feet dry in sloppy weather.
They are made to wear and our prices
make it easy to buy them.
Here are a few ;-
Men's Felt Shoes, warm and durable
Boys' Strong Felt Shoes
Ladies' Felt Shoes, neat and durable
are made to
$1 'S0
1 25
1 25
Harness Department ' Good stock of either Heavy or
Light Harness, Blankets or
Robes, Trunks or Satchels. One set Second Hand Team
Harness, in use a little over 1 year, for sale at a Bargain.
Also some Seconde�Hand Single tHarness cheap.
X . �t X tt9cdW Att, JRD $
What feeding will do with ahidkens
will surprise those who think p0nttry will
grew and get fat on grave and gravel. On
June 8 Wm. T. 'Tilt had a olutola of
ohioken break the' abell, and last week
one of them when killed weighed 11
pounds 3 °unoes, whiob at the pride re.
oently charged for fattened fowl, would
be worth 01 35.
J. L. Wilson, architect of Chatham,
was present et a meeting of the building
committee of the North street Metbodiet
oh rob on Mondayevening of last week,
u evenB
and explained the plans be had prepared
for the proposed new ohoroh. After a
long talk it was agreed that the arabiteol
be inetrnoted to prepare advertieemeots
for Ole building of the obnrob and if the
tenders some near the architect's estimate
the job will be let at one, so that the
oarpeetere' work may be tanned during
the Winter.
nual meeting of the Oonoervative Assn!.
anion for West Huron was held at
Smith's Hall on Tuesday afternoon of
last week with a good attendance deepite
the heavy north prevailing. The preei.
dent, Major Joseph Beek, after sixteen
years' service in that position, was per-
mitted to retire, being first made honory
president and a member of the Banalities
Oommittee. Peter W. Soott, of Belgrave,
wbo hate been a viou-president for about
twelve years, was nuanimoaely ohoeeo
president, and M. 0. Johnston, of Goder.
in, and W. B. Hawkins, of Port Albert,
viue•presidente. James Mitobell was re•
elected secretary, holding the office for
the past twenty yeare, and A. M. Todd
re-eleoted treeenrer. Arrangements for
holding the nominating Convention ware
lett with the President and Secretary,
the date to be about Deoember 16 to 18.
The executive and vine preeidente of
mnnioipalitiee were appointed, and a
resolution endoreing'the tariff policy of
Hon. Mr. Chamberlain was oariied, as
were resolutions of oonfidenoe in the
Conservative 'leaders, M1. Borden and
Mr. Whitney. •
Another instantaneous death was' that
of John Tate, whiob conned Tbureday
of last week at the Lake Huron and
Manitoba Milling Oompany'e mill be.
tweeu 9 and 10 o'cloak. The Fairmount
wee unloading at the lime, and a dozen
or more men were busy in the lowest
(story shovelling bank grain as it 0111118
from a bin above. There ie a shafting
miming near the beams overhead which
operates an elevator, tied the explanation
offered is that the Unfortunate mac bank•
ed against a coupling, whish oanght hie
alothing and drew -him over the shafting,
The grain In the compartment was several
Leet deep so that the ebovellere were
wonting Dear the beams supporting the
next floor. Part of Mr. Tutt'e clothing
woe torn off and his book was broken.
He was taken t0 the engine room end
Drs. where quickly on the Beene. Dr.
Holmes was Bent for and atter viewing
the scene of the accident and interrogat-
ion the witoeseee decided that an
inquest wee unnecessary. Wm. Camp.
bell, John Bellows, Geo, Kerr and Frank
Megaw said they did not magma anything
wrong till they beard Mr, Tutt cry out ex
he was naught. They did not think any.
cue wen to blame for the accident and
did not think the plane dangerous, The
others who were present bad nothing dif.
tenant to say, Beckett & Staunton
removed the body to their undertaking
rooms. Mr. Tag was a middle-aged
man, and leaves a widow and two step:
children. He was a Woodman of the
World end a member of Kltox 00030030•
than. Universal sympathy will be felt
with the dooeaeed's relatives in their
eudden and heavy bliliotion.
W. L. Clark, Vacantly of Brandon, was
found dead on the 0. P. R. train shortly
after leaving Ottawa for Montreal,
Hon, Joseph Martin's libel exit against
a borreepondent of the Vanoonver Ledger
ban been settled, the defendant apologia,
There le always a great demand for Boys' and Yong* Olotbipg for
Obdeimae. We have just received a very oboioe lot of Suite for Loye, got
up epeoially for Ole Obrietmas trade by the celebrated mannfaoturere—H,
Shorey & CO., of Montreal. Mothers who want to have their boye well
dreeeed at Obrietmes should see our stook of Boye' Suite white it is at ite
best when they can get all sloes for boye from 5 to 15 years of age.
Boys' two•pieoe Suite, in fancy tweed, navy serge and fine worsted, elzes
from 22 to 28, at 51.60, $1 85, 52,25, 02.60 and 02.95.
Boys' three piece Suite, in navy, worsted, fanny tweeds and blue serge,
short pante, in sizes from 29 to 38, very special at 53 50, 54, 04 50 and
Men'e Suite in great variety, made up in Shorey's beat style, in blaok and
cavy woreted,fanoy tweed and blue serge, at 54050, 56, $7.50 and 510.
We show great value in Men'e Drees Overcoats and Distort; in all the
latest designs. Also a large stook of Aden's Fur poets which will be sold at
very low prices.
Men's Fine Overcoat's, in navy and black beaver, grey, blank and Oxford
oblivion, in the Raglanette, Obeaterfield and the loose swagger styles,
at 56, 57 50, $8. 510 end 512.
Men's For Coate, in sub bear, Siberian dog, Taemainian oalf, etc., at 514,75,
518, 520, $25 and 030.
Boys' Overcoats in great variety et oloae p11048.
Xmas ;Frost &Wood
Now we find oareelvee face
to Mae with the Ohrietmae
season and we are after the
nioeet Gifte for our Friends.
Yon can get one dozen
Photoe. for 75a and np.
We have a splendid assort•
men of Photo. Mounts and
in Photographing we pride
ourselves in being up to -date.
At this season of the year
Ole days are abort eo come in
the fore part of the day.
The advantage in getting
Photos. taken now is that we
ono have them ready before
the Xmas rush.
With the oomplimente of
the eeaeon to one and all.
ifeCaughey Block
(RENEW, or this paper, "TRR POST,"
YOU R home advertisements myeloid ;
YOUTH, or aged, why we're beatin'
BY Balt those of Timothy Eaten.
RIDING plows and walking galore,
IN line with our binder and mower;
ONE look round our implement ebop
OF course will convince you we're on top.
0(402 wish ie that you ehonld oompare'a
COMFORTABLE and no end to wear ;
AND if tie not too much bother,
UP one side and down the other.
TO Drilla, Oaltivatore, etc„ no end,
DATE next you're in town we'll extend,
A welcome, to see; bargains, bumpers;
CUTTERS, Portland and Jampere,
Now that the rush of farming opera -
gone is over and marketing will be general
we extend a hearty welcome me toa all to
Dome in _and instant our stook. No
trouble to now goods.
Neil S. McLauchlin,
Jamestown Postoffice and
--- General Store
Now that our wagon is off the road for the season, I
very kindly thank the public who 80 liberally patronized
it: I now have in my store a full line of Goods for Fall
and Winter purposes, which, when compared, parties
will find them away down in price. I do not mean to
quote prices but just say come and see what we have.
We have all our Prints down to Cost Price, and some
Remnants below, also some Remnants in Shirtings
very cheap.
I have just got in a special line of Fancy Crockery
which is selling very fast. Something beautiful. '
We take the following produce in trade as cash
Turkeys, 9e to 10e. per lb. ; Geese, 51-c to 6 •c per lb. ;
Ducks, 60e to 70e per pair ; Chickens, 400 to 45e per
pair ; bright, dried, quarter cut apples, 50 per lb. ; But-
ter Dash, 15e ; large rolls, 16c ; 1 ib. prints, 17e, good
® I /VAN E&N
Canada's Great
Illustrated Weekly.
A leading feature of The W$rtli I.Y GLonis to be added
this fall will be an
Eight -Page : Illustrated Supplement
1!or the production of this great paper an iminense new electrotyping,
photo -engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's
mechanical equipment. '1 his will snake The Wrote 1,1' Gl,onil: unques-
tionably the most desirable hone paper in Canada. Arrangements hate
been made whereby our readers can secure this superb ekly and their
own local favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of
$ I a 6 0 - -
Balance of 1908 Free to New Subs fibers