HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-3, Page 4THURSDAY, DEO. 8, 1908.
Interesting Letter from
To the Editor of Tan :Poem
Dnen Srn,-I feel I have delayed
long as is ooueieteut, with truth•telli
ao I will endeavor to give a few impre
dons of tbe scenes through which I pari
ou route for MagaHa, California. I g
a through ticket in Toronto and sleep
in Chicago and travelled by the Ro
'eland System, taking the moat Soothe
ly route on that linemy object beiug ug
see Mexico and Soubecn California.
loft Chia o atmidnight end found ou
selves' in the early morniug iu Ro
'Wend, a very beautiful plane, the ou
place of interest for many weary mile
From Illinois to Iowa State whore farming seem the chief industry, then
into Missouri for a very abort ran. It
poor looking °canary as seen from th
train, no wonder the people deny the
State Oe when the were here. We e
perienced a very great etorm of Denude
ligbbning and rain as we got into Kane
City. It literally poured down. W
stayed 3 boars here but ae it was der
and stormy o m wedid not tr
y y to explor
We have a great many through passe
gets, almost all going to California, th
greater number booked for Los Augele
We have an excursion manager ae well a
a porter and were well looked after. Tb
is a very pleasant road to travel by. Th
porter is ebony oolor and so pompon
there is no pleaaiug him. Be is neve
Been to smile but when he ie "tipped
and worke it on the inetalmeot plan
The paeseugere are all very sociable an
pleasant with the exaepbiov of nue ma
wbo never was known to offer any re
marks even on the weather to any of on
oompeny. How frivolous he must has
thought na, We have the olear blue sk
in Kaueas State but little elee to praise
The eoenery is flat and monotonous
Passed all day long level treeless plains
with small farm houses at long interval
and a law horses and cattle. Its the after
noon of tbie day, Oot. 7t3, we cross Texa
at one point and into New Mexiao. Th
outlook ie dreary iu the extreme and th
Maine devoid of vegetation save a littl
sage brash. No matter bow desolate th
country, we eee the saloon at all Ibe littl
stations and indeed anywhere to trap th
unwary. It name all the way with us
The air is delightful, we got ten valuate
ou a platform to inbale the air and regal
oar equipoise after three'daye in a shaky
ear. Oat. 8th was the great day we wer
to see New Mexico so we got np early and
were still ranufug through a level plain,
with hills on either side. We stopped off
at Allamagordo for breakfast ; it ie a very
new town indeed, some attempts at a
fountain, a few rose bushes in bloom and
a rustic gate, were the salient features of
the landscape. We got intoElpaso, dawn
iu a corner of Texas about 11 a. m. Ae
our train was made np here and a delay
of a few hours necessary, now was oar
°hence to see a little glimpse of Mexico.
The excursion manager offered to inn.
duct a party of us over the line, so we
were only too glad ofa guide. We walked
down to the strange looking town of
E'paso to get our oar, we met Ringling
Bron'. Oirons here and the Dere and the
streets were crowded. As we waited with
whet petioles we could, the ever changing
orowde of people was a study. White
• people of all nationalities were there ;
the ladies, beautifully dressed ; the
negroes in all shades of colour, in dregs
and complexion ; then the Mexioau
ladies with the inevitable shawl on their
heads and the brigbt gay colouring, with
the "brow" dress of the Mexican men,
easier to look at than deearibe. At last
we crowded into a oar and in a abort
time wonted the line and was into the
guaiot town of Riney, Mexiao. Many of
the bt,uses are built of adobe, looks a kind
of brown earthy tariff, it is a baked clay I
believe. We were rushed throngb the
principal stores and np to the arena where
the bull fights are held every Snoday,
jnet like what one has read of sixth
things, Next same the eborab whiob
VMS of more interest, The ioterior is
very beautiful, the roof is of carved beams
rgnlaitsly done by hand, said to be the
work of one man, and when the oarving
wes finished the moo was considered too
holy and was offered up as a sacrifice,
enoh is the story told. The church is
400 years old and has the nenet altars,
images ,and picbaree of the Roman
Catholic diuresis. The floor is bare and
no, seats are, provided. The people bring
a little mat and squat on the floor.
Several people were kneeling devoutly as
WS lingered loath to leave, We went
into a pari0 store t0 get some small
souvenir of Jaarey. The Mexioaas sized
as np and put on their prioee, we bad no
time to haggle and bad to run for the
first oar iu eight, rushed Iota the station
tired, hungry and dirty with the delight.
MI feeling it was not in vain for we bad
Been Mexico. At Elpaeo we change on
to the Southern Pe,oifio routs and after
a few hours ran get into New Mexiao.
again. Stopped off at Denning for
'nipper. er. Weareatil travelling ravallin through con h a
barren wilderness ; no trees, onip tufts of
wild grave and tall spires of Spanish
daggers ate to be seen. Oot. 9th, we get
into Arizona, so warm and dry tbe air ie
and the eoenery jest as monotonous. At
Yuma, the frontier between Arizona and
California, we stopped for breakfast, the
Indians were in great foroe here selling
their bead work and °tidos. • The station
was crowded with tbem, florae in fall
feather,. it was a great eight, the last
before oivilizetion. We are now Into
California and have orosned the desert,
seen the mirage, endured the beat in a
low basin of land 265 miles below see
level and ars still alive. Then oome the
palm trees and the garden of the South
yon have heard so often described, I
followed the coast line and caw all 1 pos.
aibly °nnld but 1'II .take Northern Cali•
forma for my choice. Here I am all
tate in &2
a ;iia. lune ave not found K ou d ant
that n do I
r oar lady yet
I was to fled for
a yoneg man in )dmnseele, but I'll keep
it in view, We had our first big storm
Met weak' and we have had frosty nights
and sunny days •linos it °leered, With
kind regards, Yonte sincerely,
O. Bowan.
P. S, --I'll write the cburoh news next
lllagalia, Cal„ Nov. 18, 1003.
Thos, Magwod, ex M, P, P., and
fatn.ilyare leaving Moreington, and tale,
ing up their residedoe in Stratford.
x -
Previous t0 their departure they were
giyeo 8 farewell party by the members et
the Milverton oirouit, and were proeeuted
with an addreas,a000mpauied by a puree
of gold and cooking obaire, the former
given to Mr. Megwood, and the obaire to
Mrs and Miss Magwood,
1,0001 Option lu Hallett,
To the Editor of TUE POST
DSO Sno.-A petition signed by 267
ratepayers was preeeuted to the Town.
ship Counail of Hallett on Monday Nov,
16th. For the petition It was urged that
the barroom hue no seeted rights and ie
opposed to the religious, moral, gonial,
oommeroial and political interests of the
oomtuunity. Against the petition it was
argued tbatit was small ; that it wee not
signed by all the bueinees men of Londee•
boro'• that ha the Iter
ma was one of rat
personal io
tareet ill the hot keeper, p el er and
that the hotel could not be madepto pay
apart from the cele of liquor. After die
erosion it was moved by Thos. McMillan,
and seoouded by William &loon, that the
petition of the ratepayers of the town.
ship of Hallett, requesting that a local
option Bylaw be submitted to the vote of
the electors of the muoioipality be grant
e as -
d Y g Me BCe. McMillan s M leu and
Nays -Messrs, Patterson n
and Ferris. It
has been learned that iu other townships
where the privilege hae been granted the
petibions were not large, and in York
township only a deputation waited on the
oonncfl ; neither e were theria ' 1
p mp ee of
local option disoa e
disowned, but the strongest
point emphasised was that the people
should have the right of settling moral
questiooe for themselves by vote. This
right, which is only British fair play, has
been denied the electors of Hunan, by 2
members of the Commit. 8,11 fair mind.
ed °Dee ns are called upon to neon their
privileges. Yours Truly, ON/COXES
Jerusalem, the Holy City, chief city of
that laud whiob furnishes every Sunday.
eohool in the world continual enbjeot for
study, will witness a eoene next April
like to none that has ever 'marred in the
historic little city, and one which will
make ever memorable the early years of
the 20th century. A thousand Sunday-
ecbo°J summits tevdente, teachers, eoholars,
and workers, have their eyes turned
toward Jerusalem, and a pilgrimage is
planned that is usosl even 10 these days
of personally conducted parties to all
corners of the earth, This 201* notary
pilgrimage, eo far as Amerioa is oonceru-
ed, will begin March 8, 1904, when the
North German Lloyd ebeamsbip Grosser
Keenest (14,000 tons) will sail from New
York with about 850 pilgrims from
t aoeda and United States. Already
almost 600 bertbe have been eugaged.
Among those who will go are a number
from this district ; Mice A. Lilian Dane.
more, of Stratford ; I. and Mrs Hord, of
Mitchell ; Rev. W. K Shearer, of Dram
bo ; Rev. Theo J. Parr, M. A., Rev. R, J.
11. Glaesford, of Guelph ; Dr. Porte, of
Toronto, and 8. MoOuteheoc, of the
Grand Trunk Union Station there,
remembered by many people as a former
Stratford man and one of the beat la.
crone players that ever graded a Strut.
ford team. At Jerusalem the Amerioan
party will be joined by several buodred
from England and Europe, who will have
a special steamer of their own, and
individuals and small parties will ale°
assemble from prsotioally every country
where there are Sunday.sohools, Tbis
Bost of workers will gather ou April 18,
19 and 20 iu a great tent just onbeide the
walls of Jerusalem, close by Calvary, and
amid impressive earroandings, will be
held the Fourth World's Sauday.sahool
Report of insurance Companies.
The annual report of the inspector of
ineuranoe for Ontario for the year ending
December 31st, 1901, baa been received.
The following etatietias concerning the
oompaniee of Huron °aunty will be of
iutereet to our readers :-
Howlmr.-Total assets, $246,966 ; re.
(nips, $10,941. ; disbarsemedte, $13,866 ;
assessments, $10,110 ; working expenses,
$1,471 ; paid for losses, $11,584 ; policies
iu force, 3.470 ; new and renewed, 1,086 ;
oaneelled, 944 ; amount at risk, $5,220,• •
WEST WAwitloan,-Total assets, 8162,•
819 ;• receipts, $6,783 ; diebareemente,
87,545 ; assessmnt
es, 5,992: working
expenses, 81,112 ; paid for losses, 86,877 ;
policies in force, 8,187 ; new and renewed,
1,092 ; nanaelled,1,097 ; amount at risk,
edoKmnor.-Total. Resets, $104,106 ;
receipts, $6,726 ; diehareemente, $7,538 ;
a=eesemente, 66,100; working expenses,
$932 ; paid losses, $5,482 ; policies in
force, 2,244 ; new and renewed, 561 ; oan.
celled, 476 ; amount at risk, 63,256,765.
Ms. -Total assets, $126,706 ; receipts
8790 ; disbursements, $0,386 ; mesa
menta, 3631 ; working expenses, 8618 ;
peid for Mena, 85,235 ; polioiee in force,
1,899 ; new and renewed, 656 ; aancslled,
569 ; amount at risk, $3,876,470.
MUM= Mn HrnnanT.-Total aseete,
896,983 ; racer to
66,616 ;disbursement
G 886 ; eseesemenbs
8$6,090 ; working
expeneee, 8825 ; paid for losses, $4,461 ;
policies in foroe, 2,012 ; new and renewed,
703 ; oanoelled, 781 ; amount at riek,
None of the companies have any
liabilitise, There are in all 12,522
tnemhere, who have paid during the year
328,928 in assessments. There were paid
in lessee $93.189, while the working
expenses were $3,969. The total reeelpbs
amounted to 831,706, and the diabarse-
menta to 332,178. The total aeuet•e of all
the oompaniee amounted to 8737,560, and
tbe amonnt at riek foots ap to $19,616,302,
From these figurers it will beeeen that the
companies are both carefully and
economically managed, the working ex.
pensee and the fire losses being exceedingly
low in comparison to the amoset at risk.
Iu fact through these companies farmers
et their `na
x aranae at a very low nate.
ga ,
Bir Robert Boak, President of the Leg.
ielative Connell of Nova Scotia, has re.
signed. Ho is 81 years old:
It ie learned from a reliable goatee
that all details have been arranged for
the Grand Trunk Peoifls to hand over
their deposit of $5,000,000 to. the Do.
minter) Government on the 24th of this
P. N. Neal, baker and oenfeotioner, and
one of the meet prominent bweinee° men
of Windsor dropped dead in hie bakery
et 9 80 Tneeday morning, Mr. Neal was
i7 d�l U88 ,111
a native of Englaud, and had never been was assisted by her slitter Nellie, while
ill a day in his life. Death was due to the groom wee supported by Win. Clare.
Inert fallen, After bbe ceremony bile bridal party re.
turned to the home of the bride's pronto,
100, and Mre fa tamer, where a number
of relatives and friends aosieted them iu
Partaking of a esmptnous wedding din,
per. The happy pair then left for their
future home 1n Aeh101d, followed by the
beet wlebes of surroundiog friends amid
n shower of rine and old shore, Tun
POST wishes them every heppineee.
.R OAL1Ilop.
Mies Emma Haokwell has been away
On a pleasant visit al Stratford,
Edward Drager is (nileotiug material
for the perpiee or building a barn next
Miss Bella Davidson, wbo has been out
in Manitoba for some time, has returned
Mise Minnie Ifienary, of Grey, hae been
on a visit of a week's daratio') at the
residence of J. J. Irvine.
Mies Minae Dundee has gone to visit
relatives in Toronto and will probably be
away until after New Years',
Nearly all the threshing mechines have
been laid away for the s,'esr,n, The
thresher made money this
A cumber ofcan
people e e
Y P P t an P P J
enjoyable time at the residauoa of J.1111
Berry one night reoentiy. The greeter
number of them oame from Seeforih.
Emelt no vv.
The apple evaporator closed down after
a very euuoesefnl esason's bueiueee.
Counoihor John Brown had his fool
and Y a badly d hurt I ht t K
while taking a
Dotter down the stairway in the Altar
Thomas F. Cain, who has bean in the
hotel beelines in Luoke ow for malty
care s sold the Mariana loses of the Clain
House into Wm Fogerty,of L a
Anniversary services of the Lnoknow
;Methodist church will be held on Sunday
when Rev. G, R. Tack, of Owen Sound,
will preach. Monday eveniug a lecture
will be given by Rev. Dr, Danieia, of
Miss Edythe Smith lett on Tuesday of.
last week for Winnipeg where sbe will
complete her musical studies in the col.
lege of mu-io in that city. Almost since
childhood she bas been organist of the
Looknow Methodist obarob and for the
last three years she has also been leader
of theh ir .
0 o
A meeting of hockey enthuti■ets was
held in the band room when the follow-
ing officers were eleoted :-Patron Dr,
Elliott ; Patroness, Mrs. Dr. Elliott ;
Hon. Pres., R. R. McLeod ; Viae Pres.,
A. T. Davison ; Seo.•Treas., A. Soots;
Meuager, N. D. MoKeazie ; Captain,
W. J. Allis ; Managing Committee, W.
J. Allis, T. S. Reid, T. Watson, A. F.
Soots and M. Davison ; Referee, T. 0.
Reid ; Mascot, G. McQaaig ; Colors,
blue and white.
The new postoffioe site is not settled
The Town Council would not rent the
Town Hall to Dr, Dowie.
R. A. Kerr, who has spent the past few
mouths in the Yukon couutry hes return-
ed home.
H. B. and Mrs• Elliott were in Detroit
for a few days, attending the wedding of
their oon.in.
Mise Morin has sold ber bonne and lot
on Alfred strap opposite the Upholstery
factory to Geo. Wade, for $900 cash.
The National College baa opened a
branch of theirschool in Forest, and Jas.
McKinley, a young Winghamite will have
charge of it.
The anniver tars of Wiogham Metho-
dist church will es held ou December 21.
Rev. J. A. Oliver, of Liebowel, will be the
preacher for the day.
Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy was oalled away by
the death of her father, Mr. Roes a re
epeoted resident of Stratbroy. Declassed
was eixty-nive years of age.
Dr. and Mre. Gnody attended the eon.
fereoce Epworth League Convention in
Chatham. On the return trip, Dr. Gandy
attended a Board meeting of Alma
Ladies' College, St. 'Thomas.anderAt the ander meeting of Maitland
Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. the following alien
were pleated : P. G., A. J. Alderson . N.
G., John Elder ; V. G., J. D. MoEwen ;
Fin. Sea., T. J. Elliott ; Rea.•Sec , J. F.
Groves ; Treas., H. B. Elliott.
At the regular meeting of the Town
Connell in Febnrary last a by-law was
passed, which wan to compel ratepayers
to have sidewalks oleered of snow within
tour bonre after a storm, If this was not
done inside of twenty.four hours the
Chief of Police was to have the walks
cleared and proseonte the negligent part-
ies. Whose enforcing it 7.
A Bylaw will be submitted to the
properbyhoiders on January 4th beat,
the date of the municipal elections.• 'This
By•Iaw provides for the construction of a
system of Waterworks to supply water
for domeetio purposes and additional fire
proteotion ; ateo for the couenruation of a
trunk sewer and six inob °eller drain,
down Josephine street to sewsge disposal'
works to be Minted near the Maitland, at
the Southern extremity of the town,
$85,000 is involved.
Jl Eirsea fr vat.
John Fogel is hired • with John Muer
this Winter to do chores.
Service et Union church oommenoee
at, ball peat two o'clock now instead of
Amos Porterfield is working en the G.
T, R, brook here instead of William
Ed. Pollard, who
Y has been working in
the briok•yerdtbis Summer, bas left for
New Ontario.
A number of the young people from
the 6th line spent a pleasant evening at
Frank Burne', .
Miss Esther Baker, wbo has been ill
with gniney for the past two weeks, is
improving nicely,
Ed, Collis, jr., who has been in the
Week for two months, returned home
last week. He likes the West fine.
Samuel Wright is going to move bis
house Beath on to the next lot and have
it bricked. The cellar is being dug.
Robb. Cunningham, wife and family,
moved from here to Harrieton. He was
foreman over the briolt.yard while here.
Mies Irene Baker and Tbomae Doherty
were in Chatham a few days last week,
attending the League Convention. Mae
Baker ex was sleeted Dna
of the
dentsor the ha next term.
Whitt Might More been a seri
one aaaid•
ant happened to .1. K. Baker reaenbly.
He was standing on a abort ladder, pink.
ing apples, when it elid off the limbs' end
be was thrown to the ground. Mr. Bak.
er fell on bis aids aeroie the edge of the
ladder breaking three bibs. He is doing
nicely at present.
Heartamxr.,-Id St. Augnstin'e altnroh,
Brossele, on Wsdneedey, Nov. 25, Rev.
P. Corcoran, of Seatorth, tied the rnyetio
knot that united Mise Mary Gavht•r of
Elrna, and Daniel Quina, of Ashfield, in
the holy betide of matrimony. The beide
Perth County.
J. B. Detwiler, Stratford, hes been
granted a patent for a burr plate for
grinding mills.
Rev, G. A. McKenzie, of Strafford, is
to leotnre in Milverton on Deo, 15, on "A
Page in Euglieh History," in aid of the
Publics Library.
It has been found to the disadvantage
of Trinity chetah, Mitchell, for their
rentor to have charge of the Dublin
ohnroh and an effort is being made to
have the Dublin obarge looked after iu
some other way.
Mr. Weis, of Wartburg, is evidently
having bis share of bard luck now -a -days.
One da
weak before last
three valuable
horns belonging t
o him died, A v t '
K K e ertn•
ary was oalled and he prononnoed to have
been awned by the animate Laving drunk
some filthy water. The loss is a very
severe one,
The annual plowing match of Ellioe
townshipwas held Wednesday,v
iu a snowstorm at Jacob Lits, lot 16,
oou. 2, Ellice. Seven plowmen we,e
present and did their work amid the
edow. The speotatore and judges were
deterred, however, by the iuolement
weather. '
J. S. Wren, of the Dundee Collegiate
Institute staff, and a former well known
resident of Uhieelhnreb, has been appoint-
ed bead master of the Luoan High eohool.
Previous to leaving Dundee for hie new
sphere of labor, be wag handsomely re-
membered by the pupils of the Dundee
n t•i
I s tate whor
preowned him with a silk
amb.slls, a gold headed cane and an
Wednesday of last week the Very Rev.
Dean Kilroy, of Stratford celebrated the
sevenbythird anniversary of bis birth,
and the children of the Separate eohool
were congregated together in St. Joseph's
church to unite in Holy Communion for
thie aueplsioae 000aeion. It is under-
stood that the children will hold their
annual entertainment in bonor of their
beloved pastor's birthday, in the Separate
The congregation of the First Protebp.
terian church, St, Marys, rtoeived the
aonou0oernent from their pastor, Rev. T.
A. Ooagrove, who has been a resident of
St. Marys for the past twelve years, of
hie receiving and accepting a call to
preach in the Presbyterian oharob in
Dayton, Iowa. During Mr, Ooegrove'e
pastorate in St. Marys, he has made
many friends and these, with the large
000gregation, bear with regret of bis in.
tended departure. Mr. Oosgrove will
preach his farewell sermon on Sunday,
Deoombar 27.
Some time ago there was published in
the press a despatch from Buffalo alleg-
ing that Mies Minnie Stevens, of near St.
Marys, bad married a rich negro there.
A letter to the St. Marys Journal says :
"Prof, King Solomon was married to
Mies Minnie Stevens by a Methodist
minister. Prof. King Solomon is not a
negro es'ib has been stated, nor is there a
drop of negro blood in hie seine, his
nationality being a Hind's, nor did he
associate with negroes in Buffalo, King
Solomon is seat an asenmed name hut fa
hie real name, The couple did not go to
New York or yet to France, On rea ding
the aaooutttit waafoand to be nue great
mietakrfrom beginning to end as there
are other mistakes not referred to in bis
Cstntteriten Newt..
Mayor Geo. 'A. Montgomery, of Rugine,
is dead.
A census of Edmonton 'shows a popu-
lation of 5,465.
Indiana have confessed its killing two
Japanese at Rivers Inlet, B. 0.
Sir Richard Oartwright will speak in
Toronto probab y t n December 10
The Dominion filth hatchery in British
Co'umbie was destroyed by a flood.
T. J. Bateman, aRawdon farmer, was
killed at Midland Railway crossing,
' It is feared that F. X Guertin, of Ot-
tawa, any have been oaten by wolves,
George'E Casey, ex. M. P., ie in a crit
foal oonditiou at the Protestant Hoepibal
iu Ottawa.
Jr -0, Stokes, of King, was appointed
Superintendent of the'Inclustrisl borne at
An intoxionted Indian on the South
Plegan reserve killed bis wife and six
others of the tribe.
The business traueauted at the port of
Montreal for the season jest closed ;was
the largest • in ite history.
The ratepayers of the municipalities of
Peterboro' and Asbburnhnm voted for
union to take place January 1,
An asecoiation has been formed to nn•
dertake the erection of. a Toronto mono.
mens to Eheanadis
U netvh
who tell inSo nth
Tae Weetboond express on the 1. 0. R.
collided with a'freigbt at De Lobbinero,
Engineer Stoddart and Fireman Ruel
were severely injnred.
At Indian Haid 268 cars had been or.
demi for farmer?, but none were 00 the
sidings. The Winnipeg Board of Trade
veal investigate the situation, •
John H. Mi token, a oommeraial
traveller was arrainged in the Polios
Court at Toronto on a charge of theft
from hie employer's, Wilson ars Co.
The Minister of Education bas reoom.
mended the appointment of L. A. Green,
B. A., Sant Ste. Marie, as inepeotor of
public eahoo's for a portion of the dfebriot
of. Algoma,
Sir Richard Cartwright, Minister of
Trade and Commereoe, will give the first
of the addressee by mernbere of the
G overn m e n
t before the "'
Re arm
Ae i do
coo a on on 0. December
An offer of $81,84123, made by the
Anne Company, in full of all maims in
connection with the Atlas Goan Com.
patty, has been accepted by Thee. Hod,
ging, the Master in Ordinary, This yeas
done on the advice of maven inepeofore,
who wore not in favor of entering upon
prolonged and ooetly litigation, the out.
some of which was very uncertain, They
state that they tried without mane a
better offer, Tweuby-five per (fent• of the
amount payable, or 321,000 odd, ie already
in 'tbe hands of the liquidator. The bal.
twee is payable in three equal instalments
T.. .-._m...... _..... .......... �.. PUB.' 13, 1.904
'n January and buns next year, and '
January of 1905. The rifer inoludps the
taking over by Ames to Cu. of. the 1,000
ehnres of Metropolitan stools at 176,
netting $24,841 over all olaime against it,
end eu additional Caymans of $00,100,
The Amos Oumpauy made the eller to
faoililate the edjuebtvent,
wed ai Farrow Uow far sale. Apply to
8, HOGGAI0D, Brussois 8outb. 18.tf
Cow for sale, 0 years old. due to
calve March 30, THOS, MoLAUOfiLIN,
30-tr Brussels.
8 and o menthe std. Lot
7, Can. 10, Grey. Cash or time,
20.3 D, R, CUNNINGHAitt,
Ron SALE -LOT- 207 AND
dwelling thereon, North-west ooi•uer
William and Albert streets, Brussels.
09.11 J. LECKIE.
1. 8. No. I, TOwnnhip of Grey. Duties
to nom eco J
m a nn. 8 10
04. dit c
11 0.0 En CO
abate salary and encloset Deo. 10 iJe Ap-
DAVIiovereceived up t rues s 10 EIN L.
DAVIDSON, 8en'obary, Brussels P. 0.
LL Union S. No. 12, Grey ou
1 year fort a
h y uar . As to l coons will
rte day of to Dees Applications will be
received up to December 8th at0 p.m. Ap-
plicants to enclose teetimooiale and state
ealary expected. Personal application pre-
ferred. 0HA8. VASE, Secretary,
20.2 Walton P. 0.
undersigned offers for sale 1 young
milk oow, 2 steer calves and 7 sheep from 2
to 8 years old. Apply to A. ASt3TON, Lot
27, 000.7, Morris, ,or at S. Walker's, Let 28,
Con. 0, Morris. 18
mmli dog lost on Wednesday, Novem-
ber 181*. Has black and tan marks ou both
sides of head and answers to the name of
Jerry." Any information leading to his re-
covery will be thankfully esoelved by the
owner, W. DUNCAN, barber, Brussels,
Bulb 9 months old, dark red, and is a
grand type of Shorthorn; a splendid an-
imal and bred close to imported stook. Also
a few registered Leicester owes will be sold
right, to make more room. Let 10 Con,16,
Walton P• 0.
8 ram lambs strayed from tha promi-
see of the undersigned Lot 25, Con, 2,
Monis, on or about: Sept, 1 All have long
toils. Any information leading to their
recovery will be suttabiv rewarded, WAD.
TER FORRE ST, J ameetown, 1'. 0.
SArls.--0 Leicester Rum Lambe, pique
$6 to 67 t 1 Sbsarliug and 2 Two -Shear
Ramp, prioee 510 to 512 All are good ones.
Alco a.few Ewe Lambe, price 50, and a few
good Ewes ut moderate prices. DAVID
MILNE dr SON, Ethel, Ont. 18
Bulls for sale. One ie lyear old and
the other two younger. Also several regiet-
ered Cows and Heifers, Apply to JAMES
SPEI16, Lot 80. Con. 6, Morrie TM), or Brus-
sels P. 0. s2-tf
1. for sale. Eligiole for registration.
For price, terms and ,other particulars, ap
ply to .1, D. M°NAIR, Lot 2.,, Con. 18, Grey,
or Oranbroolt 1', 0. 80.tf .
JLOO sale, watered by rho r•Iyer.
Apply to TH08, MOORS, Brussels.
I11ARlv29, aon O GENT,hBEere I NG e 100 LOT
20 under cultivation. Apply to J08EPR k'.
REDMOND, on the premises, or Monariuff
P. 0. 21-b0
mnTID.-58000.00 will buy the MoOau-
two SuBe stores the
tlbe sold to alas° out the
McCaughey Estate. tutendlng pp urobasere
shoulSCOTT or investigate 10. BL1IR faro sApply
ts, Ont. S.
Grey, containing 100 aures, 75 being
cleared and in good state of oultlyabiou.
Perm is well cantered; good buildings, or-
chard, 440. Failure iu health clause for sel-
ling, Poeeession ggyiven au ,ono month's
larsapply toe'PRUEMAN SMITE, 1� ontitee
premises, or Brunets P. 0. 18
Lath, Uou, 7, Clay, 2 mites from.
Village of 13ruesele 4 mile from eobool.
Splendid location. Broder drat class state of
cultivation; comfortable houso, large bask
barn, latent improved cement stabling and
silo, Orchard, two never failing walla, and
other -conveniences. Fall wheat sown.
Proprietor is going West. For further par-
ticulars as to terms 50., apply on premises
01addrese Bruesele, P. 0, N,61, RICHARD.
the East 8 of Lob 7, Oen, 17, Grey, con-
taining 80 acres, 8 soros ,in good hardwood
bush, remainder cleared. Good frame house
and barn ; farm well drained ,bud fenced.,
autl all seeded LO grass exuaph nacres This
will be sold subieob to one y esr'a lease
Will also sell Lot 21,001, 18, Grey, contain-
ing nacos alt h �There
g bne Abargain sono 1
abJeLim 'c L ber ls hfe arty. AdssD can be
MoMINatured A , 1 0 Grandy, Aver ave. DANIEL
Miohlgai,, - ,1180 Grund River ave., Detroit.0 8
g 104
1... tupart Lots 88 and 84, don, 0 East Wawa.
nosh, About 46 acres oared, balance liueh
well timbered. There is slug house, frame
barn at.0Irma stable, good orotund, Se. ,on
facto. Dimling front ltelgravo village • 01
mine from school, ollurobes cud postoitlop.
Possession given on March 1st,.. with previa
ego 0f workng op it tibia Pan end Winter,
Por lurtner partloulare ne 10. pries, forme,
&o, apply to DUNUAN MONALD, Lot 4,
Uou,8, Grey, Jamestown P.
0.. _ 1i 4
TNG 00 acres, being North halves of
Lora 16 ono 10, Con. 1, Grey. Comfortable
franc bones, bank barn, orchard, deo, Only
4 miles from Molesworth. Gone locality
and One roads. Immediate possession. If
farm Is not gold by .and of year ft will be
rented if suitable tenant oflere, Arrange•
ments cana made ado w er t
t Winter stook at bare
se as to wont
u applyon baud
p For f -
thor nartloulurs apply to or write
184f W. H. 1LER10,11ruesele.
The undoreigued offers her 100 sore
farm. being Lot, 20, Con, 7, Grey, ,foe Teale or
10 rent. Comfortable house, bank barn, or•
chard, wells, too. There are 00 sores in grass
10 acres of Fall wheat and 20 aures of Fall
plowing will be done, Farnr is only 1 mile
tram the otlrriug village of Ethel. P, agent
lease expires ou throb 16, 1004, but a per•
chaser or tenant may goon acid plow, &o.,
at ono, rot further partimdars as to price,
Correa, 4o,, atrply to MISS BPNNOI,, Ethel
P• 0, Or wrlto MRS, IC. HOLLAND, 78
Minter St., Toronto, 7-200
eiffil Evvtrar 1141-' °;"M!rant teraurameimorinimaaw
As the season is rapidly pas-
sing along we are offering our
Ready-to-wear Millinery at
reduced prices to clear them out.
Our Millinery Department is
in better shape than ever to sup-
ply Fashionable Goods at Reason-
able Prices.
We are
determined to
all who favor us with their pat-
A call will be appreciated.
011:134 •
Choice Stock of
&C., &C.
A fine range of Robes, best in the market, has been
opened up consisting of :-
-Plush and Wool Rugs, a very choice lot.
-In Horse Blankets a large stock is carried and sold
at Close Prices.
Repairing: ProulpLiy Attended to
Sign of
Horse's Head
CSoc C.
A. RAYMANN, Cranbrook,
who has had 80 years' experience
in the Pump business, is dealing
larger than ever in Iron and
Wooden Pinups, and ready to'
attend to repairs promptly.
He is also agent fox the
Woodstock Windmill. This mill
is a marvel and should be seen
before ordering any other.
Persons. requiring Water
Troughs should call and ,get
Pump Maker, Cranbrook.
Are you Thinking;
What Pap is
Tou will Take for
which is the
Western Advertiser
750. A YEAR.
Has No Equal
in the Province.
Read their Premium Offers.
Write for Sample dopy,
Address all orders ;
Western Advertiser
18.4 London Ont,
Before you begin to
Paint your house be sure
you get the BEST Paint
possible for the money and
at the sante'tim.e give Best
satisfaction • and longest
gives these results -It's a pure e Lead, Zino, Linseed
Oil Paint thoroughly.
mixed ; covers more surface to
the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results
than any other. Tey a gallon and see for yourself.
For sale by-