HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-12-3, Page 1Vol. 32. No. 21 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, /v,murmasatomum..02,4 ler THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1903 W. H. KERB, Prop, New Advertisements. Local—G. E. King, Looal—A. 0oueley, Farm Ior Bale—A, Cook, Home Faire—F. 8. Soots, Auction sale—Sam, Pope. Bowe for sale—Jae, Sherrie. Parma for sale—Jno. Duthie. Stook Tonin—Worthington Co. Sleighs and oattere-Ed. Speiran, Boys' clothing—MoKinnon & Co. Mist:id gem 1131v Ole. Charles Moody, one of the pioneers of the dietelet, died soddenly Sunday morn• fog, at the age of 80 years. Deoeaeed Ins born in the Oonnty of Cavan, Ireland, removing to Canada 70 years ago, and settling in Enniskillen, Durham county. He removed to the township of Hallett some 84 years ago. 138 was a member of the Village Coattail fora number of years, and was a prominent Conservative and Methodiet. He leaves a widow, six sone, and two daughter --C, V., of Detroit Rev. Robs. J., of Boston : Edward, of Toronto ; W. H., of Albany, N, Y. - Matthew, of Parry Sound ; and D. A, of Loodesboro', iXcT nine. CotnwlL MOOTINo. — Connell met in Chrietopher Wbite'e, Leadbury,. on Nov. 26th. Members of 0onnoil all present ; minutes of former meeting reed and adopted. Moved by John Murray, amended by Charles Little that the RRUS SEL S HORSE F.IRS The Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held as follows :— THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8rd, 1908 JANUARY 7th, 1904 FEBRUARY 7'b, 1904 MARCH 3rd, 1904 APRIL 7th, 1904 A number of leading looni and foreign buyers will be in attendance. Parties wishing to sell live stook if any desoription, or other chattels, by auction, at such Faire, can have the same attend. ed to by oommuniaaling with the under- signed before date of Fair, F, S. SCOTT, Clerk. It Pays to Feed It Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic is: given a prefereaoe over all other Stook Foods by large and experienced feeders apart from the fact that it is less than half the price of any other. DEABt BIR,•—. I have fed your Steak Tonto to cattle and like it very much. It makes them thrive well and put on flesh more rapidly: I think it is the beet Tonle I have fed to horses. We aro also feeding it to our hens this Winter, and they are laying better than they have done for a long time. Tt pays to teed 18. Yours truly, Feeder Sweepstakes Pot Cattle,Proy, Winter Fair, 1001.00, Greenbank P.O., Feb, 29, 1901 Dean 805,- 6 had a mere stnekod in both loge. Wor- thington's Stock road took it down com- pletely and put her in good condition, It has done my cows good. Think it is a good thing and can recommend ft. B. oEUROIlhLL, "Dairyman." Clinton, Jan, 17811, 1909, 10 1b. box, 20b feeds, 900: b0 lb, gook $2. For sale by— N.F. GERRY, Brussels • U. F. MoALLISTEIt, liltllel I Waf, MESSEER, Bluevalo; N. B. GNAW, Blyth. amounts for abutments, sewer pipe and jobs be paid, amounting to 01,98210, and tbab the Clerk ask tenders for abntmente and eteol bridges to be britt in 1904, as follows :-4 bridges 28 feet lone ; 1 bridge 33 feet; 1 bridge 28 feet; 1 bridge 20 feet ; 1 bridge 18 feet ; 1 bridge 15 Leet ; 1 bridge 12 feet. Also notify Paeobal Pigeon that Engineer reports Winthrop drain not completed and for him to moat Connell at special meeting in Oommaroial Hotel, Soatortb, on Deo, llth, when tenders will be opened for abutmanta and bridges. Connell adjourned to meet in Cbrietopher White's, Leadbury, on Dea. 15th, at 10 o'olook a, no,, when all taxes are expeoted to be paid or 6 per oent, added, JNo, O. MonexsoN, Olerk. 1Y1o1el4wortla. Mies Liu& Vines, of Walisoe, visited Chas. and Mrs. Leppard on Sunday. Gib, Park was cutting straw and grind- ing grain for Ohara Mitchel on Saturday and Monday. A great deal of driving is being done. The people are taking advantage of the good sleighing. Jim Harken, of Wallace, hue bought the house belonging to Chas. Seabaver and intends putting in a chopper. Rev. J. H. Oliver preached one of the ablest sermons ever delivered to a Moles worth audience on Sunday afternoon. Trulyy it halb been said of the Rev. gentleman "We have none greater," On Monday, Deo, 7, at 8 p. m. in Molesworth a grand concert will be given under the auepioes of the Public Library in the "New Ball." Good outside talent has been seared also local talent and everything pointe to 0aooeseinl entertain• meet. Come and enjoy yonreelves. Por pertioalare see posters. (7rfutbesot) lc, Mre. W. J. Fowler, of Balder, Man., ie visiting friends here. Mies Ada Dining, of Laudon, i9 Wait- ing under the parental roof. Mre. Slemmoo, of Brnaeals, was renew. ing acquaintance's this week. Mre. T. Cameron, Henson, is spending a few days with her mother, Mre, Blair. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr, Ken• uedy, of Londeaboro', will preaob in the Methodist ohuroh in this plane. The Sunday School in connection with Knox Church intend having a Christmas Tree on the evening of Deo. 22nd. The Southwest 25 agree of lot 16, non. 12, owned by Jno. Knight has been bought by Geo. Backer for the sam of 81,800. Russell, son of Albert and Mrs, Garter, Weet of here has been laid ap with diph- theria but we trust he will Boon be all right. Geo, Calder retarded last week from a trip to the West. He was ae far West ae Edmonton and is very math pleased with the oo0ntry partionlarly the Alberta. Die. triot. The romaine of Johu Grant, of Ethel, who died at the home of hie daughter, Mre. Crioh, Beatortb, on Sunday were in- terred in the cemetery here on Tuesday of this week. Rev. D, B. McRae, hie for- mer pastor, oondaoted the service at the grave. Knox Unroll ohoir was entertained by Wm. and Mre. Ritchie, "Sunny Brae, on the 14111 non., on Tuesday evening. The hosteee received in her venal bright and genial manner, and a most eujoyable time was epent. Obaradee, progressive games, and music being provided for the entertainment of the guests. %i'roxe,ter. Thos. Sage returned to his work in Hunteville last week. Amos Gotten and family left ou Tues- day for Youngstown, Ohio, A gang of men are erecting a Bab elide on the South side of the dam. Cha.. Sanderson vieited hie sister, Mrs. G. 81. Dane, of Hamilton, for a sew day?. Mise Grace Stewart, of Brnssele, i? visiting Mrs. Oliver Smith and other friends. A grand entertainment will be given by the Presbyterian Babb Ws school about Christmee. Memos Mary Smith and Fanny Thome. eon, of Brnssele, spent Sunday et the far- mer's home. Munioipal matters are very quiet but awarding to reports most of Oita year's council will drop ono. One more year would not hurt them in the least and as they have given general satisfaction it would be wise on the part of the ratopay ere to return them by aoolamation. CUTTERS and SLEIGgS As the Summer trade is over I heartily thank my Customers for their patronage and wish to state that I have put in a full stook of Cutters and Sleighs. BESTMAKES illi K S L. !/l/ PRICES U C S We would ask you to call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to. SPEI OARRIA,G1; BVILDRR, RRU'SSiaLS. Our Reeve Jno. Bray, hes par0haaed a grocery baeinees in Hamilton and will leave in a few weeks. Oon. Hies 1909 been appointed village oonetable, we expect to see more order on the streets in the fntute. The school trustees have engaged Mies Ohidley, of Londesboro', to teach the Junior depattment for 1904. Mica Sin- clair having secured a school near OliI. ford at a greatly inoreaeed salary. Saturday's daily mere give an amount of a drowning aeolds::t near Br'aeebridge. J. 4. Welker, formerly proprietor of the Walker House here, along with two others are reported ae missing since'ruseday. A great deal of chipping 14 being done here of late, Joo Hamilton 'shipped a car of hogs and Hemphill te Son, 2 of oat. meet. Jno. Douglas rooeived a oar of coal and Henry Armstrong one of Tad - hope cotters l'll,taal. Township 0ouooil here an the 16th lush. Henry and Mrs. Warren, of Palmer's. ton, were visiting here for a few days. Mr, Warren has been employed in the Palmerston Carriage Factory for the poet 5 years. The Works are being re moved to Mount Forest this week. They will employ 76 bande. Last season they turned out 1,200 buggies and 1,000 ma tare. It is 12 years since the Company was organized. Their new faotory at Mount Forest is 60 x 800 feet and three stories, SonooL REPORT.—Report 'showing the standing of the pupils in the Senior Department of the Ethel Public School for the month of November :-2nd Class examined in Lit., Comp., Spell. and Arith.—Total, 805 — R. Love 286, L. Sbraobae 250, V. McLeod 2.41, A. Cooper 218, C. Ifenaald 201, R. Balmier 186, all. Fraser 160, H. Eck osier 142, J. Pearson 91, "O. Davidson 76 3rd Olaee, examin• ed in Hist , Gram , Spell. and Arith,— Total 580—F. Imlay 292, P. Bremner 272, E. Dunbar 236, E. McKee 223, G. MoKee 182, "B. Bateman 178, G. Ma. Allister 155, 8. McIntosh 147, "J, Me. Allem 142, *K. MoLsod 140, W. Beer 135, 1J, Rottener 125, L. Oooper 120, W. Pearson 102. 4911 Class, examined in Hint., Gram,, Spell. and Arith,—Total 500—L. Obambera 41.8, W 'Bagley 309. N, elimpeon 288, M. Slemmon 280, B. Balmier 274, M. MOAlinm 222, *E. Rem 220, M. Imlay 211, L. Eckmier 209, T. McAllister 174, L Hogarth 92, E. Free. man 84. 51.13 Claes—B. MoKea. "Absent. Goo. DOBSON, Teacher. —Junior Department — Senior Second Class—Elwin Thompson, Roy Gil', Oelestine Dane, Alvin McKee, Allen Mo. Allister, Alvie Fletcher, Joe Cooper, Irene Heath, Remelt Wilbee, George Badgley, Luella Henry, Edwin Hemsworth, Jr. Second Cease—Aubrey Dobeou, James Bremner, Florence MoOellum, Robert Thompson, Vera McCall, Aline Barr, Wilfrid Eukmier, Pearl MoKea, Flute. Freeman, Herman Fogel, Herbert Saville, Lizzie Malntoeb. Senior First Claee- 0lifford Dunbar, Annie MoAlliater, Verde Pollard, Elwin Dobson, Pearl Gill, Cecil Eukmier, Ohae Devideon, Edmund McLeod, Stanley Straohac, Rosa Coates, Wesley Yeo, Spence Hemeworbb. Junior First Claes — Noble MoKea, Norman Addy, Grace Eokmier, Ruby GUI, Wilfrid Thompson, Edith Heath, Annie Ward, George Cole, Olive Cooper, Pearl Bele• man, Lana SoAN.IoN, Teaober. 194 m.1 Toa,. Nnmeroue oases of le grippe. "Toot I toot I" did you hear the O. P. R. whistle ? A colored troupe gave e. concert in the Hall here on Tuesday evening. Heading has started to Dome in to MoDonald's mill, and tbey contemplate potting in a big stook Ibis season If weather continues favorable. Friday Beetling of next week is the date of tbe Missionary gathering under the auepioes of St. George's thumb Wiese. A good program will be rendered. Mre. Kimmell, of Milwaukee, a nine of Mrs. (Rev.) Andrew's, ie a visitor at the Parsonage here for a week or so. Mr. Kimmel) is manager of an immense coffee, 0000a, rubber and banana plants. Oa in Mexioo. Some 800 Indiana ere employed. Mrs. Kimmell will go to her husband. The Union Sabbath School Convention held here Wednesday of last week was among the most successful of these gath• stings end that ie saying a good deal ea same splendid meetings have been held. The attendance might have been larger taking the importaooe of the work into aocOUnt. It ie said the sawmill and lumber bt ainees of the late L. McDonald will t pass into the hands of John MoDonald,a eon of the late proprietor, who hail been aseooi&ted in the management for eome years. :phnpublic will be pleaeed to hear of the continued moose of the business as the new man is & capable hand and well aogttainted with the trade Wm. MaFsdzean has been offered and refaced the handsome sum of $400 for his well matched agricultural teem. The offer was made by a Montreal buyer and ooneidering that horses are not Bo high in price as they were some time ago, it is no mean offer. Bat Billy knows how to drive a good team a0 well es the neat one and is better satiefled with the team than the temptingly high price, Next Sabbath Rev, Mr Larkin, of Sea. forth, will preach anniversary sermons in Duff's ohurob here and on Monday even. fog' the annual tea meeting will be held. Addressee ere expeoted from A. Hislop, Al. P. P., De. MacDonald, Al. P„ and Revde. Meagre, Small, Andrewe and Larkin. The ohoir will be desisted by F. H. Gilroy, of the Metropolitan Bank, Bro0sele. .Reoently a simple but very praotioal temperance movement Was deb on foot in connection with the 8 Methodist churches of Walton eirauit. It is called the Beget Canadian Abstinanee Society and mem bership 000alete in signing a total ab. gifmn00 pledge and a willingnees to aid the tease. A Seoretary hoe Bosh ap. pointed 'at snob ohnrab. Already 48 names have been 'soured and the pros• peon] are favorable for advancement, A meeting will be held at Bethel ap• pointmoot, IrloKillop, Friday to ooneider plane for e. union arrangement of cervi ae between the Methodietoand Preabyteriees of the oommunity. 0. P. R. 001a00.—If raporte are oorreet and no variation made in present plane it is 'aid the proposed extension of the O. P. R, from Guelph to Goderioh will ran throagb this way, the 0,1'. R. au• thoritiaa agreeing that this is the abort. eel route and with the easiest grades. The line has not been definitely surveyed Vet but full partioulare will likely Dome t: hand shortly. Cosoane.—Monday evening last a fine program was rendered in the A, 0. U. W. Hall bare at the oomert under the auepioes of the ladies of the Methodist church. There was a good attendance and an enjoyable time was spent. The program was ae follows :—Opening by Lord's Prayer, led by Rev, A. Andrews ; Bolo, "For the King" R. J. MoLaoahilio ; solo, "Oh I Dry tboee Tears" Miss A. Smith ; recitation, "Kentnoky Bells" Miss Beattie ; addreee by Rev. A. Mao. Nab, M. A. ; solo, "The Shoogy-Shoo" Mise Carrie Hingebon ; solo, "BntterSiee" Miss Smith. Part II—Solo, "Their heads nestled oloser together" J, Leelie Kerr ; 'ole, "Watching and waiting for you, love" Mfes Dundee; address by Rev, I. M. Webb ; eo'o, "The Lids Emigrant" Mise Smith ; solo, "Laet Night" Mies Hiagslon ; recitation, "Bell• ing the Farm" Mise Beattie; solo, "Dolly's Revenge" Mise Smith. God Save the King, Encores were numerous and responses freely given. .70Lmeyto wn . Mies Annie Strachan be spending this week with her brotber John in Kinoard• ins and with her Bieber Mre. A. D. Mc• Cosh, of Pine River. We hear of a oballenge sent from Wrote, eter by three of their leading debaters to three of the Jamestown gave, Likely the latter will not bide. Rev. Mr. Weet preached in Victoria Hall last Sunday night to a full house. John MOAallietor will aoudad the eervioe next Sunday night. The More ie getting i0 goods for Xmas whiob will surpass all former years and prices will surprise all. Our peels are fresh ; onto, candies, oranges, &o., are all in ; raisons and onrrents, thio 'eaeon'o retook. We ship fowl every week. Our prices for next week are turkeys, llo. and 12a. ; geese 70. and 80. ; Backe, large, 70o. per pair. Aa fowl of every kind are up in prise you may depend on getting the ilea soy time until Chrietmae it the weather 18 favorable. Oath or trade for all kinds of produce. LITERARY BooIRTY—Wednesday, 25th of Nov., saw a large number of young people assembled at Victoria Hall, James. town, with a very noble purpose in view which consisted in the formation of a Lit. erary Society. The object of thie 'moiety is not that of idle entertainment but -for improvement of the mind and to serve as a broad expansion from the publio eohool. It is expeoted when the society gate under fall swing that it will omelet of (1) De. bates that are to keep abreast and alive to the great historivai movements in the world today, (2) Papers on Agriculture to give the young men and the Old men no well a more thorough idea of the ad venoementa being made in Scientific farming ; (3) Papers on Damsotto eoieoce which is receiving so math attention of late, the purpose being to aid the women in the advancements in the oo00petione of the boaaekold ; (4) Mieoellanaoae papery, to cover eabjeete not coming ander the foregoing headings. The offia. ere appointed were : President, Robert Btraohan whose former experience in these matters and enthusiasm in the work will tend greatly to make it a amen ; let Vice Pree., Mies Marjorie Btraohan ; end Vioe Peen., John Bryan's ; Seo, Treas., Robt, Weir ; Committee, MieosB Ina Bryan's, Godetha Ooombes, Maggie Taylor, and J. Hogg, Wm. Brydooe, Oboe, Forrest. The first meeting is to be bald Dee. 9 when a debate will be given by Jae. Bowman and Geo. Johnston 0n affirmative and Malcolm Blank and Sandy Munroe ou negative. The subject is "Resolved tbat Chamberlain's prefer- ential polioy will benefit the Empire." This alibied is of interest to the world to- day and we should as British eabjeote know Something of it. A small fee of 6 ate. admission is charged to oover expense 0e or 10 ate. to join the moiety. Thin eooiety is onb to aoneise of 9/10 to find fault and 1/10 to work bat 9/10 bo work and the other 1/10 work too. I0 ie 008 no much people who ma do great thinge bat wino do nothing that we want bat those who can do LITTLE and WILL do what they dao. 118 THE PORT gives the news. Statutory Connell meeting on the 15t3 that, I. Ferrend, 2nd line, wan in Goderioh last week on boldness. James Sherrie, 4th line, woo visiting relatives in Goderioh last week. Rev. J. E, Hunter, of Toronto, is here on a short vieit. He will be here till after Christmas. There was a big crowd at the auction Bale of John Hueter, 7th line. The fare - int will likely remove to Brussels. Abel Bradshaw, an old resident of the 4th line, has been on the Wok Het from a heart weakness but ie considerably better now we are pleased to say. It is said that ilaloolm Biaok may take a hand at the cattle Mailmen after be baa oompletad hie term as teaoner in the Miller school, ele should handle it all right too. A Christmas Tree entertainment will be given fu the Bambino lOethodiet ohoroh on Monday, nee, 21. A good program is being prepared mid a good time 1e expeoted. Laet week Lawrsnee Wheeler, 4th line, purchased the fine 100 sore farm owned by John B. MoLauahlio, 2 miles North of Bromic; on the gravel road, aria will get possession on January 1. Price paid wee 07,600. The farm is in good (helm end will make a most desirable borne. Mrs. MoLouohfin and dougbtete will move to Brnssele and Jno. B. may go to the West noxi Spring, Kenneth apd Mrs. McKenzie, 4th line, who reoently sold their 100 more farm to Jae, Sherrie, may locate in Guelph where they have relatives. Lest week Jamog Hall, 0th line, had the misfortune to have a couple of ribs broken while handling sheep. We bops be will Boon be o. k. Four Morrie boys left for New Ontario —Athol R, Mason, Geo. Garnien, Chas, Gernies and Rueben Gamlen. Word bas been rooeived from them that they srriv ad safely al New LieIeaard, The briok veneered hoose on the farm of Wrn. Thorn, 7th line, has been bought by David MoOutobeon, of the same line. Mr, McQocoheon hoe all the briok remov ed and will move it over to hle own farm shortly. He will have a con/fortab'e house when settled in it. ARanmAto Tenon DEAD.—A well known resident of the 4th line, Morrie, 1a miles North of Brunie, died at the home of his niece. Mrs. Williemeou, of Wingham, on Sunday at the age of 91 yearn. Deoeasad was born near Glasgow in 1812, and served tie time as et ship. oarpenlerin Glaerow. About 63 years ago he married Mies Margaret McOAl- phiae and oeme to Canada in the year 1849, moving to the township of Hay and a few years later moved to the 4th line of Morrie where tbey resided many years. Since bis wife's death, about 18 years ago, he has resided with his niece in Wing. ham, He was a member of Melville church, Bruaselo,aod a etaanoh Liberal. Hie son Arohie, an eminent lawyer and writer, died sbont 8 years ago. There are two sons and three daughters survive him : John, reaidiag in Miohigan ; Dougald, in Southern Manitoba ; Mrs. McNamara, of Honebtoo, Mich, ; Mrs. Molblahen, London, sod Mrs. Martin, of Toronto. The funeral took plane on Wednesday afternoon the body being interred in the Brnssele oemetery. ((.rev*. Tmt Poem gives the nem. Township Oonnoil an Wednesday 15th inst. Drainage contracts are at an end; 1or this season owing to thefreeze•np. Next Sabbath evening Rev. D. B, Mc• Rae will preach in Bethel thumb. Splendid sleighing and good nae Is being made of it by the farmer's end others. A short time ago Hugh Stewart 15th con., lost a good mare from inflammation. Mise Jean Stewart, 16th too., arrived home from Toronto on Friday of last week. Mre. Chas. Mair and Mies Katie Ray mann paid Meekton friends a flying visit last Friday. A gravel bee was held by R. Mann, of Monarieff, last Friday, followed by a party at night. Mrs. Thee. Pepper, 0111 eon., has been visiting bar eon Wm., near Hensel, for the past week or so, Mrs. Hugh Stewart, 0000. 15, has been oder the dootor's oars bat we hope she will soon be convalescent, Harold Menzies, 11th son., wee on the sink list with pneumonia but is recovering nicely now we are pleased to bear. Jas. Jaokeon and wits, of Telemeter, were renewing old friendships on the 8rd non. last weak. They are always wet. come. It ie stated that the proposed 0. P. R line will run about a mile Booth of the Logan boundary or 2} miles from Mon. orieff corner. Messrs Avieon and Gilroy, of Braesele, will take part in the program of the S. 8. No, 10 Concert to be held on Deo. 18th. They are A f singers. From the prod of a fork in the second finger of his right band Albert Hislop, 15th non„ has had some trouble from something like blood poisoning but we hope be will goon be all right. SCHOOL ENTaoTAINtrmNT.—The &nnnal entertainment iu oonueation with 8. 8 No, 8 will be held on Friday evening of this week. A firet.olaee program will be rendered. H. W. Avioon is the teacher. By slipping on the step Philip Betz, an old and wall known resident of the lltb eon., fell and broke 2 ribs from the book• bone and a doctor had to be called to set the matter right. Hie many friends hope be will soon regain bis usual good health. John Brown has pat up a wind mill for pumping water. He has now got the water running to the barn and also into the house to a tank. The piping was put in this weak by F. Adams, of Brusoels, Jae, Ritchie end Jae, Brown and it works fine, abutting off itself when the trough end tank are full. Intending purchasers eboold pall and see it work, It is a Stratford mill. The 60 aore farm of Geo. Ellicott, lot 85, eon. 17, has been purahaeed by Geo. W. McKaysy and sons. Hie eon George will likely -take 0p hie residenoe there and will no doubt eecare a housekeeper. 01700 ie said to be the price. Mr, Elli- cott, is a reeident of Elma, The fartn is a Food one end we hope Masan, McKey will do well on it. This purchase gives Mame. MoKay 200 eons. Jobn Brown end eon, lame, tbreebed on the farm of John Omar, lot 7, eon. 9, one day last week, with two riga, one threshing end the other nutting straw. The natter wee set in the big straw shed end out it ae fast ae they threshed. In nine hours they put through 82 toads of oats and when the threshing was done the 'straw was out. They are now out on the road ousting wood and straw and grinding grain. They say there is lots of work. OioTUAnY.—On Thursday morning of this week Elizabeth Oareifi, the beloved Wife of Jae. B. Williamson, lot 14, 17th son., 'nee farewell to all tbat is earthly, passing quietly away a0 the age of 08 mere and 2 days. Demand has been a resident of Grey for 45 years. She has been eiok for the past three months with parelyaie. In addition to her husband' three daughters and two sone survive to bold in loving remembrance the life of Rn affeetiobate wife add tree mother. The daughters are Mre. Daneen McKenzie, Mrs. Enoch Clerk and Mre, Jae. Fulton, all f Geey.. R. D. o[ ox W amen Man a F W and Jae, 08 , at home, ere sone. The funeral takes planta from the family reel. demo on Saturday eftertiden at 1,80 p. M. 0000100 at 1 o'olo0k, Interment will be made at 37011010 oemoteey, Miss Jettnet Mohair arrived home from Detroit lad Priddy on a visit, Her father, Duaoan Monier, 14th 0oa,, f0 in poor health. Revival senates were opened last Tuesday evening in Roe's Methodist oborch by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Wells. They will be continued for a few weeks. Tbie week John Bateman and family removed from Grey township to Niagara Falls, N. Y., whore they purpose making their home. Many good wiohos follow them to their new plaoo of madame, We hope to have 000aosionai visite Peal chem. Miss Sarah. MoNangbt, of California, is visiting relatives and friends in this neighborhood. Sbe is a Meter to Jae and Henry MoNangbt sod had been to Virginia to see her brother Joseph an route. It is 8 years elute Mise Mo. Naught wee here. A daughter of Jas. Inglis, whose wife was formerly of the 14th con., died at M00oek, Nebraska, from carbolic) said taken in mistake for medicine. She was about It is ad sod frfende12years of Ibeof familyage. will a sympabbfzesease with the sorrowing. Bina Scantor.—The annual meeting of the Bible Society wee held in Roe's church lest Sabbath evening. Thos. Btraohan oconpied the chair and gave an iuterestiog address. B.Gerry, of Brunette spoke 000 "The verification of the Bible," and handled it well. The work of the British and Foreign and Upper Canada Bible Boaielies was referred to by W. H. Kerr. Excellent music was sopplied by ohuroh ohoir. The oolleotion was 8130 which will be credited to that line in the Colleotore' book. SouooLOoxogsT.—Oo Friday evening, Deo. 18th, a Oonoert will be given in S. S. No. 10, oommonly known as Whit. field's school, where S. B. Lamont is teacher. An excellent program, ooneiet- iag of solos, daetbe, reoltetione, readings and dialogues will be rendered by local talent assisted by talent from Brussels, Ethel and Elms. Music will be supplied by nn orobestra and the splendid oboir of UnionOburoh will assist in the sing- ing. The singing program begins at 8 o'olook sharp. Some excellent oonoerte have been held in that school and the young people of the emotion are debermin. ed to make this one a grand e0a0ess. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.Monday evening of this week the members of the Primary elves in Bethel Sabbath School, 16th non., assembled a0 the bone of John A. MoKay and presented hie sister, Miss. Florence, with a neat dressing ease ao. oompa0ied by a kindly worded address, prior to her removal to St. Marys. Mel. burn Bray read the following address and Gracie Sobnooh made the presenta- tion :— Miss Florence McKay : DIAS Teaaaaa,—Your little 8. 8. Bohol. are are sorry to learn yea are about to leave us and we would like to 'bow in some way oar love to yea as oar teacher for the peat year. We would like you to know that we have appreoiated your kindness and patienoe with es when no doubt you were sorely tried and we ask your ao0eptaoce of this present which may sometimes call baok 80 your memory your oleos in Bethel Sabbath School. Signed in behalf of the class by Moments BRAY, Goats SOHNOCE. The recipient made a reply befitting the occasion. Mies MoKay was ao excellent reacher and was also Secretary of the school. Many good wishes will ao0om• pauy her as elm gout to the atone town where the has secured a position 1n a store. CHURCH 0111085. Monthly Missionary service in the Methodist Sunday Sobool next Sabbath afternoon. Rev. John Rose, B. A., dleoonreed last Sabbath morning be Melville church on a Missionary theme and in the evening hie snbjeot was ',Music." A patriotic gonial will be held in Mel- ville obureh school room on Tuesday evening of next week. It will be under the auepioes of the young people. Rev. Jno. Kennedy, B. D., of Londee. boro', will cooapy the pulpit of the Meth odiet ahurob here next Sabbath, The pastor will be absent preaohing anniver- sary sermon at Kinburn, Last Sabbath morniog Rev. T. W. Casein sermon was Mead on the text "The Master hes dome and Galleth for thee." In the evening Rev, J. E. Hunter, of Victoria University, Toronto, preach. ed. Thursday evening of last week Bev. R. Pal preached in aonneotion with the evangeliotio services in the Methodist rhumb and on Friday evening Rev, Alfred Andrews gave an interesting ad - Mese. Metbodiet church anniversary sermons on Sabbath, 20th feet., by Rev. Joseph Philp, B. D. of Kincardine, The same gentleman will give his enbertai0ing end instrnotive lecture on the following Mon- day evening on "Jerusalem and its En- virons'," A epeolal offering will be taken on Sabbath instead of a tea meeting, Jobn Donnelly, G. T. It, watchman at Peterboro', is dead as the result of being struck by a train while on duty. Patriok Wbeliban died Sunday !Tom an &stook of appendicitis at the age of 74 years. Deceased was one of the pioneer settlers of St. Marys and had always taken a very 'totem interest in publio affair's. He was Registrar for the South riding of Perth at the time of his death. Hs was also a Magistrate and a member of the Collegiate Institute Board, a oonsietoot member of the Roman. Church a Liber i Console.' &l a politfoe. & bigbly respeoted einem, A. feint deputation from Stratford City Council and the Board of Trade, aaneiet. ing of Aldermen Orr and Dingman, and Messrs. MOLagan, Preston and Dutton, drove not to Embro to attend a meeting to disease the ei0n&tion with reepeot to the Tilsoobarg, Lae Bete and Pastille Railway. At the meeting llmbro, Ingersoll, Stretford and other mnnieipal. ttiee interested in the route via Embro and Stratford were represented, Some definite stand, it Was eitpooted, Woltld bo area op at the meeting. The feeling here is that while the citizens with 00 009 the road through, the present knowledge of ills requirements as 00 aid, &o„ by the 00mpeny is nob ouffloien0ly known to jostity the grenting of bonus, 00 far as the oity is Oonoerned. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL.. Deamaber SceelOu. The regular December session of Huron Co, Council convened in tbe Court Bougie, Goderioh on Tuesday afternoon of this, week at 3 o'olook. Owing to Court being in mission in the Council room the Coon - oil met in 011' Law Library, all - the members were present. Minutes of the last day's session in June read and ap. proved. The Warden addressed the Council in reforenoe to matter' pertain. ing to the Bounty since last Bessie'', Reports were read from 15 Counties rel. alive to donee end salary of High Coo. stables and also in relation to mode of equalization. H. N. Anderson, of Exeter, tendered his resignation as Co, Examiner in oo0neobion with Model School Exam- inations. An application from Wm. Moffett, of Seaforth, for the same vagi. tion, was sent to Education Oommbttee, Communication's were read from Park Hill and Harrieton Eigb Schools notify. ing Huron 00. as to fees to outside pupils. R. G. Reynolds, Sheriff, reported the appointment of Jno, Knox as turnkey at the jail. Tenders for opal were sent to the Executive Committee. A letter was read from Secretary of Poultry Agee., asking for a grant of 560 for the annual show. .e motion was presented asking Mat Aseeeement Aot be not amended taking the sale of lauds for taxes out of the hands of the Co. Treeanrer and Bell. iug them by the Sheriff. Sent to Speoiat Oommittee. Coanoil adjourned to meet at 10 a. m. The House of Befogs Com. mittee met Tuesday mooing at 7 o'clock and passed House accounts and went over the plane and speoifloations of the proposed enlargement to the building so as to have report ready for presentation to Council. REPORT OF TEE INSPECTOR OS TER 200019 01' REFOOE. To the Warden and Oouooil of tbe'Caanby of Huron : GENTLR1aaN,—The Inapeolor of the Hoose of Industry and Refuge for the 000nty of Huron reepeatfnlly presents Me following as his report for the year ending 806h November, 1908 : Total. number of inmates admitted eines open- ing of House, 260 ; No. of inmates on 1st of December 1902, 82 ; No. admitted daring the year (3 readmitted) 22 ; Born in House, 1 ; No. 01 deaths during the year 8 ; No. absconded dnriog the year 1 ; No. dieoharged during the year 15 ; No. of inmates in House let Deoember, 1905, 81 ; No. of males, 63 ; No. of females 28; No. admitted daring 1903 from rural municipalities :—Townships — Mo$illop 4, Howlett 1, Hay 2, Goderioh township 1; Tuokeremith 2 (1 re admitted) Ash- field 2, Btanley 1, Hallett (1 readmitted). Nationality of inmates admitted during 1903: Sootland 1, Ireland 1, Canada 14, Germany 2, England 4. No. of days board of inmates..,. 29,671 No. of days board Keeper's family and help 1,207 Average number of inmates daring 1902.8 81.29 With Keeper's family and belp added 84.8 Total expenditure on House and farm 04800 52 Add value of provisions and foal an hand let Deo. 1902 1210 06 Add ten per cent. for deprecia- tion of implements 75 00 Total expenditure.....,58094 58 Dednot expenditure on capital amount 0 88 25 Permanent improvements 24 00 Provisions, produce, new clothing and fuel on hand let Dea. 1908 as per inventory 1474 10 Produce sold during 1908 and other reoipts 887 02 Received from paying patients147 42 Unexpired insurance 18 00 02088 79 Amount expended for support of inmates 54025 79 Average expense per inmate per day 13 67 oents; average weekly expense per inmate nearly 96 oasts. The expeudlture on the Home and Farm amounts ie as lollowe Hired help for house and farm0 280 62 Stook, team, and implemente116 00 Salaries, Inapeator, Keeper and matron7 00 00 Physioian's salary, applienoee, eta 251 28 Repairs to building and furni- ture 208 11 Provisions and clothing 2809 92 Fuel and light 547 07 Book's etatioaery and postage14 94 Supplies for stook and farm111 68 On oapital aa00nnb 08 28 Incidentalexpe00ee 91 05 Permaneut improvements 24 00 Total 84809 62 BEEPER FRENCH'S REPOT- - I beg to =bat the following report of the farm for 1909 :-Barley, 250 bushel' ; oats, 420 ; potatoes, 860 ;• sugar beets, 84i tone 1 mangolds, 1750 baehels ; field tarnipe, 1501)110301a •' 50ba0bola<; tittle turnips, 100 boeliele onions, 85 bushels ; garden carrot's, 15 behels ; blood beets, 22 bath. els ; parsnips, 8 buthele ; apples, 40 boahele ; beano, 12 baehele ; tomatoes, 7 bushels ; plume, a bushels ; bay, 28 tans; cabbage, 700 heath ; raspberries, 1400 quarte: W. Coate who hoe been the efileient Inepeatoe of the House of Refuge front its inception 8 rare ago, bee tendered his resignation owing to kis radiated 10 Goderioh Where ho it 'new Reg istrer, He will hold o oe'until � Jan. lit , 100e. It is teed that Ex: 000. Coanoillar Tor - ranee, of Clinton, will probably be hie stroceseor and If to will make e. goad Men and is Well aogaainted with the duties, (0ontiaatid next Weak.)