HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-26, Page 8HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW GAME—FLINCH—FOR THIS SEASON. ASK TO SEE IT. PRIDE 50 OTS. SOMEBOBY Of Course you will give Perfume to some of your friends. There are few people that cannot be pleased by the gift of a delicate Mud Perfume. That ought to be a valuable hint to a great many anxious seekers after Holiday Gifts. There isn't any place, either, where you can see a better class of goods or a more varied assortment than right here in our store. The prices start in at 10c and run as high as $2.00. Come right in and let us show them to you. It will be a pleas- ure for us to do so whether you buy or not. Fe DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN 011ENBION w. G. & Be T881118 /epee Brussels Station, North and South, ae follows: Goma SOUTH GOING NORTH, Mail - 7:13 8.m. 1 Mixed 10:00 a.m Mixed 10.00 a.mI Mail ...........1:17 p.m Mxpreae 3:25 p.m Express 8:17 p.m .a.caz Pixrs em , A ohiel'o amang ye Mirk ' notes, An' faith he'll Arent id. BRUSSELS market leads. ADVERTISE your Christmas goods. 18 your sabeoriptioo paid for Tam POST. CHRIST:0e will be 4 weeks from Friday of tine week. MrMOSUL politica are very quiet in Brunets so far this year. THE Evaporator closed down tbie week after a good season's work. Tam frosty weather and snow gave the blacksmiths a busy time in horse shoeing. W. A. Gramm, has one of Armour's urns planed in hie reetanrant, for hot drinks. SOME of the youths enjoyed a skate o0 the milldam on Tuesday evening of this week. Tam nonjnry eeseion of the High Court will open at Goderioh next Monday afternoon in Goderioh. The Young People of Melville church intend bolding a Petrotio social in the 8011001 room, on the 8th of Deo. COUSOM meeting and adjourned 0oart of Revision on Turnberry street sewer will be held on Monday, Deo, 7th at 8 o'clook. SMITH BROS.; of Tara, who finished their season's oontraot at J.. ()ober & Son'e Carriage Works as trimmers left on Tues- day morning for Herndon. Baueamas miners have entered in the Western Ontario Curling Tankard series, the group comprises Lnoknow, Wing. ham, Wroxeter and Kincardine. Nexo Monday evening Mines Carrie Hingeton and Jean McLenahlia, R. J. MaLauchiin and J. L. Kerr will go to Walton to take part in a Concert being given in the A. 0.U. W. Hall by the ladies of the Methodist aburmb. Dome forget the Public Library Con- cert Thursday evening of next week, Seats may be reserved at Foxe drug store at the general admission fee of 25o. Good program will be preeented and pro. ends will be applied to Publio Library funds. MaxeratoxrIL, On Wednesday of this week a very pretty marriage took place in the Catholic oharob, Brussels. The contraotibg parties were Mr. Daniel Quinn, of the township of Aebfield, and Mies Minnie Gaynor, daughter of John Gaynor, of Elma township. The bride wee notated by her sister, Mies Elizabeth Gaynor, and the groom by his oon8in Mr. William Clare. OBIT.—The funeral service of the late James Kelly, formerly a well known resident of Mill street, Brussels, was held in the Oharoh of the Ascension at Oypreee River, Manitoba, 01I Saturday, Nov. 14th, at 2 R. tn. Mr. Kelly died on Thursday, 12th met., et the age of 78 years. It is jest two years sine Mr. and Mrs. Kelly left Brunets. A more extended notioe will be given next week. Tao Toronto Globe of Wednesday has the following to say of a former towns- man :—W. F. Soott, of Brneeele, the homestead inrpeetor reoently appointed by the Ontario Government to prevent the operation° of the land epeonlatore in New Ontario, baa gone to take up hie duties in the Temieoaraing district. Hie headquartere will be at New Liekeard, and he will nay in the dietriot the year round, Me. Soott has a wide reputation as an athlete and etande 0oneiderably over six feet in height, qualities whioh are always useful in a new oo3otry. 0. P. R. EXTENSION.—Bays the Guelph Herald : The directors of the G. J. R. were informed on Monday of last week that the reeolttion planed before the Board of Directors of the O. P. R. by the president of the road, contemplating the extension of the Guelph Junotino railway from Guelph to Goderioh, had been assented to. Thus one more step le taken towards the a000mpliebment of the project which has been so long waited for. Stepe toward the aogairing of the right of way will shortly be In order., Mr. Peterson, the 0. P. R, engineer and Mr. Davie, who was in nharge of the our. veylng party which started from here are in the oily today, eoneutting with Mr. Boll, president of the G. J. R, directors, as to the lay out in the pity. A ST. Mens 0orres o0 p dent says of the donne of the late Samuel Robineon, brother to Meg. John Forbes and Mrs, an. Cardiff :—It Is with deepest Borrow that we announce the death of Samuel Robinson, aged 57 years, which took place at hie reeidenoe, Treoey-at„ on Sat. nrday at one o'olook. The deceased had been oonfined to his bed for many weeks, suffering at tithes mnah pain, but t this he bore with great fortitude, The late Mr. Ttobineno was an active member of the A. 0.'U. W, and the Independent Order of Oddfellnwe, Under the direction of the latter the remain were heeled, De. oeaeed will leave behind to mourn hie untimely end, a loving daughter, Jaen, et hoot and Geoege Of D3ilwaakee, 10 CENTS gets THE POST for the batman 011903. P. AMENTreoelved a oar of lumber from Trenton this week. PuBLIo Library Oonoert Thursday evening of next week. A New stable has been built by Rose Stubbs on the property he reoently purahaeed on Mill street. Tam electric lights went out on Mon- day evening about 6 o'clock and left the town in darkens for a few minutes. A. BAEZEB shipped 2 oars of hay to Tor• onto ; a oar of wheat to Woodstock ; a oar of oats to Tilsonbarg ; and a oar of oats to Peterboro'. MONDAY forenoon was so gloomy lamps had to be called into requisition in numerous places of business. It wae enggested that the eleotrio light could be profitably need on such acoaeions if ready in time. A xrnn friend from Michigan paid hie enbeaription to Tam Pon Iaet week up to Jan. let, 1906. We like that kind of eubeariber much better than the fellows who wear the "boidbaoke." CARD oe THANES.—We desire to return our most einoere thanks to the many friends for their great and neVer•to-be forgotten kindness daring the illness and eine the death of our daughter, Luny. GEo. CoLVIN AND FAMILY. A Honey Sooial ander the suspicion of Woman's Auxiliary of Bt. John'e aburob will be held in the basement of the oburch on Tuesday evening, Deo. let. The pro. oeede will be devoted to DomeetioMieeion work, A maoioat and literary program will be rendered everybody. Go and en. joy a good time. Tam Harriaton Tribune of last week says :—Sunday night's services in the Methodist church, (Town Hall) were mneioal and eepeoially impressive. Rev. Mr. Liddy'° sermon was a powerful plea from the text, "Is the young man Absal- om safe 7". He specially exhorted p808030 to look after the religious train- ing of their boyo and girls, and depreoi• ated the ballroom and bar -room. The 8105188 wae of a high order. Fred. Gilroy a visitor here from Brnesele, sang a base Bolo, Mise Ettie Kaiser took the obligate in the first anthem. H. W. hod. eon and Mrs. Parker sang a dnett and a sweet trio was given by Mrs. Parker, Min Wallace and Robert Wallace. The hall was filled to ite utmost capacity, FARMER'S ADVOCATE EVERY WEER.— From 1866 to 1873 the Farmer's Advo• °ate and Home Magazine woe published monthly, establishing itself as the only national agricultural paper in the country. Since January let, 1898, nearly eleven years ago, it bee been nested eemi.month• ly. Still in the lead keeping abreast of the times, and awake to the growing demands of its readers, the pobliehere now annonooe that, beginning with the let of January 1904, the Farmer's Advo - one will be issued every week. The splendid record of the past thirty-eight years is a suffioient 808008noe of the in. creased praotieal service whioh ite readers may expect. We congratulate the Advo• nate upon its enterprise, and advise our readers to send at none for a free eample copy to the publishers, London, Ont. CVEREAOEED ITBELP.—In en attempt to make a little political capital against the Ontario Government the Goderioh Star showed its ignoranoe of the faots as will he seen by the following from their °alumna of last weeks issue :— Another "barnacle" has been removed, but not by an iron band, oh, no I "Fin" knows too much for that. But as he did not get the Huron Registrarship he bad to be "removed" in some way, and so the Globe of Wednesday last said ;--W. F. Soott, of Brunets, has been appointed Homestead Inspector for New Ontario. His duties are to commence ab ono°. It is the intention of the Crown Londe Department to insist upon prompt performance of settlement duties in the varione parte of the country into which settlers are going, so that none of the land intended for sentare shall be held by epocuiatoro." F. S. Scott is still a resident of Brussels and will continue to be one. He did not have to be "removed." Watch the Star dodge the point next week. WEDDING ANNIVaaeARY,—The Petrotea Advertiser of Nov. 18th says :—Last night Joseph and Hrs. Harrie celebrated their obine, wedding anniversary at their residence on Lorne avenue. Twenty years ago Mr. and Mre. Harris were joined together in wedlook, and they decided to celebrate the event with their friends. Guests to the number of about thirty were invited to attend, and after all had assembled, they repaired to Haokett'e dining parlore, where a sump. tune repast was served. The inner man being satisfied all were driven bank to the hosts' reaidenoe, where the balanoe of the evening was spent in a very enjoyable manner, in games, Bongo, speeches, etc. Mr, and Mrs, Harris were the r 011788nt8 of unite a number of Mee gifts, in mem, cry of the event. The bride of twenty years wore the ooloer ebe wore twenty yang ego, blue Bilk, and white applique trimming and wore white carnation flowers, The bride and groom reoeived many oongrabnlatione on there youthful appoaranoe, eto. Mrs. Harris i8 a eider to Mrs. P. Watson, Queen street, Brae. sole, and war a former resident of thie locality. Mr: Harris 0100 lived here at one time. Tat Peer voices the eenti- mento of their old friends here by Wishing them the opportuutty of celebrating their golden wedding, Tam POST wag favored with a sample of the bride's cake. THE BRUSSEL 8 PO METROPOUTA r'.- _--'.-^T-A-- ...wiz AN K standard Bank of Oanad.a 8,Z, A.33,X.,==== 1072 ASSETS— OVER THIRTEEN EN MILLION DOLLARS CAPITAL—Pahl up 81,000,000 RESERVE FUND - 81,000,000 1t8V. 11, H. WARDEN, D, D„ Illrootm'x 8. J, MOORS,Proaident, VIoo.Presifenb, 0. D. MAMMY, THOS. BRADSHAW, 0. n, T5OM0ON, a 0, D OFFICE r HEAD „ O ONT � 0 W. D. 70058 - - 017NDItAL MANAGER A GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Dieoounted. 84 MAW Baws RzragriTIZAM Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all Came of $1 and upwards D{dG4'in: ZZo& V deVCR G, F. BLAIR, Solicitor, A. E. MELLISH, Manager. MONTRLY Horse Fair, the first this 88930n, will be held in Brussels on Thurs- day of next week. Buenas Balt Works shipped 2 oars Balt to Milverton ; 1 oar to Brunner ; and 1 oar to. Qaebeo. SATURDAY after000n'e train was 1,} hours late. There was an accident at George- town looality blooking the traok for a time. R. GRAHAM shipped 8 oars of wheat this week to Seatorth, Peterboro' and Berlin reapeotively and 2 one of oats to Pater- boro'. BOWLING CLnn —A meeting of the olnb le oalled for Friday evening at 8.30 over Standard Bank. All members who can make it convenient are requested to at. tend. A PUDLIO meeting will be held lo the Town Hall, Brussels, on Monday avening 30th Nov., at 8 p, in, to dismiss the gneetioo of submitting a bylaw to pbr- ohane right of way for the 0. P. R„ Guelph to Goderioh. HURON Go. Connell meets Tuesday afternoon of next week at Goderioh. The Hoare of Refuge Committee will convene On the same date at °linten at 10 a, m. Oonnoillore Bowman and Kerr are members of this Committee, Tale week Robt. Thomson is having about 60,000 lbs. of poultry delivered at at Brueeele and Wroxeter for shipment to the West. He will continue to take in all kinds of dressed poultry any day dor• bog the season. Turkeys will be taken either dead or alive Highest market price guaranteed. Business Locals. Two or three good farms for Bale. Ap• ply at THE Pon. Canna organ for sale at a bargain. Apply to Mrs. Jno. Grewar, Brneeele, HANDSOME walnut sideboard for sale at great reduction. Apply to Mas. W, M. SINOLAIB, Brunets, Frani olaee saws for sale and ready to work or can exchange saws. T. Mo• GREGOR, Mill street, Brunetti. Tanana, geese, chickens and ducks wanted, Highest market price paid for the right article, JNo. B. MoLAoaoxoo, Brunets. 19-2 PIANO TUNING.—R, S. Shaw, Piano Toner from Heintzman & Oo'e., Toronto, will be in Brneeols thie month. Leave all orders at R, Leatherdale'e store. ELIGIBLE village lot, abjoining the res• idenoe of John Meares,Tarnberry street, Brneeele, for sale. For particulars as to prioe and terms apply to J. D. Ronald, Brussels, EXTRA Speoial for Saturday, 1 piece eaoh, blank and navy heavy coating Berge, 18 inches wide, the 0000801 goods for Ladies' Suite and separate skirts, regular 76o, Saturday 490, at Harry A. hiatohebt's. SLAUGHTER SALE OF DRESS GOODS :— This is the greatest sale of solely Drees Goode ever offered in the county and in• oladee all thin Fall's importations, 50, 60 and 65o lines for 85o ; 760 and $1.00 linea for 50o, eta. GEo, E. Knee, Wingham. Humana 1 Hurrah 1 sleighing is here and we are ready for it we have the lineal assortment of antlers and bob -sleighs on band ever shown in Brussels end all on own make and therefore we know just what we are Belling. Prices right. Be sure and see them before buying. Also a good tasty lot of hand eleighe for boys. J. CODER & SON's, Carriage Works. People We Snow. Mies Nora Holmes is visiting friends in Harristou, William Campbell is working in the Seatorth flax mill at preeeet. John Ritchie, of Seaforth, spent San. day at home, on John street, 2, Arrant was at hie timber limits in Muskoka this week on a banning trip. R, J. MoLanohlin and W. Cameron spent Sunday with Eriends in Wroxeter. Mrs, Rachael Thompson is at Harris. ton visiting her daughter, Mrs. MOArter, Miss Omens, of Trowbridge, was visit. ing for a few days at the Methodist Par- sonage. Mre. D, 0. Roes hae been having a alight touoh of the fashionable aomptaint, la grippe. Thos. Lott, who has beeu on the aiok list is improving in health and will Boon be all right we hope, Misses Attie and Maggie McLaughlin, of Gerrie, were visiting the Dlissee Brown for a few days. We are sorry to hear that Gordon Mooney bas been laid upwith his old trouble, ninth"during the past week tint we hope be will Boon ba all right. J. J. Gilpin took a relapse and ie back in bed again tbie week. Brobobitie ie the trouble. Mee. Gilpin has nos re- covered yet and is stili confined in the houee, Mrs. John Jones, of Broeeele South, has gone to the home of her daughter, Mre, Richard Mitchell, 8rd line, Morrie, for the Winter owing to her poor health and the fa of her being alone, Mre. W.0. Fowler, of Balder, Man„ i8 Visiting at lite home of D. Rees, Sr. Wire. Fowler hag been in Manitoba 17 yens he is a eieter to Jae. Calder, of Grey, and lived in Brussels and Wing, ham in former years. Mr. Fowler name East about 6 weeks ago to vial' his Mother in Harpnrhey tools eiok with pneumonia and telegraphed for Mrs. Fowler, We are pleased to hear that he bag 80 far recovered as to allow Dire. Fowler to Dome to Brueeels to renew old friondebipe, ,14 Mies E. E. Griffin was unable to take her Maas last week owing to having la grippe but was in town this week, Mro. J. A. Creighton leaves Saturday of this week for Hamilton where she will spend the Winter at the home of ber son E. B. Oreigbton.• A. F. Pieroy, Oolportenr of the Upper Canada Treat Souiety, left this week for Teeewater, after spending the past month in Brussels and vioinity, Rev. H. D. Steele, rector of Ohriet Month, Fort Stanley, has placed his resignation of the parish in the hands of the Biehop of Huron. The oanon of the ohoroh allows the pariah three months' notioe for resignation of its incumbent. Rev, Mr. Steele is a son•in.law of J. M. O'Ooaner, of town, ell 'LI Keil 011IlMES. See Sabbath Sobool lesson notes for next Sunday on page 4 of this issue of Tan Poem. Next Sabbath H. W. Avison will sop. ply the Methodist ohnroh pulpit at Trow• bridge for Rev. A. 0. Tiffin. The evangelistic °Grvioee in the Metho- dist church, Brueeele, are being held each evening of this week excepting Saturday. "Labor the Law of Life" was Rev. Juo. Roes' subject last Sabbath morning in the Melville ohnroh and at the evening ser. vine "Leanne from the life of a winked woman" wae the theme. The London Conference Epworth League Convention of the Methodist aboroh °enveeadin Chatham on Tuesday and Wednesday of tbie week, Mrs. J. L. Kerr and W. H. Kerr attended from Brussels, the former going on to Blen- heim to visit her eon, Rev. W. E. Kerr and family. Last Sabbath Rev, A. E. Jonee, of Bel. grave, preached in the Methodist ohurob in this plane. The morning text was Gal. 6 and 6. The theme in the evening was "Quench not the spirit". The ser- vices were along ovangelietia linea and were most interesting, Rev. Mr, Jones did bis part well and will be kindly re. membered in this his first visit on a Sab• bath. Rev. Mr. Comma preaobed Mie. sionary anniversary sermons On the Bal - grave oironit the acme day. PRESBYTERY OF BURON. The Presbytery of Huron held its reg. Mar November meeting in Willie ohnroh, Clinton, on Tuesday, Nov, 17. Rev. David Carswell, the new pastor of Win- throp and MoKillop, was introdnned to the Presbytery and reeponded in a short address. Rave. Meagre. Small and Carta wall were appointed to repreeent the Presbytery at the anneal Presbyterial meeting of the Women's Foreign Mission. cry Society next January. A telegram was received from the foreign mission secretary stating that there was reason to fear that the foreign mission fund wonld fall abort of the requirements for the year end urging increased oontriba• Hone. It was resolved to lay the matter before the sessions and oongregatione and to emphaeize its importance. Rev. J. A. Anderson, of Goderiob, reported that be had visited the congregations of Leeburn and Goderioh township in ao. aordanoe with the instructions of the Presbytery and that they had agreed to increase the salary of their pastor $25 a year in the expeotation that with a grant of the same amount from the angmenta. tion fund the salary would be raised to the minimum. It was resolved to allow sessions to make whet arrangements they might think best far bolding mis- sionary meetings or services in their respective congregations. Rev. 3, L. Small, of Auburn, reported that the oongregabion of Auburn had resolved to build a new obaroh, enbjeot to the ap, proval of the Pres bytery, which was granted, The remit from the general assembly reepeoting the future relations of Queen's university to the ohnroh was discussed at same length but final action was deterred till next meeting of the Presbytery. EXPERiMENTAL UNION The twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Ontario Agrionitural end Experimental Union will be held at the Ontario Agrie- nitnral College an Monday and Tneeday, December 7 end 8, alerting at 1.30 p. m. on the 7th. Experiments in agrionitnre and horticulture have tbie year been oondectad on nearly 4,000 forme tbrongh ont Ontario. The results of the carefully conducted work will be enmmarized and presented at the annual meeting to which all interested in agriculture are invited, The program nbowe that addreseee will be delivered by Prof, 0. 0. Janne, Toronto; W, ,T. Spillman, Washington, D. 0„ U. S. A. ; Dr. James Mille, Agrionitnral College, Guelph ; Miss Martha Van Renseetaer, Cornell tote= eity, Ithaca, N: 2, ; Prof. G. E. Day, Agrionlbural(ollege, Guelph; Dr. W. H, Mathew, Dean, Macdonald, Ioetitnte, Guelph ; G. H. Clark, Department of Ag- rlonllure, Ottawa, and others. Ladies' session, under the auspioee of the Wo- men'e Inotitntee, will be held in the Mao- donald Institute on Tneeday and Wedneo. day. On Monday evening a public meeting of interest to all will be held in the College Convocation Hall. Arrangements have been made for oinele rates to Guelph for the Experimental Union meeting and the Provincial Winter Fair. The exeureinn ratan start on Saturday, December 5. For full particulars in beferenoo to the program and the exOnroion rates write to 0. A. Zavitz, Seoretary, Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario, FARMERS' CREDIT SALES —Thle Bank titivation money on Farmers' Bale Rota, in large or airntll smonnt0 and for long or short lerma, to suit the 000tomer, —You may draw the foll amountt of Notes at one tirne or you may draw smaller amounts when you wish and for any time that snits your oonvenionoe. Internet fa charged only for the num• ber of days yon take the money, Notes left tor collection receive on beet attention, —Notes may be left for CAPE BEEPING only for which no charge is made SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards received and Highest Bank Interest allowed thereon from date of depooit on daily balance, McEvery convenience afforded customers living at a diebauoe. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRA?, AGENT. moo=zs7 . STOWART—In Howiak, on Tuesday, 17113 inst., to Mr. and hire. J. Stewart, jr, a eon, WAmano —In Fordwinh, on Thursday, 6th Inst„ to Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Walkom, a eon, ZAL.AIZRS0ESD. Qo1NN—GA7Non, — At the Catholic church, Bennie, on Nov, 26th, by Rev, Father Ooroorau, Mr. Daniel Quinn, of Ashfield,. to Miss Minnie Gaynor, of Eima. ToPRAnl—CHAPMAN.—In Fordwiob, on Nov. 18th, at the parsonage, by Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. Geo. Topbam, to Mies Roeeeta Chapman, both of Newbridge. axan- HODDEB.—In Chicago, on Nov, 20th, Ellen Perham, reliot of the late Simeon Hodder, formerly of Morrie, in her 87th year. Kelly—At Cypress River, Man., on Nov. 12, 1903, Jae. Kelly, formerly of Brussels, aged 78 years. aVcn'xoN' s s.x,m- FRIDAY, Nov. 27.—Farm stook, imple- ments, fmnitare, roots, feed, &a., at Si Lute 14 & 15, Oen, 7, Morrie. Sale to oommonoe at 10 a. m. sharp. Dinner served at noon ; Inch table daring the afternoon. John Hunter & Son, props. ; 0. Hamilton and Wm. Snell, ants. TUESDAY, DEO 1.—Hnnee and 11, aoree of land, stook, furniture &o., Pt. Lot 20, Con, 1.1, Grey. Stile at 1 o'clock, Henry Battery, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Ano. WEDNESDAY, Deo 2.—Farm, farm stook, implements, &o., Lot 9, Oen, 18, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Robt. Moore, Manager ; F. S. Scott, Auo. FRIDAY, Deo 11—Farm stook, imple. menta, &o., Lob 10, Con. A, Turnberry. Sale without reserve, at 1 p. m. Samuel Pope, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Aug. TRon8DAY, DEO 3 —Farm stook, imple. manta, &a., at Lots 16 and 17, Oon. 10, Grey. Salo, onreeerved, at 1 o'nloolt, 3, and 0. Fischer, proprietors; F. S. Soon, auctioneer. mo;evssml.o +1TA7.22CTS, Fall Wheat ..., Barley Peas One Batter, tubs and retie Eggs per dozen Flour por cwt. Potatoes (per bus.) Apples (per bbl.) Hay per ton • Sett per bbl., retail...,, Hoge, Live Wool Hides trimmed Hiclee rough Lamb skins each Sheep skin, each 74 75 67 38 50 55 26 27 15 18 16 17 4 00 5 00 30 40 75 1 00 5 00 6 00 1 00 70 4 00 4 35 16 16 6 0y 6 6 26 80 26 25 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. 13 Pres for sale from 8 to 4 months old and a younger pigs. 6E0. ROBB, Brunets. FINE, large White Rooke for gale, 50o. up, it taken at once. 10. 0. MIAIIMLN, Brneeele. 18-4 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. DOG LOST.—A FOX TER. men dog lost on Wedneoelay, Novem- ber 18th. Has blank and tun marks on both tides of head and answers to the name of "Jerry." Any information leading to his re• aovery will he thankfully received by the owner. W. DOW OAN, barber, Brussels. Nov. 26, 1903 ALL 'APER EANTS We have just gond over our Wall Paper Rads preparatory to receiving our new stock and have picked out some nice bundles consisting of 6, 8, 10 and 12 roll lots ; just the thing for small rooms, pantrys, &c. These we offer at prices much below cost. We would like you to see them. 7 Drug Store. 7— ARGE GRADE DURHAM Cow for sale. m 70880 old, due to calve March 00, TH08, MoLAIIOHLIN, 20.1f Brussels, 20 GOIGOE, betweenOD8PS and 4 monFthRs old. SALLos 7, Oon. 18, Gray. Oasis or time. 20.2 D. R. CIINNINGHAM, 110UR JERSEY HEIFERS 12 and a Farrow Clow for sale. Apply to 8, HOGGARD, Brussels South. 20-tf TEACHER WANTED NTED FOR S. S. Nc.1 Township of Grey. Duties to oommonoe Jao. 3 1004. Applicants to °tato salary and enclose testimonials. Ap- plications received up to Deo, 30 JOGS L. DAVIDSON, Secretary, Brussels P. 0. rTiEACHER WAN TED FOR .L Union 8. N. No. 12, Grey and Moltillop, for the year 1004, duties to commence the 4101 day of January. Appiioations will be received up to Ocoember 0th at 0 p. m. Ap- plicants to enclose teetimoniale and state salary expected. Personal application pre- ferred. OHA8, CASE, Secretary, 20.2 Walton P. 0. 1 (fl ACRE FARMPOR SALE l! Loth, OOn.7, Orey, 2 mllee from Village 0f Brussels, t mile from school. Splendidcultivation, la, comm, Under first class state of cultivation, OOmfortablo house, large bankbaro, latest improved cement stabling and silo, Orchard, two never failing wells, and other conveniences. Fall wheat sown. Proptioula etas to going terms• Woof. For further par- tioulare as to berme &o., apply on promisee Or address Brussels, P. O, N.3,1, BIOHARD- SON, 01 You 0 ow About 0_ A Greater Buying Opportunity never was known than we are offering for the next 10 days. We bought very heavy in Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing, Underwear, Shoes and Rubbers, and must turn them into money at once. We have put the knife right into the prices and made long, clean cuts in values. You can save 35c on every dollar daring this next 10 days. Only a small list of the many good things : CLOTHING THAT FITS THE FORM Men'a extra heavy All Wool Pante, regular 91,75 For 10 days 91 85 Men's Fine Tweed Pants, A11 Wool, regular $2,50 For 10 days 1 75 Men's extra strong Working Pante, regular 91.60 • For 10 days 1 25 Men's Fine Tweed Salts, all wool, regular $8 00 For 10 days 6 00• Men's Sootob Tweed Suite, all wool, reg. 912.50 For 10 days 9 7 50 Men's fine Bog. Tweed Suite, all wool, reg. 910.00 For 10 days. 7 00 Men's Extra Heavy Fina Raglan Overcoats at primes that will surprise the oloeeet buyers. UNDERWEAR A 8518.8L QUANTITY LEFT pri'1'be quantity of Underwear we have sold thio 'mason hoe been stupendous but we are selling it at almost mill ces Men's Extra Heavy Wool Fleece, in Shirts and Drawers, regular 90o, on price 60o. Men's Heavy Wool Fleeoe Shirts and Drawers, regular 600, our price 430. Men's Sootoh Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular 75o, our price 500. Man's Knit Unehrinkable Shine and Drawers, pare wool, regular 91,25, our price 90o. Ladies' Light Fleece Lined Vests and Drawers, regular 803, our price 28a. Ladies' Wool Vesta and Drawers, regular 60o, oar price 85o. Ladies' Heavy Fleeoe Lined Vests and Drawers,, regular 650, our price 453. BOOTS & SHOES T28Io REST VALUES IN TOWN. Men's floe Bf. Bale., regular 92 26 For 10 days $ 1 60 Men's tine BI, Bale., regular 91.76 For 10 days 1 20 Men's fine Dong. Bale, regular $2 00 For 10 days 1 40 Men'a Fine Viol Kid Bale,, regular 98 00 For 10 days 2 00 Women'e Fine Dong. Bale., regular 92 00 For 10 dile 1 86 Women's Fine Vial Bale„ regular 92.25 For 10 days 1 76 Women'e Strong Shote, regular 91.86 For 10 days 1 00 A full lino of Rubbers at equally Low Prices. See our Special Lines in Hosiery, Corsets and Gloves, Harry A. We can Save you Money in Flannels, Flannelettes, Tick- Ings, Linens and Towelings. ichett's MONY" SA` TIMa SPOT Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. 4�1