HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-26, Page 7GRANARY of THE MIR i" When Physicians of High Order recommend its use to nervous and dyspeptic people you niay safely assume "it's all right." AMERICANS IiUSI"i TO CANADA PRAIRIES, 1171 EI,B13.1iIetet Increase in Canadian Immigration in Eight Years. The htet'e'atrdtlg crops of wesLt't'ta Canada and the lmntigrttLlun1 to that country bunt tate United States are two of the most noLrhcoable oveut:s of emelt years. They 1011 a won- derful story of the cleveloinuent of a hitherto unproductive territory says a- St. Paul, ALinn„ letter. In eight years the immigration In- to Canada hats incrrusud V4;110.11.1. In the iiser1 year (wiled with last- ;tune, ust,Tune, the twrirals totalled 125,000, rout Europe supplied lest than twu- thitcls of the ittllttx, Immigrants ar- rived there from every State int the Union, Nothing In regard to the notelet,- meet lntelelkmeet of w-esLe'm Oauatlais mote striking than 1Ito Itarush of Antall- ran farmers to till its fertile prate - les. Eight yetu's ago the number' of Autoricans who Went to Canada with Lim intention of i•e.•:iding in tl•.o Dom- inion was less than llity. lit the last fiscal year there were nearly 60,000. Most of the new am rivals, it is said, have ample capital, attd practically all aro farmers skilled in modern agricultural methods. A quarter of a century ag'o, the white population t1 t;^estorn Canada could be indicated in five figures, 'To- day, immigrants are pouring into its prairies at the, rate of 125,000-A YEAR. These are the peasants of central Europe, crushed by centuries of feu- dal oppression. Britlsit operatives and farm laborers, toiling early and late for the scantiest 01 pittances ; and American pioneers whom the steady presort) of a rapid increasing population and the consequent in- crease in the price of fainting lands have discouraged, are moving with this tide toward the Northwest. The Canadian Northwest is that eeetlon of the Dominion le log be- tween the Croat Lakes and the Rocky Mounlatlts. ]t has, roughly speak- ing, an al ea of 700,000 square miles, and includes tho province of ATatito- ba, and the torritoties of Assinihr.in, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Athabas- ca, Practically speaking, it is ono vast potential farm, in itlanitoba alotto those aro more than 20,000,000 acres of the finest arable land in the world. There aro perhaps 20,000,- 1)00 acres more of the finest prairie grass, unequalled for natural pasture. hence Canada's boast that that Dom- inion is destined to become "the granary of tate Empire." The total acreage of that, part of the Dominion known as western Can- ada, iucludieg Manitoba and al! lands from there to the Rockies and about six or seven hundred miles north front the International bound- ary', is about 2,321,000,000 arses, Of this, about '?[5,000,000 acres are bring utilized or have been transferr- ed from the Crown to the railways for homesteads and for other Mir - poses of production, and there is this year under crop the ridieelously smallproportion of 8,193,1363 ACRLS. From this area of land there has been raised a crop which wi 1 give a financial tenure, it is estimated, stir- -Orient. to allow to the total popula- tion not,: resident within the area outlined, $1,000 as a salary for this year's production, 'Pito actual yield of all grains in western Canadn. this y'ear, as (mama- tedfrom all sott.recs, including graft CEYLON tea is delicious and economical. Mixed or Natural Green, weld only in seated load ltnokoes, Ise nu Drown. WILLING TO TRY. Tramp-Plottso, unnu, my partner found an old ice-cream frecyat' down in the gully. Housekeeper -1 threw it away. It was n0 use. Tramp -Well, we've been ex:unit:leg it, and If vott'I1 lend us s"ttnn crown_ and some ire and wine sugar and Black est ecru '!'Ito International Limited does 11Ow flow 1'1' HAPPENED, r'm, "'oemt," said tiie unwashed no- mad, "you aittt't retaking no mistake iu thiel:in' 1 hey teen better days. ()net 1 lived in or house uv granite, Lind---•" "And how did you happen to lose tact[ a home 3" ttsb:ed the kind lady. a ,• f t .lie -eels; - "'Teem like ills, 1104'ttnb," rel>)lud the belie, "Ate, term expired and de,e tinned Inn pot." ltltl'i(1S IN TUE CUP. 111161cr.-t\ell- old man, 1 hear you lie in:relied in your new house at )art. .1iul.s---t'cs: and the lnetailmmut inns it, beginning to get his work In dead." "Prisoner, wlty did you strike this mite?" "If you please, your honor, r he came to me suddenly and said, '!low old is Ann?' " "W01l, what hurt. did that dol" "Why, you see, 5 yottt' honor Ann is my wife." $100 Reward, $100 ilbr8 Ulan half the battle to cleating greasy dishes is In the soap you use, If it's Sunlight Soap it's the bests 133 t -f Cosuot•a'mm,sTAlro,rogys, is.s_ sr,'sc txsxc,un ALL, IN The; PAAt1i.v. lir,-\1'il1 ytni be my wife. iib,+--t'.ert.uinit not. TIe-Than will you lieu[ the on „Trull[" seldom travels on railway favor •1 °sets; the above stelements (tut -WI is It't uta therefore be considered perfectly un- tic --ILO a mother to me, Father i bland, and are made purely be- gr;iut,3 to ptupusn to gait lo -night. cause of the exeelleut. facilities af- forded the general (reselling public, and because of the pride "Truth" flavoring, and send yotir boy down feels in ono of out great national to turn it, I think et, can matte it Itigltways, The (trend Trunk Railway Com- pany certainly _wade no mistake when they handed over the reins of They had been talking as they control to Ate, ('hnrlee M. Hays, for walked. Shr, had rema•l:ed ',Lien- a more capable, all-roundrailway thetically; "Olt, it must be torrlblo man sloes not, exist to -day, The Passenger Department is most to a man to be refected by a wo- efficiently directed by G. T. Keil, W. man." "Indeed it must,' teas itis Al Davis and Tl, (1. Elliott in Mont - response. Then, after a while, with teal, Cleo, w. Vnux in Chicago, and sympat.l>.etie disittgenalouanees, she , D. McDonald in Toronto, exclaimed: "I don't think that I We bespeak great things for the do. • MAKES A BM DTFF1;TtEN(1E, could over have the !wart to do it." And there carne a silence between them as he thought it over. UNFIT - FUR WORK. THE RESULT OP SEVERE KID- NEY AND BLADDER TROUBLE. After Years of Much Distress iitr. W. P. Kennedy Has Been Re- stored to a Life of Activity. There is probably no Ivan in the township of Pelham, Welland County, bolter known than Mr. Wilbur P. Kennedy. Ile is a prosperous farmer and the owner of a largo cooperage, and is hold in the highest esteem by MI who have his acquaintance. Mr. Kennedy is now seventy-two years of age, and is as active and rugged as many a main years younger, For years, however, he was a great suf- ferer from kidney trouble and he cheerfully gives credit for his present good health to the use of Dr. Wil- liams fink fills. Dir. Kennedy says "Ten years ago, as tine result Of ex- posure, 1 think, I was stricken with kidney and bladder trouble in a severe form. The complaint at times (maned me most intense suffer- ing arid groat personal discomfort as 1 would often have to arise a dozen times in the night. 1 tried many Greed Trunk Pacliic Railway on its completion, DEVONSHIRE CREAM. What Is known as Devonshire cream is a species of pasteurized cream ant} Is made as follows: - "The milk must be taken direct from the cow and strained into the pans in the usual way. It should set in a cool dairy, arta I believe for want of this cool apertinent many a good housewife has failed to turn out the genuine article. Gooch, greeted pals must be used, as they have to bear constant heating. There is au objectionable plan in some establishments of leaving the milk in the sleds for a time after it is drawn from the cow. Drafted cream made from such milk will not turn out a good flavor, as there is sure to have been more or less taint- ing of milk while standing about. Just now mazy Devonians milk out in the open field, and if the cows are quiet the plan has its advantages, for there is uo tainting of milk there. "This rognires the most care; in- deed, there is nothing else int the whole process bttt a mere tyto could manage. As soon as the milk is cold, or, say, about nine or twelve hours after brought from the cow, the pans are lifted to the fire. In big (fairies there aro what nee known kinds of treatment and some of the as Devonshire stoves especially made best physicians, but their skilled el- for the purpose. The stoves so forts Were unavailing., and as a re_ made, heat water in which a num- bersult 1 lost in flesh, grew vet -3' \teak, of pans may he set so as to and was troubled also with insomnia, scald n quantity of mill: with lit- and grew despondent ace felt. that 1 tle trouble, In smaller dairies the was doomed to a life of relfoling, LI not an early death. At this stage I was prevailed mem to give 1)1', kitchen range does duty, the pans of milk being set in tsetse's of boil- ing water, or the pats may he set 11'111ittnls' Pink Pills a triad. After oil a heated range. In Lane easn using .four boxes t could see a dis- the ohiect is to scald the milk, and tinct improvement ht my condition, 10 do it promptly and exactly. It and 1 gladly continued the use of the should teach such a temperature pi is until all the symptoes 01 the tint causes a little movement on the men's teporLs and railway reports, is trouble had passed away, and 3 was sntrfnCC--an, Very slight simmer sutite- put at 11:0,000,000 bushels, as again strong and Healthy. It is no es; then it luny be removed back to against about 100,000,000 bushels exaggeration to say that 01 the Linto the dairy to gr.t cold. When cold, last year and 4.1,1'80,5273 in 1891. In wheat !.here has been this y0ar an increase of about 4,000,000 bush- els. Oats, barley, flax and other coarse grains have been produced this year with a ratio of .in.eeenso that is In keeping with all increases in the Vest during the last ten years. Tho production of oats is estimated 1 began the use of Dr. Williams Pink i.ho cream is taken oft' at conveni- ence, and that is clotted create, which ie rightly, so highly esteemed. In cold weather the milk is all the better loft for twenty-four hours or oven thirty-six, before scaicled.'- Iloard'e Dairyman. Pills 1 was so weak that I could not 1111 twenty --lite pounds, while now 1 ant quite suer. 1 can lilt as midi as any man of my ego. I be- lieve Lho pills not only- released me of the misery 1 sulleted, but have added yea's to may life." Anaemia t'hotunatitun kidney trou- at 40,41:8,021 bushels, as against bleu heart ailments, partial nnre13- 34,478,1 (;0 last year, though only Lis, St.. Vitus dance, and the many 110.7 bushels to the acre worn raked ailments peculiar to women aro this year, against 47.5 a year ago. speedily cured by Dr. Williams' Pink When little ones aro ill the sensl- The barley crop this year is esti- Pi1Ls, simply bocauro these pills make ble mother no longer doser, thous mated at 10,000,461 bushels, with new, rich rod blood, and thus reach with nauseous, griping purge lives, an avoyage yield per neve of 28,6, the very root eel the trouble. The'( nor puts them to eloep with the so - against 11.,848,422 'bushels, with an average yield of 35,0 lest sear; and as to flax, in 1902.the yield was about double that of the previous year. The total yield of flax tele year is ostlmatod at 743,848 bushels, art atom( of 11,8 bushels an acre, against 564,440 bushels in 1.002, with an nes:rage yield of 18,7 bushels an acre. in five years tho territorial wheat production has almost trebled. THE SENSIBLE KOT'3R. DECIDEDLY IN DOUBT. First Villager -How do you like your now neighbor ? Second Villagor-Can't tell whether I like him or hate him." "Why so 3" "The first thing he did was to put up a high board fence, and 7 haven't been able to discover whether it is to peep his chickens in or my chick- ens ee.t." A Totrost NG INSCRIPTION, aro pink colored imi:talions of this great medicine but the buyer can protect himself against those imposl- tions by seeing that the full name "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" is printed on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all deal- ers in medicine or direct by mail from The 1)r. Williams Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2,50. A MODEL RAILWAY. What Our Travelling Representa- tive Says of the G. T, R. A recent trip to "Tito States" brought "Troth" in contact, among other things, with. the Grand Trunk Railway, and its incomparable din- ing car service. A brighter, (loaner, more ellicient plan .of eating while Journeying, does not exist on any railway atywhero, and "'1'rttth" has travelled on most of the loading lines of the World, and is therefore in a A German lady of recent widow- position to know. The "0iub" hood encountered much dililcuity in Breakfasts aro an exeoileet feature, framing an inscription for her tuts- which appeals to many travellers. band's tombetolte. Atter endless The attendants are court00tls and consultations with her friends and obliging, and don't appear to be al - neighbors this was the one she se- ways looking for a "tip." looted: The lino, heavy double track of "Rest in peace-tnttil wo meet rails between Toronto and Suspon- again." stop Bridge makes it possible to ruts that distance without delays of any kind, and you are laded , at Tho Independent 'Order 01 Fovea- your destiuntion right on time to tors has now over $7,000,000,00 in the minute, accumulated heeds, and these funds The great improvements on the are hLrreasing at the rate of about main lite east, between Toronto and 88,000 per. day, The applicants for Montreal, have been Very costly, and Insurance in this Order fu October, have ht 50010 cas08 meant the al - 100'24 wei'S 2,400; in October, 19073, most entire reeonstruotion, of the over 11,200, The Order scenes to be roar!. the lino has boon straighten+ milking Wonderful progress. It is ed, the mettles leesened, and "Truth now paying out to widows and 00- is told Hutt very shortly a trate will plains over eee,800 per dart, awe hes 1.)0 put on between Toronto and alread,v paid to such over 8.11,000,- Montreal that wilt malto the die - e00 00 - taree in very much loss trot( titan called "soothing" preparations which always contain harmful opiates, Baby's Own Tablets have been used by thousands of mothers who cheer- fully testify that they are gentle in their action, absolutely sm,fe, said Inalte little ones sloop soundly and naturally, because they rentor° the trouble that made baby irritable and wabetnl. On this point Ales. T, Watson, Sarsfield, Ont., says have used Baby's Own Tablets and lfnd them a vary valuable medicine for young children. When baby is cross or fretful I give her a Tablet and it soon puts her right." These Tablets cure all the minor ailments of little ones. They are good for ell children from birth on- ward, Sold by medicine dealers or sent by mail at 211 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ Droekville, Ont. A PERMANENT ATTRACTION. Clara -Arc you not afraid that some one will marry you for your money ? Dora -I would rather be married for money than for beauty. Ohara, -Of all things 1 Why? Dora -Beauty fades, but money can be kept at interest, ISIS SON WAS "IT." "Everybody," said the home-grown philosopher, "wants to get some- thing for nothing." "Which reminds me," remarked the elderly gottLlotnan, "that I must get a birthday present for my 10 -year old sort." OALM BIr,1'OIiE TIU1I STORM, that'Iusbaid(roadlag)-This paper Gaye. t )at t to gtoatness of a father often proves a stumbling block of the ad'. vencereent - of hie children, Wife -Well, thank fortune, our children will never be handicapped in that Way. TTAD A (11111'-,, P1100031, reri0nd-f thought you had a Mrs. 11uhitrI-1 hate. Friend -But you aro doing work '1 Airs. Suburb -Yes ;the girl consnutpLive and was ordered the country for her health. eonldn't get any other kind to here. girl. the Is a into We coma Mr, Singleton : "Mies willing -et' - Nellie, you don't care If I drop the 'Miss' and call you Nellie, do you 3" Miss lylllittg; 'No, Delved t Why, only ye"terday 1 remarked to Mina - ma 1 w11 get ug awful tired of be- ing eing .ailed 'Miss.' GRAND 1r7ORK IN NEWFOUNDLAND DODD'S HINDEY PILLS ARE CLEARING OUT KIDI'TEY DISEASE, Thor° Is novo Cwt arrh In ills sention Of the country thou all other diseases put tng.•tlu,r, n nil until the Inst few 310111•8 an suppos.al to be Inrurat,le. Par a great niftily y,tars doctors pronounced It it local dliwitao and prescribed local renter/fee. and by coo"+trendy falling to euro with mail t,-el...mt.. ',renounced It incurable. 8,1pnce has proven catarrh to bo a con:Ail-1tion•u dispose and there- fore requires (most auttnual treatment. 11,,1i's t'n. tnrrh Cure, mann in stored by P. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 1h40, Is the Only cotu,tl t utlottsl cure on tin mar. kat. It In taken internally le doses from 10 drops t0 ra r. au. p,^wual. IG acts directly on the blood and nit:cow; sur- faces of the system, They aline Ono hun- dred dollars for any case It fails to euro. Bend for carolers and testibtoni- als. Address, P. J. 011001st 0 00„ Toledo. 0. [sold by Druggists, '701. 1131.1Pe Family Pills are the best. WITA'r THRIFT WILL I)0. We lntsy housewives do nut think enough about thrift in the expendi- ture of strength, writes 18. II. LI. We think of it in spending money and in saving it, but while we may decrease our household expenses tem- porarily by bbing saving, lot we Richard balite, Ono of a Score may increase. theta by overwork and Oared in Ono Nei hborhood by making confirmee hnvalicis of our - Cured selves. If T tan help one hints„wife Tells How Pains of Twenty who is making too rapid strides to - Years Standing Vanished Before ward this enol of being an invalid, to stop and consider along this line, 1 will be fully repaid for my effort in writing. I see so many invalids because of lifting, or from too heavy sweeping and from doing without conveniences. Don't do it, my sis- ter housewife. It is right and wise for every housekeeper to provide herself with reliable able ki utchen conveniences. We all have to go in our kitchens some- times, perhaps to prepare a meal, hence money Is well spent in get- ting labor-saving aids of real merit. It is an extravagance to load the kitchen clown with a quantity of cooking utensils never used. 1t is money toasted and work increased. One necessity is plenty of nice tea towels and dish cloths, and to keep them hygenic and pure and health- ful they need to bo washed out in a nice warm suds every day. This outs the grease and cleans them quickly. This is where thrift enol good man- agement corned In -in seeing that your china and silver are wiped daily with Hent towels, not with sticky, half -clean ones, for servants often use them tutus rather then wash thorn. Thrift. brings Its the rewrote of helping others, A thrifty wife is lx'tter than a rich one, It is said that n woman in spending an in- come economically is ars largo a fac- tor in the family sucecss as the men. who acquires it. the Great Kidney Remedy. Fortune Harbour, Nfld., Nov. 10,- (Speciat),-There aro a score of peo- ple in this neighborhood who suffer- ed from Lame 13acle and other symp- toms of Kidney Disease and who aro now strong and healthy, thanks to Docld's Kidney Wills. One of the most serious cases curedretis that of IYIr, Richard Quirk, and in an inter- view he says: "I suffered for more than twenty years from Lumbago and Kidney Disease. I almost always had a oa- vot0 pain in my back, so severe that (luring intervals for years I was to- tally unable to work. "Doctors and medicines gave me little relief and after ton or twelve gears I had almost utado u11 my Mind that my trouble was incurable. Then reading of cures by them led me to try Dodd'S 'Kidney Pills. I had not taken hall a box before I experienced relief and alter using sev- I en or eight boxes 'I. was a peered cure and a new man. The eine was permanent.'' Cure yottr Backache With Dodd'S Kidney fills and you will never have Bright's Disease. A visitor to Shakespenrc's birth- pince, Steel ford -on -Avon, Whose heart was in boiler .condition tsan her head, walked about the town really 'thrilled with rapture and awe. When she reached thelittlerailway station, whore her train had not got. arrived, her enthusiasm was 1104 abated, mid site looked about her with leinunleg eyes, "Alt,” she Milord's Liniment Lurabl rime's friend 1MIr, Tinlmidd-liow would a girl said, "I think this place affects Inc feel 1t' she rectdcal a proposal by' more than all 1 litre ho must have letter ? coma to take the train to go up to Friend If she didn't care for you, i London 1" she'd feel. insulted. 1 141 r, 'i'inuui cid-1?it-Heel l -•err^•• -sup-' pose she did care for nw'1 Dr. Agnovv'm Ottrefirortthe Heart acts directly and quickly, stimulates the heart's action, slops most scut° pain, dispels all signs of wcaltness, fluttering, sinking, smothering, orpalpitdtlon. This wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which carries t)te heartsick patient into the haven of radiant and perfect health. Gives relief in most acute forms of heart disease In so minutes, -to "I'm afraid my hey fever is com- ing on." said Kloneleatt, trying to get 501110 m0111cal advice free of charge. "Ihery once in a while I feel an itching in myn , nose, and the I sneeze. What would you do in a ease like that, doctor ?t' "I feel pretty sure," replied Dr. Sharp, "that I would sneeze too." Ask for 'diinard's and take no other, Visitor -"You haven't got half as 11100 a cemetery here as we have in l,lmvillo." Prontieent Citizen (of Hawville)-"No, I've always hoard that the cemetery is the only part of your town that holds out any in- ducements far permanent residents." 116014iw _lima[a�,!eare a,roanrwr uw msm.-w�,-,�. Worry won't cure a cough. When you find a cough holding on -when everything elso has failed -try Shiloh's Consumption Cure The Lung 'Tonic It is guaranteed to ours. Try a bottle - If it doesn't curd you we'll refund your moneys Privets 25c., 60c. and e1.6o 8. G WIELLS 11 c0, Toronto, Co,, LeRoy, 4 Fi Lettl-She'd say "yes" by tele- graph. Take) One of Dr, Agnew's Liver Pills inlet dinner. It will promote digestion and overcome any evil effects of too hearty eating. Safe, prontpl, active, painless and pleasant. This effective little p111 is sup- planting all the old school nauseous 90155. thea. 4o doses, toce�ta -13 CHOKING 13111 OFF, "'there's 110 use talking," began old man (I -vowelise as he sat opposite Mrs, C./rewrite the second at the din- ner table, "my first wife's coolc- ing--" :Chat will be almitt ell from you, i1Tr, Cirowells, ' interrupted his present other half'. "Nowt let me hoar you speak cli�respot'tfully of the Mlnard's Liniment Is used by Physicians CAtJC1IIT ON TILE Til l3o1'ND, "No," said the fair proprietor of the refrigerator heart, "I ettitnot be y'ottr wife, but 1'11 be a sister: to you," Thanks, awfully," rejoined the youth who was left. at the post. "If there is one thing I needi more than another it is an elderly slate' to look after me and prevent. me from making a fool of myself." INFORMATION WANTED, "When woman is tiro acknowledged intellectuai peer of man," said the lady with the sgnaro chin, "I won- der if there will be such a thing as love?" Why not 3" queried the Meanly - haired ho4heior, 'what has love got to do with intellect ?" "111'r, Mille," said the spoltannutn of the worklimemen's committee, "lee have come to toll yotl, sir, that we want altortw' hours a.ncl----" "Very well; ' interrupted the busy mamtfee- toter, "we'll begin right MI With shorter dinner hoot's," Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea is "par excellence' the quality tea of Canada. Made from the most delicate leavers of the tea plant -cured by strictly scientific processes. The taste is always the same—rich and almost thick—the bouquet odorous and aromatic—a tea for the most exclusive func- tion at a moderate price. 'Black, Mixed Ceylon Greer. 40c. mala be ALIS for ell Red Ltbol t -f 1 .+Z',+%-J'Jn'bd., ,l,t,;pv dyt;$,r,A..,t,,' . ,Wtt5.1tt1.. [0'11 0, 1 When you buy a WASHHUARD see that it bears the name X "Household i' :PIAL GLS Favorite.!' "VI all Orb' II" INSIST ON GETTING ONE OF THE ABOVE WELL-KNOWN BRANDS Thio Best That Can be Had. USE EDDY'S PAILS t TUL3$. USE EDDY'S Rim-rel.-1Es. Fos .0$eslas. 459 3S esrss3 m E,0 M'ar 9.0�c2ao®m_ 'f:'c4r'''•. K!,'W,str."ch• 1t't,.+srrm �4,.<,9 Most women suspect there is some mischief on tap every time their hus- bands smile. ` £,lorvousneso, Dyspepsia. meet. B'estion, and kindred ailments, take wings before the healing qualities of South American Nervine. Thomas Hoskins, of Durham, Ont., took his directions, followed t e ln •' to preacher's advice and was cured permanently of the worst form of Nervous Prostration and Dyspepsia. Ho has recommend- ed it to others with gratifying re- sults. It's a great nerve builder. -12 She -"Who rocks the cradle rules the world- Remember that!" 71e - "Then -ah! ---you come in and rule the world. I'm tired.'- Lifebuoy Soap-•tlisiatfectant - is strongly recommended by the medi- cal profession as a safeguard against tnfoctleis diseases. A city man never sees the sights at home until his rural relatives come aloug and point them out, Per Over Sixty fear* gas. tr)ttol s r'a soo000,0 Brenn has been orad 93 ¢llmn of mothers for their ohtidren while toothauc. rtm011100 4h0 ahtld, soLtena Ulu damn, atlsyo pato, mod niadeoiie, regulates tb, atomoah and bowtic, and Is the Wag remedy! rr Plnrrhma. Lrnntytvo canto a boats taald 13 b. Rind.i�1,,4L01P'°SonTliatishout the rKYRUr.aurn13.71 An inch of rain seems to be about a foot long to the man who is caught in it without an umbrella. C. C, I:ICITAIti1S S. 00, hear Sirs, -A few days ago I was taken with a severe pawn and con- traction of the cords of my leg, and had to bo taken hove in a rig. I could not sleep for pain, and was 111nbl0 to put my foot to tine neon. A friend told me of your lITNAP,1)' i LINIMENT, and ono hour from the first application, I was able to walk, and the pain entirely disappeared, You can use my name as freely as you lilte, as I consider it the best remedy 7 have ever used. CITPISTOPJIER GNRRY. Ingersoll, Ont. CAT Billiard Tables The Peet a4 the Lowest Price Wrtta for Terme RED BROS., M'f'g G®.'y► 715 ling 184, tfV. iN ALL PATENTS T 9®tOIAL AT1aNTION O PATENT th AY BE EL5T5aATIOId, Bend far nandn nt 103 stay Bt.,TOa7ONTO on Patents, 6a, 77 King 8t., East, Toronto, Fans- 1c9:so.aa.anSe><a.©tar.:-(arae. JAC-KITS, OAPB INos,SoOLI$RUFFS, P ,. RAW OBS AND 021481N8 wanted. Sand for Pride list. 116-14 YOUR OVERCOATS sed faded Nolte would look bettor d our. If ne 0(001 of eon In root tosn, wHto ,limo[ )i.mttnal, nox 153 IIRITISH Atvoer+to-lea mpalt a c0. IIEONTREAL. o FAM Old Country and MAGAZINES, PIiRIODICA.LS, B003I8. etc., dispatched to subscribers by first nails by WE. DAWSON 11 SONS, Limited, Cannon House, Bream's Buildings, London, England, The largest Subscription Agency in the world, Send for our list. Free on application. Est. .r- 1109. Prompt and reliable.- -� NO CRUELTY. Traveler -Yes; I was ceptnt'ed by the savages, and sentenced to marry a squaw, Hostess-llot•fible 1 Traveler -Yes; but they had same mercy- They did not insist on a fashionable wedding, Keep MInard's Lloiment In the Nctase, Sharpe --"Yes, Parker invented the safest air -ship ever heard of." Stowe -"But it refused to fly, You couldn't go up in it." Sherpa-- '"rhat's, of course, why I say it was the so fest.'' The Sufferers from Colds are numbered by Miltlous, not including those whose annoyance by association amounts almost, to stal3oriug. And yet it Is a fact, as capable of demonstration as any problem in Geo. rnotry, that Or, Ag�new's Catarrhal 13 Powder es, Does, Will Clue catarrh aid Colds,. 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Dawson Commission Co., 1110 TOIRC 1\TTQ- Li11,Tr014 SECNTEST LINE -• FASTEST TIME TO OALg ORNA VOA UNION PACIFIC EVE RY DAY UNTIL NOV. 300, COLONIST ].LATHES TO ALL P.RINCTPAL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA FROM MISSOURI RIVJ11Pi TERMINALS -Council Bluffs to ICa,nsas City Inclusive - $25.00 From Chicago and St. Lochs proportionately low rates are in effect by lines connecting with rho UNION I'ACIb'IO. 1118811 311800011 TRAINS DAILY Tourist- Sleepers a Speolalty l'ot• tall In totmatlon tall en or address IT. I`, CARTER, T.P.A„ 14 Jethes I3uiiding, Toronto, Danade. 11'. D. ('I'TOA'1''kl, (l. A., 11)11 'Woodward Ave„ Detroit, 1118i, 47--03