The Brussels Post, 1903-11-26, Page 6THE 'WORLD'S MARKETS,
=Rol:as rAon TBB LEADING
?rices ef Cattle, Gain, Cheese,
and Other Dairy Produce.
at Home and Abroad..
Tcsrento, Nov. 21.--Wheut.- The
Murket is quiet, with denoted eon -
lined chiefly to millers. No.' 9 white
awl .red Wirth•r quoted at 77 to ,,e
low hieghts: No. 2 spring is (motel
li1'73e east, am! No. 2 goose sit 7(1
to 7Je east. Masitoba Wheat is
unchenged. .At upper lake Ports
No, 1 Northern is quoted tit 84c, and
No 2 Northern at 82c. No. 1 hood
nominal at 90c lake ports, For
grieding in tratelt qtiotatioes me tie
higher than abm.e.
.Oats -The market Is quiet at un-
cbanged prices. No. 2 white is
quoted at 283 to 20c west, and as
2910 10111 freights to New York. N.
1 white, 801c east,
Barl:a--The market is dull, with
the Priees siteady, No. 2 quoted at
43c, middle Ii•eightts. No, 3 exti•ti at
40 tis 41e, and No. 3 at 3$ to 1194;
iiiitiiUe beights.
ltye--The market is (inlet, with
.prices steady, Cars ate quoted at
501 to 51e outride.
Peas -Trade is dull end price•s un-
changed. No. 2 white quototi ot 60 !
to 61-0 ligh freights, and nt 61.1e met,
•Coin -Tee market is quiet, with
prices steady. No. 2 yellow Ameri-
can quoted at 53 to 531c on tottelis
Toronto; No. 2 yellow at 521e, and
No. 8 mixed at 52c, Toronto.
Buckwheat -The market is tin -
changed. with quotations 41. to tile •
at out We petals.
Flottr-Ninety per cent po t yet 5 ;
are steads", at $3.05 middle freights,
in buyerssacks, for export. Straight •
rollers of special brands for domes -tie ;
trade quoted at $3.40 to 80.50 011
Irals. Manitoba flours are steady; ;
No. 1 patents, 84.55 to $4.60; No '
• I
Patents, $4.25 to KW; mei strong
ale s'. 94.15 to $4.20 on track,
Milifeed-Bran steady at $16.50 I
and shorts at $18.50 lied At mit- 1
-silo twists loan is quoted at $11150!
to 814, and shorts at OE% Matilo-;
be bran in sacks $18. and shorts;
at $20' here.
Applee-The market is quit•t, with ;
prices steady. Winter fruit qnoted
at $1.75 to $2 per bbl, itt car lots,
and at $2 to $2.50 in small quail- ;
tit les.
Beass-There is it -cmiet trade. with ;
prices steady, Priine beans are!
quoted at $1.75 per bush. •
Dried apples -The demand is fair,
with prices unchanged at 41 to 5e
per lb.
'Honey -The mark•ot is quiet at 6 to
70 per lbfor bulk, and at 91.25 to
$2 for comb. Choice clover honey,
7 to 7110 per 10.
Hay -Demand is fair, with reeeipts
only moderate. No. 1 timothy
quoted at $9.50 on track, Toronto,
and mixed at $7 to 87.50.
Straw -The market is quiet, at
$5 per ton for car lots on track.
Potatoes -The offerings are moder-
ate with prices unchanged. Cars on
track aro (looted at 5•5c per bag for
good quality,
Poultry -The demand is fair, and
offerings moderate. Turkeys are
quoted at 10 to 12c per lb., and
geese at 7 to Se per 10„ ducks, 81
to 9e per lb., or 75 to 90e per pair.
(Thickens, 2 to De per lb., or 60 to
75e per pair, old hens, 45 to 500 per
Butter -The market is firm, with
receipts of medium and low grades
fans Choice dairy tubs scarce and
wanted. We quote :--Finest 1-1b.
rolls, 18} to 20cchoice largo rolls,
161 to 1710; selected dairy tubs,
17 to 18c; secondary grades, 13 to
1.1e; creamery prints, 22 to 23e;
solids, 191 to 2010. continues firm. We
quote t-Stricily new laid, 24e; cold
storage, 18 to 20r; limed, 18c per
Cheese -Market quiet, with the best
selling at 11/e, and seconds at 101
to 11c,
Montreal, Nov. 24. -Manitoba.
wheat is up again to 78c for No. 1
Northern, Fort William, November
, .
the Chicago quotation Inc December
delivery. Grain --Peas, 714 to 72e
afloat here; rye, 5.3e east, titic affaot
here; buckwheat, 52c afloat; No. 0
eats, liSt: in store, 34c afloat; No. 3
onte, le less; flaxseed, 81,15 on
track here; 1•To. 3 barley, 50c. Flotir
-41-onitoba patents, 84,00; second's,
84.30; strong liakers', 84.05 to 84.-
30; Ontario sti•aight rollers, $3.90
to $41; in bags, 81.85 to 81.95; pa-
tents, $1 to 84.25; extra, $1.65 to
81.70; rolled oats, 81.80 per bag,
98.80 per 001, llillfeed- Ontario
bran in bulk, 817.50 to 818.50;
ehorts, $20 to $21; Manitoba, been,
in bags, $18; shorts, $20 to 821.
Deans -Choice prbnem, 81.55 to 81,-
00 per bushel in ear lois. Provisions
-11eavy Canadian short mit pork,
819,50 to $201 light short rut, 918
lo 518.501 Amelican short eut, clear,
817 to $17.50; American fat backs,
818 to 818.50; compolincl Merl, Ele;
Canadian lard, 81 to 9e; kettle ren-
dered, 101e; hams, 12} to 14e. baeon
181 to 14e; fresh killed abattoir
hogs, 87.25; live hogs, 95.25 to 85.-
97}, Flgge•-ellandlerl meleeted, 23e;
!straight. 1 ',enlists, 20c; Montreal line -
td, Cheese -Ontario, 101 to
Ile; Townships, 101 to 1.05e; Quebec
LO jo Jeke. Iluttere-Townshios
trortinery, 21. to 22r; Quehec, 20 to
tt.le; Ws:1'ton dairy, 15 to 17e.
1411wsorkee, Nov,
No. 1 Nod helm, 81 / to 82e; No,
2 Northern, 801 to 00e: May, 781es
liye-lellendy; No. 1, Mlle. Barley,-
- Firm; No, 2, 04r; sample, :10 to 62e.
Dorn -Steady. No. 41,' 40 to 4810;
May, 4,2 to
ntreaio, Nov, 24.--Plour-Pirtn.
001001-40 bosiness; No, 1 Northern,
• earlondfle 82}e, No. 2 red on track,
ithronab affarod Clam -
Strong; No. 2 yellow, 00}e; No, 2
vont, 4.9e. Oats --Stronger; No. 2
white, gpe; No, 2 mixed, 87e. 'Bat,
ley-Odorings, c.i.f., 4.8 to 00c. Bye -
No. 1 in store, e84, Canal freights
Minneapolis, N ov. 24 .--Wher, t.-Do-
ceinber 701 io $01c, elay $01 to
tettke. On traek, No. 1 hard 833 to
No. 1 Notthern. 821e, No. 2 North-
ern 710.1e, No, 3 Nonlife n 75 to 70e,
Ilene -Ten sleets higher; Ilost batents
81,70 to 1,80; etwonil do., $4,00
to 81.7 0; fast tlears, 93,10 to 011,40
secomi in., .92.40 to $2.50. Bran
-lit bilk, 913,23,
Tot•onto Nov. 21. -At the City
Cattle :Market tit -day there waS 11.
good bsisk trade. 'rho aveeage run
uf export dieting were light and 1111-
11113ui10:1, 1.1111 prices rang1;:g nbout
'Move 111 s 60041 (14410011,1 for heavy
well -ant -tied rattle. In the general
run M cattle °Mob% there was a
geod propot•tion of stockers and
0)111 trotters. The best market was
for good butchers' vettle and ex-
porters. There was a heavy run of
eheep and hogs,
The total run was 93 •loncis of
stotk, with -1,287 head of cat lie,
2,093 sheep tied lambs, 2,1.42 hogs,
alt 01 wilvss
Export-t3ood market for choise ex -
Porters, prises ranging ir0111 $4.ip
to 84.70.
But ehers-Ma art very firm • for
good betehers' rattle: tractive Nosed
cattle sellit•g et $4.25 to 94.30; or-
dinary butchers', $3.75 to $4.
Si otkc'rs-F'alr denunal fur good
eteekers, "miles for the best quality,
eposs sou lbs., 911,50 to $3.75.
Sheep aud lauthis-Trade good, all
sold; prosgeets steady, Prices, ex-
port ewes 511.25 to $3.55; bucks,
82.50 to $2.7-5; culls, $2 to 83:
I be g'l tog1.i0, Wertk and prosposts
loaaw. No elmnge in quotations to-
day at 85.10 for the best, down to
$1,75 for lights alai fats.
Export, heavy ....... ...... $1.10 to 8.1.70
Export, light ... :I.80 1.o0
1.1.11is, (-Tort heavy, 1
cwt. ... 11.75 4.9.
do. . 3.0') 3.50 !
Feeders, 13(1) lis. end
upwards .1.00 60
Shoot keep, 1,00 lbs. 3.65 13.80
Stoskers, 400 to 800•
Ds. do. 000 lbs. 2.75 .3.756 !
Titdebers' it; t choice 1175 4.1 0 !
do rnetiem 0.80 3.50
do pist ed. ...... 4,00 4.20
do bulls ..... 2.75 3.00
do rough .2.50 2.00
Light ,,tock hulls, ell 3, 2.25 2.50
Mil 0 10,1313 ...... -.MOO 52,00;
Hogs, best 5.10
dm light 4.75
Sheep, export, cwt.... 11.25 11.55 ,
Spring lambs
Calves, emit
2.60 2.75:
2.273 2.75,
2.00 1,0.00 I
Details of the InspectIon-Inerease
in Reeeipts.
An Ottawa despatch says: The:
annual report of the Inland Revenue •
Department was Issued on Wednestley .
and contains the details with regard !
to the inspection of weights and;
measures and gas and electric: light!
The total revenue collected during ;
the year for the inspection of weighttt!
and measures was $64,327 ittt com-;
pated with 962,037. The total expen-
diture was 987,507, as against 976-
418. The total revenue ft•om gas in-
spection ;during the year ending June!
130, 1.903, was 8135,159, as compared ,
with $24,221, The expenditure to -
trilled S25,566, as compared with ;
924,066. The net revenue derived;
;from the inspection of electric light ;
was $12,434. Since the year 1897
1 the two services of gas and electric!
;light inspection, which are conducted •
!largely by the same staff of officers, ;
have reached that point at which !
they have ceased to be a burden 119-1
on the general taxpayer. Since that
time there has been a constant in-;
crease of revenue over expenses.
In 1898-1899 the revenue was San,'
015, compared with the expenditure
of 923,486, which was exclusive of
the cost of standerd instruments. Tn
1902-1903 the revenue was 940,054,
compared with an expenditure of •
The weights and measures inspee-,
tion earns about three-fourths of
its annual cost, but the report states
that the appointment of a chief in-'
Spector with many years of experi-I
ence will soon bring this branch in-
to a greater state of efficiency.
Resolution Introduced in House at
A WaShington despatch says; Rep-
resentative Williams, Mississippi, in-
trodiwed it resolution on 'Thursday
''.Phat the Meuse of Representa-
tives would view with pleasure and
heartily endorse initiative stops tak-
en by the President of the United
Stet es towards reconvening the ,
Joint High Commission appointed by .
(Irma Britain, the Dominion of Can -
alt and the United States; fort the;
purpose of considering and agreeing 1
with freer and more amicable trade!
relations between tho United Slates'
and the Dominion of Canticle,"
Admiralty Orders Three Vessels of
Xing Edward Type.
A London despatch says: The Daily
Ilitib $140,10 that the Admiralty has
revoked its recent order for three
battleships having a record tonnage
of 1.8,00)) each and ri speed of 19
knots+, and has substituted therefor
an order for three vessels of the
Ring lildWrird type, each with it ton -
011(33 of 16,1350, end it speed of 181
knots, Theee vessele Will have a
somewhat smeller armament, than the
1,21.0010 011040.0.110
Dr. Bryce on the Alarrhing Spread
of Diphtheria,
A Toronto despatch says: Dr.
Bryee, of the Provincial Bondi of
Health, at it medial; of that hotly
on Wedneadey laid some Mots before
them concerning the elm•ming spread
of diphtheria. He 1/01111011 001, that
in August twenty-seven municipalitit•s
rettorted 122 eases, With 21 deaths,
and in !September 88 municipalities
reported 210 casee With 30 deeths.
The returns for 00100e1' show that in
52 municipalities there were 46 1 cas-
es with 54 deaths, and letters for
November indicate that the preseuce,
of diphtheria continues.
Speaking for Toronto, Tr, Bryce
sitys that In August 51 casee were
reported, which increased in Oet ober
to 118 eases with 14 deaths. Out
or 770 eases reported in October 115
wore treated itt the Isolation Hospi-
tals, These are an importunt factor
he thinks in chocking disoase and
lowering the death rate, and ho
learns with satisfaction that the now
addition to the Isolntion Hospital
will soon be completed,
In Ottewa there wore 319 cases and
19 deaths and 57.0 per cent, were
treated in the hospitals with the re-
sult that tho deathrate was only
12.72 tutd 9 out Of the 19 deaths ocs
doted in January before arrange.
ments wort? made for treating those
eases itt the hospitals. Guelph had
9 cases with no deaths, all or which
wore treated in the hospitals. Lon-
- • iiest sitltaied
in point of site ancl dmitatIon, it
number of cases of mild character
met:erect in January and Volwitary,
and increased in virulence steadily up
to the present. In June there were
23 cases and I death, July 35 cases
and 2 (lentils, August 18 eases and 4
deaths, Sept. 89 ea.10:10 and 1 derails,
October 11-1 ceses and 8 deaths. Lell-
dell. While moro happily situated
111E111 11111113 other localities, has far-
ed WOrr,0 than any in the pro) hoe,
but is now dealing with the dis;•ase
in tents provided for the purpose.
Or. Bryce attributes the cause of
the spread of diphtheria and scarlet
fever In lack of precauticm on the
part of parents end health officers,
and says the disease is spread large-
ly by school children wall sore
throats who play and kiss one ;m-
other before the eases have been
diagnosed. in Cheslies recently 23
eases developed in 13 days, the re-
sult of 01111: being sold from the
house in which it diplitheretic pati-
ent W1114 being treated. (lentos at
school ere perhaps the most pro-
lific cause of contagion.
They Are Equipped - With Incuba-
tors, Brooders andlMov-
able Mouses.
Ties DWI/ inion Deparinatiet of Agri-
culture bas in op:walk:II in Canticle
t twee poult ry braiding st at ions, throe
c.,1:1.1ekeet rearing citations, and tttn
chicken fat t (ming st ins-en
Tito poultry breeding stations are
located at Holmosville end Bowman-
ville, Ont., and Beloit -Me, Que. At
each of these tit at ions a modern
poultry house is erected aud abo at
125 utility -typo Ilat•red Plymouth
Beek pullets Inc kept. At llohneee
vine and Bowmanville double poultry
houses are built. these houses cuit
80 feet long and 16 feet wide and
contain ten brooding liens of Barred
Plymout h Rocks. Tho roost ing
quarters aro separnted femn the ex-
ercising pens 0101 nye 11111101041. 10
withst 1.111a 1111.1 ea L11 1.1111 1011110 are
kept warm at night. The single
poultry house is erected at Montville,
Quo., and is 100 feet hong' and 12
feet wide, Dunng cold bights t ile
roosting* quarters LAW ell1/4/411 by a
cheap burlap -covered frame. The
fowls are kept warm at night. On
;account of the cold winter weather
throughout Canada a wenn rousting
ipen should be built in ever,y single
!poultry house,
It is the intention of the Pepart-
anent of Agriculture to develop t he
;utility -type straie of Barrett Ply -
knout h Docks and to distribute them
:to the farmers at a nominal price.
-Last year about SOO Barred Ply-
, 11101.1t 0 Rocks were sold to the farm-
ers. P0, demand fot Plymouth
Itocks has great ly increased this
'rho poultry breitding st at 10115 are
'equipped with incubators, brooders,
;and 11101 able houses. One ratubtilm
will generally hatch as many chickens
The most satisfactory method of
rearing 200 or morn chickens n year
is with these movable houses and
indoor brooders. The house and
brooder are cheap in construetion
:and can be bent at home. 11 is
profitable for almost every ftramer
near a large city to raise and fatten
front 200 to 500 chickens a year.
, The chicken rearing stations are
operated et Chicoutimi, Que., An-
dover, N. 11., and Vet•non ltivet•
Bridge, P. E. I., They carry oil
the same work as the poultry breed-
ing stations except t tut teggs
for hatching are bought from hom-
ers who possess good floeks of Barr-
ed I lymenth Rocks. There aro no
specially selected Plymouth Rock
pullets at these stations.
The chicken fattening stations are
located at Scualwich, Ont., Stanford,
Qum, Rogersville, N. B„ East Am-
h,erst and NorthMargaree, N,
, 113mllntlatt, JIloni agtto
Tin dge, MOUllt SthWert. end Eldon,
P. E. Y. Theso illustration stations
pttrehos. " • frotn tltef• •
;for fattening. The stations Miss, an
I equipment of fattening unites, shap-
ing boards, etc. The chickens are
rutted for 24 days in the. crates and
tra the completion of that Clue are
81 areed 36 hom•s, killed by disloca-
o 11110 a
square shape end packed into boxes.
This year it is tho intention of
the Diminish) Department of Agricul-
ture to sell fatted farmers' chickene
on all the principal Canadian mar-
kets and to show the consumers the
improved quality of ernte-fed chick -
111, lip to the present time 110
chickens have been expot-t ed by the
Department to Great Britain, Thy
price received per pound is from 10
to 13 cents, plucked weight. This
course will be pursued so that hum -
PI'S iti any part of Canada fattening
their chickens can sell them to deal-
ers who recognize tho value of fat led
chickens and pay au increased polo:
per pound for thein.
it would be 10 the 10111011 Lige Of
the formers living near the fattening
stations, 'to visit and locum
tho modem methods of kill-
ing, pineking and shaping
ehickens. The men in charge of '
tho stations will iv • 1011
.1•egarding the disposal of tho fat tad
eh iekons.
The Dominion spepartinent of Agri -
(edition caeried 011 111 ttstt',tt loll chick-
en fattening work for 1. Ilree 3el1110 111
itellfreW. Ga. W10101 the W01111 coin-
menced„ Mr. John Frood, the opera-
tor of the st wam requested to
interest the farmers about Renfrew
ehieken fat teeing and to inform
them of the high jn•ires mild for fat-
ted chielcens ill 1\10111 r111.11.- :kir. F1100(1
loaned two fermere the rationing
crates end showed 'them how to feed
their chickene, These chickens were
Hold in Montreal at 11. (stilts per
potted, plucked weight, and one of
!the Jarman; wrote the Department
that he Nves m-1.11 pleasod with the
Disastrous 'Collission of Trains en
Illinois Road.
A Peoria, Ill., despatch says: Thir-
ty-one men were killed, and at least
thirty injurecl in it head-on collission
between it freight and a WOrk train
on the Big Four, between Mackinaw
and Fremont, on Thursday, On a
bank at the side of the track lie
tho bodies of the victims, cut, bruis-
ed, and incomied in it, horrible man-.
nor. So far twelve only hese been
identified, the remaining being 011 -
All the dead and 111001 of the in-
jured were members of the work
train, the crews of both engines
Peopieg in straw to save their lives.
The collision occurred in a deep cut,
at the beginning of a. sharp curve,
neither train being visible to the
crew of the other until they were
within .50 feet of each other. The
engineers set the brakes, sounded the
whistle, and leaped from thole cabs,
the two trains striking with suet
force that the sound was heard for
miles. A second after the collission
the boiler of the work train engine
exploded, throwing heavy it•on bars
and splinters of wood 200 feet.
Conductor John W. .Itulge, of In-
dianapolis, who had charge of the
freight train, received orders at Ur-
bana to wait at Mackinaw for the
work train, which was duo there at
2.40 p.m. Insteed of doing this he
failed to stop. Tile eoginver of the
work train, George Becker, lied also '
received orders to pass the freight at
liaekinaw, and was on the way to
that station. One of the last bodies
recovered hail been lifted 30 feet in-
to the air and held in place by
1 ten ra Ira Which had been pushed tip
between the engines and the lender
of the work train.'
Will Cross Atlantic in Five and.
One -Half Days.
An Ottawa despatch says: :Before
another season hits passed there. may
be vessels in the Atlantic plying 3-
(14,00 the 'United Kingdom and Can-
dle capable of covering the tlistence
from MovIlle to Rintouski in 1100 0.11d
a half days. The contract with the
Allarts eXpire8 111•13. summer, end they
will be given to 'understand that if
they Wish to retain the Government
subsidy paid for the deliverance of
mail8 they aaist provide Intel
boats for the Cannatit route.
rho Aliens have two imbue?
steeinees now building, Which will
be capable of mleamiug seventeen
knots, and with these plying., to
Montreal or Quebec e service could
be given that in point of epee(' and
Comfort, would leave very 1113 ht
be desired,
Official in Household Confesses to
Forging Cheques.
A &vetch from 1.melor, saye ;-
Xing Wawa, for the second limo in
his Niel' reign, Mei been robbed by a
clerk in the (illicit tho Pnyttinsier
of the Household. Ott this meat -ion
cheques amounting to 92,500 WITO
sirewn and cashed by Prank
Timhrtm, who, on Thursday, nt Bow
Street Pon 'o Court, confessed, end
wits 013111111 1 ed tor trial itt the 1113
tfartrittr ineeted a poultry house cost-
ing 920h end is engagiug itt the
business exte»sivitly. Ile speaks very
favorably of the fattening work. Ho
has chickens in the fetteniti tog
end is shipping regularly to Tifont-
real. It, is kayoed that the ststond
farmer and three ()therm are also for-
warding eltivitens to :Montreal. One
of them netlized for his ehipinent 75
ceutm per chicken, another 05 emits
pee chicken. Three yeerm ego Oldie
farmers' elileketis, indittiened, omild
not have been sold for more then 50
twills per pair. it wee then difficult
to 1013' firet-elaus chiekees. A great
number of J..egborit (ltd scrub chick-
ens were reified by the fernierm. This
your alemed every farmer owns., it
first-class flock of llarred Plymooth
Since the chicken ratell /11g 1.11181-
be:04 10 established nt 'Renfrew and
prom bins to develop into an import-
ant industry. the Departmcmt of
Agriculture decided not to operate
tile Station another year. The wool(
will be 'transferred elseWhere„. 'rho
Ilenfrew noultey busdeoriet received a
great irepetue on neement, of the op-
eration of the illustration fattening
station, the farmere are elerteed with
the ineretoseci returns received from
their fatted chickens, and era ill a
good way to 1101lize suhstantial
poultry 114V11111111, 11.1111t has been ac-
oninplished In Iteaftew can be repent-
od in °Owe pines of Canada..
Operator Telegraphed Colleague
An Elmira, 14, Y., do:Teich says:
W. IL Clendoein, It teliscraph opet•a-
oe at Browne, Pa., a 8(111 bit 15
miles mirth of Williamsport, on tho
100011 Creek diV1S1011 ELC the NOW
Yak iienlral hallway. was found
(lead in the telegraph tower shortly
after 7 o'clock on Thursday night.
At 0,50 o'clock tho operator at Oak
CI VOWS, Pa., on the same road, receiv-
ed this message from Clendenin:-
-Send switch engine quiek for me,
I am being 01 11/14101101 lee--." The
wire opened and not 01111 her word
!canto. A sivitell eng•Ine watt sent to
the scene and reached Browne in • a
short time. The body was found 1y -
10g 1111(1017 the desk, the head crushed
in. A bloody spike maul lay on the
floot• beside it. Robbery was appar-
ently tho motive, the watch end
money of the operator being missing,.
Nu trace of the murderer has been
found, Crandon'n evidently recognis-
ed his assailant and was about to
wire his name when death struck
him from the key.
Grain rrons. the West Is Being
Moved Rapidly,
A despatch front Montreal says :-
The vein movenieut fi•om the North-
West Territories and Manitobit over
the Canadian Patine Itailwey is In-
creasing greatly, and the lost few
days have 140011 rue
n big lt at the
• . •
Canadian Pacific Railway inland ele-
vators, This bas brought the re-
cord of receipts, for the nienth of
November up to last year's reeord,
in fact, Inst. Saturday this year's .fig-
areS were ahead of last year's. Mon-
day's receipts were light, however,
and November, 1902, ;now totals
11)001 11,3.100 13111111LIS ahead of the
current month. Figures received at
the °nice of Mr. Cl. M. Bosworth
sbow the receipts for .November,
1903, for 16 days, to be 8,569.000
bushels and for -the season to date
15,700,000 bushels. Last .1101111'S
November reeord up to the same
date was 8,600,000 bushels, ba the
season of 1902 shows 18,500,000
bushels, or 2,800,000 bushels ahead
of this yetus At the rate the -grain
is coining forward, however, there is
evert, prospect that this voar nill
eclipse last reason's figures before
navigation on the upper lakes closes.
So far there have been no complaints
from the fanners, and the busisess is
Proceeding satisfactorily to n11,
Companies in Mew Ontario Are
About to Make Money,
• A desert tell from 'Toronto says :-
Thoee mines ill NOW Ontatio are get-
ting ready to make money, according
to the statements of Mr. T. R. Jones
mines manager of the New York
Canatletin Copper Company, who was
bn tin city on Wednesdity, on his
way front New York back to the
mines. 9The company has been
working for three years in tWO 1111110)
-saying nothing but sawing wood.'
Ono is st copper mine, the Tip Top,
about 8,1) milos west of Port Arther,
and 111,, otlen. is a gold mine, loiown
is A. 1, 232, about 120 miles west
of Port, Arthur, both near the line
uf Ili, C a Ilfld 11111 NOV 11101111 Railway.
At the lip Top, Alis Jones says
there IS 5.,3)0o tuns of 6 per edit,
copper- nre On the dump, aud a bah
lailleS he says, there is ore enough
uilt io pay for all the plant that has
been put in. The, company is con-
sidering the betiding of a railway to
the eopper snimt from Kasbabowie
Station, 61 miles distance. They
propose to put in a 1.•0 -ton smelter
next, spring, which, besides handlieg
the copper Orr, will do custom work
for the silvot• und other 111i1108 itt th•e
vicinity. A 1.11 -stamp mill for the
gold mine is also proposed, it will
In- put in during the winter,
:Report Says It Will This 'rear
Surpass India.
'A despatch from London 1445
Tlirchenough, the spy, ial e0111-
1114.8.1011011 10110 W11.11 vent by the Boy-
M11101E1111 ittvestigate the position
and prospects of British traria 311
South Af, iett, hus I:HUI/Attila a relliy
report, 1Ttt says that, including W
stems, the imports have intreaeed
250 per cent, in ten yea's, the
greet est 1 11111101V0 by fur (luring the
past tit o years. South 11 111 ut Is;
caret:sly the socond largest, Of Circa(
Ili.] Lain's elltibelllerS. .1.11d11 -
enough predicts that the trade with
South Africa will pass that will.,
India during the currant year. 'rho
present depreesion in mining is dee
to temporary 111.111100. Hu Says there
hes been strong 1;re-poessession since
the 11111' 111 favor of :131 iti 1t1t geed/4,
but runty 11t') 1110 inenefarturers, es-
pecially those in the englneerons
trade, litels tiger and enterprise.
Turbine Boats of Allan Line Well
Improve Matters,
A. &smite+ front idontreel says :-
During the 3101114011 navigntion of
1905 the Allan line will be opeentime
two Unties() steamships of 12,000
10118 each in the Ste letwrence. trade,
'rho 111141, of Bowe steamehips, both
of which will be capable of malcieg
011 nverege of seventeen knots en
hour sm the voyage, will bo the Vic-
torian, end will be ready Tor senile°
by 'August of iiest year. The sec,
end •t• easel, not yet mimed, Will be a
Mato for the Vietoriam and will be
ready for 14erelee 0111 13 111 the tiering(t 1b04i:
TelegractnpdhiootiBiGrriefcsoFuirlotini-sesOloivi OW13
A heavy fall of ((now hi reported at
Vrth County Cowell has ex-
pended 915,000 on roads this year.
About twelve miles of consent side -
Walks intwe been laid in 1,01,11on this
‘'111 Mem 0 W01114 11111111011'fi naely
Lapiel rho° faetory at
Montreal W 00 burned on Saturday.
Lees 800,000.
111 111111 011 TrlIderl 111111 1411.110r 0011114.
tor municipal polities.
Hamilton brewers think that the
charge of 12 cents per 3 houstind gal-
lons of water is excessh*e.
Christmas excursion rates LLO 11110
effect on the railways 01 Manitoba
and the west on December 1.
The Government nuty ch•range for
the free exchange of press indisagem
between Canada and New Zealand,
and Austealla may also come Itt.
rfaSrsiiitencitpse.g nuns:bents express them-
selves as well sittistied tvith the
year's trade and hopeful of future
For the four 1110111 1114 ending Octob-
er 31st, as compared with the same
period last year, tho foreign trade of
Ceitada, shows an increase of $22,-
1ontract for the new publics
building at Ciault Ste, Mode has
been awarded 10 Messrs. AlelThail,
McCarty & Kenneth Wright. The
price is 951,000.
On the Kirkella breneh of the C. P,
11. a work train lan Into n string of
ears 011 1111 011011 SWitell, on Satter -
day, Two inen wore killed and throe
others seriously hurt.
The members of the 1•1111 Regiment,
who performed gareison duty at
Kingston in 1885 during the North-
west Rebellion, are forming on es.,
sociation to press theft claims upon
the Government for ct. Northwest
medal and scrip for land.
Frederick J. Haas, who claimed to
have been the first brewer of lager
Otto in America., is dead at 1111 1101110
in Trenton, N.2.
In spito of the efforts of his inva-
lid wild to prevent; Min, Henry Wil-
by clrinking carbolic acid. He had
lost his job through a strike.
Miss Ilettie :Bodine, teacher, of
West Barre, N.Y., is tinder artstst for
pulling a ten -year-old hoy's tongue
looso n'henwas "in bin fa 0 "
a tl,%:;liiterh
the arrival of a daughter to
anil • • . ltoclwbellor,
jr., Monday, at New York, the
world's richest heitess was born, be-
ing in lino for $323,000,000.
A human hived severed Irons the
arm at tho wrist, was the object
which the postmistress at Central,
South Carolina, deew from a mealy
wra.pped box which was sent her.
Two inmates dead, three dying,
twenty fully developed eases and
twenty suspected eases is W'ednes-
day's record of the epidemic of
diphtheria at the New Yore Slate
2.1'S. Seeley, professor of
pedagogy in the Now Jersey State
Normel School, advocates the return
in public schools to corporal pun-
ishment which was abolished by the
Legislature more than thiety years
Driven to desperation by remarks
about the poor quality of her cloth-
ing and having been reduced from
Plenty to poverty, Charlotte Id.
Thomas, It stenographer, killed her-
self tho other day in the. Arnold -
Constable building, New York,
A bill prescrihing the death penal-
ty for the crime of killing the Presi-
dent of the 'United States, the Vice -
President of the United States, am-
bassadors, or ministers of foreign
countries accredited to the United
States is before Congress.
The first turbine -driven warship has
been launched at London.
Announcement was made before the
Egyptian Exploration Vend of re-
markable discoveries of ancient
preprie-sste. denling with the sayings of
Tho London Thnes publitshes the
petition which exiled Finlanders were
prohibited from presenting to the
Czar. it shows the laments -dile con-
dition of Finland,
A Russian army corps has been
ordered to the far least.
Ming Alfonso of Spain, will soon
visit Rome. Berlin, Peels and leen-
Reme.rkalele Development in len
dempaleh from Ot town suys: The
leepartneed of Trade end ("minimise
on Wednesday received It report •111)10
Mr, le A. Roes, the newly nppointed
(onmemeint mem) to NY0141 Allaraill..
Air, 110148 g30,114 111/100 imPort ili800111-
e1111se i•egiteding tide distant colony
of the Empire. 'rho following figures
1,41o14 the growth of the colony in len
years. The prodeetion of gold le
1902 ammutted to 97,94 7,6611.
1892 1103.
Populat ion. 62,1100 221,0(10
'Revenue , 68 1,000 .9 11,850,000
impoi•i 1 01 ,onn 7,91 8,000
Exports , 918,000 0,05 1.,000
'Prude ,. ...s 2,119,00n 1(1.2(10,000
lloss W104 011)tW11 011017 (1011111ony
by the State Prime Minister, klr, W,
11, 1 1, 118111,11 }11.41`1.11 81111
Y1111,1111111.111e, and lolled very friend-
ly fooling' lowardes Oemarin, but he
(says that. 1 ilemadieh 11110114 (1111311111 0
MIMI In the hominess( ef this colony
they Insist stdope similar 1013 115
those praelised by A toorlene houses.
Deriog him travels 'Mt, tines creme
sterolie three travelling represents -
lives et NiAv York eommisgion' hone -
King of Italy Receives it Splen-
did Reception.
31. despmelt from 11111101 meys
Tite welcome (if King atut Vidor
matelot and Queen If eh•no of Italy
to London ns the guests if 11.e bora
Meyer and corporetien on Thineelay
was 01 11 remarkehiy cordial <‚11,11(1:'.
lot', 1;•rotti the moment of itir
11111 at Paddington Shstion, the
111(111 Proceesdon paseed het eetli
0.11e 101113 Canopy of bright colors :old
triumphal etches and 1110‘141.14 of peo-
ple gaie their ttinjostiee st stplen.eid
reeeption, '<log Vieter bannieesen
send (Meet, :Helena Were 111111 111, Pint -
(Wigton by 1.ord tlenntell and the
hearkmarters iLill, After n 1)1.14 In-
spection et tho ef letttor of
Orenetthee, whore 1,111(1 welemned the
visitors with the Hallett the
Xing aed Queen, attended by the
Duke of Port Mori, enteeed Xing 14d-
nsusYs State lembiu. Five 1.011.1,
11015011 1.1111 1 11 11011 rages eittlinin-
ed the sillies. A so-se:ells:lee essrort
ef the Lifts Ouarde (mended t•heir
stud a 1111.1 011' vontingent
beought up the real' of the Royal
cavalcade, whieli as it. 141 the sta-
tion, was retail '.ed will) ro aid ug
Proseetling throtinit 'Hyde Farb. 1110
24:11114 11101 Queen reached the ltolian
.11;11110.11414y, WI 0.1 1-1110 141 111 101011.1 11
340111141 01 honor of (1111ihaltilan v)ter-
ans. 10 t,t 1 g th I.:inlet:rev their
Milne -ties; held a let 111/ ion 0,011 re-
eei ved addresses Isom. the Italian col-
How Military .Auth- ority Is Abus-
ed in the German Army,
stnlisties of eoneletione for
abuse td military authority in the
treatment of subordinates /1 :IVO re-
cently berm exciting pniend tatention
8035 the London 'Vilmal. Since Jan.
1, 19011, there bare been 150 Lon-
Vleii 01114 IIf alir 1.114 111111 1.1.1...0,00Lnis- E.
S10111311 0110,12110 1011 (10)01 1. to their
111011, mat the sentences of imprison-
inent or incaece!'atien in a 1,11') '0,111
which hat e been impoeed einount,
when added 1oget1;;•r, to tivee fifty
3'erE110, J114.11.11011 1 he 1.1101 of .1 11110 0 11.11
the end of September thele have
been no fewer than eighty eoevietions
of this kind, involeing peptones% of
imprisonmen t. the (owl te,31lS of
which amounted to over twenty-fonr
years, to say nothing (if ccmclonnin,-
ii011S involving inearceration in a
fortress, degrade Hon and other pen-
alties, Eleven LI those eighty con-
victions wore ageinst officers, and es
their pullishments 11-11 1 led between
herr months' hietrateretion in a for-
tress and seven days' ordittary arrest
it is assumed thet their offences were
not of such it hriaoas character as,
those of the non-commist-hmed °la-
cers. In 0110 dive, howet•er, tut °M-
eer Wfte 1.1e111131111,311 10 two months'
imprisonn•tent and was dismissed tbe
servive. The heaviest sentence was
that which was imposed 110011 the
non-conunissioned oMret• lirtelenbarh,
of the Fourth Guards Regiment, who
was condemned to eighty yeitrs' im-
prisonment for a very large numbet•
of aggravated cruelties inflicted upon
the men of his etenpany.
The eLlPeS 1111110 been mort ntimerous
among the infantry and ar 1 lery1
there ims only been one (rase itt the
cavalry. By far the largest number
of cases were in the Prussian contin-
gent, where the penalties inflicted
runounted to a total of 00er twenty-
three years' imptisonment, as against
a total of three months' imprison-
ment, as against a total of -three
months in Saxony. 11., must bo re-
membered, however, that, the Prus-
sian contingent; represents 010/10 than
threse-fourths of the whole strength of
the German army.
Child Slips From a Wheel Hub in
Between the Spokes.
'Few Men who have failed to get
on itt the bestness world leave with-
out having, figuratively speaking,
one or other of the following in-
seriptIons engeoved upon their tomb-
stones in the cemetery of commerce:
Ile lacked tact.
Worry killed him.
lIc was too seusitive.
He tem I (I n 0 t say
Tto (lid not iind his place.
A. little seecess paralyzed him.
11b was too peoud to take advice.
1111 cikl not guard bis weak poiet.
lie did Itot fall in love • with bie
lie did tot; learn to (in thInge to a
He was loaded doter, With usielefse
ID, got into ft groove and vould not
get out.,
3 It loved ease; he did not 111te
Ire lacked the homily of mefling
elong with others.
ees, eeniel Ind teatireaula his know-
ledge ieto peWer,
Watch (logs ere being employed to
gersed the thrums, Geevernitlette dock.-
A despatch from Penetanguishene
says :---A horrible accident occurred
here on Thursday, when the five-year-
old (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Thompson lost her life. The little
girl had gone to niebt her father,
who was driving home. After he
had entered the house she climbed
upon the hub of the wheel, from
which she slipped 111 between the
spokes and 11111,13 strangled to death.
Astronomer Makes a Discovery
While in .Australia,
A dempatch from Sydney, N.S.W.
1411,1,11 1-1)rof. Hussey, Of the Lick
Obset•vatory, California, enmped for
weeks at Canoblas, this colorty, in
connection with the scheme of the
Lick Observatory to establieh a chain
of nstronomical stations around the
woild, While there he discoveeed
ten new double stars. He ttonsithers
his discoveries as very iinportapte He
hem now gone to the Blue Moun-
t ItillS, whore he Nein 31.111T40 f1.11111her
0131000ai 0110.