HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-26, Page 5Nil/. 26, 1008
1UtON= '320 LOAN AT 5 PEA
-LT•i• cent, F. ii, SCOTT, I3rueaole.
1 • dreier of 0ltrr4age Lioonsee. 01.
Boa at Gr000r,•, Turpllorry itr0OG, ]3rtt56810
11AAMS 1'01.1' SAL19 'TIL' UN.
, DEB010000 has several good I. arms l Or
sale and to rent, easy terms, in TowooMpe
of 61or1ie and Urey. C 04. SOOTT.Bruesel
C. O. IS'.
Court Prhlosas Alexa.+dria, No,24, 0.0, ler.,
Brussels, meets In their Image Boone, Bine•
hill liloek, on the gad and duet Tuoedays 0f
each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always woluo01o. WALTEJ SMITH,,i* 8.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4i, 41 d; 5 Per Oeut.
Oaloe over Aureley's Drug Store,
Nov. Brd, 1802, 80.8in Brussels.
Wellington Mutual
Fire Ingnr0ne0 Co.,
Llsuranee taken on the cash and premium
note log elsewherecallcall current
uu ersigned Ageur-
of the Company.
JL' . Ben, will sell for better prices, to
better _man in lees time an 1.1000 chargee
he won't charge anything. U East
and ortlors
can alway0 be arranged at this °sloe or by
personal application.
Tho nndoroigned, who ie well acquainted
throughout the most part of the County
and who has bad bttetne0s with a largo otr-
ole of farmers in and around this looality,
begs to Inform the community that he had
taken ant au Auctioneer's Waimea for the
aof oo my Hu to hold Dotes s his services to
THOS. NEWSOME, Brussels.
Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, 1e prepared to trent an dis-
eases of domestleatod animals in a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistryy. Calls promptly at-
tended to.
of bridge,Toe r and
et„Brusseleur oore
VV • Barrister, Solicitor,. Conveyancer,
Notary Publics, &o. Caine -8 tewart'n Bleak
1 door Nor tit of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Waco over Standard Batik ; Solicitor for
Township of Grey, Howlett Mutual and the
Metropolitan Buuk, Private and company
money to loan at lowest rates.
H. D., C.
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medioal
College, Member College of Physicians end
Surgeons,.Ont. Lioentiata of the Boyal Col -
logo of thyellane and Lioeutiate of Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh. Sat -Telephone No.14,
lleeidence-Mill street, Brussels,
DR. R. P. FEU -D.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgeousof Ontario and Firet•ola$e Honor
Graduate Of Toronto Univeroity. Croce
meat to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Fall Term begins Sept. 1st
Two course¢-0ommeroinl and Shorthand.
Send for Oallege Journal.
President, Secretary,
• Briiish Columbia
Bed Cedar Shingles
AND ---
r' Dlori,lh Shore
Pine and Cedar
L 1
Brussels Planing
Also Doors and Bash of all Pat
terve on hand or made to order
Int Sbort Notice.
Eeb:mates Fnrnishod for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
4i t' =5: PFI Mre, 3, Galt and 51ra, (lir ) linnter, ot
d1 town, and Hire. (11" ) John lei. Video,' atilt
etre R A. Boyne, ' f Lot .lou, are Halters
of d°oeaeed and al 0 Comoro,,, M. P. p„
and A. N. Cameron, , f Florid II, are
The plans of the pr'poeed new Metho.
dint ohnroh 011 North street have 00410 la
hard and it l possible the question of
building will be Molded in It few days.
One member of the antra) °aye that 'if
the edituoe can be erected end finished
for the price pot by the arohiteoi, it will
eurely be etarted at 0no0," The propos,
ed bnildigg, it is stated, will have a large
°iroater gallery which, with the auditor
film, will seat one thousand parsons,
Best place in Canada for 004uriug
a thorough boslnmen education Or u
sup00100 ohm'tbaud traluing, Dur
tl,,raduuto0 la'o always snhoosilul in 1401-
gGlumive postlluner toTills school invariablyhes
poet. its rite ter 01010 than .11010)3 ex-
Y Prot. Write .lir ootalogae, Looter
:D LIoIo u0uth If poeolble,
W, J. ImAturPT, Principal, q f
3tS.trx.c:t , ietvz.
I.wt(1201kO w .
Good demand for wood in the village.
St. 0. Mellough left for Hamilton,
where he her secured a position in a
wholesale grocery hoose.
Cornelius Smith hae sold hie farm in
Went Wawanoeh, neer Fordyce, to Mr,
Phillips, of Ashfield, and intends moving
to Luoknow.
Mre. R. J. Carswell, who hae been
visiting friends in thio 'jollity, has re.
turned to her home in Deloraine,
Frank Cain, who hae been in poor
11001111 for some time past, went to
Toro0to to teke a course of treatment
with a specialist in that city.
Geo. Neaman hae been off work for a
tete days owing to blood poisoning in hie
Mille Emma Finitude whilet
le carvio
meat 6110 other day the knife Blipped and
out a severe gash in Iter thumb.
A. Bagshaw bad the mieforeune to ram
a nail into hie knee imp. The wound
was painful and be was unable to attend
to his duties for a few days.
A number of bad boys worked the
lased racket ou some news that they had
driven into the old drill .bed on the
Agriaultnral grounds the other day and
the poor bosses were so badly worried
that they almost died.
Sam'l Gidley, who has; been in very
poor health for many months took a turn
for the worse the other day and hie con-
dition at present is ane thing but promis
ing. Dropsy, monied with heart and
other troubles are the canes of his week.
ened condition.
Mrs. Johlto, who resides with her Bon-
in law, Robt. Sanders, con. 8, Stephen,
and who recently had the misfortune to
breast her thigh by falling from the top
of a bed on whioh elle was standing to
take down tome olothes, Continues very
ill from the aooideut and it is feared the
tneury will yet prove fatal, she being a
lady well advanaed to years.
Wm. Davie, eon of Wm. Davie, Exeter
North, met with a revere arcideut. He
was going down the ekidway at Mr. Kil-
lo8gh'e turning factory and when near
the bottom misted hie footing and as a
result one of hie lege was broken. A
physioiao wee at once oalled and the
treaters reduced and the young fellow
fn now progressing favorab'e but it will
be some weeks before he will have the
use of the injured limb.
t lo(t(el-i(ela.
0. Thompeon has leased the rink again
this reason.
Jet.. D. O'Connell, deputy Registrar,
hae moved into the Loyd dwelling ou
Nathan street.
The Sone of Scotland deoided to die•
pewee with any celebration of St.
Andrew's Day this year,
A. S. Ohryetal and family have re-
turned to town from London, where they
resided for a number of years.
The no0•jary eeseioue of the High
Court will open before Juotioo Mno•
Mahon on Monday, November 10th.
The Baptist Sunday Suhool is peeper
ing an attraotive Cantata to be given in
the Temperance Hall on Christmas night,
According to the new rules applicable
to Ontario jails, Gaoler Griffin and
Turnkey Knox will in the near Futuro
appear in uniform.
Rev. Mark Turnbull wee iu Clinton on
Taeeday of lent week and addreeeed the
Y. P. A. of St Paal'e ohureh on South
John Knox, anotioneer and implement
agent, has given up the bueine00 in favor
of his eon William, who will in future
oondaot the bueinee0.
MCP. W. Roberteou has returned home
after an abeenee of len mouths, during
whioh she visited her daughter, Mre.
Sidney Mnlaomeon, at New Weetmin.ter,
13. 0.
A'ex, McGregor oame in canted with
n rip 09.19 whioh he was operating at the
Organ Factory end as a result loot the
forefinger of ono hand. As a result he
will be off work some time,
The many friends of the family here
will sympathize with Geo. gid Mrs.
Silvans, of Guelph, in the aim of lil000e
they are passing through. Their eldest
deugh'er, ;thee Fainly, hae been in the
hospital Boma weeps from typhoid fever ;
Miss Georgie is ill at home with scarlet
Levet ; Mr. 84ivens had it Revere attack
of brute/141s, end 1Miee. Slivone' health
hae not been eatiefnetm'y.
J.mee,uhneton, while tryiu. to tie u
scow tip at the doek opposite the Mend
doting the rain eta' nl on Monday ,,(ter-
noon'•f last week, Blipped and fall into the
harbor. AB ha fell he ehout0tl, and hie
presence of mind wag greatfor be held
auto the rope, and when Wallace Black
anti Dave McPherson, who hod heard the
shout, reached the spot, they lifted John
stun out by the rope. J)hneton had on a
heavy pair of rubber boots whioh weighed
him down heavily.
Doli» AV FILM:MAx.-It was with general
ayrttpathy fur members of the family here
that the news was received of the death
of Mre. H. 141. Lay, formerly Mise Meg-
ie Cameros, third daughter of the lata
Hon, M. 0. Sameron, She bad been ill
only a short time and the newe 0f her
death, whiob reached here on Sunday of
last week, dame but a feW days alter the
news of her Meese. Mee, Lay was the
wife of H. M, Lay, manager of the Skate
way branoh of the Canadian Bunk of
0ommeroe, and had resided in the far
North for the peat three year0, prior to
whioh time Mr. Lay was aooenntnrtt in
the London brenob of the bank. helm
tnatibin of the pottering of the heart was
the 3361100 of her death. She wall thirty,
etx years of age and is survived by her
husband and one tdilld, ger remains
were brought to Goderiob for interment,
ceor. ire.
Claude Durrant, of London, Eng., le
at present renewing old aegaaintanoee in
and around town.
Mies Flora James left on Monday of
Iasi week for a eleit with her sister, Mre.
Wm. Hutton, ofTeeswater.
Jame° 'Pollan left loot week for Owen
Sound where ho will take a worse in the
Northern Boldness College.
W. 3, Earngey, barber, purohaeed of
John Swarth, of Wingbam, the trotting
gelding, Lake Erie, record ''2:1f1
There is a movement on foot et present
among the young men of oar tows to
form a olnb for the Winter months, and
rent some rooms to meet in every
evening end spend a few hours.
News was root ied in town last week
that Wm, Dolg, 0. 0 F. Organizer, of
St. Johne, N. B., formerly a reetdent of
oar town, was in the boepltal at Cherlot•
town, P. E. I , suffering from an attack
ot uppendioibie, but, we et'o pleased to
Muir, that he is on the mend and will go
through an operntien as thou hie etronglh
permitti. -
G. C. Petty left ou Monday morning of
tri to the Old Country.
Isar week tura trip y
The Canadian Foresters attended the
Methodiet ohnroh in a body Sunday
Mabel Cole, daughter of Thomas Cole,
Goderioh Tp. died at the deaf and dumb
inetitnle at Belleville.
W. Habkirk, who went West on the last
harvest excursion has arrived home. He
looks well after hie trip.
Hetbert, eon ot B. S. Phillipe, hae gone
to London, where be has taken a position
in Marehull'e farrier establishment.
While aeaioting in lifting a piano onto
the dray, the end of it fell on Walter
Lancaster's foot ornehing iia toe badly,
Quite& number of oar aitizece talk of
burning Gott coal In their wood obovee this
Winter, as they ooneider it cheaper tbau
The many friends of Mrs. 3. White,
will be plea -ed to learn that she is them,
ering from her long illness and able to be
up a part of each day.
An J. Patlerepn was making hie penal
rounds delivering milk, Willie McMartin
got into the wagon and in attempting
to turn the rig got npeet smashing the top
to pieaee and breaking a number of
Melee. The boy was alio matched and
The Woman's Missionary Sooieby of
Carmel oburoh held their annual thank.
offering on Monday of last week. There
wee a good attendance considering the
weather, Rev, 0. H. Cook delivered an
addreee of considerable length and wee
followed by Rev. 31r. Sewers in a brief
praatioal talk. The members of the
oboir contrbuted eeleotione which were
mnoh appreciated. The oolleobion was
Wedneeday night of loot week the wind
which was blowing a very stiff gale blew
in the South gable end of Mies Murray's
room. The weight of brink oaneed them
to break the ceiling whioh ie made of
metalled lumber instead of ple•ter and
about a ton of them fell to the fluor be.
low and on top of the teacher's table and
the front deeko. No very 0001000 dam•
age was done to the lower part of the
room. It was fortunate that the tall did
notooanr during school hours or in all
probability some would have been serious.
S11.130B,61.413 POST
ly bort, The pnpile of that room had
hn'idoye witi'n the room was brine re.
p'lired. She kid- a0y "We en ;10 wind
thin b'MVO uu' n ly [WO."
Lit o th .
George Powell shipped three oars of
apples to Glaxgow, Saotlaad, last week,
and George li'othergill one oar to Mem
(Meeker, Eugland,
Reeve Bine and A. Eider wire at
Gmdph teat week pnohhtg 13 ylh'e alttiene
for the 0, P. Ii A public meeting was
held Friday evening to disouee the 13y
, Hamilton hag removed the windowe
from the front of hie office and replaced
Them with a large and more up to date
glue front. Tho obango is a deoided fm•
prov temente
Prof. W. Glenn Campbell hae had
another ette0k of illtioee and hue beau
oompelled to give up hie work for a
couple of weeks and take a rest at hie
home in Aylmer.
The Yoeng People's eoolety of Trinity
ohureh will give au entertainment in the
Temperance hall on Friday evening,
There will bo a splendid program, in.
eluding a leatare by Rev. M. M. Gold.
berg, of Dungannon.
Lloetowe, en1.
The Maitland Stare have succeeded in
encoring H. Goddard's' old shop on
Inkormau street for the purpose of a
F. 0. McDowell, who recently returned
from the West, is removing hie family to
Midland, where he hae taken a situation
ae book keeper in an industrial iuetitte
A committee, aoneieting of Mayor and
two Oonnoillore were appointed to get
options of the properties being crossed by
the proposed 0. P. Railway in the town
of Listowel.
Listowel High School football team
went over to Harrieton and played a
friendly game with the Harrieton H. S.
club, whiob rented somewhat dieap•
pointingly for the visitors, the Booth be-
ing 6 to 0 in favor of Harrieton.
J. H. Gunther returned to town on
Tuesday eveniug of last week from
Obiougo, bringing Mrs. Gunther and
family with bin. Mre. Gunther's many
friends phi be pleased to see her bank
again with her health tally teetered.
Wm. Bell, Division street, who has
been oonfiued to We home for the past
nine weeks, hae been removed to the
Stratford hospital, ae he wee not getting
00y better, and as hie little eon Dave met
with a very painful aonident in getting
hie leg broken and arm hurt, aleo his
little daughter Minnie with a epraioed
Rev. Mr. Sanders has been iu charge of
the Baptist oharob for nearly four year,',
and in that time he hae not only done
good work for the ahuroh hob has made
for himself a large number of friendo and
admirere, He leaves for Mooeejaw, N.
W. T., where be taker charge of a fine
new oburob, whioh wee built this year at
a omit of $15000. On Monday evening of
lest week the members of the Baptist
oharch held a Thank offering Servide
which the majority of the congregation
attended. A short program was render.
ed at the alone of whioh the members of
the congregation presented Mr. Saunders
with an address and a beautiful pastor's
Bible. Mr. Saunders replied suitably.
L, Bolton, D. L, S., and party of mullet.
ante have returned home atter spending
six months surveying in the Northwest.
The young men who accompanied Mr.
Bolton from town were A. K. Brinker,
Alvie Daum, Bruce Ronald and Thee.
Kay, all of whom are back looking well
atter their long outing. The dietriut tui
veyed by the Bolton party covered ten
townships in the Battle river country.
Considerable DIEM wee also taken in
trevereing the Battle river, which ie very
winding and muddy. Tbie moon was an
exceptionally wet one, whioh hindered the
party'e progress and was the chief die-
oomfort encountered. The territory ear•
veyed which liee to the South of the Barr
'Wear Melva, j
shoes now.
O • •
When your feet are
cold you feel cold all
over -"shivery."
Cold feet are good
for the doctor's busi-
The man whose work
is more or less out of
doors must keep his
feet warm.
It is important.
Don't take chances
with light shoes when
you ought to wear good
heavy ones. Some we
have here will keep the
feet warm and snug and protect them from the wet
and snow,
Keep the feet dry in sloppy weather.
They are made to wear and our prices are made to
make it easy to buy them.
Here are a few
Men's reit Shoes, warm and datable.. .............$1 50
Boys' Strong Felt Shoes 1 25
Ladies' Felt Shocs, neat and durable ... 1 25
Harness Department Good stock of either Heavy or
Light Harness, Blankets or
Robes, Trucks or Satchels. One set Second Hand Team
Harness, in use a little over 1 year, for sale at a Bargain.
Also some Second Hand Single Harness cheap.
3E. . X .✓L X vlll4e7!L XI St ..
L!ve Turkeys
The undereigned offers 8 (lents per
Pound, end the rise of market, for any
quantity of live turkeye betwt on now and
the time of ghipmont, about the end of
November, Delivery at Brussels.
Higheet prloes will Moo be paid for
Live Ohiokene, Make, Fowl and Geese.
The latter either alive or dry pluoked.
For further particulars enquire of
15-4 B R U SSE L S.
colony, ie well adapted for ranching end
will doub+lens rapidly fill up.
H. S. LrrsnAnx.-The students of the
High 801,001 have formed a Literary
Society, and will have a debate and em
tertaiument every alternate Thursday
evening after school hours throughout the
Winter season. A piano is being encored
and mnoh interest ie being taken in the
Society, which promieea to be highly eco•
oeeetal and of material benefit to the
etudente. Following are the e00181y's
offiuere : W. A. Philips, B. A., Hon.
Preeident ; E. R. McLean, President ;
H.Leppard, Viae President; 0. Messrs'
2nd VioePreeident ; George Spence, Tree.
Barer ; B. Tatham, Secretary ;allies Edna
Lee, Mneioal Director ; Executive Com.,
H, Dietriok, A. Taoaie, G. Rogue, W.
Elliott, G. Austin, J. Cameron, A. Simp•
son, L. Thomil000 ; Oritio, ea. Perrin ;
Program Com., L McMillian, A. MaGil•
ill ub•
' ar sidle • The Societyw
lieba paper with the followig editorial
Board, Morton Booth, Editor -in Chief, H.
Lepperd, G. Hay, M. Sherman, Aaeooiate
Ouver Johnston, who hae been in the
West for some time hae returned home,
10 oars of preened hay have been ehip-
ped from this section by hay exporter
Codmore, of Kippon.
Tozer & Brown, parohasere of the stook
of Coate & Son, took possession thereof
on Taeeday morning of last week.
The members of the Odelfallows Lodge
tendered W. McKeown and E. Howard a
complimentary sapper, on the eve of their
departure for Los Angeles, California.
Mire Robb, who hae for several years
been an efficient member of the Model
School staff, has tendered her teeignation
owing to ber servicer being required at
Arrangements are nearly completed for
the holding of the anniversary 00001000 of
Ontario street Methodiet church on San•
day, Nov, 29th. Rev. Dr. Cools will take
oharge of all services.
Another case against juvenile offenders
ie reported to the police. This time they
have been aooneed of taking keys oat of
doors of reeideneee to whiob they had
been delivering Dale bills.
Mrs. Biggins, who rooently sold her
property to W. A. Killoagb, bag gone out
in the aoantry to live, not being able to
moms sinkable theme in town. Mr. Kik
lough moved hie family into their new
home on Wedoeeday of deet week.
B. Appleby, of Hallett, got into a
friendly wrestle in town and in falling,
strained hie leg, ae be eappoeed. He eon.
salted a medical man, who told him be
bad fractured it, but he persisted in going
home by train waking to the etatio0.
The leg oaaeed him so mob pain eabee.
gaently that he milled in a dootor, who
again told him that he had fractured one
otithe small home.
VW 00(1.
E'en, Council met on Monday.
A large portion of the smoke stack of
the E,ma theme factory blew down.
Fred. Brown and Will. Crooke left for
Eseex0eotre to work in the flax mid
Roadmaeter Henry, of the G. T. R ,
was in town looking over the ground for
the proposed aiding bo the marl beds.
J. A Mitohell'e Muria Hall now prat•
ante a thorough up to.date appearance by
1110 acquisition of Emma very handsome
drop 000101ne and et0ge scenery.
0. Ballantyne hae sold hie stook of
groceries and oonfeotionary to Ea. T.
Greeneidee who will take poeeeeeion in
February, Mr. Ballantyne intends to
remain in baaieeau in Atwood.
The Direotore of the Elena oheeee
faotory have had the butter make room
of their factory freshly painted, and it
now presents a neat, attractive appear.
Knee. Monday of het week saw the leen
batah of cheese monufaotnred for the sea.
eon. Butter making began Wednesday.
The Bee eaye :-0. H. Holmes, the
energe0io looal agent for Bell Telephone
(Jo., informed ue that the phones for
local service have arrived and the aom-
pauy'e men may be expeoted along in a
week or no to piaoe them in homes of
those who enheoribed for them and alto
to build the Mee to Monkton. This will
prove a great boon to both Monkton and
Last year, at a epeoial meeting, it was
deoided fon the company to teed the
whey at the Elma cheese faotory for one
year, and the B,&rd of Aireaters appoint.
ed Geo. Lockheed and 3, L. Turnbull to
oversee tbo baying and Belling of hoge &o.
They gave au u000mut'of their e1ewardohip
end were able to endow a enrpine of
$1658 05. From the Bnanoial abatement
of the'1'reseurer we gather the follow.
ing : Total reoeipte inolnding $1048214
received for hogs, erste $16215.78, Total
expenditure 514647 '73 leaving a earp'ae
of $1568 05. Oath paid for Bogs, 56717.
79 ; for feed, 5962 OB ; for corn 5577 50 ;
for hauling manure, $116 00 ; for hauling
waste water, $51 25 ; number of hogs
bought 940 ; uamber Bold, 986 ; number
died, e ; average price ot store hogs, $5.
96 ; of fat hogs, 5 68 Total number of
bone of cheerio from May lot to Nov. lot
was 192.
The Dutton, Nioholeon, Downey hunt.
ing party, of Mitchell, returned from
Muskoka on Nov. 14 bringing 18 deer
with them, They reporthavinga eplen•
did time and loot only one dog,
Milverton $nn : Mr. Robert Romney
le the poseeeeor of it ben that ie in a way
a phenomenon. The year it was hatched
it was a beautiful bleak ; the following
year it became speckled. This year
since malting it hae again brooms pure
bleak, the original oolor.
We have done a large trade in Boots and Shoes this eeaeoa, We were
running low iu some eizoe, but this week we received 14 aeons of Boots,
Shoes and Rubbers fur mei, women, boyo, girls and ohildreu, whioh pate
our stook in splendid shape for the Fell and Winter Erode. We find a
growing demand for better Boots and Shoes, and to meet the demand, we
look the agenoy tor Ole oelebrated King Quality Shoes, whiob are second to
none for etyle, St, Bnieh and wearing qualities. We are having a large sale
for them. A new prices taken at raudom from our large stook :-
Men's Sing Qoality Shoes, in dongols, vioi kid, satin calf, eta„ Goodyear
welt, McKay sewn, in all eine, at $2, 52,50, 63 and 58 50.
Ladies' King Quality Shoes, in dongola and vioi kid, vaeear cap tee, potent
tip, Bingle or double soles, Goodyear welt, at $175, $2 26, $2.75, 55 and
$3 60
Men's Dongola and Box Calf Sboee, double solea, patent tips, groat value at
$1.85,01.50, 51.75 and $2.
Ladies' Doogola Shoes, doable eolee, patent tipe, good value at $1 50 our
epeoial pride $2.25.
Ladiee' Wearing Shoes, glove grain, high ant, double solea, regular pride
$1 25, oar epeoial pries $1.
Boys' Standard School Sboee, $1, $1.25 and 61 50.
Misses' and Children's Shona, at all prices.
Ladies' Storm and Croquet Rubbers from 25o. up.
We ore Agents for the Cervine Stub.proof
Heavy Lurmberman's Rubbers at Factory Prices,
losi & WM
McCaughey Block
RENEW, or this paper, "Toa Poet,'
YOUR borne advertisements are loaf ;
YOUTH, or aged, why we're beatin'
BY half those of Timothy Eaton.
RIDING plows and walking galore,
IN line with our binder and mower ;
ONE look round our implement ebop
OF coarse will coovin00 you we're on top,
OUif wish is that yea ehoold compare'
COMFORTABLE and no end to wear ;
AND if tie not too much bother,
UP one aide and down the other.
To Drills, Cultivators, etc., no end,
DATE next you're in town we'll extend,
A welcome, to see; bargains, bumper° ;
CUTTERS, Portland and Jumpers,
Now that the rush of farming opera.
time is over and marketing will be general
we extend a hearty welcome to all to
come in and inepeot our stook. No
trouble to allow geode.
Neil S. McLauchlin,
Are yo'U. Thinking
What gaper
You will Take for
which is the
Western. Advertiser
750. A YEAR.
Has No Equal
in the Province.
Read their Premium Offers.
Write for Sample Copy.
Address all orders :
Western Advertiser
18-1 London one.
Jamestown Postoffice and
General Store l
Now that our wagon is off the road for the season, I
very kindly thank the public who so liberally patronized
it. I now have in my store a full line of Goods for Fall
and Winter purposes, which, when compared, parties
will find them away down in price. I do not mean to
quote prices but just say come and see what we have.
We have all our Prints down to Coat Price, and some
Remnants below, also some Remnants in Shirtings
very cheap.
I have just got in a epeoial line of Fancy Crockery
which is soiling very fast. Something beautiful.
We take the following produce in trade as cash :-
Turkeys, 9c to 10c. per lb. ; Geese, 5zc to Bic per Ib. ;
Ducks, 60c to 70c per pair ; Chickens, 40c to 450 per
pair ; bright, dried, quarter cut apples, 50 per Ib. ; But-
ter cash, 15c ; large rolls, 16e ; 1 Ib. prints, 17c, good
Canada's Great
Illustrated Weekly.
A leading feature of The WZNKx.Y GLOBS to be added
this fall will be an
Eight -Page Illustrated Supplement
1 or the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping,
photo -engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's
mechanical equipment. This will ,lake The Wtottax GLOBit unques.
tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada. Arrangements Have
been made whereby our readers can secure this attperb Weekly and their
own local favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of
Balance of 1903 Free to New Subscribers