HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-26, Page 4to whish meant the oloeing u of iMoDonald ro� (:%ye '1g Tl55 t J DOt, et. The deolsion appealed from was given by the oounty judge of Oxford sit. ting for the county judge of Perth, and TRURSDei Y, NOV. 26, 1905. • the team of Appeal nude he had kale (Lotion to 8o not, and wag justified in hie findinge. Tata Toronto Fair reports a earpiae of $52,286 from the past seaeon'a,Exbibitimi with s few outstanding 80000088, It looks mit the big grants made by the Governmeut might be whittled down and be devoted to some more needy enter. prise. Panama who kuuw say that owing to a bard Muter and a wet Spring that Quail are next to extinct in Beet comity and reoommend a aloes season for a few years to give the birds a ahauoe. These close eeaeone are not favorites with the enthme- iastic sports who should be the most willing to favor anything that would aid in inoreaeing the game, gates a few monioipalitiee in Ontario are talking over or submitting Local op- tion Bylaws ab the oomiug Municipal eleotion% in an effort to mitten the increasing iigaor braille, We have been told by parties, who say they know, that large nnmbere of the youth are very apt pupils in taking Iesson in partaking of tbe intoxioating bowl and tbe law as it refers to mf0ore may pinch some of the violators. We live in an age of development surely and old methods are being die• planed by nnthoaght of ways and means. One of the novelties along this line ie reported from Berlin, Germany, where a resident receives hie daily package of meat by moil from a point 150 miles distant, If this oan be ettooeeefully done why not have grooeries, &o, dispetobed the a ins way and make the postoffr0e a general market delivery. It is said panels weighing ae much ae 11. pounds have been mailed from Germany to the United States. Ma. CALLAGHAN. of Toronto, whose ohief prominence is due to tbe fact that he swore to, what theme interested declare is a fake affidavit, will have to go to trial charged with the tbett of a piano from the Croesin piano 00. Tbie man at. tempted to bluff the Oatario Cabinet in a 525,000 deal and in its oomplete failure resorts to an affidavit route to make up lost time. ate a cheap way of gaining notoriety and decidedly outside the range of manliuees. Good stiff pnoiehment e1ould be meted out to people of this stripe which would put a atop to the con tinnance af-blaokmailing and fraud. YeAne ago Canada was knooking at the door of the U. S. republic for the purpose of negotiating broaderlbraderelations bat Uuole Sam. was very hard of hearing and the Canttake returned, metaphorically speaking, with their fingers is their mcnth. Time worke wonders, however, and at this juuctare oar Amerioan ooaeine are making the approaches and apparent ly quite willing to discuss methods that m ght be profitable to both °ountries. While no donbt Canada is open to deal fairly with international trade questions the steps will have to be taken on a fair, unprejudiced basis as this oonntry hi out of its childhood and is making great strides in the forward march. Morris Council Meeting The Council met aoaordiog to adjourn mint in Cannon room, Morrie, on Nov. 16th. Members tail present, the Reeve in the °hair. Minutes of lash meeting read and passed. Michael Kelly appeared in reference to the neoesetty of nutting hill and otherwise improving road on sideline between Lots 6 and 6, Con. 7. Moved by Taylor eeoonded by Jaokeou that Coanoillor Code be instructed to expend $30 in the improvement of said road, Carried. On motion of Shaw and Oode, Counoillor Taylor was instructed to have a guard fence placed at foot of hill on road leading from Belgreve village to railway station. On motion of Jackson and Shaw the following Deputy Return. ing °Meer% were appointed in ease a poll be required at the ensuing Municipal election, namely—Subdivision, No. 1—A. Laidlaw ; No. 2—R. Bewley.; No. 3-0. MoOrea ; No. 4—T. Miller •• No. 5— Wm. Elston ; No, 6—Joeeph Robb, Ou motion of Code and Taylor the Reeve was inetruoted to attend the county Council meeting re proposed improve• meot on Western boundary providing the municipalities of Wingham and E, Wa• wanoeh also send repreeentativee. A.0 - counts were ordered to be paid as follows :—Jas. Evans, nnderbrashing on eideline $1.00 ; R. Stnhbe, repairing Sommerville bridge $11.001 M. Kelly, fi ling and widening roadway at Lot 8, Con. 6, $88.00 ; Corporation of Blyth, hall rent fur Div. Court $7 50 ; Oo0pora- tion 0t Brussels, hall rent for Div, Court $6 00 1 N. Brandon, drawing tile and putting in culvert on West Boundary $3 00 ; Wm. Iebieter, expenses re Lamont drain $5.00 ; Jae, Tbynne, gravel $2175 ; Wm. Clark, olerk'o fees re Lamont drain 565 00 ; corporation of Wingham, Morrie share et engineer's survey an West boundary $8.67 ; Tboe, Oode, attending meetings re West boundary improvement 54.00 ; A. Grant, damage hauling gravel $1 00 ; A. Shaw, part councillor fees Oode, part ooenoillor tees 15 00 ; T. Oo $, p $20 00 ; Jae, Ruesall, repairing t7lsgb+'s bridge $270; R. Yottill, gravelling on sideline $2000 ; R. Yooill, repairing Bodmin bridge $10.00. On motion of Jackson and Shaw the council then ad- jnhrned to meet again on tits 15th Deo. next. W. CLAEM, Clerk. One oounty judge hal the right to tall in a judge of another oounty to heat a dispute under the Registry Aot. This was the oonolesion reached by the Court of Appeal set T ronin, Monday, in the appeal of a Mra. MoDonald against the tameadmenbet se plan of Listowel town, THE PREMIER'S BIRTHDAY. Friday wee the birtbday anniversary of Sir Wilfrid Lawler, the Premier being 62 years of age on the 2011* of November. The career of Canada's great awesome in one of pride to the °Weans of this oouutry, Sir Wilfrid Laurier was born at St. Lin, Qcebeo, on Nov, 20, 1841, the non of a eorveyor and farmer in that village. He took a olassioal amuse at L'Aesomp• tion College, and afterwards pursued legal candies at McGill Uuiversity, Moo• treat, but three years later, hie health having broken down, he aought country air, end edited a Reform journal in the Eastern township of Quebec. Reenmipg law at Artbabaekavilte, he proved sae %e 01111, and in 1880 was nested Qneen'e Conneel. Sir Wilfrid had early become interest ed in plaice, and iu 1871, when bat 30 years old, was elected to the Quebec Legislature a0 repreeentalive of the riding of Drummond and Arthabaekaville. In 1874 the same eonetitueocy elected him as its reprereutalive in the Dominion Ranee of Camm••ne. Two years later, the Prime Milliner, Hon. Alexander Mao. Kenzie, called bim into his cabinet ae Minieter of Intend Revenue. Being de. heated in the election in Arthabaekaville, he euooeeefolly contested the East riding of the city of Qcebeo which he still represents. After the defeat of the Maokeuxie Ad. miuietratiun in 1878, Sir Wilfrid remain. ed in the House, and on the retirement of Hon. Edward Blake from the Liberal leadership iu 1887, the potation was unanimously offered him, On fightiug bis se000d general eleotion oampaigu in 1896 he carried his party foto power, and in July, 1896, he formed hie first ministry and at the aubeegaent eleobions was euo oeseful. Oe Jubilee Day, 1897, he accepted the very high honor of Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George, which oarried Knighthood with it, and was 8100011 in ae one of her majesty's privy eonnoilore. Honorary degrees were oleo conferred on him by the Univereitiee of Cambridge and Oxford. Io Franoe the same he wan created a grand officer of the Legion of Honor. Sir Wilfrid has bad a most excellent helpmeet duriog the most of his lite, having married. Miss Zoe Lafontaine in Montreal in 1868 ; he has no children. Guelph to Goderich. TIIE C. P. R. EXTENSION. It is evident that the 0. P. R. have deoidad upon building an extension of their line from Gnelpb to Goderiob and to do so without delay. The company and the promotere of the road realize that the time hae gone by when the looal maul• oipalitiee along a projected line of rail- way can be enooeeefblly approached for any aoneiderable contribution towards the coat of building each a road. The section of oonntry to be nerved in the present oaee while recognizing the benefit of a 0. P. R. oouueotion is not Buffering for lack of railways to any extent sufficient to induce the people to contribute any aoneiderable amonut in the way of bonuses. The pro. jeotora of the road no doubt quite appreo• iate the situation for they agree to build, equip and run the road if the right of way is provided through the oerioae m0nioi- palities free of coat to them. Tbie is a moderate request, and the benefit to the manioipalitiee to be served will be beyond donbt worth more than it will coat them. The details of any plan for the diatribe tion of the oost of right of way have not yet bean formulated, but if each menial. pality or the notions of each manioipal• icy benefitted were to furnish•the right of way which lies in or adjacent to its bord• ere the coat would not begreat. The rail- way ask for a 99 feet roadway, equivalent to twelve sores to the mile, more of coarse being required in towns or villages where station yards are located. Estimates will no doubt be made at mote of what it will cost, approximately, but the amount in each ease will be small, If a earn that may be voted by any municipality is not all required to purohaee the right of way bhe agreement is that only eo much of it e s is required will be need and the balance returned to the municipal treasury. There ie no doubt that none of the towns an the conte will hesitate about voting the money asked of them for this purpose, and the same ie Erne of probably a majority of the townships. Where they have in the past, voted ooneiderable gems for railways there is a strong feeling egainet further bonusing of any kind, and we mnet say we folly sympathize with this feeling, In the past we taxed our. Relent heavily to build railways only to find ooreelvee at the matey of a single Corporation whioh has a monopoly of all local busieeee. We bave the chance now for a very small amount of money to obtaina camPa ing railway. W e do not expect any great cutting in nates, but in spite of all arrangements and anderetaud• fug between the railways concessions will be made to ehippere. But Beide from this there will be a very ooneider• able benefit to farmers, who ae a matter of toot eupply the bulk of the goods shipped oub and buy a large proportion of the goods shipped in and thi8 benefit will be worth more than it will ooet them. Telco the townships of E ma and Wallace a8 examples. They are large prodaoere of oheeeo and live stook. It often occurs that their curing rooms are loaded up with chemo and their stook cannot be lifted when it ie ready parity for look of oars, The factory may have to keep in those and the farmer his stook at an expenee for was and feed, besides being out the nee of his money, and all purely for the lank of additional railway 8otom• modation, It hae been a matter of mom• mon oomplaint Listowel es tation that farmers have been seriously delayed in shipping eheee, even after oars have been obtained by reason of the car being planed at ac inaooeesihle point in the yard or being denoted about while being loaded, n ot only to the delay of the farmer but to the 8801000 damage of the good° in e partly loaded oar. There would be, we may be sure, no more of this if there were a competing line available. The teats would only be too anxious to give the very beet a000mmodatlon poasible. The same thing apollee to stook, and vee are ease that farmers often in a boy aeeeon Ion time that is worth 0great ' Et2 )3Tv deal more to theta than would be their share of the oast of the right of way tor the new read. Then there ie not the slightest doubt that term Janda eibuittod 00 es to have eoeea to the beet poeeible shipping fao1lltlee, are increased in value, first beoanee the farmer gate hie produets sent and hie goods into the beet advantage, esti second beoaeee it helps to build up the.. Mame on the line and gime him a better home market for hie goods. Tbie view of the matter fo the 108 taken by our moot sareral and Osntrous farmers, men who ere totally oppoera to railway buuuning, lent who wonlct eupport the granting of the small amount inked for right of way became they believe that the direst benefits they receive would more than belauoe the that, Unless we give the right of way we are almost aertaiu not to get the railway. While the 0. P. R. no doubt, want% to reach the tomtit on the Northam route they would verve a large 000tion of the country to the South from which they would get all the trade and whieh would tee only too glad to vote even more than the right of way to genre the road. The ooet of n•inatrnotiot would be about the same by either ro0te, perhaps a trine cheaper become a mile or two shorter by the Southern route. We believe, how. ever, that tbe actual situation is this, that if we give the right of way wo will get tbe roa i, if we do not the road will go South of ns. We thiuk the 0. P. P. will viva preference to the Northern route, bat they will lo eve eo little difference of oboiee between the two that the granting of the right of way will be the determin• ing factor with them. Wo hope the people so deeply inter- ested in this matter will not jump too hastily at nonelueione but will give the situation moat careful consideration, and it they do -so we are erre they will be in favor of accepting the oonditione on which the road oan be eeonred.—Listowel Benner. _ W f n osis et writ . The annual Scottish ooneert of the S. 0. S. will take plane on Thnredry, Jan. nary 7. Peter S. richer, who hae been serious ly ill, is imprnviog nicely ei000 the oper. ation was performed, and he hopes to be around again in a abort time. Mrs. Jas. Maxwell, of the Bluevale road moved t0 town, and wi•l occupy the bones on Frances street which she repent. ly purehaeed from John McDonough. Mre. (Dr) J. P. Kennedy was called to Strathroy owing to the serious Illness of her father, Mr. Ron. Mr, Rose died shortly after Mrs. Kennedy arrived in Strathroy. Deoensed was one of the oldest residents of Strathroy. Levi Lott hae parohaeed John Shoe. bottom's 60 more farm on the Bluevale road, in the Township of Morrie. The farm fa at present rented to Mr. Hunter and Mr. Lott will not get poeeeeeioe until next spring. This is a good farts and we understand the pride paid was 59,700. Wm. Lewis, of Toronto, formerly in W. J. Obepmae'e glove factory here, met with an accident several months ago by which his leg was broken. The friends of Mr. Lewis in Wingham will be sorry to hear that be bas not yet recover. ed from this accident. The tones have not properly knit and Mr. Lewis this week underwent an operation at the general hospital. The appeal of the Grand Trunk Rail. way Company against a verdict of $100 found against them in au notion brought by Donald MaDormiok, hotelkeeper, of Hamilton, for the lose of two hunting doge from 8 oar in Toronto while en route to Muskoka last year, woe dietniee ed friday morning at Oagoode 10811. The Mr. McCormick referred to in the above item from a Toronto paper is a well-known former resident of Wingbnm and was at one time proprietor of the Brunswick Hotel. The Time says :—The Wingham el. eotric light plant passed into the hands of the town on Tuesday morning, the by. law reepeoting game having been finally passed by the Oounoil on Monday nignt. For the present at least it is expected that the envieee of W. H. Green will be retained ae eoperintendent of the works. The 011)10 nit generally will be p'eased to learn that it is ;Ion intention of the Oonn• ail to have a number of lights planed on the residential etreete, and that the work will be proceeded with at an early date, The Enmities Committee has charge of this work, and has the inetruotione of the Ooanoil to have the poles placed without delay. We understand that eight or nine lights will be put no in addition to the half-dozen already on Josephine street. Canadian Ne r4 The enrolee at this year's Western Fair was $1,800. The estate of W. W. Sneath, .Midland, will be wound op. Dr. Willoughby, M. P. P., stated that the apple orop eget of Toronto was the greatest ever, The Postmasler-General will ehortly establish a mail service on the Terris taming Railway. The office of The Yukon Sun at D.w. eon City was destroyed by a gasoline explooion and fire, with the thermometer 36 below zero. The Windsor Hoose at Gravenhnret was deebroyed by fire. The proprietor wits badly burners, and the gueete had a narrow escape. The 5-year,old daughter of Chas. and Mrs. Thompson, of Penetangaiehene, Blipped off her tatber'e buggy and was Wangled to death. On the Kirkella branch of the O. P. R. a work train ran into a string of Bare on an open switch. Two men were killed and three others seriously bnrt, There is strong enspioion at Montreal that Charles Edmiston, a well to do Englishman, found dead on the railway track, was robbed and murdered. Mayor Urquhart will tali a pnblfu meeting to disease the gentian of erect. ,, ent in memory of T ing a monument y pronto eoldiers who felloath a. A ri in Small Africa. Te egeapheren0ithe .P. R tat Winnipeg LatinaLatinabecause four (fan of their number were dieoharged. They went baok to work alter gaining their point. Carey, the man who oonfeesed at Manchester, England, to having murder. ed Glory Whalen, at Oollingwood, a few months ago, WW1 sentenced to fourteen years on another charge. 18 is reported at Fort Wililant that the Canadian Northern bag (moored running right( over the Canadian Paoilio trim Port Arthur to Sudbury, where they will (Morten with the Toronto and Jamee Bay Railway, 11145 Pli John Iianrahen'e reeldenoe at Webb• wood was robbed by a thud who pilyd np furniture ite the dining•r0om and vet 10 on Ore. floury M,Ootben, of Watertown, N. Y., was arreeled with stolen property on him. The oredittira 01 0 2. Hughes, private bather, of '1'utteuuem, appointed Means. Themes Atkineon end Robert L wary a committee to not with ser Regime, turd oonthtno the heathen till the tweets oauid be realized. The sppn,urutenb of G. E. Casey, ex• 117. 11, for Engin, to a firet•olaee olerkship iu the Library of Parliament, has .been put through, and Mr, Casey oommenood his duties on Monday. Refs 0 graduate of Toronto Uuiversity. The possibility of an early general eleotion continues to be diseu,eed at Ottawa. One Cabinet Minister is report. ed to have said that an election is not possible until March at the earliest, and opinion favors the theory that there will be another amnion. Hon. Clifford Bifton, Minister of the Iuterio', bee given orders for the oben- donment;of the Northwest llt.,neted Pollee post at Wille, on the Dalton trial, where the Kleheni and 0hilkit Rivera meet, This is one of the earliest restate of the Alaska Boundary Tribunal. An enquiry into the effect of the prefer. %nee epou the importation of British carpets into Canada thews that between 1897, the year before the prefsrenoe, ted 1903, the total imports have increased from 5561,111 to $1,449,481, or by 163 par mint, and that the prate to the Canadian consumer was augmented by 27 per cent, Perth County. Stratford Board of Trade le tallying up free mail delivery. Mre. Rev. T. J. Snowdon, of Arkone, formerly of Milverton, has entirely re covered from h, r recent illnese. Farmers about St. Mary's field it diffi- cult to get their fall plowing done on account of the ground being so hard and dry. The wholesale department, of S. Myers & Sou'e mille, St. Marys, will be oloeed down indefinitely as coon as the ordure now in are nompleted. Audrew Eaoeon found the bay mare that strayed from A. Poyner's stable in North Eaothop) and was supposedly stolen. It was reeoveretl in the same township. The barn of George Henry, of Fuller ton, was, on Saturday, 14thinst., burned to the ground. Mr. Henry has relatives in Elma townohip• The barn caught lire from a epark from a threshing ni- ghts. The loos will be a heavy one. Dr. J. R. Hamilton, a former St. Marys boy, who reoently graduated from Toronto Univereity, has thanes - fully passed the Medical Council examination, starting at the top of the list. Dr. Hamilton has commenced practice at Neleon, B. 0. Little Eddie Dillon, son of R, W. Dillon, of St. Marys Argue, underwent an operation et Toronto. A growth of some hind was romoved from hie nose. The little fellow is doing nicely and his oornpleto recovery is assured. The designation 80001008 in connection with the departure of Dr. Lizzie Me Master to the mission fields of India, will be held on Tuesday evening, Dec. tat, at the First Presbyterian ohuroh, St, Marys. Rev. Dr. McKay, seminary Of foreign missions and the moderator of the Stmt. ford Presbytery, Rev, E. W. Penton, and other ministers will be present. Dr. McMaster is a daughter of Fergus Mo• Master, of Nieeouri, end has recently graduated from Toronto University. Miee Minnie MoFarlaue, for the pest year junior form teacher in the Milverton 'wheel, passed quietly away on Friday evening utter an illness of only one week. She complained a short time ago of not feeling well, but kept at work her whole heart seeming to be in her oc0opation. She woe forced to abandon her duties two weeks ago. A Dr. was oalled in and up- on examination found that the patient had doable pneumonia. From the $ret very little hops was entertained of her reoovery, although at times ehe seemed to rally in a remarkab'e manner. Dar- ing the last 48 hours else lay in a state of AUCTION SALES. A UCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM 80008 AND IM0100MONTg.—Mr. Y. 8. Scott, auctioneer, has received inetrue, Mons from the proprietor, Dr. Robt, Enoch - tel, to sell by public auction at Lot 9, Con. 18, Grey, ou WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20d, at 1 o'clock, the following property, viz.: -1 mare rising 4 yeare, 1 horse rising 4 yeare,1 driving mare 5 years old, 10010 supposed in calf, 1 farrow cow, 1 steer 2 years old, 1 steer 1 soar old 8 heife•sl year old, 2 calves, 2 Rows suppo0etl in pig,12 pigs 2 months old, 7 good Leicester ewes, 40 hone, 1 Froth d: Wood 0 f t, binder, 1 Prost & Wood mower3. Frost & Wood rake, 1 Wisner chili, 1 diem barrow, 1 tet iron barrows, 1 gang plow, 1 plough, 1 snuffler, 1 fanning min, 1 lumber wagon, 1 new top buggy, 1 new cutter, 1 eat bob-slelgbe, 1 hay molt, 1 .set double her - noes, 2 seta single harue0s, one now; 2 goat robe,, a quantity of bay, 1 gross -out saw and other articles. The Implements are all nearly new and in good repair. The farm is an excellent one containing 100 aeras There is a comfortable brick house, baro, orchard. &o., all in good condition. 10 ie well Minuted and 1n a good community, Sale without ,00erVo. as manager le going West. Terme—All sums of $5 and under wish; over that amount 12 mouths' credit will be given on lurnlebiug approved inlet notes, 5 per cent, off for cash on arodit nmonuts. Terms for farm made known on dity of sale or on application to the under- signed, ROBERT MOORE), Manager ; F, 8. SCOTT, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FAR1VI BToox,IoriLEtIENTs, &o,—yfr, F. 8, Soots, auotiouear, has received instructions from the uuderslgnod to eel' by pubiio ano- tion nt Late 10 and 17, 000. 10, Grey; on THURSDAY, DEO. 8, at ,1 o'clock, the fol- lowing property, vie. t aged horse,1 borao 10 years old, 1 horse rising 4 yeare1 mare rising 4 years, 2 cows 1 supposed in calf, 2 heifers supposed in calf, 2 steers 2 years old, 1 t20WW'-bred Durham bull, 1 Yorkshire boar, 7 store pigs, a number of hens, 1 Mangey. Barris od horse rake,O 1rtwo Ve hoed' Doering drill nearly new, 1 disci harrow, 1 set bar. rows,2 single}}11 1ows, 1 minor, 1 pair bob. withbox • t 2 triton, One w t and nearly nswI a reek 1 to b fan- ning anti , 1 1sty Y p buggy, mill 2 sets now, l et of banns, 1 000 elegie 2000885, 2 gong foamhelb1 got single ander, 1 puller, 1 1grind103 , 1 stone, erase er000.a 184 ft, ladder, a grinding atone, 1 erose•out saw, 1 book -ante, bay fork and slings, intro, topes and pulieye ; a ale ant Icy of bay and turnips, 1 atone boat, 1 pert peal• 100, 1 good robe 1 churn, Stables, 1 heating Move. 1 rough iron range, 1 washing' mach- ine, 8 Bete or doubletreos 9 neolt•1'otres, chains, fonts, shovels and other artsoleo ton numerous 00 mention. All to bo sold with• out reserve ae proprietors ate leaving the tarot, Teruo—All sung of 811 and under cash; over that amount 12 months' credit wilt be given on furnishing approved joint notate ; 4 per Dent off for 0006 nu credit antennae. J. & O. F18010011), Proprietors F. 6, SCOTT, Auctioneer, mama from which she seldom aroused. She had been boarding with Jae. Tor• I W ranee at whew) home she died. liar body was taken tee the holne or bar mothrr, 12 eon. of lelma. Mlle MoFarlaue wee most highly eateemed by the people, old and ymngg, of Milverton, Being poured of tt height pleasing disposition she made a wide ilir0'0 gI friends, and many were the regrets oxprenen t at her sodden domies, Beeideo a mother she leaven five bro here and Nix aielere, her father, the late Thus. Mora nano, having preci000ased Iter by eight yeare. cue of the oldest and moot widely known pioueore of Lagan township, in the person of John Murray, died at the reeidenoe of hie sou -in law, John Dwyer, Logan, Wednesday of last week, in hit 93rd year, Deosaeed was predeooaeed by his wife some els or eeven years and has for some time been living at the resid enoe where he died, Mr. Murray was known throughout the oonntry, and hie many friends will deeply regret the sad lose. He settled in the townohip many years ago end was ono of he rattiest anti most respected pioneers. A quiet weddtug took place et the home of Thos. Vivian, Mitchell, W.dueeday anemic) 0 of last week, when his second dim:cheer, Mies Pearl, was united in marriage to W. H. Hord, youngeet eon of I turd Mrs. Hord. The marriage wee performed by Itov. 0. W. Brown and witnessed only by the family aonueobione of the oontracteng patine. After the marriage dinner had been served, the wedded couple left on the afternoon train for Buffalo, and from there they may go to Pen Yen for a day or two. On their return they will settle down in the ltatld• some home just built end furnished by the groom in the North ward. iMPORTANT NOTICES iOR SALE -LOT 207 AND dwelling thereou, North-west corner William and Albert streets, Brussels, 49.11 J. LEDCKIE. STOOK FOR SALE. — THE hnderaigued offers for sale 1 30une milk now, 2 steer °elves and 7 %beep from 2 to 8 years old. Apply to A. ASHTON, Lot 27, 0ou, 7, Morris, ,or at 6. Walker's, Lot 28, Oou. 0, Morris. 12 TEETING 0[r THE HURON ,LVJ.. COUNTY COUNCIL. Tho County Council will meet in the Court House In the Town of Godortclt on the First day of December next, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the afternoon. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderich, Nov.10,10)3 ti OR SALE—A REGISTERED Bull 9 months old, dark red, and is a grand type of Shorthorn ; a splendid au. Inial and bred oloae to Imported stook. Also a few registered Leicester ewes will be sold right, to make more roan, Let 10, 0o11,15, Grey, OLIVER TIIRNRIILL, Walton P.O. ONE LEICESTER L11WE AND 8 ram lambs strayed from the protei- ns of the under0igued Lot 25, Con. 2, Morrie, on or about; Sept.1 All bavo long Mils. Any information leading 10 their recovery will be suitable rewarded. WAL- TER FORIt11ST,Jameotown, P. 0. .EIOESTER SHEEP FOR ▪ BAL2.-9 Leicester Ram Lambe, prices 20 to 87 ; 1 Shearliog and 2 Two•8hear Rama, prices 810 to 012 All are good 0000. Also 8 few Ewe Lambs, pride 80, and a few good Ewes at moderate prices. DAVID AIMEE & 80N, Ethel, Ont. 18 3 THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Belle for sale, Oue is 1 year old and the other two younger. Also) several regist- ered Cows and Relfere, Apply to JAMES SPEER, Lot 80, Oen, 0, Morris 'twp., m• Brus- sels P. 0, 22-11 VOTING SHORT HORN BULL A. for Bale. Eligiole for registration. For price, terms and, other particulars, ap- ply to J, D. MOHAIR, Lot 2.., Oon, 18, bray, or Oran brook P. 0. 00-tt REAL ESTATE. 100 ACRE FARM FOR sale. Watered by the river. Apply to TEI03, MOORE, Brussels, I1ARM TO RENT, BEING LOT 29, Con. 10, Grey. There ate 100 north, 20 limier cultivation. Apply to JOSEPH P. REO MOND, on the premises, or Moneri`fI A SACRIFICE 1N REAL ES— TATE.—$8000,00 will buy the Mo0au- gbey Bloolc in the Village of Brussels. Those two Bile 010lee must be sold t0 Moth out the McCaughey Rotate, intending purobaeere should investigate at enoe. Apply to F. S. SCOTT or G. P. BLAIR, Bromide, Ont. T.'0R SALE.—LOT 8, 0.0N. 6, Grey, containing 100 acres, 75 being cleared and in good state of cultivation. Farm ie well watered; good buildings, or- chard, &o. Failure in health cause for sel- ling. Poeeoesion given on one month's notice Terms easy. For further particu- lars apply to TRIIAfdAN SMITH, on the premises, or Bruoeets P, 0. 18 'RAMS FOR SALE,—BEING the East 1 of Lot 7, Oon, 17. Grey, con- taining 03 acres, 8 aores iu good hardwood bulb, remainder cleared. Good frame house and barn ; farm well drained and fenced ; and all seeded to grana except 10 aures This will be sold tubipot to euo year's lease Will also sell Lot 21 on 18 r ,• 0 e e ateval fug 04 acres, all bash, There is some valu- able timeer on this land. A bargain cnn be secured on this property. Addreta DANIEL MoMILLAN, 1100 Grand River ave., Detroit, Michigan, 10 4+ • FARM1. - FOR SALE, BEING part Lots 88 and 84, Coo. 0 East Wawu- nosh. Abort 45 acres ol..arod, 9, East bush well timbered. There is a log bouts, frame born std frame stable, good orchard, &0 ,on farm. 81 miles front Ilelerave village • 11 miles from Reboot, churches and poetolnee. Possession given cm Match 1st, with pried• ego of working on it this Fall and Winter. For further p000l8elare set to price, tern10, &s, apply 10 DUNCAN McDONALD, Lot 4, Con, 8, Grey, Jamestown 1'. 0, 18.4 r...i'ARM FOR SALE OONTAIN• ▪ t 00 50 acres, being North halves of Lobs 10 euo 10, Con. 1, Grey.. Otun rorttble frame house, bails barn, orchard, &0. Only 4 miles from Moloewortb, Gored ltwnlle and Rue roads, Immediate ltOoeeesion, if tarns is not told by end of your it will be rented it imitable tenant e. Arrange. ge mono oaf bo muds t0 Liter stock o f W ser so auto workup straw on hrvud. For fav, the• particulars apply to or write 1841 W. H. IIi91tR, Brunets. 1:00R SALE OR TO RENT. - 1. The undersigned offers her 100 auto farm, being Lo t 20, Con, 7, Grey, ‘for lease or to rant. Comfortable house, bank barn, or. chard, welts, dao. Thorn are 110 aere0 in grave 10 north of Pati wheat and 20 throe of Fall piowlug will bo dent. Ferro is only i mala from the stirring village of Ethel, Present leaea explree en 6larah 15, 1004, but a pur- abater. or tenant time go on and plow, &o., at 01100. Poe furthoi' ptertiop{btro as to nfoo, cerins, &o'„ amply to 11188 SP101401s, Ethel P, 0„ or write MILS. X. ROLLAND, 78 phutee 80,, Taranto. 7.21n 1 Nov 28, 1004 Choice Stock of A fine range of Robes, best iu the market, has been Opened up Consisting of ;- -BLACK GALLOWAY —SASKATCHEWAIN. —GREY GOAT, —GRIZZLY BEAR and MOTJNTAIN BEAR. —Plush and Wool Rugs, a very choice lot. —In Horse Blankets a large stock is carried and sold at Close Prices, J. Repairing hromptiy Attended to DONALDSON BRUSSELS. Sign of the Horse's Head PU M P it5tr10°''f1 9 cg C. A. RAYMANN, Craubrook, who has bad S0 years' experience in the Pump business, is dealing larger than ever in Iron and Wooden Pumps, and ready to attend to repairs promptly. He is also agent for the Woodstock Windmill. This mill is a marvel and should be seen before ordering any other. Persons requiring Water Troughs should call and get prices. A. RAYMANN, Pump Maker, Craubrook, Strenuous objections are never made against feed supplied by Alt. Baeker, All stook like it and thrive on it, and it is prouounoed by all Intel. ligent breeders to be inoompariably the beet sold. Try a oemplo lot and you will never feed anything bot our Kaffar corn and oats, Alf. Baeker. APlr'r:. i}', tLES 'ITANTED AT T I-1 D B IJSSE . EVAPORATOR Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be taken. JNO. CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR. S. W. P. Before you begin to Paint your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at the same time give Best satisfaction and longest wear, The S-lierin—!11iaMs Pant gives these results ;—It's a pure Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; • covers more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself. For sale by— WILTON & U BUL.L.. T. RN U