The Brussels Post, 1903-11-26, Page 31 :NAY CHRISTIAN FAIT It Is the Only Means of Securing the Greatest of Blessings Bement of Canada, in tee emu ono ings and take a Sunday school clues fteanterett necereing to Act ot tee Pam Themend Sim, eundieli and 'rhea), and prate:ere prover in publle or; Well be Witn. Ilene. es Toronto, et the as in private then there would be tio Impertinent. of A p !culture, Ottawa.) dielculty in meet lug the linemenol(4. ligations of the boards of trusteee. .- A (lesiettell front Mileage saes 1 -- Rev. Frank Po Ilia Talmage preach- ed bola the following text : Matthew xl, 241, "Come unto um 1113 yo that ltiber toul aro lece,vy laden, and 1 W)11 glee .1014 reet." These old promises of the Bible, of - teeing feet and peace to those who aro troubled and in pale (44 (1 5121, IlaVe a far ilitierost meaning to us A A rsoDEL RAILWAY., Wka,t Our Travelling Representa- tive Says ot the G, T. Re A recent trip to "The Staten" firought, "Teeth" in contact, amoug other things, with the Greed Trunk Railway, and its incomparable din- ing car serVice, A brightee, cleaner, more efficient plan of oaths; while Journeying, does not exist on tuly railway anywhere, and '"rrtitl," has travelled on most. of the lending 111409 of the world, rule ie therefore in a position to know. The "Club" Breekfasts are an excellent feature, tf 00, the IllerriberS of a chincie lion - ,which appetite to many travellers. estly and faithfully (to the work of etoe 1 he attendants aro courteous and our church in a spiritual way will seo to it that We Shall be able obliging, and don't aPPear to be al- to eneily earry its fleancial burdens in a temporal way. MAN'S AMBITIONS, The Heavenly Father ofTet•s rest al- so in reference to the salvation of after wo have been compelled to 13 t our children and loved ones. Nearly the cup of sorrow to our lips and every healthy normel man hue two drink its contents to the bitter dregs. ambitions. 'elle ono is to 1ive long. Whorl voueg 111011 and Yeallg women if 1 bad my ts,Va Way and 17011141 Still e ceeeetieleoleSereeterfeeietle RR T1 HOMTi F RecIpee for the Kitchell. '„@), 0 HYliiene and Other Notes Mr the liouseloreper.114 19 fle eetereecepoleietereQofeetelereeeetoVer WITH 111Tel OF JELLY. the bele. Tile opt11,111 WaS FloW and thorough, the fp•ntle maasuge of the roots with the fillgOr tips beteg needed to open the p0117.1.1 for tire 111780rption of 114,' oil. 'rho treat - wont was malady merle at night, and the hair efterward tied op in a Sill4 110 nrikerehief, 'Ito ;ilk 11111771I,orchicf is )'l1'.1111'. 1(1(1010(1 hair dre!,7,71111.1 747.1 1,403411 in retaisirg 1 110 maitre] 017111 y of the hnir, lly noon of 11,0 followiis.., IIIE S. S. LESSON THB nt111(8 131 LUNDUN' •INTERNATXONAL LESSON, OV, 29. Text of the Lesson, I, Chron, 3-10. Golden Text, Prov, 6. THOTTSANDS WORIC roR, zxxsTrxcg. The Nariret is Overcrowded and 3311any Are Out of Em- il. colonial 1)011:71tuir7giltI'ondon cannot day hs „I.., 1 "oiivorii ha impressed at the great show Odds and ends of edly aml Jane e,;,;) 4(4 ;,`1„1111-‘),.;„;. '11114,11S,1111,1',-• ette.ege Solomme" bia that is ef Wealth, the constant round of whiell hare rolleet ed a boot Ge pen. houra the that 0 “0,1 .1 0; Limini 1)11111140 1 (1(3 14111410 3121 9113) try Tune time to time, min 1(121 11 10,0 hod 111,77 eerie. 111,0 ,•Se7t of 0+ l'iv.'d"'g gi‘" "Vi11.° cinArg41 14) 111' 01) in several ways and made a part thim tj,„ ri.pressotatiVe Plemperous state in which things • dee1,,,sseit..te.olly govd dj';,11 fee ethcee,,,,,, 1)3 1,1,11,3 ly 1„,t ,.„ ths 3,,l,leg oilt Wen; hilt 1 110 colo4,41.4 11 4)3. 1,0th gh71.111,4;:ir ‘7.011,ym,617,;m0(1 toalste,tarPearshatpbse secian;10 S101,1,071, awl soico eew short 1411 38 1•301(merti etel the people ittelteles First of all. 1.11050 .171111 eent1111111,1t 1c147, lows; 1,11, As ths 111 17,ast Ills hist tWo 1.erses Of thIS end, end have 50011 in the 0101118 tile the jelly or jam, !Mould always be emee, ways looking for a "tle. kept eleeelv coVoit.flgoVaolotli,.11421:utnite ca011,7,3 11v1717,,,,n '1%0 11110, heavy double track of lords w ill be kept, rails between Toronto and Suspen- proven' ed from dre Ing mut mold- finial:, run that distance without delitys of Bananas can be split down i he 11,.),:;.;31'.8... sem Bridge makes it possible to MO. n kind end y077 are landed. at, middle and Hem cut into cplart0117. n y Ono piece ton be spread eith jam and the other muuter pineed titer it sandwich fathion. A spectate! of meringue or whipped mean, complete. your :testier -aloe light c,n t me 30 the minute. The greet improvements on the main line east, 34 111(0)) '1'Ortnito and (11 I131)(l'121111 3,4)4 wes cootil,11041 11,111. it.c7,7110 111714 1:041 811107till. aitcr 47,071,1 laroillis, It WII ' 1.1,1, (try (0111 1(1.4 (414)'4 the runner con/htiun (•Xle.1. 1110'14411 110 1,11,VvIlle 11(1(1 1.0,1 T117, addr0ss to both c0717.0111ifi Vi.ry hove contrasted the two. ;heeler and the first five of the mod. 01 11,1e,ti'lle.:1Lrie:rtAnt3j0,11ftil:::snrslotAi iliirlfieN,,, and 1111.1rP.indY1,ifish" 117.,T117141'.1 717' '11,ct laid j'174veid 1114(3 d ior isi/11,10t•011411,11,1r:.11Yafisbtsr, jo,hentvt141700 notithhole'sr which he mad., abundant provision, but concerning 411)3411 (lorl said unto In11):17(re're4.1grwalE'lliaarusiTotiviliongf 7;specta- 1,11,1, "Thee remit not Muhl un Mame I .1't I 1 ) • • • - ceaseless ueed Pm ,I,J1.1''rOi :., Olt 1 S. fee my name beccome thou hast been WASHING FINE UNDERWEAR. 7 V741'406 1-3i. 14 mat, of wur and host shod blood struggle for blue existence. They do not obtrenle themselves on the - first open the Bible the gospel prom, leoos inoo1014,11114 10 SUrr0rW8 a,n- 'd ,le1iavoe 441 health and steength rend 1140 elonteetalha ve 3)11 en 42114 cosTtlyiland' assof d elicate lu n..cheon (leg'estcnd ( 0, 0 'We71 u'.t ,1,1,0 7'1111,1 • gi44 (1(212 , 4 T11,1,1171,y nthitt7sueggest th1t4(10e14e$ L3)4 1 T3 noddl-oneyebut . Mm, their drudgery hen y buietens do not telfles eY 141(1(3 3,1(4 surroundings 1 am having have ie some 644(4* 41 11171111t the lthat asland quickly liirOL(1 414 71714 7n0,1,1,31 04,41,3 the mid of a hld f Owl which 511 114 lyFor the most part they etrongly to themPheir horizons to -day es far es 1 can Lmke ma 1 mostentire reeonstructien of the 13(11(1)4(1 the emelt from ue nlivid (memlto ot11,, 11ss,141 1,01 1„11,3,1,1.2111)1 1011i1401e Yortng men of fair edUition who aro always rainbowedTheir 14111 ''L 11110 to live on earth at Mast roadThe line kris been straightnidespine(1)11(44(11 or WOOWSand elc1\\O111 rubbieg.Wns4)111 414 1)) 4)t tu 1od and rightbavenlisted in the grearmy Of dees are always hanging gadetsand,87ears11312111 I think of all the edthe grades kesenctiand rmalettgat114 t1-„,,44.01(4,„Hivie1.1)01,1o,,,143drwleg garmentbet G14gc61loor1701of teed. clerks Ierac elVil0ar(57„43 $1011010 0PPOrtallitic5 of working en 10 told 'at srtly t tin willole 'n,ee tem the ((11141 and slip o11110C1 14 the Landtil4,4 11l On ththebawlCod stnnuimdi eiordinary W(1 30 from $6 to always seem to have the vertullmesefel,my 1.ord and Master I he put oa etWeen Parente 1101111d plati!1 111caeltles11,101pe S 111111li t0.arlltells eleeto (b) that which a wockis looked upon ie 141001 of pptual .101(111 cousingwould era voluntarily changplaces Moereal that ill make te diav11 JellYerAda a2111 )1111 11 1771,11711114 1 hewee wivents mlt rni-y to th047111noli 4(11 40)0)011)111(4 superiorwhilst anything through thele veinsA physirlanswith the brightest robed denizen of tecin very uch ess tie tan whipd mon e0114171 sch apidt (11 (4 polidin thopenairnd good ludginuitboth of Ithes,ef above that is mite tee exeption preseription is notsoeght after by all the redeemed iinmortale in ete- even Tbe Itoatioal Liited does 1NiTGrut kinds, 01 jelly or j11411 cnn Wshig 171qihly is Fially d- ahifllow lievers. ven Na- . e Fod, is at least half as nuelt ain tl.e well 1104' an oculist by ame 1100- . 1044. e used on eacalif its,Sery, t•ab, La8 it preC 11 5 S11 lll,I.171;, rC d Rent in inggd eyesBet when, after we 'The iiineelPtse'clom travels on l•away Slicesnr aPeg'.ea”('2113,4.'llVE-EVIeD 11111'2'4,1atonwhch•ry rih•' have been compelled to take long everYhealthy, normal man has Ls passes; the above statements cart spreadwithjelljoriSun•4iuIt°d 1 41 „ewe,letea ''80110010 adversity, not only to live long in an earthly therefore be cotieldered perfeetly un- cwrionwe n(sherry) ot 0)1(1• Mirelaid0404141'and then postgracluata coute atter eeise lut some day to own a large biased, end are made purly the othe. The top elice con be postgradliate 00106e, 0117 then 1040 home, in which he can gather all his cause of the excellent facilities 'pread with wbippec('21110111, 1110 diferent God's sweet promises 1411- hren and rchildrand l travellipublic, aneago r a meringue of the lwhile of The eyes of an animal eatonly work together when they ran be cildganden rang brought to bear upon en object at ought to 1011100 tllll preachtthe word in Asia, . the same time'SO thee, as a rule. and in Bithynia on his 10114' west friends and loved 0(498about311111. than, the prophet, thought thee 40103,10 t the suburbs is probably about the David's purpose to build a was all rig•111. and he at first en- same. Then in this connection shoeld be taken into account the cnuraged him in it (1. Chron. xvil., 1, 2). cost of getting into the city every The apostle Paul thought that he daY• COST OF LryiNa. with the slightest show of respec- and because of the pride nuts Crckers and cookies can he spreadthe eyes of 1sh mstwok ore o1iring histeotl to' bt thSpr- e lability it is impossible to 11v' -that And if a, man longs to have n feels in ono of out great national with jelly omand two paced Indepentbettly. ,Phis is some- .t(01311414' te.m to do so at that t•ne is to pay for board and lodging un - To -day I would talk to those who enrOdYhome, where ho can collect highways. gethe er sndwiel, fashion. A dish of der $6.50 per week. Breakfast is his loved ones, how much more must The elt•anel Trunk Railway Com- times also the clew when the eves (Arts mei , 0, 7). And what. could have floundered knee deep -arid chinusitally obtained at the lodgings, deep in the quicksands of trouble. I the Christian long that in his heav- pany certainty recede ne mistake fort foe children \then 1.00 itch a des - these with milk makes a! gaud '1°3" can co -e vale, as 0(140210 Who stein 1l104'(' coetrary to all 80111411watches a 1'1'71 ahe or other fee. fish juthenete of men thau to build a whilst the other meals aro obtained would try to interpret for you what enly Immo lie may be able to collect when they handed over the reln5 Of sert forms tbe portion of the adults gr,:at 4-088,4 wg.11 4,0 w„1,,,„ i„ight,, at restaurants, With which the busi- the gospel rest ef my text means. I all his dear ones, his children and control to Mr. Charles M. Hays, for in the family. in an aquarium will S0011 'discover. part of the city abounds. would Interpret it not osly fOr those ;brothers anti sisters and parents and a more capable, all -mune railway A very little currant jelly added to Muny (4(11011' 141 possess More than two to evpect a sea to divide, a Fiver to noss The following will show how the who have found this rest, but ;Geo friends -those who are bound to lain man does rot exist to -day. a hot water sweet sauce for truth:tog •••• " ' - rope which do not net together. A slop flowing, n city's walls to fall „!$6.50 is arrived at - for those who may he persuaded to by ties of love as well as or blood. Tho Passeuger Department is most . , • 1 . 1 • to . ee on down Irst Unseen 11101(16, nye loaves ce Week's lodging $1.25 seek It gs a God given blessing at There is not a. true Christian man ofeelently directed by G. T. Bell, W. the itiot of tho cross. 'What is your or woman who has not felt rtt heart E. Davis and FL Gk. Elliott in Mont - burden, my brother '? Perhaps it is the heavy burden of an unsaved real. Geo. 11/. Vaux hi Chicago, and some 8010044 common to the whole child or rele.tive or frientl. Ah, that J. I). McDonald ill Tor071110. 1011111411 race. lt, is very heavy and is a heavy burden to bent•I If 1 7e bespeak great things for the no lighter from the fact that others would throw this meeting open to Grand Trunk Pa.cille Railway on its are bearing the sumo load. Perhaps ask for requests for nr113,01'S from completion. it is some trouble peculiar to your- all oVer 311)5 11011S0 poople wonid + eel! that you enema bear to describe rise rind soy: "Pray for niy hos- PRACTISE DEEP 13REATITING. pear to Us 1 AN INTERPRETATION. improves it, and a tenspormful of • - -• this jelly melted and added to whie_ !the top of its head, which do not bread to feed 5.000 men, or to roll Ped cream or the beaten whitem ef ,work in oinirort, ntul a kind of inn- aWay a stone from rt. tomb and ex - eggs will color it a dainty 1,1414. i rine worm has two oyes on the poet a cOrri7p1 ing body to come Frosting can he 41)10111,1with the !head. and rt mew down each side of forth in lit•alth? But these are only tarts of Ills ways. and how little a red currant jelly to a pretty pink 1 the body, Some lizards have rill 1 while red rarpberry 01 grape wili 'extra eye on the top of the head, portion We 110711' of Ilim? (Joh XXVI., produce a delicate lavender. If there !which does not not with tho other 11; sec also B. V.) Tr, creation nod is a little of seemed kinds of jelly ; two, A be or wasp hag 1440 large, in redemption (Sod in CbriSt was the ancl preserves on lined, ma. them 1 compound eyes, which possibly help only worker, and in the daily life of all into cm agate kettle end mad Mar 1 each other. and are usee for near vis- 1,41C11 1701111001' it must be ITis work - a lemon or the juice of an orange. A. ;ion, and also three little simple oyos ing which 101)211403 3m In us, or it. will few bits of pared apple can be added 'on the top of the head, which are prove to be wood, hay and stubble, and the wbole stewed for 113 or 20 'employed far seeing things a. long 10141f11 110151 be burned up (Phil. ii., minutes. Sweeten if necessnry, add way off. 113; Col. I., 29; I. Coe. Ili., 14, 151. a. spoonful of shet•ry, if it is liked, 3 even to a Mend. "Every heart 14440 003,11 110 Own bi tterness; ' ' but, whatever It 711414' be, the illVilation Chriet gives is for you. ere Meer, yeu rest from the over- whelming burden of sin. This was the heavy pack which neatly crushed the tired pilgrim in Bunyates great category. '11t is the heavy burden tha1 melees the hearts and brains and eyes and feet and hands and the band," "Pray for my thine" "Pray for my brother," "Pray for my roommate," "Pray for my sister." But, friend, why do you ask this pulpit to pray for your loved one? Why do you not bring that burden, and tho whole will be a delicious pot - that heavy burden of tho salvation will find it pleasant, and the results pourri sort of sauce that will prove of your chile or husband, to Christ? will be apparent in straighter shout- a pleasing clump, df the tasteng and Does not Jesus want you to do this dors, better developed chest, clearer sweetening eye done by a careful to-dny? If Christ will carry the skin, and sweeter breath. This cook, method of breathing is the real ells- ir of life," and better than any HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. youth restorer in the. market. Li Three tablespoons of freshly made a short time you will 130 breathing Japan tea, with a. bit of nutmeg, correctly, (Make er a,sieep, it is to gives an indesoribable flavor to an be remembered that deep breathing also fills out sunken and hollow cheeks, clears tho lungs, and reduces the abdomen. It is a comparatively easy task to teach children who have not acquired fixed bad luebits, whose clothing admits of perfect freedom, how to breathe properly. The habit of deep breathing is formed quickly, and in normel eoeditions is maintain- ed through life. Teo weals, who have cramped their lungs and re- laxed all the breathing muscles, will find that tho formation of the new habittrequires persistent daily prac- tice, but when it once is established they will have health and vigor. Deep breathing cannot be practised too often in tho open air, and the clearer and purer the air, the deep- er you should breathe. It will seem a hard task at first, but ono soon heavy burden of financial distress backs of all terifically ache during surely ho will bear the heavier rem - the sad journey of life. A HEAVY BURDEN. Tho Heavenly Father offers rest from financial dietress. Tho older I grow the more I realize that the realest struggle on earth is after den of the salVatiOn of your thel- &on. EFFICACY Ole PRAYER. 011, that wo might, One and all, here and now, enter into a holy con - dolly bread. Most people are not elnraeY of PraYer for the salvation O our loved ones! This wee tit fighting for the luxuries, but for the way n. great revival 4411400 WaS start - bare necessaries, If a man gels $50 or $1.00 ahead in the hank then cid in one of my old churches, It was by Christian people, members of that church, getting together week after week .and praying for distinct individuals, lt WAS 111 this way that the most expensive glasses, or his my grandmother and grandfather wife breaks down, aud she must go were converted. Some of you may off for rest, and extra servants are have heard the wonderful story serit- hlred, and the whole sum of money is ten by the pen or spoken by the lips soon swept away. of my father. It was by a company Said a young man of about thirty- of earnest and tearful mothers gath- five years of age to me a short tone ering together at a certain thee of the day in the barns to pray for the salvation of their children until scores end hundreds stood up in the little village churth of Som.ervillo to confess Christ, and the whole region was moved by the power of the Holy Ghost. It is by a conspiracy of prayer that a revival can always be started and our loved ones swept in- to tho kingdom by a tidal wave ol mercy. Thus, my dear friends, tired and heevy hearted, tramping along the highway of life, I want to lift the heavy burdens ofT yeur hearts, It is these burdens Out aro crushing you, not the journey, Many of the older men have read an essay which was famous many years ago. It W41,5 written by tho "County Person" and called "Concerning People Who Cor- ry Weights In Like" The author went 011 to show that it was the extra weights 'some had to carry that made them lose the mere of life, And it is these extra burdens Which C011105 some dangerous sickness in the family. His daughter is threat- ened with blindness, and 5110 has to go to the best oculist and have ago : "I have no sympathy for people who financially do not get ahead, 11 they would systematize their besiness and work regularly they would have plenty of money." "Yes," X solilo- quized as I looked at him, "that is all well enough for you to sny. You have a mother who has supported you all your life. You have never ,known what it is to pay a dollar for rent. Only a few clothes have ever come out of your salary. Whet would you hove done if you had four or five children and had to live upon your salary and perhaps support a. widowed mother or an orphan sis- tee, as many, aye, most men have • to do ?" Life for the most of us is a ceaseless etruggle for a baro phys- ical existence. The financial burden is the heavy one' to bear. Most of us aro ready to grant Abet. That burden, too, Christ will bear if you commit it to his hands. Your anxiety, your dis- tress your foreboding, he will re- lieve, and he will (4100 47044 rest. "Now," says some one, "the preach- . !We Can (eat at, 1.110 foot ot the cross er is talking simple nonsense I If 'that make ne labor and heavy lad- en. Will you not accept tno invita- tion of rny text? Will you not live in the faith of that blessed promise and die in the hope, as did the beau- tiful Princess Elizabeth, the daugh- ter of Charles I. of England? Upon her marble monument in Newport church, erected by Queen Victoria, is recorded the fact that 51177 44a0 One morning iottnd dead, with her head pillowed upon the open Bible and her finger pointing to the simple worde, "Come unto see all ye that labor and ere heavy lactate and X will give you rest." To -day I liege upon you tette wide invitation, with RN glorious promise, Christ bide you come 4433,1) all your burdens and trials, arid he will bear them for you. Ho oilers erou rest in this 111e, rest in death and eternal rest be- yond tho gra.ve. "Conte unto him all yo; who labor and are heavy 14441- 7111, ned he will give you rest." A 1)18A1III1!EABLE1 HAM 010 Grumps -Sure that) girl lover) you iestetul of your money? Son -Absolutely! Why, she mama- ly keeps count of the kisses 1 give her, Old Grumps-Hnin! './Itat's bad, Film may keep it up after marriage, Ascent ; "How are the Piens tor your lane helleo eentieg eking ?" Subbiths ; "$plendidly. My wife lots Mildly laid oel, 4431 tho euleboarde HIM \Motto, and now Oil the ttrohl- [ewe got to de 30 to bead the Ileums retied ‘11018."• X do not get out and hustle and work and worry and get the money to feed and clothe and educate my children God will never do it for Ille. I do not believe in expecting thee God will relieve me of my financial distrese any more than I would ex- pect the water to boil In the kettle if I did not have a fire in the stove or my cupboard be full of food un- less 31eould order it at the grocer's or the butcher's. When you begin to talk about God carrying the bur- den of financial distress then you are sdmply talking about. something you kerow nothing about," ; A HINT TO ClITTJECH MEMIXERS. :And, nay dear Christian friends, this oleo, to roll the fineneiel distress al your life upoe Christ brings up a very pertinent lesson which ought to he 9e0a134011 by all our churchee. Do you know why the average Christian chtirch 18 hiving such hard (901,34' to get along fine,ncially ? At the end of the year a few rich men have to pet, their hande in their pockett) end matte up tho heavy deficit. 33. is be - mute these churches in looking after the temporal life of their menthol's in- stead of the 00111001 are eot doing liner (hay. The heat way 30 get a full church treasury Is ma, 4411 some peaple seppose, to have a Walter, or len oyster sepper, or an evening's fietertitinnient of Mrs, Jarley'e 4914)0" W01'1414, or a enecert. The tree way to got a full cherch treasury ie to have e, full prneor mootin(4'. 3/ the Gel) men of a chureele the leading mon officially, Would sot, the right maniple te the avenues, chme)11 mem- lers cool 101110 ter 1110 0061014 01214131" W01133913 DET MUSIC. Musk in the raw looks a good deal like axle grease, and smells worse. The popelar notion that the musk of commerce is obtained from the muskrat is a mistake. A. somewhat similar perfume may be obtained from the muskrat, but most of the supply comes from the muskdeer, creature that is Ct11.0fUlly reared in India for the sake of the secretion. The secretion is shipped in the crude state, and is used not only in the manufacture of the liquid perfume sold as ninsk, but also in very small quantities to give strength and stay- ing power to many perfumes made from the essential oils of flowers. Curiously enough, the blossoms of two 1141t1V9 plants have a noticeably musky odor, Ono is the well-known small yelloW blossom. Xis odor is marked, anti IS counterfeited in tho commercial perfume called musk. The other is the blood -root, The pure white blossom of that early spring Wont has a distinct though delicate musky odor. A betel known as the meek -bean le a cheep substitute for niehnne 1110512. . A HATIMI)ESS ExrLosiivril. Powdered aluminium begins to play ttel important part in the peofession of the engi»eer. Mixed with oxide of iron, it can be fired, and in burnieg will produce pure iron at such a tom- ocrature that it can be used to Unite pieces) of ieon or steel -such, for ex- ample, ns 'the cede of steel rails. A mixture of powdered aluminum and nitrate of ammonia, celled "amnion - al," is a e•aluttble explosive, and is the safest known.. It is not subject tn explosion from ehock or friction, ner le it ttflected, like Miro-glycer- ine, by cold, By varyleg the amount, of powdered alumitium the strength et the explosion May be varlad. The peer) resulting fron the explosion ere also said to be hermless, of course, is of great thanortance in mine-blatting, THE WORLD LANGUAGE. According to Peofonsoe Brander 'Mathews, of Collunbia University, before the year 2000 English will lltiN0 forced 13,5 213(41)31 to be considers ed 0, weeld's lenguage. At the be- ginning of the nineteenth Mittel/ it Was epoken by abont 20,000,000, whernaer in 1900 It 40104 epokon by over 1 80,000,000, apple pia A little sweet oil applied to the lor, before seeing the sick woman, he ernaele (.7011/1 11,, 1 --I, ei, vni., and their belongings gradually (4o, bronzes after they are chiStcld, follow- beguiled the time by talking with 1, 12); also the chief corner stone of till they are forced to quit tho ed by a brisk rubbing with chamois the bending now being completed ranks of quill -drivers and seek for - Mein, will 17 ring out theie rich tones, '11(7,I am very much plensed to know (elph. ii., 1.9-"1). and the mon of daughter. Hot salted vluegar will restore 009- tune elsewhere. your mother'. thought of me in her David to sit on David's throne and per and zinc to their first lustre. Mese " he wad "Is the Rev. Mr. reign OVer the house of Jacob for- DANGERS or. EDUCATTON. For the reason of this frantic com- petition for such a paltry wago one has not far to look. Doubtless the high state of board school educntion largely accounts for it. Thie tr.ein- well bo cede- ing• takes its pupils to a very dan- gerous point. It does not teach ferns and mosses is a delight. 01'041101 out glasses a while longer, but T. only city on earth that them enough to fit them for any the winter because of its vacation 11 nd I can't "Yes? It. Wii5 all 031- llt1 "the 111E0110 of the Lord" (Jere higher branches of life. It is suflici- day reminders. 'Veal illusion!" liii, 3.7), and the oely thing that 1 There is notbStig better for clean- 4 leave found in Scripture that God ont to instil into them a dislike foe any sort of manual labor. They are 4 says He will do with Ilis whole ing woolen garments, especially if WAS CAESAR .A. DENTIST? heart. and cold is that 1Te will place attracted by the black cloth and kid grease -stained, than South American seep bark, which is sold in small gloves of city men, Thus, to their packages ta the druggists. Put a everlasting regret, they joie the and make them Dis people in the ranks of clerks. handful of the bark strips into a tiquity. The ancient Egyptians Were i 7.ight of all nations tJer. xxxii, 37 - basin and COver with boiling water. no mean dentists. Jawbones of DEARTH OF MECHANICS. Let it steep for ten =inutile, 4911011 mummies have been found with false ; 12). It is part of Ills eternal jam- med Ile will do 11, spite or al) Thus, though the clerical market In it will be ready for use. Scrub the teeth ie 1140111, and some with teeth ;noser caviling aid unbelief of JeW5 and England is so overcrowded, there is garment with tho soapy water rind filled with gold. The ancient Greeks !the a comparative scarcity of mechanics. sponge ofe with clear water. also knew how to 1111 teeth with ;gnatiles- ,.. _ A good mechanic need never be out, A pinch of salt added at the last gold, and how to make false teeth. I Lot us give special attention in the 0. a job . tor any length of time. The moment to a pot of brewing tea or There is plentiful evidence of skilled remainder of our melitatIon to the . 1 increased employment of girls, too, coffee is said to assist 11117.terlally in dentistry among the Romans, for eharge to Solomon and take whet We Call of it to our 01111 hearts. On in those branches where formerly bringing out the aroma. A pinch of many of the Latin authors have ref- opeo ee0. isso, .yers.„ 9 was maes a, men only were employed may also '1'00 PRECIOUS. A village Clergyillen Was one (lay sumlnoned in host e hy Mrs, .101411- Lord ( 1., 111 iti., 1 ). in the empeoy of a, large company, ston who had boon taken suddenly and Seth, not Cain, Isaac, not Ish- and is not getting $7 per week to 111001; Jacob, not Esau; Judah, not h.00p .1.ms elf, his wife, and three children, is a noteworthy instance; church, and was 'known to be desert- Ellah; Solomon, not Nathan, are the Moreover, there is always quite a eel to her own minister, the Rev. Mr, chosen sous of men through whorn number out of regular employment. Iropkins. the Son of Man is to come who will For some time they struggle gal - While ho was wnithig in the par- himself be the true Temple end lantly. Their genteel respectability Seven breakfasts 1.00 Seven dinners 2.00 Other meals 3.5(3 PareS 0.50 Washing 0.25 $(3.50 It will thus bo seen what a strug- gle must take place for bare exist- ence amongst this great and emin- ently respectable body. Many of them, too, venture to take a wife, perhaps under the im- pression that tee° can live cheaper Clod is ever working all things af- Tm here are any married ter the counsel of His own will, ac- than ane. men with families with salexies con - cording to the eternal purpose which siderably under $8 per week. 44. 110 perpostel in Christ Jesus our clerk who has boon seventeen years ill. ITe went, in some wonder, 1)4- ((41150 She Walt 110t a member of his Reuben or the others; David, not Vary tho breakfast omelet by spreading on it before it Is turned minced ham or olives, cooked aspar- agus that has been run through a sieve, tart jelly or other 801151195 as they suggest themselves. A fern dish stocked with native Hopkins away?" ever (Luke I., 111-333. she said. "Oh, no! 'But The throne of David at Jerusalem we're afraid it's something contagi- is the Only throne on earth that 11418 ous, and we didn't like to run any over been 40.119d the throne of the risks." Lord (verse 5; cha)1. xxix, W: 11, 'T thought I could get along with- (1hron. ix 8), and Sereterdein is elm The manufacture and use of false teeth are undoubtedly of groat an - Israel in their own land, give them one heart and one WO,' tO fear Him salt added to a 11 14111 3,11213.las boon erences to false teeth. 114 3110 a- Very frilcial blostiag to my soul as Made too sweet by -mistake will take low wages of the clerical profession man Laws of the Twelve 'rubles" e rode *on the train from Scranten 'the margin of mv Bible reminds me to Pliinlaelphia. A memorandum 011 lin 011 011. away the oyersweetness, as, converse- there are distinct references to arti- ly a little sugar often subdues a. licks'. teeth. 'rile first part of No. The typeweeter may haem done a salty taste. 111105 to this good deal towards helping the girl. Butter moulds and the little wood- 10 forbids useless expense at Diner- of [11)8, 2111(3the bleeping en peddles used for reeking butter als in general, but an exception is dov. '1'1141210 18 110•11Ill,g gienter than to outset the opposise te x o fi.ni balls should be scrubbed with a, permitted by No. 11, which allows that the gold filltngs of false teeth , yeti, ti; ere, 9; 111.11. 133, 10, 11. to' know God 1.301'. ix, 233, 24: John branehes of employment which fie bruele rinsed thoroughly (owl kept Or the gold with which they were I pet. ill, 18'), to know Rim as our In the refrigerator when not in use. ---.-- bound should bo buried or burned !Faller through Jeses Christ, for no account for the overcrowding, and HOW TO PRESS CLOTH. with the deceased. men knoweth the Father 641:1717 the 5021 Wbee woolen cloth is to bo pressed but not washed, it is sometimes the question of how beat to giro it tho dampness that will enable tho hot iron to remove folde and wrinkles. Good metals ttre to be had by wring- ing a sheet, out af warm water, spreading it on a lnrge table, ar- ranging 11000 it the pieces to be pressed and then folding or rolling all in a bundle. Aftor lying thus for several hours, the cloth is evenly damp, but not wet, tend all Creartle aud fold soften to the best postale condition for the Ironing. The FISHY SILN, and he to whameoover the :eon will TOVeal 111171 (Melt. xi, 27). There toe no children of God, according to The silkworm is not the only silk- .ilionScolopit it -Looms, ceeetai treteehOi7it:h Jo esaLe producer. Silk may be obtained au' from the shellfish known as the pin- 1:.1.1,7:1.,sotease33111011;J.M1°,1 J111,1,711110, ;,..a,:135,°, me which is found in the illediterran- /;,11`',0a114`..`t'0 sa01,,,0 .1./Ams'Nvi‘th'It' rerreW 0/1, ean. This 51101111sh has tho power of spinning a viscid silk, which in Sicily 31,41101mOlterIllieragrtutantll a 441111111(4 ii,iitd, 2121 - is made into a regular and very 11a 1(9(41030111 441111 "1' 04110)14 all the imaginations handsome fabric. by the shellfish in Ttlit'ao 7111!skt 1s snstsalre is life in earnosi. Concerning tee of the tisoughts of our hearts -this for the purpose of attaching itself to pei feet heart ece 11011. evil, 3; Ilieb. the rocks. It is able to guide the xiii, 20. eeliente filaments to the proper place pressing rather them the hoeing most and there glue there fest, and if they As truly as tee 913,1(410 which Sol - be done slowly with irons not too Nre eta away it can reproduce them. omen was to budid was not for 144441), hot nor too cool, moving them i t -"- The material when gathered --Which beet (fofroi101107Lbontieilevtoliotlis simtthoopdaiatic taSt anaugh ta neeva"1 ane team is done at low tide -is washed in 111 91(03111133' (316 outline en the goods. for tee kingdom of God told His printi , ,. soap and water, dried, etraightened, lighteceisness (Chop, 2432124, 1; Matt 13.31 ""811 trn I'M" the 931011111, 11141 and enrded, one pound of the coorse vi, 4.3.. , tort hot enough to scorch the wool, ) Let the words "I'ake heed; is right for the 1110119. "AMOS' ClOth , filament yieldies about three <Mimes ' , bo strong altd do; be strong and of or line thread, which, when spun, is treated t111177 10506 every creme° nnd the too clingieg eaftnees lent, it by wear, Thinner goods Etre handled the 8111110 Way with success. The pro- cess, of course, is that followed by lied "sponging," all tailors and 06 310(3 that no pressing' followe the dampness of neW cloth, It being Merely spread smooth and lOtt to) dry. 1e131110SE14E roll 'nip, 33,1.333. woMart recently asserted that the fine op/Retentive of her linir wog one tieely due to a peretelent roid thor- ough treatment of the familiee hero- /eine of 00 tooter grooms conetnerce. It Was applied regolerly 01100 a fell, - 31133111 111 the f011tYWIllg Way 1 A little Was pOttred into a eaucer Mid rubbed With the liegere tote the rotas of a lovely burnished golden -brown col- or. .4-- A.,1 5, rule the orator who Imes the biggest WOrChl has the tenet to Fitly, estly appropriate as your very OWn 31 is 0,15101'to keep out of the (30(15 53)01.1441 POe)50801 141218(10(40sSago to lnat )out, •Imonial harness than it is to get, yollr own gotil, an, lli dre David, you will find your affection set upon the "3.1',v boy dooran't seem to have got Both in ealvation and frenetic all. 'le If tIm teeter ie blued when Clean- house of your Clod, rind 01331 4,31 your 1114(411(1 you Will prepare the 111g WindOWs, they will retain their wity. 0. to, ',so, „se 0(1)0141„o1 bo egillialicy longer and polish illueli led to 1 ejoice and offer wititgly to do liemelso (01141,9, 1124132, 2, ti, 9).• along here Very Well,” sold the Office- of Owl. The (42101(3.1104141, the power, More quiebter, boy's fathom "Well, to be perfectly the glory, are all Ille. All rashes frank lith yoo," replied the emploel- arid Minor came 11'0111 111114; all pewee er, "I meet say ho does slot." "A.11 1 AMA Might (We Hie, and all Ile nuke 11334(41 41 the trouble ?" "Ile Imen't of es le to be wholly nsul eeilliorele) any teoable; it'll the rest of 118 *110 1113s for ilie) Aleas`tm and teak Ilife have bad thitt I" good coil:rage and do; fear not, nor be disennyed," and the other words oe verses 10 and 20 lie emnpated with Dela, xxxi, (3, 8; Josh, 1, 5-9; Hag. 11, 4. 15 1611.41 then humbly bat hone seed Hie Will only and alWaye. was accustomed to look open as ex- clusively his own. Before, these ma- chines came into general use men were almost necessary for their handwriting. Now girls, being more deft with their fingers, not only work cheaper, but answer the pe1'- 9080 better. During the Met few ware, too, tho General restate° has employed an increasing number of young ladies. VIE WILY WOOD. Sir Evelyn Wood le distinguished by a. wthiness in Which he has very few equals. Ile gave a specimen of this during the operatioes following the Tedian mutiey. He volunteered to Carry dispatches theough the 0)1» 011)350 reentry, and disguished him- self as an itinerant merchant, 14011133 fairly !unifier with Hindustani. Travelimg by night and dny, he got. too close to n, rebel camp, and WW1 arrested and detained. After being somewha1 earelesely examined, he was allowed to seend the night, 111 a, lent. As he exnected Miring the de.rkeess some nativee crawled under tho canvas and stealthily soarehed his saddle-bage and 141e11et44, but foetid nothifor except, sundry meriting of eorernerce, the dispatcher) tittering been taken by Wood trore a slit in 'Ms tertian end buried *1111119')1011 (j( tile spot 4411e1e to slept. Next weenies; he was permitted to go, tine reach- ed the Ilritteh camp in 80101y. C4311010113, 'Don't yell think emu Would be hapseier if yeu went to leerier "X enippciee 80," 11.511W8',`01.1 Meander- ing Mike; "MIL dere's me many people Peden' (tat 'nee on de enbject dat X obi% Roth' ib !dip 111 en' spoil doir .0,60,nro.