HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-26, Page 14 Vol. 32. No. 20 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1903 W. H. KERR, Prop. New Advertisements. Local—G, E. King, Local—H. A. Matohett. Perfume—It', R. Smith, Dog lost—Wm. Dunoan. Xmas gifts—H. R. Brewer. Stook for sale—B. }logged. Local—John Cober & Sone. Teaoher wauted—Ohara, Owe. Bargains—Harry A, Matohett, Cow for sale—Thoe. MoLauohlln. Piga for Bale—D, R. Cunningham. 'Posher wanted—Jno, L. Davidson. Boots, Shoes, &o.—MOKlnnon & Oo. Mistr .ct ROMS. Cram bro-oleo The house and lot of William Heather bee been sold to Mre. August Fieober, $425 ie said to be the price. Joe Knight has disposed of hie farm situated j mile Beet of here to Dan, Neabel of the 16th con, for $2,750. What Mr. Knight will do is not definitely knuwn, Weal ton. Calporteur Pieroy, of the Upper Can- ada Tract Society spent Leet week in tbix vicinity. CoaeienT.—A benefit Concert under the the patronage of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church, will be held in the A. 0. U. W. Hall an Monday evening, 90th inst., oommenoiag ab 8 o'o'ock. Mise Adeline Smith, vooaliet, graduate of New York Oonaervatory of Music, Mies Carrie Hingoton, Mies Allis Dundee and J. L. Kerr end R. J. MoLauoblin are among talent expeoted, with Mise Dora Kinney and Mies Jean MaLauohlin ae aeons paniete. Program promisee to be an enjoyable one. Foretwiett. Wade Broe. have parahaeed the general stook of V. M. Nlabolle. Geo, Johnston returned from Manitoba. The trip has improved his health, Mica Evelyn Cook is vieiting her eieter Mre. (Dr.) D. R. Dunlop, at Shallow Lake. Blake Cook lett for Toronto, where he hae been employed at an inoreaoed salary with hie old employer. Mre. E. Scott, aoaompanied by her daughter, left for Hensel!, where she will visit her deter, Mrs. (Rev) E. A. Shaw, for a few weeks. The Willing Workers Society of the Pordwioh Methodist Church will bold a Maeisiale at the home ot Geo. Johnston, on Friday evening, Deo. 4th. Xmas Gifts Now we find oarmelvee face to fade with the Ohristmae season and we are after the nioeet Gifts for our Friends. You can set one dozen Pbotoe. for 75o and up. We have a splendid assort- ment of Photo. Mounts and in Photographing we pride oureelvee in being up to•date. At this Beason of the year the days are abort eo come in the fore part of the day. The adventage in getting Photos. taken now is that we oan have them ready before the Xmaeerueh. With the compliments of the season to one and all, H. R. BREWER W. F. Downey lett on Tuesday morn ing of last week for Port Huron, Mloh,, where be bas it good position ae clerk in a oo.operetive atom, having given up baking about two mouths ago. Mre, and Mies Mahood left taut ween for Chicago, thence to Webster City or Sioux Oity, Iowa, where they will epend the Winter with either Dr. D. G. Mahood or Rev. W. Mahood, Mrs. Mahood is very weak and the journey will try her strength very mach. Geo. Gregg, of Spriogbauk, has sold his fine farm of 180 aorea to his eon George, and his eon -in law, D. A. Hark. nese, of Redgrave, for $10,000. Tbie is a fine property. Mr. Harkness bias since rented his half to hie partner and accept ed the Listowel agency for the famous Deering harvesting machinery. Mr, Gregg will probadly retire to Clifford to spend the rest of hie days in ease and quietness, and Mr. Harkneee will go to Listowel soon atter his sale to begin work and the family will follow after New Year's. Iiippeat The Presbyterian Sabbath School here, wax wrecked by an acetylene explosion at 8 o'oloak Taesdsy night. A tea meeting far the children was being he'd, and after it had been in progress an hour or so the gaeometer burst. Nine persons were in• jored, meetly children. The minister, Rev. M. MoLeonan, was among those hurt. Several of the eases are reported as probably fatal. Among the injured are :—Flora Taylor, Alice Taylor, Mies Cooper, Lina Cooper, William Moore, Mrs. James MoLean, Ella Elgie. --e— jame etown. Sunday school ie keeping up well in attendance averaging about 70 eaoh Sunday. The Literary Society is to be organized this week trod you may look out for same good debates in the near future, Rubs, Shaw, of Binevale, spoke in Viotoria Hall last Sunday night. Next Beesley night Rev. Mr. Went, of Binevale, is expeoted. Business at the etore is good this Fnll, quite busy some days. Parties going there oan get oaeh or trade fur their produce. Fowl op a sent this week: Tnrksye,10-11o. dressed ; Butter 1 Ib Prints 170 ; always highest prioe for produce. Wroxeter. R. J. MoLaaohlin and W. Cameron, of Brussels, spent Sunday with friends here, Mr. Rae intends shipping a oar of dressed turkeys to the English market. Now boys you will have a chance to make the feathers fly. John Me.KeIvie who was working in a woolen mill io Keaneville for the eeneon bas returned home the mill having finish. ed the work on hand. Mr. Knox, late sub agent of the Bank here, has had to give up position on aoouuot of ill health. We hope it is only a temporary indisposition. Jas. Gilliepie who wont West in the Sommer retroed last week. He and his brother John have taken up farms and will move there this Doming Bpriug. They will make good settlers. Listowel. J. S. Myere has returned from Stanley Barracks, Loudon, having completed a coarse of inetruotion there, which quni- ifiee him to aaeume the rank of Captain. He intends to bake a farther oonree at so early date and there are hopee that the military company here will be re -organ. ized. Fora time past oomplainte bees been made that the trains from Listowel to Stratford were Beldam o° time and that passengers frequently lost connections to London thereby. This was eepeoially annoying on Friday when eo many oom menial man were on the way home. During the past two week, however, there hag been no trouble in able respect and the knights of the grip ore very thankful. A publics meeting, under the auspices of the Board of Trade, was held Monday evening in the town hall for the purpose of discussing what Bleps ought to be taken in the C. P. R. extension matter. Mayor F. W. Hey made a detailed ex• planation of the matter in question, and others, who were delegate° to Guelph, gave their impreseioue of what the pro- moters' were willing to do, and what Milli�aer� Bargains As the season is rapidly pas- sing along we are offering our Ready-to-wear Millinery at reduced prices to clear them out. Our Millinery Department is in better shape than ever to sup- ply Fashionable Goods at Reason- able Prices. Weplease are determined to all who favor us with their pat- ronage. A callwillb e app reciated. they desired to be done, Atter dinous elan a motion was moved by Col. D, D. Campbell and upended by A. Kt, G. Hawlnine, and parried, That the town council be urged to submit a bylaw to the ratepayers next January permitting the raining of a euro of money not to exceed $5,000, and that the mover and asap» der with the following gentlemen be a committee to meet the tetanal' : J. 0. Hay, H. B. Morpby and B. F. Brook. 131 tee vale. Both Preebyterien and Methodist Sabbath School are worsting at the programs of their Ohrietmae entertain• menta. Last week Harry MoHardy, Wbiliam Haney and George Aitabioou went to Stokes Bay to commence work for the Goderioh Lumbar Company who are building a saw mill there, Next Babbath the anniversary 'serviette of the Methodist ohnroh will be held. Rev. Mr. Philp, ot Kincardine, will preach. On Monday evening the tea• meeting will be held with a good magical and literary program. Last Thursday wee Farmers' Inetitnte day in our village and the meetings were very slimly attended although the 'peals. ere were amonget the beet that has been here. In the afternoon Dr, H. G. Reed, of Georgetown, epoke on the Foundation principles of successful stook breeding and J. H. Smith's, of Langbank, eubjeot wne From Soil to plant. At the evening meeting Dr, Reed spoke on the develop. meet and training of young horses and Mr. Bmith spoke on Agricultural Ed°oa- tion. I.e aadb um. sr. One of Joseph Love's family hes been ill with diphtheria bat is recovering, Mise Bella MaNab has been re engaged to teach No. 9, McKillop, at an iuereaeed salary. Mies Emma Hankwell hats gone t0 Stratford where she will remain for some time. Peter Barrows has purchased the Wright term, near Walton and will move their soon. John Crozier is now comfortably settled in Seatorth and Mr. Saokeon bas taken poaeeesion of his farm. Dennie Broa., the veteran threshers, have closed in another season. This is their 24th year in the bnieoeee. Mies Bella Davidson bas returned home from the West where she bas spent a 000ple of months pleasantly, visiting relatives and friends. Munn Bros. are doing a very large bnsioess, grain grinding these times. They have ground 16,000 bags einoe Deo. let last year and made a good job of it too. We are pleased to see Wm. Kneobtel here again. He pea epent the Summer in Manitoba. We have not learned whether be intends to go West again or not. A nnmber of our young people around here have pledged themselves not to touok strong drink. It is a good move and we hope they will be able to alwaye keep it, Moe -rtes. Good sleighing. Woad ie eoaroe and high in price. Robs. Clark has gotta to Wiarton. Thos, Russell is quite poorly this week, Geo. Cole is working for Mr. Hunter, 7th line. The bottom has gone out of the hog market. Friday of this week is Mr. Hunter's sale on the 71h line. 0, P. R. talk is looming up and we are anxiouely waiting partioalare. An entertainment was held in S. B. No. 3, on Tuesday evening of this week. David Laidlaw, 8th line, is home from the West where he was all Kammer. Bird ds Co. are doing good work with their grain grinder and (grouter saw. 0. and Mre. Embary, of Toronto, are the gaeete of Ino. and Mre. Mooney, and other friends here. Jno. Hunter and family, 7th line, may remove to Brussels having sold their fine farm in Morrie. Quite a quantity of wood will be haul- ed to market as soon as road and time will permit the farmers to do ao. Albert MoOall and wife arrived home last week from a visit with relatives and Mende in Manitoba and the Northward, 700 or 800 cords of hard and soft wood wanted at the Bodmin Lime Works. Highest prioe paid. A. Noouoroon & Sons. Several think there will not be a Municipal election in Morris this year as the preeent Council have got along well. Sae. Moho', 7th line, intend° raising his shed in the Spring and building a stone wall underneath also cement floors, Jos, Stonehouse bas the oontraat. Mrs. Lamoutbie here from Calkiueville, Michigan, and Mr. Lanobland, from 0•,bawa, visiting at William Bkedden's, 4.11 line, owing to big illness from a broken thigh. The first mentioned is a daughter and Mr. Lauohlend is brother to Mre. Shedden and MCS. Gilbert Bpeir• Gaon LOAD.—Saturday afternoon, Nov. 14, Joe Bunter delivered at Hay Bros. atorehouee, Blyth, in load of este whioh, with wagon mud driver, weighed 7595 the, There wan 185 bus, and 22 Ibis, ot °ate drawn 0,} miles. The outfit waa photo• graphed by B, A. I4loArbur, of Blyth. has bought 'e 4th con. b James Bhurrl 4 , g , lot 2 the farm of Kan. MuKenzie6 same fine for 55000• The farm iso of the a fine one and bas a uew barn, 60x84, whish was erected this Stammer, The stable has the latest improvements and hue cement floor throughout. Mr. Sherrie takes poreeesion on the let of Marsh. LIono Kukla REMODELLED.—A. Nichol. eon & Sons, of the Belgrave Lime works, have been buoy rebuilding theft lime Milne after a very busy season and put- ting them in better shape than aver. They hove shut down for this year but will resume next Morels as this esaeon'e make in all gone. Messrs. Niohofaon I09 and 27kilns e dnring19 tensed out a Arno other works 'supplied was the Govern. meet poetoffioe at Clinton and Kings. bridge and St. Augustine ohurohee. SThe John Jaokrion family, 6th line, have removed to MoKillop where they have leased the Crozier farm East of Leedbary. We wish thorn prosperity in their new quarters. Mee. HODDER PASSES Awax.—Friday of last week Mre. Simeon Hodder, an old and well known former resident of the 3rd line, paid Naturae debt at the home of her eon, William Hodder, of Obioago, in 87th year. Deoeaeed was born in Axtninlstert Devonshire, England, where she wee also united in marriage to her late husband who predeoeoeed ber tour years ago last June. Mrs. Haddsr'e maiden name was Elle° Perham and she was the last of her family. The subject of thie notice same to Morris township from Goderioh in 1860 and took up lot 20, 3rd line, then a bush farm, on which they continuously resided transforming it to arable sores, Two none, both railway engineers in Ohioago, and Mre, Joel Bellere, of this township are the surviving children. The remains were broogbt to Brussels on Monday last and the funeral took place Tuesday afternoon to Brussels cemetery where her life partner was also interred. Deceased was a hearty woman in her day and will be kindly remembered by the old settlers of the township. Very few of the pioneers of Morris survive to oall up the days of toilsome work but of vigorous health and large hearted boepitality and friendliness. C;.re v. The sleighing livened things tip consid- erably. Alex, McKay, sen., is very ill ab the preeent time. Joseph McKay had a gravel bee Wed. nesday of this week. Jno. and Mrs. McKay, of Monorieff, spent the. Sabbath with friends iu St. Marye. The Mimeos Detiweller tram James- town, N. Y., are visiting at Henry Mo. Naaghton'e. Ament & Kreuter have quite a staff in the bush getting out wood, logs, oto. on the 17th con. Peter Fergneon end D. Steles had a lox hunt Thursday of last week in Morris township and landed Mr. Reynard ae they ueaally do. Mies Mary Lamont, 10th con., bas re• turned from an enjoyable visit of a couple of months with relatives at Gay- lord, Michigan. 8 tans and 275 lbs. of sugar beet(' was the result of the § Sere plot grown by Robert MoDonaio, 9th oon., this year. He sold to Wiarton Sugar Factory. The rate payers of B. S. No. 9, are sorry at loosing Mies Cameron who has there for the past year. Mr. Bawer, of Eippen, bas been engaged in her plane. We are sorry to state that Juo. Smali- don, 10th con., who is undergoing treat. meet in Miobigan, is not progressing ae favorably as bis many friends would wieb. Auction ealee next Tuesday ab H. Buttrey'', 120h eon„ Wednesday after noon at R Moore's, 13th oon., and There day at Fisoher Bros., 10th con., F. 8. Scutt, aootioueer. Dan. Neabel gold his farm lot 24, son. 13, to P. H. MoNeil for 52,800. He hae eines bought the farm of Jno. Knight, W lot 17, eon. 12, for $2,750, Possess. ion will be given on the let of March. James Minnie, who was for menthe a terrible sufferer from cancer, died on Monday of last week. The funeral took place on Wednesday. The deceased was e. quiet, nnoeenmiug man who enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him. Mies L. J. MoLauah'in hae been reen- gaged to teach in the Junior department of the Public school at Saltooabe, Assn„ N. W. T , ab a salary of $500 being an inoreaee of 550. Miss MoLanohlin is an A 1 teacher and is deserving of a good salary. Mies Annie King, who bag taught enaoesefully in B. S. No. 1 for the past 2,1 years, bas tendered her resignation and will leave at the alone of the term for her home at Canfield, Haldimaed Co. The trustees are advertieing for another teacher. Next Sabbath evening the annual Bible Society meeting will be held in Roe's ohuroh oommenoing at 7 o'olook. Thos. Straohnn will 000npy the chair and along with B. Gerry and W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, will give ehorb address se. A program of musio will be sup- plied by the choir. A fine cement hog pen and driving shed has been built on the farm of Rob. ert MoDonnld, 9th eon. It ie 25 x 40 feet, pig pen being in the basemeut. P. J. McDonald, of Jamestown, did the work. Oement troughs and woven wire partitions are novelties in the pig pen line. Water is broad from the pump by a windmill so that Mr. MoDon. ald will have an up.to date place when completed: No dents'.proxpective build - ere will be anxious to we the new prem- ises. BARN BDRNEn,—A Dakota newspaper gives the following partionlare of the destruction of Adam Patton's (formerly of Brussels and locality) barn a short time ago :—On Tuesday evening at eight o'olook Mr. Patton'' new barn, 50 x 70 ft, was Area by lightning and entirely 000sumed. The bolt entered the East and, running along the track used for the hay fork to the West end, igniting the contents of the loft instantly, Mr. Pab• ton's son Robbie had been out and finish- ed the ohoree for the night and returned to the house and se Mr. Patton had finished milking eke oo gibe thought he ser• aro null see it v gothe barn Y wouldto eking was secure and also see it his eon was through with the chores, he not being aware that Robbie had returned to the homes. Mr. Puttee entered the barn, set the lantern down to close the door, when the bolt straok the grand denature, Instantly the lantern whioh was but a few feet from Mr. Patton was hurled into fragments, He instantly oolleoted his fawns and began an unloosing the nine head of cattle and saving everything within remelt. He enoeeeded in rescuing all the horses and harness except one eeb of heavy banters, and all the bridles and haitece. By this time the barn was enveloped in flames, eo Mr. Patton ran to the house and told the family whet had marred and, ae be thought, Robbie was in the rain. Neighbors 'same rushing in to offer their asalstauoe but to no avail as everything wee wrapped in a blaze, The lose is estimated at about $3,000, fooled. lug ten tone of bay, twelve Ioade of oat bonding, one thousand bashele of oats, Ione thousand feet of unused lumber and Robbie'' 530 00 spot gun as well as many smaller ertioles aged about the barn, No insurance. The community nympethize with Mr, Patton and family over their extensive lots. Bi11set. H. F. McAllister made business trip to Toronto this week. The Sept., Oot, and Nov. cheese of the Ethel Cheese factory ie still uoeold, The 0. P, R., Municipal eleotione, and Looal Option are the chief topioe of die. 01290lon just now. R. Laing is improving the hones he purohased recently from D. Eokmier by the addition of a verandah. The Methodist Sabbath Bobool is making preparation for their anneal Christmas Tree Entertainment. We notice that Robt. Pearson assisted Varsity Rugby team to defeat McGill University in Toronto last Baturday. It is said that Wm. McLeod has par - abased from Thoe. Vedder the Leisbmab property, ab preeent occupied by John Coates, Robt, Barr who went to Manitoba on one of the Harvest Excursions, is eo taken up with the oo0ntry that he in - Gentle remaining there for the Winter. Mita Laura Shannon who bas taught the Junior department of Ethel Public Bohool for the past year and a half hes enured a poeitio° as teaober of a school near Hamilton. FARMERS' INsTIT°TH.—Qnite a large crowd of farmers aesembled at the Town• ship Hall here on Monday afternoon and listened to two interesting end praotioal addressee by Dr. Reed, of Georgetown, and Mr. Smith, of Langbank. Consider• able dispassion followed and many questions were asked and satisfactorily answered by the speakers. In the even• ing the Hall was packed to the doors and an excellent program was given. Dr. e Reed gave an address on the breakingand driving of young horses. He threw oat many valuable suggestions which will no doubt be put into praotioe by many who heard him. Mr. Smith spoke on the choice of an 000apation. He said the individual should be guided by hie pbysigne, bis intellectual powers, his renew, desires, capital &o. before making a cholas. The occupation of the farmer offers advantage which no other 000upat ion does. He believed we should pay more attention in our soboole to the study of agriculture, botany, nature study and physical culture. In addition to the two addresses, well rendered solos were given by Mise Spence, Mr. Avison and Mr. Gilroy, a dealt, "The Bettie Eve" by Messrs. Avieon and Gilroy, instrumental eeleatione by Messrs. Brown, Lamont, Eokmier and Spence and Misses Spence and Davis and a reading by Mies Ida Cole, entitled "How a bachelor sews on a button." Mies Jean MaLanahlin was accompanist and the chair was oconpied by Thos. McMillan. Perth COWAN'. Jas. Dow of Stratford, has been re. elected a director of the Western Ontario Commercial Travellers' Mutual Benefit Society, John Whyte, of the Whyte Pecking Company, of Stratford, has returned from the Old Country considerably improved in health, which his many friends will be glad to learn. Wm. Livingston, jr., of Alberta, sold twenty five Western horses in Milverton, Wednesday of last week, from yearlings to eeveu.year olds, the bunch bringing in all about 51,700. David Chalmers of St. Mary's returned from the Northwest on Wednesday. He has bought a eeobion, 640 sores, in a fine tract of land, situated seven miles from Regina and a half mile from Grand Coulee. While Dunoan Mnlnlyre, of Downie, was putting n cow, blind of one eye, into the barn or Monday of last week, be struck her on the blind aide to move her over. The cow kinked him and broke an upper rib. Alma Grant, of Avonbank, who bad hie toot hurt at the barn raising of Rodger Bros., this Bummer, was taking an antro al to St. Marv's when he bad it hurt again. Mr, Grant bee Buffered a great deal with it. Tneeday the venerable pastor of St. Joseph's church, Stratford, Rev. Dean Kilroy, celebrated the sevebtyahitd an- niversary of his birth, and on Thursday the forty.ninth anniversary of hie ordin- ation as a priest, Charles Armstrong, foreman of abridge gang at work Friday, at Swansea, stumb- led over a cable and dislocated his right shoulder. He was brought to the Emer. genes, Hospital, Toronto. Mr. Arm• strong lives in Stratford, Fred. Brown was unfortunate enough to have a lot of apples exposed to the heavy frost on Tuesday night of Met week et the freight houses in Dublin and Mitchell. He expecte to have many of them to barrel over again. Thos. Heal, of the Mitchell Road bad quite a time last week breaking in his Mexican horses of which he has five, which he bought in Toronto some time ago. Some of them are 6 and 7 years 00 are in to drive. pretty t P Y hard to break The promisee at present pupa bed p by Robs. Thompson, adjoining the Grand Central Hotel, St. Mary's, have been purohaeed in the intermit of the Moleons bank who intend to have the building remodelled and refitted throughout for a permanent brawl) of the bank. The anneal St. Andrew's banquet will be held Bile year in the oily hall, Strut. It ford on MoedaY evening, g Nov.50. rI is the intention of the officer's of the society to milk° this the moat suopessfal trnotion of the season. The best mueioal talent of the pity has been Bemired for the popesou a e wPp f well as poplar end itstin niehod weakens J. B Willison ea ditorBelga, Tors. ronto, Dr. MoDoneld, M. P., Deputy Speaker of the Sonne of Common's, Wingbaen, and 111, K. Cowan, M, P„ Windsor, will deliver addressee. The ladies will have the privilage 01 adorning the mission by their presence. Mr. Stewart's orchestra will be in attend. awe throughout the evening. A torso belonging to George Sykes, Water•et„ Stretford, broke through the covering of a well, and fell 20 feet. It was not killed by tb s fall, Atter re- maining there a o0ap:e of hours it was dragged out by a chain and tackle, but died before being brought to the top: The report of the Inepeotor of registry offioes for 1902 bas been published and oostates information of interest to people of this district. In North Perth Regis!. tar D. D. Hay is oredited with a groes amount of fees earned during that year of 58;374.85 ; Registrar P. Wheliban, of 804t11 Perth, $1,328 60. The mimeo. rive deputy registrars received $900 and 5800 for their serviette. The net amount received by the registrars was $1,982.80 and $495,85 reepeobively. The proposed extension of the Tillson- hong, Lake Erie and Pacific Railway to Oolliogwood is a matter ot vital import boIngersoll, says the Chronicle, This town wants railway aonneobion with the North and the opening np of the country to Ootliogwood by way -of Embro and Stratford should prove most advantage- ous both to this town and the company. The Beaton of the oonotry is riot and fertile and besides this ib is now without a railway which is a very strong ergo ment in favor of this route. While Ber lip, Waterloo and other planes have shown mach alertness and energy in the hope of getting the road Mbit way we tail to see the strength of their claims as oompared with the indisputable condi- tions of the Stretford route. Canadtoran Newts. Coal has been advanced to $7.25 a ton io Montreal. D. W. Ratbburn, of Deserooto, died suddenly of heart trouble. P. N. Neal, a prominent business map of Windsor, dropped dead. The R. & 0. Company will rebuild the steamship Montreal, acing the old bull. Edward Everritt, of Howard township, was shot and killed while rabbit hinting. A man giving the name of John Smith was arrested on charges of stealing in Braoondals. The new hotel and station to be built by the 0.P. R. at Winnipeg will coat about $2,500,000. The Windsor House at Gravenbarst was destroyed by fire. Beveral inmates narrowly escaped. Rev. H. P. Plureptre, Dean of Wyoliffe College, has been appointed to St. George's, Montreal. A boarding home was burned at Nor. wood, Mau„ and the inmates narrowly escaped with their lives. The Viotoria, B. 0. Board of Trade last night endorsed Mr. Chamberlain's preferential trade proposal°. The Oanadian PaOida bas given orders for large all -rail shipments of grain to the Atlantic' coast tbie Winter. Miss Louie° Pogson, of Oshawa, took a does of etryohnine in mistake for oongh medicine and died in fifteen minutes. Sir Frederick Borden is going to Eng- land to disease the provisions of the pro- posed militia bill with the War off'roe. W. H. D. Miller, of the 0. P. R., baa been appointed railway expert of the Canadian Manntaobarera' Association. D. MoNiooll, General Manager of the 0. P. R., denies the report of a grain blockade and oar shortage West of Bran- don. One man, Paul Mercier, was killed, and several injured by an explosion of the donkey engine on the steamer Oongal at Levis. It is said that C01. Drury, of Kingston, to to be appointed to oommaud the Royal Oanadian Artillery, with au ofiioe at bead quarters in Ottawa. Two victims of the Newmarket explos- ion were buried, Frank Baroh's funeral taking place at Newmarket, and John Agnew's at Cookstown. A prominent citizen of the Sault eon• tends that the oreditore should be wary of accepting the reorganization proposi- tions of the Lake Superior Company. A oironlar letter bas been sent oat by the Dominion Lawn Bowling Associa- tion, containing full information regard. ing the trip to the Old Country next summer. The Toronto Exhibition directors will Bek for the submission of a bylaw to raise $200,000 for bhildingimprovemente. The financial statement shows a balance of $52,596. At the New York horse 'bow, in the jumping competition for heavy weight hunters was another viotory for the Can. adians. Adam Beak's (London, Ont.), Dublin taking the first prize. It is reported at Fort William that the Comedian Northern propose building a line from North Bay or Sudbury on bhe Canadian Paoifie Railway to Toronto, over which the Canadian Pacific may have running powers, and in return the 0. P. R. will grant the Canadian North- ern running powers over their line from Port Arthur to Sudbury. A busy Winter is promised ab Port Arthur for the trainmen on the Eastern division of the 0. P, R., as is the intent• ion of the Canadian Paoifio to ship a large proportion of the grain now in the West to the East by all rail, Superin- tendent Erickson bas received word from Montreal to have bis division in readiness byhandle 200 oars of t December 1o Ea t.bonnd freight daily du riag the "close of navigation season." A epeeist rate is to be given to ebipmente of wheat to European markets, Laying traok in Winter has never been a mown in Manitoba. The C. P. R. made the experiment last year but only Ewa miles of t utak were put down. How. en to make ' tar the d ever this Winter Y int m another ahem the he Azo ola branch P whore all theradio has been (templet. ed, The mile Imo been laid during the past Summer for a distance of forty miles, and there remains now 140 miles of et to putdo n to carry the cotton. Sion foto Rg'e ins, Itis thought that by rushing Workit may be completed some time in January. Hon, Robert Regent, now Oemmbasion• er of Works, is likely to wowed the beta Hon, J, A. Davidson au Treasurer of Manitoba. The eeren.year•old dnughber of Her. man Thornton of Went Oxfurd had her soslp torn Pearly oil, her hair patching 10 a straw cutter. The first decrease in 0. P. R. earuinge for a long time ie reported for the week ending November 21, the statement show• bog a falling off of $28,000. - Rowe, who was extradited from To. ronto to London to answer charges of defrauding the Great Fingal Oorpocatiou, was arraigned at the Guildhall Polios Court Tuesday morning and remanded for a week. The friends of the Premier are mooh encouraged by hie restoration to health. The change between this time last year end now is marked and Sir Wilfrid Laurier himself is said to feel well path - fled with hie condition. Captain Bernier has about decided to abandon bis North Pole expedition. Be has not lost interest in it, but seven years of agitation has impaired his la- aome eo that be meetneeds protect hie family. He apent all of the last union to Ottawa, and was greatly disappointed that the Government did not make a grant to the expedition. The captain says Canada will wake rap some day to herr that Amerioan explorers have reached the ooveted prize. Rev. Dr. Bethune, the well•koown en• tomologist of Loudon, is at present mooh interested in a pair of robins which have apparently deoided to spend the Winter here, foregoing the usual migratory trip to the sunny South. The birds are nesting eomewhere near Dr. Bethune's residences at 500 Dafferin avenue, and appear to have quite made up their minds to settle down here for the Winter months. It ie stated that several pairs of the robins spent last Winter in the fir trees South of Bpringbank, a Boma.. what sheltered Iooality, eo that that the present instance ie nob entirely unprece- dented in the Watery of loual bird life. The Postoffioe Department has lately been advised of the adhesion of the col. 'said administrubion of British North Borneo to the arrangemeub initiated by Sir William Malook for an Imperial rate on newspapers. Under this arrange- ment Oanadian newspapers are allowed to pass from offices of publication to the United Kiugdom and the several colonies mentioned hereunder at the same rates and under the Berne conditions as apply to Comedian newepopere addressed to places in Canada. The oomplete group that have already signified adhesion to the arrangement are as follows : United Kingdom, Bahamas, Barbadoee, Ber- muda, British Honduras British North Borneo, Ceylon, Cyprus, Falkland Is- lands, Gambia, Hong Kong, Leeward Islands (including Antigua, etc), New Zealand, Sarawk, SieroLeone, Transvaal, 'Park's Iolanda and Zanzibar, A bad wreak 000ared ou the L. E. & D. R. R. about a mile South of Chatham Monday evening. The mixed train aomiog North from Blenheim ran into a beet root epeeist from Wallaoebarg, shunting ab the Booth end of the oeme• tory ewitcb. Fireman Robert Hutohin- son was killed instantly, and his body buried in the wreck. Driver James Flowers was badly hurt in the shoulder and ens hand, bet was able to walk. Both men maids in Walkerville, Flowers and Hutchinson jumped just before the contemn, but the latter mast have been caught in the wreckage. Robert Wanless, of Chatham, driver on the beet root epeaisl, and the fireman escaped by jumping. The dead fireman leavea a wife and three children. 'Ten oars were piled tip and destroyed, and both engines completely wreaked. A oar of crude oil from the oil field was smashed, and the land and ditohes flooded. The drew operating the shunting epeeist neglected to protect the South end of the cemetery switch by semaphore, not expecting the mixed, and the crew of the latter were iu ignorance of the shunting train. There is a curve just South of the ewitoh, sad Driver Flowers, who was running about ben miles an hour, foetid it impossible to do more than reverse and jump. The body of Hutchinson was reoovered three boars atter the aooident Between the boars of 2 and 3 Saturday afternoon of last week at Montreal a score of business men assembled in a down town thoroughfare, commonly known as Ayer's lane, wbiob is ordinarily used for the purpose of hauling predates to and from sold etarsge warehouses. On tbie particular o0oaeioo, however, there was an attraatiou out of the ordie• ary, for one of the wholesale butter and obsess moo in the oity had bet a brother merobant the euro of five good dollare of Canadian onrreney that he would shovel snow from a pertain pile for fall sixty minutes, and the group of spectators was made up of fellow marabouts, who assembled to watch the wager being won and last and jibe and jeer, boot and applaud as the 000asion might demand. The °entre of attestation was, of course, the man on the business end of the shovel, who, upon close inspection, proved to be no other than A. J. Brice. Close behind him, always urging the worker on to further endeavor, was P. W. MoLagao, the layer of the bet. Mr. Brioe, who was drowsed in a fur -trimmed overcoat and wore a derby bat, plied the iron shovel with a will. Bab ib oannot be said with any degree of truth that his attack upon the snow pile diminished it in any perceptible e thie n arae title degree, one reason n for being be fact t a that the wisely I was con. stoutly being augmented by barrels of the frozen moisture dumped out of the neighboring sold Menge plant. Por it is to be remembered that this was not common Winter snow—there has been none of that here yet exoepb a few hetet flurries—but was aooumalated, in the process of manufaatering a aero temper, MumMumfor the preservation of proclaim. For a fall hour Mr. Brise was abundantly urged to work harder by the man wh was paying the bill at the rate of Bi °ante per minute, and at the termination of the ex ef ti bh minute of the time whioh Mee the latter °topped 11Orward and handed the eon of toil the psomieod Sve•dollar bill.