HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-19, Page 8T 11, CI 3.E1'48 11()81' SVIEE HE ART SO AP The value of a Toilet Soap depends not only upon its cleansing power but also upon the condition it leaves the skin in afterwards. IN SWEET HEAR.! SOAP We think yon will And a Soap which cleanses excellently and at the same time HEALS, SOOTHES AND REFRESHES, Contains Benzoin and Cold Cream as two of its principal ingredients, and is very delioately per. fumed. Pride 10c. per cake ; 8 for 25c. from DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GR6ANlO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 8, & R. Trains teavd Brussels Station, North and South, asf°Bows: Go180 600TH Gomel 0009078. Mail 7:15 a.m ( Mixed 30:00 mm Mixed 10:00 a.mMai1 1.17 p.m Pa:me89 9:25 p.m I Express 8:17 p.m ona'irhhs rams. A chiefs among ye takie' notes, An' faith he'll prent lo. GET ready for Tax Oolleotor Long. Sous mitten and sleighs were testing the sleighing on Thursday. Scene Board did not meet laet Friday evening en there was not a quorum present. 001009 weather setting in his etimu• lated bneinese along the line of heavy clothing, overshoes, robes, &o. IT is Raid that Ben. Dark has parobao. ed a has and will meet all trains the same as the Muldoon omnibus. Tae first sleigh of the season was Been in town Wednesday afternoon end was driven by Alex. MoLanohlin jr., Morris, with a cheering crowd of youthful Brnm. eelitee. TEE Cunningham Evaporating factory oloeed down for a few days this week owing to the difficulty of working the dryer on n000uat of the high wind and cold weather. The engine broke down on the morn. ing freight going North last Saturday and the pare were left at Brunets until Sunday when another locomotive Dame and took the train through to Kinoardiae. Masa FLORENCE BUCHANAN, now at Godo. rich Model School, has been engaged to teeth a wheel in Ashfield townebip in Luoknow Inaaiity, for 3.904 at a salary of $800. Mica Buchanan is a daughter of Mark Buchanan, of Brussels. GEORGE Taman, grocer, has pnrohaeed a very tidy driving mare from Samuel Oaldbiok, of Morrie, It is bred from "Sidneer," a horse owned by Geo. White. ly,.of Beafcrth. Mr. Thomson has hand• led aortae extra good stook in the horse line. Potwar! Sa1ParENT.—Thio week Jno. B. MuLanoblin shipped 800 or 900 chickens and ducks to London where they will be killed and pieced in cold storage for ship- ment later hip.mentlater to the 01d Ooantry. The remaluing purchase made by Mr. Mo• Lauohliu will be shipped when the tur. keys and geese go, which will be in the near future. BOTH DIoMISBED,—The liquor 06900 fr:,m Walton heard by W. H. Kerr and J. Leckie J. P.'s, last Friday afteraoan, • iu which Inspector Miller charged George McKim with selling without license and Wen. Blashill with violating the Sunday clause, were diemieeed. There were two witnesses in each oaee some of wham had exceedingly bad memories. BIG ORoae,—Peter and Alexander Stew- art, of Langdon, North Dakota, Bone of Alex, Stewart, Queen street, Bassets, have had a good year evidently in their farming operations. Tbe former threeb• ed 2,800 bushels of wheat thio Fall beside. hie other crops, and the latter 10,000 bushels of grain, In some sections of Dtiltota and Southern Manitoba the yield was light but the Stewart Bros. must have fared fairly well judging by the above. Tan Chatham Planet hes the following to say of a brother of Mise Downey, teacher in Bre eels Public Sabool :—J. B. Devaney, a meohanio in the employ of the S. Hadley Lumber Go., Limited, has been sweetly at work for the poet few months perfecting improvements on two inventions, and it has leaked out that doe of them is an improved lite guard for an eleotria oar. J. B. expecte to 010an up about one hundred thousand dollars on the sale of patents. PUBLIC LIBRARY CONCERT.—On Tbnra• day evening, Deo. 8rd, a Oonoert will be given in the Town Hall under the auepioes of the Pabiie Library, The talent will be chiefly home and among those expeoted to take part are Mise Nora Holmes and Mies Minnie MoNaagb• an, Mre. (Dr.) Holmes, Misses Jean and Maggie MoLanoblin, W. M. Bieolair, Jae. Junes, T. A. Hawkins, H, W. Aviean and F.J. Gilroy. MiesGriifin, of Wingbam hag been invited also to nein. The pro deeds will be applied to Library purposes and ae the necessities of the can are press. ing there should be a hearty regiones on the part of the public in aiding the Boetd in squaring off the finanoee. Farther partite:ears will be given next week. To TEMI00AM0NG—W. F. Soott, of Brunets, hag been appointed Homestead Ioepeetor for new Oulario. Hie duties are to commence at one. It ie the intention of the Crown Lands Depart. meet to 'nein upon prompt pe0formanoe of settlement deities in the vari000 parte of that country into Which ashlers are going, so that none of the land intended tot eett'e(ra eball be held by speculators. Mt, Seat telt for Toronto on Thursday and will unmet office at one, Tot PooT bellevee be will make a first -elan man as he ie able bodied, level headed and bee had a wide experlenoe of the world for a young man, Mr, Soott le a graduate of !Ike Pee in the }Man gone by and wOe editor end proprietor of a newspaper in California for a time, We wish him 8006009 and hope, to onca8eionally be favoged with eentributions fgcllti bis peg, IT was 12 o'olook before the night train reaohed Brussels on Wednesday of this week. THE Pose had a ball from Mr. Findlay, circa lotion manager of the Toronto News, on Tuesday. War. DUNCAN, tonsorial artist, ban brad. ed horses with George Christopher, of Walton, and hi now the owner of a speedy obeetuat colt that promisee well. Them is going to be a batoh of furious drivers hauled up for trotting over the oonnty iron bridges and this ie to notify the publio of the fact that they may govern themeelvee aobordingly or pay for the violation. Foe the benefit of -several who have asked if the Metropolitan Bank lost any thing by the Ames difficulties we might say that last Juoe the offioial announce• went was made by Rev. Mr. Warden, D. D., their President, that the bank lost nothing whatever by the trouble. OBIT —Mrs. Obrietian Doll, mother of M. Doll, of Brussels, died at her home in Berlin on Thursday of last week, of beart failure, aged 78 years. Her demise was quite sudden. Funeral took place on Sunday. Mr. Doll died a year ago. The surviving sone are Masee,1 of thio plane and F., of Berlin. Before moving to Berlin Mr. and Mee. Doll reeided at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Doll and daughter, of Braeeele, attended the funeral. PASSED AWAY.—Wednesday about noon the spirit of Luny, 5th daughter of George and Eleanor J. Colvin, Brussels South, was oalled away. She was in her 17th year but had been poorly for the past 14 years, contraoting a oold that resulted in aoneamption. Lucy was el. even woeke in bed and was 0one0io08 to the last. She was a height young girl, a very patient sufferer and looked forward to the House of many mansione. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2.80 o'olook to Brueaele cemetery. Service et 2 p. m. which will be conduct. ed by Rev. I. M. Webb. The bereaved are deeply sympathized with in their 00100W. PaEeoNTATr0N.—The Wroxeter Star of last week Saye: OD Thureday evening last a number of the Oddfeilowe from Due lodge here went to Brueaele to spend a eooial evening with the brethren there, and also to present District Deputy, A. MoGaire, with a puree and the following sddreea which speaks for itself : To d Mc Guire : DEAR SIR and BROTHER :—We, the officers and members of Montana Lodge, No. 177, I. 0. 0. F. having learned of your late lose by fire, beg leave to ex - prase our Borrow for your misfortune and to tender you our sympathy in a tangible manner. We wish to present you with this small scan of money, and hope that you will receive it in the same spirit that it is given. We acknowledge our gratitude in your past eerviaeo to our beloved order and hoped that you may be spend for many years to aome to give us the benefit of your ripe experience, knowledge and judgment when ever it is needed to further the interest of our cause. With beet wiehes for your futnre welfare, both financially and physically we subscribe onreelveo on behalf of Montana Lodge, No. 177. Yours fraternally, Geo. Paulin, N. G. John Douglas, Seoy. Wroxeter, Nov. 51h, 1903. Mr. MoGuire made a very ninthly reply, thanking the members of Montana Lodge for their fraternal kindness. Hog, John A. Davidson, Provincial Treasurer of Manitoba, peeved away at his home at Neepawa, shortly after 9 o'olook Saturday morning atter a linger. ing illnaee. A little over a year ago the late Mr. Davidson, on the advice of hie physiolane, took et trip to Germany, where he remained for some time Rader treatment, and retnrned home apparent. ly muoh improved in health. Some months ago he was etriaken with apo plexy in his office at the Government buildings, and it was then realized that it was only a matter of months when he would succumb. Deceased was the most highly respected of the Manitoba Cabinet and hie demise is mourned equally by Oooservative and Liberal friends. He was 61 years of age, and bad represented Beautiful Plaine in the Local Legislature as the Conservative member for several terms einoe 1881. The funeral took place at Neepawa on Tuesday, and was attend. ed by all the members of the cabinet, Mr. Davidson, wee born at Thameeford, Oxford county, August19, 1652, went to Manitoba in 1872. He was first returned to the Logielative Assembly November 2, 1881,on the extension of the boandariee of the Preview. He woo re-elected at the generaleleotione of 1883 and 1892, but an uneuooetetnl oandidale at the general eleetione of 1886, 1888, 1896 and 1899. He entered the Macdonald Administration ea Provincial Tanner January 10, 1900, and was 008180108 to the Legislature at the bye•eleotia1 March 10, 1900, the seat having been opened by the resignation, February 21, 1900, of R. 0, Deaie, who had been returned at the general eleotion. He accepted the same office in the Roblin Administration October 29, 1000, and wag ems:ti cted at the general election of 1903. On Jan - nary 20, 1878, he married at Palestine, Weetbouroe, Man., to Sophia Ellen, daughter of Joseph Hamilton, of Bean. filet Plaice, formerlyyot the county of Perth, Ont. Mr. Davidson spent a few yeare of hie boyhood in BrnBeele hie father being a btboitemith here w'6 under, stand, T4= -1E METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—Bald u0 $1,000,000 RESERVE FUND . $18000,000 Directors REV. R. H, WAIDDEN, Pre .ldent 0. A. wenn, THOS. BNAneasw, 8. J, M001000, Vioe•Proeldent, V. E. 70(0061)00, E C. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, D. 10088 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafte Bought and Bold, Farmers' Notes Dieoounted. Ir'mas Aix& , areae °rritaa<3r Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all eume of 01 and upwards ISRilSSUP.6S <<,. Neri G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager, TILOS wbo desire to see the proposed 0. P. R. line from Guelph come through this way will have to interest themselves in favoring and forwarding the muuioipal by laws to pay for the right of way. Teem was a goodly atteadanoe at the Beobeloro' Ball last Monday night, The weather was disagreeable but those ear. tioipating pronounced the party a sum tees. An Italian string band from Lon• don supplied the mesio. SEVERAL reeidento North (of the river kick owing to the nightly visite of some fellow who is not particular about the Commandente so long as he keeps his supply of etovewood. Some of them are on the watch and if the gent is caught be will likely have a chance of toasting his shine for the Winter in Goderich jail. Two Scotch Concert, held in the Town Hall lest Friday evening under the auspices of the Foot Ball Club, wee a very enjoyable one and the talent certain- ly acquitted themeelvee in a most nom• mendable manner and will be weloomed back on some future °ooseion. Their moving inmates and illustrated songs were of a pleasing obaracter. Darn,—Laet Saturday Samuel Robin- son, of St. Marys, brother to Mrs. Jno. Forbes, of Brussels, and Mrs, Jas. Cardiff, of Grey, passed away from time and 57 years, 10 months and 6 days. The deceased bad not been in the enjoy- ment of reboot health for some time. Funeral took place from hie late reei. dance, George street, Tuesday afternoon, Mre. Forbes and Mr. and Mre. Cardiff attended the burial. Mr. Robinson is spoken of in the highest terms by those who knew him and hie family will be deeply sympathized with in their sorrow. IN Beennes.—H. A. Crooke, formerly of Brunets, but reoeetly of New York, has openen a drug store at Perie, Ont, A recent issue of a paper in that town Saye :—"The new drug etore opened on Saturday, and Mr. Crooke' boast that be would have one of the best appointed stores in the West has certainly been fulfilled ; hie premises next the Bank of Oommeroe are well worth a visit. Every medioine in the place ie fresh and of guaranteed purity ; all reliable patent m081019ee are carried in stook, and the sundries, perfumes, no., are of the beet quality known to the trade. Your patronage will be valbed.' The many Mende of Mr. (kooks will be well pleased to bear of hie continued steaeee. He is a eon of Geo. and Mrs. Croaks, Queen street, Brunets. Business Locals. Two or three good farms for eale. Ap- ply at THE Posx. CABINET organ for sale at a bargain. Apply to Mre. Jno. Grower, Brussels. To RENT.—Dressmaking rooms. Ap. ply to MRS. J. R.BMITE. Heeneotto walnut Sideboard for sale at great rednotion. Apply to Mee. W. M. BINOLA'S, BrnBeele. FIRST class saws for sale and ready to work or can exchange Saws. T. Mo• GREGO'', Mill street, Brussels.. PURSE lost, at Qaeeo'e Hotel, Brum eels, containing 58 00. Finder will greatly oblige owner by leaving it at Tao POST. TURKEYS, geese, chickens and duoke wanted, Highest market price paid for the right article. Jeo. B. MaLAnoHLIN, Brunelle. 19-2 WANTED —Oar load of large onion for Xmae trade, fresh egge 20 ole. Dried apples and fowl wanted. Geo. E. King, Wingbam. PIANO TUNINO.—R. S. Shaw, Piano Tnoer from Heineman & We., Toronto, will be in Brussels this month. Leave all orders at R. Leatherdale'e More, - ELIGIBLE village lot, abjoining the re idenoe of John MoOrae,Tnrnberry eaten, Brunette, for sale. For partionlare as to prioe and terms apply to J. D. Rouald, Braeeele. WANTED.—To go to Winnipeg, Man„ a oompeteet girl to eosin in the oars of obildren and general housework. Wags $15 pet mouth. Fare to Winnipeg advanoed if ueoesaary, Apply to Mre, Leckie, "Kelvin Grove", Brueaele. People We Talk About. 0. and Mre. Ritchie were visiting ut Bayfield. Bert. Gerry, of Listowel, wag in Brea - gels lest Sunday. Mies Ida Zilliax was a vieitor in town for a day or two. Jno. and Mies Maggie Beattie, of Winton, oalled on Brunets Glenda thie week, Hurry and Mies Lila Sutliff, of Clinton, were in town for a few days this week, Barrister Blair and his eon Wilfrid, et Goderioh, are in town for a few days this week. Mies Cora Williamson, of Belgrave, le Melting het sister, Mre. Ed. Lowry, Mill street, Brueaele. Jno. McArthur, Bennis, has been laid up with a bad cold but is getting better we are pleased to state. Mrs. J. O. Cooper, of Chicago, who was visiting here for several weeks, returned 60 her home Met week. Mrs. William Newsome, of Queen street, ie back from en enjoyable visit With relatives at Chicago, Mre. (Dr.) Molianghton wag called to Seatorth on'Taeeday owing t0 the fllneoe of her 'tether, Mrs. Brett. Miss Laura Nioholls was home from the Model School Clinton on the sick lint With tonal fres hot is improving nioely DOW, F. J, Gilroy made a brief visit at Mount Forest and Harrieton, R. Williamson, wife and;danghter and Nelson Williamson, ofToronto,and Herb. Williamson, of town, were visitors at Belgrave and Wingham. Charles Dodds, wbo has been ill for several weeks at the reeidenoe of George Thomson, hie father•in.law, is improving in health but is atilt 000fiaed to the house, Mrs. 9. J. Coates and family left Ban- ana for Wilmot, New Hampshire, where Mr. Ooatee has pnrohaeed 1000 acres of land and preceded the family some weeks. J. J. Gilpin has been under the dootor'e one during the week Buffering from la grippe and bronobitie. Mrs. Gilpin is recruiting slowly from her attack of the game ailments. r Lyle Ham, of Luoknow, had one aide of his throat alightly eoalded at Owen Sound, last Monday, from the steam of the tea kettle while reaching over the stove for his mittens. Rev. B. J. Jilin, of London, and Rev, Jno. Holmes, of Blyth, both former poatore of three years each in tbo Metho. diet church here, were visitors in town for a short time one day last week, It is expeoted that Robt. Rose, eon of William Rose, Brussels, wbo is chief engineer on a steamer plying from Buf- falo to Duluth, will spend the Winter in Braeeele. He is on bis last trip for the Beason and expeote to lay up hie boat at Hamilton. James Danford, of Listowel, was in Brunets laet Friday. He was a former resident. He is a son of Mre. Thos. Dandford and a brother to E. 0. Dan- ford, of thie place. Mr. Danford is in the 1010100re brainee8 now and is well pleased with Listowel. J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, left last week for California where he expects to epend the Winter as a safeguard to his health. He may take 8 trip into Mexioo before returning. Mr. Grant may speak to the readers of Tae POST during hie sojourn in the land of flowers. Hon, S. S. Siege, of Toronto, was a oaller nn THE Poor last Saturday while in town on legal bneinese. He wee Provincial Secretary under the Norgnay Government fa Manitoba and took a very prominent part in the politioal Nene of the day in which he ie still greatly interested. F. S. Scott ie making favorable al. though Blow progress towarde reoovery from the burning be received at the Ament faotory fire 6 weeks ago and will Boon be able to aotively pursue hie usual avocation we Lope. He has suffered a good deal at times from neuralgieo trouble iu the affected optic. We are pleased to report that R. Leatherdale is improving in health, al- though still confined to his home. His many friends hope hie lengthy imprison• ment will noon be terminated and that be will be able to get about as of yore. It was a fortunate thing for him that hie Bon Will. was home to look alter the bneinese, We are pleased to hear that Alex. Roes, formerly of Brunette, who has been in the Statistical department Civil Service 01. taws, for some time, hes been promoted to the Anoonotent'e department, of which R. R. Farrow, son of Postmaster Farrowof tbie town, is the popular and energetic) chief. Mr. Roes is destined to olimb the ladder we believe and we wish him enemas in the upward movement. 011llltCli CIIIMN:g. Temperanoe lesson in the Sabbath School next Sunday. Rev. R. Paul preached at Jamestown last Sabbath evening. There will be a specie) service in the Catholic chetah, Bruseele, next Sunday at 11 a. m. Rev, I, M. Webb, rentor nt St. John's church, went to Bethel, McKillop, Wed. needay evening to addrese a Bible elooreby meeting. Tbe Evangelistic services in Brussels Methodist obnroh aro being held eaoh evening and will be oontinned next week. Attendaooe is good and deep interest manifested. Laet Sabbath morning is the Metho. dist Chinch the pastor dwelt on the text "0 1 Lord revive thy work.' He preach. ed from the text "Oboose you this day whom ye will serve," at the evening ser. vioe, The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth°. diet church here eleoted the following adore for the current year :—President, Mre. W, F Stewart; Vioe President, Mre. J. J. Gilpin ; Secretary, Mre, Wat- son Ainley ; Treasurer, Mre, Bev. Poul. They are doing a good work and deserve encouragement. BI.annaal London Conference Epworth League 0onventi°. will be held at Mat. ham on Tonkel end Wednesday of next week. Rev. Dr, Gundy, of Wingham ; K. Beaton, of Whitechurch ; Rev. 0. P. Wella, B. D., of Ethel I and Mise Irene Baker, of Hentrye, have topica. W. H. Kerr, of Brueaele, is the President. Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., prenobed anoth• et warren last Sabbath morning in Mel. villa chetah on the Sunshine and shed. ow of lite. He dealt with it along two linea ria„ The profit and the purpose. In the evening Bev. D. B, McRae, of Oranbrook, 000npied the pulpit dioeoars. ingion "Prayer." Tbe pastor was at n Bible Society meeting at Craubrock. Whet mighthave been a eerione ancident, happened en Walter Broe, were threehieg for Henry 8ohneider, Wallace. J Walter was standing too near the shaft and hie olothee naught eh a projecting bolt and he 008 taken around the shaft Nov. 18, 1903 Standard Bank of Canada F.s,x,A3r"t,T.IB907 1072 ASSETS—OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS FARMERS' CREDIT SALES —This Bank advances money on Farmers' Sale Notes, in largo or small amounts and for long or Ikort terms, to suit the easterner. —Yon easy draw the fell amount of Notoe at one time or you may draw mailer amounts when you wish and for any time that suite your oonvenieuoo, Interest ie charged only for the num. bee of days you take the money. Notoe left for collection reoeive our beet attention. —Notee may be left for SANE HASPING only for which uo charge is made SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards received and Highest Bank Interest allowed thereon from date of depoeit on daily balance. Mt -Every conveniences afforded customers living at a dietsnm°. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, AGENT. twioe before the maobine oonld be stop ped. He reooived a severe shaking up and will doubtlesely pr.fit from the close call he received. O76e.OLOUSLr1 ry a wee. A heavy fall of snow is reported at Winnipeg, Lniel & Oo.'e oboe factory at Mont. real was burned. Lose $60,000. - Hnn. John A. Davidson, Provincial Treasurer of Manitoba, Is dead. The rioters of Niagara Falls laet week were heavily fined in the Police Court. The Toronto Jnnotion Oounoil passed the eeooud reading of the local option by. law. Thomas Leolair was shot nen Oala. bogie while carrying a dead deer out of the woode. North Grey and North Ontario Domin- ion eleotion petitions were dismissed on Saturday. Tbe Southern Star and Southwestern Loan Companies of St, Thomas have amalgamated. A 0. P. R. especial ran into twofiat•oere at Owen Sound, a bad smash malted. No one was hurt• Belleville electors will note in January on a by.tew to raise $50,000 far the porobese of the gas works. Lorenzo Loveless, of Oombermere, wad shot by his brother in mistake for a deer and very seriously wounded, R. H. Schwaob, M. C. R. fireman of St. Thomas, was fatally scalded by the buretieg of a floe on hie engine. The race horse Beguile, was stolen from the stable of Joseph Duggan on the Kingston road Tuesday night. The Dominion commercial travellers of Montreal nomina'ed J. S. N. Dougall and George A. Mann for the Preoidenoy. Tbe big saw mill ate Sault Ste. Marie started np Tuesday with 126 men. The veneer mill and charcoal plant will prob ably be started next. The inquest on the body of the Ledger intent, at Brookville, showed that the ohi'd bad been given a tablet containing bichloride of mercury. All the boot and oboe faotoriee at Qnebeo have been oloeed on anent of a difference with the machinists. Fire thousand men are cot of work. Tbe Mounted Police have oonupied Harebell Isiend, in the Arctic Ocean, about 80 miles from the mouthof the Mackenzie River, and have hoisted the British flag there, 8=, :IT X11 X S a1,5 :SC=•rEt, Fall Wheat 74 75 Barley ...... 86 39 Peas 60 66 Oats „ 27 28 Butter, tithe and rolls .. 16 16 Belts ••°.r d ,:ten 18 16 Flour rnr cwt. 4 00 5 00 Pon loes(per bus.) 80 40 Apples (per bbl.) 75 1 00 Fray per to', 5 00 6 00 Sall For flit., retail 100 70 Hoge, Live 4 76 4 75 Wool - 15 16 Hides trimmed 6 6i Hides rough 5 6 Ltunb skins eanh 25 80 Sheep Ain, each 25 26 Connn.—In Brussels, on Nov. 10, to Mr. and Mre. E. Caber, a eon. LIVINGSTON —In Grey, on Nov. 4, to Mr. and Mre. D. K. Liviogeton, a daugh- ter. 16ARRI5=107, FooAL—OANTLON.—At Brantford, on Nov, 11, by Rev. W. J. Smith, B, A., Mr. R •rbert Fogel to MiaeNellie Cantloo, both formerly of Ethel, now of Brantford. :DIED. OoLVxN.—In Braeeele, on Nov, 18, Lacy, 6th daughter of George and Eleanor J. Calvin, aged 16 years, 6 menthe and 24 days, Donn.—At Berlin, on Nov. 12th, Mre, Ohriation Doll, eked 78 years. Daoo.—In Grey, on November 12, David Dron. RabINeoN,—In St. Mary'e, on Nov. 14, Samuel Robineon aged 67 years, 10 menthe and 6 days. AVCB9O0. PAYDAY, Nov. 27,—Farm etoolr, imple• meats, furniture, roots, feed, &o, at Si Lots 14 & 16, bon. 7, Morrie. Sale to commence at 10 a, m. sharp. Dinner served at noon ; lunoh table daring the afternoon. John Hunter & Son, props, ; 0. Hamilton and Win. Snell, ante. TUESDAY, DEo 1.-13, 1.100 and 17i cores of land, stook, furniture &a., Pt. Lot 20, Oen. 11, Grey. Bale at 1 o'olook. Henry Buttery, Prop. ; F. 8. Soon, Ano. WEpNuener, Deo. 2.—Farm, farm stook, implements, &a-, Lot 9, Con, 18, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Robt. Moore, Manager ; F. 8. Saott, Awe. T1uesnee, DEo 3 —Farm stook, impte. mento, &a., at Lots 16 end 17, Con. 10, Grey. Sale, nnreeerved, at 1 o'oloek. J. and C. Fioober, proprietors I F. S. Scott, auctioneer. ONE CETT A WORD COLUMN. 18 ?tee for sale from 8 to 4 months old and a younger pigs, GEO. HORS, Ilydesole, Pour, large White Rooke for sale, 500. np, 11 taken 'at once, a. 0, 0E80MAle, Braesole, 184 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Ti ARMS FOR SALE.—BEING the Eeet d of Lot 7, Con. 17, Grey, con- taining 50 sores, $ agree in good hardwood butb, remainder cleared. Good Irani() boogie and barn; farm well drained and fenced; and all seeded to grass except 10 pores This will be Bold subject to one year's lease. Will also sell Lot 21, Con 18, Grey, contain- ing 04 acres, all bush. There is some valu- able timber on this land. A bargain can be eecm•ed op this property. Address DANIEL Maa11LLAN, 1100 Grand Elver ave,, Detroit, Michigan, 19 40 1.(0 ACRELot5,0ou. FA7RMGreyP01,f0i,miles SALE , Village of Brussels, }} mile from 000001. Splendid looatloo, Under first olaos state of oultivation, comfortable mento, large bank barn, Orchaimprovneement stabling and silo, Orchard, two never failing wenn, and other oonvenioucee. Fall wneat sown. Proprietor is going .{Vest. For further par- ticulars as to terms &o., apply ou premises or address Bruasels, P, 0, 08. M. RICHARD. BON, tf AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM 8700E AND 1MPLEMENTe.—Mr. 7• S. Scott, auctioneer, bas received In strut. Gone from t)e proprietor, Dr. Robb. Enoch - tel, to sell by public auction at Lot 9, Oou, 13, Grey, on WEDNESDAY, DEC, 20d, at 1 o'clock, the following property, viz.1-1 mare rising 4 years, 1 horse rising 4Years, 1 driving mare 5 years old, 1 cow supposed in calf, 1 farrow cow, 1 steer 2 years old, 1 eteer 1 year old, 3 Leifere 1 year old, 2 calves, 2.sow a peppered in pig, 12 pigs 2 months Old, 7 good Leicester owes, 40 hens, 1 Frost dd Wood 8 ft, bindle, 1 Froet & Wood mower, 1 Frost & Wood rale, 1 Wisner drill, 1 0100 harrow, 1 set iron harrows, 1 gang plow, 1 plough, 1 seedier, 1fanning mill, 1lumber wagon, 1 new top buggy, 1 new cutter, 1 set bob -sleighs, 1 bay rack, 1 set double har- ness, 2 sets single harness, one new; 2 goat robes, a quantity of 1109, 1 erose -nut saw and other articles. Tho Implements are all nearly new and in good repair, Tho form is an excellent one con tabling 100 aures. There lea comfortable brink house, barn, ' orcharddm. all in good condition. It le well eitoeeeri and iu a good eommu0ity. Bale without reserve ae manager is going West. Terms—All e011:1e of 95 and under oneb ; over that amount 12 months' orodit Will be 0fven on Itirnfehing approved joint notes. 5per cent. off for cash on orodit amounts. Terme for farm made known op day of bele or on application to the under- eigued. ROS1RT MOORE, Munager ; P. S. 500TT, Auctioneer. WALL PAPER REMNANTS 9 We have just gone over our Wall Paper aper Raek preparatory to receiving our new stock and have picked out some nine bundles consisting of 6, 8,10 and 12 roll lots just the thing for small rooms, pantrys, &e. These we offer at prices mach below cost. We would like you to see them. Fox's Drug Store. STRAYED ON TEE PREM. Kerrie 4 of d of cattle. Owner is Lot request. ed to 'prove propertyy, pay expenses and take them away, 00109. 10EADMA17. 19.4 MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The. County Connell will meet in the - Court Hoose to the Town of Goderioh on the First day of December next, at the hone of 3 o'clock in the afternoon. 7 AND, Clerk. Dated et Goderioh, Nov, 10, 1918. AUCTION SALE OF FARM BToai, IMPLEMENTS, r00,—Mr. F. 8. Scott, auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public mo- tion at Lots 10 and 17, Con. 10, Grey; on THURSDAY, 0100. 8, at 1 o'clock, the fol- lowing property, vis.: 1 aged horse,1 horse 10 years old, 1 horse rising 4 years 1 mare rising 4 years, 2 cows 1 supposed in oalf, 2 heifers euppoaed in calf, 2 steers 2 years old, 1 thorn'-hred Durham bull, 1 Yorkshire boar, 7 store Was, a number of Nene, 1 Massey. Harris binder,1 lifoOormiok mower, 1 Frost & Wood horse rake, 1 twelve -hoed Deering drill nearly new, 1 disc harrow, 1 set bar- rowa,9single plows, 1 sealer, 1 pair bob- sleighs, 2 truoke ono with box and nearly new hay and stock ruck ; 1 top Baggy, 1 fan- ning mill nearly new,1 sat Of seeing capacity 2.000 lbs., 2 seta team barnena, 1 set eiugle harness, 1 polper, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 erase seeder, 194 ft, ladder, 1 grinding stone, 1 croea-out saw, 1 busk-euw, hay fork and slings, oars, ,epee and p011eye ; a goantlty of bay and turnips, 1 atone boat, 1 pea pal - ler. 1 good robe, 1 churn, 2 tables. 1 beating stove, 1 rough iron range, 1 washing mach- ine, 3 seta of double1reee, 3 neek•yokea, chains, forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mentlon, All to be sold witb- 000 reserve as proprietors are leaving the farm, Terme—A11 eume of 95 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 menthe' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes ; 4 per oeat. off for cash ou credit limonite. J. & 0. FISCHER, Proprietors ; F. S. SCOTT, Anationeer. THE GARFIELD HOUSE M TC H.ETT'S Always to the Front That was the verdict of the people last week that we are always in the Front Ranks for Bar- gains. We surprised you last week with our Out Prices. More surprises for all this week. The balance of our Underwear to be Cleared at Quick Sale Prices. 'CLOTHING We intend making the next 1 ing Sales. Just a few prices :- — Mania Fine English Tweed Suite, regular $9.0D, eale pries $6 00. — Men's Fine Canadian Tweed Suite, regular $7 50, sale price $4 98, — Men's Fine Scott% Tweed Suite, reg. 512 00, gale price 58 50. — Men'e English Tweed Suits, regular $10 00, sale polite $7 50 — Men's Fine 9.11 Wool Pante, regular $2 25, sale price $1 76. — Menet Heavy Tweed Pante, regn'ar $1 75, Bale pries $1,85 — 0vorooete, the beet vale', en the market, Ladies S —50 pair of Corsets to eell Saturday, straight front, reg. 76a, Saturday 468. —Erect Form, made of Heavy Jean, regular 51.00, Saturday 78o, 0 days a Record Breaker in Cloth - BOOTS and SHOES We are making new friends every day in this Department. Our motto— Solid Goods at Low Prioee : — Men'e Fine BG Bale., regular $2.25, gale price $1 75. — Men'e Fine Bf. Bale., regular $1 75, eats print 51 25. —Men's Heavy Strong Shan, regular $1.15, sale price 96o. —Men's Fine Viol Kid Bal., heavy sale, reg. $8, Bele price 52,25. —Men's Fine Dong, Kid Bale., regular $2 00, sale price $1 50. — Womee'e Strong Sboee, regular $1 25, sale prion $1 00. — Women'e Grain Bale., nioe soft leather, reg. $1 75, gale priori 51,85. —Women's Fine Dong. Viol Kid Bale.a dressy shoe, rag $ ,2 25, Bale price $1 75. —Womeu'e Cine Dong. Bal, regular 51.76, bale pride $1 35. —MiPeee', Boye' and Ohildren's Shoes at equal reductions. — See our Carpet Slippers at 280. Flannols, Flannelettes and Linens All Linen Towelling, regular 9o, sale price 70, All Linen Towelling, heavy, regular 10o, sale prise 80. Fine Table Linen, wide,, regular 86o, sale price 280. Extra Wide Table Line , all lar en, reg. 60e, male pride 450. Extra Heavy Flannel, regular 18o, Bale pries 15o. Extra Heavy Flannel, all wool, regular 80o, Bale price 280. Apron Ginghame, regular 10o, sale price 80. Flannelette Sleeken, large size, regular 11.00, pole price 80o, M'an'e Heavy all wool Sex, regular 25o, eale price 20e. Ment Wool Sox, regular leo, Isle price 2 pairs for 26o, HARRY ... A. GARFIELD HOUSE, BRUSSELS