HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-19, Page 5Nov, 19, 1908 BUSINESS CARDS. 'ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER emit, I'',R. SCOTT, Brussels, 'tXT R, MoORAOKEN- 1' . lamer of Marrlago Lioeneoe. Of- fice tit Gr000ry,Turnblrry street, Brussels. Ti1AktMS FOR SALE --111E UN• .1. nEttOIoxnn has several good 1 urmm 10r sale and to rant, easy terms iu 'lownshipo of Morris and Grey, N 8. SCOTT 13rueoel -, O. 0, 0. Court Prineues Alexandria, N0,24, 0.0. 1st„ Brussels, meets in their Ledge Rcum 131116- 11111 131000, 011 the 0011 mud last 'humoay' of exon mouth, at8 o'olouk. Visiting brethren always Woluumo, ,IAB, BU1WII.0S, 0. it. WALTER SMITH, it, 6. M. MDRRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCIILIN, -111 031110 CF- PiANO - AND - ORGAN, ]7R 1 SS]7Z61, OSTT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI INOnnAN°E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J, L.EOKIE, LIFE AND Full] INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 41, 4f It 6 Per Cent. Otilee over Hureloy's Drug Store, Nov, Ord, 1002. 80.80 Brussels, Wellington Mutual Fire InSntanee CO., E0TAIMI0nlD 1840 Insurnnee taken an the ea0h and premium note system at current rates, 11, nod ing elsewhere call on thennd•ersigAgent of the company. GEORGE, 1600t,R8, 13ressole. AUCTIONEERS. i:i S. SCOTT AS AN A'UC'TION - 1 . unit, will sell for bettor price0, to bettor mon, to loss time and lose chargee oatcargoutr)East a dodor than wonhe yhing 1aaners can always be arranged at 41110 office or by personal application. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, - The undersigned, who is well acquainted throughout•the most part of the County and who has had business with a large cir- cle et farmers In and around thio locality, begs t0 inform the community that he has taken out au Auo01000er'e License for the County of Huron and offers his services to all purposing to hold sale°. 111006, NEWSOME, Brussels. VETERINARY. JD. WARWICK- . Honor eradiate of the Ontario Vet- erinary Collage. is prepared to trent all dis- eases of domesticated (4hlmale in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry,Calls promptly at- tended to. Off oe and uermary-Four doors North of bridge, Tarub01ry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VVM. SINULAIR- e Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Unice -Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL - . ICITCH, &o, BRUSSELS. - 0E100 over Standard Blink 1 Solicitor for Township of Grey, B owick Mutual and the Metropolitan to loan at lowest ]rates. ash Company MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M' NAUGHTON, M. D., C. M., Trinity University,Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member Cllege of Physicians and Surgeons Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col. lege of Physicians and Liooutiate of Mid- wEery, Edinburgh. t...11 olephoue No.14, Reeiflenoe-28111 street, Brussels. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FE/LD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental 6urgeoneof Ontario and li'b•et•Olaee Honor Graduate of Toronto University, °Moe next to Brewer'° Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, MATTE IJP 'YOU MIND TOATTEND) Fall Term begins Sept. 1st Two Oonree0-0ominerelal and Shorthand. Send for College Journal, 0, A, FLEMING, A, L. MOINTY1tE, President, eooretary, SHINGLES British Coliunbia Red Cedar SIiiulgIes ANb-- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR BALE AT 117015 Brussels Planing I11s Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notice. Esb:mates Fnruiehed for ail kinds ofB Buildings. W 'n s Workman. ' ship and Material Guaranteed. .AME1NT GET THE BEST IT PAYS l CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Best 1)11(80 in Canada for theories a thorough Multiuse education or a y1) superior shorthand training, Our graduates aro always 0008eestul to get. ting positions. This school invariably gem its otu,tonte more tlieu they ex. 1)001, Write for catalogue, inter this month if possible. W. J. 10LLIOTT, Principal, Q'k 4r ,I 3 C ri c.t ttetna. Got -ria. We are sorry to learn of the Blimps of Mre. J. A. Strong. Mre. (Or.) Holmes and baby, of Clinton, are visiting at the ]]Methodist Parsonage. Evangelietio serving are being bald to the Methodist thorol> every evening oon• ducted by the pastor. Jae, and Jue. Beewitherick reoeivod word of the death of their sister, Mre. Hepinetall, of SO. Thomas. They were in ettendanoe at her funeral which took plane in that city. in t- E0 .'0' . 8onoon EEronT -The following is the report of S. S. No. 9, Grey, for Ootober, 1908 1 --Sr. elan -Harry MoNaught, Willie Man, Frank Herr100n, Jr. 1V alae° -Henry MoKey, Maggie Mann, John MoKey, Robert Malley, Winnie efoNaugbo. Sr. III -John Huston. Jr. III-Uarrie Schnook, Alex Mann, Guth. urine Brown, Ella Bray, Katie Bieling, Tenn Sieling, Alfred Meehan. Sr. II - Willie Hielop, Lizzie Huston, Myrtle Cummioge, Rey Oumminge, Melbourne Bray, James Honore Jr. II -Alex. Speirsn, Edna MoNaught, Alice McKay, Pearl Harrison, George Hodge, Olive Brown. Sr. Pt. II -Grace Sohoock, .Jessie Mann, Beeeie Mann, Robbie Lucas, Roy Crawford, Aggio McKay. Jr, Pt. II -Bert Snelling, Beth MoNaught, Vio- let McKay, Laura 8peiran. Br. Pt. I- Emiiy Smith, Fred Hodge, Ruby IIlo7lay. Iutermedinte PI. I -Harold Livingstone, Gerby SOeliing, Roy Sieling. Jr. Pt. I - Lily Horrisou, Mina Peet, Melville Oum- sings, Lottie MoKay, Lawrence Hielop. Mlms HATTIE 0Aio000N, Teacher. .a.t.va'(tote. Mies Nellie Mt•Ewau left Tuesday morning of last week for Dakota, whore she has snared a lucrative position. .. Rev. Dr. MaoLeod and D, G. And,r ecu were in Stratford on Tuesday of last week attending the Presbytery meeting. Jae. Donaldson has retnreed from Manitoba, looping snobimproved in health. He speaks highly of that eon. try and iia possibilities. The annual meeting of the 1410. Pleas ant Beef Association Was held at the Secretary's residence, "Greendale farm," on Wednesday evening, 4111 iuet., and 1060 well attended. It was shown ley the report') that during 1908 from May 29 to Oct. 28, 22 beeves had been slaughtered, with a total weight of dreaeed pleat of 11,919 lbs. Average weight of beef per share was 647 17.22 lbs. Average weight of beef per share per week was 24 6 11. Total received for hides was $79 81 The Company organized again for an other year and a very general eatiefao tion seemed to prevail 1(e was shown when a representative ticket was drawn but one. The following ofilcere were appointed ; Pree, Thoe. Smith ; Sec., Thoe. E. Hammond ; Trees , Wm. Bell; Ienactor, Wm. Holmen ; Business worn., Geo. A Eliaaott, H. Ronnenberg and J. L. Horn. 1.l N to w -el - T. E. Hay was away on a bneineee trip to the Soo. The W. A. of Christ Church is work- ing for a ".Feast of Dave" on December 4011. Mies Roby Rothwell, daughter of Dr. E. J. Rothwell, who has been visiting her uncle, B. Bothwell, left on Monday of Iasi week for her home in Denver, Colorado. Rev. J. 0, Speer, D. D., of Toronto, will Iodate in the Methodist church here on Monday evening, Nov. 28rd. Mr. Speer has been deooribed as one of the Icings of the Canadian platform. A meeting of the North Perth Liberal Ooneervative Aeeooiatioo is galled for Wednesday, Nov. 26,. in Grooh'e hall, Milverton, for the election of others and other general bueineeo. The local As 'iodations will meet fn their usual plane of meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 24th, at a p. m. for the purpose of eppotuting delegates. A0 five o'clock Thursday morniog'Nov• ember 12th, Walley Tuttle of lot 84, on, 1 leen, passed away from thio life. The deemed men, who was only thirty eine year of age, was token Ill on Tu00day with qn attack of appendioitls, and from the first no hope was held out for hie reoovery, After enduring greet.eufferiug he passed away surrounded by his re. latives and friends, Ho has left to mourn hie lore, a wife and Dix ohildreo, the eldest being eleven years of age. MOoli eym pathy le felt tot Mre, Tuttle in the gleet loss she hae enetained in the departure of her husband. Interment tools plane at Fairview Cemetery, Saturday after- noon, SealerIL•It. Arch. 88011, of the firm of Scott Bros.. hae returned from a bneineee trip to Manitoba, Re bee been away eines mid. slimriler. p. }a. Wilson left op Wednesday of last week for Winnipeg. Mr. Wilson has a large number of city lots there which have oome into dolman f and which be intends disposing of. Oliarboo Holbein, of 11110 town, is the champion oabbege grower of this eeetion. He retried over 400 head of oabbapo off an eighth of an acre of ground, the legetablee weighing from 12 to 20 Ibe, each. Mise Ewing, who has filled the position of organist in the Presbyterian ohuroh here for a great many years, resigned the the position, her retirement to take peace after anniversary Sunday. Mise Ewtog'o e000esear, will be Miss Rothwell, Mre. M, Thompson met with a very peinfltl aooident. She stepped on an apple peeling on the walls on Main otreel, neer Mr, Roberts' drug etoro, and falling had her right erne free' tired and her r • t 1 el hod. She I.e.! era) w is ti nga her u broken a few yeutu ago, The 801110 011'nt>111 of the Wom0n'e elbrielien Tempera n.e IT lien was held at the reeidenee of Mrs. Wm, Govonlook, The following 01100000 were sleeted for the emitting year ; President, Mrs. Wm. Gr•veulrmk ; first vine•preoidont, Mre. Wt.. Capp ; 0000>d vice president, Men. IVmgwin ; reeo•ding 000001ery, Mrs, J, R. aovonlouli ; oorrsepondiug secretary, Mrs, 13. B. Gunn ; treasurer, Mtn G. B. Scott. Daring the year over $70 was diepeneed for literature dietriboted, iionary and benevolent perposee, Jio.oet,rel1, On Monday afternoon of last week A, Brandt, station agent bad the misfortune to loose hie pocket book containing a sum of money. N. Centino and his enrveyor were in Mensell the other day. Mandan states Hutt the oleolrie road in a sure thing and that it will be running before many months. Me. Olneo, of 90afort11, may get the poeitlon of band leader here. In many respects he in gaits competent, baring a thorough knowledge of all kiude of braes instrumento. Mise Murray has tendered her reeig- ilatioll to the school board who are now looking ant for a teacher for her room. It is Miae Money's intention to retire from teaohlug altogether. 130 o't-Is. The Blyth evaporator bee quit buying apples for this deacon. Two thoneand barrels of apples are et the Grand Trunk yard at Blyth awaiting sure for shipment. Thos. Crawford and Wm. Rath, who have been in Manitoba for several mouths past, have returned home. J. S. Borden, who hae been a brake- man on Conductor Quirlt'o train for many years, has reeigned and aooepted a position with the Wingham Move works. Jemee MoMmohie has moved into Aroh. Taylor's house on Dineley street. Mr. and Mre. Taylor will leave shortly for British Colombia where they will reside. We regret to anuoonoe the Bering i11- nese of Donald McMillan, who returned 00 the home of hie parents ane month ago from British Oolurobia, A short time before leaving Briti.h Columbia, during it fit of coughing, he buret a blood vessel in 011e of his hangs and hae since been tronblyd with severe hemorrhages. Blyth now has a telephone system, the Bell Telephone Co. having completed the Noel circuit. The following are the initlsl eubsoribore and uumhere :-No. 1 - Grand Trunk station 1 No. 2 -Elam Livingston's reeidenoe ; No. 3 -James eloMnrobie'e residonoe ; No. 4 the Stand- ard of[iee ; No, 6 -Bank of Hamilton ; No. 6 -Commercial hotel ; No. 7 -Bell's livery ; No 8 -Queen's hotel ; No. 9- Perdue's livery ; No. 10-Oentral office at Auburn ; No. 11 -George Powell'n grocery ; No. 12 -Blyth floor mill ; No. 18 -Blyth handle works. The cen- tral office for Blyth is at Prank MenalPt book store. LV i 11 tict.tiln F. G. Sperling found snit at the new well he hae been drilling, at the depth of 985 feet. On November 10th, tbe street water. ing cart wits atilt doing duty,- to prevent the (donde of dust. The death of Herbert 0. MoKtbbon, formerly of Wingham is reported. He was a eon of the late George Mo. Kibbon, et one time Mayor of this town. Deoonsed was well known in this section of country, baviog been in bue• Nese In Teeewater, and more meetly a traveller for the firm of Thompson & Co., shoe manafaoturers, Montreal, He died on Friday evening, Bob inet., at his reeideoce in Toronto, and leaves a wife and six children, The Wingham Outline Giab met in the Council Chamber, for organization .The following officers were elected :- Eon, Pres. -Dr. Macdonald ; Preeident -Thoe. Bell ; Vioe.Preeident- R. Van• atone ; Secretary -A, J. Alderson ; Troaenrer-F. Pattrreoo ; Managing Committee Dudley Holmes, Van Vannormon, A. Crawford, H. Jtffrey and L Haneoo. It Was deoided to j'ein the Ontario Association. The memberehip fee was pl0oed at$2. Before Joe. and Mre. Humberstone left Ripley for Wingham the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist ohuroh presented Mire. Hemberotone with a beautiful oalse dish as a alight recognition of the eervi0ee rendered the church for over twenty-five years. The Quarterly Board of the Ripley oircuit, on bebalf of all the appointments, presented Mr. Humber• stone with a beantifnl gold headed Dane, se an expression of the faithful serving rendered fn starting the oharob many years ago end serving the Board so faithfully for 19 years as Rao. Steward. Mr, Humberstone received another surprise o1 Mondey enter g, wbr u ills meoth-re tit R'p'ry Lodge, 1. 0 0. 11, proswnted 11 m with t1 btaulf,1 P. Gee °°5111I r, 81rer. T. A. ]Mlle pee -ed away Wedneo• day of laot wank about seven o'olook. She had been a great sufferer for the pan few weals°, and recovery wee not e'xpeotod. The fooeral took plane tie Saturday to Elora, 'Phe demeaned Indy had been a resident of Wingham for very man? 7.0000, bud enjoyed the 00001161 and natant rd everyone. Sha wag a faithful member of St. Paula (lhnrah, end while in health, was very active in ohurmh work, 8110 leaves a husband, who in one of Wingheen'e leading merahaute, three einem end one brother, Wm, Hale, of town. Olin ton. Mestere. Raueford shipped 82hoed for export cattle which had an aver- age weight of 1386 pound°. hirs. W, TaylorRattenhury St., who hast been vieiting In the We=t, retained home on Tueeday of Int week, Will Coate hes heen treasurer of Willie ohuroh for about 20 years, and will prob- ably be succeeded by Geo. McTaggart, It regairee one hundred oar loads of coal a week to keep the ternaries of the eelt works going that are managed by R, J. Raoeford. E. J. Howard, who for the past fon years has been a tuner in the organ fact- ory, has reeigned his position and leaves on the 25 h inet. for Loa Angeles, Oali• fornla. Thio year hag been a good year for mange's and the yield is heavy, pat the beet Drop we have heard of is on D, A. Forreeter'e farm where the yield was between forty and forty five tone per sore. Harvey D. Morrie, who hae heen em• ployed in the orgon faotory for a few months, has returned to the homestead near Blyth owing to tbe Mines of hie father. The probabilities are that he will take Menge of the homestead. The old establiohed dry geode bneineee of Coate & Son has been disposed of to W. 0. Brown, a bneineee man of Woodetook, who will take possession as soon as stook - taking le over. The bnaioess will be managed by W. J. Frazer. The Hough nap, for which the. London Collegiate team string/led with i11- success a week ago, will remain in Clinton for another season. Shortly after the Lon donere gave voice to their desire to have a chance at the trophy, Senforth ohal- longed, and on Saturday the team of that town name to Clinton and put up a great game. The Clinton team was too strong, however, and although the game was in doubt till the end, the home team won ont by a score of 1 to 0. The nap will consequently stay on the same shelf until next Pall when the London team prom• ins to take a eeoond trip that may prove more eneoeeefnl. Mr. Govenlock, of the high school teaching staff, London, rote. reed Saturday's game to the satisfaction of all. t10(fe 1-1000. The organ faotory employees still work to 9.80 p. m. four nights each week. An eight -beaded cabbage ie the prize prodnetion of en Enot•end garden, a new sort of ootopae. A new heating apparatus has been placed in the collegiate Inetitote, and the students aro naturally jubilant. Some of the boat houoee are being taken down. the owners not wining to have them carried away, as some were last Winter. Sawing at the Harbor lumber mill oloeed last week, and the firm has piles enough of out lumber to keep them tansy shipping for some time. Mies Grace Polley left last week for London, where she will study ohinapaint- ing ander the totfon of Mies Burnett, the gold medalist and well known teaoher. Thoe. Hooketep has so far recovered from hie severe illness as to be able to see bie friends, and the signs are that before long he will greet hie many well wiehere up sown, The elevator held 300,000 baebele of wheat last week though orders were in the offioe for the shipment of 260,000, for which 800 oars were wanted and could not be got. The Sone rf Sootlaod will attend Knox chorale on Sunday, November 29th, the day before 0t. Andrew's Day, and will probably oelebrate on the following day either with a supper ora concert. The prize.wienere in the looal bowling tournament are : Trophy nlatob, J. H. Tigert and 11, W. Ball ; association match, P. Jordan and F. Davie ; eoneo- lation match, W. W. MaoVioar and J. M. Field, B. A. The looal branch of the Ontario Lord's Day Alliance have arranged to have Rev. Henry Irvine, of Brampton, address their• annual meeting on Monday evening, 80th inet. The meeting will be in Victoria street Methodiet oharoh of which Mo. Irvine wee formerly pastor. eallISMIIMMECSIGIMMIESSIMMIUMEXIIIIMMIEXIMEI Btrli P UCVC H ycroP As the season is rapidly pas- sing along we are offering our Ready-to-wear Millinery at reduced prices to clear them out. Our Millinery Department is in better shape than ever to sup- ply Fashionable Goods at Reason- • able Prides. We are determined to please all who favor us with their pat- ronage. A callwillbe wappreciated. IVB TurKcyslmc WANTED The uudereipned Ohre 8 estate per pound, .rid the rise of market, for any quantity of live turkeys botwten now and the time of shipment, about the end of November. Delivery al Brussels. Highest prices will also be paid for Live Obiokene, Duoke, Fowl and Geese, The latter either alive or dry planked, For further partionlare enquire of J. B. McLAUCHLiN, 15-4 BRU SSEL5. Are you Thin1i.g What raper You will Take for. 1904? SELECT THE BEST - which is the Western advertiser 750, A YEAR. Has No Equal in the Province. Read their Premium Offers. Write for Sample Copy. Address all orders Western Advertiser 18.4 London Ont, At a meeting of the Ontario Cabinet an Order was passed permitting the Town of Goderioh to ieeae debentures to the amount of $8,000, for the purpose of pay lug for the necessary metres for the eleo- trio light plant here. The other day Nixon Sturdy, while working on the roof of hie house on Wat- erloo street, stepped on a loose sbingls, and the shingle sliding, he slipped with it and fell to the ground, a pretty good distance, but the indefatigable Nixon gob tip uninjured and oontinaed his work. St, Georpe'e Obnrobwomao'e Auxiliary eompieted the 'towing for the annual bale for the Northwest on Monday afternoon of haat week, and packed it for shipment before the meeting oloeed. It was the largest bale ever sent by the Goderioh branch, and among the many articles it oontaioed were complete outfits for each of the Anxiliary'e protegee, and eome useful Winter wear for the clergyman at Prince Albert. Exeter. Robert Sanders left for Windsor, where he will indulge in a quail hunt. Mise Edith Newlin, of Seaforth, °nog "Open the Gates" with excellent effeot on Sunday morning at the Presbyterian ohuroh. Alfred Allen haw purchased Mre. Slavin'° reoideooe opposite the orenmery on William street and hae taken up hie residence therein. Mre. C. Birney, who was called to Bel - grave owing to the illness of her mother, has retorued home, her mother having somewhat improved but is still quite ill. The Ladies' Aid of the James street o11aro11 have decided to bold a prayer meeting i0 the leoture room every Tues- day afternoon from three or lour o'olook. Ed. Bieeett, who eome years ago left here for Winnipeg, Man., has reoently ao. oepted a position 0e manager of a large butcher shop, owned by Sid. Fairbairn, of Minnedoea, Man , a former reeideot of Henan. At the .annual election of the Exeter W. 0. T.U. the following °Moers were elected for the ensuing veer: Pree., Mre. E. J. Spackman •, let Vioe Pree., Mre. Wm, Bieeett ; 2nd Viae Pres., Mre. God• win, Roo.•Seo., Mre. H. Elliott ; Oor. Seo'y., Mre. Geo. Mason, The three•week•old eon of F. R. and Mre. Eaorett, of Seattle, formerly of tbie plane, was emotbered to death in hie cradle eome time after 2 e. m. one day reoently. The little one bad squirmed about in its cradle 00111'0110 covering lyes drawn over its hemi, and, unable to raioe it off and Its ory being stifled, the o11ild was smothered. When Mre. Ilia - nett awakened at 6 o'aloolt she arose to see if the ohild was all rigbt. Quickly re. moving the hovering she was horrified to find life extinct, The mother was pros. traced with grief. Stratford will again be a tactor in the Coterie Hooliey Aeeooiatioo not only as regards a couple of strong teams bnt a candidate, 3, W. Chowan, will be put forward for the ex00e10100 committee, or some higher office. William A.tkioeon, aged 04 yearn, died at the reeide000 of his brother, Mabry Atkinson, River Road, Blanchard, on Nov. 5. He had been in poor health for several years. Mr, Atkinson was a boob. elor and had a farm on the River Road, Blanehard. At the June se00ion of Perth oonnty council a resolution was passed to have the clerk ask Provincial head Oomtnie• eioner Campbell to address municipalities and others intereeted in the proper meth. ode of oonetraating roads. Mr. Devideon wrote to Ur. Campbell and received the reply that he Would be there on Wodnes. day, Deo. 2 The oounoil meets on the preceding day. Invitations ban been sent to the reeves)) and Warden hemp will be there in a few days to make fall arrangemeote. Mr. Campbell will speak also in referenoe to the $1,000,000 grant of the Provincial Government for good roads, S.1.A.LV.L' IELD'S UN aHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR Those °billy winds and frosty nights remind people that gold weather is at baud, and they begin to think of Warm Underclothing and where they can get the beet value for their money. Au a rule our Big Cash Store in uppermost in everyone's mind as they know oar aeeortmeut le always large and our prima the lowest. We control the Stanfield Underwear for Blyth. Every garment is guaranteed all wool and unehrinkabie. Wash them as you like, and if they ehrink return them and get your money. Beware of imitations, none are genuine exoept stamped "Stanfield". We also oerry a large stook of other kinde of Underwear which we buy direat from the manufaoturere for epot oath and pane them on to you below regular prices. Stanfield's Unehrinkable Shirts and Drawers, in three qualities, in all sizes, at 51, $126 and $135. Men's Union Shirts and Drawers, ribbed and plain, et 25o and Boa. Men's Fancy Striped Shirts and Drawers, heavy weight, Bolt finish, in all sizes, et 35a, 40o and 50o. Men's Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, extra heavy weight, good value at 60o, our special price 450. Boys' Shirt(' end Drawers, fleeced, all eine, at 26o, 850 and 40e, Ladies' Vette and Drawers, in great variety, from 15o to $1. Ask to see our special valves in Wool Blankets. Jamestown Postofce and General Store Now that our wagon is off the road for the season, I very kindly thank the public who so liberally patronized it. I now have in my store a full line of Goods for Fall and Winter purposes, which, when compared, parties will find them away down in price. I do not mean to quote prices but just say come and see what we have. We have a.11 our Prints down to Oost Price, and some Remnants below, also some Remnants in Shirtings very cheap. I have just got in a special line of Fancy Crockery which is selling very fast. Something beautiful. We take the following produce in trade as cash :- Turkeys, 9c to 10e. per lb. ; Geese, 5je to bie per lb. ; Ducks, 60c to 70e per pair ; Chickens, 40e to 45e per pair ; bright, dried, quarter cit apples, 5c per lb. ; But- ter cash, 15e ; large rolls, 16c ; 1 Ib. prints, 17c, good quality. o I N / V E S. THE WEEKLY GLOBE Canada's Great Illustrated Weekly. A leading feature of The WEEKLY' GLOBE to be added this fall will be an Eight -Page Illustrated Supplement ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. ror the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, photo -engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's mechanical equipment. This will make The WEEKLY GLOBE unques- tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada. Arrangements have been made whereby our readers can secure this superb Weekly and their own local favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of eo Balance of 1903 Free to New Subscribers 200 BUG Must be Sold this Buggies, The Finest line to be seen in any town IES Season. Carriages summarmel in Ontario will be found at Ewan & Co.'s Warerooxns TURNaERRY STREET. BRUSSELS. -We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac. tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. -You can save money by examining our stook before purchasing. -Satisfaction assured. Trines right. EWAN & Co., ' BRUSSELS.