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The Brussels Post, 1903-11-19, Page 4
est. THURSDAY, NOT. 19, 1908, Tenon ie apparently a very decided opinion by the ratepayers on the East side of Tnrnberry street, whose properties are being outraged in connection with the proposed sewer on the West gide of the etreet, that holism' of puttiug the Main street ageio and again for outlet purposes from their caller drains that a sewer should be oouetrueted on their side of the surest as well. A petition from those interested may be presented at the next meeting of the Ooanail aeking for this change in the plan now on foot. We are aware that there are many things in the Drainage Ant that are peonliar and some o! the taxpayers in the above meq• tioued project are nob at all satisfied with the seeming fnjuetio done them in the proposal. A full and tree dieoneeion of the whole matter would do no harm. The trouble with nearly all these matters is bleat they are almost always left eo long in abeyanoe that the legal time for aotion elapses, or steps are token and expenses Enourred that make alterations next to impossible. This ie to be a permanent work, however, and those who have to pay for it ahold be met fie far ae is pos- eiblein the parrying out of their withers eepeoially where a goodly number are in harmony. It is possible the sewer might have gone aoroee another lot or so with good effect. If it could be done Tao POET has not changed its opinion ae to the advisability of putting water pipee in while .ewer fe open and afterward adding a couple more hydrants, Of course if the lire engine hasn't power to farce the water that distance through the pipes then the matter is impraotiaable other. wise is would pay to do it. Tam passenger service eapplied by the Grand Prank ie fat from satisfactory on these Northerly lines. Passengers are compelled to wait from 30 ininntea to an boor or more after the eohednled time bef„re the arrival of some of the trains. It is doubtful if the 1.17 and 8.17 p. m. trains due at Brneeela from the East on the Southern Extension of the Welling - tan, Grey to Brace have been on time a halt a dozen times einoe the time table with these hours was arranged. Exouae could be made for an ooaasionel delay but to have it a daily ooanrrenee surely calla for soma rectification in the intermits of the public wbo are paying their money for the servioe premised and not received. Oise day recently the writer had a meet- ing to attend at 10 a. m. in Clinton and drove to Seafortb to oaloh the 9 10 train eo se to be in Clinton in time but to his anocyanoethe olook showed 20 minutes to 11 before the departure took plane. An old gentleman asked for a tioket to Look. now bot was informed by the polite young man in charge of the ticket offroe that he could not got the necessary paste. board by that train ae connection would not be made at Olinton that day with the Loadoa, Huron & Brace train dee there at 10.16. It ie not mnoh wonder that people kink and busy themselves over competing roads, either steam or electric. There is surely some redress for these real grievanoee and it should be some - bo tyre batinele to see that the remedy ie teemed. The afternoon train at Brussels from Toronto is eometimee eo late that there is not time to reply to oorreepond- 800e by the 8 80 train bound East. If thie state of affairs exists in the Summer time the outlook when the tracks are obatroated with eoow isnot very reassur- ing as to improvement. Somebody has asked why are the Grand Trunk orai08 like a cow's tail 7 The answer ie given be. cense they are always babied. Whoever the reeponeihle officer may be for the train errviae through thio section of the man. try should bestir himself and prove to the people that the G. T. B. can be np-to- date and is making an honest effort to keep faith with the public. Voters' List and Legal Points. Judge Doyle heerd argument on eeveral interesting and important pointe wbiob have arisen during the Voters' List Courts held in West Huron this year. The applioante on behalf of the Liberate fn !several munioipalitiea were A. B. McDonald, who has recently removed from Goderioh to Braseele to open his law offiee there, and John Mo• Evoy, a law etndent also of Goderioh. McDonald was on the Ashfield voters' IEat of 1902, but is not on any liet for this year, nor wad he qualified to go on any voters' list. McEvoy is in a similar poeition, exoept that he was on the M. F. list for the last Provincial election as made rip by the registration board. It VMS oontended for the Conservatives by E. L. Diokineon that both are therefore nobgnaliaed within the meaning of the Voters' List Act which governs in these matters independently of the M. F. Regietration Aot, they nob being voters, not qualified to be entered ae eaoh on any vte' 0 rd 71st "Els reply t C 1 n this V. 4 PY by Pro not odC on behalf of rho Liberals be ra s 1 e that McDonald was eligible to go on the of right of way can Dome up in the ver. iooe mnnioipalitloe for the Jendary oleo tions. The O. P. R, will build the road if the right of way ie granted to them. That is the attitude of Preeident Bhangb. nosey and the 0. P. R. directors. It Coate with tlioee interested in the road to pro. vide the right of way, and the G. J. R. direot0td meet on Thursday to further eonaidee the situation, The O. P. R. was left on. of last eession'e railway subsidies. It teas given 000 became it Would ndt accept sty aid from the Gov, M. F, list 1! a registration had taken plane at the time of entering .the appeals and that MaEvay'e name on that liet at the time of the last Provincial election holds good till another registration takes plane. These are only the maim pointe m the argamente, several others being included in or connoted with these. The effent of a decision against these appellante would be to throw out all the appeale passed upon at the Voters' Llete Courts in their names, Atwitter quee. Mon wee ae to the right of deputy registrar to vote at Provincial eleotione, 80 theregisurar id, with other officials named, specially debarred by the ant, and the "Interpretation telecom”, eaye tbat wherever the word "regietrer" oonre it shall include also the deputy registrar. Still another question ie fie to the time of positing sip votere' lista, In. township of Aehfleld the clerk said he posted up the list in his house on the 18th, but in the advertisement he gave the date as the 20th, and the Conserva- tive appeale were entered on the 19th. Judge Doyle was quite positive in bis ruling that the publiehed date sboold govern, bot be suggested to the conned that a oaso should be stated on each of the pointe fn gneatioo, to be referred by the Lieut. Gov, in Council to one of the Superior Court judges fur an author. ativedeoieion which would be a guide for the province. This was agreed to and the oaee will be RO forwarded when it hag been approved by bath oouusel.— Goderiob Star. C. P. R. Extension, The Listowel Standard of last week nye .—The etaff of eurveyure and engin. etre who are locating the C. P. R. from Guelph to Goderioh ran their line through to Brussels on Saturday of last week where they joined work witb anoth 0r company of surveyors who had cone plated their survey from Brussels to Goderioh, The party of engineers who worked through to Brussels retarded on Saturday night. They had a day or two's work betweeo Listowel and Guelph which would complete the preliminary line. The party stayed in town over Sunday and met F. W. Peberabo, of Montreal, the engineer who has charge of the work to whom they made a report. Mr. Peter- son alga was met by Mayor Hay and J. W. Scott and in company with engineer Davis were driven through the town. A. delegation from parties inlereeted•in build. fog the line farther South met Mr. Peter. eeo by appointment in the Arlington hotel an Monday and endeavored to point out the advantages of running the line farther South. The places repree anted were Milverton, Linwood, Rewires. villa, Monkton and Walton, and they did not of oonree get any aatiefaolion, Me. Peterson not being able to tell anything definite, and only being able to promise to give consideration to their represent atione. The delegation 000eiated of the following gentlemen ;—Jas. Tarmac), G. E. Goodhand and Louie Pfeffer, of Milverton 1 R. Y. Flab, Robert Kerr, Valentine Haslet, Alex. Rennee and Fred. Stevere, of Linwood ; J. 0. Soberly and E. G. Winn, of Hawkeville ; R, Smith, W. M. Smith andas. Humphries, J Hu es of . P Walton. All the surveyors engaged id the work are meeting with Mr. Peterson io Guelph this week to make detailed reports after which it will be decided whether other trial linea will be ran. It has evidently been decided upon that the line will eon from Guelph to Elmira, and the present line juet completed goes from that point to Marton where it arose• es the townline into Wellesley and follows close to the townline through Moroington to Listowel, striking the town on the South side near the High School. An air line from Listowel to Brussels was laid out 141 miles long. Thia direct line between Listowel and Brueeele was the beet found, and outside of a mile or two of broken country in Grey township is an easy one to build, The line from Elmira to Listowel le free from eogieeer• ing difficulties being in a level ooantry without any obstruction whatever. The oroeeing here is a much easier ode than if the line were to awing farther South, when diffioclties would be encountered in crossing the steep grades at the Donee. toga in fent one of the engineers said that the crossing of the Conestoga, whioh they have a0 present eeleoted, is the only one they aoold find that was praotioable. The party of surveyors and engineers wbo had to work from Guelph to Brue- eele were re follows :—John Davis, W. IJeborne, Geo..2 Hyde, Jno. Murray, Frank Shannon, T. D. Elliott, Harold Bteeubaoh, Harry Brewer, William Wil- liemecn, Ralph Willoughby. Oodeiderabte trouble is being experieno. ed by the 0. P. R. engineers on the God- erioh extension in securing a suitable line out of Guelph. The proximity of the river to the line increases tba difficulty, The surveyors are not favorable to arose- ing the G. T. R. track more than once, and to tbie end they are workiug. Say. eral routee have been tested and it ie expected time a permanent one will be deoided upon ibis week. Goderioh Signal eaye:—A special meet ing of the town council was held en Tues- day evening for the purpose chiefly of hearing from Mayor Lewis a report of hie trip to Montreal on C. P. R. matters, Aa a result of the trip hie Worship is more sanguine then ever as to the pros peots of 0. P. R oonneotioo for Goderioh within a abort time. He was ao0ompan• fad to Montreal by President Bell and Secretary Madonald of the Guelph Juno. Lion Railway, The 0, J. R. people own the charter and the line must be eon. etruoted in their name, although the 0. P. 1i. will be behind them, Mr, Lewie, in hie interview, urged the advantages to the 0.2. R. of having 0onnsotion with thie port as a means of eeenring the handling of the grain Iraflio here which may be largely inoreased, Rio Worship thought it would be advisable to have the vote oft the bylaw for the purobasing of the right of way at the January eleotione. The counoil received his Worship's re. port with great eatiefaotion, The Guelph Heronry of last week said: President Shaughuesey, of the 0. P. It, gave an hour and a half of hie stainable Hate to dioouaeing the Guelph Junction exbeneion with lble. Bell, Oo1, Macdonald and Meyer Lewis, o! Goderioh, It le expeoted that the surveys will be nom plated In December, and that the matter ernment owing to Ibis latter's tredaoon. Ifnettnl railway project, but whether the 0, P. R. would permit the G. J. It, to (Wept e subsidy for the eateneion id au. other quuatiun. Goderich Star anye t—The staff of the 0, P. R, eerveying party, whose freed quarters 15 Goderioh, have completed the levels of the harbor, nud the rondo leading to it from the North, and the present tveek the Southern route ie being pegged ont, the party having got 00 f.sr as Blaok'e Pleat along the Lake Shore, Eegiueer Petersin wee fn t. wu on Mon day, and the survey is evidently bean; pushed es the staff warps early end lute and in all kinds of weather, Grey Council Meeting. The mnnioipal O0uuail of the 'Pawn - ship of Grey met et the 1'uwnehip Hall, Nov. 9th, I903, pureuent to acjierumun0. Members ell preeeut, Reeve in the chair. Minabee of lest meeting were reed aril passed, Moved by Adam Turnbull, esoonded by Wm. Work, that By late No, 209, known ad the MoLeae Death ByJety, be read a third time and be anally pars ed. Carried. Moved by Wm. Freeer eroonded by John Grant, that the Report of the neglecter on the proposed Whit field Drain be read and considered. Oar. rind, Moved by Adam Turnbull sem— M-ed by Wm. Work, that the Engineer's Report on the Whitfield Drain be adopt - ad and that a By-law be prepared and served cm parties interested, Carried. )(loved by Adam Turnbull esoonded by Wm. Work, that the Engineer be granted sic extension of two months time on the bin Oon. Drain. Oarried. Moved by Jno. Grant seconded by Wm. Praiser that Bylaw No. 210 known as the the Whit. field Drain Bylaw be read 1st and 2nd time and provisionally adopted, and that 86 oopiee of acme be printed. carried. On motion of Prater aud Turnbull the fo'lowiug a000nuta were ordered to be paid :— Canadian Oontraotldeourd adver• tieing for tenders re Lemont Drain $ 4 60 Andrew Hislop on ooutreot Lamont Drain per engineer's oertiflotte 900 00 John Roger, report, piens, oto, Lamont Drain 53400 Kreuter & Ritchie, Oolleotore Roll Book, box 1.50 John Forrest, rag bolts 14th Oon, Drain 7 00 John Forrest, repairing scrapers and bolts 2 70 W. S. MoKeroher, ineurauoe on Twp, Hall 140 Gohr & Foga', on oonlraot 14th Oon. Drain 100 00 0nrtain & Reid on contract 1411] Oon. Drain 80000 John Stephenson, assisting engine- er on 6th Oon. Drain 4 60 Otto Schnook, farm bridge Look- ing Drain 10 00 Otto Schnook, farm bridge Kreuter Drain 10 00 Robert Dookebt, part payment on Hudson Award Con. 8 and 4, Lot 28 24 00 Wm. Sharpie, onlvert on Grey & Howiok Bdy., Grey's share..,. 2 25 Wm. Austin, repairing road, 8. R. 5, Ooa. 1 .75 John Highbine, clearing timber off S. R 4, eon. 1 ,50 George Karr, gravel .32 George Johnston, repairing oolvart and cedar for etringere Oon. 18 00 Wm. Riley, bile drain Grey and Morrie Bdy 4 25 RonaldMoNanghton tile for drain Grey and Morrie Bdy 1.19 W. H. Kerr, notice Regietration Lamont Drain By-law 1.50 W. H. Kerr, notice Registration Hanna Drain Bylaw 1 50 W. H. Kerr, printing MoLean Drain Bylaw 12 00 W. H. Kerr, on printing a000unt1500 George Speiran, gravel 18 92 Henry Gorsalitz, farm bridge Kreuter Drain 10 00 Ronald MaNanghton, tile for drains at lot 1, Oon, 16 11 09 Henry Al000k, cleaning drain at S. R.5, pun. 9 10 05 Alfred Hollenbaok, aid to wire fence S. R. 5, con. 9 6 10 Robert Clark, tile drain lob 15 Oon. 18 2 50 John Bennett, eta verb lot 1, Con. 18 . 8 50 Wm. Oakley, gravel 8 36 Wm. Riley, gravelling Grey and Turnberry Bdy 6 00 Robert Vodden, uoderbrnahing on S. R 4, Con. 6 5 00 Riobard Mills, drawing tile and culvert on Oon. 6, Lot 34 8 50 Ferris Beirnes, gravelling and clearing broth at lots 34 and 86 Con. 6 0 00 Thomas Stevenson, gravel 14 48 Lawrenoe A. Mason, grevelliug at Lots 26 and 28, Oon. 7 and 814.65 Henry Alcock, oalvert at Lot 20 000. 17 18 00 Henry Alaoak, culvert at Lots 26 and 27, Oon. 17 16.00 Anthony Reymann, 2 culverts, 14th con. Drain 2150 Anthony Rayman, culvert Look ing Drain 000 Anthony Raym en, culvert Hrauter Drain 9 00 John Rano, farm bridge Kramer Drain - 10 00 George Mann, gravelling lots 26 and 27, Con. 13 48 00 Joseph Redmond, removing aim• ber Beauchamp Drain2.26 George Dunlop, twisting engineer Beanohamp Drain 175 Joseph Redmond, shovelling gravel 1 26 Anthony McDonald, repairing Oalder and Oranbrook bridges and spikes 87 68 A. MuDoneld, spikes 14th Oon. Drain ,. .76 A. McDonald, spikes Kreuter Drain .80 A, MoDooald, spikes Locking Deain .30 Ira Taylor, drawing gravel 8, R 6 005. 13, and filling old well,6 00 George Robinson, levelling Olay S. R. 5,don. 14 2 50 Walter Moxa timbe r for bridge g lot 26, eon. 17. 13.50 Bugh MoRay, digging awed drain lot 81 Oon. 17 20 00 Ansae McKay, diet/leg award drain lot 26, oon, 16 20 00 Cbsrlee Oath, timber for bridge lot 27 Oon, 17 27.00 Joseph Redmond, grsvellieg at lot 86 Oen, 16, Grey & Elme.Bdy70 10 Peter J, Biebop, repairing 8. R. 8 Oon. 4 1.50 Peter J. Bishop, &striating ebgiheor on Otb Con. Drain 19.00 Moved, seconded and carried., that the. PO8T Donnell do now adjourn to meet as per Statute on the 16th day of Deoenber at 10 o'olatlt a. m. 3.03 ilfoltweroelt, Clerk. 71 ,1selastoay. Tlie Wo0hitlen ettendrei the M, thud• ret nhorcn in a body on 8111,100 morning. The Domicil is hevina n good coat of grovel put on Ile, math street 01111;11 0111411b LC the reed, 1'hue. i)uuel'ta le again in charge of Ilio v liege waterworks, Ihir. lluolcatable, the live engineer,'tevimg a poeition in Guelph. The Sentinel says ;—If the Council will not do anything to secure lights for the streets It ie the duty of the Reeve to oall a public neeetiug of the ratepayers and get their opinion Ea the matter. At the meeting of the Publio Sohool Board the four lady teachers in the suhoolreeeived an inoreaoe of 925 eaoh to their ealariee, oomuteu0ing with January next. The salaries to be paid for 1904 are ; Joseph Stalker, Prinoipal, $650 Mies Bargees, $825 1 Oiies Archibald, 9815 Mi s9Cummings, 9800 and Miss 00. Rev, Mr. Owen, of the English Church here, ie going to Hayaville. Mr. Owen, has been in Lucknow four years and during that time bee made a name for himself of which any man may well be proud, not only among hie own ohuroh people bob among the oitizene generally. He bas taken an serve interest io all mattere contracted with the welfare of the village and neighborhood and ills good counsel will be much missed in many places. B oreltevict it. Geo. Wilson, of Waskada, Mon., is renewing old ecquaintanoes in town, Thee. Downey has returned from Sourieford, Man. A. 0. Hutohinaon was away last week at Wierton, Southampton, Eden Grove, Paisley and Obeeley, where he paid the Masonic Lodges an osiersl visit in his capacity fie D. D. G. M. of D•etriot No. 6, At 8 80 Sunday morning of last week, Mre. Wm, N. Henry passed to the silent majority, egad 36 yeare, 3 meothe aoda10 days. The deoeased'e maiden name was Mary Jauo Thompson, of Turuberry township. After bier marriage with her now bereft husband about seventeen years ago, they lived two years in How- iok, near Clifford, then two yeare in Tarnborry, one in Minto, and the last twelve yeare on the 0th tine of Howiok, east of Fordwiob. The cense of Mre, Henry's death was pernicious at remia and the had been gradually oinking for past four mouths. In addition to her hoe• band ebe leaved a daughter of eight sum mere and a baby boy, about four mouths and aha'f old. The fnueral took place T ueeday afternoon and was largely atteud. ed. Service was held in the Trinity ()hero)) where Rev. E. A. Hall oonduct• ed an appropriate service. The Chosen Friends attended in a body and conduot• ed appropriate eervioe at the grave. The deoeaoed was a member of Trinity Ohoroh, a devoted member of the Women's Auxiliary and the faithful teacher of the girl's junior olaae in the Sunday school till new yeare. On the oath were a pillar of flowers, in loving memory of the deoeseed by the W. A. M. A., of Trinity Church and a wreath of flowers by the teacher and pupils of No. 9. The bereaved will be deeply gym• pathized with in their grief. Perth County. J. J. Orabbe, of Toronto, president of St. Mary's Portland Oemeat Company, was in St. Mary's lest week on matters connected with the proposed new iudne• try. Thompson, who wad so seriously iojuted at the Horseshoe Quarry, St. dory's, a taw weeke ago, is able to be about again. His arm and ehoalder are yet stiff and sore, but are improving though slowly. The non -jury sittings will open at Stra, ford wort bonne on November 28 before Justice Meredith. It ie expeoted that the docket will be short, es all aims up at the last sitting of the high oourt were diepoeed of. There are several that were left overfrom a previous docket, but not many, and new oases will be few. St. Mary's bookey club organized with the following aflame ; Hou. Pres., Wm. Andrews, sr. ; Hon.. Vine Pres , Fred. W. Hutton ; Pres., Wm. Diokson ; Vine Pree„ J. L. Webster ; Sec., Bert. McNeill ; Tread„ A. 13. Gowdy. A. metal oommittee was named computed of the following t Messrs. Webster, Mo Neill, Dickson, Peebles, Hutchings end Northgravee. Robert Jones will oaptain team. The annual oyster supper given by the Woodham Orangrmen on Thursday even.. ing, Nov. 5, was the most enooesefdl in the history of tbe lodge, It isovertwenty yeare einoe the first oyster sapper was given ander the anepicee of Woodham L. 0. L., and every year einoe that time it had been held, Thirty gallons of bivalves were aoneumed. The sapper was served in Albert Hall and the tables were loaded with moat appetiz'ng viands. The eater. tt.inmetit was given in the Methodist Mini oh and many were unable to obtain entrnooe awing to the orowd. Wm. White, of Hibbert, preeided as ahairm in in a most acceptable manner. He had presided for yeare at these annual sap. pers. The program throughout was a moat enjoyable one. The receipts amounted to 9138, East IIur©1, Farmers' Institute Meetings of East Huron Parmelee' Li. etitate for the diesoaseier of Asrioultnral and kindred eubjeots will be held in ; Blnevale. 19th Nov, 20thNov.ordwieh. - u F N Molesworth 21st Nov. noel 21st Nov. Waltou . 24th Nov. partook Nov, Conetanoe 26th Nov, Manley'a Bohool House , , 270b Nov. Murdie'e,Sohool Bollee 28th Nov, 81, dolumbfan..,,,....,86th N Eaoh day at 180 and 7 80 9. m, To attend these molting a cordial weld me is extended to ail, See program. T. ivleMILLAN, GEO, HOOD, President: Seoretary, Nov 19, 1908 Aki4:ru'• Tenders for Supplies, 1904 Tho nuderalaand will receive tenders tip to noon on Monday, 28rd luta., for' mention of butebere' meat, creamery butter, 1101,,', nuhnonl, mintoea. o'rd,rood, eta., 01a., far the following hte,:itutioue tluriug tbo your 1004, viz :— At 011,. Aavhtmq int• the Insane in Toronto, Lnudr'u, ICh,gmmii, mailfou,. fiti511co, lireelc. villa, Concerg and Orillia • the Cot trnl Prison and Mercer Refornntbory, Tru onto ; the Reformatory for Boys, I'enei.•t Maul. thane • the Institution for D 1 eat 100 Dumb, Bollovhle, and the Blind at Brantford, ltx0option—Tenders are not regnirrrl for the eapply of stoat to the asylums in 'Therm. to Loudon, Megaton, Hnnnilton and Brook - vibe, nor for the Central Prleou and ,Meteor It oformn tory, Toronto. A marked 0110905 for 9 per omit of the es- timated amount of the 000traot, payable to the order of the Honorable the Proviuoial Seorotary, remit be furnished by eaoh tee- dorer as a guarantee of hie bona fides. Two suihotout sureties will bo required for 0.,e doe fulfillment of eaoh centre oh, and should any .tender be withdrawn before the eon. Brent Is awarded, or should the tenderer fail to furnish snail security, the amount of the deposit will be forfeited. Specifications and fume of tender may be bon no application to the Department of the Proviuoial Secretary, Toronto, or to the Bursars of the reepeollvo inetitu tioue. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Newspapers ioserbing this advertisement without authority from the Department will not be pall for 1t, J,10. STRATTON, Proviuolal Secretary, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, November OM, 1008. IPJII'QRTANT NOTICES @il0R SALE—LOT 207 AND A dwelling thereon, North-west career William nud Albert streets, Brussels. 49-tf J. L1ECKI1E. QTOOK FOR SALE. — THE uadereigued offers for sale 1 young milk sow, 2 steer Salves and 7 sheep troll' 2 to 8yeare old, Apply to A. ASt0TON, Lot 27, 000,'7, Morris, ,or at S. Walker's, Lot 28, Cou, 0, Morrie, 18 ITIOR SALE—A REGISTERED Bu11 0 mouths old, dark rod, and is a gruud type of Shorthorn ; a splendid an- nual and bred oloae to imported stook. Also a few registered Leleeeter ewes will be gold right, to make more room, 1,00 30, 000,15, Groy. OLIVER TURNBBULL, Walton P.O. ®NE LEIOESTER EWE AND 0 ram lambs atrayel from he promi- see of the undersigned Lot 05, Oon,. 2, Morris, on or about; Sept.1 All have long tails. Any information leading to their rannvery will bo suitably rewarded. WAL- TER FORRE ST, J am estow n, P. 0, r EIOESTER SHJiIEP FOR Seam —2 Leicester Ram Lambe, prises 85 to 27 ; 3. 811ourliug and 2 Two-Sboar Rams, prides 310 to 012 All are good ones. Also a few Ewe Lambe, price 85, and a few good Ewaa at moderate prides. DAVID o0ILNE& SON, Ethel, Ont. 18 Q THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulls for sale. One is lyear old and the other two younger. Also several regist- ered Cows and Halters. Apply to 1801355 SPEIR, Lot 80, Con, 2, Morrie Twp., or Rrus- esle P. 0. ''22-tf VOUNG SHORT HORN BULL A. for sale. Eligible for registration. For prise, terms and , other particulars, ap- ply0 to J. D. MP, O IR, Lot 22, Oon. 184, Grey, or REAL ESTATE. 100 ACRE FARM FOR sale. Watered by the river. Apply to THOS. MOORE, Brussels. T_PARM TO RENT, BEING LOT 20, Con. 10, Grey. There ale 100 acres, 20 under aultivatlou. Apply to JOSEPH 0. REDMOND, on the premises, or Moocrie8 P.O. 21-11 SACRIFICE IN REAL ES— TATI —88000,00 will buy the McCaa- gboy Block In the Village of Brueeele, These two fine stores must be sold to close out Cho Mooaughcy Estate. lutendlhg purohasere should mveetigete at once. Apply to 2. S. 800101 or G. P. BLAIR, Brueeele, Ont. Ii'OR SALE.—LOT 6, CON. 6, Grey, cootalning 100 acme, 75 being cleared and in good state of oeltivation. Farm is well watered; good buildings, or- chard, &c. Failure iu health canoe for eel- liug. Possession given on tune month's nottoe Terms easy. For further particu- lars apply to TRUE/SAN SMITH, ou rue premises, or Brussels P.O. 18 50 ACRE FAR11I FOR SALE. being Wert Half Lot 17, Con. 12, Grey. 46 aures are cleaved and the balance hardwood hush. On the promisee le a comfortable house, barn and other out- buildinge ; good oreberd well, &o. 0013 1 mile from Cranbrook village, where school, poetoBtoe, stores and churches are to be found. For price, terms ono other informa- tion oall at the premieoa. JOHN ENIGRT, Proprietor, Orenbrook P, 0. 18 tt � ARIYI FOR SALE, BEING part Lots 88 and 15, Oou 0 East Wowe- nosh. About 45 sores cleared, balance bush well timbered. There is a log house, frame born and frame likable, good orchard, &s. ,0n farm. 84 miles from lielgrave village t 14wiles from school, churches and poatolnoc, Possession given on Math let, with privil• esu of working on it this Fall end Winter, Per further pm•tienlars us to price, terms, &o„ apply to DUNGAN ItleD00ALD, Lot 4, Oon ,8, Grey, Jamestown P. 0. 18.4 VARM FOR SALE 00NTAIN• rya 08 sores, being Nertb naives of Lots 10 Ado 10, Con. 1, Grey. Comfortable frame house, bank barn, nrohard, &e. Only 4 miles from Molesworth, Gortl locality and flue roads. Immediate posoeaolon, If harm le not sold by end of year it will bo rented If suitable tenant offers. Arrange. =ante can be Horde to Winter stook at harm so as to wo k np straw on land. For fur• tile• partiaulare apply to or write 18 if We 14, IfEaR,Bruseols, T4 ARM FOR SALE OONTAIN. IRO 200 sores, .being rots 10 and 17, Oen. 10,. Township of they, 0» tbie Yarm is a atone house with kitchen and wood- shed, a bark barn 112 x 110 feet with atone stabling, and straw shed 'with stone pigpen under it, 'Moroni a windmill on the barn, 20 aures of good hardwood bush en the plapo and 20 acres of swamp ebo rest is cleared. There are lS &otos of Fan wheat In, A good orobard of 8 acres. Terms -70 per mint, of the mono oast be left s a mortgage ou the a Y ]no at and 4 r Doul, to to the do• 0 4 o Ow p #pP g cense Of Mr Fischer the terra must bo sold at ones to close up setate. For further par - Mailers amply to iv1115. AUGUST 10180011510, on the Yarm, or Oraubroolc P. 0. 14.4 1 liOR SALE OR TO BENT.— The uadereigued ochre her 100 acre farm, being Lot 20, Oou. 7, Grey,1100 !sale or to rent. Oomlortable house, book barn, or- chard, wells, &a There aro 80 soros In prase, 10 oared of .Pail wheat and 20 urea sir Fall pinwingwlll be douo. Waren ie only i mile from the ritirritlg village of Ethel P,asoub lenge expired en htaralt 15, 1005, bet a pure chaser or 180000 may go ou and plow, &e., at onus. SI'or Itirther pan•tiollla•0 as to Mice, 01,1015,0.5., 011)019 to MISS SPEN0h,, Itthol P. 0., or write Ir1100, It. 1001,1',0140, 78 winter St., Toronto, -7s2m Choice Stock of A flue range of Robes, best in the market, has been opened up consisting of :- -BL ACK GALLOWAY —SASKATCHEWAN —GREY GOAT, -GRIZZLY BEAR and MOUNTAIN BEAR. —Plush and Wool Rugs, a very choice lot. —In Horse Bianllots a large stock iscarried g a r1et1 and sold at Close Prices. J. Reserving Promptly Attended to J. DONALDSON 0101316516 L 5. Sign of the Horse's Head a zafl,,.,ase�,s UrPs, VINO ILLS, cZ t✓, A. RAYMANN, Cranbrook, who has had 80 years' Experience in the Pump business, is dealing larger than ever in Iron and Wooden Pumps, and ready to attend to repairs promptly. He is also agent for the Woodstock Windmill. This mill is a marvel and should be seen before ordering any other. Persons requiring Water Troughs should call and get prices. A. RAYMANN, Pump Maker, Cranbrook. Strenuous Objections 111 �<;�-•.•, are never made against feed supplied by Alf. Bather, All stook like it and thrive on it, and 1010 pronounoed by all Intel. ligont breeders to be inoompariably the best sold. Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything bat our gaffer oorn and oats, Alf. Baeker. el,,i1e rel NTED AT TIIE`- - BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be taken. JNO. CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR. S. W. P. Before you begin to Paint. your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at the same time give Beat satisfaction and longest wear. TVe Slicr!ll1iiianis Palol gives these results :--It's a pure Lead, Zino, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ,• covers more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself. For sale by— WILTON & TURNBULL.