HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-12, Page 8t3*-E-1±72-1ART SOAP The value of a Toilet Soap depends not only upon its cleansing power but also upon the condition it leavesthe skin in afterwards. IN SWEET Wm E qT SOAP We think you will find a Soap which cleanses excellently and at the same time HEALS, SOOTHES AND REFRESHES. Contains Benzoin and Cold Cream as two of its principal ingredients, and is very delicately per. fumed. Price 10c. per cake ; 8 for 26e. from SMITH, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & B. Trains leave Brueeels Station, North and South, as follows f GolNG Soma GOING NoR017, Mall 7:10 a.m I Mixed 10:00 am Mixed 10.00 a.mMail .. ......1:17 p.m Express &RSp.m 1 Express ...... B:17 pm goad Reirrs items. A ohiel's amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent hr. Le. GRIPPE is bray-. Souoox. Board Friday evening of this week. P. HOea shipped a oar of flax Seed to Bad.o. R. GRAHAM shipped a oar of oats and a oar of wheat.. Than were movings galore daring the past ten days iu town. P. ANENT received a oar of lumber from Maskokathis week. A. 0. DAMES. shipped a oar of hogs to Toronto and a oar of sheep to Buffalo. Wit the party who borrowed the step ladder from A. Btraohan'e store kindly return it at on0e, and oblige. A row from here attended the drama "The Merchant of Venice" at Seaforth on Wednesday evening of this week, SCOTTISH Concert Friday evening of this weak ruder aaspibee of Brussels Foot Ball Mob. Plan of reserved seats at Fox's drug store. • Six oars of beets for Wiarton Sugar factory were ebipped this week. Thie oompletee the output from Brussels this season, tee oars in all. Tun new large dynamo for'tbe Eleotrio Light plant same to hand this week end will be placed in position forthwith. There will be an opportunity of increas- ing the circuit as there will be ample power and oapaoihy. Lumen Bogan.—Last Tuesday But Huron Lioenee Commissioners met at the Central Hotel, Brussels, all the mem. hers being present. The hotel lioenees were signed as were the neoeeeary state- ments prepared at this season. LaeT week A. T. Currie, butcher, par. oilseed a fine 2 year old heifer from James Beane, 75h line, Morrie, that weighed 1100 pounds and dressed 650. She was good enough for a Ohrietmas display and Mr. Onrrie's customers received the benefit. BENMILLER BRIDGE.—The fine steel bridge, at Beautifier, which is 878 feet long, built on cement abutments, is now completed and was opened for traffic on Wedneeday of last week. It was built by the Kivaardioe Bridge Go. andis a good structure. The ooet was $7,479.86. Its completion is very seasonable doing awey with the neoeesity of fording the Mait• land. 0o. Engineer Ansley has pushed the work along in good style,. AN incorrect map or a map not np-to- date is little better than no map at all. The new map of the Dominion of Oanada being sent as a premium to eubeoribere of The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal this season isnot only oorreot, but is so op -to -date as to show the new Alaskan boundary as awarded Ootober 20. It is the only map to -day to show that information. The publiehere send acopy Free along with two beautiful piotures to all subscribers of that great family paper. The pride of the paper is 000 dollar par year, inoluding all three premiums, THE Toeewaler News of last week in speaking of a Oonoert recently held there says :—Mr. Avison, of Drnasals, tenor soloist, captured the andienoe in his first appearance in a duet with Mr. Gilroy, and hie solos aleo were given in fine style. In company with Mrs. Liddy, of liar. rioton, three duets were rendered which were loudly encored, Mrs. Liddy, in both solos and duets, proved herself to be a singer of nu mean ability and her every appearance elioited lord applauee. Mr. Gilroy rendered four baritone anloe in a very able manner, Mise MaLaaohiin, of Brussels, noted as a000mpaniet. Ton PROPER THING.—In the Ament faotory fire Arehar MoGuire was a loser to oonsiderable extent by having hie kit of tools consumed, The Iooai Odd Fellows plus a kindly remembrance from Wrox- eter brethren, took advantage of the oppoo. tunity and presented Mr, MoGuiee with a tidy cam to purobase a new outfit, He has bean and is Doe of the best worker', in aonneotion with Western Star and the brethren were only too well pleased to give expreesion to their eentimeots by the little .enrprieeplanned, He deserved it, Mr, Mature made an appropriate reply for the kindly ooh. AT a meeting of Brneeele Public Lib- rary Beard laat Saturday It was deoided to charge 6 dente for the 5 book card and 10 aents foe the ten book variety to resi• • dents of Brothels. To those outside of the corporation a 10 book bard will be sold at 20 dente, To aid the finaneee ft is proposed to held a bonnet in whioh Meal talent will eupply the program. Date not yet definitely arranged but will probably be early in. December. Owing to ohangee in the Government regulatione the Board ie rather.nonplueaed to finance the iaetilatiOnthrough in proper shape and expect a good hearty response by the people of the locality who are to be the ebarerd in the hematite aooraing. Watob pal for 09 eet date,' A can of oattle was shipped to Toronto by Geo. A. Best, Tea Salt Works forwarded 4 oars of 5011 eine oar last issue. A MAR of oats and a oar of wheat were loaded by Alf. Baeker this week. Reeve WIGTON hae a very sore arm ye ae the result of hie tumble from a wagon last week, ROBERT THOMSON ebipped a oar of apples to Montreal for export to Liver. pool. They went East on Tuesday, 20 sons are employed at the Cunning- ham Evaporating Factory. They have' had a big season's ran and will keep at it for the next three or font weeks. THIS week the Salt Works received 4 oars of ooal making about 120 care this season, and Robert Henderson also reooived a oar, his being stove coal. WHEREVER the Scottish Oonoert Co. have appeared they reaeive very warm commendations. They will be in Brae• Bele Town Hall Friday evening of tibia week. WE nnderetand that Mae Hattie Downing of Brunets, has been engaged as teaober Of the eohooi known ae Bar- rie's, 6th line, Morrie, for 1904, at e salary of $300. Miss Downing is teach• ing near Walton this year with good soothes. - - V'ALUABLE BEAST KILLED.—AS John Broadfoot was driving hie team on the 9th oon. of Grey, near Brneeele, Wednes- day morning the tongue of the wagon dropped down and the horses ran away. They collided with the wagon of Jno. Montgomery and one of the team died shortly after. The beast wee a valuable one, Mr. Broadfoot refusing 8175 for her. The wagon was also damaged. Fon over twenty years iron wan used for the pane in Stapleton Balt Works. Five years ago they were replaced by steel pane, Mesere. Ranetord naturally concluding that these would laet longer than the iron. In this they were MIS. taken, however, ae they fled the steel corrodes under the motion of salt brine quicker than does iron,' and they antici- pate replacing the steel pans at an early day with iron ones. 0. P. R.—The surveyors of the C. P. R. reached Brneeele last Friday from the East. They ran one line with a South- erly entrance to the village, crossing the the Maitland North of the Stewart & Lowick flour mill, running ever the Northwesterly corner of Viotoria Park South of Ewan & Co's. Oarriage Works past Post Master Farrow's residence toward° the Salt Works. Another sur- vey at the Northern part of Brussels takes the road throes Tnrnberry street North of the G. T. R. tracks and across the Stratton property. The question of route is expeoted to be settled shortly. Lars RICHARD STRONG or WALLAoe. One of the oldest pioneers of the town• ship of Wallace, in the person of the late Richard Strong, who passed away peace. fully on Thursday, Oot. 29, in his 88rd year, was born in County (Javan, Ireland, on May 25, 1821, and emigrated to Gan• eda at the age of nine years. He served as a volunteer during the stormy scenes of '87, and was married in the year 1847 to Martha, daughter of Ralph Willough- by, of the township of WestGwillimbury, who predeoeased him eleven years. In the year 1863 he removed to the township of Waliaoe and Battled on lots 24 and 25 on the 7th o00. In the year 1866 be removed and settled on lots 35 and 86 on the 5th o00. near Shipley where be remained 16111891 whenhe retired from farming, settling in Listowel. Not being content with town life he removed to Gowanetown where he remained up to the time of hie death. Deaeated took an aotive part in public lite. He was a Con. servative and a veteran Orangeman, and served as oonooillor for a number of yeare. He took great intereet in the building of schools and the erection and completion of 131. Paul's church, Shipley, of which he was a faithful member np to the time of hie death. Three eons and foa0danghtere remein to mourn the lose of a kind and loving father, Robert in Washington Territory, John on the -.old homestead, Adam at Shipley, Mre, An- drew Denman; of the 8th oon, of Wallace, and Isabella, Maggie and Clarinda at home. The deoeseed gentleman was an uncle of Mre. A. MOGnire, and Mrs, W. J, Goodwin, of Brussels. Cfilllf011 CHIMES. The 28rd Psalm will constitute next Sabbath's Sunday Bohool lessors. See interesting notes on page 8 of thus hem. Rev. John Roes' subject last Babbatb morning was "The sunshine and shade of bantam life,' Gen. 1.5, It was a fine sermon. Rey. D, B. deltas, of Oranbrook, will supply Melville ohurob pulpit neat Bab - bath evening in the absehde of the pastor at Oranbrook. Interesting evenplelietioearvi0eeare in progreea each evening, exoeptibg Bathe. day, in the Methodist obnrab, oommsno. ing al 7.30 o'olook, The patter is in (barge, Rev. T. W. Ooeens took part in the funeral servioea of the late R. G. Code at Trowbridge last Saturday afternoon. Doomed was an old friend of Mr, Comm'. Friday evening Of last weak 22 people attended the Sabbath School Ts:where' this whioh le held annually by the Meth. odist Sabbath School. Au informal Chat over Bohool methods followed, 1 RUSSJL$ PUEir METROPOLITAN BANK CAiP.iTAL—Pald up 01,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $1,000,000 Dlreeiere REV, R. H. WARDEN, D, D„ 8• J. 51001141, President, Vfoe•Preeidont, 0, n. MAS1012, THOS. n'IUAn5HAw, 0. E. T1101Ia0N, R 0, HEAD OFFICE TORONTO W, D. 11085 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafte Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted. , e o zJlv?'s < " ZJBW Bareize rzawar Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of 01 and upwards BBVSSEAS G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor. 0110 Service will be hold in the R, C. rhumb, Brunets, next Sabbath at the regular hour. "Lannoh out into the deep, &o" was Rev. T. W. Goethe' eubjeot feet Sabbath morning in the Methodist church, In the evening the text wae "Thou art not far from the kingdom of God." An after service was held in connection with the opening of the evangelistic series of Fairview now being held. Arrangements have been made with Rev. Joseph Philp, B. D., of Kisoardine, whereby he will preach the annual ser - moos in aonneotion with the anniversary of Braseels Methodist thumb on Sabbath Deo. 20th. On the following evening he will deliver hie popular lecture "Jar• bealem and its environs". The reverend gentleman spent several months in the Holy Land recently and epeake of what he has Been. He ie a fine speaker. PERSONAL PARAGBAI'i1S. Miss Mary Rothe was visiting Mies Ida Zilliax at Lietowel. Wm. Dewlap was off duty this week from an attack of la grippe. Mise Amelia Whitfield, of Grey, was visiting is town for a few days. Mies Nora Holmee hae been ill with Iambago bat is improving nicely. Nelson Williemeon, of Toronto, ie here on a holiday visit for a few weeks. Mrs. J. J. Gilpin was on the sick list with la grippe but is improving now. Russell Daily, o! Trowbridge, was visiting his sister, Mrs. J. Milbaneen. J. and Mre. Milhausen were at Trow• bridge, the latter's home, on Sunday. Mies Mayfrid AIIin, of Loudon, was a visitor in Brussels for a few days this week. H. E. Maddook and Alan, lof Uxbridge, were visitors in town during the past week. Harry and Mise Julia Barliff, of Olin. ton, were vieitore in Bruesele and looality, Miee Mary Curry, of Woodetook, wae visiting at Thos. Curry's, Queen street, Brussels, last week. W. D. Ooueley, of Stratford, was a visitor in town for a few days. He is an employee in the G. T. R. shops, Misses Kate Little and Sarah Barr and Wm. Little, of Londeeboro', spent Sunday with friends in Brunie. Jae. E. Fox and family will move to 0 ranbrook where theypurpose meking p p 8 their home. We wish them euooeee. Thos. Lott, who lives 9 mile South of Brunetti, has been quite ill but is im- proving now we are pleased to state. R. Crone hae been on the eiok list from an ateaok of le grippe but is able to get about now although not yet bank to work. B. and Mre. Gerry, were renewing old friendships at Seaforth, Holmeaville, Blyth and other points for a week or more. John Ritchie, now of Beatorth, was a visitor tinder tithe parental roof, corner John and King street:, Brussels, over Sunday. Herb. Cunningham has been laid off work owing to an abscess on the baok of his right band. He will soon be all right we hope. Robert Work, son of Oouooillor Work, Grey, has taken a position in J. Fox's drug store. He will make a competent hand we believe. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Skelton is dangeronely ill at the home of her mother, Mre. Thnell, Alexander street. It ie a heart weakness.. Miss Govealook, of Atwood, was avisit. or at the Methodist Parsonage for a tew days. She is a sister to Mre. Ooeene. The ladies visited in Soatorth on Monday. Russell Zimmer ie attending the Bebop! of Practical Science at Toronto taking up Electrical Engineering, &o. He is a good student and will no doubt improve hie opportunities. Rev. and Mrs. Oceans, W. J. and Miee Amanda McCracken, Mies Rilla Hunter and Eli Moore attended the funeral of Robert G. Code, at Trowbridge, last Sat. nrday. The atteodanoe was very large and the eervioe most impressive. The many friend's of Walter Smith, who hae been laid aside for the past 4 months from a stroke of paralysis, were pleased to see biro able to get about without aseiatauae. He was at ohurob last Sabbath morning and around town on Monday forenoon. We hope he will oontinne to gain. Wilbur Baker, wife and baby arrived here from Portage•la•Prairie, Manitoba, 0m Saturday evening otlegt week. They' will visit here for the Winter and may remain permanently. Mre, Baker is a daughter of Mre. Frank Oliver, William street, Bruseele, and Mr. Baker was in the employ of Masers. Wilton & Turnbull for several years. He ie a eon of J. K. Baker, Henfryn. Miee A. Caroline Macdonald, B. A., of Wingham, was appointed Foreign Secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association, and will go to Japan. This young lady is the talented daughter of P. Macdonald, M. P. and she prefers the work she ie engaged in to that of any other. She is an expert in Matbematic's, baving won the Blake soholerehip at Toronto Univereity, and some time ago the was offered a position in the Finanoe Department, at Ottawa, at $800 a year, unknown to her father and without hie infigenoe, but she deolin. ed it, preferring to follow her work in connection with the Y. W. 0, A, The pulp mill of the Lake Saperate Consolidated Company at the "Soo" re. earned operatione Wednesday morning with a large force of men and will 009 steadily item now on, rc•, dXCli A. E. MELLISH, Manager. egsfswraffamerrmsiarell Joseph Martin declined the Liberal nomination at the Provincial bye•eleo• ion in Vanoonver. Goldwin Smith epeake against the proposal to introduce politioe into muni. oipal °leotions. Mrs. O. D. Massey, Toronto, died in London, Eng., Tuesday night, following au operation for appendicitis, Judge Morson dismissed the suit aeainst the Chinese laundryman, Otong Youen, for alleged damages to work lanndried in hie establishment. J. A. MoD. Robb, wanted in Toronto for stealing the Lunde of the Mutual Reserve Life Inenrenoe Company, has been arrested in Minneapolis. Obarles Gallagher was sent to the Oen. tral Prison for Rix mouths for disorderly oondnet all the Canada Foundry Company's works by Judge Winobeeter, Business Locals. Two or three good farms for sale. Ap• ply at THE POST. To RENT.—Dressmaking rooms. Ap• ply to MRS. J. R, SMITH. HAND80ME walnut sideboard for sale at great reduction. Apply to MDs, W. M. BINoLAxR, Brussels, FIaeT class 05100 for sale and ready to work or can exohenge saws. T, Mo GREGOR, Mill street, Brussels. Pomo loot, at Queen's Hotel,. Brae. eels, containing $8.00. Finder will greatly oblige owner by leaving it at Tao POST. PIANO TINING.—R, S. Shaw, Piano Tuner from Heintzman & Co's., Toronto, will be in Brussels this moutb. Leave all orders at R. Leatherdale's store. EL0Gn1LE village lot, abjoining the re.- idenoe of John Meares, Turnberry street, Bruesele, for sale. For partionlare as to prion and terms apply to J. D. Ronald, Bruseele• WANTED. — Freda eggs 20o; Packed eggs 100, also fowl (undrawn) ;' dried applee and .butter. Onr stook of Drees Goode, silks, furs, &o., is not excelled, GED, E. KING, Wingham. WANTED.—To go to Winnipeg, Man., a a0mpetent girl to aeeiit in the Dare of children and general housework. Wags 015 per month. Fare to Winnipeg advanoed if necessary. Apply to Mre. Leckie, "Kelvin Grove", Brussels. Perth County. Hookey will be popular in Linwood. New Hamburg is organizing a stook company to build a [skating rink. The annual County convention of Kings' daughters and Sone will be held in Knox Cbnrah, Stratford, Friday Nov I81h. Joseph W. Climb, of Bimooe, and W. A. Watt, of St. Marys, have entered into a partnership for the purpose ofesbablieh• ing a harness factory in Simooe. Miss Annie Amos, the fourteen year old daughter of Oonnoillor John Amoe, of Waterloo township, is dangerously ill with look jaw. It was brought on by the girl cutting her finger while topping sugar beets. G. F. Ingram, ex -alderman • of Strut. ford, bas eold the Snowflake laundry in Woodetook to G. R. Ditohfleld and W. J. Smith. Mr. Ingram intends going on the road. The Mitchell board of trade held a meeting in the town hall, the main thoughts of the evening were centred on the new proposed radial railway going into that town. A resolution was oarried unanimously inviting Rev. 0. W. Brown as pastor of Mitobell Methodist ohurob for the third conference year. Mr, Brown accepted the invitation, subjeot to the approval of the stationing committee. At a meeting of the directors of the Stratford Water Supply 0o. the affairs of the company were wound up. There were a number of overdue accounts for water rats,. to the amount of about $300, and. these were Bold to Wm. Gordou at the rate of 60e on the dollar. "Riley" Hun, of Stratford, will play hockey With the Houghton, Miob., team this coming Winter. Tbs Pittsburg sev- en, on which be figured for a (ample of seasons, wanted him again bat the Mioh• igen team held out a much better induce- ment. He will be at his old poet in front of the net. Hon. Thee. Ballantyne approves the creutiou of board of Park Commission• ere and has offered to grant a road- way from Front street to the park If the project ie oarried through. This would provide a nioe driveway along the bank of Viotoria Lake, whish world be an ed• ditional attradtion to the park. Word cornea from Albion, Mioq,, that F. W. Perrin, a former resident of 81. Mary'e, was killed there by being streak by a train on November 5. Mr. Perrin wee a member of the flim of Partin & Smith, 'manufaotnrere of handles, Re was about 40 years of age and leaves a widow. Mr. Perrin was born in Peter. boro'and had lived at Walkerton and St. Mary's np to about eight years ago, when he moved to Michigan. Wm, McMillen, a welhto.do farmer, Mout two mile and a half West of Lis. towel, went to the field with his team Tuesday afternoon, and not returning Dome of the family went to look for him and found him lying In the field dead. Re wae eixtyfour yenta of age, and bad been a strong healthy map all hie life. He want to Lietbwel 46 yeare ago from Orillfa, He leavee a wife and severed ohildten. Heart fajluee was the thane of death. eaSer Standard. Bank of Canada ASSETS --•OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS FARMERS' CREDIT SALES —Tble Bank advanoes money 011 Farmer,' Sete Notes, in large or email amounts and for long or abort terme, to suit the ouetomer, —You may draw the full amount of Notes at one t ime or you may draw alley amounts when you wish and forany Sims that enite your oonvenieuoo, Interest is (barged only for the num. bar of days you take the money. Notes left for oollaotion reoeive our beet attention. —Ratite may be left for Baric xaariuo only for which no charge ie made SAVINGS BAND DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards received and Highest Bank Interest allowed thereon from date of depooit on daily balance. igrEvery oonveniense afforded customers living at a dietanc°. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, AGENT. a3Rt' Fall Wheat 74 . 75 Bsrley ....... 86 40 Peas 60 55 oats ., 27 28 Butter, fobs and rolls 16 16 Eggs per dozen 16 16 Flour par cwt. 4 00 5 00 Pcta'oee(per bag.) 25 80 Apples (per bbl.) 75 1 00 Hay per e,' , 5 00 6 00 Galt pc' hhl., ratail...., 1 00 70 Hoge, Live 5 00 5 00 wool 15 16 Hideo trimmed 8 69 Hides rough 5 5 Lamb thine each 25 80 Sheep skins,eaah 26 25 HORN_ BREwxR.—In Brussel'', on Oat. 80, to Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Brewer, a sou. FunrNEs,—In Grey on Nov, 4511 to Mr. and Mrs. A. Fnrtney, a eon, MATEReoN.—In Lnoknow, on Oot. 80, to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Matheson, a daughter. 71.¢81112,R2GX1L, BDRTON—TIIRNBULL.—Ab Manitou, Man.., on Oot. 21st by Rev. Mr. Beverige, Mr. John Burton, of Indian Head, N. W. T., to Miee Nellie, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mre. Andrew Turn- bull, of Grey township. CRAIG—SnaTu.-00 the 4th inst.• at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J: I. Hanle, Mr. John Craig, of Morrie, to Miss Ida. eldest daughter ot.Mr. Alex. Smith, of Morris. MoKAY—MOTAGotaT. — At the manse, Oranbrook, on the llth inst., by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. John A. McKay, merobant, Monorieff, to Miss Matil. da, yonngeat daughter of Mr. John McTaggart, all of Grey. MoRax—TnoMAs.—At the residence of the . bride's parents, on Nov. 4th, by Rev. Mr. Abrey, of Monkton, Mtge Beatrice Isabel Thomas to 'Mr. Roder- ick MoKay, formerly of Grey, both of Logan township. TAYLOR—WHREnzE.—At the residenoe of the bride's parents, 4th line, Morrie, on Nov. 1111), by Rev. A. E. Jones, Mr. Andrew Taylor to Mies Carrie J., daughter of Mr. and Mre. Chita.Wheeler, all of Morris township. r0000—Crbvao.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Midland, on Ootober 28th, by Rev. J. J. Elliott, B. A , Mr. Herbert Sperling Young,' of Sudbury, son of Mr. and Mre. N. H. 'Zoong; of Blytb, to Miee Ethel M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cul. ver. ax,rp_ Omuta—At Selma, Alabama, on the 80th ult., Sterling Austin Olimie, eldest son of John M. Giimie, of Listowel, aged 25 years and 2 monthe. &5TCTa:O19" Flunk!, Nov. 13,—Farm stook, imple• menta, &o., B. 9 Lot 20, Oon, 4, Morrie. Sale nnresegved at 1 O'olools. Mre. M. Kellington, Proprietress 1 Robert Gar - nese, Anotioneer. TnneDar, Dna 1.—Humes and 199 aoeee of land, stook, furniture &o., Pi,. Lot 20, Oon. 11, Grey. Bale at' o'olook. Henry Battery, Prop. ; F.13. Scott, Atm. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. 18 Prete for sale from 8 to 4 months oid and 6 younger pigs, GEO. ROBB, Bruesele. FINE, large'White'Rooke for sale, 50o, up, if taken at once. R. 0. BRADMAN, Brussels, 18.4 THE PEOPLE'S COLRAIN. TIOR SALE—A REGISTERED Bull 9 months old, dark red, and is a grand typo of Shorthorn ; a splondld an- imal and bred close to imported stook. Also a few registered Lefaeeter' ewes will be sold sight, to make more room. Let 10 Oon,15, Grey, OLDER TURNBUL1, Walton P.0, FARM FOR SALE CONTAIN- ING 90 acres, being North halves of Late 15 and 10, Con. 1, Gray. Comfortable frame house, bank barn, orchard, &o. Only 4 miles from Meieeworth. Gond looality and ane roads. Immediate possession. If form is not gold by end of year 16 will be rented if suitable tenant afore. Arrange- meoto5.16 can be. made to winter stock at barn so.ae to work up straw on hand.. Por 1sr- lber partionlars apply to nr write 1 W. H. 00RR,Brneeete, t1ARM FOR SALE BEING 1' part Lot' 93 and 04,005, 9 Eaat Wawa - nosh, About 46 moron cleared, balance bush well timbered. There le a log bOueo, frame barn and frame stable, good orchard, 4o„on farm. 89 tulles from Belgrave., vlllego • 14 miles from school, okurobes and postop a . Po50sesion given on March 185, with rlvll- eggo of working on it this Pall and Winter. Pm further particulate as to pride, terms, &c„ apply to DUNCAN MoDONALD, Lot 4, 0 on . 8, Grey, Jamestown P. 0. 19.4 (A ACRE °+ARM FOR SALE 1. 00 Lobb bon 7 Grey, 2 mile/ from Village of Mimeos, Li moo from sobeotate f ouSplendid lylou, comfortable able r fi h0U a clarg heels bi o, fates Improve so o at labii band barn, latest Improved cement stabling and oil(, Orc nc.nevarfailing s, and other conveniences. Pall wheat 000. Propriotoris going b'or further 9 r- tieularo as to tonne &o„ apply on probatees I oor0addraee /hyoids, P, 0, IS, AL IIOHARD• FOR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west (Kamer WilBnm and Albert streets, Brneeele, 49.11 3, LECKIE. • 5(1 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, tJ being West Hall Lot 17, Con. 12, Grey. 45 aeras are aimed and the balance hardwood buob, On the promisee is a comfortable house, barn and other out- buildings ; good oreburd, well, &c, Only 9 mile from Oranbrook village, where when), pootofaoe, stores and churches ate to he found. Por pries, terms ane other informa. Mon call atthe premises. JOHN KNIGHT, , Proprietor, Oranbrook P, 0. 18 1l Tenders for Supplies, 1904 The undersigned will reoeive tenders np to noon on Monday, 23rd inst., for supplies of butchers' meat, creamery butter, flour, oatmeal, potatoes, cordwood, etc., eta„ for the following inetitutioue during the year 1204, via :— At the Asylums for the Insane in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimioo, Brock- ville, Ooboorg and Orillla • the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto ; the Reformatory for Boys, Penetaogui• shone • the Institution for Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind at Brantford. Exonpbion—Tenders are not required for the supply of meat to the asylums in. Toren,. to, London,K,ngeton, Hamilton and Brook- ville, nor for the 0 antral Prison and Mercer R.efarmatory, Toronto. A marked cheque for 5 per Dent, of the es- timated amount of the contract, payable to the order of the Honorable the Provincial 9eoretary, must be fnrrdelied by each ten- derer ae a guarantee of his bona tides. Two sufficient sureties will be required for 1l e due fulfillment of each contra:it, and should any tender be withdrawn before the con- tract is awarded, or should thetenderer fail to furnish such security, the amount of the deposit will be forfeited, had on application tormthe Department of the Provincial Secretary, Toronto, or to the Bursars of the reapactive inetitu Hous. The lowest or any tender not heoesesrily asoepted Newspapers inserting this advertieement without authority from the Department will nob be paid for it. 7, R. STRATTON, Provincial Secretary. Parliament Building:, Toronto, November ebb, 1209, . Nov. 12, 100 WALL PAPER Sj REMANTS Wo have just gone over our Wall Paper Rack preparatory to receiving our new stock and have picked out some nine bundles consisting of 6, 8, 10 and 12 roll lots. ; just the thing for small rooms, pantrys, &e. These we offer at prices much below cost. We would like you to see them. Fox's Drug Store. . AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF FARM BToox. IMPEEtmxTe, &O.—Mit T. H. Hay has reoelved instructions from the undnrolgnetl to sell by pnblio auction, on THURSDAY, NOV. 19. 1008, at North Half Lot 58, Canoes:ion 1, Township of Grey, ad- joining the village of Molesworth, the fol- lowing property, vis.;—Driving mare 8 yrs. old, 1 aged more, 7 cows and 6 heifers sap• posed. in calf to a registered bull, 2 steer. and 1 heifer rising 0 years, 1 steer rising 2 years, 8 Boring calves, 1 farrow cow 3 years old ; registered Shorthorn bull 2 years old, of One quality and disposition, weight 1,800 po0nds,pedigreo can be seen on day of sale: 1 Berkshire brood sow, about 00 well bred White Leghorn fowl, 1 colds dog, Mao's?' Barrie binder, Noxon mower, pea harvest- er,OTassey reaper. seed drill, turnip drill, 8 horse -power, (lillios & Martin make; large cutting box, Gillies & Martin I speeding jacl, and 80 feet robber belting, also rods for the above power, (this machinery is nearly 0005 and is In firer -Wage condition) horse rake, fanning mill, root slicer, platform scales, 2 grindston se, spray pump and tank 2 wagons, market sleigh, lumber elrigb, road cart, cutter with pole and shafte, buggy pole, doable plow, Gillies & Martin make ; 2 single plows, disc harrow, iron harrow, roller, sandier8. sets harness. pair loather fly nets, 2logging drains, whifiletreee nook - yoke, wagon rook, stook rank, hog orate, hay knives, ladder 17 1t.long cattle chains, 2 large kettles 6 and 7 pails capacity, meat barrel, eider barrel, apinulug wheel and reel, sausage machine, builder's gboring machine with 4 bite, and other tools and im- plements t00 snmeroua to mention • also about 90 tone of hey. There will be offered at tbiu sale a few hundred bushels of Wav- erly seed oats ; these oats yielded the pros - ant soma over 75 bnebole per acre • ferm- ent wanting these oats 055 leave their order witb Mr. Mitobell on day of sale. The talo will oommenoe at 1290 o'oloek tharp. Terms—All some of 65 and under oath ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes ; 5 per oeut. dieoosnt for cash on oredlt amouete. Hay t0 be oath. ROBERT MITCHELL. Proprtetor; T, E. HAY, Auctioneer. THE GARFIELD HOUSE MA'TC HETT'S Always to the Front That was the verdict of the people last week that we are always in the Front Ranks for Bar- gains. We surprised you last week with our Cut Prices. More surprises for all this week. The balance of our Underwear to be Cleared at Quick Sale Prices. O THING We intend making the next 1 ing Sales. Just a few prices:- -Men's Fine English Tweed Suits, regular' $9,00, sale prise $6 00. — Men's Fine Canadian Tweed Snits, regular $7.50, sale price 84 98. —Men's Fine Sootoh Tweed Suits, reg, $12.00, sale price 08 50. — Men's English Tweed Suite, regular 010 00, Bale prloe $7.50. —Mon'e Fine All Wool Pants, regular 02.26, sale price 81 75. —Men's Heavy Tweed Pants, regular 01,75, sale gripe $1.85 — Overcoats, the beet valve .00 the market. Ladles 1 —50 pair of Cornets to sell Saturday, straightfront, reg. 75o, Saturday 46e. —Erect Form, made of Matey 30B11,regular $1.00, Saturday 78a. 0 days a Record Breaker in Cloth - BOOTS and SHOES We are making new friends every day in this Department. Our motto— Solid Goode at -Low Prioes : —Men's Fine B!. Bal@„ regular 02.25” Bale pride $1,75. —Men's Fine Bt. Bale., regular 01,75, sale pries $125. —Men's heavy Strong Shoes, regular $1.15, gale price 95o. —Man's Fine Vioi Kul Bal., heavy eole, reg. $8, sale prioe $2.25, —Men's Fine Dong. Kid Bale., regular $2 00, sale price 01 60. —Women's Strbne Shoes, regular $1 25, sale price $1 00. —Woman's Grain Bala, nine soft leather, reg. $1 75, eels pride $1.85. —Women's Fine. Dong. V,ai Hid Bala.,' a dressy shoe, reg 62 25, sale price 01'75. —Womenes Fine Dong. Bal, regular 01,76, sale price 01,85. —Misses', Boys' and Children's Shoes ab ogoafreiluotione.. —See our Carpet Slippers at 23s. P1a312,e1s Flannelette ` Flannelettes and L ne33.s Ali Linen Towelling, regular 9o, gale price 7o. All Linen Towelliug,.heavy, regular 100, eale price 80, Eine Table Linen, wide, tenter 850, sale prise 28x. Extra Wide Table Linen, all linen, reg, 60o, sale price 45a. Extra Heavy Flannel, regular 18o, sale prion 15e. Extra Heavy Flannel, all wool, regular 80e, sale pride 28o, Apron Gingham, regular 10o, Bale pride 80. Flannelette Blankets, large size, regular $1,00, sale pride 80o. Men'e Heavy all wool Box, regular 25o, gale pride 200. Mona Wool Sox, regular 18a, gale pride 2 pairs for Sin. HARRY A. MATCHETT GA.11,PIELD ROUSE, BRUSSELS,