HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-12, Page 5A,
Nov, 12, 1903
cent, PA SCOTT, 021(11,011.
T H, 1,10011A.OKHN—
• Issuer of Marriage LIceneett. Of.
rice at Grocery, TU4BI.:14.17 MOO, Brunetti.
1:11ARMS ,G'Oft UN•
▪ DIalttliaturn has several good _Farm 1 or
sale 681(1 10 re trt, (way terms, in Townelape
of Morris and Over, SOIOTT,Iiruosel
C. 0.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.% C. 0. N.,
Brussels, meeto thdir Lodge Room, Oho
on the end and lest Tuesdays of
060t, month, at 8 °Mock, Vietting brethren
always weleinue, 0646. milturseg, 0.14,
WAIA'M( 12141T11, R. 8.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
-TRAUMA 020 -
MONEY TO LOAN AT 41, & 6 Per Cent.
0Moe over Pluisley's Drug Store,
Nov. 8rd, 1002. 20-0132 Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire ineuratioe CO.,
rusurauee taken on the omit and premium
note eyetem ateurrent rates. 13ofore
ins eisewherenalt on the undersigned agent
01 040 Company.
GEOBGE HOOlUtS, Weasels,
▪ 11 wen, will eell for better prices, to
better men, in lees time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer In East 1041100 01
be 'won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
The undersigned, who is well acquainted
throughout the most part of the County
and who has had business with a large cir-
cle of farmers in and around this locality,
begs to inform the oetuniunIty that be boa
taken out au Auctioneer's Lieense for the
County of Huron and offers his services to
all purposing to hold sales,
THOS. NEWSOME, Bruseels.
el • Honor Graduate 01 040 Ontario Vet-
erinary College, it:prepared to treat all dts.
eases of domeoMeated animals in a <tomer:t-
ent manner. Partinuler attention paid to
Veterinary Deutietry. Cans promptly at-
tended to, Offiee and Infirmary -Pour doers
North of bridge, Turnherry et., Brussels.
r r • Barrister, Solicitor, Tonveyaneer,
Notary Public, .ke. Ofiloe-Stewart's Blook
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard liana,
. WITCH, &o,
office ovar Standard Bank ; Solicitor for
Township of Grey, Bowtok 0104,8444 011(1 the
Metropolitan Bank. Private and company
money to loan at lowest rates.
Trinity Cuivereity,Nellow Trinity Medical
conege,Member College of Phystoiane and
Burgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col-
* lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-. ,
lottery, Edinburgh, rarTelephone No.24,
Reeidence-Mill otreet,Brnesela
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Sorgeonsof Ontario and Piret-olass Honor
Graduate of Toronto llnivereity, Oinee
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
11 L/STOWH //
Fall Term 'begins Sept. 1st
Two Conreee-Commereird and Shorthand.
Bond for College Journal.
President Secretory,
British Columbia
gcd Cedar Shingles
Nortli Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing
Alto Dome/ and Sash at all Pat
terne 081 hand or made to order
it Short Notioe,
Estimatee Furnished for all
kin& of Buildings. Workman -
Alp and Material Guarantsed,
bora, in this town mei in lv .1 to Alb ttna
GET THE BEST IT PAYS11 shoat twelve ye trt With 11.8 son
1 Audio Ile hae mar yiog oti a plumbing
isminege at Selma to 3 041 Clique 44 Boo,
J. M, Clinsie ig tho 0104 brother of the
aditor Of the BIM ,,er. Thad oe0084 wee
IA young man of 05 011,1 SINN the nminetay
of hie felher'e business, Ffe was faithinl,
reliable and a good bnvinese man. 110
witi be remvuthered here as a bright,
loveable young Iod, merry hearted, kind
anti annelderdte. As may be well imitg.
ambled, hie parents are broken-hwirted
over their euriden and heavy bereave.
fi neet Wage lu 08.14444)8. for seauriug it
a tboyouh gbusinesseducation O
r a
superior obortiutud teminine, tier tip
graduates are always stumesoful la got,
tint.: Positions, 'Plus ;whom 'overlord),
giro Ito student3 more than they ex.
1 poet. Write for eatalogue. Enter
tido month if pop:Able.
W. (0. 311,1,7 ()TT , Pri nolo at
tritet 11.03s,
laerre (04
Miss Lizzie Wilson hat moved to the
rooms over T. Andrew's general etore,
S. A, Proctor, of Alhiou, hem put a line
new bus and horse on the trip to meet
all trains.
For sometime p4401 0111 merchants have
been agitating for early eloeiug among
our stores but so far have not reaohed
tiesisiou that to eatisfaotory.
Pat. Munroe went to Toronto on Mon
day of this week to meet his wile who is
on her way from the Old Country.
John One eel/ auotion sale was well
attended and good prioee were realiz
Mr. Crozier will /mon move to Seu,forth
John eft/Gavin tn,1 wife arrived home
from the West. They eujoyed themsel-
ves well and 'tailed on many Mende and
relatives while there,
Thoe. Archibald has leased Hugh
Grieve's farm for 11 term of years. Mr.
Grieves will move to Itinoardine where
he will sell Frost & Wood machinery.
Alf. Dennison aud Mies Lilly Wiltse
were united in matrimony on Wednesday
of Ittet week. They will dart housekeep
Mg on Mr. Dennison's form on the 14th
line. May they have a loo, happy and
prosperous future before them,
Pieta! o r tat .
D. Grammett bag purchased the milk
delivering outfit of J. G. Sproat, and has
goee into the milk business,
Tom 13rowu, who for some time was
musical direotor of the Bard Regiment
band here, is now leader of the splendid
band of the Goy Brothers roinetrele.
Mies Isabelle Aitchison has resigned
her position as teacher in Roxboro'
sehool, and Miss Agnes D. Hays has been
engaged to succeed her after Ohrietrutte.
The anniversary services in oormection
WM the Prim:byte:ion ohuroh, Seaforth,
will be held ou the last Sabbath in No-
vember, and the anniversary tea will be
held on the following Monday evening.
Rev. W. 3. Clark, of Londou, Will eon.
duot the Sabbath serviette,
Dr. Wallace, M. P. for Russell, uncle
of Miss Streatham, of town, was visiting
friends in this locality.
Rev. 3. Greene does not intend moving
hie estimable family from town, at least
uot this side of next epring.
H. B. Combe has let the comma for
the interior finishing of hie store, whit&
will be of natural oak, to J Carter.
W. Glenn Campbell, organist of Willie
oburob, }IRA returned to Me home in Al-
ymer for a oouple of weeks owing to 111.
Jae. Stevens left for Boieeewain'Man.,
to visit relativve, anti from there he goes
to Aberdeen, Dak., to visit his daughter,
Mrs. Ettgelson.
Israel Taylor, who has beonapratment
ing in the Northwest for several weeks,
will looate at Selkirk, Man., where be
will eogage In business.
Emerson Brooke, while operating a
saw, was etroolt in the face by a splinter
and bad to visit the surgeon. As it so
haat/tined only one stitch was necessary,
Thos. Jeokeon, Jr., returned on Mao -
day from EL businen trip through ManIt.
oba, the Territories and BritharColombia
in the intereste ot the Jackson Mfg
Through the Dominion member, for
West Huron, R. Holmee, of Clinton, ev
ery sobool seotion-in the Riding hat;,been
provided with a copy of the most QOM
plete and up.to-deke mapof the Domin.
ion. 61 00 45x66 inches in size.
The long looked for gun that J. E. Pima
ey was to get for the highest average
obtained at the Toronto shouting totirna-
ment given by Parker Bros, arrived on
Tuesday of last week and it is a beauty.
11 10 a doable barrel shot gun weighs
7 !be, 12 oz , the handle ie of 113113008d
oak, the beet of polished steel is in tho
barrels, and a plate Go tbe side states to
whom preeented, for what and by whom.
3...teetea weal.
Fred. Bowe has bought the cigar and
tobacco business front Fox & Co.
Richard Daniel has started 41 training
stable on Mill street oppOsite the town
Mrs. Henry Leslie, who has been very
ill for a oomiderable time, is reported to
be growing weaker.
Lithowel boyo were very much in evid•
once at the varions games with% took
place on Saturday, BLit ult., in Toronto
68 the "Freehmen" gamer/ in ()anneal=
with Toronto Univemity. Calvin B.riok
er captured nu less than four prizee,
being &et in the broad jump and pole
vault, 2ed in (118 220 yard hurdle race,
end 3rd in the high jump, Robert
Peareon materially meieted Varsity in
defeating Queen's on the Univereity Cam-
pus, hie work being the lantana an the
wieg line, The news of Saturday has
the following to say of hire 2 "It, Pear-
son 116108 01003 Listowel where they have
tgrned out a good many sports and ebb.
Ides of varione kinds. Peareon is a tall
fellow but well set tip and atm play the
game with the most of them. no is a
hard cheek to handle, although not very
Mavy, This player itt a good wing man
cud ie useful 0110 dhibbie, for he under.
etands A:moil:Mon football thoroughly,
1040411121 4111 OBS BXPLOSION.-4iterling Alm/
tio Ohrate'eldest son of John M. Olimie,
of Selma, Albania'wan killed 1300013(44111t
last Friday night,81st ult., by an exples-
ion of a gite machine. The only partite
Mare received are that he wag called out
from hie home at 10 °allot& to fix a gag
machine, that an explosion occurred and
that fifteen minutes afterward he was
brought baok dead. Hi; itittltry wag for
'brgrel;ngtnborr1 (in 84141:: rindi
010. 11 0 1 a ht
T. filar:look Into purohueed the lime
trotting stallion, Colonel Hunter, of
The Miler (humane Go. expect a oar
01 860041 for new buggies and already
have written away for good workmen.
The Carriage Co. appointed W. Col will
nolleotor, to gather in an aserment of 80
oente per share to be raised to meet
expenditure np to date,
Messrs. Stoneman and Johnston have
completed their painting cont04e/1, on the
Kippen Methodist parsonage here, the
work to moot oreditable (Moe,
Minoan afeEwen, jr., who ia home
from the Rtondike bad the pleasure of
meeeing Rev. J. S. Henderson, on the
streete in New Weetrninster, when on
his way home.
Rev. Dr, Henderson, Assooiate General
Miesionary Secretary, will preach 44
sermon on Minions in the tlhigelhuret
Methodist Church on Sabbath morning,
November 15th, ut 10 30.
Ayer, of Ohiselhuret, has rented hie
More to Ma. Whiteman, who takes
position immediately. Mr. Ayer propos.
ev going West in the Spring with the
intention of locating there.
Last Sunday was Rally Day in the
Luoknow Methodist Sunday School.
22nd anniversary of the Luoknow Lodge
Ito. 137, A. 0 11. W. will be held on the
1611) of Nov.
P. A Maloomeon has rented Mut.
Grenneheat cottage on Havelock street,
and on Monday of loot week removed the
family up from Gocierioh. His moth.
er Dare. Maloomeon, and her sister, Mrs,
Hendersou, and her infant daughter, will
reside with Mr, Malcso'meon for BOMB
time here.
Anniversary serviette will be held in
the Methodist Moroi: on the first Son.
day in December. Rev. 0, 11. Turk, of
Owen Sound, will preaoh morning and
evening. Speoial mneto at both servioes.
The paetor of the ohnroh, Rev, R. Mid
yard, l Raking the congregation for a
apeoial gift of 61000 towards the :Mortal
Ou Tuesday of last week the two large
barna belonging to J. and W. MoPhereon,
near 88. Helet.s, were totally destroyed
by fire, together with 1500 bushels of
grain, hay, straw and nearly all their
farm implemente. The fire is sup.
posed to have been started by the obit.
&en while playing its the bnildinge.
There was an insurance of 61700 on the
property but the loss will be far 00 exeeee
cif that figure.
J A. Roe, V. EL, Me sold his veterin•
ary practice to .Ea. House, i3.
Geo. B. ICuhry left for Palmeri/town to
take a eituation art fireman ou the G. T.
Township Clerk, Thos. Fullerton, has
been on the dolt list for the pest week
with an ettaok of pleuriey.
Chas. Lucas' house is greatly improved
by being veneered with red brick. The
roof has also been re shingled.
Revival services are now in progress in
the 'Methodist oburob and are being 000 -
ducted by the pastor, Rev. W. Penhall,
A. Iv. Diokson took poaseseioo of the
grist mill on Monday of last week. He
has seoured the eervioes of Wm, McLeod,
of Gorrie, zee miner.
The eleotion of officers for the Maple
Leaf Beef Ring resulted BS follows :
Prea., Thos. Diekeon, Sea , R. Farrell,
Trees , Wm. Hume, Butoher, Wm. G.
Inglis. •
Albert Gordon, eon of George Gordon,
had the misfortune to break one of the
bones ot hie left arm on Tuesday after.
noon of last week by 'falling from a
Miss Maggie Cuthbert/son, of Donegal,
met with a painful aocadent. She was
on the wesion driving through a gateway
when the wheel oame in oontaot with the
gate post, throwing her in front of the
wheel whiob passed over her, breaking
her ehoelder blade.
The Elms Cheese and Butter Co. sold
the lad of their hogs on Monday of laet
week to T, 0. Ballautyne. The whey is
now being hauled home to the patrons,
In bringing the hogs, which numbered
111, to the station on Monday morning,
Messrs. L',okbead, Turnbull .9z Hall bed
au exalting time. The morning was
T 1' 013
miety and very dark and In some way
abort 25 01- 110 hoge got se:: ,rated from
the 13) 08 tti•ci 11,, Mot a..., mit (11`1"30 •red
/mil the taiiwee }a/ 1 ,'to re:tatted,
After write , 1,111, '34. tils ! BS I BIB'S
worn 1 4011,1 1I,1 oaf0y Model h. the Oar.
The feeding or Rio faotory by
the company has toroed out 1.4 fairly pro.
fiteble undertaking but just to what ex.
tent hae not been determined. 1.'he
exaot amount of pr"tlt will be made
known on Saturday, Nov. 14., at the
epeelal moring to be held at the factory
to noneider the disposal of the whey for
next year,
r hit vtal .
W. A. Edward/3 has oold the house 140.
upied by Dr. Armstrong to I?, P, Aeon -
worth for 31000 poteoseton to be given
Murch 108 1904.
Wm. Wade, or., removed from the farm
on the 6801 eon , where he hoe spent the
past fifty years, on Tueeday of loot week,
He has built a fine new resiaanoe for him.
twit 111 Fordwioh, where be intends to
spend the rest of hie days in ease and
111.4BVil 141.
After three weake 02 041807128 suffering,
Andrew P. Henderson, aon of 011:10. Hen.
dsrsoo, of the Bluevale road, paused
away on Saturday, 81st ult. It will be
remembered that on Oatobor 8th, the de.
sensed was seriously injured, while draw-
ing lumber from faluevale. For a while
hope w80 entertained that he might re-
cover, but, the injuries received were to
severe for these hopes to be realized. Al
the time of the aeoident, the injared man
was taken to the residenoe of Robb,
Maeon, where he remained until his
death, and where every kindness was
ehown to him. Decetteed was 40 years of
age and enjoyed the esteem of the oom-
nannity. The funeral on Monday waa
largely attended, tbe Sone of Bootland
attending as 44 Society.
.A. new front will shortly ba pl, oed at
O. Blaekstone's on West street.
NMI Grace Johnston le able to be out
after her long and earions itlnees.
Twenty-nine pounds WKS the weight of
a cabbage growu by Thom Grundy this
Mrs, Griffin, wife of jailer Griffin,
went: to Hamilton to see her mother,
who is seriously ill.
A couple of ootirmwners were fined last
week by Polioe Magistrate Humber for
brae ohes of the by -low.
Mrs. Maloolmson and Mrs. Henderson
left on Monday of last week for Luaknow,
where they will reside,
Mre. George Acheson has again been
eleoterl to the position of recording
secretary of the Provinotal Woman's
Ohrietain Temperance Union.
618 0110 last meeting of Bt. George's
ohoroh senior guild plane were di/mussed
for the more rapid reduotion of the
alimah debt.
One of the girls in the koittiog fantory
in oome way had her hair caught by the
ehaftioa. The maollinery was quiokly
stopped and no injury was sustained.
Among the reeent milita annonnoe.
mento is this 88rd Huron regiment-
Lient -Col. J. A. S. Va.:00B, upon com-
pletion of hie period of tenure of oom.
natutd, is transferred to the reserve of
As goon as the exteneive improve.
mento at Proudfoot, Hays & Blair'o new
offices permit of their moving their
present offioes will undergo some alter-
ations and be ortoupied by Dre. Whitely
and Gallow.
The store on Hemilton 0tre4 being
ereoted by Rev. I. B. Wallwin will be
000rtpied by 3. W. Broderiok upon its
completion. Mr. Broderick will continue
to occupy his present preroieee on the
SOlseee also.
A session of the town council was held
on Monday evening of last week behind
closed doors. We learn that one of the
subjects under dimmer/ion was the propos.
ed 0. P. R. eonnection, Mayor Lewis
laying the whole matter rie it had pro.
greased so far before the oounoil. AB a
result His Worship WAS authorized to go
to Montreal and interview the 0. P. R.
s and he left on Wednesday
afternoon for this purpose. .He WBS
accompanied by Col. A. H. McDonald, of
Gnalph, in nailing upon OS railway
offioials and will endeavor to find out
what the Qompany intends to ao in
connection with the pleat whiekt has
been suall disenesed o late.
Onwante's AID SOSIZTY.-The annnal
meeting of this organicatiou was held
last week. The old alit:ere were re•
eleoted, viz , President, Jae. Mitchell ;
vioe president, J., M. Field, B. A. ;
Beoretery-treasurer, Mrs. Jas. Glark. 4.
report of the year's work was given and
lettere read with reference to the oases
with which the Society have dealt,. The
finanoial statement showed the yearie
expenditures to be $500, and the balanoe
on hand 0240. In accordance with a
Jamestown Postofflce and
General Store
Now that our wagon is off the road for the season, I
very kindly thank the public who so liberally patronized
it. I now have in my store a full line of Goods for Fall
and Winter purposes, which, when compared, parties
will find them away down in price. I do not mean to
quote prices but just say come and sae what we have.
We have all our Prints down to Cost Price, and some
Remnants below, also some Remnants in Shirtings
very cheaP.
I have just got in a opecial line of Fancy Crockery
which is .selling very fast. Something beautiful.
We take the following produce in trade as cash :—
Turkeys, 9e to 10c. per lb. ; Geese, 6,ie to 6ie per lb. ;
Ducks, 60c to 70c per pair ; Chickens, 40c to .450 per
pair ; bright, dried, quarter mit apples, 6c per lb.; But-
ter cash, 16c ; large rolls, 16o ; 1 Ib. prints, 17e, good
'13" '*0
The uodereigned offere 8 oents per
pound, and the me of market, for any
noantity ot live turkeye betw/ en BOW and
Oa time of ehiproent, about the end of
November. Delieery et Bruesals.
Hioheak prfoes will aloo be paid for
Live Cithliene, Docks, Fowl and Geeee.
20110 1101013 either alive or dry pluoked.
For furl ber paaloulare enquire of
15-4 13121188100L8.
Ji.re you Thinking
What Paper
You will Take for
1 9 0 4 ?
which is the
Western Advertiser
750. A YEAR.
Has No Equal
in the Province.
Read their Premium Offers.
Write for Sample Copy.
Address all orders :
Western Advertiser
184 London Slut.
ohange In the Aot mode at the lost
seseion arrangements will be tnade with
113( 01670138 of Wingbaro (for East Huron)
8eaforth (for South Burou), Cliuton (for
West Hann) for the appointment of
children's ootnraltteee for the three °loot.
oral distriote of the county to not in
conjunction with the county Children's
Aid Sooiety here.
W. H. Dearing reports having two
sugar beets weighing respectively 16 and
16 pounds.
Dr. B. K. Hyndinan has purchased a
pretty pneuraatio tire road wagon from
J. F. Russell.
David Meek, of Hay township, who
recently purchased Mrs. Snell's residence
on Main Street, has moved to town.
W. J. Carling, R. B, Samuel and Mr.
Stotoham left to join a bunting party,
who will spend two weeks in the hooka.
men'a paradise, Muskoka.
Ben. Mogenzie, who nae been residing
in •the Old Conntry for eome time, ie at
present visiting at hie old home in Rhive.,
0.0110011010 0(1 friends in town.
John Whiteman, who recently gold hie
farm near Rippen, has purchatted A.
Oottle's beautiful brick residence on Ann
street, now imanpied by John Snell. The
price paid was $1,000.
John Gillespie, jr., had one leg run
over by the dray 00 Tueeday morniug of
last week. The bores hitched to the dray
started while John was in front of the
rig, and before he could get out of the
way he was knocked down and run over.
The toad on the dray was light and, al.
though he was braised somewhat, hie
injuries were slight. Considerable dam.
age was done to the harness in the 11111
whiob the hone took down the station
Coen. MoNally has. returned from hie
six weeks' trip to Manitoba sod Assinib
0. V. Floody, of Detroit, is at present
visiting ab the home of hie aged parente
Mies IC its Brown, who has been rec.
lonely ill for the post two tveeke, is now
tallith improved in health.
Robert Sloan left on Monday morning
of last week for Guelph where he will
take 0.0001300 in the Ontario agricultur.
140 oollege.
50 1813 this moon 85 oars of applea
have been shipped from Blyth stotion.
'Twenty five ears have gone to Great
Britain and hen to Manitoba.
Wm. Drummond, eon of John and
Mrs.Dructmond, of Blyth, who has
a resident of Wingb8m for several
has left that town for Sarnia, where he
will go into partnership with aernee
MoKelvie, a former Winghamito, in the
restaurant, oigar and billiard roona busi•
Herbert S Yonng, of Sneibury, 11000111.
ponied by hie bride, who was Miss Ethel
M. Culver, of Midland, arrived in the
Village last Thureday evening, 29th ult.
They have Mom been the guests of Mr,
and el re. N. a. Young, parents of the
groom. The happy event took place in
Midland on Wednesday, Oat. 28, at the
residence of the britle'a father, (00 1000
011Itler, and the Toronto Globe says the
bride looked very handsome in a snit of
blue box cloth, with Persian trimming
opening over a blotto of white taffeta
silk with strappinge of the rime. The
0013010007 1080 performed by Rev. J. a,
601101, B. A,, of Midland.
For the pest ten mouths 121,115 immi.
grants have arrived in the Dominion,
W. A. Mareb, of Qttebeo, denies the
story that his shoe faotory had been otos.
The P44011101140 034411 who, 00 10 alleged,
had etilphnitio aoid thrown on him by hie
wife denies the etory,
William Strnthard, a thirteen -year-old
boy, of Winnipeg, was rim over While
Maiming the railway track, anti hie head
severed from higlepdy.
IVIcKinnou & Co.
Another great snap 00,010 our way last week in 1440(14100' Waterproof
Cote. Tnere le no necessity for going into details how it 044000 snout.
Sullies 10 10 to say, the goods are here ready 1440 7000 inspeotion. We have
a few of the 13140.18 oottta on baud marked 025, but 11107 4411 00 now at 68.48/
38 Ladiee' Waterproof Coats In colors of blatds, (3087, oliv'
e grey, fawn and
brown mixtcres, 66, 88, 40 and 62 inehes long, Boll and Biehop stoves,
velvet and plain °ottani, 110041003 pockets, good value at 35, 31004 Ohms
for §8 48.
We always take the lead in Drees Goode. We show some epeefal
valuee in Zibeliues, Broadalothe, Venetians, Cheviots, etc., at $1, $1 60 and
81 75
Homespuos, in black and oxford, at 600., 76o. and $1.
Feuoy Pleoked Drees Goode, in different cowry, at 500 and 759,
We melte specialty of Corsets. We do not oonflue ourselves to any
particular make. We examine all samples and buy beet from earth. We
ahow great values in the following lines :
B. & I. Corsets, bias filled, military hip, at 31 and $1.25.
Oromptou'e Corsets, in three gnaltitiee, at 760, 31 and 31.25.
D. & A. Corsets, in special lines, 01 26e, 50e, 75e and $1.
13. k 0. Donate 11130 (4 great favorite, in straight front, bias out, steel filled,
at 500, 75o and 31,
olinamanzausaii ettanumap
Canada's Great
Illustrated Weekly.
A leading feature of The WEEKLY GLOBE to be added
this fall will be an
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Vor the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping,
photo -engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe'a
mechanical equipment. This will make The Wartimv GLoart unques-
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been made whereby our readers can secure this superb Weekly and their
own local favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of
Balance of 1903 Free to New Subscri-bers
• ,!
Brussels Woollen Factory
and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines
and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur-
chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods.
We have in stock a large assortment of-
-All -wool Blankets,
--White and Gray Shootings,
—Plain Flannels,
—Checked Flannels,
—Fancy Shirtings,
—Ladies' Wool Dress Goode,
—Light and Heavy Tweeds,
—Underwear for Men and Boys,
—Men's and Boys' Stockings,
—Ladies' and Children's "
—Boys' Sweaters,
—Yarns, all kinds and colors.
Must be Sold this Season.
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
in Ontario
will be found
at -14Pas.----
Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms
—We have a full line, dealing with SITVITIN of the best Manufac-
tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs.
—You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing.
—Satisfaction assured. Prides right.