HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-12, Page 4apt,
TLrtJBSnAY, Nov. 12, 1908.
AN ail-Oeniidi'an railway route ie being
disoaseed to. the Yukon. Tice recent
deal:don in the Aleslia'boundery,care will
Pet Cannoks to foe/sing atter their own
affairs on Amore independent basis we
Tee death of the brave eidonial soldier
Wye 'who foal in the South Afrioan war is
to be kept in memory by theerentioo of a
m,:enurial. in the nave of St, Pea's
Oetbedree 1. ndnn, Enel n 1. A high
premulm ie planed upon their loyality
by the Mother Land.
PANAMA Repablio oomee to the front
bhvougt a proolometion of the iueur•
reotio,isee and the re-a:te are awaited
with oansiderable interest, It ie expeot-
ed that if the new party oars retain
pewee that the long talked of cues} will be
vigotonely pushed to oompletion.
le is expeoted that next Spring will
see a big rush of immigrant; tubo the
Northwest, many of them from the
Western States. In many inetanoee the
lands have already been purobaeed and
prelimioery work done toward the eon-
templated settlement. There's plenty of
room there for not only thousands but
millions and the peoepeote for phenomen-
al growth is ooneidered very auguring.
Ianxol,Txoeo point to the probabilities,
of Newfoundland beooming part of the
Canadian Oonfederation and what makee
it appear more of a possibility than on
former nocaelone is that the mdvanoee
are onmingfrom the island. The New•
foundianders would make no mistake in
ousting in their lot with the growing
Dominion and it would be to our advan-
tage also in rounding up the oft talked of
Talc quantity of liquor congealed in
Great Brittain is eomething enormous
amounting to £170,499,817. With an
estimated population of 41,952,510 the
outlay will be toned to be £4 5a 61 per
oapita, a euro that would do much to
relieve thousands of homes of pinching
want. While Canada's liquor bill le con•
siderably lees tbeu the above, the ratio is
by long odds too big end ourtailment of
it wonid be a bleseiog to both the indi-
vidual and the /Mate.
The Land of Promise.
Figures given by the Landon, England
Board of Trade in the official Labor
Gazette, show that for the nine menthe
ending in September, 1903, a total of
210,481 people emigrated from the United
Kingdom as against 155,856 for the oar.
responding nine months of taskyear.
little more than half the total number
went to British poeeeeeioan, Canada get.
Mug the largest share. The figures show-
ing the number of emigrants to the
British dependenoiea and else to foreign
none criee with the number for the 88080
• period of 1902 are ae follows:—
ollows:Emigrants to British poeeessione for
nine months ending September ;
1903. 1902.
Canada 54,546 21,836
South edrtoe 38,892 29,017
India 2,417 2,293
Australia cud New Zee-
land 8,493 9,784
Other British colonies2,835 2,797
Totale 109,683 66 229
Emigrants to foreign 0000teiee
1008. 1902.
United States 100,095 86.169
Other Forego (lone tries 3,683 8,458
Tote's ..108,778 89,827
These figures are eloquent. Canada
has left Australia and New Zealand no
where in the race, she hes put South
Arrioa far in the re.r and ie rapidly over-'
hauling the United States, For the first
time thein jerity of Sritieb emigrants
are following the 0 g and the divereiod of
the stream is a most entirely owing to
Tbe Fnl'mer's 'Adyoente Every Week.
From 1866 to 1893 The Farmer'; Ad-
vooate and Hume Magazine wan published
monthly, establishing itself as the only
national agricultural paper be the 0000809.
Shiite January 1st, 1893, nearly eleven
year., ago, it haebeen farmed seml•montb•
ly. Still in the lead, keeping abreast of
the timer, andawake to the growing de•
mends of its readers, tbe pnb110810 a 110W
announce tkt, beginning with era of
January, 1904, The Farmer's Advocate
will be issued every week• The splendid
record otthe peat thlrty.eigbt years le
a eufiioient aseuranoe of the increased
praotioel service with* its readere may
expect, We congratulate The Advoaete
epee its enterprise, and (Welts ode read.
ere to send at to for a free sample dopy
to the 'pnbliebera, London, Ont. The
subscription prioe of The Advooate is
61 50 per annum or it may be had with
Tart Poe for 62 80. Remainder of the
year free to naw eubeoribere.
The names of Reveralronin
p eat
Oanadiami are mentioned ae probable
ree i ie
of Kincee birthday
Albert 3a
thY,aged tan
eaY9 wee
ria over end kitled at Psrie While
tempting to board a moving freight
An interesting Daae le now before the
oonrte in Prinee•Edward Ialaad. Ron,
John T. Wheat, member of the Provin,
Mal Government, anted ae 000neel for the
Crown in a certain ease and received pay
for his eervioee. It wag contended that
this ant disqualified him from witting se a
member of the Lagieleture. Stift wag i
inetittfted by I.nso Lane to recover 98,000 t
penalty tont illy. Wltear for ooanpying a
his seat in the Honee, 139r, Whaar elalm8
the; engagement of a barrister who ie also
member of the Legielature fh (newt)
burnt/erre dors not, under the Provinoea!
etatats, Qiequnlily hint.
NV uteric at Ott .
Wm, Button and family have 0000 ad
to Toronto.
It ah'd Iiolmao, left Wet week for hi, j
emetic 111ut118! •xpeditlen to Meek,k,t.
D. Longhee.t wag paid 910 for it,jeries •
received at the fire et the Bru etelek
stables, and $3 fur duotor'a fee.
A grey.lune 1001'ip oeig'i115 85 panto
ie 028 eelani1101) in. liewe u, ,a i nee
window. la W08 ref+ed b; .1 life to ate
etre (l)t ) 11e 00,.,i 1 r t.
Brno feed earlier to lietl„ s -
of her mother, Mt&. iioea. The �fnn ,,.
tot It. piker, on Mundey of les' wpek,
bet (,ream hay completed the tw,l Fl^h
ways i quired ley few, one in hie ,os,
dem, ,,, ,l the other iu t11'rr eel >a by „
gown. 'rosy coda )boot 13100 ear••,
Th:: P lune Libra. v Boa'd 101,81-
Tow, 1 'u,. cit t. r " rh'tl,i'' of 3100 •
ever .xl 'a,. 0 281.x).,1 :.f tJtn ,'
13,1 ami I •1r" the r• qe• .t ,v ,a tura, .
Mr.. (1)e ) li• ' nedy, ,ah,, 4 a b :•n laid
np fee stein. ee lig ee a rater, of the
aoaideut she met 10.111 in 15.80rle, ie af11a
now to move around with the aid of
Mrs. Louisa Hestia, mother of Free.
Teatb, of Torouto, and wall known to
many of our readers died et Loudon on.
Friday 30th nit,, aged 77 years of. ase.
Deceased was leen In London, England,
aid=came to Cene a early In life and:hnd
been a resident of London for many
There are now, ell. told, 05 employees
at the %Nester,, Foundry here. The
warehouee has been completed at a Dost
of 63,5001 it ie 150 feet long by GO fent
wide, 1'he lower part affords storage
oepaoity for coal, mike, eta„ aid the
upper pert gives room for hundreds of
atovee. The uew moulding ehop, 72x42
feet, ie nearing Completion' end will be
roomy and light.
The Woman's Guild in connection with
St. Paul's church, held their annual
meeting at the Rectory. The folluw,ng
o8irere were elected tor the ensuing year :
Hoe. President, etre. Lowe; presf'fent,
Mee. Rodents ; let Vioe-President, lire.
Siert ; 2nd Pioe President, Mrs. F. Van•
Stone : Secretary, Mrs. Griffin ; Trees
urer, Mrs. McGuire ; Executive 0011811118.
tee, Mrs. Dinsley, Mrs, S. J. Smith, etra•
W. Hele. �+
Perth Oounty.
The Ancient order of Hibernians will
Hold an At home in Stratford hall on
the evening of Tuesday, November 24.
Prof. Ballantyne, of Knox Omlege,
Toronto, eon of Hon. Tbomati Ballantyne
of this oity, ie seriously ill of typhoid
There is n strong likelihood that T. R.
Raoe, editor of the Mitchell Recorder,
will be the neat Liberal candidate in
South Perth for the Renee of Commons.
The Maxwell works, St, Mary's, will
ohm down shortly for two weeks to en-
able them to pat in a 125 horse power
boiler and some other addittous to their
Tammany Wee opposed in the eleotions
in New York by a11 the newepapere ex.
dept tbe Daily News, Thie ie the journal
controlled by Frenli Munsey, and of
which A. Strat-
McDonald formerly ,
of S rnt-
frd'sman i
0 1 managing editor.
g g
8. British army veteran who lives 'near
Stratford and sees things military when
he gets a ciliate on risme into town and
after "bowling up" prooeeped to drill
himself up and down the streets. The
polios didn't take kindly to the manoo.
were and the veteran was looked up. He
was fined $5.
From present indications Reeve
Shenok, of Ellice is to have Iota of
opposition at the next election. Ex.
ReeveGoetz is said to be out for
nomination oleo. Other candidates are
spoken of, among them Ex Couuoillor
John Kelly end D. Smith, Wftb tough a
arena quartette the vote should be prat•
ty well split up,
At the regular meeting of Stratford
public obrary board ibe oh:ermi a Me.
Stuart, and Mr. Orr were intrruoted to
draft a resolotion of uppreoietion of
Mr, Oarnegie's liberality and send it to
him. One member of the' board suggest-
ed that a brass plate be euitab y inscrib.
ed and put in a prominent pleoe inside
the building, but the idea tile not meet
with favor.
The foltawing ;feelers wets elao'ed in
oonneotion with Stratford Cnr,fr,g Club
—Patron, A. F. McLaren, M. le I pros
(dent, I, W. Steinhoff; vice-preeideut,
P. Stewart ; see. treat., A. Monteith ;
chaplains, Rev. D. Williams and Rev.
el. L. Leitch ; management committee,
J. W. Ohowea, Ala Orr, 4V. Maynard, J.
Welsh, D. M. Ferguson representative to
the 0 0. A. annual meeting A. F. Mat"
Laren, T. 0. Robson, St Marys, alter-
A. MaeBeth, principal of Romeo school,
Stratford, introduced at the beginning of
this term a plan which is proving very sae.
oeeatal• I', hie room a portion of one af-
ternoon of tach week is deputed to dime
shot of current tonal events, reference. be.
ing nude to both local papers, copies of
wltiah are etoueht to the adbool, Mr.
Meolieth finds that it awakens a greater
interoat in what is going on in the oily.
Words occurring in b,w articles are also
taken up nod their metering broOgbt ort
if nut ),reedy olearly apprehended, The
eaernise,therefore, served both a literary
and an historical purpose, The pian is
Worthy o.f being 0dopted more generally.
The Stretford 13881000 sage 1 Peat as
a substitute for coil hoe as yet moored
no piece on the market, even considering
that it fe mnuh the ohe•.tper. Manufant-
arr a claim that It le boatel to oomo for
ward, end that the only thing keeping it.
book ie the inadequtuoneen of the resole
inery now in use. A Toronto onmpany
ha now oonebruattng a peat machine at a
ver large nos
y 0. t and torn p9egeut indica
lions it '
10 is likely
wto be a in -
tcuee0. If it 1s
the company will open ape big meantime
Dry at Dome peat bog in Orrterlo and here
is n Ohanoe for Stratford to put in a word.
A local man who has interested himself
in the metter its in oommunkoation with
the company, ai,d at their request hag
sent them a sample of E line peat."I
have every reason to 'believe that they
can be induced to come here if the peat
ie etatl8ltotor9, and of that there in 8 ,11118
It my mind." Stratford neo nif,r more
hon ordinary good ebipping feet/Slag to
theme any oleos of mtinufaotory,
® r--4
�-,,.y _.'=-+ate„—_—..c-•--- __ cx/t:Yy
iu w'hioll the London Conference Epwortli League Convention
will be. held on Nov. 24111 and 25t1a.
Judge Harding, of Lindeay, inrrneriy
of of rarforie Greed Mutter for Ontario
of the A ee ,11 A 11., hen presented the
Ancient Lo,ige of Kmiaton tvitlt te hand,
8)2810 in 51100 of hewed.
Brant attune Methodist church, Berea -
find, has -vended a oall to Rev. W. II.
Harvey, B. A., St .Oathorinea, to be their
l,0.,tor. Mr. Harvey le ten old Bens. boy,
hie home being 1186r Newry.
The G. T, R. railway 0tati,10 at Strat-
f Irl wait burglarized Sunday night and
nearly $100, the greater part el (1180h, w is
eialen. 'The bicl,et other, nave stand,
leer and hatch room were ell entered and
the tilt in each rifled. To do this it was
1 00ve8ary to pry open eevet'al cl ere, an
operation that moat have oouosioned
oeneiderable noise,
Dire. Wi!lirm Byers, of Stratford, at.
t,ained Blouday the good old age of 94.
Kae is olear in intellect mud remarkab,y
aced in phyeioet health. There were
q,lite a few old true callers with the
Mier of their cangretnlation•t. The oil
portrait of her tat•• haob,tnd 8301110 the
walls 01 the Stratford genera' hospital,
to which he wa8 so great a benefamor.
f"'at exese1€2181 Die: e'eew.
Hou. Cliff red Bitten has returned from
Hon. L, F. R. Masson, ex -Senator, died
at Montreal.
Chandos township sahoolhouye was
deetro9^d 113' fire.
Premier McBride, of British 0olnmb188,
has completed his oabitet,
Jtokaon Ashbury, uf Toronto, an
engineer, oencnitted altie1de.
The Ontario A fiance le at,oted NY.
Prinolpal ()even ae President.
Fire b. he remelt
neer Ethernet 1
d Lnnd•
in destroyed about 150 tons u
New Brnn"wick stumpage data have
increased t,..31.50 per thousand feet.
Stillman tiros.' litbooraphing stook
room et Winnipeg wee gutted by fire.
Montreal bicyclists have )eked to have
the tax uf outs dollar bone away with,
William Niohole, G. T. R. agent at St.
llydteinthe, Quebec, wart run Over and
A destructive fire at Fort Erie Nae eon.
emceed by the air 181auo8 or firemen from
h effete.
William IInrneok, of Tilbury, Wee
oroehed to death by a load of lumber fall•
ing upon him,
Dr. George Hopkins, of Toronto, has
been made a Companion of the Imperial
Service Order,
The Governor-General cemented St,
Andrew's invitation to the emu nal dinner
on Nov. 30 in T,rol,to,
Borelees cracked the cafe and got away
with 0100 from Field's eters and post,
ofeee, in Na5ier vilh,ge.
Duncan Ly"284 died at Windsor ae a
revolt of injarie0 1.0oeiv811 in a railway,
eaoident three years ago.
The Allan liner Parisian 10,8 in oolli.
siert in the Mersey Saterdety morning but
wee notuerioully damaged.
James Little, of Stonewall, Man., farm-
er, took,) dose of poison in mistake for
medicine, with fatel 0c001t8,
High Guthrie, ef. P., wart unanim0ne.
ly rromineted by the Libe.alo of South
Wellington for the Comments.
A Toronto grand jury in its present.
went recommended that the lath to used
in oases of assault On wam00, •
The 088085001) ck Dunn 141annfeotnring
Company's building at Strathroy wart
burned. Lose 616,000 or $20,000.
A child of Mr. awl 141x8, Stewart wee
burned to death at Sault S:e. Merle deer.
ing the parents' abeence teem lime.
Lennox and Addington 1,iberale may
offer the nomltatiuu for the Commons to
A, 13. Ayleeworth, K. C., of Teethe:).
A steer ran tenures iu 991011ipeg and
toaead two children and a Gelation farm.
sr over hie heat but fortunately fnil,00ed
110 serious injuries.
The Labor party at Oelg,try have
ohoeen as their emndidate for the Com-.
mond Aad, It. A. Stools, President of the'
oarpentere and joiners.
The 508tom8 revenue for Canada dor.
irig the IDA font months amounted to,
614,857,685, an inereaee of '02,040,00e
over tbe acme for 1932.. .
It ie reported that ail pubifo worke iu
British Colombia have been stopped, ow,
ing to the haulm refusing auy more cred-
it to tbe local Government.
The Hudson !1a
Company have
Pay a e
p Y a
decided toputa freight and passenger
g 1 r
p 1,
strainer on the Pence Rivoe next seaeot
of the meet improved type,
Demean levees, aged 29 years, died at
the home of hie mother, at Windeor, as
the remelt of a natives, aoeident iu which
he was injured at. Simons, ttiee year
It ie reported that the Maroodi Wireless
Telegraph. Company will practised at epee
to imam! their system ie British Coinm•
la, connecting Vancouver, Victoria, Na•
naime, Comex and other mainland, mint
set Vennoever' Island point., and alt
tending 60 0804204 and Dawson.
Heavy dam ge hie been dope in the
vicinty of Bothnia Landing by a wareh
Jam, s Fiddle has been appointed de-
puty runlet:tor of inland revenue (elites D)
at Pet'olea.
Between 450 end 600 barrels of engar
are bring turned out daily at cite sugar
refinery Bertin
Captain E. H. Oaugholl 1108 been re•
onmoiended ae Lieut -Colonel of the 25th
Elgil Regiment at Ht. Theme, wbfals is
to be re organized.
Lumbermen caloolate'tltat the lumber
ant of this aea9018 in the Georl ien Bey
diatriot will bo about r,n0 third lee0 than
that of tacit eeasc,n.
T. 0. Robinette, K. C., onefirme the
etatotnentin a morning paper that he
will eeelt nomination in the new oenetit-
neney of South Toronto.
John Frank, of New Hambnrg was
tried -by Judge Obiaholin tit Berlin on
Saturday nn a charge of setting lire to A.
19. Beriet's Straw and acquitted.
Mr. Tarte fres appealed to Bishop
McDonald, 'of Alexandria, to give a
French.speaking prieet to the French.
Canadine residents of porewail,
The most important of tbe King's
birthday honors, oo far as Oannda is
concerned, are that Col. Mutat and Mr.
Hebert, the 80ulpter, are made C. M. G.
Bears ere very plenbifnl in the vioieity
of Wiarton, emus this Fall, and Ore
doing oansiderable damage to the corn
and turnip ;rope, and destroying Iambs
and hogs,
Mre. Rutherford, at the Dominion W.
0. T. U. meeting at Ottawa, urged that
the Oregon; should Muth themselves
free from the trammels of 9004', and put
principle first.
A rewind attempt to wreak a Sand-
wich, Windsor end Amher•tbm'g ear woe
ata 0 near ar Cur urd the o night. fight. Tho
ear Wee well filled, and running at fall
epeerf, when Motorman McKee spied a
couple of loss across the track,
H. N. McGill, railway mailolerk, has
been rnsved to Southampton. Mr, Ma•
G1,! has been a resident of Palmerston
for the past three years and will be emelt
mi080d in town, T. Leckie, of London,
falces the dutiee of Mr. taloGid et Palmate
At meeting of the New Brun•wink
Government an it.oreaee in the stumpage
ou lumber out in the Provinee Was deoice
ed upon. The uew rate will be 9160 per
thottaend feet npnn sprnee and pine, and
in proportion upon other timber. The
old rate was 91 per th emend, .
A barn owner) by Mrs, Groin and in the
rear of h.•r residence, 186 Kent St., Lon.
don, wart destroyed by fire getout 3 80
o'olcolt Saturday afternoon, with the
total 1eatent. The total damage . will
amount to 6200. The building had been
need as la storage for eeveral,yesre.
Rene have been laid connecting . North
and Sonth'ende of the Bey of Quints
Railroad rxten8ion, from Tweed to Ban
nockburn, so that it ie now poesible to
make the entire trip by rail, passing
through the village, of Bridgewater,
Qneeuebaro' and the -Allen settlement,
and oonne0ting with .the Central Ont.
• Grin Ra!lwey se Bannockburn.
Miss -Fannie 14IcGarvoy, of Strathroy,
hemming suddenly inrano, attacked tier
uncle, Petiole Upton, with an nae, and
mortally wounded him. She ane labor-
ing wider the bellneinatiou that her
etude Martell Upton, 40 yowl of age, was
being followed by Ao,trahiete, who were
about to take hkm to Kingston and torture
Au the result of tot tieleial inepeotioo
by. Colli,gwond Sohrieber, Deputy
Ilinleter of Rai ways and Canals, it has
been deemed adyiea1,le to consider the
the deepening of the harbor of Port
Coibmitue from the lake to the loch to
19 feet, cud the removing of the Bust
pier, making a straight (hermal oe the
East aide from the elevator to the lake ;
oleo to esti for tenders to 1 wild new
E, Dotndoe, of London, hag bei n sent.
anted to five years its the Kingeton penit-
entiary c emit) of two obargoe, gent-epoee
to rue nonourrently. The first obargo
Wan that rf hreslring into the store of A.
Weetm8n and stealing revolvers' ate
other article•, to which he pleaded Waite.
Tice other charge was titin of breaking
int) the More of George Morrie in the
market bongo with intent to steal, to
which he al Wended malty,
The Ontario O Lnrd'eDY
a 11' n ,o
A 1 r g eked -
ori the wowing afllc0se this morning.
President, Rev Prin, eleven ; Viee•Prmei.
dente, Rev. W.1. Mille, Rev. A. Carmen,
Rev. C3h8110odnr Wallace, Mr, A.'0,
Rutherford, J K Meadunald, Rev. S. D.
(8,ow1), Rev. L T. Tooker, Hon, E. Fi.'
Bronson ; Secretary, Rev, T. Albert
Motive; Treaenrer, 3, 0. Copp ; Commit.
tee on Organization, Ibev. til, G Hanna,
Mount Foroot ; Lewd Committee, J, A.
Patterson, K (l., Toronto ; Filmes Com-
mutes, John Il Brown, kfamilton 1 Leg -
Chairman, J. et, Maoclonsld,
After three wives eufferirg from '
pneumonia, George Laybaro, deputy
reelatt'ar, died id 'Toronto. Ile wits 00
years of age and for 88 yours he tt e
deputy registrar.
The Frenoh•flenadisn veterans of the
Provinee of Quobee have petitioned
peemie,r Parent for a grant of 160 acme
of tend 1. r t••-rlidea reit:ti 'ed at the time
of the Few en Raid.
A synd'nate bee been fortnsd with the
tee •t et britielne it water eupply to To
muco from bake Simone, ilia idea ln.iug
t7 pitted terbium; iii the pip, p, epd tin u
develop eleotria energy.
The body of Donald McGregor,
ea -Manager of the Banit of Commas= at
Gult wee !need on the lathe Moire, near
Whether. leis clothing was found weir
the 88me spotabout two weeks 00o
'1'be ton year-old (tanght,r of Gee
Pugh was streak by a trol'ey ear at
Landon, on alike; her feiher a110
motorman. The child wee carried half
a black but was not serieuely it jer,d.
Malroim 1faGugan, el. le , r'f Mount
l3rydgoo, 140 been appointed dir•;tor. of
the Iudn"t-lid t101158e'e- re S,Ivkn58
, Company el Semite to .fl 1 the vaeanay
eau -ed by the regeet mien of Sir Aroh•
l -skald (.1.18 8
J. I'. G„r•,tm1, M. P P , of Winnipeg,
deolare8 that the ttgi881! m for the ',ernes,.
al of the cattle embargo in Great Britain
dote net Gone from Canadian breeders,
but !s raised in the interest of Old Coon.
try farmers,
Farm 6000$, It1nt,nra 1000, 80.-0, 10.
Morrydeld and Alex,lnerrieou have receiv-
ed histruotions from W. A. Peet to sell by
07aookt11MONDAY N0V6th,, at uohe
following: -1 horse 7 years old, 1 horse 11
Years in foal tob biooh ani; ..1 two-year- stumps cm -
fife Dolt by Oliver Wilkes, dam 010)51 Grit,
goodie tion ' 1 Spring Dolt by Oliver Wilkes,
)8 oowe supposed in calf, 8 two year old
steers, 6 two year old heifers supposed in
pall, 6 one year old steers, a one year old
heifers, 10 Spring calves, (all of these cattle
sired ;yo. thorn' bred Durham bull), l four
year old
ow With Pedigree (Moociin,,
24 well bed ewes and 2 rune, 0 breedlua
sowe.10 pigs about 6 weeks o1d,10 bogs about
3801;0„ 11 bogs about 126 lbs„ 10 bogs about
3 months old, 80 bens, 1 McOormiok binder
nearly now, 1 Big Seo Brantford mower
nearly new, 1 ebecp ;reek, 2 plows, 1 gang..
1110w, 1 diva harrow, 2 11Y.rrowt, 1 root sem-
/ler, 1 Noxou Peed drill, 1 land roller, 1 wag-
on nearly new, 1 Sloths farm truck, 1 milk
wagon,1 doable buggy, 1 top buggy, 1 nutter,
1 cart. 1 peer eiugle 01810110,1 fanning mill,
B ete double harness, 1 set double carriage
harness nearly now, 1 Pet single harness,
about 60 tons of hay and it quantity of good
oat straw, besides other articlostoo numer-
ous to meut 00. This gale is without reserve
as the. proprietor 1e giving up farming ou
summit of ill health. The farm oou sista of
about290 tares nearly all in erase. If not
sold before day of eale well be run ted.
Terms—All 0nme of $5 and under, oath ;
over that amount 10 months' credit ou ap-
proved jointnotes or a diseoant 016 per
cent, per annum for oath on credit amounts.
W. A. PEET, Proprietor; 0. H. Mousy-
nxnzn and ALEX. 110rin19o0, Auctioneers. •
undersigned offers far sale 1 Young
milk Pow, 2 steer calves and 7 sheep from 2
to 9 years old. Apply to A. ASHTON, Lot
27, Ouo,'7, Morrie, ,or at 8. Walker's, Lot 28,
Cmm, 0, Morris. 13
9 ramlambs etrayed from the prami.
elm of the undersigned Lot
26, Con.
,Morrie'on or about: Sept,l All have
el. Any information leinto their
recovery will be suitably reworded. WAL-
• 4 SAL13 —0 Leicester Ram Lambs, prioee
55 to $7 ; 1 She0rliug and 2 Two -Shear
Rams, prices $10 t0 912 All are good ones,
Also a few Ewe Lambs, prise $5, and 8 1080
good Ewes at moderate prices. DA811)
MILNIO & 80N, Ethel, Out, 13
Bulls for. Pule. One is 1 year old and
the other two younger. Also several reutat-
ered Cows mid Heifers. Apply to ,7AMD, 8
SPEnt, Lot 80, Oen, 0, Morris Twp., or Brun -
sale Y. 0. 22.11
for sale. Eligible for registration.
For prion, terms nod , other partieelnrs, 15'
pip to J. D. 1doNAIR, Lot 22, Con. 13, they,
or 0raubroak P. O. 00•tf
10® ACRE FM ARtl sale, tVaterod by too river.
Apply to THOS, MO5Rl0, Brussels,
▪ dwelling thereon, North-west oor00r
William old Albert otreete, Bruosele.
40-8f J. LEO1IE.
I. ▪ 20 Con Ailm 10, Grey. RENT, BEING ere e 100 LOT
20 under cultivation. Apply to JOSEPH P.
REDMOND, ou the premises, or. Moum'iteff
k, O, 21-t
a'ATB.—,9000,00 will bay the MOOan•
gboy Block In 11,0 Village of B1oeeo1s.'Pliese
two else stores must be sold to *lose out the
lloOaugbey 10088,18, intending purchasers
xr Ir 1
00 1 nrveetlgate at ono;, Ape, 11 F. S,
6U01)T or Ci, l'. 11LAIR, BYUBeOIe, Out,
f..i�OR SALE.—LOT 8, CON. 0,
troy,. eouteining 100 &ores, 75 being
cleared and in good state of onlslyatic0.
Farm is well watered;. good buildings, or-
chard, 80, Failure in booth amuse for eel.
ling. Possession given on ono month's
name Terme ow. Per further perbleu•
lays apply to T88t7Ef1AN SMITH, ow the
eremi800, Or B00000809, 0, 19
1 '+A3,M P011' SALE CONTAIN.
{No 000 name, 1 ahlg Lots 10 and 17,
Oen. 1e, Township of eirey. On this farlrt
is ti stoup house with kitchen and wood -
alma, a bank barn 112 x 60 feet with "stove
stabling, are 0trew shod wile stone pig pox
under 11, There 1s u Windmill ou TO earn.
90 acres of geed llurdwood bush au tp0 pleas
and 20 as res of 0wam8 the root is cleared,
There aro 35 mama of fall wheat in. A geod
orchard of S 810080. Terms -70. per ;out, of
the money tan bo teams a mortgage on the
,1aee at 4 and 49par mint, Owing to the
1w do,
comae of Fischer Air. 1 ] •t o
r F eo form matter said
at mute to Mose 88 Gelato. AUGUSTFor f 191180 I5I6
ontioth0 apply to louts. 007.,,FI814 4
on the farm, or Oritnbraalc P. 0, 14.4
Tho underetgned offers her 100 )oro
farm, being Lot20,(0 n,'7,Greyy dor hale or
to rent. Comfortable beetle, bank baro, or-
chard, wall•, deo, There ere 110 taros ingress,
1.0 none 8f Feel wheat toad 20 08008 of Fall
blowing will be done. Pexin is only ; mile
from the stirring village of 'Ethel. Leesont
)oa•o exp1100 011 thrall 11, 1904, but a per.
charar'or 1alr1tn1 may go on and plow, tee„
at anon, tuff
netherpitte 811E O to ,fide
tering, ata., apply 1 .8, 1 SH OLLA , 93
9, 0„ el Write MRs, 35. HOLLAND, 't3
Reuter 913,'Poroato, 7 -am
Nov. 12, 100
Oak Leather "Team Harness, all
our owfl Rand work and guar-
anteed to stand the wear.
Single Harness, either Hand or
11 Machine work at prices that cannot
be surpassed. We handle no Fee-
tory Work 00 when you have our
Harness you are sure of a good article.
In Blankets we offer great Bargains. We bought
largely and before tbe advance ill price,, and offer them
Cheaper than ever. Also Robes, taiga --plush or wool.
Our Great Reduction, Sale
for Cash begins Nov. 1st and continues to Dec. let. .Keep
the date in mind and remember we will offer you great
Repairs in Harness and Shoes done promptly.
ce C.
A. BAYIVIANN, Cranbrook,
who has had 30 years' experience
in the Pomp -business, is dealing
larger than ever in Iron and
Wooden Pumps, and ready to
attend to repairs promptly.
Ile is also agent for the
Woodstock Windmill. This mill
is a marvel end should be seen
before ordering any other.
Persona requiring Water
Troughs should call and get
Pump Maker, Cranbrook.
Strenuous Objections
are never made against feed - eopplied by
Alf. Busker, A11 stook like it and thrive
on it, and it i8 protlo0need by all lute!.
ligent breeders to be iuoomperiably the
beat sold. Try a eompie lot and you will
never feed anything but oar Gaffer porn
and Gate.
Alf. Baeker.
AT T EI E -----rop--
Apples may be shaken off the trees, Wind-
falls and Packers' Oulls will be. bought at the .
Highest Market Price.
Small or Apples will not be taken.
Before you begin to,,
Paint your house be sure
you get the BEST P-aint
possible for the money and
at the same timeg give Best
o, /0/7— _% satisfaction .. and longest
► : a e
.. L
gives these results 1—it's
g apure Lead, Zinc, Linseed
Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ,• covers more surface to
the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results
than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself.
For sale by—
rill I LTr�
�N & 6re