HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-12, Page 1Vol. 32. No. 18 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 12t 1903 New Advertisements. Looal—B, S. Shaw, laoeal—Mra, a. It, Smith. For gale—Oliver Turnbull, Harm for eels—W. H, Kerr, Farm for Naha—John Knight, Rain Boats—McKinnon & Co. Bargains—Harry A, Matehett, Auction sale—l'tobert Marshall. Farmers' Institute—Geo. Hood. Sweet Heart Soup—F. R. Smith. Wall paper ea:manta—Jam. Fox. Frost & Wood—N. 8. MaLauohlin. Farm for sale—Duca a McDonald. Robes, Rugs, &a.—John Donaldson. Tenders for eopplies—J. R. Stratton, Wbite Rooka for sato—R. G. Deadman, Are you thinking -Western Advertiser. Yatr'1,C1, .Cs. Vi rose ter. S. Robinson spent Sunday (soder the parental roof, Hamilton & Roberbeou shipped one oar of cattle and one of hogs on Monday, Little Harry Town, whose life was dere paired of so long, is now making a rapid recovery. On Sabbath lot the Presbyterians here, held communion eervioe¢. It wan largely attended, The new. meter, Rev. Mr. Perrin, is rapidly endearing himself to hie people. Last nua'on Farmers' Institute Meetinge of East Huron Farmers' In- stitute for the diesenaeion of Agricultural and kindred aobjeote will beheld in: Binevaie 10th Nov. Fordwiob 20th Nov. Molesworth 21at Nov. Ethel 28rd Nov. Walton 24th Nov. Harlook 25th Nov. Constance 26th Nov, Manley's Sobool Eoose27th Nov, Mardie'elSohool Hooee281h Nov. St. Columbian 80th Nov, Each day at 1 30 and 7 80 p. m. To attend these meeting a cordial welaame ie extended to all. Bee program. T. MOMILLAN, GEO. HOOD, President. Secretary. Frost & Wood McCaughey Block RENEW, or this paper, "Tae POST." YOUR home advertieemente are loot ; TOUtIJ, or aged, why we're beatin' BY half those of Timothy Eaton. RIDING plows and walking galore, IN lioe with one binder and mower ; ONE look round our implement shop OF onto will aoavinoe you we're on top. OUR wieb is tbeb you should compare COMFORTABLE and no end to wear ; AND if tie not too much bother, UP oneaideand down the other, TO Drilie, Cultivators, etc., no end, DATE next you're in town we'll extend, A welcome, to see; bargains, bumpers ; CUTTERS, Portland and Jampere, Now that the rush of farming opera gone is over and marketing will be general we extend' a hearty weloome to ail to Dome in and inepeot our stock. No trouble to show goods. Neil S. McLauchlin, ASZNT. John Patterson left last week for Tor. onto where be operas bit procure a position on Ileo 0. P. 1i, A Booboh Oonoert by the young ladies woe given in our Town Hall last week. It was well attended and the people were delighted with the performanoe, We with that more enterprieo wee shown by our different 'moieties au we cannot help thinking good oonoerte would be elweye well attended. The Botts of Beetlend deserves our thanks for bringing this troupe bare. Jain a to CO win BMMLS MiimrxNo.—Last Sabbath even. ing the annus) meeting of the Bible Soolety in oonneation with the Brussels Branch of the 'Upper Canada Bible Soolety, wee held in Victoria Hall, James, town. The weatber wee all that ooald,be desired, the aongregatioa large sad ap. preoietive, the singing good and hearty, Toe. Strooban 000apied the chair, con. ducted the opening exercises and gave a short addrets, He then called upon A. MoKay, of Brussels, who gave an addreee on "The Bible the voice of God to the notion, the Mhurob, the home, and the individual". It wee full of tboughta that breath and words that burn. It was delivered with earneetneea and power. Atter another hymn was sang Rev. R. Paul was introduced. He spoke on "The Bible, the book itself, as a God inspired book, the rule of mania lite as a Divine force, as Or remedy for all mane eine". What the Bible hag done:—It is the great oivilizer of the race ; it bag brought lite and ligbt to millions ; it hat filled the home with pewits, joy and hope ; it has revealed to moo hie future destiny. The work yet to be done, 800 miliione mutt have the Bible, the extent and magnitude of the worst yet to be done. Mr. PauI,e addreee was brimfull of good things. The oolleotion was good, $8 24. W tort. A Concert ie being arranged to be held shortly ander the anapieae of the ladies al the Methodist ohuroh, License Inepeotor Miller is atter Wal. ton botelkeepere it is aaid for violation of law and Constable Long was hereon Wed. needay nerving the documents. A 0. P. R. local delegation from !fere was at Listowel the other day interview- ing emu of the authorities au to the probabilities of the line running through here. Ooe day last week a bee was made levelling up the lawn at the manse and a deoided improvement was the result. Tbe Presbyterians have a neat piece of property now, Next week Jno, Rae, of MoKillop, le moving to the 22 sore property on the 181b con., near here, whioh be recently pur- obased from Mies Hanna. We bid them weloome to this locality, After a sojourn of eeverat mouths in Manitoba, where be was farming for his brother, Dr, Kneobtel, William Etiolate', of MoKillop, arrived home Tae d ay of last week. We bope be p will decide to remain here. Farmers' Institute meeting is 0nnonna ed to be held here on the 24th iaat, The program outlined will be as follows :— Afternoon — Ohait man's addreee. Dr. Reed, of Georgetown, 'Tbe relation. whiob exists between improper Feeding and disease." J. H. Smith, of Laugbauk, "Feeds and Feeding." At the evening session, at 7.80 o'clock, a musical pto gram will be rendered and speeehee given by Dr. Reed on "Development and train. ing of young horeoe", and Mr. Smith, on "Agrioaltaral Edaoatiou," All will be weloome, TOTAL AseTINIDooae. — Rey, Al. fred Andrews preached at tbe three Menthes on the Walton airooit a sermon on Total Abetinenee. He reviewed the history of the drinking aaetom of our Peoviuoe daring the pant half century, during whiob the almost universal drink. ing of beer and whiskey in moderation was ooaeidered to be the proper thing. Whiskey was bought et 25ete. per gallon and parer and far lees harmful than what ie sold today. Still great evilo are often seen tie arising from drink and total abetinenoe sooietiae were ' formed and large nombere pledged themeelves not to drink intoxicating liquors. Then the Sons of Temperance sprang up and diviaionn of that Order spread rapidly in every direction. These were fine training eohoole for the young men who united with them. Reohabitee, Goad Template and Royal Temples followed. In the meantime Probibltiou came to the front aad for 25 years the energies of temper. ROBES, RUCS I Choice Stock of &C., &O. A'iine range of Robes, best In the market, has been opened up consisting of :— —BLACK GALLOWAY SASIiATC13BWAN --GREY GOAT and MOUNTAIN Plus—GRIZZLY BEAR BEAR. --h and Wool Rugs a ver choice lot. gr Y .--In Horse Blankets a large e stock is carried and sold g at Clime Prices. Sign of Repmring Pi'ofltptly Atteiuled io , J. D AL N N D C BRUSSELS, the Horse's Head an00 people hey. been expendedon this aahjeat, Meantime not so muoh pnblioiy has Men said of petticoat abatinonoe, for. getful of the foot that in the leaf analysis the etreugth of the Prohibftlou emu meet depend on the number of :actual, Ottrnoat anal holiest total abstainers in any community. The speaker referred to the great work done by Father Matthew is Ireland and very rooently the Roman Catholio authorities have sent cot from Maynooth College 50 young priests pledged to a lite long Berme of spreading total abstinence in the land end these are to be followed within the next three or four years by 800 others on lite semolina. Obaorvetion baa oompelled many thought. ful public men to come to the oonolneion that at the present time very large num• bene of our Ontario boys are learning to drink intoxicants and be felt that the time bad Dome that abstinence sooietiae pore and simple should be again formed. Mr. Andrews said he wag determined to do what he could in that way. The eoe- mon was trona the text "Wine ie a mock. er" The audiences were very attentive and in every Cabe some of the bearers presented the speaker with very hearty thanks for his sermons. Mr. Andrews was announced to speak on the same subject in Seaforth on Monday evening Met. W loath am A large order bee been reoeived by the Stove works here from the Northwest. There appears to be a little differentia of opioion tie to the beet location for tbo new poetoti8oe building. A central spot should be chosen, Rev. Dr. Grandy is one of the epeakere et the London Conference Epworth League Convention to be held at Chatham on Nov. 24 and 25.. The by law to parehaae the eleatrio lightplant from Walter Green for $28,000 wart noted by a majority of 177 on Tuesday of this week. Cyan ba etele. The cider mill is kept busy. Sohool reopened haat Monday. Mrt. Heyman, of London, is visiting her father, Jno. Knight, Adam Baeker, who bas been laid up with blood poisoning, is able to be out main, James Fox, of Brussels, moves to Oran. brook and ie ooeupyiog the hoose of Jaeib Long. Renee Battery, wbo bee lived Beet of Oranbrook tor a good many years, intends offering his house and lot, furniture and stook for Bale on Deo. _1. F. S. Scott has been engaged as auctioneer. Mr. Buttery talks of going to the home of his daughter, near Toronto, after the Bale. Next Sabbath evening the annual meet. ing of the Bible Society will be held in the Presbyterian Oborob bare, Nom mending et 7 o'clock, Meeting will be addressed by Rev. John Rose B. A., and Kernf W. H. a Braeeele and a a ectal Kerr, P oalleation will be taken in behalf a aha f of the Society. The oboir will contribute ap- propriate musical selections. Thio looal• ity has always taken a lively interest in this important department of church work, At the manse on Wednesday of this week Rev. D. B. McRae performed the marriage ceremony between John A. McKay, merobent, Monorieff, and Miss Matilda, youngest daughter of John MoTaggarb, 15th eon. Grey. Mr. McKay and bride are wished many happy prosperope years. Fatter K000arar,—A letter from Jacob Schnook, a former resident of that local- ity, now ea Hngnaim, Washington Ty., U. 9., oonteine items of interest benne their reproduobion, Mr, Snbnook le time keeper at the camp and bas odds and ends of time for hunting. He soya be killed 2 wildoats, tt bear and 8 elk and along with the foreman on another oo melon h elk fell to their prowess out of about 70 in the herd. 8 of threat shot were bulls. They have fine borne and the one secured is being monbted as a keepsake, refusing $50 for them. Elk are possessed of 2 ivory teeth worth from 55 to $20 and the animals are often killed for their ivnry. A11 the meat was waved from the reealtie of the ohaee reported above and Mr, Schnook said the bulla weighed 500 pounds moil end the malt was se large as it big deer, About Ohrletmae time Mr. Soh000it ie figuring on a deer bent, , He has been in the West about 15 or 16 years. He has the lenity of pleasing the Editor in a most agreeable manner and did eo on thio 000ereon by enolosing a $5 bill ea his erbsaription, This pays his Poo tip to January 1, 1008. Mr. Sohnook deserves to prosper and we hope hemay meetwith even better success in the future than he has in the past, Naltel. Allred Beaker shipped a oar of baled bay from here on Saturday. Some have been oom I nin light ai p g of attaak0 of tonailitie but favorable pros• rasa ie reported. The Uheeee factory has been running 8 days each week for the peat few weeks as a note of tapering off to a busy Beason. A sugar beet was weighed from the plot of John Senders, 10th non., and it scaled 18e pounds, It was a whopper. Eno. McDermott, a former readmit, Was here last Monday. He it moving from Bluevale to Newhridgo. He talks of taking to trip to Michigan, Township Coattail met here on Monday and •traneeeted a large amount of had. nese. It adjourned to meet ou Deo, 15111, to close up the year's fuanose. We ere pleased to report favorable Progress by S. B. Cole who lost the made of three of hie fingers of hie right hand by contact with a mew in hie mill. His many Merida hope be will soon be a. k. It the preeonb layout of the proposed 0. P. R. holds good the station would be abotit la miles from the village. Some of us think our people were very dilltory in. prel e ntirn s tbe MI ' alms of Ethel to those idawreited as eompared with other please. The balance of the sugar beet stop woe shipped to Wiarton Sugar factory this week. There Wes 5 ogre in all. Some big bade were hauled by the termone in loading, the largest We beard of welgiiing 1,000.11111.11101110. W. H. KERR, Prop. 4 ton inolnding weight of wagon. Thie Wee by John Brown, 10 le eon, Jerry Catena who wee cheese maker here, le now employed in the suer 1aobory at Berlin. He ie well suited with bis new pneition, There ie a day and a night staff and they alternate every two woke. Berlin factory tame out from 400 to 650 barrels of Boger per clay am. ployiog a large number of bands. On Monday 28rd ilial., the Farmers' Inetibete meeting will bo held in the Town Hall bore. After the Obeirman's addreee Dr, Reed, of Georgetown, will speak on "Tbe relation which exists be. tweet) improper feeding and climate". J. H, Smith, of Lengbank, will take as bie topic "Feeds and Feeding^. At the evening meeting, at 7.80 o'olook, a mnstoal program will be rendered and 'meeohee given by Dr. Reed on "Develop. mons and training of young horses," and Mr. Smith, on "Choosing an occupa- tion." All will be weloome. Trowbrldg•e. The fanersl of the tate Robert George Code took place last Saturday and was one of the moot largely attended Inner. ale ever held in obis community. A great many were present from Listowel, Yloleswortb, Atwood, Ethel, lernseele and other pointe. A very impressive memorial service was held in the Meth- odiet oherob. After a short sermon by the pastor, Rev. A. 0. Tiffin, addresses were given by Reticle. T. W. Omens, of Breese%, J. E. Renter, el Victoria IIs• ivereity, Toronto, and Johnson MoCore mink, of Jeannette's Creek. Rinds. Oliver, of Listowel, Penhali, of Atwood, Carrie, of Monktoo, and Bartlett, of Wallace, slap took part is the eervioe. The Molesworth choir led the eervioe of song. The floral offerings were the most beautiful that many of ns have ever seen at a funeral, ooeepionons among them being "Tbe Gates Ajar," presented by the Sunday School and Leagae, a wreatb from the oboir sod aleo one from the ohuroh. The remains were interred in the Atwood cemetery. Mr. Code, el though only 80 years of age, was one of the etewarde of the airauit, leader of the ohoir, assistant Superintendent of the Sunday School and treasurer of the Ep worth League. Ea was an exepaplary young man mud will be greatly missed in the Merrill and neighborhood. Hie par. sate and sisters have the heartfelt Byrn - patty of a large °irole of friends in their sad bereavement. Mies Amelia Whitfield i0 vieititg in Brnssele. Mies Maggie Bezel] was a visitor at Blyth with Dire. N. B. Gerry. Thomas Teller, 16th 000„ arrived home last Feldey from a trip to the West, Wednesday of last week as Mre. August Fischer was driving to Brussels her horse dropped dead near J. Hollinger'¢ gate, 10.h con. Geo, McDonald, wile and obll ren North Boundary, re away to Muskoka on a visit. Geo. ie taking a deer hunt while in the hunter'r paradise. The proposed C. P. R. annoy is going to make a bad out up of some farms it it tame oat to be a reality. Route rune diagonally across the lots making square fields a diffionit problem. Last Saturday morning John Smith, 16th von,, had the ee000d auger of his right hand badly nipped in the nose of a grindstone and will be mad up for active eervioe for Dome weeks. Last Saturday afternoon Williamson Bros. threshed at the farm off James Petrie, lot 17, con. 15, in 4a boars, 750 bnohale of Fall wheat. Thio is beetling out the grain at a lively rate, Wm. Smalldon, 10th con„ returned Tbareday of last week from Miobigon after seeing his father, The latter is pro. greasing favorable under hie present treatment we are pleased to hear. Tbaroday of this week Charlie Lamont, 7th 000., left for Michigan, accompany. the John Kerney, who was returning to hie home. at Fowlervilfe. Air. Lemont may spend the Winter in the Wolverine Btebe If be finds what snits him. We with him snoop and a safe return. MATRrttoNoAr.,—A (Inlet wedding kook plaoe at the home at 'Thos. Turnbull, brother to the bride, at Manitou, Mani. soba, on Ootober 21st, when Rev, Mr. Beverige, pronoeneed the mystic words reeking JohnlBurtou, of Indian Head, N. W. T., and Moss Nellie, only daughter of Andrew and Mrs. Turnbull, 15th con., hooband and wile. Mies Turnbull was teaching eobool at Lor/ie, N. W. T. Mr. end Mrs. Burton took it wedding trip t0 Winnipeg and other pointe before nettling down to the ordinary routine of lite. The many Mends of the bride here will be a unit in extending hearty oongrab. elation!) to her and her husband. Lrraneam Evroxno.—On Thursday night of Met week the Epworth League work• era of Union gave a literary program in theMural, The •mid t t ort en J. a K B ker ably oflioiated as chairman and the tole lowing program was well rendered :— Opening hymn • prayer ; chairman's MMus ; reoitation, Miert Irene Baker ; instrumental, Mies Maggie Robinson 1 selection by oboir'; report of Ilpwortb League Convention by Mies Baker; rec. itation, Mies Mand Rothwell ; dialogue, "Tbe Walking Enoyalopredia," by five boys ; instrumental, Bleu. Win. Michel ; selection by choir ; reading, 8. B. Lam. out; singing of teams' Anthem, A pleasant time was enjoyed by the large andienoe, The people of the Motility are taking a deep interest in the welfare of the League whioh is sure to nuke /be work a mom, tenet can —Wednesday of fast week the matrimonial knot between Mies Beatrice Iwebel Tkomee,14th son. Logan, and Roderick McKey, a former Greyito, was tied at 5 p. m, by Rev, Mr. Abrey, of Monkton, in the preeenoe of a largo core. ploy, ceremony was performed on the lawn et ,the reeidenoe of the bride',t patentee Mies Wallace, Of Jamestown, played the. Wedding Maroc. The bride wore aweey, becoming costume of cream cashmere. Wedding preeent0, n0mmrono, valuable and nsetnl gave evidedee of the popularity of the young oonple. Ao elegant spread wart prepared to whioh the geode :did ample justice!). Tbe evecing wee spent in maaio, gong, abet and dam ing. Stretford BtBraselte were o, Ethel, reeent from JamestMonktonown and other pointe, Mr. end Mee, McKay went to their own home on the 14th of Logan, where they oommeepe bones. keeping with the beet wishes of a large circle of relatives and Mende in whioh THE PoeT joins. Mr, olid Etre, Hale, of Dawn, and Airs, Stewed, of Toronto, relatives of the groom and bride re speotively, were among the visitors ab the wedding, nor row. Townehip Gannoil neat Monday. Tboe. Ellie bas had a log building erected oo bis farm, $rd line, Don't forget the Deletion etas at Mrs. Kellingto0'e, 4th line on Friday afternoon of this week. John Amea who has been managing the MaoeeyHarrie business at Wiegbam, has accepted a position in Toronto. Richard Armstrong and F. Embry arrived home this week from a bunting expedition with their quota of deer. 700 or 800 porde of hard and eat wood wantedat the Bodmin Lime Works. Highest prise paid. A. Nxanoroon & A number of Morrie ferment bays lin. Med hauling their sugar beet orop to Brussels G. T. R. for shipment to Mar- ton Factory. John W. Todd, teacher in 8. 8. No. 4, has resigned hie pneition previous to en- tering Chatham Business' college where it is hie intention to pursue a Cummer aim! Spec/lead's course. We wish him 0000000. Leet Saturday Richard and Meal/dit- cher! arrived home from a very pleaeanb visit with xeletivee and friends in Mani- toba and Dakota. Mr. Mitobell and family may move to the Weal] es they were well pleased with tbo outlook and as they have several sone see opportunities there not to be bad here in the agar:eater. al line as far as the eeonring of farms is oonoerned. Taxon Bona Baoxmt•—We are very sorry to report that last Saturday William Shedden, an old aad moat highly esteem- ed resident of the 4th line, fell on the barn floor while putting feed down through the chute to the stable, and broke the thigh bone of hie lett leg. Be alto received a blow from the trap door on the aide of the lase. Mr. Shedden is 77 years of age 00 that an injury like hie is of more serione consequence than to a youth but we hope be will moon be all right. He has been a very hearty man. Sunday afternoon at Sunshine Bev. A. E. Jones made a very touching reference regarding the going away of the Sunday Sobool 8nperitleodent of Sunshine Methodist 8. S. Hie removal will be a great Tose to the school as his place will be hard to fill. Mr. Hauter is a young man of sterling qualities and has a grand outlook as he lives a noble Ohristian life, t will influence of whioh wi i aly wa a be felt wherever be may go. We wish him abundant prosperity at Newark, N. J., for whioh point he started lest Monday. Jae. and Mra, Ireland, 8rd line, are bank from a 6 weeks' holiday trip to the West. They visited at Winnipeg, Dan. phin, Swann River, Brandon, Glenboro', Rathwell, Holland, Cypress, and a member of other pointe end were kept bneily on the move ea they made visite at no less than 45 places. Among the old time Mende visited were Sample's, Robertson's, Forbes, Forsythia, Barker's, MoDoaald'e, Ingram's, Richardson's, Jno, E. Smith, &o. Their eon James is looate'd et Dauphin. Mr. Ireland Bays orops will average about 48 bushels to the Bore where be woe. About Dauphin land is worth from 580 per aore upward. The people, as a rule, are doing well and are very enthusiastic over their country. ADDRESS AND PneleENTATxoN.—Friday Melting of last week the household of Joie, Hunter, 7th line, was taken by surprise upon the arrival of the friends- of the Sanehineappointment who went to have a social time previous to the departure of hie son, William, who bad filled the poo• ition of 8. B. Superintendent and oboir leader for the past seven yore. He was presented with a beautiful mahogany writing desk and Gent's companion in a, Realm leather Daae, accompanied by a very appropriate addreee which was read by Stanley Wheeler. Presentation was made by Eno, Clegg and Jae. Pickett. Altbough completely taken by eurpriso Mr, Hunter expressed bioiselt in 0 Yew well cheese words thanking the people for their token of kindness and good will and notwithstanding all the spaand downs that tall to the lot of Sunday Schools he bad always telt ,the bond of unity that bad indeed between bimeelt and the scholars and would carry away with him pleasant memories of big past work among tem. The remainder of the evening wee spent is singing, mule, social eonveree and vartoag games. A bountiful lunch woe served byhe ladies t d and as the wee oma' home drew near all adjourned to their reepeative homes moan. imbue in having had a moot enjoyable time. Corm's VxcTOtn.—At the eommodidua residence of Charles and Mo. Wheeler, 4th line, Morrie, there was oelebratmd on Wednesday evening one of those happy events being the marriage of their most attainable daughter, Mies Oarrie J., and Andrew Taylor, a prospering young farmer and stook dealer of this townehip, To the melodious strains of the wedding marsh played by Min Pease Proctor the young oonple took their reepeotive uta tions beneath a most artietioeBy arranged arch in tbe pregame of over one hundred and twenty•five invited friende and relations, The bride lacked charming in a dose of white milk, trimmed with. applique and married a baguet of ohryoantbmnmo. The ceremony wag performed by Rev, A. E. Jones, Meth. odiet minieter, Belgrave ?amnia The presents were costly and numerous betokening the high Gotham in whimf' the yonnd couple i0 held, They nommence married life ander moat favorable ofroametanoee, Mr. Taylor being in the po0eseion' of a fine hundred more farm on the 5th nonoeseion, The ceremony ov01' and a atoll fowl asp, er furnier ture'remov d' the letgeartakers of the ()e a .o rawad ted company tripped' the light faete iu be. yond the wee Oma' More of the, sporules, Tee happy twain are the reoopionte of many good wishes in oommenciog their voyage Over the matrimonial sea in whioh THE Poen oleo very heartily joins. Scientific Miscellany. Filling the pores with sugar baa somewhat aorprisingaffiliate upon wood. The proems, aodevited by W. Powell, of Liverpool, consuls in immersing the wood in boated stager solution for some hours, the time varying with the wood, and then drying in ail oven. No pre - trims eeasomng necessary. The spongy fibre is converted into a compact lignsooe eubetanoe, and itacquiree greatly inoreas. ad durability and strength, with resist. once to Mango of temperature and moisture, and even to fire, A epeaial advantage is that the Bolter and cheaper —and even defeotive—woods can be made to serve many purposes in plane of expensive bard woods. Tbe sugar does not dissolve oat, and it does not promote fermentation and the growth of destruct, ave organieme bar it produces BOMB remarkable obemioal or physical trans. formation in a manner not yet under- stood. In the new fire -alarm system of Emile Goariai, of Brussels, automatic eignale are given by wireless telegraphy. The rise of the mercury in a thermometer nate upon a relay and Beta in motion a wheel, whittle makes and breaks the eleotrie oiroait by a atrial of contacts. Impnleee are thus vent through an induction coil and the anal transmitting apparataa. The receiver at the engine, hoose includes' air and earth 000ductors, caherer' battery and Mores instrument. The same receiver can serve many tranemittere, cud, as the contacts on the, wheel oen be varied, the exact location of the fire can be indicated. So little 9.0 8 to 5 parte of vanadium per 1000 doubles the resistance of steel to fracture, and gives extraordinary hard nese, with the peeuIiar property of are. quiring maximum hardoeee by anneal. nig. When a working tool of vanadium steel beoomee heated, its cutting power increases. A eoggeeted explanation ie that the extreme avidity of vanadium for oxygen unites the reduction of every trace of the iron oxide that greatly weakens even the beet prepared [taste. A rise of body temperature from the normal 98 4 0 7'. to 1070 brings speedy death. Drs. Halliburton and Mott find that aell.globulin ooagnlatee at the latter temperature, the fatal remits of high fever seeming to be due to ooagnlatiou of thie proteid in the oath; of the nerve. centers and other parte of the body. The eleotrio'life-saving book of J. fs1 Kennt, a Sootohman, is a long pole with a book and an eta:aria lamp at the outer end. The light is made to glow when a body i0 beteg sought in the water at night, Tbe study of "yofae figures" has been for yeare the novel bobby of Mrs. Watts Hegher, wbo has entertained Londoners with the curious results. Singing into as "eidopbone,"—a simple instrument consisting of tube, reoaiver and flexible membrane, -each note sets np vibrations that oaae0 tiny seeds, lycopodium and other dust, and even "color paste," to dance into definite and constant patterns. Tbe ebapee inolnde snakes, spirals, stars, and wheals. On one occasion a beauti• faldaley appeared, and she strove for weeks to learn its secret, at last finding the pesetas inflection of the particular note that yields it, so that she has einoe produced at will daisies of great beauty, even with enooeseive rows of petals and petals delicately .veined. Other noise give pan0iee. Others piotare eaa•mon- etere, serpentine &gorse receding into infinity ; aad still others form treat, even with lalling fruit, a foreground of rooks, and the sea behind. Gannon and other explosive discharges appear to have a hitherto overlooked projectile, whioh ham been pointed oat by Berthelot, the distinguished French chemist. In addition to the well known emoke•ringe, demo and ooheeive masses of gas are thrown out, and this gaseous projectile burets like a shell on meeting bbe mammary resistance. Some of the phenomena of Mount Pelee and even of the tunnel dieaeter in Paris may be explained in tbie way. Burning amide asphyxiated all living oreetares on their routewhile per0one not exactly on the line ()soaped ; and the gas bomb from the tunnel passed harmlessly over many people to Buffooate others 800 yards from the tritest fire. Moet marvellooe of ail rocking atones is that of the island of Cephalonia, off the mast of Graeae. A great rook ebtut a rod square, is in perpetual motion in the edge of the sea, alternately touching tha land and timeding abouttwenty a minute. The regale, beats of this cools ere unaffected by oalmo or by tempeetnone seas that break oompletely over it. The weight of ten pereone did not peroepptibly ohangm 110 nate, and when en Englieh'captain attempted to drag it away theoeailletione snapped hie Mains. Stationary; clouds to the leeward of mountain ridges have been little observ- ed, the beet known example being the "Helm Bar" often seen over the Orono Fell range in Northwestern England, On a regent visit to the Bine Ridge in North Carolina, W. M. Devitt naked a similar aloud, whioh held its plate—con. tinnelly forming and dissolving—for ober an hour. Melamenohytraene oolifngue is a simil- ar earthworm lately, noticed on Mt. lifiae, By night it swarms on the snow of the Malaspina glacier, but when the ann Mines it burrows to a depth of 18 inohes or more nuder the egrtaoe, A priestlier on fie that of Albert Hughes, a young Iluglitbenan, wbo ie a patient at Victoria Hobpital, London.. When a boy working on a farm in obit country, he was struck on the arm : by a tork.hendle. The arm is now badly affected. Ever eine° the blow was received laugher' hike auffeeed mOre or leve severely, bet the arm hoe at length benome praetioally ueelees. Rio brats hog oleo b000me aUeeted and be la sub. jeat to spasms. Jost; what effeet the injured arm lame epee the brain le what puzzles the doetore, The ether afternoon ie hile. eonagitation wag held, but . it wee decided to roma to no operation for a w Caaoae dfau IYew-M, Ten ogee of smsli.pox have beet discovered in Montreal. W. Albert Lockhart, oolleator of can, tome at St. John, N. B., le dead, The Ontario Government has granted 5$Q0 to the greoddangbters of Laura 8eoord. Bartholomew G. Clampitt was killed et London, Ont, by a heavy lathe falling on him. Alexander Jackson has been appointad Police Magistrate of Lindsay, vise Wm. Steers rolbgoed. The organization of tbe Oanadlau Taiephone & 'Telegraph Co. was nom• plated al Ottawa. Mrs, Jab. L. Regius, at the household Economic Aseooiation, condemned the trailing skirt as a disease-eprender. The Dominion W. 0, T, U. meeting at Ottawa elected chasero, Mrs. Rutherford being re-eleotd President for the ninth year. Noel St. Pierre, a farmer near Wolfe Greek, wee shot and kilied in the woods, presumably by a stray bullet from a bunter's rine. Sitio the fleet of September the Cana- dian horse owners, Orow and Murray, end George Pepper have won nearly $18,000 in prize money. The Durham county Liberal Aosoeia- tion for the new riding wee organized et Oran°, D. B. Simpson, R. 0., being eleota8 President. Tbe aontraot for the new public build- ing at Sault Ste. Marie has been awarded to Messrs. McPhail, McCarty & Kenneth Wright. The price is $54,000. Sydney A. Stephens, of Montreal, wbo has a claim against the American Lcoo. motive Oompany, seized two Mogul eoginee in transit at Point 8l]. Obarlee. Tbomaa Stanley while deer hunting near Parry Sound fired at three men working on a road. James MoOomb was killed and Dan. Quinlan wounded in the thigh. The contract for the Atlantic fast steamship eervioe will probably be de- layed until definite information ham been gleaned as to the 0000000 or failure of the Turbine steamships. At Guelph on Monday morning Agnes Wallace, reiiot of the late Adam Robert. son, one of the oldest residents of Guelph, died at the age of ninetyone. She had been a resident of Guelph einoe 1847. The Caledonian Society declined to oo.operatm with the United States Scotch societies because of their refusal rte die. play the Britieb flag on the °elision of fraternal vitae from Canadian Booth. A sailor named Ellie tell fifty a peetf from the maet of the 88.Alexandrian, at Montreal, receiving very 0erian0 injuries. In his descent he amok a young man named Marquis wbo was 001 eerionoly hurt. The Manitoba Government, evidently taking the prohibition vote at the last election as an indication of the 109390r. eons sentiment tbrongoot the Promo., is now inareaeing the number of liquor licensee. Sir William Van Horne, ea Montreal, is reported to be interested in a big international railway eoheme, whioh will utilize the Central America route for traffic to and from Europe, and America and Asia. OBoers of the National Sanitarium Aeeooiation announce that tbey will shortly establish a free dispensary fu Toronto for oovemmptivee, and in eon - neaten witb it a leoturehall for medical andante to atady the dieeaoe. W.J.Bell, of &master, has received 585 for a turkey weighing 35 pounds et nine months of age. The pnrobaaer lives in Boyle, Ireland. The bird was first in his olaes and sweepstakes at the Dominlon Exhibition, Toronto. A committee has been appointed by the Canadian Manufaotarere' Aeeomia. tion to try and arrange to have eivio holiday celebrated on the same day throughout Outarto,oaob being madder. ad to be in the interests of Mamas men. After gambling with two Hebrews at Berlin, Out„ and losing all their money, it is alleged that Dan Kaatz and Samuel Harris attempted to recover their wealth by highway robbery in baud daylight on the areas of Berlin. The pair were arrested. The Northern Navigation Oompany'o steamer Atlantis was bnraod the morn- ing of Nov. 10 at 7 o'olook inside of Rod Rook on Georgian Bay, white bound for Byng Inlet. The passengers and the members of the Drew were all saved and taken to Parry Sound. The steamer was fall insured. t sura . Through the explosion of a lantern in the barn of Isaac Haitie, who lives not Pontypool, his six-year•old eon James was burned to death, and !tie teven.year. old daughter Maria'wao so badly injured that ate is net expected to .remover. Tho ohildren were alone in the barn doing some light work, when the exploeiou me /erred. The stenctare was deettoyed. Surrounded by bis family, Hon. R. W. Scott and Mre, Knott, celebrated Tuesday of last week the 50th anniversary of their marriage, The ootebration was oon&ned exolneively to 0. dinner, at whioh children and grandobildeen were present, Daring the afternoon a large number called to extend oongratnlatioeo, inolud. ing Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier and Mone. fehanetti, Papal delegate. On Saturday at noon Mr. 800tt was proem. ed with an address and a gold fruit dish by the staff of the depariment of Beate - they of State. Among the other gifts reoeived were a gold medal of Pope Loo XIII, from Qfgn. Sharretti, and a frail oorviee from Dr. Dawson, King'o Printer, gold watohoe front the family, pair wear. the mounted in gold tram lbi. P. and Dirs. Davies, geld apron to Mrs. Scott, gold agar to Mr. Soots, from M. P. and Mrs. Davies, and a great many seat f0oral offerings,