HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-5, Page 51'ov. 5, 1903
goat, L 1i. $OOi'T, llrngoelo,
v V • Issuer of Marriage Licensee, Of.
tin at Gr000ry,Turnberryttreet, 11r11oosle,
��tb RMi3 FOB € ALE—`J.'IIL 'UN•
rDniternNan loan 6oyera1 gogd Uarmp for
•sate and to rout, oast' tnroso, 133 Townallips
111 stouts and limy, O' S, 8OO'1'1',Bruoeel
C. 0. IP.
court Princess
Atox '1
sail!d,e , 00o0
BruOa !s l
0 meets u their Dodge e r k. g !loom BlaO-
hilleac Block, mouth, t 6 o'ol end )sat Tuesdn bl.'t h of
alwa s welc00me, JAS, UISGESg brethren
always welcome, JAS, BURGESS, C.R.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
zaxvsems...�., oaa r,
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4i, 49 Si 5 Per Cent.
Office over Horsley's Drug Store,
Nov. Ord,1082, • 00.801 Brnseela,
Wellington Mutual
Fire feet/ramie Co.,
mamma= 1840
In0ol'ance taken on the each end premium
note eyotem at current rates. Before fueur•
leg elsewhere call on the undersigned A gent
of the Company.
GEORGE 1100ERS, Brussels.
a nza, will sell for hotter prices, to
better men in lose time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and ordure
pan alwayo be arranged at tole oiItoe or by
pereanal application.
The undersigned, who is well acquainted
throughout the moat part of the County
and oho hue bed Matinees with a large Mr -
ole of farmers in and around this l0oaltty,
begs to inform the 0ommnnity that he has
token out an Auctioneer's Eupnea for the
County of Huron and offers his 80r410e9 to
all purposing to hold ea,ee,
THOS. NEWSOME, Brussels.
Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domestluated animals in a oompet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry,0a110 promptly at-
tended to. Office and Inurmary—Fonr doors
North of bridge, Turnberry )t., Brussels,
• Barrister, Solioltor, .Oonveyaneer,
Notary Publio, &o. Offioe—Stewart's Blook
1 doorNnrth of Central Hotel,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
. .IOITOR,.&o , BitUSSELS.—
LiMee over Standard Bank ; Solicitor for
Township of Grey, 0019109 Mutual and the
Metropolitan Bank. Private anti company
money to loan at lowest rut00,
M. 11., O, M„ Po
Trinity Universityy,Fellow Trinity Medioal be
Oofege, Member College of Phyototaue and
Burgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col. dt
lege of 1''hyetotane and Licentiate of Mid- au
wifery Edinburggh. farTolepboge No.14,
R0sid' enee—M1l1 street, Brueoele.
of the rig were the eve int t the ditch, grope. They intend tailing in a few hell and '114 le already patterua 1, and it
al GET
dP with lite result t et Air, tit, ole had lila eights about Toronto awl the lee I. be o.ly , 1e munching of the t +
11 lG H 1',M S arm brok
Beat pinup in Canada for 000uring
a thorough busin00s eduoatiou or a
superior shorthand ttrobdug,. Our lit
graduates are always g oatrsu
010o io
a olio get- Q
�" ` ting t100ittou0, Thislollop/tliu tkgy ex-
ghee its students more than theyy ex- Li
peat, Write for catalogue, tauter
this month
If possible.
a e.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinotpal. Pf
43istritt �C Uas,
I31 s'ti*,
Mice Berta Carder and Mies Ella Met.
calf were the del. gates from Trinity
(thumb to the Anglican Young People's
0ouvention in London last week,
Rev. James Hussar, B, D„ of Holmes.
vine, gave an address on "Forward Move.
meat" before the Epworth League of
Blyth Methodist church on Tuesday ev•
ening of last week.
Ou Bentley, Nov. 8th, the anniversary
of the Blyth Methodiet church will be
held. Rev. H. M, Manning, of Clinton,
will preaoh morning and evening. The
oongregation is being asked for am offer-
ing of $160, the eutire amount of indebt.
(iciness on the ohareh property.
I'r'o'Vo'b re Cf. ;'e.
W. H. Code, of Galt, wee spending a
few days with hie mother, Mre, R. Code.
Neil MoNoil, of Lakelet, spent a few
days visiting his sister, Mre, Thome
Misses Gertie and Maud Vanetarte, of
Listowel were the guests of Mrs. Imago
Mies Amanada Code was spending a
few days visiting her uncle and aunt in
Mre. J. W. Holmes, of 011 Spring°, also
Master Gordon, are visiting at the home
of R. Sutton,
Rohl. Stewart left for Port Hope where
he hair secured a 000003110n as teacher in a
High School.
Mra. Rowe and Mies Sara Witmer, of
Elkhart, lradianna, are vi,itiog their par.
este, J. 0. Witmer.
Mre. E. J, Speakman attended the W,
0. T. U. Oonventioo. held last week at
St. Thomae.
Invitations have been issued by the
Baolleture and llrnediote of Exeter to an
ae,embly in Gidloy's Opera Haase, on
Monday eveniug, November 9.11.
Fred. Smith, au emplyee of Bowden t4
MODonnoll, had the mieforiune to have
one of the big stallions etep on his foot on
Tuesday of last week. 8.,me of the bones
are enppooed to be broken and be suffers
ooneiderable pain in the member.
John Bell, moo of Robb, Bell, Con. 6,
Ueborne, met with a painful accident to
one of hie knees. It seems he wee using
a drawiug knife when it slipped and
(tame in contact with hie knee clotting a
severe pelt, w11foh required several, stir -
ahem to olose.
The many friends of Geo. Davis, an
old and highly reepeeted resit ent of town,
will learn with regret that be Buffered o
severe stroke of paralyeit on Wednesday
of last week and hie condition at present
is anything but favorable towards recov-
ery, AU one aide of his person is com-
pletely paralysed.
E. G. Blaine, of the Blaine Harrow
Manufacturing 0o., of Toronto, visited
Exeter with a view to the establishment
of hie factory here. A public meeting woe
held at which a large number of rate
payers were present. After hearing Mr.
13laine'a proposition, which was that
$10,000 worth of stook should be sob.
scribed by the citizens of Exeter to secure
the indaetry, a committee was appointed
to ioveotdgate the propoeitiou'.itnd report.
On inveetigat.ion the oommittee oonolnd-
ed that if sufficient stook aonld be sub-
eoribed to secure a controlling interest
r local ohoreholdere, the reenit would
oatlefaotory end so reported. The
faculty wow appears to be in selling
Siatent stock in Exeter.
Graduate of 'the Royal college of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and ferns -plass Honor
Graduate of Toronto University, 001oe
neat to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, .
Mre. W. A. Crich i0 in Harrieton
spending a couple of weeks with friends
J. Soots Hays, son of T. E.Have, won
the aoho'arehip at the recent Entranoe
examination, which entitles him to a
year's free tuition,
Thee. Daly has dieposed of his grocery
business in i9gmondvllle to Wm. Abet.
hart and will open up businese in the
00ote on Main attest he recently purobaO
from the Megary estate.
bhn Paterson has linseed the store in
Mooeted's blook, formerly (Jeoapied by
oft Bros„ andIsfit0iag it opfor the
nufnoture of candy and oonfeotionary,
el will also have a candy atone, making
hie own stook.
ohn MoTavieh who ham been in the
ploy of hie unole, E. Mol+aul, for the
t twelve yeare, hag been prevailed up
by hie brother, Newton McTavish, of
01real, to go to that pity and give his'
eutioa to oommeroisl journalism.
iioa, E Hays disposed of a steer to
o. Dale, of the Heron road, Tooker.
h, This animal weighed 1,720 lbs,
was Bold at four andhalf
bents a f one a
ed. A'Ithongh it is Daub a monster
es never been fad a pound of •meal,
competent judger] think that when
it will ette01y weigh 2,560 pounds.
re. Robs, Torubull met with a 00109
t orlon accident. She wagetanding
oplatform taking I
g o otbea o� a reel
n the wind blew the reel around,
trlking her on the head mud throwing
ler down. She ho(1 a rib frootpred and
eoeived other injuries, brat ie getting
lore n0oely. Mrs. Ttanballit 70. years
I Age.
John Steele, a boiler mailer at the San.
°Nth engine wmke,.mot with a painful
oaitteat Monday night of Net week,
odor ,rather 'peoullar airoametaooee.
e man 030000 to 0110 boiler worke a•
t 0itf o'olook that evening, and told
foeeblan that Mx, Beli had gent hip!
eta man to go nut Into the eo0ntry
x hie boiler, Mr. Steele woe ae0ign-
o the job, and, ao aeon as be got sup.
he atoned North with the fellow,,
, in the meantime, had stowed away
north fire water. They, hadn't gone
for before the horlo got beyond the
rel of the driver, and obe occupants
LlSTOWEL / // so
to g
to 11
ed t
�/��ry^}��f�i ton
,A: oo yt
Term begins
b s oat
Two Courses—Commercial and Sorthand..
Send for College Journal.
President, Secretary,
�3 liisi� 4JOhUffbHt
Red Cedar Singles
North Shore
.Pirie and Cedar
Brussels Planing1�ills,
Alert Doors and Sash of ail Yat
tune an hand 00 made to order
at Short Notice.
EeU.mates Fnrniohed for all
kinds of Buildiugo. Workman.
ehfp and Material Gllarantaed,
t nave l
0p in two 11 sees. A 1100010105• noirway hon.0, n tl,. 0• , , ', for the big 0330 la 1.e 00arl•
ity of the pate is til et 11,', 11.1l lied not ; D. Crier; •115 ,goal b•3r,,.-ee .her at, ad,
peen t1
9 a 0,alaawl
PaCBOn e1ge I tendeded the fairs n6 Mtui ,
Y,!!atriatou hu:<'
boob 330 h
nvllrale urpantthe work+, ho saw him, know ' end Gorriu with n mut ,30 tousle Ianee° Shooting a (mod the harbor, sows
of it by
biro, tend, as yet, they have bean unable and parried off the red tivket for each' inexperluuoad bands, Ibab many of those
to and out who he is. eel et all the ehowe. nits le good work. I at the !amber piles and other worke
Although nut nnexpeoted the deoeuee thoa4100 their lives endangered, end when
01 Mrs. ()hag. MoLeugttlin, one of the loot week, a Aergon declared be heard the
pleasant of Howtok, oam0 with no small whisks of a baliet passing by l)rrn, it was
pang of sorrow and regret to her ag•^d
partner trod her family, dile had been
ailing for mune lime and passed away Bat
dsY evening, Out,24,
Dae d
g ase wan
bar inn. laet
N. X
033 Deo: 9, 1828, anti moved 00 Durham
000oty about :1$45 with her paren00.
Here she 4900 married to Ohas, Mat,10 t.
fin on April '29, 1852. They lived re
Durham till May, 1855, when they Name
to Bowiok, eeoured o farm near Ford•
wioh and lived on it for 42 years. The
aged couple retired about six years ago
to Fordwioh to spend the rest of tbeir
days in ease and g'ietness. In addition
to her husband she leaves six eons, John
J„ Wm., Alex , and Jae., of Howiok ;
Alfred, of Independence, Oregon, and
Thoth, of Tometown, Nipissing ; and
four daughters, Mies Emma A„ of Arrow
River, Man., Eire, W. A. Edwards, of
Fordwloh, Mre. J. Fleming, of Arrow
River, Mar!„ and Mrs. J. Hunt, of Loe
Angeles, Cal., and 07 grandchildren, and
one great grandoltild. She was very
kindly in her manner, a true wire and a
loving mother. The funeral took place
an Tneedoy afternoon and was largely
attended. Rev. A. B Dobson aondooted
the funeral servioe and preaobed a suit.
able sermon in the Presbyterian °herob.
Rev, D. Rogere assisted in the service.
The pelf bearers were Thomas Gibson,
G. Mee, J. Soots, J. Henneberg, Alex.
Graham and R. Carter.
W. LJ. Dinning is nearly fully reoovered
from Iia remelt ilhlo+e, and is able 00 be
down to hie 00520 agaiu,
Geo. Levee, who hue been working in
Fordwioh, hue returned to
apoePted pooltion with the LiatoweI
F°reitere Company,
D. II. Meridian, hoe mold his fifty nate
form on the Elm+, boundary East to Abet
Tindall, and ha, per0baeed John Adams'
100 lore farm on the let oonoaeeion of
Elms at a good figure,
A. J'. Hamilton, who had hie bare
burned in June last bar raised hie new
one. It le an ettoelleut frame, 60x76 18,,
and when it le 0omp'eted will rank
amongst the find borne of the oommunl0y,
The resignation of Rev. A. J. Saunders
of the Baptist Chetah has been 0nnoau0-
ed. The gentleman has been in oharge
ofLietoweland Atwood Baptist emigre.
nations for the pest three and a half years
We understand that he ie likely to go to
the Northwest.
Mre, Alexander, wife of John R, Alex.
ander, of the 201.1 oonoaeeion, Wallace,
who watt terribly injured in a runaway
eooidentabout four weeks ago, died on
Monday of loot weak. She had jest lett
home when the aooident happened. The
horse which oho was driving becoming
frightened from some unknown ouune,
ran away, upsetting the two'wbeeled
vehicle into the ditch, Mrs. Alexander
being thrown on her head, Entailing 00noae•
mon of the brain ; her right arm was
oleo badly fraotnred. She never folly
regained ooneotou0neee after the accident,
bat ooutinued to grow worse until death
came to her release,
Fred, Eorett, formerly of thie plane, is
in Seattle where he bolds a carpenter
foremanship ut $4 a day.
Geo, Moiweo, M. P., has returned to
town and will remain among 09 till next
session of parliament whiob promisee to
be a abort one.
' Anniversary aervioee of Rippon Metho.
diet church on Sunday, November 8, fol-
lowed by a fowl supper on the following
Monday evening.
The prospects for the establishment of
a marriage factory in Heneall were Lever
brighter einoe the movement was under.
taken, than at present.
Geo, 141oEwen has gone op to the Soo
section prior to returning home after the
Ion' parliamentary term. He may make
some pm -abases of timber while up in
that seotio31.
Will. Gilchrist is home on a visit after 1
spending a oonple of years in the West.
Ho visited Alaska where bio brother
Charley is at present working. He lire
bete in Seattle for some time but states
that times are getting bad there, as at.
Wined by 3000 empty hooaee and thous.
mule of mechanics beiug out of employ-
The Observer says t--0. Linder, leader
of the band, took hie departure from town
and ie now toasted et Toiedo, Ohio. He
took with him a good cornet and almost
the entire stook of mu io belonging to the
institution. It ba would return the cor-
net and the mae0o the boys would forgive
hie abrupt manner ofleaviug. The boys
met on Thuredoy night and elected Will,
Miller, leader for the present and intend
to praoliee right Along.
Vord wick.
Builder and Montgomery received two
oars of (tattle from Manitoulin Ieland.
Mr, Wilson, of Toronto, 0038 a Duller at
W. Oootell'e on Friday and Saturday Leat.
Mre. Musgrove and Mime Rolpb and
Hood, of Blnevale, were visitors at the
Sergeant Castel', of the Hamilton
Polio Foroe, hoe been visiting his broth.
8r Wm Castell,
E. G. Cola, who went to Manitoba
about a month ego, has returned to
Toronto, not liking the West.
The new schoolhouse of S. S. No. 11,
Howlett, (Oooper'e school) will be opened
by a public entertainment on Friday,
Nov. 6th.
Every house here is rumpled and
there ie a demand for comfortable dwell-
ings that mould be purchased for a Moder,
ate euro, say about $1200.
0 Wade, bloolwmith, had red mangel
ou exhibition last week in hies/lop, which
had been kept in his root house from loot
year. It was iu a good state of preserve.
The Royal Template have decided to
hold their 611111141 rally on Menday
evening, Nov. Oth, and have sent invita-
tions to Harrieon and Listowel Coattails
to be preeent on that oo00eion.
Dr, Spence, formerly of this plane, has
bought out a drag }maltase in Luoknow
which he will carry 00 in connection with
hie preotiee there, The Dr. woe a good
fel'ow and 0e wish him deserved 0000000,
The Preebyterion elude are nearing
completion, and when flub/lied will be
snug quartets for the bones both Sum
mer andinto
V r while V the t be eonro align
g g
is tvorsb0pptug ie their neat, oommod
Ione edifloe,
Wm. Brown received 921,16 in prize
winn10ga at Bewiolc fair this year—the
largest menu) obtained by any a Bibi•
tor. Mre, W. H. Rele, Wtng(tom, reeeiv.
ed 42 prizee at H'owiek fair- this year—
tho'largeet noipber obtained by anyone.
Quarterly meeting service was held in
the Metbodiot church on Sunday last.
The day was favorable and attendaooe
good. The pretor preached on the
"Sufferings of Christ" and in the evening
on the "forty life and Uooveroion of
R, i], McCallum hu pnroijaeed the vii•
loge bakery from J. R. Ward. We he.
speak it liberal patronage for the new
baker, 141r. Ward bee had charge of the
bakery ever three yeero and trade it a
semen, He will engage ao relievieg
uprose agent en the 0. P. la. at present,
B, C. and Mre, Madera, of Camden,
New Jersey U. S., were the guests of D.
B. Milne, 11011 con. They wore never in
Canada before and expreooed th0meolveo
190 hi kly pleased with thio part of
Canaria and 0a0 front 9110 greet number
of large borne with snob $ue stabling and,
eo maul nine briolt henries as theysaw
both about here and on the way ooming
they thought the farmers of Canada
must be a lot of..induetriouo and thrifty
people and thought from the large crop of
turnips, mangers and porn that the land
here two capable of producing great
Goer lat.
Speoial 00rvi(tBB are being held in the
Gerrie Methodist ohnroh.
The Forester block ie .beiug fitted up
for the Bank of Hamilton.
Tboo 1vloLanghlin, of Brown City,
Minh., hi in town renewing old acquaint
T. D. Edger returned home on Tues.
day eveniog of last week from Ids trip to
the West.
Township Oounail will meet again 033
the third Weduaeday in November, in
the Tp. Hall, Gerrie.
R. !toes, tax oolleoter for the Western
divioion of the township, is handing the
ratepayers their tax bill,,
Mine Martha Keine returned home on
Wednesday evening from an extended
visit with Mende in Megaton and Toron•
St. Stephen's oburoh oongregation
have deujded to pub a furnace in the
reot0ry and the Dame will be done
John Milson received word that his
brother, a boy about 18 years old, had hie
leg broken by beiug mixed up in a runaway
auaideut at $inborn.
Mine Hy. 800dereen and Mre. Amos
'Doan were in Goldstone a few days
attending the funeral of the lattere'e
brother which took plane on Sunday of
last week.
The Gerrie Branch of the Upper
Canada Bible Sooiety held ire annual
meeting in the Gorrie Methodist Church
on Sunday evening, Rev. A B. Dobson,
of Fordwioh, and the resident ministers
were present and delivered addressee.
J. J, Montgomery, Orange Hill, hal
rented hie 150 sore farm to John Krueller
fora term of five years. He retsina the
house and garden for his own pee and
the 80 acres whish he recently nunhood
from hie uncle, Alex, Montgomery, for
grazfug purposes. He will likely buy
t�. AQ e rich.
The Engine Werke shipped an engine
to Detroit laet,week.
' E, Belober has Bold out hie bakery hue.
ine00 to Boy N. Harrieon.
The 8. 0. E., will start a Juvenile lodge
in connection with their order here.
Botcher W. T. Marney has installed e
three•boree power gasoline engine for
ohoppi05 Francine.
The new eaperiotendent of the elevator
le John Shaw, of Winnipeg, who entered
on hie duties on Monday.
W. 0. Goode is having some floor show
oases put in hie elore and will have them
ilinminated with eleotrieity.
The Goderiob Knitting fsotory ie stilt
a buoy hive, its full staff being engaged on
what are mostly repeat orders.
Geo, and Mre. Acheson were in St.
Thomae, where Mre. Aoheaou was attoud-
iug the Ontario. W. 0. T, U. oonventiou,
The Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling
Co. i0 putting in a conveyor to unload
care of grain tram the R. R. track with•
out handling.
Sea pigeons have been gathering in the
harbor all last week, and it is said their
appearance betokens an early Winter,
though it may be the minnows the are
the attraotion.
The London collegiate Inetilute have
challenged for the Hough pup and the
match between the ofinteo holders and
the London 0120110030re Will probably
epee off shortly.
A great pleasure 6o many of the older
residents of the town wae the visit of S.
0. Curry, who has been spending ug the
poet week 13.•r0. It is twenty years oinne
Mr, Currie left Goderiob tot Winnipeg,
The other day Robb. 'Voting wee 9000•
ing a eeven.inph beech etiok when the
Frew otrquk what proved to be a email
abode embedded in the wood right next
the heart. The otiok wag pet featly sound
and how the atone got there la a my06ery.
We were pleased to learn the other day
that two former Goderioh hoym, Arthur
Sheppard, formerly of Hodgene Bros
atom, end Will Robinson, son of Capt.
Wm, Aob.lceont wits Event Weet mime
time ago, are new in heftiness tion their
own hoak.t
T eY have groo ery bo
Pass in Winnipeg,
17enryHuntber, 9011 03 polios Magis.
trate Idutpber, is building up n very 0110.
00000301 bnoineee at Leduc, Alberta, The
naw binolt which be has been building is
completed and be bite moved into it and
has the remainder of the block 000apied
by tenants. That portion of the oomttry
i0 making rapid growth, and Mn Kuru.
bar i0 growing along with it.
A few dnyo may cep the keel of a
atearnor pieced at Morlton'o ship yard on
the ielaud, The proposed vont loin be
the same length as the Manitou, built last
Winter, but will be two feet wider and
one foot deeper, giving a greater freight
capaoity and betterleabin a000mmedation,
She will be engined and maoh0ned by the
Gederioh Cngine 0o„ and Will no doubb
thought to be time to atop the dangerous
pra0110n, and a letter wee out to the
Town 0t'unoil wbioh bad the desired
printed and
pigtail up argon1 town.
The following figures with reference to
the Moan ea done at the Huron registry
ethos are from the report of the inspect
or of registry aloes for the year 1902
Total ogmber of 4n/tram-rite registered,
4,118 ; face therefor, 94,651 05. These
ivatrumente eonoiet of ; Patents, 1 ;
deeds, 1,861 ; mortgagee, 0,024 ; die.
obmrgee of mortgagee, 1,129 ; wine, 181 ;
Wages, 5 ; meohanioe' liens, 12 ; other
instruments, 416. There were 1,046
aearehee made, Groin amou0t of feee
earned for 1902, $6,086 70 ; oat amount
of tees received by registrar, $2,888 01.
Revival meetings have been in pro,
great. at Bethel oborah for some time.
Juo. and Mre. MoGavin and little
daughter have arrived home from Monito•
ba. Whi'e there they visited Mre. Mo.
Gavinlo two eistere,Mrs.A. Young and
Mre. J. Y. Campbell, at Cyprus River,
and at Souris, Hartley, Lauder and Mel.
iso. Tbey %dolled a great many Out Enloe
lived around Leadbory and also visited
friends at Portage- la Prairie and at
Gilbert Plaine. They spent two weeks
with Mre. McGavin'e two brothers,
Joseph and William Barry, and while
there they meta great many from thio
part of the oonetry.
Beery Howse, 8rd ooh., opposite
George Grays, bad the miefortn a to
have his stable burned early Friday
morning, Oat. 28rd. Mr Howes is
employed with Robert Govenlook, jr.
About five o'olook be went to Mr.
Goveelook'a to attend to the team which
he was working. On retnruing for
breakfast he noticed his stable on fire.
Before he could get to it the fire was eo
far advanced that he mould 1305 get any-
thing out. The °entente were all burned,
ooneiating of a bore°, pall, buggy, hareem)
and stable utensils. The stable is a new
one. The origin of the fire ie unknown.
The annual meeting of the Bible So
ciety was held in the Baptist church.
The opeoial aervioee in Weeley oburoh
are still being oontiuued with growing
Daring a rout wind storm one of the
awninge in front of Hodgene Bros.' afore
was torn loose and blown against one of
the plate glues windows and smashed it.
David Cantelon Saye that early in the
season he tbowght he would do well if he
mewed two thousand barrels of apples
thio year, but he expecte that he will
have ten thousand.
At the last oanvooation of Trinity Uni-
versity 14tiea Kathleen Gonne, who re-
ceived her B. A. degree woe oleo the re.
cipient of the Governor -General's medal
as head of St. Hilda's College.
Jas. Snell will leave here this week for
Wyoming territory and Montana, taking
with him three oar loads of Leioeeter
sheep. Two of the 00re were parobaoed
in thio tonality and one ue0r London.
A little 8 year old 011i1d attending the
public aobool here, had the unique plea-
sure of seeing enow for the firSt time in
her life, on Monday morning of last week,.
She ie the daughter of Rev. Mr, Priest
0005 vieiti0g here, and woe horn in India,
where anew is never seen.
The augel of death invaded the borne of
Walter and Mre. Manning on Tuesday
morning of last week and took to its long
home where grief he unknown their infant
eon, Herbert, bot eleven months old. It
took but 86 hours illness to cast the in.
evitable upon this bright promit0g little
fellow, starting first with some intestinal
trouble, and ending in death from a
dimes of the brain,
The provisional directors of the now
nearly dead pork packing and oold etorage
undertaking are threatened with a law
suit from one of its stook solicitors.
There is a 00388810n involved in this talk.
ed of suit that may interest all of the
etaok-tokere, and that ie to what extent
they are all liable for the expenses in.
aurred in the undertaking as far 00 the
floating of the scheme had gone.
D. Cautetou baa neared a settlement
with the partie0 in the Old Country, who
were indebted to him for an apple deal.
The amount involved was some $6000
and they offered bin $4000, which he has
accepted through his lawyer. Mr. Centel.
ou found it would be neoeeeary for him to
go to the Old Country to proeeonte the
mutt, and he oonoluded that he would be
jut fie well off in the end by accepting
their offor.
Lord Dondooald and Col. Biggar have
started out to ohooee a eito for the new
militia training °amp,
John Borneo, aeeietaut poetrester at
Bonense, has been arrested for stealing
lettere from the ut0ile.
Robert $Dale, a blind man, tell over the
bridge on Somerset street, Ottawa, to the
railway traoit8 below and died from
his injuries after being removed to the
Premier Roblin, of Manitoba, who is
in Montreal, 0aye the people of the
Province benefitted to the extant of ope
million dollars by the Government's
railway pol1gy this year.
ioe Turkeys
The undersigned effete 8 oaths per
pound, and the nee of market, for any
quantity of live turkeys between now and
the time of ship menu about the end of
November. Delivery at Drnsaels.
Highest pekoe will also be paid for
Live Chicken°, Backe, Fowl and Catlett,
The letter either alive or dry plucked,
For further partiau10r0 enquire of
Metall the Manitou fn eteadiuees and "' s "tial YY AoV ScCO
epeod. The material i9 saraband for her t 1G»4 13 R 11 S S T1,: L so fo Y V .LV (Xi V t f
We received a large Ointment' of Fore thio week which makes our dealt
employe in ell lines of Men's Fur Ooate, Ladies' Jaokete in Astrachan
Irleutrio Seal soil Greenland Seal, Eto„ Ladies' Oitllarinos, R9fte, Mgffe, '
Oapo, Bot, We buy our Fere threes from the monufenturers at the lowest
prioes for spot °ash and sive our ouetomere the benefit of aur °lose. buying,
Below we quote a few prion wbieh will give you some idea of the geode we
uarry. We will be pleased to show you am Furs whe)her you pre ready 60
buy or not.
Buy Your Furs Early There /s No Choke Like First Choke,
Ladies' Astraoban Jaokete in large end email nloee glossy earl, lined with
heavy mercerized Italien cloth, 26, 28, 80, and 80 lushes long, in all
0tzee, at 925, 980, 900, $40 and 946.
Lediee Bloom seal Jackets, in More rich glossy .fur, lined .with heavy
satin, at $86 and $40.
Ladies' Greenleod Beat Jaokete, 01090 heavy fur, lined with heavy satin,
nicely quilted, a very stylish garment, at $S2 60 sed 987.60.
Sable Ruffs, long trout, in three lengths, 10 tails, ohain fastenings, at 910,
912.50 and $18,60.
Rook Martin Ruth, 6 tails, ohoin feeteeioga, $6.
German Mink Ruffe, 6 tails, ohain taeteoinge, 98 75.
E.eotria Seal Raffia long front, 8 tails, ohain faeteuioge, in different lenglhe,
at 94, 94 50 and 05.
Thibet Boas, 96 Mabee long, in black and white, $7.60.
A full range of :Ruffe and Oaperines, $1, 81.50, $2.60, 96.60 and 90.
Men's Siberian Dog Coate ut $18, 920 and $22.
Men's Oalf Coats, in all Blues, at 900 and 900,
Canada's Great
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For the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping,
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Brussels Woollen Factory -
and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines
and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to purr,
chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods.
We have in stock a large assortment of-
-All -wool Blankets,
—White and Gray Sheetings,
—Plain Flannels,
—Checked Flannels,
—Fancy Shirtngs,
—Ladies' Wool Dress Goods,
—Light and Heavy Tweeds,
—Underwear for Men and Boys,
-Men's and Boys' Stockings,
—Ladies' and Children's "
—Boys' Sweaters,
—Yarns, all kinds and colors.
The Finest
line to be seen
in any town
be Sold this Season.
with be found
Wan & Co.'s W
—We have a full line, dealingwith SBVEtN of the e beat Manlifliew
tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs.
'--You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing.
—Satisfaction assured. Prides right.