The Brussels Post, 1903-11-5, Page 4'TR l RLllik3.ie,L8 PUST TXEURSD41'; NOV. t, 1998. THE 0. P. R. The .L• ietowel Standard of Mob ]friday says ;—Engineer Davie and his staff of assistants, wba are stir. veying a line for the proposed extension .of the 0. 2, R. from Guelph to Goderiob, Ware within three miles of Listowel yes. terday morning, and were expeoted to reaoh town last night, The route taken inthe preliminary survey is by way of Elmira and Maotou, coming West through Mornington and Bane about a mile South of the boundary, and enter. ing the town on the South side. It is quite likely that other surveys through the town will also be made, with a view of finding the most suitable entrance, as well as the most convenient plaoe for a station, whioh it is proposed to locate es near the oentre of the town se possible will likely Leaving here the liney ba run near Trowbridge and straight to Bras. els. Engineer Roberts and staff, who bave been sorveyioy the West end of the route, have, we understand, reached Brussels from Goderiob, by way of Blyth. It would of coarse be premature to oonolude that the road will be built this way, but everything seems to favor the Northern route as the best, it being the eborteat and most direct, cheapest to build, easiest way to enter Goderiob, as well as assuring a greater amount of traffic, than any other route North of abs main line of the G. T. R. The statietios of the amount of freight handled in and oat of Listowel for the pest year have been prepared for the 0. P. R. company, and the total is simply astonisbing. The passenger business done here is nob ex. oeeded by any other town of the same size in Canada. Three other good towns are also on the Northern roots, and no better fanning motion can be found any• where. With these facts before them, there is good reason to believe that the tumpeny will decide upon too Northern route. TICKS' FORECASTS FOR NOVEMBER. Rev. Irl. R. Hicks, of St. Luis bas ironed his bulletin of forecasts for the weather whiah may be looked for in No- vember. The following oonbaios the gist of them The storm diagram for this month shows that a regular Vnloan storm period is °antral on the 1st, The Moon is -oleo on the celestial equator on the same date passing from South to North declination. By the let storm conditions will be organ. Ind in the West, and the aloud areas and low barometer will advance li aetwardly ammo the oountry, causing higher tem- perature, rain and possibly thunder storms in many sections on the let, 2ad and 3rd. Rain and bigb temperature will give way to rising barometer, with pos. sibly gnats of snow, Westerly winds and mush polder on the Western edge of the storm seaters. Some sharp asp of cold and frost to the Northward will follow this and other November storm periods. About the 5th, 65b, 7th, look for notice. able rise in temperature, failing baromet- er, and return of general storm sonditione. Rains:tarniog to snow in the North will visit moat amnions of the country t in their Eastward carob about the 5th to the 8th A marked change to high barometer and g -colder will follow the storms, spreading to the East and Bench about the 7th to 9th inelueive. The Vnloan storm period extending from the 10th to the 15th, is osutral on the 12th and the Meroary period, extend. ing from the 7th to 19th is central on the 18th, benne the combined perturbations of these two torose will be felt during the Vulean period. Moon is in perigee on the 10th, at last quarter on the 11th, and on the celestial equator, going Southward on the 14th. About the 12th to 15th may reasonably be expeoted one of the moot general and active Marra centers of the mouth, As early as the 19th the barom• afar will be falling in the West. 'Mange to warmer will attend the falling barom• eter, and daring the 11th to 15th these conditions will pass over tbe country, moving Eastward, bringing rain and snow storms to most parts of the oountry. A very decided dash of early Winter will bring the rear of these storms, giving sev. era! cold days and frosty nights to most parks before the entraaoe of the next storm period, A reactionary storm period is central from the 17;12 to the 20th, having the new Moon, or Moon in conjunction with Earth and San, ou the 19th. This period will bring return of rising temperature, fall- ing barometer and wide areas of alondi- nese, rain and snow. The culmination of these distatbunoes will fall on and next to the 19th. At Ibis time autumnal rains will end in bigb gales over the lake and Atlantic °Deet regions, with daobee of snow and change to much oolden over all Northern to central parts of the oountry. Frost will reach quite into the South along with the high barometer following these disturbances. A regular storm period is central on the 21tb, oovering with Re influence the 22nd to the 271h. As a rale the first two to three days of the regular storm periods are fair and growing warmer, witb falling barometer and Easterly to Southerly wlods.' Then follow Weediness, storm and precipitation, progressively from West to East. Behind the area of bigb temperature and rain, rising barometer, snow and oold, West winch' follow all Bod- ing in clear, cold weather. This order of phenomena will transpire about the 22nd to 26th, but tbe.00ld, fair. weather follow. ing the storms will be of short duration. Reaotionary stormconditions will prevail ae the month goes eat, bringing unsettled threatening and stormy weather. 'Upon the whole, the outlook for November is not so perturbed and stormy se Ootober promised to be, and has actually proven. a e ea t Some npl weather, a n w er,it with 000aeion• al and £oroefol storminess, p Y .es eoiall. over the regions of the great 'lakes, may be counted on, but.not to any Minimal or phenomenal extent, fie feet, with pleas. ant, autumnal weather may be expeoted through November aad into December. A11 who observe the dates of storm per. lode in the foregoing foreoaats will be fully apprised and forearmed against all implement storm and weather visitations. The application of W. T. R. Preston foi; a new anal against The Ottawa Journal was dismissed. The Grand Trunk tried to eatery a a nwitt% aaroee Front Street, Toronto, to the new freipllt yards, but were prevented by the Toronto Railway. 'Orr .V • Sonoma Reemx.—Following is the report for ei. S. No, 1, Grey, in toe reosut Promotion Examination :-Br, III to Jr, 1V,—John Diokson690 ; faster Steven. eon 504. Jr, III to Sr. III.—Lizzie Hoover 010 ; Fanny Al000k 562 1 Mnjorie Duooaneon 570 ;Maggie Stevenson 586 ; Addle Grant 660 ; 011a Armetrong 534 ; James Diokson 308. Sr, II to Jr, III.— James Carter 480 ; Fred. Al000k 470, Jr. II to Sr, 1I:-0. 'Moon 400. Mtge Arum Hese, Teacher, Smoot, REnJiao.—Report of standing of pupils in the Senior Dept. of Ethel Public School for the month of October — 2nd °msg,—Examined in Geog., Spell„ Comp., Read. and Aritb. Total 430, It. Fraser 920 ; V. McLeod 298 ; A. Oonper 296 ; R. Eoltmier 275, 0. Haneotd 274; R. Love 270 ; L. Balmier 247 ; U. Davidson2 9 J. Pearson 140 ; H Eokmier 133. 3rd Caess.—Examiue iu Hist., Spell., Oomp., Read. and Aritb. Total 400. F. Imlav 293 ; P. Bremner ; 280; E. Dunbar 271 G. Molise 243; K. McLeod 229 ; 8, Moteboeh 224 ; 3, MaAllam 202 ; E. McKee 187 ; G. MsAlliater 170 ; W. Barr 164; L. Oooper 157 ; B. Batetnan 141 ; W. Pearson 124 ; E. L'okmier 123. 4th OLAss.—Examined in Hist„ Spell., Oomp;, Read. and Aritb. Total 475. M. Slemmon 382 ; W. Badg- ley 328; 13. Kerr 318 1 L. (Members 308 ; B. Eokmier 303 ; N. Simpson 298 ; M. Imlay 2731 L Balmier 249 1 E, Freeman 235; I. Hogarth 217 ; T MoAltister 216; M. MOAllum 202 ; L. McLeod 82. Gos Denson, Teaeber. — Junior Department. Jr. II CLAN.— Roy LAse.Roy Gill, Alvis McKee, Celestine Dans, Irene Heath, George Badgley, Barman Wilbee, Elwin Thompeom, Alvie Fietoh• er, Allen MoLltiater, Joseph Cooper, Luella Senry. Part II Ceres.—Fleda Freeman, Aubrey Dobson, Florence Me0allnm, James Bremner, Alice Barr, Wilfred Eokmier, Pearl McKee, Vera McCall, Herman Fogad, Robert Thomp- eon, Lizzie McIntosh. Sr. Part I thetas. — Annie MoAllister, Clifford Dunbar, Verde Pollard, Pearl Gill, Chas, David. eon. Elwin Dobson, Oeot Eokmier, Edmund McLeod, Stanley Strsoban, Ross Coates, Wesley Yeo. Jr. Part I Cram—Noble McKee, Pearl Bateman, Olive Cooper, Grace Eakmier, Wilfred Thompson, Normao Addy, Ruby Gill, Edith Heath, Annie Ward, George Cole. Miss LAnaa SHANNON, Teacher. • Wine trans. Chao, Sheriff, of Toronto, epeot a few days in town with relatives and friends, Geo. 0. Hanna bas been °entlned to his room for some days offering from rheu- matism. Wm. Drummond left for Sarnia, where be joins Jas. McKelvie in the restaurant business. John street has been anneiderably im. proved in appearanoe by use of ;be road mashies and gravelling. The work of drilling the new salt well is progressing nicely. A depth of over 800 feet has been reached. There are in Wingbam, 95 phones, and twelve Are alarm phones, making 107 is all. Five have long.dietanee equipment, Wade Bros„ who rsaently purchased the grocery business of H. -M. Tudbope, have transferred it to J. Homberatoue, of Rip'e Y. Lower Wingbam School Board bas been at the expellee of s new look for the wood. shed. to stop the disappearance of the wood supply. Walker & Clegg, of the Wingbam ap• holstering factory are filling a large order for lodge room furniture for the Masonic Lodge at Reveltroke B. 0. Dr. Macdonald, M, 2,, returned home from Ottawa on Monday evening of last week, after spending the poet months at. tending to bis parliamentary duties. Swarth &Dore, who have been in part. nerabip tie carriage manutaoturens for some time have diaeolved, Mr. Dore will matinee the bnsineos in the old stand. Mr, Wilson, Sinter street, is recover- ing slowly from'tbe effects of a paralytic ebnoke be reoeived some time ago, and is able to move about indoors, but has not yet ventured outside. The many friends of Mrs. J. R. Mnn. thaw, formerly of Wingbam, will be pleas. ed to bear that she is recovering from her illness, An operation was undergone about four weeks ago, and MM. M. is now doing nicely, W. F. Vaa''tone has purchased 100 acres of land in Wast WaWanosb, 2t• miles from Whibeoburah, from W. H, Gibson, This lot lies alongside of a 100 saree purohaeed by Mr. Vaustone from Mr. Gibson over a year ago. A rumor was going the rounds to the effect that R. 0. and Mn. Batson and two children, late of Wingham, bad been drowned while en route to their new Lome in Oregon. We are pleased to etste that this estimable family has safely reached their destination. ,,3.tw o oel. Henry Zieman, while working in Roger & Rataliffe's tin shop, gave hie finger an ugly math with a hammer. Imbert Stewart, 6th eon., West, who has been on abs Wok list all Summer, is rapidly improving in health. Alex. R. Angus is nursing a sore band at present, in the form of a oarbanole on the middle of the palm of hie right band. The teaohers of our Public School at - ended the Teaohere' convention in Strut. fork ou Thorsday and Friday of last week. W. F. Forest's planing mill is working night and day to keep up with the rush of orders. He is getting out material for a bank building np North, Meagre. Roger & Ratcliffe have bed a new plate glass window pat into the front of their furniture wareroom, to re. place theme broken eons time ago. Norman Dopp, who, for the putt four moathe was forenan.of the Bee .left. for Taviatook to sae ume titsp o''i tion of fore. man of the Gnzeete. i a H elace on the Bee has been taken by Samuel Small, of Hanover, Fred. Brown and Wm, Crooks are evidently trying to establish a world's record for mangold palling, as they pulled 49 rows, each 40 rods long, in 8 hours. The work was done for Geo, Graham, 8th Con., West. The troeteea of the Public eehool are making Meal needed improvements to the heating apparatus of the eohool. The furnace is being moved into the center ofr the building, the stone well, supporting the oentre of the two rooms being partly torn down. The furnace will be lowered about sixteen inabea below the level of the floor, being placed on a cement foaud. taloa and walla of cement about 2 feet or more high being bunt around it, to keep out the water which rises pretty bigb dnrlog heavy rain or in the lute Winter or early Spring when toe blooks up the drains. At a meeting hold in Mitohell's ball on Monday evening of teat week it was deal. deal to premed with the orgeuization of a bowling club, The following officers were e'eetod. Patrons, Rev, Dr. McLeod, and Rev. Wm.Peuball; Hon. Pres„ T. 0.13allaotyue ; Hon, Vioe Pres., Robert Forest: P,ea„ W. N• Mo$ayt Boo,. Treas,, W. 11 Erskine ; eonmittes of management, J. A Milahall, 0. H, $ol lues, W. E. Heck end R Rlihmoud. It wag deoided to have the ground ploughed and rutted and put into good shape to reoeive the lawn grass seed early iu the Spriog. EMU COunom —The Municipal Ooun• oil of the tuwuohip of lE ma met in the A r I hall, Atwood,o tb el 19th a. 1 9 Oat. Al g n members resent, minutes of last meet• ing read and signed. Moved by Corry aud.Ball that the Ooarb of Revision on the aeaesamelt of the Gernhelder brand) drain do now open and that the Reeve be chairman of the said Oourt. Carried, Oourt of Revision opened a000rd'ngly, the members being sworn the appeal of W. White against his assessment, b ing the only appeal made, was taken np and fo ly oonoldered. It waa moved by Mee °ems Boyle and Corry that the appeal of W. Mitt; agaivat hie aesessmsnt, under the Geruhelder Branob Drain, be dia. missed and the Court of Revision closed, Carried. After Court of Revision Mooed Connell met again for general business. Moved by Mesere. Boyle and Oorry that By law No, 465 be proviaionely passed. Oerried. Atter palming a number of ao counts Coattail adjourned until Nov. 23rd. iMJiolelawor'tir. Moat people have their roots nearly all homed. Mrs. H. Onmminge ie eafferiog from nervous prostration, Quite a number attended the entertain• ment bald in Doane eohool Friday night, Mrs. Gloreuoe gave birth to a little boy last Sunday. The father is all smiles. Chas. Mitobell has returned from the West leaving spent six weeks ine the Prairie Promos. Word was received hers on Monday that B. J. Code, of Trowbridge, was ser- iously add perhaps fatally injured by a beuet upsetting the waggon in which she was being conveyed to Listowel. Mr. Leper, the aged father of Mrs. George Gibson, passed away at an early hour Monday morning at the age of 92 years. He was buried on Tuesday after. noon iu the Molesworth cemetery. Molesworth Cheese Factory ie still rnnning, the make to.dey beiog 2li cheese. The bait half of September cheese wsut on Monday, the price paid being 11 Dents. Ootober obsess has been sold for 10 ovate. Mies Ooroieb of the "College" baa re. turned Cram a pleasant and profitable trip to her home in Stratford having at. tended the (Jouvention held in that oiby.. The Perth teachers will convene next year in Lietowol. James Menzies er. underwent an operation on Lie sbin bone, by Dr's Rutherford Nichol end Phillip at bis home. on Friday morning. He has suffer- ed a greet deal from this limb since a boy p and it is hoped that the P b t resent operation will prove effectual. Beef ring No. 1 held its annual meet- ing last Wednesday evening and Beet Ring No. 2 on Monday evening this week. Both rings were well pleased with the services of the butcher, Mr. Kliensehrobb who bus emended in giving entire satis- faction to the shareholders. Bath tinge will again supply the neighborhood with good fresh meat and any person desiring to become a member bad better Dome early. Canadian .P7evval. Postoflioe inspector Ches. J. MoDon. aid cited at Halifax. The C. P. R. bas absorbed the Ottawa Northern & Western Railway. H. Dickenson, was elected President of the Young Liberal Olds at Toronto. The eetete of the lata Henry Cargill, M. P. amounts to over half a million. Brakeman Glover, of Palmerston, was crashed to death between oars at °hesley. A. B, Ayleewortb, K. 0., was .tendered a banquet by the Canadian Olub at Toronto. Fire in the Mann block, on Sandwich street, Windsor, did damage amounting to 910,000. Fireman Aiken'', of Windsor, was killed in a aollielon on the Grand Trunk, near St. Marys, The Arcola Hotel and other boildinge at Arcola, Man., were burned, causing a loss of 320,000. Two men were killed by falling a thousand feet in No, 2 Dominion oolllery at Glace Bay. Marsh & Oo's shoe factory at Quebeo was olosed.on 5000501 of diffioalty with the machine bands. William McMillan committed suicide near Oshawa by throwing himself into the creek from it high bank. Michael Armaly, a well-known mer obant of Quebec, is missing, and credit. ore are in pO5s5reion of bis shore. Miss A. Caroline McDonald, B. A , of Toronto, wee appointed Foreign Seoretary ofthe Y. W. 0. A , and will go to Japan. S. H. Ooreer was found drunk on the street at Hamilton, and taken to the polios station, where be died on Sunday morning. Reduotions are being made in the staff of the Canadian Northern Railway employees, and the hours of the men in shops ebortened. The Temiekaming & Northern 'Ontario Beltway Commission bus effsot• ed temporary loans aggregating 32,300, 000 through the banks, Motormant Ohoa a lost both les g in 0. oollision of el t ed rte oars between $omit• ton and Burliegton. Several other per sone reoeived lees tuitions injuries. Miss Buchanan, of Anohnar, Hamilton, has offered a reward of 31,000 for the oonvietion of the party who ebot young Remold Cate on her property last Wednes. day night. Toe resignation of Rev, Dr. Johnebon from the pastorote of St. Andrew's Obnroh, London, to aeoept a Dell to the Amerioan Presbyterian Obneoh, Vont. salt wee aoeepled by Ibe Presbytery of London, Rev, 0. E, Cartwright, Protestant minutes fiber the alone train would have Ohapla10 at Iringeton Penitentiary, hag been gone, 1'4r, Athens wasgnite 0 young resigned. men, and married. An it quest will be held at Bt. Afory's, Per th ()Minty. Became the infant child of R. 8, and Mrs. Jones, Oembrie st., Stratford, over. turned a lamp the fire brigade had a run Linwood le after the 0, P. R to their residence and metaled in putting Very Rev. Dean Kilroy, of Stratford, tint the bate' which minted, 11£r, Jona has gone to Mount (Lamella fur hie wee not et hone when the eoeldent hap. health pined, hu' arrived in time to see the fire School Boer( Nu,"2' 13tbb.rt, la un. and sand in a„ aptrm from the nonreat able to do bueineee owing to the absence hex. Meanwhile en alarm heti been sent of two of its members, in by phone from the hones The fire Messrs. Ballantyne & Sons have meet. wag extiuguiehed without gaining eeriuue ed a band5om5 new residence for their headway, but not before it had damaged cheese maker of Illeok Creek. a sewing maohlue, curtains, ole. There A meeting to diecuae rural telephones was also damage done by water, and the connecting Maple Wood, Hickson, and total loge will remit) about 8100. The fire Caaeel witla TavisMok was held, brigade did not torn on the hose, but put Mrs. Ja9, Gilson, wife of the hotel. out the fire by lees Pereira and morn ea. keeper at Granton, died at Victoria onomioal means, namely the ohemioal hospital, London, on Oot. 19, at the age extinguitber. The fire took plane about of 30 years. 8.45 p.m. James Lookie leaving Berlin for bis home at Newton, Germania Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. presented him with a handeoma set et ouff Hoke, Prior to leaving School seotion No, 2, nl lass W W. Anderson,teacher, who has aeoured a more Inoratie position in St. Thomas, was presented with a fountain pen and a writing desk. Geo, A. Lightfoot, manager of the coal and wood department of the Deacon Oo., Stratford, has severed his oonneotion with that firm awl bas accepted an egeney iu the Union Life Assurance Oom• pany. Altheogh the "Wsir" drinking fountain et St. Meryl', was put up just at the end of the warn season, it has been web pat. `clued by the general publio, thus giving evidence that it wee a publio benefit mach needed. St, Marys Journal : Whet; the let of January, 1901, arrives, P, Wheliban, a trustee of the collegiateinabitnte board, will have completed 22 yearn' service on the board. A. (Omelette has been secretary of the board for 27 veare. il'Irh. Saltine, Mercer st., Stratford, suffered tbo other fright from the depre• dations of some animal, apparently to weasel. In the limning sbefoupd that eleven chickens, which she °mild ill af• ford to lose, had been killed. There bad been no attempt to remove the fowl, but the Mood seemed to have b•en studied from mob one. Ferman about Staff., have formed the Staffs Threshing Oo., officered ae follows ; President, Wm. Morrison ; vlos.presidenb, David Hill ; secretary, Richard Sillery ; treasurer, Robert Hoggarth ; directors, John Boggsrbh, John Fell and Charles Alberbart ; oolleotors, T. G. Sillery and T. Hoggarth. The company have bought a separator and have employed Wm. Hall IMPORTANT NOTICES J. Livingstone to ran the maohine. At the opening of the Friday afternoon satiated the tellers reported that the fol. lowing officers had Men elected for the Go. Teaohere' Association :—President, A. Torrance, Listowel, P. 0. ; Vim Pres, Ming M. Collison, Mitobell; Seo.•Tress., W. A. Adams, Stratford; Management DRUB WINNING LEWES oommittee, Aliso 0, Delmage, 8t. Marys ; 3 wens—The undersigned offers for Bale J. H. W. Moltoberte, Mitchell ; G. W. 6 rams, ewe lambs and breeding ewes, Also Slaughter, Listowel ; W. D. Spence, St, n Durham bull 8 months std. Lot 10, Con. Marys ; Geo. Thompson, Millbank; 16, Grey, or WeibelLIPER TURNBIILL, Delegate to Ontario Educational Aesooia- tion, Ww.Brown, Motherwell; auditors,STOCK FOR SALE. — THE Geo. Malcolm, C. A. Mayberry, Stratford. undersigned oQere for safe 1 venue COLLIefott AT 13T. MARY 9•An aeeident milk cow, 2 sheer claim and 7 sheep from 2 oocnrred on the G. T. R. near 81. Mary's 27.0en, 1,Morrie mor ace, AWaiker e,, T of 28, Saturday night, as the result of which Con. 6, Morrie. 18 Fireman 'likens, of Windsor, lost his life. Conductor Frost and Engineer Mark, of ONE LEICESTER EWE AND Stratford, were taking stone from the St. Mare Y quarries. uarries. Some five carloads had beenP lased oi n the main line, and the engine bad been taken back to the guar. ries for more oars, when an East bound doable header freight crashed into the standing oars with sack farce ne to shove the front engine through a,flatoar and on top of a Coal oar loaded with stone. The freight was in charge of Oondnotor Mo. Qusde, of Snrnie, with a crew of Sarnia end Windsor men. Fireman Aikens, on the first engine, was oanght while attempt- ing to jump, and died about miduight as the result of his injuries, Driver Mord. son, of Sarnia bad his leg broken, but the othereeeoaped without injury. 'The aooi dent oaoarred about 6 15 p. m., and it is alleged that Conductor Front had been given right of way, while the freight from the West was warned of the stone cars on the track. A flagman tried to stop the incoming train, but, owing, it is said, the brakes refacing to work, this scald not be done. Had the double header been fifteen AUCTION SALES. A TJCTION BALE OF IAR,M, Palmy BT000, 3onn oo uNTs, d'0, lr, $, Saott, A nationoor, has received lustrustione from the uo dersigned to sell by nubile auc- tion et Ont 10. Oon. 1, Hnwlek,)on WEDNICS. DAT, NOV. 11, at 1 o'clock, the following property, via :-1 team of heavy draught mares rising 7 years, 1 heavy mama 8 years old, 1 mare 12 years old,1 aged mare, 5 geed sows etppoeed la calf, 4 sheers rising 3 years, 2 Lettere rising 9 years, 2 yearling steers, 2 yearling heifers, 7 Spr'ibg °elves, 10 owe 0,1 good ram lamb, 1 brood sow supposed to be fu pig, 8 store pigs, about 60 hens, 1 Massey - Harris binder nearly new, .1 wows` and pea harvester nearly new,1 Clrampiou:seed drill nearly now, 1 diet harrow, 1 good b ly rake, 1 good hay fork. ropes and pulleys; 1 Chat. bans fanning mill with bagor, 1 land roller, I lumber wagon with box, 1 hay reek, 1 lug boat, 1 atone boat, 2 buggies, 1 wboelbar. row, 2 sets of hob-slo)gbs, 3 eats iron nar- rows,1 gang plow, 2 single plows, 2 Bouillon, 1 grindstone, 1 turnip pul per, 2 sots of dou- ble workingnarnees,1 saddle. 1 sugar kettle. 1 cross -out saw, 2 milk emus, a number of milk pails, 8 dozen cow Mhe)ns, 1 dozen grain bags, 1 Bell organ as good as new, 1 glue clipboard, 1 Good cooking sboee nearly new, 2 heating stoves, I kitoben table, about 16 taus bay, abort 2 acres turnips, a quantity of straw, 11 acre of maugolde, 1 share in afaleewortn eheese factory, 1 Daley churn,1 ladder, chains, forks. soyteeh, burrele and numerous other articles. All will he sold wMbent reserve. Terms—All sums of 5500 and under cash over that amount 12 woe. credit will be given on furuiIdling approved joint notes; 6per cont. ole for enah00 credit amounts. Tee 400 acro farm will also be ,'Hared for sale the same coy, MRS. RII11I SAURLIN, Administrabrix; F, S. SCOTT, Auobioneer. ilpHREE GOOD BROOD SOWS 11 for sale, will ]liter early in October. 0. H. 1100011T, Lot 18, Don, 10, Grey, or Oranbrook P,0. 11.0 Administrator's Sale —OF— VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In order to wind np the estate of the late Thomas Jacknn, the] adminietratrix of his estate Ruth Jaekliu, will receive tondo.up to estate, loth November, next, toe the par. chase of that valuable farm property, con - loosed of part of Lots 16.10 &17, in the 1st Con. of Howler, containing 160 acres of abolae land. The sot le clay loam, well watered, with fair rendes and its well situat- ed for market obaroh and school. There aro ou the prima em agood barn with atone stabling70x80 feet, and a frame house solofeet, aliu good repair, There is Mee au exoellenb orobard on the protnfees, and 12 mores of Fall wheat. Possession eat be giveu at once,. For further particulars up - or by 1 the aiidressedto~Wroxeter promises, rato Lor Solleitor, G. F, GLAIR, Brussels. Notice. tea„Qreditors.•. Io the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the matter of the estate of Thomas Jaoklin, late of the Township of Howiok, in the County of Huron, fatMer, deoeased. Retitle is hereby ggiven pursuant to. the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1807,' 5Map, 123, see 98, that all creditors and others having (Balms against the estate of Thomas Seek - 11n, late of the Township of Row;ek, in the County of Baron, deeeased, who died on or about the 00th day of September, A. D 1008, at the Township of Howiok, µforeeaid, are hereby requestedto amid by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Rutbat ro Jaohile, the edminle- t1'rix at W xetur F. Or to G. Ble,ir,o f the of 7t Village Ih da s her Boli cite` on or before the 1 1 0 h d , ay r i November, a d., dD.o 7009, thole full nerals, Mndd, aero mid detain- mods ,and the full parheu fere securities sirclaims had aye patur0 of toe oiefutr any) hold by them. And l st met further givhe Rant atter the said last mpteeee4 pato, the Raidad 080055 of tix will deosa ed among the the assets of entitled antthereto, bavbag award' one lyto Lite anodised fwhihaving regard bay to Win; given fie which motion shall have been giros ah aboveln requited ren oa the far the meets t rIx amy Will t e of, so eibi. far the assets or any part thereof, 80 dia- trlbutod, to any ponce of whose Mann metier' shall not have boon received at the time of Sash distribution. G. F. BLA311, Breese/l, Ont„ 10.8 Solloitar fordminlstmatrix, Dated at Bruseete botobat S7t7i,1003, 9 ram lambs strayed from the premi- ses of the undersigned Lob 25, Oon. 2, Morris on orabout: Sept.' All bave long Mils. Any information lreto thele will beauite rewarded. WAL- TER FORREBT,Jamastowu, • ery bly P. O. LEICESTER SHEEP FOR 1341,n. —0 Leioester Ram Lambe, prices 36 to 87 ; 1 8heerliug and 2 Two-Sbear Rama, prices 310 to 512 All aro good ones. Also a few Ewe Lambs, price 85, and afew good Ewes ab moderate prides. DAVID MILNII do SON, Ethel, One. 18 3 THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulls for sale. One ie 1year old and the other two younger. Alae several regist- ered Cows and Heifers. Apply to JAMES 5Ph7Ili, Lot 80, Con. 0, Morrie Twp., or Brus- sels P. 0, 22-tf NTOUNG SHORT HORN BULL for sale, Eligiole for registration, For pries, terms and ; other particulars, ap- prOrm beech PNOAIR, Lot 23, Oon. 10, Grey,36- o REAL ESTATE. 100 Asaid.0REWatFARM FOR ered by Apply to TH08. M00RE, Brusaelte.he river. 1.t1OR SALE -LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west career William and Albert streets, Brussels. 40.tf J. 1,E0II:I31. FARcnO RENT, BEING Con. a 20 titular oultivation. Agnply to JOSEPH F. 11 O MOND, on the premises, 09 Mo21 b ft A SACRIFICE 1N REAL ES- TATN. $8000.00 will buy the IdaOav- gbey Block in tee Village of Bruesele. Those two fine stores must be sold to close Out the Maoaughey Bekaa, Intendlug purchaser° should invostigabe at ones, Apply to 1!'. B. 8009"1 or G. N, BLA1R, Brueseie, Ont. :°OR SALE,—LOT (1, CON. 8, Grey, containing 100 .acme, q 135156 cleared and in good saute •ot:451530vittiOd.' Farrel -1s tvollewateired; mete 'rntilffings, or- pbard, dee, Failure in boaltb cause for eel. lin¢, Poeaaeeioa given on one month's notice Terme easy, Dor further puttee,fare apply to T1 3131MAN sierra, on toe. premises, or Brussels P.O. 10 FARM FOR' SALE CONTAIN• IN 200 cores, .being Lots 10 and 17, Con. 10, Township of Grey. On ablefarm ie a shone bowie with kitchen and wood.. shed a.4anlr uµ10 115 x 00 feet with stone etabling, autt straw taloa with stone pig pea under it, There hi a windmill on the barn. 20 puree of: good hardwood Muth on the psoas and 20 aarea of swamp the rest is °leered,. There aro 15 acres of Fall wheat'ln, A good orchard of $ acres, Terms -70 per omit. of the motley can be left as a mortgage on •the lane at d 4 and 4 per Dent. Owing to the 0- p w d .t g geese of &frFr o the ac, ar farm met sr Bald n at ub a apply yapS.estate.Por tur080r• ar- onMee a o, to ianl AUGUST 0. FI814.4 , on Me farm, or grunbroolt P. O. 14.4 1781011 SALE OR TO RENT.,-- The undersigned afters her 100 aero farm, being Lot20, Con, 7, Grey, ifor tattle or to mint. Comfortable house, (auk barn, or• ebard, wells, ho 'There are 80 nares iu melee, 10 aoree of Fall wheat and 20.' soros of Fall plowing will be done, . Parc 15 only 1 mile Dom the stirring village of Ethel, Present ]Ansa exph•ee on March 15, 1004, but. a par• abuser or tenant may go 00 aad plow, deo., Nov. G, 1908 GINIMMUMBEINEW to Ca RICHARDS Oak Leather Team Harness, all our own Hand work and guar- anteed to stand the wear. Single IIarness, either IXand or Machine work at prices that cannot be surpassed. We handle no Fac- tory Work so when you have our IIarness you are'sure of a good article. In Blankets we offer great Bargains. We bought largely and before the advance in price, and offer them Cheaper than ever. Also Robes, Rugs—plush or wool. OurGree R � eduction Salle for Cash begins Nov. let and continues to Dec. 1st. Keep the date in mind and remember we will offer you great Bargains. Repairs in Harness and Shoes done promptly. I. C. RI CC HA R D S. PUMPS, WUWVHLLS, &c C. A. RAYMANN, Cranbrook, who has had 80 years' experience in the Pump business, is dealing larger than ever in Iron and Wooden. Pumps, and ready to attend to repairs promptly. He is also agent for the Woodstock Windmill. This mill is a marvel and should be seen before ordering any other. Persons requiring Water Troughs should call and get prices. A. RAYMANN, Pump Maker, Cranbrook. Strenuous Objections :tor dPY RICHT are never made against Teed supplied by Alt. Backer, All stook litre it and thrive on it, and it ie pronouuaed by all into'. Iigeot breeders to be inoompariably the best sold. Try a sample lot and you will never teed anything but our Keifer corn end ante. Alf. ]Backer. P P L E S NTED Ri7SSEi5 EVAPORATOR Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind, falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be taken. JNO. CUNNINGHAM P11OPRIETOR. 011111111210. rami 1 Before you begin to Paint your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at the salve time give Best satisfaction and longest wear. 1 Id �1W gives these results ;--It's g aore Lead, "Linc Lin p , seed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers. mor0 surface to the gallon easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try a gallon and see fory .ourself, For sale by at 01168. For further psrticulare as to mice, Pmpo MR2nLL WILTON � N & ilRNB U LL 8hnter8Tarcato, 7.2m a.. . `•t