HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-11-5, Page 1Vol. 82. No. 17
New Advertisements.
Rifle lost --Jae. $peii.
Loa's—H. A,. Mobuhett.
Left home—Jae. Keelan,
Wanted—Mrs, J. Leckie,
Anotion Bale—W, A. Peet.
Jamestown Store—W, Innes,
Cold weather—H. A. Matahott.
Fur exhibit—Wan: mon & Oo.
Wood wanted—A. Nicholson & Bons.
xstxx.tt tins.
Mies Knight has been on the eiok list
but it better again we are pleased to elate.
Rabbit and partridge boating ie en-
grafting the attention of our lovers of
the gun.
A number from here attended the
communion eervioe at the Methodist
obnrah, Brueselk, last Sabbath.
It is said Mies Lizzie McKay has been
engaged as leacher in the junior depart•
meat of the Oranbrook eohool for next
We are pleaeed to bear that those who
were affected with diphtheria are about
convalescent and we hope the danger is
past as to the affection spreading.
Tr-owit r fdt: e.
A baby boy haft arrived at the Math
odiet Parsonage.
It looke aft if we might have a chance
of the O. P. R. in the near future, and we
won't be sorry If itdoes omit to pass.
VERY SEiuouorY INJUan,—What might
torn out to be a Patel aooident enured to
Robt. Oode, of Trowbridge, near Listowel,
Monday afternoon. The unfortunate
man and a companion were driving with
a sow in a wagon. The animal grew
frenzied, broke loose• and af.or bunting
the other man off tbe Beat attacked Mr.
Code and knocked him down on the road,
In the effort she, too, fell cit the wagon
and on Mr. Oode. .In the meantime the
horses took fright and by great eflorte a
runaway was averted, not before, how-
ever, matt damage was done. When
aeeietanoa.could be given the proetrate
man, he was Maud to have his shoulder
blade and tome ribs broken, as well se
sustaining eeveral internal injuries. The
accident happened that at John Williame'
gate on the 2nd line of Elma, and Mr.
Code was tenderly removed to the house
and medidal aealetanoe hastily summon.
ed. What may be the outcome ie quite
uncertain, and grave fears are entertain.
ed. Mr. Code is well known and has many
friends to whom these words will be sad
tidings and who will wish him a speedy
recovery. Siose the above was put in
type Mr. Oode has died paeeiog away
early Thursday morning. The sad event
has Oast a gloom over the neighborhood.
Funeral Saturday afternoon 2 o'olook.
Mra. Eokmier, who was ill last week,
is able to be aronud again we are glad to
A Debating Society is talked of, to be
held in the Hall during the Winter
Walter Forrest, who has been on the
Fick list, le improving somewhat we are
pleased to state.
Mr. McKenzie, Seafottb, and John Mo.
Allister, Grey, took the eervioea in the
Hall last Sunday night.
Bible 800101)' meeting next Sunday
evening. A oolleotion io aid of the Society
will be taken, Addressee by Rev. R.
Paul, A M. Matey and T. Straohan.
Farmers about here are done with took.
ing up their turnipe and stay the orop is
good but not so large aft last year. They
say there is plenty for man and beast,
Miss Lizzie Straehenhas gone to Bros.
eels where she will keep house thie
Winter for Mre. Barbara Straohan, who
is unable to attend to her household
duties from thenmatiem, we are sorry to
The Raation sale of farm, farm stook,
&a., in connection with the eetate of the
late Thee. Jaoklin, Boundary of Howlett
and Grey, will be held on Wednesday
afternoon of next week. Salo is held to
alone up the estate.
Mr. Weir, our tenober, who is meth
thought of among ne, has started a
night class for young men. Claes will
meet twice every week and subjects will
be of value in alter days• Mrs. Innes has
granted them home room. Mr, Weir le
teaching free of obarge. He i0 doing
good work in his eohool.
Laat week Jag, Inneo went to the
Business College et Toronto for the
Winter months and on Monday of this
week Joseph Ooombe jr., and James Cott
went to Stratford Business College, You
may look out for smart boys around
Jamestown next Spring.
3%1 II vtL1tn.
John Raney, of Hansall, spent
Sunday at his borne here,
Fred. Rugera, of Fordwiob, was vialt-
ing friends here last week.
Cheater Pagh, of Palmerston, epent
Sunday at his home in tbie village,
Miss Beatty, of Seatorth, ie vieiting at
the home of her uncle, Frank Soots.
Mra. M. H. Elliott and children, of
Winghttm, are visiting Mre. Mason.
Charles Coultee, from sear Listowel,
was visiting at his home here this week.
Mise M. Spence, and Mr. Spenoe, of
Brantford, have been vieiting at Magnus
Jno, and Mrs. Malntoeb, of Viola -
worth, were vieiting at Thomas Coultee'
thie week.
Misses Annie and Belle Riohardeon, of
Brussels, were vieiting relatives in Blue.
vale Dale week,
Mre. Anderson and dagghter, Miae
Ann Jana Anderson, are vieiting Mende
in Haat Wawanosh.
Fred. and Mre. McCracken and child.
ren, of Brassie, were visiting Jno. and
Mre. Gardiner this week.
Mre. Pelton,from near Woodatoak,
has been vieiting her eon, Boy Pelton,
who is station agent here.
W L ox e,e(ar.
Hallowe'en was celebrated very quietly
Miee Mary Harris ie viaiting relatives,
in Wingham.
John Grainger, of Brussels, spent
Thursday in the village.
Hugh McLeod left for Glen Wiliam on
Friday to accept a situation.
Mre. J. Bray and hire. T. Filmore visit.
ed Wiugham friends last week,
H. and Mre. Davis, of Wiugham, epent
Sunday with Mre. W. Sanderson,
A. Sanderson ie moving into W. Ruth-
erford'e reeidenoe on Queen street,
Quarterly meeting wee bald in the
Methodist aburob Sunday morning.
Rev. L A. McKelvey and Rev. L. Per.
rte exchanged pnlpite last Sabbath even -
Several from here attended the Guy
Brom. ocean in Wingham Friday even-
Thos. MoLaughlin, of Brown City. ie
spending a week with old friends in this
Waldo Miller has gone to Wingbam
where he bas enured a position in Gunn
Bros. eetabliebmeot.
Miss E. Hastings has returned to her
home in !Tur:berry atter eleiting her
sister, Mre, R, Bann for eeveral date,
Albert Terry, of Youngstown, thio,
has been the guest of hia grandfather,
John Gotten, daring the peat two weeks.
The Scottish Concert Co will bold an
entertainment in the Town Hall on Sat.
nrday night ander the auoploes of the
Sone of Scotland,
Mies M. Edwards, of Fordwiob, and
Mre, E. Rhein, of London, were the
guests of their brother, 0. F. Edwards,
for a few date last week.
Gordon Rae left on Tuesday for Fiem•
ming, Man„ where he will eaglet in a
general store where hie brother, Robert
Rae, has been employed for a number of
Amongst those wbo left this elation on
Tbureday for a few weeka' sport in Moe
kolta were Johe Gofton, Amoe Gofton,
Albert Terry, Wm. Muir, Jae. Ball and
John Ball,
Allah .
Township Council will meet here next
The 0. P. R. surveying party has been
at' work this week on the proposed roto
from Guelph to Goderioh. The line ie
being run from Listowel to Brands,
going North of Atwood and Ethel.
The cottage owned by Lawrence Dob.
eon baa been purchased by George Kront.
er. Price $475. Wm. Kranter and tam.
ily have moved into it frono,Brueeele. Mr.
Kreuter is interested in a bosh farm on
the 17th of Grey.
Jamestown Postoffice and
General Store
Now that our wagon is off the road for the season, I
very kindly thank the public who so liberally patronized
it. I now have in my store a Tull line of Goods for Fall
and Winter purposes, which, when compared, parties
will find them away down in price. I do - not mean to
quote prices but just say come and see what we hftve.
We have all our Prints down to Cost Price, and some
Remnants below, also some Remnants in Shillings
very cheap.
I have got in a special • line of Fane Crocker
justp y y
which is selling very fast. Something beautiful, -
We to win take the following d in trade s cash :—
gproduc en aoa
Turkeys, 9e to 10e. per ib. ; Geese, 51e to 6o per lb. ;
Ducks, 60e to. 70c per pair ; Chickens, 40o to 45o per
pair , bright, dried, quarter cut apples, 5c per lb. ; But-
ter Bash, 15o ; large: rolls, 16e ; 1 lb. prints, 17e, good
I I CM A A YAt rr
(icor Sd
g, 1903
W. H. KERB, Prop,
Oherlie Davies was a welcome alter at
Ilthel. Be appeare to be well pleaeed
with hie attention ae traveller and should
make a moons of it.
J. W, Pollard has disposed of the large
carriage shop, formerly owned by Mr.
Other, now of Brneeels, to hie brother.
in.law, D. Tyerman, ofGranton, Mr.
Tyerman and family will make their
home here having bought the former
parsonage property from Mr. °ober.
At the London Conference Epworth
League Convention, to be held in Chatham
on Nov. 24 and 25, Rev, 0. P. Welle, of
Ethel, will introdnoe the copies "The
League after the revival." Mita Irene
Baker, of Henfryu, ban the eubjeet "Aim
and value of the Sooial meetings of tbe
Z. Magee, formerly of this looelity,
hoe pgrohaeed a hardware bneieeee at
Pareboro', Nova Scotia. This lee town
of about 2,500 population and ie situated
on the Bay of Fundy. Coal mining and
ship building are marled on exteneively.
Mr. McKee writes that the weather is
beautiful but cold. We wish him sea -
A public meeting ander the aaapioee of
Haat Baron Farmers' Institute, will be
held ie the Town Ball here on Monday
Nov. 28. Dr. Reid, of Georgetown, and
Mr, Smith, of Langbaok, will be the
speakers. Senates afternoon and even.
ing, with a musical program at the latter.
There is always a good attendance at the
Ethel meeting,
cw r0 e'.
Townehip Oonnoil next Monday.
Severalfarme are ohangiug hands io
Archie Lamont and John Bishop are
away to the Nortb on their annual deer
A oonple of bears were seen in the bush
on the 17th 000. but the epeotatore were
unarmed and aousegaently bruin twill
The tax collectors are notifying the
ratepayers of the amount of their taxes
foe 1903. They have to be paid before
Deo. 18th,
The trustees of Terobull'e sobool, 15th
con., have engaged the services of Miss
Mabel Zimmer, of Brneeels, now attend•
ing the Model Soboot at Clinton, for 1904,
at a salary of 6800. Mies Howe is the
present teaoher but her aertittoate expiree
at the close of this year.
Loeb Sabbath evening a Bible Society
meeting was held at Bethel oberoh and
was addreeeed by Rev. R. Paul and A. M.
McKay, of Breath!, wbo were moat
attentively lietened to by the large and.
ienae as they showed the splendid work
done by the Sooiety and the duty of
Christian people to aid it. Collators
were appointed. The collaction taken at
the close ;of the meeting amounted to
$3 00.
SonoonRErotT.—The following is the
!tending of the pupils of S. B No. 5, Grey,
for October, the names are in order of
merit :—Sr. 4th.—M. Dunbar, A. Smith.
Jr. 4th.—A. Close, J. MoOaeb, R. Rae,
O. Coates. Sr. TTI.—F. Giddino, P.
Flood, W. J. Clark. Jr. III—J. Ma-
Oaeb, A. Berne, E. °larlr, W. Ridley, L.
Mitobell, A. Clark. Sr. IL—B. Dunbar,
A. Coigne, N. McLachlan, M. MoNeiland,
B. Kleineohreth, T. Clark, W. Close.
Jr. IL—W. Ward, Pt. II.—E. MFDon•
old. 0. Smith, A. MoNeiland, 17, Flood.
1, Ward. Sr. I.-0. Hudson, E. Rae,
E. Rae. Jr. I,—I. Clark, L. Kleineob
roth, A. MoDonald, A. Smith, F. Lindsay.,
• elm JReeIE RAE, Tauber,
Alt Ar r 1K.
Mies Kirkby is home' from' Toronto,
Apples are moving very slow at the
Jae, Hall's sale was held on Wednesday
of this week.
Geo. Cole has engaged with J. Hunter
for one month.
L and Mre. Williams purpose taking a
trip to the Old Country in the near fa.
Mre. A. McLean, of Wingbam, wee the
guest of her friend, Dire, John Olegg, on
Fred. Bryant hoe been re-engaged as
teaoher in S. S. No, 5 for 1904 at an in
crease in salary.
Miee May Mioliie, who bag been in
Balton Chanty niece April last, arrived
home on Saturday of last week.
700 or 800 oorda of hard and soft wood
wanted at the Bodmin Lime Works.
Highest prion paid.
A. Niouorisou & SONS.
A. Howlett's new reeidense is now
oompleted and makes a fine appearance.
We with the occupants many happy
John Hogaart, 4th line, hoe rented
Mre. 101. Kellingtoo'e farm ott the same
line. 'Phie means the eeouring of a hone.
We noticed very few Woke played on
last Saturday evening, No doubt it
would be a different thing in the towns
and villages.
Quite a number of the young people in
this laaality indulged in a few hermleee
yet innooent Woke on Hallowe'en, Flesh
wbo young ladies were taking a band in
the fun.
John Craig, 7th line, and Miss Ida
Smith, Bth line, were monied on Wed
neaday Of this week at the reeidenoe of
the bride's father. We wonder Who will
be the next bappyoouple.
Mise Edna Wotton, who leas been
somewhat ihdiepnoed for the past six
weeks ae the result of an ugly gab in her
foot, inflicted by a scythe, to now improv
ing we are pleased to state.
A goodly number attended a pie social
at the Stone school on Tuesday evening
of this week, Of worse those Wes more
than pie fie eu attraobion,' The moon
light drive woe good aswasoleo the pie.
Elijah Pease did not get a self feeder
for his maabine se the threehfng le about
over. No doubt next year will tee a
number of new maobines with blower at.
taohmont and straw cutting maohine all
in one,
Wm. Banter, 7th line, intends going to
college in a few days at Newark, N. J,
Itis removal will be felt, psrtionlarly in
the Su00hiae Sabbath eohool where he
hag taken a great 'Menet toe years. We
with him cleaned Donee.
A number of bones are laid up with
distemper in this township,
Alex. Olark'e new bonne is nearing
completion and will be one of the beet
dwelling houses in this notion of the
The pia social at the atone eohool
house Tuesday evening woe a suooeee, a
very large number being present and the
program wan very Interesting and was
rendered in No. 1 style,
Rev. Mr. Geddes, formerly of White•
ohnroh, but now of Alien Craig, 000upied
the pulpit in the Preebyterian thumb,
Belgrave, last Sabbath and hie discourse
was mpoh appreciated by all.
This week Does Stubbs and family are
removing to Brussels. While sorry to
lose thorn from Morrie townehip we are
pleased they are to be located so handy
to their many old friends here. We wish
them proeperity,
Hallowe'en was duly celebrated tbie
year on the 7th by the Jack O'Lantern
whioh located bimeelf near the new res.
idonae. He seems to be well rationed
with theeurrqundings as Ile lane stayed
einoe. We hear of two, three and tour
legged noes but the six legged nee on
Hallowe'en beats them all,
Charles Taylor, of Kansas; who a short
time ago was here oo a visit to his broth•
ere on the 5th line, since returning home
has disposed of hie farm and purpoeee
returning to this part in a abort time.
He evidently thinks there is no place like
Ontario, We will be pleased to welcome
Mr. Taylor back.
A aongregational Tea Meeting will be
bald in the Presbyterian oburoh, Bal.
grave, on Deo. 16 to take the plaoe of the
annual Xmas tree. The Sabbath Sohool
ohildron are all receiving oomplimentary
tioketo and will eaglet io the program es
farse poeoible. A pleasant time ie in
Bend to both old and young.
• Dame Rumor reports that a pertain
young lady of the 4th line is about to
make in her maiden appellation a per-
manent alteration and to change ler
habitation to a different eitnation, in fact
to the 5th line by location, and become
the near relation of a man whose nomen•
olature, like thelady'e, needs no elocida•
tion but who in daily expectation waits
the solemn prononnoiation whioh will in
their lives produce the alteration to
whioh happy combination we extend oar
hr arty endoreation.
Brussels Council.
Council met last Monday evening.
Reeve Wilton in the ahairand Coanoiilore
Backer, Plum, Thomson and Blair
Owing to the inability of Clerk Scott to
be present owing to the injury to bis eye,
W. M. Sinclair was appointed Clerk pro
tem on motion of A. Backer and S. T.
P nm.
By Law No 3, of 1903, was read three
times and passed fixing the several rata
for the year whioh total 21 mills, as
follows ;—
County Rate 9/10 mills
Local " 4 4/10
Oon.Loan " 76/10 "
Frontage " 1 1/10 "
Lookridge " 4/10
School " , 5 9/1.0 "
Sohool loan rate 1 8/10
Total 21 mills.
By•Law No. 4, 1908, was oleo read con.
corning the appointment of Juo. Long a0
Collector of Taxes for this year. By.
laws were passed an motion of R. Thom.
eon and -A. Backer,
Accounts were read a0 follows :—
Brussels Herald, Drain Bylaw$ 15 00
Maniaipal World, blank forma6 00
R. Henderson, street imp., 2 60
W. Denbow, gravel 100 91
Jno. Oouslay, street imp. 8 44
A. MoLauahliu, salary 26 00
Moved by R. Thomson, seconded by A.
Backer that above accounts be paid.
Weigbmaetor MaLaaahlin reported the
receipts from the scales for the month of
October to be $36 00.
The gneetion ot.the proposed sewer on
Turoberry street and appeals against the
aeseeement waa taken'up and e. lengthy
dieoueeton followed. On motion of S. T.
Plum, eeoonded by G. F. Blair the Court
of Revieion was adjourned to Monday,
Deo. 7111, at 8 o'clock,
Moved by A. Basher, aeoonded by R,
Thomson, that we, the Munioipal Ooon-
ail of Brussels, desire to express our
regrets at the removal of an eatoemed
member of this Board in the person of
Councillor Blair, owing to hie 0hange of
reeidenoe to Goderiob. We believe the
ratepayers judged wisely when they elect
ed biro by Bo large a majority last Jan.
nary ae bee proven himself a moot cap.
able and agreeable member of this body
and will parry with him the good will of
all. We wish him and hie family a pros.
perone !More. Carried.
Mr, Blair made a suitable reply expreee.
Mg lie oppreoiation of the resolution and
returned thanks on behalf of Mre. Blair
and bimeelf for the good wishes.
Regrets were expressed at the abaenoe
of Olerk F, S. Scott and the hope voiced
that be would Boon be able to attend to
hie official datiee with the regularity of
many years.
Council then adjourned,
Dr, Robinson has been appointed
Medical Health omoer for Gnolph.
Condaotor Allen, of St. !Thomas wee
fatally irjnred in the M. 0, R. yards at
Lieut. Col. White has been appointed
tax collector at Guelph, to snowed the
late John Hutton.
Mee Jennie MaMenna wee eerionsly
tnjurod in the ,elevator at 1'eeriu'0
bieauit factory in London.
The oorher•etone Of the new Carnegie
library building at Winnipeg waa laid
by Lieut.,Gbv. ale Daniel MoMtllan.
John Charlton, M. P., will . endow a
ohair in Queen's University, Kingston, if
the nnivereityadntlnnes its relations with
the Presbyterian Cborah.
About eight hundred men went on
etrike at Niagara Fells on aeoount of a
redltatiod iu wagee of the men employed
on the Sariins Canadian power works.
Several email riots marred, and men
who wanted to work were driven off with
etenee. At 1 o'clock Tuesday morning
a company of looal militia took obarge
of the works.
Tum labor war at Niagara Falls is over
and the militia have been eiamiseed,
e •
VmttY favorable crop returne are re-
ported from Manitoba and the Northwest
and with good prices the year will pan
out very eatiefaotory.
TetletAEx rale ones,
more comes to the
front in New York oily. Geo, B. Not
Clennan is the ntw Mayor, being eleoted
by about 70,000 majority.
Fan the reports of the Government
aurveyore who have returned from North-
ern Ontario for the Winter there ie an
immense tract of very valuable farm
land. The probabilities are there will be
quite a rah of settlers there during 1004.
()wide to the large amount of work to
roads and bridges in the Comity this year
the probabidtios are that the expenditure
will overran the estimatoe by a good
many dollars. Three new steel bridges
have been built this year, the one at Ben.
miller being an twangy big contract.
Bridge building will have to be continued
for a number of years as many wooden
etruaturee have about nerved their day.
A rather unusual ease has arisen in
000neotion with the House of Refuge in
the 0.•unty over the di.poeal of bodies of
deceased inmates who die without bona
fide Wanda. Under an Aat reepeatiog
the study of Anatomy the bodies of all
persona who have been supported in and
by any public institution shall be immed-
iately planed ander the control of the
Inspector of Anatomy for that locality,
widen claimed by bona fide friends within
24 hours and the sum of $5 paid by them
for borialexpenses. The keeper of any
public institution of above oharaoter is
liable to a fine not exceeding $20 for non
compliance with the law. Keeper
French's attention has been palled to
the Act, Heretofore the bodies of the
unclaimed inmates have been buried in
the graveyard on the farm in aonneotion
with the House. He asked for .inotrao-
tione from the Warden who has advised
that in the meantime the aura followed
be continued even although a fine ie in-
flicted under the Aat, whioh if enforoed
will do much to cause worry and annoy.
sae to any anal inetitntion both as it
relates to the inmates in anticipation and
the keeper in carrying out the provisions
of the Aat.
Cei.ntadittin N e vem.
A oouferenae of dairy experts Ie in
&ogress at Ottawa.
The population of Berlin Ont., is 10,408
and the assessment $8,807, 630.
The Dominion Coal Company will open
tbeir new mines at Glace Bay.
Madame Adeline Laurier, stepmother
of Sir Wilfrid, died at St. Lin„ Que.,
aged 51.
Ooptain Bruce Carruthers, of Kingston,
is mentioned as the commander of the
new eigoal corps.
Robert the nine•year old eon of Joseph
Malley, was kinked by a horns at Manila,
Ont., and killed.
The woman found drowned at Sarnia
about a mouth ago has been identified ea
Dire. Hillier, of Cumber, Miob.
In a smashup on the Grand Trunk
near Beaverton, Fireman Mount was
killed and other trainmen injured.
Four men tell from a ooaffoid at Oorn•
wall, two enstaining broken lege, and
Marla Sharp's leg had to be amount.
Berlin, Waterloo and adjacent places
are agitating for the extension of the
Tileonbarg, Lake Erie de Pocifle Railway
to Berlin,
An advance party of German Menson.
Ilea from the States have taken up twenty
townohipo in the Quill Lake Valley for
The formation of a Canadian engineer
aorpe sod an ordinance Mora corps, to be
added to the permanent corps, has beep
The man found' dying in a stable at
Sarnia hat been identified se
0.0. Hamilton. Hie killing is said to be
hie own act,
Harold Oaae, of Hamilton, whoae shoot.
ing netted a lot of excitement in that
oily, oonteeaes that be did the deedhim.
self by aooident.
Nowa Domes from Lord Steatbaona
that Mejor Leckie, a well-known Canad.
fan officer, was very Berihaa!), injured by
a leopard in Somaliland,
A young man named Paul was kilted
by not explosion on the dredge J. Israel
Tarte, in Lake Bt. Peter, and several
Others of the crew injured.
A young man named Thompson, bail.
ing iron Kingston, a dealt baud on the
tug Jeoeie Hall, fell overboard and waa
drowned on the way to Montreal,
The Dnndaa Banner bag been gold t0
OCL Taiga, of Toronto, for 1310,000.
The Banner watt for years oondaoted by
the late A. F. Pirie. Colonel Taasie is
0 wealthy Englishmen, for some time a
resident of Toronto.
An unknown man, aged about fifty
years, was found dying in a ettbio near
Sarnia race eourelt. It is thought be was
murdered no there were bullet wounds in
his head and also bullets in the woodwork
hoar where he lay,
The bylaw to bonne Oosaitt Bros., im.
plement manufacturers carried at Brook.
The annual plowing metal of the
Downie Plowmon'e A0Oooiotion will bo
bold on Friday, Nov. 6, on lot 9, con, 7
Judging by the number of people one
obeervee asleep in Ottawa's oharobes,
the oonviotioo that the seventh day is
one of net is strongly rooted,—Ottawa
Adam Densmore has aooepted $100
from the Pilkington township author -
Idea es settlement at hie notion for
damages in going through a defective
culvert with a threshing engine.
For tome months past the eonutry
within fifty mitre of Windeor has been
flooded with abeap goods. It was finally
dieoovered that numbers of Assyrian
women were emuggling the geode arms
the lines beneath their clothes. For the
past two weeks these women have been
earthed and the uffioers have not yet
naught one who was not smuggling.
The goods have been oonfieoated.
The Woodetook Sentinel -Review
states : From present indications the
farmers will be asked to pay a larger
prise for the chopping of grain in the
near future. During the peat three
years millers sod owners of chopping
plants have charged 5 ante a bag for
chopping. Until within a year or eo ago
the formate were content to have the
grain ground coarsely and then 5 cents
waa a fair remuneratiou. Now, however,
the choppers state, the farmere want the
coreale ground very fine and owing to
the advance in fuel and the oast of labor
it is imperative that the ooet of chopping
must be increased, they maintain. It 10
probable that the eat will be raised to 7
oe01e, and at this figure, the ohoppere
say, there will be only a reasonable
Officers end teachers' tea in contention
with Bru•eels Methodist Sabbath school,
Friday evening of this week at 6,15
Next Sabbatb a aeries of evangelietio
anion will be oommenaed in the Metho-
dist charol here and will be continued
each evening of the week exoepting Sat-
.The Betrayal" was the paetor'a topio
at the Methodist ohurob last Sabbath
morning. The testimony and Commun-
ion eervioe followed. "Waiting upon the
Lord" was the theme in the evening in
whioh many plain, praatioal hints were
Following were elected Congregational
reprerontatives to the Offioial Board of
Brussels Mathodiat ohnrob :—.T. Moore,
T. Currie, W. H. Maunders, H. Beam,
0. Roxell and Joo. Onnningbam, Geo,
Sperling is representative from Oran.
brook. The Btewarde are ;—R. Leather.
dale, J. J. Gilpin, A. Ooueley, W. F.
Stewart, Jno. °ober, stud W. H. Kerr
for Brunets, and Jno. Knight for Oran.
24th Aogivoesena,—Last Sabbath waa
the 24th anniversary of the pastorate of
Rev. John Roee, B. A., in conflation
with Melville Church. The discourse in
the morning was based upon Acts 5,20.
"Go, stood and speak in the temple to
the people all the words of thio lite."
Certain regaieitee for tbe Gospel Minis.
try appear in these words. 1. A person-
al and Divine Experience. The men
addressed were men (I) Possessed of a
true spiritual life, and, (2) Riohly endued
with the Holy Ghost. II An undoubt-
ed Divine Message. " The words of
Life" were (1) Communicated to them by
the Divine Wisdom, aud, (2) Impressed
upon them by the Divine power. III
A special Divine Guidanoe. Go, stand
and speak in the temple." They were to
deliver their message (1) With bumble
boldness and holy confidence, (2) With
cleanses and fulneee, (3) With the firm
persuasion that this is God's chief way
of saving men. Melville Meech and its
able pastor are to be aongratnlated on the
happy and anooeseful condition in whioh
they are found after the lapse of 0o many
yearn, There is a large memberebip,
they are free from debt and take quite au
interest in Missionary and other philan•
ehropio enterprises. Rev. Mr. Rosa'
health is very much improved ao that be
performs his many datine with the old
time vigor.
LANA.—The Weekly Leader, of Oot. 1,
pobliobed at Glasgow, Sootland,00ntaine
the following interesting sketch, also a
portrait of Rev. Robert Ross, 101, A.,
oriole to Rev. John Rosa, B. A., of
Broeaele :—To few miniatere is the prix
ilege given of preaobiag the Gospel for
the long period of sixty years ; to fewer
still belong the unigneneee of having for
that extended time labonred noisier.
notedly in the one paries and among the
one congregation. The diatinolioa of
being sixty years a minister of the Chong
of Scotland, and also of- being the
"Father" of that Oharob, rote with the
Rev. Robert Rose, M. A., (leaden, Aber.
deenahire, wboee portrait appears below.
Mr. Rosa wa0 born at Arnage on the 13th
of Meech, 1819, and graduated at
illarisohal College in 1885, taking hie
diploma in April of the same year. Be.
ing Hanged to preach by the Presbytery
of Elton, he was presented to Crnden by
the Earl of Errol in 1843, and on the 14th
of September was ordained by thee Bev.
Dr. Robertson, of Dllot, the Call having
been largely signed by herilore, elders,
and heads of familia. The year of Ur,
Rae' ordination woe also the year of Da
Disruption, and in ooneegaeno0 of that,
seoeeoion from the National Church the
Communion roll of Oruden, like that of
many other oongregabion0, was greatly
reduced, Of the Dight ciders three drew
in their lot with the Free Chemin. A
rally, however, soon afterwards set in,
and, cavo for a slight drain now and
again, whioh ie accounted for by the then
owed sacra pedalos of Ardallie, Blaok.
bine, and Boddam, the number on the
Communion roll steadily increased, and
toda itrea records a e Drab'
y o a m mb ip at 700.
Very few are alive today who sixty yearn
ago welcomed Mr, Rose 90 their minister,
'here have boeu many changes in theles
years ; Mr. Rose has labored In many
eorr0we and rejoined in many jal'a, Bo
has gone out and in among hie people ae
the aympatbetlo friend and the loving
pastor, and abundant evidence bas been
given him that hie Johnny and his minis.
tretions have not been in vein, The high
place which long ago be wo: In 0110
esteem and love of his people he still 0".
tains ; pastor and people are Hotted tot
gather by many ties ; the golden obain Ot
love blithe them together and aweetene all
their relationalipo. In hie labours Mr.
Rose/tau been greatly helped by the loving
ministry of his Meter, who has done
maoh for the youth of the parish. The
diamond jabileeof Mr. Rose woos not per,
witted to pass without recognition, the
congregation presenting him with eu
illuminated address and an enlarged
photograph of bimeelf.
People We Know.
Mre. Fletcher was vieiting her parents
in Luaknow for a few days.
D. Denman, wife and family, of Sarnia,
have moved book to Brussels.
Leon Jaekeon, of Ottawa, and Mra.
Maddook, oL Uxbridge, are in town,
Mies Minnie McDonald, of Watton,
was vieiting Mise Downey in Beneath.
Alias Jessie Tinsley, of Hamilton, is
vieiting at Neil MoLauohlin'e, Tornberry
Mize Mary Caution las returned from
a visit to Soatorth and left for Ethel on.
Chae•laodde is able to Bit np now w0
are pl0aeed to state sad we hope be wdl
0000 be o. k.
Mre. (Dr.) MoNanghton arrived home
on Monday from an extended visit with
relatives in Kausso.
R. G. Oode and Mise Gonne, of Tram.
bridge, were visitors at the Metbodiat
Parsonage last Sunday,
Air. Buddy arrived iu town on Monday
and is now bard at work in anneal=
with the Woollen factory.
S• and Mre. Beattie left for Wiarton un
Monday. Mies Mary Beattie will re•
main is town for a time at least.
John Donaldson arrived home last
week from Manitoba and the Northweet
where he has epent 6 or 8 weeks aombin.
ing baeineee and pleasure.
Howard. Fraleigb, of Forest, was here
last week. He was earthing for flax
aoatohers. Mr. Fraleigb is a oouain to
Jae. Bahantyoe, of Brueeele.
Mise Griffin, ,of Wingham, who hoe
bee: vfotting far the past few months at
Montreal and Toronto, has returned and
Tuesday resumed her veal class in Brae-
Mise E. Blakeman, who sold her prop-
erty on John street, Brussels, to John
Budd, a abort time ago, left on Tuesday
for Aybon where she will vioit, We wish
her an enjoyable time.
Mr. and Mre. Tacker, of Milverton •
Mr. Bergman and MinTugban, of
Trowbridge ; and Clarence Mtlbansen
and Min Stater, of Atwood, were vielt•
ore at J. Milbaueen'e.
We welcome ROBB Stubbs and family
to Brussels. They moved here from the
8th line of Morris loving sold their farm.
Mre. Stubbs is a daughter of Wm. and
Mre. Jewitt, Mill street.
Rev, Fred. Floater, who was here for a
holiday visit, has returned to his Imbue
in Montana. Be has many well withers
bare wbo will be delighted to Lear
of great success attending his efforts.
Mark Hoohanan was called to Windsor
last Monday to attend the funeral of hie
nephew, John Aikene, fireman on the G.
T. R., who was killed near St, Marys last
Saturday. A report of the wreck is given
on page 4 of this name.
W. R. Stratton is here on a holiday
visit with relatives reuniting from the
aooident which befell him while attending
to hie duties as 0. P. R, engineer. We
hope he will soon be as well as ever.
taint. Stretton and baby are also itt town.
Roan Wmlo); was thrown out of hie
wagon that Saturday and went round with
a very stiff neck for several days. He'
was fortupate in escaping as well an be
SONE one entered the stable of Rev, J.
Kennedy, Methodist minister at Landes,
born, and also that of Rev. J. A. Semi!.
ton, and
minister of the same
place, and mutilated the horses by dockt
ing the animate' tails and almost strip.
ping them of hair. No reason is known
for the dastardly deed .except it be
because the minis0ere named have been
active in airoalotiug a petition asking to
have local option adopted in the towit-
Oottoaaw,•—The Foot Ball Cline hag
neared the Scottish Concert Co. for
Friday evening of next week in the Town
Hall, Brussels. Plan of Ball at Jas.
Fox's drug More. Here are some notices
form other places —,Paisley, Oot, 9, 1908.
—The Scottish Concert Co. from Aber.
dean, Scotland, are the beet aggregation'
of e:tertainere that has been heard here
for many a day. `Marton Echo, Sept.
24, 1003. --No better pleased tadfenee
ever lett the hall, all pronouncing the
Scottish Conan the event of the year.
Orangeville Banner, Aug. 20, 1908.—Tie
moving picture show by the Scottish
Concern Co. was beyond description.
Tun London Free Prase says. -Mies
Braden, Dermatologist, who has been
practising at 288 Primula avenue three
days each week, has removed to London
permanently, and has located at 488
Park avenue, the rooms lately occupied
by Dr. Kingsmill' where ale wilt be
pleased to meet her former patrons . and
any new ones who might fever her with
a all, Mien Braden is well known in
her paoleeeion, and practised ea0oeoe.
tally to St Thomoo and Louden for
nearly four years. She, was made the
natant of a neatly worded athletes and
a gold•haedled nmbralla from bet Sun,
day Sohool ernes of the First Mothodiet
thumb. The address was read by Batt
Penwarden and the preeentatiod was
made by A. Coyne, Mies Braden wee
taken by eatprioe by the generosity of
her ohms, and thanked them briefly for
their remembrance of her oa, thie 000a0.