The Brussels Post, 1903-10-29, Page 8NST
A L 9 AVZ you a room
that needs Papering
this Fall 2 One that you
11ad intended doing but did
not get time to have it done in the Spring ? If so, you
can find in our Papers a splendid choice as the stock has
lately been replenished and now affords a good variety.
Before buying we would like you to call and see our
Papers. You are welcome to our full time and attention
without buying.
8013TECEBB EXTENa0oN W. G. & B.
Traine teave Benguela Station, North
an South,as folio a
Mail 715 a.m 1 Mixed 10:00 a,m
Mued.........10�00 a.mMail 1:17 p.m
8Japrese 8:25 p.m l Express 8:17 p.m
jLrxgI lidos items.
A ohiel's among ye takit' noise,
An' faith he'll pant is.
Waosz name was it you mentioned as
next In the matrimonial list?
FOURTH Division Court will be held in
Brussels on Wednesday, Nov. 4th,
W. a. Fame, of Hamilton, organizer
for the Oboeen Friends, ie in town.
Beam) H. woo the 2 02 pane, pores
$2,000, at Lexington. Beet time, 2.04,
THE 5th of Nov, will not be celebrated
in any public manner by the looal Orange-
15 Came secures THE Pose for the
balance of 1908. A trial trip will prove
its worth.
Tan Macoabee Band is keeping up its
praotioe even if the out door oou0erte
have oeaeed for the season. Tbia is all
Sohn of the local aportemea have been
very aaceeseful in their rabbit hunting
experiences this Fall. A few partridge
have also fallen a prey to their fire.
A Lanai; number of Tam Pon eubecrib.
ars owe for this year if not for a 'longer
period. Will those in arrears kindly
bring fo the amount owed without for.
thee delay ?
Andrew Currie'
jr., who was Bailiff of
the god Division Oonrt, resigned owing
to hie moving to Brneeele and James
McNamara, of Seatorth, has bean ap.
pointed in him plane.
WEBSTER STITT, who learned the art of
photography in H. R. Brewer's studio
here, has purchased a baainess in aasoo.•
iation with another, in Monroe Mioh,
Tan POST hopes he will do well.
Tam weather this Fall up to Monday
has been ideal. The eesson is one of theaf
longest an record, There bade't been a
frost beavy enough to wither the
111. mere. Farmers are making great head•
way with Fall work.
Trim buildings on Main Street, Wing -
ham, owned by Anson Dalmage, and
000upied by William Watt, as a store
and boarding bones, were badly damaged
fire on Monday morning, The loss on
the building is 51,000 with no insurance.
WORD was received here on Wednesday
that J.13, Rogerson, of Vandalia, N. Y.,
of whose illness Tam POST made reference
last week, died -Tuesday morning and
the funeral took plane on Thursday set
Bradford. Deceased was a brother to
Mfrs. Baines, of Brussels, and was known
to a number in tbie looality.
The mauy friends of Robert Canning.
ham, insurance agent of Guelph, will be
grieved to learn that he met with a pain.
ful anaident. He woe ascending a ladder
to kis barn loft, when it Blipped and he
Wits thrown bo the ground. Being a
heavy man the fall gave him a bad shak-
ing op.
Goon COLT —George Muldoon, Brne-
sele, boo pare/eased "Geordie B.", a 2
year old roadster Dolt from Jae. Shedden,
4th line, Morrie, paying 5176. The colt
is bred from Costamer and from a
Wilkes -Chicago Volunteer dam owned
by Mr. Shedden and is an extra good one.
It won two let prizes and a special se a
foal; two lets, a 2nd and a epeoial as a
yearling ; and three lets, a god and a
epeoial this Fall at the Fairs. Mr. Mal -
dean bas a great fanoy for a tidy equine
henoe his recent purchase.
Tau= A Penromn.—Lookridge Broe„ of
Brussels woolien factory, have admitted
Mr. Broddy, of Toronto, as a partner and
be is expected here next Monday. He is
au experienced man and was a termer
manager of the big Heapeler factory and
will aseame similar work here taking
charge of the Mahan. Another lot of
machinery will be added making it a two
get mill and the blanket manufacturing
will be poehed along at a lively rate.
This will mean the employment of
additional bands and added interest to
Brussels. Mr, Broddy is a married man
and will be moving his family to town in
the near future. The Lookridge Brom.
have made a good etart and the outlook is
hopeful and we tenet profitable to the
Two weeks ago in these columna The
Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mont
real made known to oar readers ite new
premiums for thie season, and it is most
gratifying 00 learn from the publishers
that the result of their announcement in
this paper bas created the biggest demand
they have ever bad from thin section of
the country. The liberality of their offer
and our extensive oircutation (Maid not
fail to bring retnrna, The Family Her.
aid end Weekly Star is thin year offering
rte free premiums 00 all eabearibets two
baantifal piottuee, entitled "Heart Brok-
en" and "Hard to Choose," ae well as a
largo oalored library map of the Bominion
of Canada with an enlarged map of this
province, Baty place of importance
oan be found at a glenee. I'opttlatione
are also glean. It is moat e0mplete, and
with the Minutes and The Faurily Her.
old and Weekly Star far one year, ad for
one dollar, 10 corbeinly worthy of public'
W. H. McOnaorEN shipped a oar of
potatoes to Windsor tble week,
Tam Treasurer baa paid out a Targe
abare of the Eeet Huron Fall Fair prize
b '
now o artotaer of the
Brussels Wroxeter stage and in charge
of King Edward the 7th'- mail.
BRnesE,s grain market le receiving a
good 'bare of laet harvest's prodnots.
Buyers complain about oar shortage.
DRESSED poultry ie finding its way to
the market, but slowly compared with
same years. The mild weather may have
bad something to do with it.
I. 0. Maumee has been bothered for
the past week or more with a dieabled
right bend from something like blood
poisoning, bat it ie improving now.
THURSDAY evening of this week F. J.
Gilroy and H, W. Avieon will take part
in a Oonoert program in oonaeotion with
the Methodist Chnrob, Teeewater,
Tan house and lot known as the How-
ard property, John street, has been par.
ohased from Mies Blake, of Grey, by
Adam Somers, of town, who gets immed-
iate possession. Pride is stated as $800.
Eeex Einem Farmers' Institute Execu-
tive will meet in the Ooaucil Chamber
Brneeele on Wednesday afternoon at 1.90
o'clock to make arrangements for the
Institute meetings to be held in the Rid.
ing next year.
A GOOD Coating 0f gravel has been put
on Tarnbsrry street which eboold im
prove it. We still are of the opinion,
however, that the Street between the
bridge and Queen street should be drained
and macadamized, if permanency is
desire d.
DR. MAY was here on Thursday evening
of last week and made hie official visit to
Brussels Public Library and found every-
thing Satisfactory. The annual grant
will be diecoanted heavily however ae the
apportionment cannot be etretahed to
cover all the claims in full.
FRIDAY evening the officers and teaohers
of Melville Sabbath school are tendering
G. F. and Mrs. Blair a complimentary
invitation social at Melville oharoh school
room prior to their removal to Goderioh.
Mr, Blair bas faithfully discharged the
dntiee of Superintendent for 7 oat of the
10 years he has been in town.
Wm have been staked repeatedly whether
the G. T. R. intended patting down a
aide walk from Turnberry street to the
depot ? Thie query we cannot anewer
but know the gravel damped along the
roadway was that much money thrown
away as far ae sidewalk purposes are
concerned. Something should oertaiuly
be done by the Council about it.
A little spell of Fell moving was on
band this week. Jno. Wilbee moved
into the Norton terrace, Mrs. Grower took
poseeasion of the house he vacated, Jas.
Ballantyne moves to Mrs. Grewar's
residence Turnberry street and Jae. Mo-
Arter will succeed Mr. Ballantyne, having
purchased the property. Have not oiph.
ered out who foliowe the MoArter family,
, eke , in the peregrinating.
AT the 10th anniversary of Excelsior
Lodge of Odd Fellows, Montreal, A. H.
Blaokaby, of Kingston, a well kuown
member of the Order, was presented
with a gold watch and chain on behalf
of the Grand Lodge of Quebec. Bra.
Blaokaby 000asionally visite Brueeele and
never forgets to see Western Star Lodge,
I. 0. 0. F. He's an enthaelaetio Odd
G. T. R. SHIPPINm Norte.—Among the
outgoing car late of freight this week from
Brasaele were 8 tiara of salt ; a oar of
flour from Stewart & Lowiok for Liver
pool ; 2 oars apples from R. Thomson ;
oar of potatoes to Windsor by W, H. Mo.
Oraoken ; oar of oattle and car of bogs to
Toronto ; oar hoaeebold effects, Mr.
White, to Dundalk. Incoming there
were 8 care of coal for the Salt Works ;
a oar for Lookridge Bros., and a oar for
Wilton & Turnbull.
Facia NnoRAsxA,—Tam Pon wag favor.
ed with a call from John Mioebull, of
Litobfteld, Nebraska, who went Wed
tram Grey township some 28 years' ago.
He ie a bright chatty men who has done
web and bee kept wide awake ae to what
was going on about him end was over
here renewing old friendebipe for the
.tint time since hie removal. Mr. Min•
shall was 0o. Clerk for several terms and
le well posted in Co. and State affairs,
He is just snob a man Ma we would like
to see return to Heron Oo, and beoome a
permanent resident. Jno. Long and
Mrs. el, Wilton, of town, were school
mates of Mr. Minehull's and Mre. Barb.
era Strachan and Mrs. (Dr) MoKelvey,
of Brueeele, two of hie format teaohere
on the 12th of Grey. Marshall Harri.
eon, of Monorieff, is a brotber•in•law.
MATRIMONIAL.—A pretty wedding was
oelebrated at "The Maples," the borne
of William and Mre. blacker, Drayton,
on Toeeday of this week et 4 o'clock,
when Mrs. Annie Walker, of Brussels,
wee united in marriage to William
A. Grewar, merchant, of the same plaoe.
Ceremony was performed by Rev, J,
Walker Sbiiton, B. A. The bride Wail
given away by Mr. Dasher and the wed.
ding march was played by Mise Maud
Pollook, The bride was the reniptient of
many valuable elite and presents Prom her
many friends and acquaintances as ebe
is held In the highest eabean, The hap-
py oonple arrived bask in town on Wed.
needay evening and have taken op their
rettdenee in their oomforteble home,
corner Queen sad Prinoees etreetg where
they oomtienoe married life under favor,.
able anspieee and with the bast wishes of
a large Meele of Wendel. Tug rasa
l' .P1't'AL-1.'aid rip 51,000,000
RBIV, R. R. WAI.iDEN, D. D• 1lueulors
O. J. afooltrl,
Pres?dapt. Vloo•Preeldeub,
O. 0). MAeeRY, TH00. DaAndaAN, C. a, TISOMSo0', It 0•
Dratte B000gghtand Bold. Farmers''Notes' Discounted,
Iotereat at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of $1 and upwards
Bd/il'9a5°eSvZE`i 0s' BRAWN
G. F. BLAIR, Solioitor. A. E. MELLISH, Manager,
Ate additional quire bar been added to
the weekly output of Tam Pon. Adver.
tisera should note thle.
Taos. NEWSOME heads the list for big
engar beets hawing brought one to Talc
Fool last Saturday from hie garden that
weighed 91 pounds. It was a good one.
Gnaar eoaroiby of apple barrels. Box-
es are being atiuzed in somequarters with
affording good results and ff dm better antis-.
faotion to Old Country retail purchasers.
THIS is a great martian for root growing
without donbb. John Omelet' baa die
posed of 286 bnebele of marigolds Ibis Fall
the orap taken from 1 rood and 10 rode
of land belonging to him,
Tan Oommittee having to do with the
plane of the proposed enlargemeut of the
Co. House of Refuge will meet at Oliuton
next Tuesday. Co. Ooanoiliore Bowman
and Kerr are members of it.
Taxa week J. Y, Egan, the specialist
from Toronto, made hie advertised visit
to Brussels and was ooneulted at the
American Hotel by a number of people
in need of bis help. Mr. Egan has met
with great seems in his work.
PROSPECTUS is now out for the Ohriet•
moa Globe, The edition will be a very
superior one and ss only a limited num•
ber of Ooples will be Peened those desiring
Cheat ehaald leave their order early. A
lief is open at Tan PosxPabliebing Hooee.
Tbe price is 50 cents.
168 clutters are new in the hands of the
trimmers at the Lieber Carriage Works.
They also have 20 pair of bobsleighs and
76 hand sleighs ready for the snow. The
staff le now being turned on to getting
material ready for the buggy output for
Tam Pool extends' congratulations to
the Downing household at Maple Oreek,
N. W. T., over the arrival of an aeeistant
Editor. We hope hie little form may be
properly blanketed 0o as not to interfere
with hie oiroaletion ; that he may bo web
supplied with pie but never justified in
attempting to sling bis daddy.
Tam 20th annual Ontario Provincial
Winter Fair will be held in Guelph from
December 7th to 11th, 1908. This will be
a combination allow of both live and drees-
edoattle, sheep, swine, and ponitry,also a
dairy show ab whieb 57,500 will be offer-
ed in prizes. This is an agricultural
exhibition whiob no farmer who (Melees
progreee eau afford to mies.
SATURDAY will bring Hallowe'en, and we
would enggest to Reeve Wilton that be
employ 2 or 8 special constables and the
keys of the cella of the look -up be handy
so that youths found destroying property
be promptly landed in the "cooler" for
the balance of the night, Fun may be
all right but to meddle with other people's
possessions is another thing altogether.
(Montt meeting next Monday evening,
Tbia will be Councillor Blair's last meat.
ing of the Board, possibly; the probabilit-
ies are no one will be elected in bis stead
until next January as there will only be
two• regular meetings before the year
ends. Mr. Blair has made a good
member of the Board and his going away
will be a felt lose.
J. J. COATES and family, who have been
living in Idaho for a few year', have
parobaeed a large farm at Wilmott, New
Hampshire, where they will make their
home. They boys been sojourning in
Brneeele nod locality visiting relatives
and friends while en route. We hops
they will prosper and when their pile is
made that they will come bank hare to
enjoy it.
Tax Grand Trunk should change its
time table coaoerning traine front the
East ae they very rarely arrive within an
hoar of bbe published schedule, It is a
great waste of time to keep busy people
eitting at e. depot from 1. to 2 hours after
the advertised hour for starting. Some.
body must surely be to blame. Boma say
it ie the heavy express business done but
we don't thiols this oan be the ooly
oanee for tedious delays.
SINCLAIR vs. MONzro. :Thie Was a nee
of local interest heard at bbe assizes in
Goderiob last week before Judge Fah
oonbridge. He reserved decision but gave
it on Tuesday of this week, The Judge
held that'plaintiff has failed bo establish
the tenet est Bp in the statement of
claim, and, even if there were evidence to
support it, bbe etatabe of frauds would be
an anewer. Nor hoe plaintiff anoceeded
In proving the charges of fraud. Nor hes
she established a lisle in John Monett by
length of possession. Tbe defendant has
the paper title, and it has not been env.
oeeefully impaened, The nao•prodnotioo
of defendant until the eve of the trial at
certain important dooumente ie not vett'
eatiataotorily explained, therefore no
costs. Action dismieaed without ovate.
W. Proudfoob, K. 0., Goderiob, and G. F.
Blair, Breese's, for plaintiff, J, P. Ma.
bee, K. 0., Stratford, and W, M. Sinolair,
Brueeele, for defendant.
SILVER WEDDING.—iwm, and Mrs.
Glenn celebrated the 26th anaivereary of
their wedding day, on Wednesday even-
ing,'Oet. 16, 1903, at their reaideooe
Maple Lodge, Ileborne. About 40 samples
eat down to a moat enmptitone repast
The old times were lived and talked over
again, The chief attraction among the
datoty viands was the superb wedding
cake towering aloft amid the bridal and
other gueete. The bridesmaid of 26 yearn
ago was there, Mr. Glenna sister, the
groomemanj being absent through atilt.
nese, A good program was rendered
during the evening. Mr, Glenn, the
groom, gavea brief informal epeeoh of
weloome to the pada. Mise Eva Stone-
man presided Most ably at the plena.
The presents were numerous and oost'y
showing the esteem in which the host
and hoeteee were held by the itwited
gueete. S. and dire. Crawford, of town,
attended, the latter being a nieber to Mr,
thrown an editorial slipper attire them, a• en,
THE 0. P. R. surveying party, under
the direotion of Engineer Roberts, reach-
ed Brussels last Friday and after pioket•
ting the line to a point near the Balt
Works returned to Goderiob to attend t0
the running of another lige.
deoieiou of the Alaskan Boundary
Commiesionere bas stirred op an intense
in r
to est ail over Canada. In one point
however, Canada baa outstripped the
Yankees. By olever foresight a Caned•
jar] firm ie the first in America to
produce new mope showing the dis-
puted territory and ilia Oommieeionere'
award. The Family Herald and Weekly
Star of Montreal have been waiting for
the deoieiou to go ahead with their new
map of the Dominion, which shows the
territory in dispute ; also the new Grand
Trunk Pacific line, New Ontario and in
fact everything up•to•date. The publish.
ere' pride we believe is 92.50 per oopy,
but they have deoided to send a oopy
absolutely Free to all subscribers to that
great family weekly for 1904. As each
subeoriber will also receive two beautiful
mitered piotares,each 22x28 imbue, along
with the Family Herald for a whole year,
for one dollar, it will be a s•erprieo if
they van handle the bneinete that is sure
to o me their way. The pabliehere
adopt the rule of Bending premiums
in the order in which eobeoriptione reach
them 0o that it will pay to get on their
lista without delay.
Business Locals.
Two or three good farms for sale. Ap.
ply at THE POST.
8 OR 4 girls more wanted at Brussels
Evaporator, at cove. J. CUNNINGHAM.
HANDSOME walnut sideboard for Bale at
great reduotion. Apply to MDs. W. M.
SINCLAIR, Bruesele.
FxRoT elites saws for Bale and ready to
work or oan exchange sawe, T. Mo
GREGOR, Mill street, Breese''.
ELIGmen village lot, abjoining the req.
idencs of John McCrea, Turnberry street,
Brume's, for sale. For particulars' ae to
price and terms apply to J. D. Ronald,
Brnesele •
WANTED. — Fresh eggs 20o; Pecked
eggs 10o, also towl (undrawn) ; dried
apples and butter. Oar stook oDeese
Goode, silks, fare, &o„ ie not expelled.
Geo. E. Faso, Wingham.
People We Talk About.
Miss Violet Cooper is visiting at Wing.
The White family bas removed to
Dundalk. _
Mies Lizzie Downing ie visiting friends
at Sesforth,
Mise Vaooe, of the Garfield House, has
been on the eiok list.
Jno. Birnbaum end family were in
Wroxeter on Sunday.
Old Mre. Hall has hardly been as well
as usual during the past week.
Mrs. Sholdioe spent a few days with
her daughter, Mre. Geo. Muldoon.
W, J. and Mies Eva Ma/racism spent
a steeple of days with Clinton friends].
Mre. Waiter Jackson has returned from
a 6 weeke' visit with relatives in Toronto.
Mre. John Ament and Johnnie, of
Millbank, were visitors in Bruseele dur•
ing the week,
Mies May Grills, of Harristoa, was
visiting at R. Leatherdale's. Her father
was also here.
Mies Mo0ormiek, of Trowbridge, bas
been the guest of Mrs. J, Milhausen dur-
ing the past week.
Mre. Harbottle be here from Wiartoo
visiting her parents, J. and Mrs. Howard,
Jobn etrret, for it week.
Mime Bird has returned bo Detroit,
leaving Brneeele on Wednesday. She
will visit fora few montbe.
Richard Daily and Mee May, of Trow.
bridge, were visiting at Station Agent
Milhausen'e for a few days.
F, J. and Mre. Sobeak, of Toronto, are
visitors with Mee, Jno. Wynn, Turnberry
street, Mre. Soheak'e mother.
Miss Edna Pagb, who was off duty for
a oonple of weeke, 15 once more in her
plasm in F. R. Smith's drug store.
Alex, McNeil, of Fort William, was a
visitor for a short time in Brussels last
week. He has bad a busy moon.
Mies Hazel Johnston, of Wingham, is
renewing old friendships in Brussels.
Her health has very much improved.
Mre. Hilmar, and Mies Genevieve, from
Mich., are visitors at B. Hoggnrd's, Brae.
eels South. The former was Mies Flor-
ence Hoggard.
W, J. McCracken is away on a well
earned boliday to Lion's Head, Marton,
Walkerton and other Nathan points
for a week or ga.
P. Seel, who has been visiting in Bra -
aisle and locality for the past month, re.
turned to his home in Cadillac, Miobi•
gan, an Thnreday of tbie week,
Earl Beaker bas gone to St. Mary's
where be has taken a poultice in a bakery.
We hope and exposit be will do well end
prove of real worth to his employer.
W, A. Tripp, formerly oe the Standard
Bank, Braees's, but more reliantly of
Lnoan, has gone to Winnipeg, where he
hag aotumed a position In the Union
D. M. Soobt, of Hamilton, is here for a
time owing to the temporary laying aside
of his father, from the effeote of the
banning be received at the Amenb taatory
fire which injured hie eye,
Mrs, Hollinger'- health is not as vigor
cue as her friends would desire. She is
being tinned at the home of her parents,
T. and Mre. Ennio, John street. We
hope she Will goon bo frilly metered,
Standard Bank of Canada
.Eslmwen.ezmanoxermi= 1672
—Thin Bank advances money on Formere' Sale Notes, iu large or
mall amounts and for long or short terme, to snit the easterner.
—You may the
Poll amount
ea at
one timer n
a you may
draw smaller amounts when you with and for any time that
sults your convenience. Leterest is charged only for the nam•
bet of days you take the money, Notes left for collation
reoeive our beet attention.
—Nolan may be left aeras %E Ifnsrrreo only for which no charge is made
SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards received
and H'igbeet Bank Interest allowed thereon from date of deposit on daily balauee.
ff'Every oonvenienoe afforded customer° living at a distance.
Al. Denny, of Buffalo, - is visiting hie
mother in town,
Mrs. John Sinclair, Primmest street,
has gone to Stratford for a visit.
Ira Gerry has taken a position in a
hardware store in Fort William.
Peter Hogg ie in town for a week or so.
He will mistime a DOW position shortly,
Mien Allis wt $ nnett 'I
Bennett Igoto Toronto
wbere ebe assumes an important posit.
ion ata good salary.
• Metdy McLennan, of Loudon, was
here this week. Hie health le oonsider•
ably improved we are pleased to state.
Mre. W. H. Kerr was in Stratford for
a few days seeing ber mother, Mrs. J. R.
Grant, off on her borne trip to Winnipeg.
Barrister and Mrs. Blair and family
will remove to Goderiob next week. They
have purchased a comfortable residence
from Mre, B, Mal0omson.
Frank Roobe has lett Brussels for
Winnipeg to which pity hie parents have
also removed from Petrolia. Frank will
be able to give pointers on hockey, foot
ball and baseball and will be missed here.
Motiday of tbie week A. Smith, who
has been employed in the Lookridge
Woollen Factory, left on a trip to Old
London, hie former home. He will visit
for time but we anticipate hie return
to Ontario before many mouths elapse,
S. Beattie and family purpose temov.
iug to Wiartan where they have porches.
ed a residence. The Misses Beattie were
members of the Mebbodiet Church Choir
and workers in the League and will bo
missed. We wish the family success].
Barrister MoDonald, of Goderiob, who
su000ede Barrister Blair in Brussels, ar•
rived in town on Tbureday of last week
and may now be found in his c•ffioe. We
welcome him to Brussels and hope be
may make as useful a citizen ae hie pre-
J. D. and Mre. Ronald, who were vis-
iting at Barrister Sinclair's for several
weeke in town, have gone to Detroit and
after a sojourn of s month or so will hie
them to Southern California where they
intend spending the Winter. Toa Por
hopes to be favored with en 000asional
contribution from 'Mr. Ronald's facile
Garf. Seeker left on Wednesday for
Toronto where he has sooepted a position
in a drag store. Be has been in Jas.
Fox's store for the past two years and
made a most agreeable and painstaking.
ealeeman. Whether any of the girls
will pat on mourning remains to be seen
but be will oertaiuly be missed. Mr.
Baeker has a good future ahead of him
if be develops many manly principles
Prairie fires have caused enormous
damage in the cattle ranges Vilest and
South of Medicine Hab,
A little ten -year-old daughter of George
Brooks, of Niagara Falls, was burned to
death, ber clothing catching fire from a
BOLT.—On and von., Howiob, on Oot.
19th to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bola, a
DoDne.—At Swift.Current, N. W. T,, on
Oot. 12, to Mr. end Mrs. J. T. Dodds,
a daughter,
DowamG.—Io Maple Creek, N, W. T.,
an Oot. 14, to Mr. and Mre. Ephraim
Downing, a eon.
HOonea—On 2nd. von„ Turnberry, on
Oot. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Andrew
J. Hooper, a daughter.
MoTavlan.—On Belmore Road, Howiok,
on Oct. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, Dan.
MoTavieh, a daughter.
BTEoART,—Ab tbo resideaoe of Mre.
David Sanderson, Wroxeter, an Oot.
20th, to Mr. and Mrs, 0. 0. Stewart,
of Arthur, a daughter.
BLINOo—Rnerar,—At the Methodist Par-
sonage, Breesele, on Oot. 28, by Rat.
T. W. Omens, Mr. Walter W. Bliuoo
to Mrs, Alioe Ridley, 130113 of Grey
GBEwae—Waronn.—At Drayton, on Oat.
27, by Rev, J. Walker Sbilboo, B. A.,
Mr. Wm, A. Grower to Mre, Annie
Walker, both of Bruoeel4.
LINDSAY—PATRICE. — At the Methodiet
Parsonage, Breese's, on Oat. 28, by
Rat. T. W. Omens, Mr. John Lind•
say, of Grey to Mee Barbara Patrick,
of Howlok boundary.
WnDNaaDAY, Nov, 4.—Farm etook,
North Lot 28, Oon. 7, Morris. Sale
unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Jas. Hall, Prop,
F. B, Scott, An,
Warn asney, Nov. 11,—Farm, Farm
stook, implements, &a, at Lot 10, Oon. 1,
Howiok. Bale at 1 o'olools p. m. Mre.
Ruth Jaaklin, Adminiatrattix ; F. B.
Soott, Auo.
Pal Whcat.,,.•... ,4
Barley 86 28
Peas. 60'
Cate , 24 ltd
Butter, tubs and rolls „ 14
E"ge per dozen .. .... 14 16
Flour per cwt, , . •, 4 00 ' 6 00
Potts thee (per bus.) ...,,, 26 80
Apples (per bbl.) 70 1 00
Hay per bon 6 00 0 00
Salt per bbl., retail,.,,1 00 70
Hoge, Live .,, 6 00 6 00
Woe( .. 16
fiidoe trimmed ...,.,., 6 101
Hides rough 6 6
Lamb eking each26 80
Sheep -lana, Saab 25 26
CoA, etove for sale cheap. Apply to
J. LEaitfn.
13 Pias for sale from 8 to 4 menthe old
and 0 younger pigs. GEO. ROBB, Brneeels.
21 YOUNG pigs, reedy for weaning, for
sale, Bg Gob Ob,Oou,4, Morrie,
POCKET book loaf in Brussels on Mau.
day afternoon containing a Sam of money.
Pinder will meth oblige loser by leaving It
at once at THE POST.
.. or Female Teacher wanted for Union
1. 9. No. 12, Grey and McRillopp, duties to
commence Jan. 1st, 1004, Appliaatione ro
caved up to 4 5,01.00210505. Applicants
to state salary expected and eneloee teeti-
blouials. ALES, BUCHANAN, Secretary,
Walton P. O. 10.2
V Lot e, Con, 7, Grey, 2 mllea from
Village of Btion. s, ld tulle h•om eobeol.
Splendid location. Tindall rat elan g elate 05
barn, ltton, aomrortable bouts, large bank
barn, fatot improved cement stabling and
silo. Orchardrd,, two never failing wells, and
other oonvenienoes. Pall wheat sown•
Proprietor to goiug .West. For further par.
tioarars as to terms 00., apply on prem1050
or address Brussels, Y. O, N. M, RICHARD•
SON. tt
Administrator's Sale
In order bo wind tip the estate of the late
Thomas 7aeklin, the' adreinistratrix- of 111a.
estate,, hath Jaoklin, will receive tenders
up to the 10th November, next, for the pur.
oboes of that valuable ram property, com-
posed of part of Lots 11.10 & 17, In the let
Oon. of Rowlett, ooutaiuing 160 acres of
choice land. The soil is okay loam, well
watered, with fair teeOse and is well eituat-
ed far market, cbureh and school. 'There
are on the premises a good bora with atone
stabling 70x80 feet, and a frame house 80x437
foot, all 1n good repair. There is oleo an
excellent orchard on the premises, sad 12
earn of :Fall wheat. Possession earl be
given at once. For further partionlars ap-
ply to the Adminietrutrix on the premises,
or by letter addressed to Wroxeter,or to ber
Solicitor, G. F. BLAIR, Brussels,
OOT 29, 1903
ba Baking Powder e h
n P I the
a th t n e t
Oa a prod oe the most kavan•
tug power without leaving a harm.
ful residue in the food, Snob a
Powder must invariably be made
from pure Cream of Tartar and
Soda. Anything elee is never used
except to make an unfair pro01,
ie a pure Cream Tartar Baking
Powder. Those who nee it think
well of it.
ATF trit r
Drug Store.
5• No72, Greymale or female, Second
or Third Claes Oertifieato. Cuticle to oom-
mance January let, 1504. Applyy stating
salary and oerttiloato, to ALEX. STE WART,
Seo,-Preas„ Oranorook P.O.
Snort, Auctioneer, has received lesbruotions
from the undersigned to Boll by nubile aue•
lion at Got 18, Con. 1, Enwiok,ioo WEDNES-
DAY, NOV. 11, at 1 o'clock, the following
property, viz r-1 team of beavy draught
mares rising 7 years, 1 heavy mare years
old, 1 mare 12 years 010,1 aged mare, 0 good
COWS supposed 10 calf, 4 steers rteing 8 yearn,
2 betters rising 8 years, 2 yearling steers, 2
yearling betters, 7 Spring calves, 28 ewes, 1
good ram lamb, 1 brood 0049 supposed to be
is pig, 9 store pigs, about 00 liens, 1 Massey -
Harris binder nearly new„I mower and pea
harvester nearly new, 1 Champion freed drill
nearly new, 1 disc barrow. 1 good hay rain,
1 good hay fork, ropes and palleye; 1 Dha-
hran tanning mill Wi bh baker, 1 land roller,
1 lumber Wagon with box, 1 hay rook, 11og
boat, 1 stone boot, 2 buggies, 1 wheelbar-
row, 2 sots of bob -sleighs, 3 sets Iron hat-
rows,1 gau0 plow, 2 single plows, 2 snufflers,
1 grindstone, 1 turnip pnlper, 2 0ete of dou-
ble working hareem 1 saddle.l sugar kettle,
1 croes•out saw, 2 milk (Jane, a number of
milk pails, 9 dozen vow tholes, 1 dozen grain
bags, 1 Bell organ as geed as new, 1 glass
cupboard, 1 gond cookie stove Moody new,
2 heating stoves, 1 kitchen table, about 16
tone bay, about 2 acres tdrslpe, a quantity
of straw, 1 acro of mangolae, 1 share 1n
Molesworth cheese factory, 1 Daisy thorn, l
ladder, elating, forks. scythes, barrel- and
numerous other articles, All will be sold
without reserve. Terme-All Sada of 36.00
and under cash, over that amount 12 mos.
credit will be given on furnishing approved
feint notes; 6 per Dent. oft for oaeb.on credit
amount°. The 100 acre farm will also be
offered for sale the same nay, MRS. RUTH
JA00LIN, Admiuietratrlx; 9, B. SCOTT,
Are you Interested
in Saving Money ?
We saved it this past week Dropped in at the
right time and bought the balance of a Manufactur-
er's stock of Underwear.
We will share the Profits of this
Deal with You for 10 Dap,
In Men's Underwear, Top Shirts and Sox the Low
Prices will surprise the Shrewdest Buyers,
Ladies' Underwear, nice weights and Low Prices.
Ready-to-wear Clothing
We are on the spot and right in line with a fine
range of Men's Perfect Fitting Suits and Overcoats.
The Quality of the Suits and Overcoats is
very high. The Prices the Lowest.
Solid Leather Shoes
This' Department stands alone and 'ahead pf all
;competitors for fine fitting, good wearing Shoes and
at Moneysaving Prices.
Garfield House,