The Brussels Post, 1903-10-29, Page 50;14.: O. 20, 1008 BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER MONEY • 10,8, 800TT, Brneaole, W11. MOORACKEN- • Issuer of Murrlage Licensee. Of - nee at Grooery,Turnberry street, Bromic. 1.i1ARMs DORSAbite LE+al godtFamN- sale and to rent, easy forma, in '1'ownehiro sof Morrie and Grey, l B. 8OUTT,Rrueool C. O. J3'. Court Prinoeee Alexandria, No.24, 0.0.11',, Hrussols, meets in their Longo Room, Blas - kiln Moak, on the 2114 and last Tuesdays of such month, et8 o'clock. Violtiug brethren always welcome, TAS, BURGESS, U. It. WALTER 8A'1ITH, It, 8, M. MORRiSON, 'setter of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCIlLIfI, -TEAOH1410 OF- PiANO - AND - ORGAN, eRVSES-,�, ONT. ROBERT CUNNING HAMI 1N[DEANOR, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J. LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 41, 4t dt a Per Cent. °Mee over Hureley'e Drug Store, Nov, 8rd, 1001, 80.2111 1301102010. Wellington Mutual Fire Wormier) Cu„ EBTADLIBORD 1810 Insurance taken onthe cash and premium inlseelcurs. rent note at onthundergnd Agent of the Company. GEORGE 100010106, Brussel%, AUCTIONEERS. F8. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION- • nae, will sell for better nr1oe11, to better menin leas time and less (barges rn or be won't charge anything. Date'n ay other Allati01100Intand orilere can always be arranged at title office or by peritonei application. x1710 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,- - The who le well acquainted throughout the most part of the County and who hashad business with a large ch- ole of farmers in and uremia this locality, Mtge to inform the community that he has Ulm out an Auot1013e01'e License for the County of Huron and offers his services to 1111 pUrpoeiug to hold Gales. T1008. NEWBOAtl6, tiresome. VETERINARY. T• • D. WARWICK— • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, 111 prepared to treat all dis- eases of domeetleated animals in a compet- ent manner, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calla promptly at- tended to. OBloe and infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Tuinberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WM. SINCLAIR- • Barrister, Bolloitor,'Oonveyan0ox, Notary ' • Nor Public, of dm. Hotel tewart's Block Solioitor for the Standard Sauk. DF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL- • ICITOl0, &o , BRUSSELS. - (Moe over Standard Bank :.Sollei4or for Township of Grey, Howlett mutual and the Metropolitan Bank. Private and Company money to loan at 1uweet rates. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGMTON, 0. Trinity nuiveraityy „Fellow Trinity Medical College,Member Cllege of Physicians and Burgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid - W dem Edinburgh. r -Telephone No.14, Residence -Milt street, Bruning. DENTISTRY DR. R.. P. FEILD. DENTIST Graduate of 'the Royal CollegBe of Dental Burgeonaot Ontario and Viret.olaso Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO ATTEND L/.STOW,EL//7 Fall Term begins. Sept. lot TWO 00110000.-00110130r010.1 cud. Shorthand, Bend for College Journal. • C. 1?rooi1 o110, A. SecrettaryRE, SH!NCLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND --- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOB SALE AT THE Brussels Plauilla Mills Al$o Poore and Sash of all .Pat *gain olt leausl or made to order 4, Sheet 1.ofioo• for ell P d Huk:matpB ite n sols kinds of BDildinge. W0rkl1an- OWE and Material Gtleranteed, P. AI'I11•«I,P.tN ..1= rsr,=o twat w 3 4€�"a& f Pl Yahoo trail, and had arrived at Wabne• a GET THE GEST IT PAYS from a Had= 13 iv 00'0 p at, 860 onion from Edmonton 'ohs pnri.y he wits ill CENTRAL had to travel 160 mica to melte 100 miloe, on aoe0llot of piil•keen, o 0. They / waded in water me it of the tam•, for ten dap). 'Jbe inhabilau4e tenet with are (11i0fly Fronoh. The party was (till' STRATFORD, ONT. Borne dietanoe from Peace river, but ex. Boat place In Canada Por euou13og peeled to reach "there safely ttud In due a thorough bueineee 0400(1tion or u ij dl `gupdnr0a ehora a[ anr0auIg- n Our . ting pcatticue, TblB school invert: by gives its etodente more than they ex- a'( this month if pooeibla. I] road near town that is overflowed with tiro e. 11-prosenlitiveo of Winghaw, East Wawanooh and. Mortis mot Engineer Davis here 00'1'uesday of last w001( and po0t, W,•Ito for oatalogua, ' afar took rne0eurr]nente of that port of the W. J, elLLI(yee,, lnoipal. Qf water every owing. R, eve Iabiater and oars Oo0001110r ()ode repreaented Morrie, i ae" CJS' 3m �6 25ii � 4 �7 Reeve tafe0nlium and Gavin Wlleon,Eaet Wawanooh, and Mayor Vanetone, Wing - ham, The Eugiueer will prepare pians and eatimetee, which will be presented to the councils of the munioipalitioe inter• eeted, and also to the County council. Those who claim 4o know, say that the road hue sunk two feet in the last few years, 10 is the Engineer's opinion that the bridge 8pane0 ehciuld carry off all the water without difficulty. ztr .ct tittv5, 4_ 0(0(tt'1oh. F. Blair has purchased the Malcom. eco reeidenoe, on St. Vivaent street. 0. A, Reid and Co. have started the fouudabion for It, Parson„' two atory briok veneered dwelling ou Stanley street. Mrs. M. 0. Cameron is making conoid. erable alterations in her recent porohase, the Maodermott property, Waterloo street, some eight or ulna poplars to the South of the castle having already been out down. 131 ti 0..t.. The total receipts from all aourcee for the Fall Pair amounted to between $1300 mold $1400 The f11,0ee and lot on Mill street belong- ing to John Metodlf, of London, have beau Bold to Mre. Eimeeton for $475. Robert Barrett has returned from Ingersoll and will ae0iet his brother, Chariot, in the baking bueineee here. D. D. Crittenden has parohosed from Joseph Coombe the residence at present occupied by James MoMurobie. The price paid was $1000. The anniversary eervieee of the Blyth Methodist church will be held 011 Sunday, November 81h. Rev. II, M. Manning, of Olintoo, will preach morning mud evening. A freewill offering will be taken up at oaoh eervioe. .e..0• wo0<t. Thee. Hunter, or. is improvi0g ohm hie severe aitaok of weakness of three weeks ago. J. A.. Klomp has planed a lamp at the writer of hie bntoher chop. It is a great convenience on a dark night. Mre. Geo. Switzer left for her home in Mendcoioo City, Oal, after spending a pleasant Bummer visiting friende and relativeo in this villaee. The Elma Cheese Co. shipped the whole September make of ohee0e on Saturday morning at Atwood. There were 760 boxes. MoLaren Bros. are the buyero. ire. Lemnel Pelton was Bummed to Winoheeter to assist in nursing her grand. daughter, Maggie Pelton, who was ailwith diphtheria at the home of C. A. Fuller. ton. Fred. Brown and Will Crooke pulled 30 rows of maugolds in 7 hours at Jno. G. Diokeon'e, blind line, on Monday of loot week. This woe pretty fast pulling as the rows were 40 rode long. A quiet wedding took plane on Wed- nesday of last week al Ibe Methodiet parsonage when Mies Lvdia Ducklow, of Newry, was married to Fred Candler, of Atwood. R^v. Mr. Peuhall tied the nup tial knot. The young couple will take up their reeidenoe in Robt. Fo,eet'e house, near Oberlin parlter'o. Wm, H. Jolly has sold hie fifty sore farm to Alex. Thompson, son of Josiah Thomp=on, Hs has purohaeed the 100 sore farm of Wm. Shearer and will move on to it in Marnb. Mr. Shearer has not purchased land elsewhere, his doing so depending on his wife's health whioh is far from satisfactory at present. W vs exit 000102. W. F. Vanatoue ebipped a carload of apples to the Northwest, James Netterfleld, of Lower Whigham, is ill with hemorrhage of the lange. Jno. Armour and family are now own. Portably settled on the Perm recently par. chased from J. H Bowman, 0, J. Reading has his pump factory oovered with metallic) siding and a nom. fortable (Moe partitioned off for the fur. theranoe of 010aioees. Joseph Bowman is now in possession of the business purchased from A. H, Darr, He reoidee on Minnie street in the resi- dence purchased from Mr, Carr. At requeetof hr, MacDonald, M, P. Principal Musgrove had forwarded from • Ottawa, for use in oohool, five large maps of Canada and one set of Metrio system. A prblio meeting of ratepayers of Wingham will be bulb in the Opera House on Tuesday evening, for the purpose of disowning the parohase of the electric Ii01t plant by the town, Jae, Mc$elvie was in Sarnia and pur- obaeed the billiard, pool and tobacco business from John Darr, • who was for. merly proprietor of the Rotel Brunewiok here. Mr, Oerr intends to again engage in the hotel bueineee. Principal Musgrove was re-engagedat a ealary of $000, oleo Miai Brook ane re eugiiged at Bylaw salary $2fl0, with Entranoe oleos b taus of $40, and speoial bonne of $37.50. Theyonitor, W, Taylor was te•engaged at a salary. of $325, The annual meeting of the Wootmin• (ter Guild of Wingham Presbyterian uherah was held, R. Maxwell, President, In the chair, Rev. Mr. Ferri( gave a short address on the secret of suoeeee of Young People's Societies in the dumb,: The fol- lowing officers were elected ,-Hon, Pres., Rev. D, Petrie i President, Alex. Ritchie ; let Vioe, Mioe Catherine MaTavieh ; 2nd Vice, H. H. Wiehtmon { 3rd Vioe, Mies ICirtie Roes ; 401 Vioe, Robt. Maxwell ; Reo, Secretary, Soott Gordon ; Finial. alai Sea.' H. H. Wightman ; Treaeurer, John Ritohie; Organiel, Mise Failures. 0011. A meeting woe held in the 'Marmite of Hockey. 'l'he following oflfloero were ohooen :-Presidents-W. Oorbould ;.Vioe- Preoident-Tho(. Bell ; Manager -W. T. A. Fiehleigh ; Anoistanto-W, Scott, H. Tient; Secretary -W, Telford; Treat- user -H. H. Wightman. It was deoided to pay the owner of the rink $50 for Friday evepi0ge and an hone and a halt each other week day evenings alter 10 p. tit. t was aieo decided to communicate with Kincardine, Lnal now, Clinton and d Palmoreton ae to formation of a League, independent of the 0. H. A. j)r, Bethune hart received a letter from his eldeet eon, William, who fa on his spay to the Yoaoe river, lie wag en the `iear•lor tit. Mrs, M. R. (haunter, who bite been visiting friende here for several weeps, left on Wednesday of last week for her far off home in H000lnlu. She went to Vancouver, and from there by boat. Tho many friende of Mre. coulter, teaoher of the primary department of the public eohool, who has been laid up with severe atta011 of rheumatism, slime the holidays, at the residence of her son, in Ingersoll, is earevering, She has been in St. Onlharinee r0oeutly, taking treatment there, and she hopes to bo able to resume her duties here next month. At a meeting of the directors of the Robert Bell Eegine Company, it was de- cided to build a large addition to the preeent erecting room. Thie addition will be 126x60 feet. It will be of brick, on a oonerete foundation: A portion of the building, at least, will be erected this Fall. Thia building fe rendered necessary by the rapidly growing bueinese of the ee tail ieh men t. George Irwin, of the Huroa Road West, who ie an extensive breeder and exhibitor of you try, has made an extra good show record this year. He exhibited hie birds at live shows, and carried off 103 fleets and 52 second prizes. His prize winnings at these five thaws amon1ted to $79.60, and were deetribated as follows ; Zurinh, $8 50 ; Exeter, $16 60 ; Seaforth, $17 90 ; .1litoheh, 51.150 ; Stratford, $26. A little son of Wm. Weotoott met with a very serious aooident on the forenoon of Thoreday, 16th inst. A young lad was grazing a horse belonging to Mr, Biggin, on the side of the street, in rear of Mr. Learoyd's reeidenoe. A number of boyo were standing around, and this little fellow among the number. A dog fright ened the horse, canning it to jump and rear up. This boy, in trying to get out of the way, fell, and the horse either tramped on him or kinked him on the side of the bead, lraatnring the skull and inflicting other injuries. The little fellow was at once taken home and medical aid sent for. It was thought at first that the injuries wouldprove fatal, but on Friday doctors removed the broken pieces of the T.111X JIJ IJ8 FOOT skull, which were proeeing on the brain, end he 000it recovered ennxoioueriew,and le now doing ue well x0 uou it be expected. Clinton. The evaporator hoe now 0, elaff of tweptyeight. While handling a big bunch of bananas W. T. O'Neil di+o0vered a tarnntu!a• Biro. Biggins iia( eold her hones and lot on Station [treat to W. A. Killough for $450 Mr. Sillough reeeotly sold his fifty aura term in Hallett, uear Loadee• boro, to John Garrott for $8,260. County Councillor Connolly wait last week in hie °opacity ae president of the Weetern Dairymen'[ Aeeooiation,. mak ing a tour of the cheese faotories in the Iogereeli diettlot. lie was accompanied by a.Government inspector and to the factory they decide has made the 500018et improvement n prize will be awarded, Young People'( Aoeooiati0I1 mel in St. Panl'e school house for the purpose of re- organizing fns the coming [(aeon. The following officers were eleoted for the en. ening year ; Patron, Rev. 0. R. Gonne { Provident, Frank Herman ; Vioe Pres. ident, Mise M. Oluff; Be0retary, Mise Norma Bentley i Treaenrer, Mies Helen Gonne ; Organist, Mie[ May Bentley. ][Ienstal 1, George Joynl'e mare won first in her class at Dungannon Fair. Mr. Oopeloed, ban rented the Beverly block and come to town from Bt. Mary's. There le groat satisfaction in Varoo circuit over the recovery of Rev. R. Mil- ler from hie late illneeo, While playing in the yard one day last week, John Patterson's little boy had the misfortune to fall and break hie arm. N. Oontine was in town. He still talks of an electric read between Bengali and St. Joseph, which he states can be built and equipped for $70,000. Sincere regret is felt by the many Hen• Ball friende of L. and Mrs. Harold over the death of their little girl Florence, whioh took plooe at their home, Wine. hem, 00'J'ueedey morning of last week. The little one suffered from a aomplioa. tion of diseases. The carriage - company shareholders held an adjourned meeting on Monday night of last week and elected the follow- ing board of direotore who will now take charge of the bueineee : Geo. MbEwen, M. P„ A. Johnston, W. 0. Davie, A. Brandt, John 0. Wood. litleireeCer. Dr. Rollins, who has been on a visit to relatives in Detroit and Flint, Miob., bas returned home. Mre. (Rev. Dr) Hannon has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mre. Mal - hitt, of Chatham. Mre, Thomas Hatter, Exeter North, Igoe a sager beet grown in her gar• den which tipped the eoalee at over tweet' end a half pounds. Mies Mildred Godwin, oontributed Bev• era! selections at the sacred 0000ert in Victoria street Methodist dhurob, Goder• lob, on Thanksgiving Dight, Invitations are out for the morriage of Mies Ida Margery Johns, daughter of Mre, D. Johns, of Exeter, and Wm. T. Goodieon, of Sarnia, to take place on Nov. 4th. felDIEBEHIECESSISIDOr an's are again taking the lead because they are the correct thing and prices are right. We have such a large range to choose from that we cannot tell you about all of them, so will mention only a few specials, -One of the ewellett things are the Mohaire with Bonole effeote. -The T'weede and Repeaokings (baeket weave) make very etylieh unite. -Our Venetians, Oheviote, Broodolotho and Zibelines are extra value, THE TRIMMINGS this season are more elaborate than ever and our stook is well assorted. Drop Ornaments, Bilk Braids, Sequin and Applignee are in great de. mand and range In price from 6o up to 51 26. FOR WAISTS we have French Flannels, 13ed[ord Cords, Fiuettelainee, Fancy Velvets and Silks. Our Ready-made Skirts are Great sellers , We bava them in Fraize, Cheviot, Broadcloth, Tweed and Zibeline, trimmed with Stitobing, Buttons, Braid and Drop Ornaments. Specials -Our 250 and 50o Ladies' Vesta are positively the greatest value we have ever shown and that ie Baying a good deal. -07110 $100 KID GLOVES are the beet value that eau be toned anywhere at the priori, -OUR HOSIERY -Wali they are ALL Specials, botch in Plain and Ribbed. For 11 medium weight try a pair of our 25o Oaehmere. THE DESIGNER has been rained in prion from $1 00 to 80o. Its etylee are not the exeremo0, 'Whey are the latest climates of Fashion oriented to 081101ble women everywhere. taWe keep the Standard Patterns in etoolt, No Fancy Prices, Everyth nit Cheap, STRACHAN 1 Samool Downie, a former roeidct0 tf J xolrr 11,,.0 late of Iowa„ hoe ttceutIy (110(01(0 , iaretaire, A11a., 1 bout forty utile, f ti, (,tlgary, where he is rugaged 111 a ilia a I. nay. The 1, 1( 1 street Meth0diet church oheir reeoeuized in a very happy mapper the other evening the worth of one of their number, Mies Nellie Aavld00n, who moved with her pare0te to Loudon last week, by pre•enting her with a beautiful ohmic, ,ufso Davidson hes been a much valued member of the choir for a number of year0. 201rr(cva1(11. Tunxnguax Condom -Connell met in Blaevale uu Ootober 19,,meinbere all pres. ant. Mr, Kelly reported having let job of gravelling on Oulrose boundary to It. Diokoon at 19 018. a yard, and a job of gleaning out dilate and covering stones on same boundary to D. MoOormiok for $5, Oulrone to pay half of boundary work. 00nplaod-Rotherford-That the Reeve and Oscan. Krlly be a committee to have Government drain in Wingham Town plot cleaned out at once-Oacried, Mite. grove-Ooupland-That the Oommittee named at last Connail to have drain on B. oonoeseion oleaoed out, be authorized to employ men to do the work at once, where not already done -Carried. Ruth- erford -Kelly -That we allow Robt. Mae - grove 54.50 for putting drain :throes 4th oon.-Oarried. The following a000nute passed for payment :-For selecting jur- ors -W. H. craikehaok, $3 ; J. S. Mo. Tavieh, $8 ; Joe. Burge[( $6 : 3. B. Mo- Tavinb, repairing bridge 53 ; D. H. Moffat, inspecting gravelling, $2.50 ; Jun. Iticklarney, gravel 51.92 ; for gravelling, R. Miller, $30 40 ; H. MoKinnoo, $31 T. Wright, $28 ; B. Vanatoue, gravel and damages, $6.68; T. Bolt repairs to bridge, 60 ate. ; Jno. Sirkton, repairing oulvert, $1 ; W ne. Mines, gravel $5 00 ; work on Oalroee boundary, John Goy, $14.55 ; Jaa. Potter, $14 85 ; D. Mo0or- miok, $8 62 ; Jno. Porter, $10 90 ; R. Dickson, work cm roads, $4 50 ; W. El- liott, tile, 53.45.; P. McLaren, part sal - MY, $50 ; H, Smith, repairing culvert, $8 ; R. Musgrove, tile drain, $2 60 ; Duff & Stewart, lumber, 58.75 ; D. Anderson, 0toue for oulvert, $2. Oonnoil adjourned to meet November 23. J. Burmese, Olerk, lh[CIS1130p. PE0DLIAa DogDSIENT UPnELD Bx Oooao. Judgment (R.) on application by exeee- tore for construction of will of Joseph Kinney, deceased. The will and oodloil are as loliowe :-"The last will acid teat. anent of me, Joseph O. Kinney, the eeoond eon of big Paul Ktuoey, the car- penter and millwright of the lowuland of Donglany. Pariah of Maghera, County Londonderry, Ireland. I bequeath all that hoe hevenly father has given me to that Presbyterian congregation, where I belong to and had my first communion Oburahtown or better known by the name of Tamlaght O'Orilly Go., Derry, Ireland. The presiding clergyman, committee and elders to have full controlof all after me. They shall have the power to Bell or rent to the beat advantage while grave grows, or water rune, it would be advisable to hold this 100 acre property in the town ship of MoKiltop for 21 yrs., as I believe it would doable itself in that time, and be toe much more benefit to the congregation and the oitty property to be Bold 142 and 144 Lippi000tt street, in the city of Tor. onto, and also moneys comics to me or in the bank, and I wish me hevenly father to lengthen me daye that I may goo and be buried with my earthly father Patti Kinney in the old church yard Trmlaght, O'Orilly Go., Derry, Ireland. The minis- ter and committee and ruling elders (ball give me adeoent funeral mounment not to exceed one hundred pounds Mg., and the widow and the orphans and the neg. looted children to be eee0 after by the minister, committee and ruling elders !laving weeding authority to remember the poor of the oburob at Christmas every year and to cheer the broken-heart- ed with the joy of Christ'( death end sufferings, together with the preaeente presented by the minister committee and ruling elders at the Ohrietmae time every year while grass grow and water run in memory of J. 0. Kinney, in the townland Dunglady, formerly the Rev, Robert Tor• ane, Grantado Cottage was our minister when I was young. Joseph 0. Kinney. "Dated December 1218, 1902 "Witneseee : I will appoint (-) and (-) the (meters and trustee of euy lest will above ritten, and I hereby vest all my property in them ae trustees for the purposes mentioned in the said will. Dated December 12,8, 1002. Witoeeeee (-) (-). Joseph 0. 'Kinney." The next of kin claim to be entitled to the estate of deceased, and the opinion of the court is asked ; (1)ae to whether the beneficiaries named io the will and oodioil are snf6o. iently designated or definite, and (2) are the devisee and 010quesle invalid by sea• eon of the provisoes of the mortmniu and ohartiee noes sot, 1902, the testator have ing died lege than six menthe after the making of said will •and oodioil. Held that the beneficiaries are sufficiently de. eignoted and come within the meaning of the sixth olauee of the above mentioned aot, and that if eo the gine being ohari• table gifts, the role against perpetuities does not apply to them. As to the eeoond question submitted held that the 80011011 relied upon by oonneelfee the heirs at law of deceased, ae rendering invalid the devisee and ebegneets (sub eeotion 6 of above-mentioned aol) refers to the case of a deed, at the',as.urance" there refer, ed to is rtg0ired "to be malt" for full and valuable ooueideration, whioh oannot have any application to a will, and that two. 2, cap. 112, R. S. 0. as to devisee of land by will for charitable uses therefore remains untouched, and a deviee ander that option io favor of n charity would bo gond if made on the very day of the teetatdr'e death. The' Court threats' that there will be a declaration that according to the tram oonstrnoton of the will and codicil the trusts created and the bone• Rotaries named In the will and codicil are sofi'ioiently defined and designated, and that the devise by the Legatee of his real estate and the begneet of hie personal estate by the said will are aalid. Ooete of all parties to be paid out of estate, Mee of the exri0ntor8 as between eolioitor and olien0. E. 10nglas Armour, $, 0., for Presbyterian congregation 00 Tam. lagb, O'Orilly. H W. Michie for the executors. A. W. Holmetoad for next of kin. Judge Mad /ohm' presided. The appointment Ms been made of A. 0. N ewanmbo 13,rodent eb A, a duate fi of Mo;llaeter, nt present minseicat master in 81, Marys collegiate institute, to fill the position of registrar and 000retary, left vacant by the .resignations of Prof, ' A. 0, Molloy and T. P. Webb, gemesimisitnimismodawkiamagawasimmowesessamemmemminlimaill ori Co. BLYTH, KEEN CASH BUYERS Always wend their way to thio stare where they have learned by experienoe that business is done on a etri0tly sash bade, end where they out get dependable goods at the lowest gash prioee. Our purobaeeo for the Fall trade have been on a more extensive' soale than usual to meet the demands of our growing trade. Our orders for Fall Goede were plaoed six months ago, before the advauee in prioee,. which puts us in a position to offer you goods at much lower mines than if we had to buy them now. -Grey Cott' ns, wide width, now worth Be, for 50. - flannelettes, in fanny pink and blue stripee, good width, a great snap at 5a, -Flannelettes, in fanoy patterns, yard wide, heavy weight, soft LIMO:, regular prime 1250, our pries 100, -Wrapperettes, in faooy plaids, worth 8o, for 60, -Wrapperettee, wide width, new patterns, foot aoloro, bought before the advance in primal and will be eold at very elm prices. -Ladioe' Bluth Moire Bette, nicely etitohed large oxidized bookies bank and frout, good value 81 60o, very aloes prioee. -Ladies' Black Wool Hose, all sizes, worth 20o, 2 pair for 26. - Hen's Wool Box, ribbed tops, worth 18o, 2 pair for 25o. -Ladies' Walking Skirts, in homeepuu and vicuna, lepgth 38 to 42, black and oxford, worth 52 50, for 51.76. -Ladies' Waterproof Coate at $2,60, $3, $4 60, $6 and $10. -Men'( Fine Overcoats, in the ttaglanette and Cheetetfleld styles, in b!aok, blue black and grey, in all sizes, at $6, $7.50, $9, $10 and $12. We Pay 5c for Dried Apples. r711101114.111aMi • THE E WEEKLY GLOBE Canada's Great Illustrated Weekly. A leading feature of The WBEZr,Y GLOBE to be added this fall will be an Eight -Page Illustrated Supplement ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. For the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, photo -engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's mechanical equipment. This will make The WEEKLY GLOBE unques- tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada. Arrangements have been made whereby our readers can secure this superb Weekly and their own local favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of Balance of 1903 Free to New Subscribers INIMINESELECEIEMIEDill HAVING PURCHASED THE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods. We have in stock a large assortment of- -All -wool Blankets, -White and Gray Sheeting(, -Plain Flannels, — Checked Flannels, — Fancy Shirtings, — Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, —Light and Heavy Tweeds, — Underwear for Men and Boys, — Men's and Boys' Stockings, —Ladies' and Children's 't —Boys' Sweaters, —Yarns, all kinds and colors, ,WE WANT 701111 PATRONAGE. T. & 3. LOOKRIDGE BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY. 20 Buggies, 1 Must be Sold this Season. The Finest line to be seen in any town Ewan & E S Carriages ROMP® in Ontario will be found at''�"� Co.'s Warerooms T'URNBERRY STREET, BRUSSELS. -We have to ies in Il line, dCanada, boa des or own make of rth SEVEN of e g est Manufac- tories -You can save money by examining our stook before purchasing. Priees right. -Satisfaction assured. EWAN & Co., BRUSSELS.