HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-29, Page 4Managing pamniittoe, A. Brook, M.
Bruce mud G. Hay,
Au iuteroeting sequel to the attempt to
abduot little Florenea Moloney, of Lietow.
TIEURSDAY, OCT, 22, 1908. 01, 013 Wednesday of loot week ooeurred
in the issue of a writ at the court bonne,
Stratford, Saturday morning by H. B,
Morphy, pf Listowel, octing en behalf of
John F. Alaluney, 01 I34offelo, father of
the child. In it the plaintiff Maims un-
stated damages from Samuel Moore,
alleging that he did unlawfully take and
entl0e away le .oreuoe J. Maloney, under
the ago of fourteen years, with intent to
deprive plaintiff of ber poseeeeion; that
he did detain and harbor her with above
intent, and obargee Moore with aeeaalt
aud battery upon himself, and with forcib
ly taking the child away and alienating
her ¢ffeatione. Maloney also olaime pos•
6eeBion of tete obi d.
The Fall terra of the /Ugh Court of
Juetioe opened at 10 a, m. ou Tuesday, of
last week before the Hon. Justice Feloon•
bridge. There were 18 oases set down
for trial, nine jury and four non jury.
The trot to come berme the court,
Young ve. Young, a line fano° dispute in
Colborne, was by agreement postponed
till next court for trial, without jury.
Johnston ve, King, an notion to define
a partnership, Was set down ne a jury
ogee, but His Lordship of his own motion
diepeneed with a jury. The plaintiff
Johnston otaimed that be was a partner
in the businese of King and Johnston, at
the King Edward hotel, and the defend.
ant King °teamed there was no partner-
ship. Four witnesses were palled fur
eaoh side, and et the aonoluslon of the
evldeuoe Hie Lordebip reserved judg.
anent, L. E. Denney appeared for the
plaintiff and Dickinson & Garrow for the
8000000 DAY,
Carney ve. Foley, woe a charge of
Blonder ; the defendant who had a dog
shot, having on sundry omissions said,
"Aire. Oaroey °bot our dog," and the
making of mob statement's In pnbiio was
the Blander °barged. Several witueeees
were oiled by the plaintiff, and at the
oonalusion of the plaintiff's ease Mr.
Dickinson claimed that there was no
ogee of elauder to go to the jury, but His
Lordship held there was end the Daae
proceeded. There being no evidence for
the deteoce, Mr. Proadloot addressed the
jury for the plaintiff aud was followed by
1l1r. Dickinson for the defence, after
which His Lordship summed np, and the
jury retired, and after an absenoe of
fifteen miunte8, rendered a verdiot Inc
plaintiff and $25.00 damages.
A jury being diepeneed ivith, Oration ve,
Lrird et al was the next mese tried, Car-
son sued to obtain the foifflment of e
promise made to him by a person who
had adopted bion. The promise was a
dwelling veined at $2500, but hie foster
parent died without altering his will,
hence the suit. At the conclusion of the
evidence and the argument, His Lordebip
gave judgment for plaintiff and $9250 and
coats. Anson Spotton for plaintiff, and
D okineon .@ Garrow for defendants,
Cooper vs. Freeman, a jury case, was a
olaim for damages for breach of promise
of marriage. Four witneaese were ex.
mined for the plaintiff's ease, but the
defence was chiefly as to the property
owned by deft. A>; the end of the area -
meat the 'edge summed np favorably to
the plaintiff, and the jury rendered a
verdict for plaintiff, and $100 damages,
R. S. Heys appeared for the plaintiff, and
Wm. Prondfoot, K. 0., for the defence.
At this stage the jen0r0 were dismissed
from attendenoe, there being no more
jury oases.
Stephens ve. Greenslade, an action on
a chattel mortgage, was oommenoed but
not conolnded on account of the illness of
a necessary witeese. Proudfoot & Hays
for plaintiff, and Gladman & Staobury
for defendeut.
Weetoott vs. Pet El Mntoe.l Fire In.
entenoe Co., a claim on a polioy for fire
insurance, was settled by consent, the
defendant Co. paying plaintiff $650 and
the parties to the snit paying their own
Corl vs, Kuniz, a claim for damages
for Redaction, was settled out of court.
L. E. Denney for plaintiff, M. O. John.
mon for defendant.
At the opening of the court on Wednee.
day Smeltzsr ve.Reid was oontlnued, and
was concluded before noon, Hie Lordship
giving judgment for tbe plaintiff with
costs. This judgment gives plaintiff pos-
eeseioa of lands he Maimed, being the
mooed time Mr. Sineltzer has had the
game lands back again. Proadfoot do
Hays for plaiutiff, P. A. Maloomeon for
Tiobboarne ve. Tiohboerne, an aotimr
to set aside a conveyance of land said to
hove been improperly made, was the next
Dane, and jet lgment was reserved on this.
Sinolair ve. McNeil, an aotioa to have
it declared thet lot 19 on the 13th ponces
sign of Grey is the property of the late
John MoNeil and not that of his brother
Leohlin McNeil, who boldo the paper
title. Jadement reeerved. G. F,B air,
for plaintiff, W. 31, Sinclair, for deten•
11.ieatatr vv ell .
W. Olimie, editor of the Banner, and
R. Bogue° have gore on a moose hunting
expedition in New Ontario.
Knox Cherub held its 16th anniversary
6ervioe on Suuday the 25th inst. The
Rev, R, J. M, Giaeeford, of Chalmers
Chnroh, Guelph, °Mutated atboth eerv•
Mlee Annie Ballard left for Elkhorn,
Manitoba, wbere her brotber Frank is in
a bank. Miss Ballard ie shortly 00 be
married to a prominent barrister of
J. 0. Burt is still 000fned to hie room
from the effects of the runaway aooident
iu whioh Mre. Burt lost her life. Mr.
Burt is improving elowly and is able to
Mt op each day.
The Standard says :—The mains for
the new Waterworks have been laid, and
the pumping station and electric lieht
bnildiug is making good progress. The
foundation, whioh ie of deemed field stone,
and a considerable portion of the walle
whittle are befog built of red brink, are
now ap. The oontraotor, Geo. Fritz,
expeote to have the boiler and tingle°
room fiIighad and ready for the roof in a
few days. With a oonple of weeks more
open weather, the maaoo work will be
completed, exoept the brink smoke etaak,
whiah will probably take no little longer,
Am en0haeieetio meeting of the' Hockey
Club was held when Undue watt re argon.
axed for the Donning season, It is the
intentionof the drib to enter a team in
the 0.a. A. aeries and Ile MI of last
yeare players, with one exception, will
lie in the game this year, the proepeote
of tbo team making a good showing are
vefy bright. A team will also be entered
in the Northern League. The following
officers have been appointed : Hon. Pres„
F. W. Hay 1 Pros., B. Foreeyeth ; [Ion,
Viee Rees., Dr, Rutherford 1 let Vice.
Pres., J. W. Rolle ; 2nd Vtoo Prete W. 0.
Kidd ; 8rd Vice Tree„ O: Zilliax ; Pat.
tone and Petreinetane, :j' A. and Mre,
Ht.aalting, G. S. and Mre; Kidd ; Monitor,
'rrm, Arnold; Oaptein, F, Taylor; Trees,
R. Connelly ; Berey., E. T, Ilaolring1
B. S. Oook wee in Goderioh this week
as a witnee on the Canoe ve. Exeontore
of the ('arson Estate case,
Thenkegiving eervloee were held in
Trinity ohnroh on Sunday, Rev. Mr.
Shore, of Cargill preaobed.
The Bell Telephone Go. have lowered
the rates from 25 Dents to 15 menta for d
minutes' conversation to Clifford, Harris
ton and Palmerston.
The interior of the Foreeters' Hall has
been treated to a coat of paint and it looks
the better for it. Anew piano has been
rented for the winter months and placed
in the hall.
Word has been received from A. W.
Emote, former editor of the REnoop, that
be has been eeriouoly i11 at hie old borne
in Denville, bat is now able to sit np
Ha may spend the winter there.
The total amount of Modems done at
Fordwioh station during the month of
Sept., 1903, was 247ti tons of freight and
$1209 82, revenue, Tbiois an inoreaee
of 68 tone freight and $240 57 revenue
over tbe same month last year.
The Fordwioh Branob of the Upper
Canada Bible Society held ite annelid
meeting in the Methodist Church Sunday
evening, Oct. lltb, without the aid of the
Society's Agent and a very euooeeeful
meeting it was. The meeting was open•
ed by devotional exeroieee oondooted by
Rev, D. Rogers who conducted the meet.
iug by request. Rev. E. A Hall gave a
abort addreee, giving a few reaeone why
branches should do without the aid of the
Booiety'e Agent and a few Note about the
Society's work. Rev. A. B. Dobson had
been appointed to give the address of the
evening. His enbjeat was "The Bible"
and be handled it well, giving an excel-
lent address. The efficient Seo.•Treee„
Thos. Goggin, gave a good report of the
work done doting 1903.
Perth County.
Stratford bas several oases of diphther•
Hon. Thos. Ballantyne it being boom-
ed for the Senate.
Stratford's fire protection costa the
city about $7,585 annually.
Hugh Mol.wiog has beets appointed
police magistrate at Palmerston without
August F.ydt has purchased the hoose
and three acres oI land on Main street,
Milverton, of Wm Fischer for $1,400.
F. A. Stuart, B. A., of Lnoan, an old
Mitchell boy, has been appointed aeeist•
ant science master at London collegiate,
Mre. Ieeao Hord, of Mitchell, was call-
ed to Peon Fon, N. Y., to eeo her dangh.
ter, Mre, McNaughton, who wan seriously
Rev. Omit 0. Parton, of Glenooe, has
been asked to succeed Rev. R. S. W.
Howard, until recently of Trinity Oharob,
Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Grace Church,
Millbank, has accepted a unanimous mail
from the congregations of Florence and
Rev, T. Bart Howard, goes from Mil-
verton to Dutton as rector at the Epieoo•
pal (Thumb at the latter place, the that of
next month.
P. A. Molehee, foreman of the oaring
department of the 'Whyte packing Co ,
Stratford, has resigned, and intends
going South.
Stratford's population, according to the
Aaaeeeor'e retnrua ehowe an inoreaee for
the year of 719, the total being 11,460, as
against 10,741 laet year, when there was
an inoreaee of 290 over 1901.
The Mitchell Advocate Bays that Ed-
itor R. W. Dillon of the St. Marye Argas
IS en applioaot for the position of chief
lioenee inspector for the province, vacated
by the resignation of J. K. Stewart,
The Senate of Toronto University has
conferred the degree of Doctor of Philos-
ophy on the Rev. W. E. Taylor. eon of
the Rev. Mr, Taylor of Bt. Mary's. Tbis
completes and rounds ont Mr, Taylor's
university course, in whioh he has been
remarkably auoaeeeful.
Rev. B. Oldenberg, who had charge of
the. Lutheran Mineola, Monkton, having
resigned on account of hie health, a non•
gregational meeting woe bald on the 5th
inet,, in the presence of the Vice Preoi•
dent of the Synod, Rev. R. Eifert. A call
was extended to Rev. H. C. Landeky, of
Logan, who has aooepted.
A rowdy who persisted in making a
diaturbenoe in the upper gallery of
Theatre Albert, Stratford, during the per.
tormanoe of "The Beoond Mre, Tangner•
ay," wan arrested and taken to the police
oonrt delle where he spent the night. He
was let out on bail in the morning but will
be oared to appear in a few days.
Mrs. John Alexander, who lives on the
3rd con. of Wallace, was seriously injured
on Wednesday of last weekby being
thrown from a buggy. She eaetained a
fracture of the right arm and is suffering
from oononeeion of the brain, and bee
been in a state of semi unoonaoioneneee
since the accident. She le, however,
making progress towards recovery.
During the severe thunder storm which
passed on Thanksgiving' Day, lightning
etenek the new brittle driving shed of Jae.
Jackson, Fullerton. Wm. Jaokeon with
Mr, Ward, the hired man, and a team of
horses were in the building at the time
and were all thrown to the floor and
Manned, from h'oh the i
w t h ddnotre r
, y cove
for game time, The lightning badly
damaged one end of the Building, which
fortunately did not catch fire.
While Jno. Scott, of the Weet Ward,
Mitchell, was in the act of working a
large knife, in Wm. Ryan's cooper shop,
he had the miaroreupe to out off the foto.
finger on the left band, The young man
is about 18 yearn of age and with gree.
ono* of mind plotted op the amputated
part of the finger and put 11 in its plane,
holding it feet until a Dr. arrived, The
uniting of the eeparated parte in the nick
of time saved the finger and the doctor
expecte it will be n11 right in a short time,
Morgan, Macey r Il:oggert, peutraot-
ore for figment eideweiks at Stratford,
on Friday with 18 men laid 2,047 egnere
feel, from? a. ne, till 4.80 p. tel, F,1 teen
hundred tape is noneiriered a good day's
work with that numb r of men,
The Mooney Biscuit & Candy Company,
Stratford, ere inetalling a new nimble°
id the oh000late department which will
double the cepaoiey of that portion of the
plant. The mnohlne now fu operation
turns out 1.400 pounds of chocolate per
A sad fatality took place on the form
of John Speck, lot 21, oonceasioa 9, W. et
Niesonei, Wednesday niternoen of last
ween whereby hie little girl, May Hotel
/filbert, aged about fonr yeare, lost her
life. Mr. Speck had be,n killing bogs
and a fire was built to heat the water.
The little girl watt playh g round the Are
when her clothing was ignited and burn•
ed to Mende. Her oriee were not heard
until she ran to the house, a abort
distance away, She lived only an hour
end a half or two hoar° after the accident.
Her farm end body were badly scarred by
the fire.
William Armstrong, a farmer who re
aides uear Avoubank, Downie, neatly loot
hie life in an enoounter with no leroof0ae
boar ou Thursday afternoon of lest week,
Mr. Atmetrong undertook to remove the
animal from one pen to another. It be.
came ferocious and attacked Mr. Arm.
strong and filially managed to kupoh biro
down and tore a long gash on the outeide
of his left thigh aud a similar gash on the
inside of the same thigh, It was iu the
act of tearing open hie abdomen, but the
time y arrival of his two sone saved him,
They had been spending the day hunting,
each carrying a rifle, and hearing a great
commotion in the vioinfty of the hog pens
they went over and saw the vicious brute
almoet disembowelling their father. With
out a momen.'0 oonsideration their rifl,s
were drawnto their eheuidera and two
bullete pieroed the head of the animal
and he rolled over dead. A few minutes
and Mr. Armstrong would have Buffered
a horrible death. A Dr, of Bt. Marys
was quiokly eeut for and reached Mr.
Armttrong'e residenoe in a abort time,
The two long gashes in the left thigh and
the torn abdomen neceesitated a great
number of stitches. Mn. Armstrong'is at
present in a eeriona condition and there
le a great danger of blood•poieoning sat.
Cvtundizt.n Nevv,-e.
Costal' stave factory at Dutton was
burned. Lose, 94,500.
W. J. Palmer bee been chosen Direotor
of Agriculture for Orange River Colony.
D. R MoDouald, le the Conservative
nominee for the Commons in Glengarry,
Mina Summers, keeper of a small grog•
cry at London, was f -end dead in ber
Josepb 3. King, of Dover South, was
killed by falling off a bridge Dear Cbat•
Wiod completely wreekrd the new an•
nix to the General Eremite' et Brandon,
now in course of ereotioo.
Special effort is being made to raise
the $18,000 enbeoription to the St. Mary's
Embro and Woodstock radial railway,
The Canada Furniture Company's saw
mill at Wiarton was learned, with a lot of
oak lumbar. The toes ie placed at $50,
The Winnipeg parka and exhibition
Board are making an effort to secure tee
large park jointly,
Hon. J. M. Gibson attended the ban-
quet last week at Fergus to tbe la•
oroeee teem, intermediate' champions of
the 0. L. A.
A W. Robb was nominated for the
Commons by the Liberate of South Bruce,
a pew ai.netitneuoy. He is Editor of the
Walkerton Teleeoope.
Harry Moore, eon of an Oakville mer•
chant, was shot in the head with a small
rifle that he was praolieing with. There
is little hope of recovery,
The Crown Elevator Company will
build at St. Bonifaae, opposite Wionipeg,
one of tete largeet storage elevators and
Meaning pleats in the West.
J. A. Maodouald, of Roseland, was
eleoted leader of the Liberal party in
British Columbia. He is an nephew of
Dr. MoDonald, M. P, of Wingbam.
All the propertiee of the Consolidated
Lake Superior Company were formally
banded over to James Bioknell, K. 0„
Toronto, ae representative of the Speyer
Five hundred dollars was realized from
the "Made in ()anode" Exhibition at
Hamilton. Mre. Nordbeimer, President
of the Dangbtere of the Empire, referred
to the diereepeot shown the National
Ata meeting at Banit Ole. Marie J. A.
Montague obarged Mr. Smith, the Liber.
el candidate, with offering him a bribe of
$600 to atop attaoking the Governments'
mining policy. Mr. Smith says the
statement is [alae.
Ont of the 59 Presbyterian congregations
in London, three-fourths are partying on
mission work in the churches themselves,
and in 42 balls and rooms, employing 81
salaried and nearly 1,000 voluntary
Rev. M. L. Leitall, of Strafford, wee
able last week to take a walk for the fleet
time after hie ilineee and looks well. He
ie evidently feat regaining strength, He
expeota to 'Dumpy his own pulpit again
OIL Nov, let,
At Clinton, B. 0., two rich Chinamen,
who paid a poor fellow -countryman to
take the ohne of a murder in whiob they
Were concerned, were, with him, found
guilty and sentenced to be banged Deo. 4.
The graduating exeroieee of the Toron-
to General Hospital Behoof for Norma
will be held me Friday riveting pot. 80,
the Lieutenant Governor attending, Dr.
O'Reilly will present the diplomas. The
elan of 19011 has among its number Miss
Tena M. Oterar, of Shakespeare.
James Conmee, M, P. P , and 0. R2.
Bowman, M. P. P„ have Bemired an in.
junction restraining Speyer & Go, from
raking poeeeeaioo of the Algoma Central
Railway, The writ also Mamie the right
to redeem, and asks that en account be
Chief Jostles Fal onbrid
e gave lodg-
in fagot of the Independent Iroreatr
ere in the action brought about by Mr,
Marsh, of Kamilton, for reinstatement,
The plaintiff after joining the order be.
Dame a bartender and hie oertilfoate WAS
cancelled under the titles.
Sir Wilfred Lattcior'e Ipaoah upon the
Alaskan Boundary award, in the House
Of- Oornmono Friday in whioh he asserted
that Canada tenet petitfdn 'the Imperial
Paellament for the power to make her
own treating, hon omitted a great ono,
Mon in tenders' and the newspapers there
are oommeating freely upon the attitude
of the Canadian Premier,
173 1•L l jOB
i.' Mttnitobn College won the etbletio
championehip at Winnipeg.
Hou, R. Earoonrt expecte to make a
eatiefaotory arrangement with (entitle° eel
to the reongnllinu of tettehere' oertifleetee,
0 leer '1', 1I 'land ail ren, 100 a
onntroilerehip aud will not oppose Mayor
Urquhart for the inagietrogy of Tnronto,
,'l he teat of the Hubbend Etre engine
at 'Toronto Mara the Wee twice, knnrlting
down two firemen at d drttiohlug the on.
Sir Chanes Tapper, who has just re..
totem! from England, blames Sir Wilfred
J,eurier'e policy for the Alaskan Boned-
ary Award.
Before leaving for Boston, Dr. D°wi0
said he might take an army of hie follow.
ere to Toronto and Montreal soon after
New Year's.
The old atone terrane at Oaughnawaga,
Que„ built by the Grand Trunk Com-
pany, was banned and twenty familial
were rendered homeless,
The Toronto oivie Reception Commit•
tee has pre'poeed a banquet to A. B.
Ayleeworth. The Mayor euggeeted senile
iug otttil SirLouie Jette'e retunu.
Stamford, near Elegem Palle, isagitat•
ad by a tragio ooaorrenoe. A Mre, Goff, a
widow, olaitne her throat wee out by an
unknown map. She may recover.
A robber entered Jobe Finlay's cigar
store, 74 Queen street East, Toronin,
knocked the proprietor dawn, stole $78,
and escaped with two companions.
The movement for the rebuilding of the
Horii: enteral Pavilion in Allan Gardens,
Toronto, seen to be certain of Buaoeaa
although the citizens are by no mime
nnanimone as to ite advisability.
An advertieement appeared come weeks
ago in a Montreal paper caping for
applications for Englieh and Sowell boys
and girle, whose ages ranged Ir, in four.
teen to sixteen years. The application
was to be e000mpttuied with no recommend-
ation from a olergymau, and fere from
Montreal to destination. Boob an ion•
manse oorreepondenee was b ing 'harried
on that the poet oflioe nuthoritiee became
eu pieioue aud nearly two hundred lettere
were intercepted, inolediug several
containing money, The matter wag
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Oourt of the County of
Baron, in the [natter of the estate of
Thomas Jaoklin, late of the Township
of Howiok, iu the County of Haron,
farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby G6iven pursuant to the
Revised Stntntes of Ontario 1897,' obap. 120,
see 88, that all creditors and others having
claims against the estate of Thomas Jack -
lin, late of the Township of Howiok, in the
County of Huron, deceased, who died ou or
about the Nth day of September, A. D 1900,
at the Township of Howiok, aforesaid, ere
hereby requested to send by post, prepaid,
or to dettvar to Ruth Jankttn, the adminis-
tratrix at Wroxeter, or t0 et, F. Blair,of the
Village of Mussels, her Solicitor, on or
before the 10th day of November, A. D. 3908,
their full names, addresses and descrip-
tions, and the tulip articulare of their claims
and he n the t more li u securities urth n any)
Held by them. And notice is further given
that atter the said last i mentioeed date, the
• ahe assets
of tlx will proceed to among me the gens a of 4ed said deceased rmand
one persons entitled thereto, hoeing regard
onlyy bo the /calms bo a ceoh red,a shall
stave been given ix awill respondsible the
• dassets
ser r any p not be responsible
for the ussete dr any part thereof, ea- dis-
tributed, to any person of whose claim
notice shall not have been reeeiyed at the
time of such distribution,
G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont.
16 8 Solicitor for Adminletratrix.
Dated at Brussels October 17th, 1908.
Strenuous Objections
are never made against feed supplied by
Alf. Beaker. All stook like it and thrive
on ft, and it is pronounced by all intel-
ligent breeders to be inoompariably the
beet Bold. Try a sample lot and you will
never teed anything but onr Kellar oorn
and oats.
Alf. Baeker.
c C.
RAYNIANN, Cranbrook,
who has had 80 years' experience
in the Pump business, is dealing
larger than ever in Iron and
Wooden Pumps, and ready to
attend to repairs promptly.
Ile is also agent for the
Woodstock Windmill. This mill
is a marvel and should be seen
before ordering any ether.,
Persons requiring Water
Troughs should call and get
RAYig��r� ®_ N N
1t /-4
Primp Maker, Cranbrook,
placed in the bands of the polioe who
dleaovered the wbuits thing to be a trance,
bele the culprit m,tortnuately got win:1 of
what wan going on end mettle good hie
emoape, Two Blbbert !Remora were led
into the trap, mete the Mitutlell Advocate,
and are out of pooket the railway fares,
There witty he others in this neighborhood
who w're duped in tee mune wee', and
it should he a ;semen to all when ' home
children" are wanted to make application
to responsible ngencioe.
Block and Implements—.Messrs, Alex,
maritime and 0,H, ltferryylt old have received
instructions from PIT, Oreeneide.t to eon b y
'onblle meson on Lots 66 1,0,1 66, Don, 1.
Wallace, pot mile East of Molesworth, on
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4, at12 o'elook the fol•
lowing property 1. Clyde Mare 8 Years girl
in foul to Local Option ; 1 roadster mare 0
yeare old auppo0ed le foal, 1 roadster horse
0- years eld, 1 Clyde ally 1 year old, 1 mare 10
years old,1 blood mare 0 years old supposed
in foul, 14 Cows euppoeed in calf, 8 steers 2
years old,4 steers 1 year old, 8 heifers 1 year
old, 9 steer aelyea, 1 heifer oalf, 1 Berkshire
Raw in pig, 2 brood so we With litters at loot,
5 pigs 8 week old, 2 pigs 4mnnths old, about
. 60 bens, 1 Maxwell binder with sheaf carrion
and brooks, 1 Deering mower," pea barrest-
er, 1 flaxen seed drill, 1 dist) harrow, 1
Deering hay rake, 1 eel of Spring tooth har-
rows, 8 elugle plows, 10000 plow, 1 soupier,
11aed rel ler,1. turalp t'ulper, i Wbeolbarrow.
1 lumber ivegou,4 dray wagon, 1 top buggy,
1 cutter, "set bob•eleighe, 1 hay molt, 1 tau-
, clog mill,1 grindstone, 1 set double harness,
i set plea, karneee, 2 Bete single hareem 1
gravel box 1 sugar kettle, 2 erosn•out saws,
2 tidrtygallon milk onus, 1 creamery ono, 4
milking perils, a number of milk pans ecu
Crooke, a dozen sap huokets and !piles, 5
dozen cow chains, 8. dnzon grain bags, 1 glass
oupboard, 2 bedsteads, 6 kitchen mhaire, 1
kitchen table, frocking chair, 1 bureau, 6
sereene for window,, 2 screen doors, 1 heti
opting, ebput 20 tone of bay, 1 acre of tur-
nips,1 sere of maugolde, 09 shares in Molae•
worth cheese factory, etudes; forks, set Ems
and other articles too numerous to mention,
Everything must be sold as the proprietor
le chile g up farming. Terme—All sums of
55 and under clash, over that amcurt 12
months' credit will be given on furnishing
approved joint notes; 5 nor cent. off for
oxen on credit omonete, 111 T, G12N:EN
SIDE n, Proprietor ; ALEX. MO RRISON and
0, R. MERRYFIELD, Auctioneers,
1 for Bade, will litter early in October.
O. H. 0001GHT, Lot 18, Con. 10, Grey, or
Cranbrook P, 0. 11.0
Tune,—Tho undersigned offers for gate
5 rams, ewe lambs and breeding owes. Also
a Durham bull 8 mouths old. Lot 10, Con,
15, Grey, or Walton P. 0.
17 undersigned offers for Bale 1 young
milk cow, 2 steer calves and 7 sheep from 2
to 8 years old. Apply to A. ASGTON, Lot
27, 000, 7, Morris, tor at S. Walker's, Lot 28,
Oou, 6, Morrie. 18
a ram lambs strayed from the premi-
ses of the undersigned Lot 28, Con. 2,
Morris, on or about. Sept. 1 8.11 have long
tails, Any inforoatfou leading to their
recovery will be suitably rewarded. WAL-
TER FORREST, J ameetown, P. 0.
e.L1 —9 Leicester Rom Lambs, prieee
55 to 187 ; 1 Shearling and 2 'Pato-Shear
Ram o, prices 510 to e12 All are good ones.
Also a few DWG Lambe, prigs $5, and a few
AIILNE r& SON, Ees at thel, odeato Ontprtoee. 018 ID
Bulla for sale. One is 1 year old and
the other two younger. Also several regist-
ered Cows and Heifers. Apply to ,TAMES
SPEII1, Lot 80, eon.. a, Morrie 'L'wp., or Brus-
sels Y. 0. 22.tf
for Bale. Eligible for registration.
For price, terms and ; other particulars ap-
ply to J. D. McNAIR, Lot 22, Oon. 18, particulars,
or Oranbrook P. 0. 80.00
situated 2•etory frame building, 50 x 80
feet, formerly 000npfed by the Oober Oar.
ridge Works, It is suitable for sash and
door factory, planing mill or carriage fac-
tory. A boiler and engine w111 oleo be solt1
if desired, now in building. A good bargain
will be given, # acre of laud In connection
For further partioulare apply to
2-tf G. W. POLLARD, Ethel,
V . Watered by the river.
Apply to THOS,saleMOORII, Btuesele.
tiwelliug thereon, North-west corner
William said Albert streets, Brussels.
40.11 1. LEOIiIE,
property at Ethel known as the
Methodist Parsonage, Apply to 3E0,
OOBER, Brussels,
1. 29, Oon, 16, Grey. There are 100 acres,
20 under cultivation. Apply to JO8EF13 F.
REDMOND, ou the promisee, or Mouorieff
P, 0. 21.00
TATO.-30100,00 will May the Meilen-
two line etorea the
sold E r glace out the
elonaughey Betate, intending purchasers
should Investigate at ouoe. Apply to F. S.
SOOT3 or 6. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Out,
SALE.—LOT 6, 001. 6,
Grey, ooetaleiog 100 acres, 75 being
cleared and in good Elute of oullfyatioo.
Form le well watered; good buildings, o' -
chard, the. Failure iu hoallb manse for sel-
ling. Possession given ou one month's
name Terns easy. .MPar Meanie norttou-
iers apply to TRUMAN 8MIllet, on the
peemisee, or Steatite 1', 0. 18
IVO 200 scree, .1 eine Ireton and 17,
bon. 10, Township of Grey. Ou Eli10 farm
is a atone 1101150 With lcitolten and Wood,
shed a hank barn 112 x 76 feet with stone
stabling, and straw shed with stone pig pea
under It: There is a windmill on the barn.
20 sores 01 good hardwoodbush on the plane
and 0000000111 Swamp, the root it Moored.
There aro 15 cores of. Fall wheat in, A good
orchard mf 8 acme, Torme-70 per cent, of
the moneyeau be as e a morn
gage u the
place at 4 cad 4d per gut. Owing
to too de-
eao of Mr Fleeter
tbo farm mutter sold
at ours to dose ug 1For farther par -
Moutons tam,
to tfltb8, AUGUST FIRMER,
op the gnrm, or pranbrook P. 0. 14-4
iI1I:pOit 'SALE OR TO RE10,—
.A The undersigned offers her 1 more
farm, being. Lot 20, Oou, 7,Grey, ',for !sale or
to tout, Oomfortable house, balite o, barn 011.
Maned, wells, & There aro 80.acree in gime.
10 mime of Fail wheat aud 00 agree of Fall
plowing Will be pone. Farm 11 only a alto
from, the stirring village of Ethel, 3,mime
lease exph'eo ou March 15, 1004, but a par.
010100 or Wont may 0000 Ned, plow, ad,
00 ohm. Pot further partioulare ae to min ,
tame, ere., apply to MISS SPE'INCE "Stile?
P. 0., or write MR8, 1f. ROLLAND, 7g
Bhutan SeeTerente, 7400
OCT 20, 1903
High Class Novelty
Dress Goods
The new Dress Goods are all here and you
will find our assortment ]High Class Novel-
ties the largest and choice fit ever shown in
Brussels. Tweeds, Venetians, Broadcloths
and Cheviots in all the popular shades for
Fall. Black Dress Goods in such a large range
of Patterns and Quantities that we cannot
describe them. In short you will find in our
assortment all the latest Novelties in Dress
Goods, and our Prices the Lowest. Come
and see.
Dress Trimmings
We buy our Drees Trimmilsgs direst from the makers
in Berlin, Germany, as align() or any Wholesale
House. - Saving the Wholesaler's profits enables.
us to handle and sell High Class Goods that we
would not dare to attempt under other circum-
stances, When you see our assortment of Dress
Trimmings you'll be surprised with its magnitude
and delighted with the Low Prices Belied for High
Class goods.
& Co.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
Apples may be shaken off the trees, Wind-
falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the
Highest Market Price.
Small or Soft Apples will not be taken.
anasatatoe neneernommessomm
S. W. P.
Before you begin to
Paint your horse be sure.
you get the BEST Paint
possible for the money and
at the same time give Best
satisfaction and longest
�e Slleriu!Mas falul
gives tbese.results —It's a pure dead, Zinc, Linseed
Oil Paint, thoropghly mixed ; novel's more surface to
the gallon ; easi137 applied and gives getter retoulte
than any other. Try fk gallon and see for yourself,
For sale by—
WI LT a�
® N