HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-22, Page 8WA LL PAPERS "AVE you a room that needs Papering this Fall ? One that you had intended doing but did not get time to have it done in the Spring ? If so, you can find in our Papers a splendid choice as the stock has lately been replenished and now affords a good variety. Before buying we would like you to call and see our Papers. You are welcome to our full time and attention without buying. a I T DR•tfGGIST AND STATIONER, ro,ca.this' iu. A ohiel's among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent FROSTY nights. WooD is a ooaroe article in town, TARE a look at your address label and see if yea are in arrears. Busmen is rnehing ahead at the Cunningham Evaporating factory. SEVEaAL eobool teachers wanted. Read the advertieing oolumn for partite. Ware. Ben. Dark has had a windmill erected at hie livery barn for pumping purposes. He is determined to be up to date. THE aurora borealis or Northern lights winch appeared last Monday evening are claimed by some to be an indication of a werm open Fall. Jeo, B. MOL&voaoIN ie in the Bald for tha pnrohaee of live turkeys, geese, duke, ohiokeo.e and poultry, See advt. in this issue ae to price, &o, SoSIE00D0 poisoned Jno. Milhansen'a dog last week. It went by the abryoben. ine route. All the mean people in the world are not dead yet. Fames of )art week was giventbe teach - ere and pupils of am sohool as a holiday so a8 to afford a little wider range of vaoatiou for the Thanksgiving time. ,, BARaISTEae SIN0LAIR AND BLAIR are at Goderioh this week attending the Assizes. Judge Britton opened Court Tuesday afternoon. The ease of Sinolair ve. Mo. Neil is on the list. THE new and latest improved dynamo for Braeeels Electric light system is ex- peoted this week and on its arrival the circuit will be considerably increased in the way of house lighting, &o. I. 0. 0. F.—Tbureday evening of this week a contingent of Wroxeter Odd Fel- lows is expeoted to pay a visit to Western Star Lodge, Brussels, and an exemplify nation of degree work will be put on. There will no doubt be a good turn out of the local brethren. Tame ie a loud outcry by the local shippers over the oar shortage. It cer- tainly is perplexing when valued and valuable ordure come and the grain can. not be delivered owing to Inability to Bemire oars. When we get the 0. P. R. we'll have a plentiful supply. AN interesting bowling match was played here on Thanksgiving day between three rinks from Wingbam and three belonging to town. D. 0, Roes' rink, Brussels, defeated Jeffrey's by 24 to 16 but the other two locale went down before the Westerners, Wingham winning out on the total's. OBIT. — Last Sunday Ethel, eldest daughter of Matthew and Mre. Varooa, of Orangeville, paid Nature's debt, aged 25 years. She had been 51 since last Spring a pulmonary trouble causing here death. The Panoral took plane on Tuesday. De• ceased wee a neioe to Mre. (Rev.) Paul, of Brunie, who attended the funeral. THE QUESTION Op BALDNEse,—This i8 a vitaluestion q with hundreds of men who are bald or partially eo. How to over. dome the disfigurement lent by baldness is a simple matter when you consider the perfection of modern art in the making of Wigs and Toupees. The visit of Prof. Uorenweod, of Toronto, to Brussels, on Wednesday, Oot. 2811, when he will be at the Amerioan Hotel, renders it poseible for any who wish to consult him to do so at 1i8 private apartmente retained at Ameriaan Hotel for this purpose, De. monetratlon given to show the perfect na- turalness of hie Wigs and Tonpeee. Do not mise this opportunity. Remember the day and date. MARRIED AT MnNOTON.—The Monoton, (N, B.) Transcript gives the following Sooiety note of interest to the people of thie locality as the groom was a reeident of Brueeele for several years ;—An in. teresting weddiug event took place Wed. needay morning at the First Baptist par. sonage, at 11.30 o'olook, when Samuel Bruce Wilson, eeoretary of the Y. M. 0. A., St. John, was married to Miee Sarah JaneJaokeon,of Brantford, Ont„ who arrived in the oity Wednesday morning on the maritime expreee. The oeremony which was performed by Rev. David Hutoh)naon, took pleas in the preeenoe of a few immediate friends of the contract• ing parties. The happy 000ple left on the O. P. R. for their future home In St. John. RooO ORope,—Prizes were offered in aonneation with East Huron Fall Fair, for the beet core of mengolde and also for the beat aore of Swede turnips. There were font entries in each compe- tition and the judging wan done last week by W. H. MoOraaken, of Brussels, who made 6 lifts et each plot and the results were ae follows Mangolde, weight. W. H. MoOntobaon, Morrie, 198 Ibe. Jae. Speir, Morris, 180 " 175 " 164 " P Robertson, Grey Wm. Robb, Morrie, Turnipe, lea. Speir, Morrie, 254 " Robe Niohol, " 227 " Wm, Robb, " 211 " W. H. MACatoheon, Morrie,...,101 "' George Thomson, of Brussels, donated $2 50 the first prize0 fn eaob olives and W. H. Mo0eaeken contributed $1.50 for 2nd in Marigolds, in whioh Mao shines, The wonder is with the value of the prizes and the large area of these orop8 0016ivat01 that there are not a more 0f 0010100, Last year there was only one competitor. We hope 10888 a livelier in. Mired maaifoatod, B, Genus has disposed of his park iota in Wingham to George Fretwell, of Torn - berry, 1N0PE0TO0 MAY will pay hie annual official visit to Brussels Public Library on Thursday evening of this week. F. ROeaa$Ray, repreeentative of the Detroit Evening News, was in Brussels o0e day last week in the interests of that Journal. A 26i pound mangold was brought to Tan Poem last week grown on the farm of Samuel Burke, lat oon., Grey, and this week George Robb, Braeeels, handed in an 8 pound factory sugar beet. If they'd been either etrawberriee or pumpkins we wonld have been in clover. FALL Fire Piuzae.—The Treasurer will oommenoe paying the prizes of East Huron Fall Fair cu Friday of this week at Tae Poem Publishing House. It would be well for prize takers to make a review of their winnings before calling for their money and thereby save time. THE 0. P. R.—The surveyor oantingent numbering 9 men, were at work morose Morrie township this week running a line in connection with a proposed route far the much talked of 0. P. R. They have been working along the 7th and 8th linea and Are not giving mnoh information as to where they are going. WORKMEN have been busy this week clearing up the debris from the Ament fire. The briok le being pilled up and the engine and boiler house re -roofed. The insurance inspectors made their official visit. Mr. Ament has several bands employed at the ()ober Carriage Faotory getting out material for the completion of contracts for housesunder construction. Nothing tae been decided yet as to rebuilding ae far ae Tae Peer has beard. Doe Pox8oN1N0,—The pretty little dog of Harry Mooeey'e was poieooed with a gaiok and deadly drug on Wednesday evening. It was all right at about five o'clock and was dead in a few minutes after. It was the making of a good dog ae be was a thorn' bred Scotch collie ; was being oared for with every attention and was a great favorite of their child. The dog was kept tied up in their baok yard all the time to keep him out of mischief and was tied up when it died. Suspicion pointe to a certain party ; the owner has a good idea who did the eon• •tamptible deed. A reward of 310 will be paid for the oonviation of the party who administered the polite.. Goon Re0OMMEND,—The Goderiob Sig. nal of )art week Bays :—A. Maodonald intends to remove to Brussels next week and oommenoe hie law praotioe there, auooeoding G. F. Blair, who 00mee to Goderioh. Although we are sorry to lose Mr, Maodonald from town, it is a pleas- ure to commend him to the people of Brussels, who will find him a reliable young man and one who will honorably uphold the traditions a[ his profession. Although one of the youngest of the barrietare of the oo0nty, Mr, Maodonald has bad several years of experience in Ca tI 0 oe and has lyra evidence 1 P v dance of ability d whioh promisee for him a aeefal and e000ee.fal 0areae. COMING AGAIN TO BRUSSELS.—If yon are raptured attend to yourself at once. If your ohild is ruptured do not allow him to grow up in lite handicapped by a rupture. Have yourself or child cored, No matter bow many failnres you have had from outer sources, it is a duty you owe your- self when the opportunity pretente itself to ooneulh (free) J. Y. Egan, rupture specialist, of Toronto, who wilt make his nest regular visit to Brussels, American Hotel, Monday, all clay and evening, one day only, Ootober 26. Remember, thie gentleman hoe now the largest eatablish• meat in the Dominion exolueively devoted to tba treatment of ruptures, He has been established 37 years, and has been visiting our eeation periodically for the past quarter of a 0ent0ry. Ia this not a record 2 See "ad," in this issue. SUDDEN DEStIBE.—Mre. Mitohell, wife of John Mitchell, gardener at the water works, Springbank, (London) died suddenly of apoplexy, Monday night, at 10 o'olook, Two bonre before death ebe appeared to be ae well as neoal, and her demise Dame as a great shook to the members of the family and her many friends. Deceased was seventy one years of age, and had been a reeident of Loudon and vioinity for over forty years. A family of three sone—James, of Brandon, Manitoba ; Robert, of New York, and Peter of London, and one daughter, Mre. Joseph Ballantyne, of Springbank, survive, The funeral 'takes pleas this (Tbureday) afternoon. Mr, and Mre. Mitobeli are known to many in this looality as they formerly lived in Brussels and Gray township, moving from the farm in Grey 5 or 6 yeare age bank to London. Mr. Mitchell followed the 0000pation of gardener in his earlier years and for some time followed thia 000apation at Brantford for the late Hon, A. S. Hardy, and on moving to London he still carried on this department of work. Coming to Brussels the plot where the Town Hall now stands was purchased and be oarried on a grocery. He bought "High Grainge" the farm now owned by Robert Miller, about three milee from Brueeele. Mre. Mitchell was born in Scotland, coming to Canada in in 1856 and was married at Qaebeo. 81e was held in high e8teem by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance, James Mitabell, 1211 eon, of Grey, ie a brotber•in•law to the eubjtot of thie notice. Mr. Mitchell and family may rest Reamed of the sympathy of his large (+hale of friends here. TH. BRUSSELS POST METROOLlTA BANK CAPITA r,—Pal1 up 31,000,000 RLShaill IruND . • 31,000,000 REV. Ii, lit, WARDEN, D, 0,, Directors Preetdeut. 8, J, Df001Vloo•Pxaatdent, 0, D. MAaOEY, 0108, BRADe0Aw, 0, E. 00"01800, x 0. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, 0, ROSS - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Bold. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sumo of 31 and upwards B7dussszse�^m G. F. BLAIR, Solioitor. A, E. MELLISH, Manager. Tan rooked boat season is now fairly over, and the "shot in mistake for a deer" well begun. Hemming -A meeting of the members of Bruseele Bowling Olnb is called for Tues- day 8080108 next, 27th inet,, at 8 o'olook, at G. F. Blair'a office, All interested are asked to attend, Mlle, TwEDDLEPaeans Awer.—Although not unexpeoted the deoeaee Of Moe, F. W. Tweddle, of Seaforth, formerly a resident of Braeeels, came with no small pang of sorrow and regret to her numerous friends. She passed away Friday even. ing in her 84th year. Deoeaeed was tba third daughter of D. D. Wilson, of Seatorth, and was married to her now bereft partner 8 years ago. After the marriage they continued to reside in Sea. forth then having Bold hie dental praotioe there Dr. Tweddle bought at Brussels where he spot a few years before selling Ont here and returned to Seeforth. The cause of Mre. Tweddle'e death was tuberceloeis of the bowels and she had been poorly for about a year. At times her Buffering was moat intense. In addition to her husband she leaves a eon and two daughters. Funeral took place Monday afternoon and waa largely attended. The pall bearers were Jno. and Douglas Wilson, Tboe. Richardson, Alex. W i sou, Jae. Zilloran and Stanley Hays. The enbjeob of Chia notice was very kindly in her mannere, a true wife and a loving mother. The bereaved will be deeply eympathieed with in their grief. Mre. Jno. Thomson, Moe, Thomson, J. and Mre. Hewitt and Mise Rhoda attended the funeral from Bruasele, MRs. DONNOLLY DECEASED. -5 a, m. Wednesday of last week, after an illness covering about 8 years, from 080000 in the breast, Mre. William Donnelly parsed that bourne from whence no traveller returns, aged 52 years, 11 months and 28 days. The remains were brought to Brunets to the home of her mother, Mre. E. 0. Lowry, from whence the funeral took plaza on Friday afternoon. Rev. T. W. Ooeens 000duoted an appro. priate service, assisted by Rav, R. Paul, The pall bearers were the cis brothers of the deemed, Geo., Alfred, Edward, Wil- liam, Fred, and Welter Lowry, Mre. Donuelly was born in Guelph and was united in marriage ho her now bereft partner 83 years ago. She was the eldest danghterof the late E. 0, Lowry. The one daughter, Mrs, F. A. St, Clair, is a resident of Winnipeg, She attended the funeral. Mrs. Donnelly was a great 80fferer at times and it was borne with Christian fortitude and her expeoted de• mi8e was calmly apprehended and certain arrangements for her funeral outlined by her. The bereaved have her experieuoe as a satisfactory evidence of what Grace can a000mplieh'. Mre. and Mies Olaoo, of Clinton, attended the funeral. air, and Mre. Donnelly were residents of Brueeele at one time and will be remembered by the older oi110.08 of our town, SPEEDING EVENTS.— The postponed speeding events from the Fall Fair (owing tow et track) wereg ivan on the afternoon of Thanksgiving day on the Agrionitural Park, in the preeenoe of about 300 epeotatore. Io the special offered by Barrister Blair for beet roadster and out- fit there were five antriee. The awards went ae follows ; let, Andrew Carrie, Brueeele ; 2nd, Geo. Hanna, Wingham. Dr. MaNaugbton'e special for roadetere owned by farmers was not competed for although several entries were made at the Fair for it. In the farmers } mile rase there were four starters and firet plaoe was obesely oonteeted for, Summary Jae. Brown 1 2 1 F. Kling 2 1 2 Robt. MaDona)d 8 3 3 Allan Speir 4 4 4 There were three prizes. 1.24 waa given ae beet time. The 2 40 trot had three oonteetante and the reenit was ;— Geo. Hanna's, "Little Jim" 1 1 Beattie Broe„ "Wang" 2 2 F. Kling's, "Archie 0." 3 3 The 2 20 pane was taken very handily by "$aplin" owned by Messrs. Scott & Warwiok, Following was the card 800tt & Warwick's, " Replin"..., 3. 1 T. Ooulter'o, "Neighbor Bill"2 2 F. Iiling'B, 'Mayburn" 8 3 2,25 was given ae the time, "Raplin" gave an exhibition mile. Geo. E. Hender- son, of Seatorth, officiated as starter and Robt. Wilson, of Seaforth, and Chas. Eneobbel, of Wingham, were the judges. CIUWRCII (MIMES. A Thanksgiving eermon was preaobed by the pastor In the Methodist Ohuroh last Sabbath morning, "Ohriet and Hie relation to the great stream of life" was Rev. Jno. Roes, theme last Sabbath morning in Melville Moron, Rev. Alfred Andrews, of Walton, will preoob bi.oentenary Missionary aermous in the Methodist Obarob hare next Seth - bath morning and evening, Rev, D. Peale, of Winghatn, will oomapy the pulpit in Melville Chorob next Sabbath. Rev, Mr. Rose will be at Wingbam. A very appropriate and praotieal ser- mon was preached on the morning of Pbankegiving day in Melville Ohuroh by the pastor. His text was "Thor shalt rejoice in every good thing whioh the Lord thy God bath given thee," Dent. 26 and I1, Leat Sunday Rev. I. M, Webb oonduot ed Harvest Home Thanksgiving oorvioee in Bt. John's church, Brussels, and gave two moat appropriate disooaraoa. The Monti woe neatly and approp.fately deaorabad for the cooae)nt) and the now inoandeaoeot lights were brought into use for the first time that evening and net• tainly add mnoh to the oharob. The beaotifnl aolo "Galilee" was well Bung by Jamee Jones at the evening service when a large congregation was present, BIEDE SocoTy.—The annual meeting of Brussels branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held last Sabbath even. ing in Melville Church, the Methodist Ohuroh servioe being withdrawn that evening. Rev, R. Paul, President of this branoh, preeided. After the opening ex. 8001888 a few appropriate remarks were made by the President after whioh the annual report was read Showing contri- butions to the amount of over 3150.00Iast year, Rev, John Roes, B. A„ gave the first address which was briefly and plain• ly ret out as to why the Bible should be aironlatod ; (1) It was an enlightening book ; (2) It was an educating book ; (3) It was an everlasting book. All hail the power of Segue' name" was very heartily sung atter whioh Rev. T. W, Ooeena was called upon to speak. He traoed the British and Foreign Bible Society from its inception to the present, nearly 100 years, and showed the grand work it has wrought. The Bible Society had a three fold work to perform viz, ;— Translation, Publication and Ostentation. 10 months ware required to transcribe a oopy of the word of God and one copy ooet as high as $800. Now every working day over 2,000 copies come from the presses of Old London Bible )roueea. 850 oolparteure are at work in 27 different ooantriae and 858 Bible women are also employed. A copy of the revised version of the Bible may now be had for 20 dente and the New Testament at 8 dente. Leet year 6 oolportenre were pereeouted and 1 killed. In 9 places Bibles were public. ly burned. The Upper Canada Bible Society was 75 years old and hoe 8 col- porteure in the field and publishes the Bible in 20 languages and dialeote. Last year they gave $13,000 to the B. & F. Sooiety and $3000 to the Quebec branob. The work of the Bible Society is inter- deoaminational and thoroughly mission- ary. Although the Bible is printed in some 400 languages there are still 16001anguag. es unrepresented and 450 million people who oanoot get the Scriptures in their own language. There ie a demand for the Bible in Obinn. The oentenary mot- to of the British and Foreign Society is Ampliue. The Sooiety is F88,000 in debt. Ib needs more aolporteore, Bible women and larger revenue. 250,000 gulfs. ear are aeked se a oentenary birthday offering ou March 6, 1904. Larger gifts were urged by the speaker; larger ap• preoiation of one privileges ; a more enteral andprayerful etndy of the Bible. We should ser /the Bible because it ale• eater national life, civilization, and the home. Rev, Mr. Ooeene oomplimeoted Braeeelspeople for the good work done in the peat and hoped renewed intareet wonld be manifested. Melville Ohuroh choir rendered two fine antheme "God be meroiful" and "Something for Thee." A oolleotiml amounting to 37 52 was tak• en after whioh them meeting as ee 1n w brang ht to a conclusion eta b the Doxology o and Benediction. The officers of the poet year were re•eleoted at the annual boei nese meeting held d a few weeks ago ; arena amenia made or g f meetings atOran• brook, Ethel, Jamestown, Roe's and Bethel ; and oolleotore appointed for this year. Bible Society year now aloeee on Deo. net instead of March 31st as formerly hence the oolleotore are aeked to govern themselves accordingly, Business Locals. Two or three good farms for Bele. Ap• ply at Tan PoeT, 8 oa 4 girls more wanted at Brunelle Evaporator, at Daae. J. CoNNINonAM. HANneoME walnut sideboard for eale at great reduction. Apply bo MRs, W. M. Stumm, Brunets. Fran clave sem for sale and ready to work or can exohonge eawe, T. Mo. Gannon, Mill street, Brussels. ELIOIaus village lot, abjoining the res- idence of John MoOraa, Tarnbarry street, Brueeele, for sale, For particulars as to price and terms apply to J. D. Ronald, Braoeeie• GRRENBIDna.—In Oollingwood, on Sept. 805b, Edward Greenneidee, formerly of Monkton, aged 80 years. Vence.—At Orangeville, on Oot. 18, Ethel, eldest daughter of Matthew and Mre. Varooa, aged 25 yearn. . (7OTxox' FRIDAY, OoT. 28 —Farm attok, imple• menta, &o„ N f, Lot 20, don. 9, Morrie. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook. G. R. Stubbs, Prop. F. S. Soobt, Ano. TVaeneY, OoT. 27,—Farm atoak, im. plementa, &o. Lot8, Con, 5, Grey. Sale, uoreeorved, at I o'olook, B. Laing,Prop. F. S. SOOtt, Auo, TnmteOAO, DoT. 29.—Lumber, slabs, &e., Lot 29, Con. 16, Grey, (Querengeee• arta mill), Bale at 1 o'clock. W, J. Pal. mer, Prop. F. 8, Soott, Ano. Wanzioenxo, Nov. 4—Tarin stook, North } Lot 25, Con. 7, Morrie. Bale nnreterved, at 1. o'clock, Jae. Hall, Prop. F. 8. Scott, Ano,, ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. 0o1L above for gale cheap. Apply to J. Lyman. 18 CMS for ogle from 3 to 4 months alta and 8 younger pigs, 13E0, 110373, Braaoele. 21 YOUNG pigs, ready for weaning, for Bala, Bi Lot 14,Oon,4, Morrie, 15.2 JAS, 01i13DDEN, Our. 22, 1903 Standard Bank of Canada a715TR30x.xmI357p 1127m ASSETS --OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS FARMERS' CREDIT SALES —This Bank advances money on Farmers' Sale Notes, in large or small amounts and for long or abort terms, to suit the ouetomer, —You may draw the toil amount of Notes at one time or you may draw mailer amounte when you with and for any time that aUlte your 000venienoe, Interest ie (+barged only for the num- ber of days you take the money, Notes lett for oolleotion receive our beat attention. —Notes may be left for earn 1(81001010 only for whioh no charge ie made SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards received and Highoet Bank Interest allowed thereon from date of deposit on daily balance. "'Every convenience afforded customer° living at a distance. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, Aerobe. Poo1.00 book loot in Brussels on Moo• day afternoon containing a num of money. Finder will meat oblige loser by leaving ib at once at THE POST, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. PRIZE WINNING LEICES- TEno.—Tho undersigned offers for sale 5 rams, owe lambe and breeding ewes. Also a Durham bull 8 months old. Lot 10, Con, 15, Grey, or Walton, P. 0. OLIVES TURNBULL. rI1EAC1IER WANTED FOR S. .. 8. No. 2, Grey, male or female, s000nd or Third Class Certificate. Ontiee to oom- menoe January let, 1904. Apply, attiring salary and certificate, to AL1OX. ST.E W ART, Sec.-Treas., Oraubrook P, 0, T 1EAOHER WANTED. -MALE or Female Teacher wanted for Union S. S, No. 13, Grey and McKillop, duties to oommenoe Jan. let, 1904. Applloatiooe re- ceived up to 4 p, mon Noy. 5th, Applicants to state salary expected and enclose toeti- menials. ALEX. BUGHANAN, Secretary, Walton 7, 0. 15.2 Administrator's Sale —OF— VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Iu order to wind up the estate of the late Thomas Jaeklin, thea admiuiatratris of hie (+abate truth Jaoklin, will receive tenders up to the 10th November, next, for the per. chase of that valuable farm property, cora. posed of part of Lots 15.10 & 17, in the 1st Oen. of Hawick, eoo00101ng 150 mores of choice land. The soil is clay loam, well watered, with fair fences and is well situat- ed for market, church end school. There are on the premises a good barn with stone stabling 70x80 feet, and a frame house 80x40 fest, all in good repair. There is also an excellent orchard on the premises, and 12 armee of Fall wheat, Possession can be given at once. Far further particulars ap- ply to the Admiuietratrlx on the promisee, or by letter addraeoed to Wroxeter, or to her Solicitor, G. F. BLAIR, Bruasele, Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of• the County of Huron, in the matter of the estate of Thomas Jaoklin, lateofthe Township of Howiok, in the County of Huron, farmer, deoeaeed. Notioe is bereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario .1807,' chap, 129, ea c 98, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Thomas Jack - IM, late of the Township of Howiok, 00 the County of Huron, deoeaeed, who died on or about the Math day of September, A, i) 1909, at the Township of Howiok„alareaaid, aro hereby requested to send by poet, prepaid, or to dohver to Ruth Jaoklia, the adminie- +ratrIx at Wroxeter, or to G. P. Blair, of the 'Village of Brussels, her Solicitor, on or before the 10th day of November, A. D. 1908, their full names, addroeees mud descrip- tions, and the full p artioulare of their olaime and the nature of the rmenritiee (if any) held by them. And notice is further given that alter the said last mentioned date the said ni tratri1e wproceed ed tho assetsof the said deceased among oopersons antitled thereto, having regard only to the oaime which noG,ae ahall have been given above required,and the said Adminf tratrix will not he re opooeibl for the snots or Buy part thereof, so dis- tributed, to any por8on of whose claim notion shall not have been received at the time of each distribution. All G F. BLAIR, Brussels, Cut,. 15• Solicitor for Admini 9 o etratris. Doted at Brueaols October 17111, 1909. AUCTION SALES. AUOTION SALE OP FARM 8000E AND IMPLEMENTS: Mr, Thome Brown has been instructed by Mrs. If, Ma. Donald, to sell by public, auction at the Village of Walton, on MONDAY, 00T. 20111, et 1 o'clock, tho following property, viz, 9 steers coming 8 years, 5 steers coming 2 years, 4 heifers coming 2 years, 1 heifer calf, 1 well-bred cow, about 25 agree of tur- nips nutting box, pulper, wagon, boggy nearly new, 8 seated cab, sob of pleaeare sleighs and other small articles, Every- thing will be sold without reserve. Terms— All BUM of 85 and under cash ' over that amount 12 months' aredit will i. given ou furnishing approved joint notes. A dig. moat at the rate of 5 per cent, will be al- lowed off for oasis on credit amounts, MRS. L. MaDONALD, Proprietress, 7150100.8 BROWN, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE OF FARM stook and Implements—.ivieeare, Alex. Morrieou and 0,H. Meoryd el[1 have received instructions from E. T, Greeoeidea to sell b y public auction on Lott. 95 and 00, con -1 Wallace, i of mile Ant of ffinlesworth, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4 at 12 o'clock the fol. lowing property :-1 Clyde Mare 8 'ranee 014 in foal to Local Option 1 1 roadster mare 0 Years old supposed in Coal, 1 roadster horse 9 yeare 01d, 1 Otyde ally 1 year old, 1 mare 10 years old, 1 blood mare 0 yearn 010 supposed in Mal, 14 Bowe atomised in calf, 8 steers 2 years old,4 steers 1 year old, 8 heifers 1 year 01d, 9 steer °elves, 1 heifer calf, 1 Berkshire sow in pig, 2 brood sow0 with litters at foot, 5 pigs 8 week old, 2 pigs Smooths old, about 50 hene,1 Maxwell binder with shoat carrier and trucks, 1 Doering mower, 1 pee harvest- er, 1 Noxell seed drill, 1 Mee barrow, 1 Doering hay rake, 1 set of spring tooth bor- rows, 8 single plows, 1 gang plow, 1 Sonlner, 1 land roll er,1turnip pulper, l wheelbarrow, 'Amber wagon, 1 dray wagon, 1 top buggy, 1 eutter, 1 sot bob•eleigbs, 1 hay rank, 1 fan- ning m111,1 grindistooe,1 sot double harness, 1 get plow harneee, 2 seta single harueee,1 gravel box, 1 sugar kettle, 3 00080 -Ont Sawn, 2 thirbygallon milk oars, 1 oreamory can, 4 Milking pails, a number of mills pane anti creeks, 8 ,1000u sap buckets and 8ptle0 9 dozen dew abaine, 8 dozen grain base, 1 graze cupboard, 2 bedsteads, 0 kitchen aheire, 1 kitchen table 1 rooldnu chair, 1 bureau, 0 soreene for windows, 2 semen doors, 1 bed spring, about 20 tons of bay, 1 acre of tur- nips,1 norm of manifolds, 21 shared in Moles- worth °hoose factory, (Mains, Parke, eeythoe and other articloe (00 latm4MOUS to mention, Iverythnrgmutt be8oltl ae the proprietor la giving op farming. Terme'-All sums of 98 and under ens), over that amount 12 mouths' oredtt will be given on fnrniehing approved joint notes; per tient off for 00810 on credit amounts. 10. T. 6111EI05. 8I0la8, Proprietor.; ALEX, MORIRISON and 0, 1'l, MElt1Ervrum, Auctioneers, name L^ o �=.—,i, 3 ..00 c. Z E't F3 , Fall 'Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolle liggs per dozen Flour poo nwb. Potatoes (per bee.) ...... Applee (per bbl.) Hay per 1011 Salt per bbl., retail..,., Hoge, Live Wool Hides trimmed Hides rough 73 74 85 47 60 55 26 27 15 14 14 15 4 00 6 00 26 80 1 00 1 00 6 00 6 00 1 00 70 6 00 5 00 15 16 6 65 b 6 BAKING - POWDER DER TRUTH The beat Baking Powder le the one that produces the most leaven. Ing power without leaving a harm. lul residue in the food. Soots a Powder must invariably be made from pure Cream of Tartar and Soda. Anything alae ie never need exoept t0 make an unfair profit. OURS ie a pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder. Those who use it think well 0611. 250. PER POUND. GIVE IT A TRIAL AT Fco Drug Store. C. RICHARDS Oak Leather Team Harness, all our own Hand work and guar- anteed to stand the wear. Single Harness, either Hand or Machine work at prices that cannot be surpassed. We handle no Fac- tory Work so when you have our Harness you are sure of a good article. In Blankets we offer great Bargains. We bought largely and before the advance in price, and offer them Cheaper than ever. Also Robes, Rugs—plush or wool. Our Great Reduction Bale for Cash begins Nov. let and continues to Des. 1st. Keep the date in mind and remember we will offer you great Bargains. Repairs in Harness and Shoes done promptly. • I. C. RICHA.RDS. 1RINEY IffilliMilIMNIETTEMWEEelrealifEltEl MONEY Are you Interested el in Saving• Money ? WE A R E We saved it this past week. Dropped in at the right time and bought the balance of a Manufactur- er's stock of Underwear, We will share the Profits of this Deal with You for 10 Days, In Men's Underwear, Top Shirts and Sox the Low Prices will surprise the Shrewdest Buyers. Ladies' Underwear, nice weights and Low Prices, Ready-to-wear Clothing We are on the spot and right in line with a fine range of Men's Perfect Fitting Suits and Overcoats. The Quality of the Suits and Overcoats is very high. The Prices the Lowest. Solid Leather Shoes This Department stands alone and ahead of all competitors for fine fitting, good wearing Shoes and at Money -saving Prices. HARRY A. MATCH'ETT Garfield House, Brussels. ) te' ,t