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The Brussels Post, 1903-10-22, Page 7
i.111113 k'11iL '[IHS BABIES NEW IDEA JTT 5T ESTABLISHED IN PARIS.. l.' It Is Intended for the Better Class of Children in the Gay Capital, The latest ' thing la the way or (bare Is a club for babies, It has iu:•t been est•nblislusl in Paris, right in the Jteart of that ,'ashlonU,ble rendezvous and playground of better - chefs children, 1 he green and glorious Champs Elyeees, Micro hundreds of youngsters d 11t,v delight tl emselves tilting at rings from the gentle steeds of band -turned rourd0bnuls, and enjoy unlimited laughter at the rival I'uio'h tend ,led'; :shows, The establishment of the Casino rtes 1!:nfaut8, are the club is ealled, was tho idea of a well-known Pa)'isl- an ,iournrtlist, Judging from its suet•. SS up to the present thorn is no cloubt that it has come to fill a long - felt want, for the (lib is daily ernwde(1 whit merry -faced babes, while on Sunday afteln(ons they throng there in their hundreds, it is select, too, for membership entails an expenditure of ten cents per clay, so it is only the children of the wealthy, handsomely attired in the latest fashions, that aro to be found there. A 'matelot' corridor. 'lined with panus, gives entrance to the club- room, a high, vast apartment with a roof of beautifully stained glass. Largo mirrors are ranged around the Walls, and these in the evening, throwing a thousand reflections of the electric candles it the high chan- deliers, convert it into a veritable fairy palace of brilliant light. IT IS A CLUJ! FOR FUN and not for serious thought, its raison d'etro being to provide a rendezvous where genteel children ntuy derive .the maximum of amuse- ment with the mimimuul of discom- fort in surroundings equal to those to which they are habituated; it combines all the joys and pleasures of the nursery, and a good deal more, with the advantage of mixing with equals in birth and manners. Moreover, it is airy, light, and beau- tifully cool for the children to play in, as contrasted with the heat and glare of the surf outside in the gar- dens of the Champs Elysees. Plcnsnre being its purpose, it is naturally equipped so that /loaf of the members may know a dull mo- ment, but may bo always happily amused. All kinds of guns-- and amusements aro provided, arta those the children can enjoy under the watchful eyes of female attendants, there specially to administer to their every want and see that they conte to no harm, in tho centre of the hall there is a small Inerry-go-(round of bicycles, and there are also several small swings, unclosed for safety within a railing of bamboo, with low see -saws and gentle rocking -horses. Shu Ltlu- cook is a favorite game, and there aro others played with rings, swing- ing balls, and spinning wheels. Be- tween flower stalls, stalls for sweci.s, ice -creams, and cool drinks, there aro sot all kinds of automatic machines whose games give pleasure t0 the young. • But undoubtedly the great attrac- tion, or the club is the tiny lake, in whose clear, limpid waters scores of gold flsli 'dart about in wild endeav- or to escape the nets wielded by.the members of both sexes, TUE LAKE LOOKS VERY REAL, surrounded as it is with rockery and bamboo railings, The children pay their twopence to the attendant, daintily attired as a Japanese miss, and aro provided with nets and al- lowel to fish as long as they like. They keep the fish they not, and take them 110010 in small glass globes, but 2110r0 often the haul is gravel and sighs of disappointment„ Thorn is always a crowd round the lake, and great it the joy when a golden -hued member of the finny tribe is haulers frena its natural element. "(luignol" is over a favorite with French children, so, of course, the club would not be complete without its Punch and .Tidy -show, It is al - SO provided with a small theatre, whore simple ballets and small one- act no-act plays are performed by a troupe of children actors, while a children's orchestra, containing no member over twelve yea's of ago provides the musld. At the opposite end of the hall is n smell, prettily furnished salon, wherein, seated on tiny chairs at tiny tables, tho children may pa - take or the inevitable five o'clock tea from cups whose size aro in keep- ing with that of the use's. iQ PUZOFIPA.i1LE HEAD. The woman who possesses the longest head of hair in the world is said to be Mercedes Lopez, a Mexi- can, Her height is 511„ and when she stands erect her hair trails on the grolfed Oft, Sin. 7110 hair is so thick that sho_ can completely hide herself in it, She has it cut very frequently, as it grows so quickly +enabling her to sell largo tresses to hair -dealers every month. Sane is the wife of a poor sheepherder. RUSSTAN AS0EPI0S. 1(11108 of subterranean corridors, lined with tombs and cells, Were con` strtactecl years ago far below the magnificent oathedral at I(iov, Rus - Sia. in these cells over 1,500 as- cet 1115 perform their daily devotions and cluties-live, cat, and sloop, in the grim company of their dead pro- gleco50010. For a short time each day they ramble in the beautiful gar- dens x11000. 'Young Bride (looking over the now houset-"Why, Herbert, 'do you call this halo pigeonihole a shoo nip - board?" 'Young IIlisbanilr-r'My levo, that Will hold a behaved pairs of shoes of the size you wear," Young Bride -"Well, perhaps you ere right. It's neat and cosy, anywe.y.,r trodit to meat 011(0008 if ho deosn`1s IMAM it, - MOTHERLY ADVICE, FROM ONE WI'IOSE DA'UGFITER WAS RESTORED TO Had Suffered From Iload.aehes, Dizziness and Fainting Spells - Feared et one Time that Con- sumption Would ,Follow. All the freshness of youth, the racy cheeks and bright eyes of girl- lwo.l, the charms of budding woman- hood, are duo to pure, rich blood and healthy nerves. When the face is pale and the eye& lupi( lustre, when there are headaches and back- aches, shortness of breath and pal - patina or the !mart the blood Is ser - i iously out of condition, and decline and consumption may well he feared. 10 emergencies of this kind there is no 100,11cin0 so ((noir in its benefici- al results as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Every p111 makes new; rich blood, slrengthenes tho nerves and puts the sufferer 0n the road to stealth. Proof of this is found in the ease of Miss Bertha Milloy, Port Dalhousie, Ont. Tl -o story of till,1 young lady's res- toration to health is told by her mother as follows; "A few years ago my daughter Bertha, began to decline in 11001th, Among the early symptoms were loss of appetite, loss of strength nod an aversion to exer- iSon.. These were followed by severe headaches, and sometimes fainting fits; her color left her and she was greatly reduced in flesh. In fact her condition was such that I feared. she would go into consumption. Wo tried a number of medicines but they did not help her; then ailoctor was called in, but there was no improve- ment, and things looked vory hope- less. At this stage acting on the advice of a lady friend (who, by the way, was studying medicine and is now practising in Chicago) I started giving her '.Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Tn the (nurse of a few weeks there was a decided improvement 111 her condition, and by the time she had token 0ln0 boxes she was again en- joying perfect heaiib. During her illness her weight was reduced to ninety-five pounds and while taking the pills it increased to one hundred and ton pounds. My advice to other mothers who have weak or ailing girls is to lose no time in giving theist Dr, Williams' Pink Pills." Nearly all the ills of life are due to bas blood, and they are cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills simply be- cause these pills make new, rich blood thus bringing strength to oy- emy part of the body. That is the 1011010 secret, and is the reason why these pills have cured after otter medicines have. failed, All mledicone dealers sell these pills, but there aro some who offer substitutes; see that the full name "Dr: Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People" is printed on the wrapper around every box. If in doubt send direct to the Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont., and the pills will bo sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. ORIGIN OF COMMON LAW. Its Characteristics and Cause of Its Uniformity. Before an audience of lawyers the Orst of a series of lectures was given recently a:t Osgoade Flail, Tor- onto, by Sir Frederick Pollock, hall., the eminent authority in Eng- lish late, Ilis subject was "The Common Law and tho Fouticlation of Justice." Laty he sold, had two 10111'008, the C('man and the Roman. English common law sprang from the former, common law was 1n force as far back as the thirteenth cen- tury. There we•o then not perma- nent judges, and no jury, the sheriff discharging these functions in per- s0n. Pr0ise features of the c0ntnlon law 0010 to be observed; the publicity of procedure, the neutrality of the court, the interpretative and legisla- tive functions of the court, and the absence of privilege on the part of its officials, The court, 11(1(1 to find its late for itself, and it both made rho law and administered it. There never was any 011101111 adviser to aid it. The low had been uniform throughout England 511100 the reign of Henry IJI This was largely talo to the prattire. of judges going in circuit. They knew the law and no ono else clid. The profession of law was not a trade, but a science, acid in serving the law, the legal profession were serving the c0ntmOtlll'Ottlth, The common law teas 1101111(1 up with 010 destinies of l,nglidli speaking na- tions. SAVED BABY'S LIFE_ Mee. T. Brisson, Gold Rock, Ont., writes; -"Baby's Own Tablets saved my little boy's life when there seem- ed no hope, and ho is 11010 a bright, rosy healthy 01111th 1To sus need 3110r0 than tongue can tell from ob- stinate constipation and medial Ile gave hint )10 relief until 7: gave hint Baby's Own Tablets, I would not be without the Tablet's in the house, and I t111r110 they should be kept hr every home whore there are young or (rllca'S children." Alt the minor ills of childhood, suc11 as indigestion, colic, stomach troubles, diarrhoea, worms, eonst.l- potion, simple fevers, anis colds are promptly relieved and speedily cured through the 1(50 of these Tablets. .o contain no Theyareguaranteed1 a opiate and may be given with abso- lute safety to the youngest and most delicate child. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent post paid at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr, Willinms Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. -4. OT' BIRD'S FLIGHT, Eagles havo been noticed flying at a height of 0,000 ft, and stocks aid bu1zat`ds at 2,000 ft. A lark 11111 firm to the sante height, and so 01111 craws, AS a rifle, llewever, birds do filet fly at a greater' height ellen 1,- 000 fess, THE TURK AS A SAILOR, HAPPY-GO-LUCKY METI•IODS AS A NAVIGATOR. Little Schoonore on Whieh A11 I•Iands Go to Sleep at Once, 'Pile Turk as a seaman is ns 11111(1a- ing as 110 #s terrible ns a soldier. For every story of Macedonian outrugo by a Bashi-buzouk one aboa1 the funny unties of ifs seafaring brother in Islam can bo told, A story that has become a classic among Mediterranean sailors illus- trates the Tulles inability as a nav- igator, A Turkish steamer with a cicalae captain put out of the Dar- danelles, butted for 'Trieste, Austria. As soon as ho lilt sight of laud the Turkish shipper likewise lost 111s bearings. Jest thou et110t110e steam. or cause up from astern, and rho 'Park made signals that be 1010110(1 to speak with the stranger, The latter on approaching, proved to bo a French tieing), "Where are you bound. for 2" asked 1130 Turk. "Brest," returned the Frenchman. The Turk asked no more 4uestieals and allowed the l"relchtnan to go ahead. The next morning the French captain noticed that the Turk was Pastern, and following in his wake, When on the second morn- ing he still found the Turk in his hake,, his surmise grow. On tho third clay it was tate souse, and no on the fourth -tile French captain always made out that Turkjah stea- mer coming up astern. On the 111111 day he id the 'Jeers( overhaul Ilial and asked for an exl/lanatioil. By this time they wer0 well down the Mediterranean towards T1111 FRENCH COAST. "Why do you steep so close astern of 1110 ?" roared the Ji'rOnc)l captain through a nlogaphoue, "1 ant following you to Trieste," answered the 'Turk. Whereupon the french captain sent a boat aboard the steamer flying the crescent to explain to her commander that he was about five hundred guiles off ifs course and to instruct him how to regain it. Wonderful to a seaman's ears are the stories told of the small Turkish schooners that navigate the Black Sea., the Bosphorus and the Sea of Ma'ntora. In the first place, it is said that no watches are kept and that all hands, including the man at the wheel not infrequently sleep at once, There #s no discipline. The sailors never 0101un ship Or wash down decks. This is easy to believe If you ever sail close to windward of a Turkish 1 iS1h craft one whiff from its docks will convince you that cleaning is not the Turk's strongest point in scamnus11141. It is further averred that these schooners never carry compasses and dare not lose sight of land. They havo captains, but the rust of the crew are all equals; they oat, sleep and quarrel together, and are at liberty to call themselves the orates or the sailors, as they choose. 011 one ship boarded by the writer all hands were on deck, each one dressed most picturesquely in fez and loose • colored jacket and trousers. Every one of thein was HIDEOUSLY 1)II1TY, As WO were talking a sheen Ca1110 up from the cabin anis was followed by big eat, 0'111011 rubbed against the sheep in a most friendly and purring manner. 4hiektNIS were perched ((bent on any rite( that of- fered a roost. A goat that hod rubbed its whiskers into the univer- sal dirt nwtil they were fringed black and white at the roots ambled about the flecks. A visit of a Turkish mal -o' -war showed a sight quite ns odes, She was a big, wooden box -shooed craft, with a high, old f0:adoned poop. She was anchored 111 the Dardanelles do- ing temporary custom hoose ditty, SO We had to board her on 1011111055, The deck seemed to havo had trouble with a gale, but that may have been due to the fact that. the sailor's were evidently trying to build what look- ed 111ce a big coop for chickens. An elderly gentleman with while whis- kers, a red fez and gold -cinerea spur tticles was superintending the work in his shirt sleeves.- 111e 11941 a broad benevolent smile; it tool: in steamers as well as the crew, But beyond an intense desire, to be pleas- ant the old gentlemen did not seem to rcnclw f11UC11 about the work 110 tens sup0rlutcniling. :1000ril SailorS stood about in pensive altitude'', con.tetnplaling what te110 to ho done, but not doing 1L The benevolent, gentlemen in shirt sleeves was the bo's'n, we were 1 old. The captain, trimmed up in uuteh gold lace, smok- ed a hookah on the poop and Ro0m- od to find the loess amidships smile food for contemplation. lits L,icut- ene.nt, who was fishing over the rail, pulled up a fish about three inches long with A AIIIIT1Y W1iOOP, Just as we stepper) nn the cabin Clerk. After he had batted 1115 hook again he Welted to calved to Our business. When they ab tvc•Il officered, Turkel are not had sellers, But a Turk cannot UOtlnnaIo l a Turk 011 t.Ile water. As a -result, almost all 1110 few el'nnlers that fo•om the 'J`urkIshi tm't•Ohnat marine are cnnlnland0(i I1' Austrian officer's, while only the potty officers and sailors ere child -I eon of 1slain, The engibce5 are us- 11n11y S1ot011tne1. \V11e11 an O111(0rctl (110 sailors are not so 111cel, to lose their presence of 1111nd 111 moments of clanger, An 1ndt10nt in the harbor of 'Priest Austria shows how y Trieste, , t s tooth an erTlciont officer means to 1'nekish sailors, A fire occurred On a Turk- ish Meanies with an AtlS(I'Ial cap - thin, who l,nppenet) at the time to be off his ship. No rational at- tenpt was being made to exti 1g1ii511 the fi'r'e. ',1'11e bo's'n trotted up mid 'down, calling on Allah. One gen'- t0rmttster wilts malting an herein ai- tempt to cheek the dames by throw- ing water on the outside or the deck houses with it glees, 41(011te' nen had taken refuge in She 11111111 eln'otrds where 110 wits bawling' Rath 11111010111 - glide advice to those. 1101000 'Two 0t11e's Wore undoing a boat lashing 14 X PIEPISZ bgt nine ir$.� P' will be pald by N Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, to any person who Dan prove that this soap contains any form of adulteration whatsoever, or contains any injurious chemicals. dak for the Octagon liar, ars t -I with frantic haste, forgetful of the fact that the boat, attached only by a painter, floated alongside. But Out coming or the Austrian skipper eutilo an iil&tOilt change. As 110 landed on deck he let sat tt roar. Instantly the panic abated. Each man stood quint. '(111en, in a calmer voice, the Austrian Kane out a ROC - e0001011 of orders, and in 11 v0 minutes all hands had formed into a well orgallr11)0 haeket brigade and were passing tenter to the burning house. The fire, by this tune, had gabled some headway, but in half a1 hour it was under control, and before mid- night all was quiet again and order restored. MIulard's Lloimeot Cures Colds, etc, 4— MOUNTAINS OF NEWSPAPERS. Many Rich Treasures Found in the British Museum. The I1ritish Museum has been ob- liged to get rid of its vast accumu- lation of newspaper !#les, and a buildbigt at Hendon, is being con- structed to accommodate them, Some idea of the mountains of sets of newspapers an.d monthly and fort- nightly publications may bo gather- ed from the following statement for 1J00. In that year a total of 8,400 sets was gathered, representing 220,- 300 single numbers o1 papers and kindred publications. Last year Chore were not (pito so many put on file. These files art) very perfectly indexed, so that one can readily C011- sult any n4tmber 110 may want to see. They aro especially valuable for their reports of law eases. There are certain newspapers that will not go to Hendon but remain where they are, and those aro the treasures of 110wspnper history fn which the British Museum is 80 rich, The London 1111i1y Chronicle thus de- scribes some of them : VERY OLD NEWSPAPERS. "Nobody is likely to be consulting the Mercurius Callobelgices of 1588, in the sense in which files are 1tsu01- ly consulted. That copy of the forerunner of newspapers, as it is regarded, stands by itself, strange curiosity. So does the spurious English pfe'ettty of about the same period, andthe Weekly News of fully thin,;• years later. Tho Mercurius Politicos of September 2, 1638, had en account of the donth of Oliver Cromlw•ell, Ily January, 1661, the Mercurius Publicus tra.s describing the hanging of Um bodies of Cromwell and Ireton. Between times the Restoration had come, and on May 30, 1600, the Mercurius Publicus re- portocl the proclamation of Charles 11. as Jiiug. 'SiShey have one -cent papers in America, but there was a Lo*lon Farthing Post at so remote a date ess December, 1 71 8. If that was the Hest farthing newspaper, the Daily Cotu'ant of March, 1702 or 1708, Is believed to have been the first. daily. You )night read the stay of the Stamp Act and its nballtion on the face of the n(wspepor Ales at the British Alltseu(11. '.1 0111110'S' f1a•st letter is there in the Public! Advertiser, and the Tinges, tet years after it hail begun to appear, ro-1 ports 11 C1.1 00 where a. mal was slued l 1=5 for letting people sit in his rooms anal react his papers at a charge of a penny each." "Dein water," said the teacher, "is 01l1lys soft, is it not?" "Not al- ways, " replied the bright scholar; "sometimes it's soft, but very often it comes clown hard. " STRUCK THE ROOT OF HIS TROUBLE SAKES ATWELL CURED ITIS KIDNEYS BY USING DODD'S ICIDNEY PILLS. And Itis Lumbago and Urinary Troubles Vanished once and for all -Ile Tells Nis Story. Campbell ford, Out., Oct, 12.- (Spocia1),--That Urinary 'troubles and Lumbago are the result of dis- ordered Kidneys has been proved by James Atwell of this place. Ile had Lumbago and pains in the bladder, and in pa05111g his urine would hart hint so as to nh110st cans( tears to ;come 1 0 his eyes. 33' cored Ills Kidneys by using II)ocitl's h101(10y Pills -and leis pains of all hinds vanished. Speaking or his case, Mr. Atwell says; "1 Lhiuk I)oeid's lildney Pills made a permanoal cure in my ease, but I will nave' bo without thein in 11111 hotter,, I had Ltnnbago and Bladder Trouble for years. 1 Ln r other Medicines and e bandage prescribed by the dorier, but 1 could get no roe lief t11.1 1. ❑seri locus's .Kidney P111$ and they cured 11(0." if the (11500se i5 or 1.1(11 liletne,e1) or from the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney P#11s will Cara it, Mother--"Walter,000 that $'1112 give Beatrice the Hell's share of that, ba - 0(0(1a1." Walter --"Yee, nlanllen..'' 7lentrIre--"Alttmnln, -11111101' hasn't fel vett lee 0ny,' Wall(' -"Well, 1IIOL's till tight. I.inns don't eat i laanalah.', TOO MUCII MONEY, Starts Many Boys on the Down Gkade. "'Toe t0ucil 01ending money itt boy.. hood starts more young amen Ont the wrong road than any other (louse -- perhaps than all other onuses 001n - blued, ' 011 -bland," says a well -know seclologi- cal expert. "This conciuPion 18 11(0 result of yeal•5 devoted to this pro- fonsinuitl 'taping of hundreds of cases of coauuerchll illsho testy. Such an experience compels t1e conviction that patents ELI'( hr,ltrrnll,; n1U1')) PO- spo isIb1u for the dishonesty of the boys than are the hop; thetneel('8. They cannot be legitimately 0onsiru- erl into an 02f0,Is0 for the boy who goes wrong, but it should show the way to prevent amoral failures from till.' Rane 110.. "it is not11&Cthe yniulg roan Who has this 110101 boyh"od who gaps 0000014'. Melee enllr(a.•r:1'rs 111111 deGniltrrs ('umm from the kludorgarten of luxury and extravagance that front poverty - ten time's -over, "w'uuid you give your boy the best passible safeguard 0lruinst the temp- tation to became dishonest 4 Then keep his fund of spending money d0wu to what he 000111,1 have for the little personal luxuries of life If he hail to earn his oivn living anis sup- ply his own indulgences front surplus earnings," How's This! We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Mall's Catarrh Cure. F. J, 0.ilh)NIO N Co., 'loleao, O. We, the undersigned, have known 8'. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out say obligations made by their firm. VV 101'1` Cc l'ltIJAX, Wholesale Druggqists, Toledo 0. 1VALDING, lOINNAN do 11,0 RVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken lnter- sally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the system. 4'0We:1oniats sent free. Price 750. par ,bottle. gold by all druggists, 14iall's Family Pills are the beat,, y1Lll11l:OT13 WAreil'. A mammoth watch will be one of the features of the coaling St. Louis World's fair. It will have a polish- ed metal ease, and will be large enough to allow people to walk in- side it and inspect the machinery. Its 'diameter is to be 75ft., and height 400., with neat stairways running all about. Tho balance wheel w ill weigh a ton, and the hairspring will be 30011. in length, and made of tet sprung steel banns, two inches think, bound together, The watch will be wound by steam reglularly at a certain Motu' during the day. AUTOMATIC BABBY-NUIIS1i, A Swiss mechanic claims to Have invented all automatic baby -nurse. The apparatus is attached to a crad- le. If the baby cries, air -waves cause specially -arranged wires to operate a phonograph which sings a lullaby, while silumtaneously clockwork is released and rocks the cradle. When the crying ceases the wire fails to vi- brate and the cradle stops rocking. SELECTING A TI AC'I1'1:R, The village council of Arziet (Switzerland) have struck upon a novel way of selecting a school teacher, They Arst examined tho candidates as to their physical sta- ture and strength, Then they in- vited them ell to supper, where the candidates had to shote their social qualification, in conversation, recite - tions, and 5011gS. x1110 best enter- tainer was elected, hoard's mem cores corm m cora. 131(1 DI:I7)(11:S. Scotland loads the way in the building or great bridges. The new cantilever structure shortly to be opened at Conncl Ferry, near Chan, is second only in magnitude to that over the Forth, having a clear span of 500 ft. Tt crosses the narrowest part of Loch 1ai1•0 at the Valls of Lora. The total height front high water to the highest part of the bridge is 125 ft, Vloard's Llolmeot Cures Distempet' MOW LITTLE WE IiNOW. No One Can Toll the Age of the Earth. There aro people who reel tremen- dously important, because of what they think they know, esia yet if the test were 01)1)Iied t0 them they w0111d. probably make a very sorry shqiiv- ing, Take, for exa103110, such a sma11 matter in the universe as our earth. As to its age, the nnstveq ranges all the way from a billion (1. • ten 11111110/1 yea's, anti there is no authority that can inform us wheth- er or not it is older or Joungcr than these ilg1r(5 state. Our igvtor•..nee of the enreh'S in- terior is equally great. About all \v0 knoll, .is that the old theory of thin crust and content fire #a unten- able, 'For one thing, earthquake shocks felt at great diatanct's re- quire a solid medium for their trans- mission. As to the poles, they still replete mysteries tool the lure' of adventurous explorers. , Commenting on these 11tn1tations of our knowledge a. co111.enpararyI calls attention to tide fert•Io1H feet : '1111 are a,cou01nmex1,'' it says, "(c) tall( of sea -level as at iuvarinble quantity, Tt is positively stat'tling to 11):11 how very far feeds level the (40a is Not of course, merely from the passing sailor)ne of tires 'lad winds, but there aro grout and po'- nlanc'nt 0101111I10i(5 in the s1a'-[lO•i- (toe n101lntei05, Hi tart. It, le cal- ednted that in the .slay of Bengal the w'ate'r lies et tt lea el exceeding that of the indinn 0cenit by 11111y 1100 feet, and that of the Pacific Occas along the const of South Am- erictt rimy he heaped tilt nR 1(11(131 as 12,000 feet leighee thaw tin tenter in the opposite r\ihn(iic, Those water 1(11(11nteins thawed n,11on the attrac- tion of great luoulteln urasses, the Barry or 11811801 upon 1.110 1linlalayos, anti ih.o South P001110 upon 11,0 American Andes," 50111ZSE i easy.; ri&1tE What woman is not s tea epicure? The most satisfying, delicious tasting nerve soothing teal in all the world is qt Women who delight in the hest of eve/MY-- thing win not permit any other tea on their tables. Black, Mixed. Ceylon Green. Ask for Red Label. lfOT.TY CENTS -SHOULD ET, 1FIETY .,.•,cu..,a•,c.,s ,.,,,, 111 t- t7w:1tFr7atrT ,1'il1i71A11 TUBS, PAILS, WASi94 QiAIMS and CLOTPIESPPPaS make easier the labor of wash -day. The name "Cane, Newmarket" is branded on this reliable woodenwai'e -absolutely the best woodonware money can buy. Your dealer sells them. sthieisittlimusgargenamarm LIFE-SAVING COSTUME. M. Probst has invented a life-sav- ing costume in which he has remain- ed fifteen 'clays at sea. The dress is so buoyant that nearly half of the body remains above water. The cos- tume consists of a kind of diving suit, made of indiarubber. Young Wife (at dinner) -"I didn't tell yon, Adolphus, I cooked the dinner to -day myself." Ilusband- "Indeed! Then in my thoughts I have been doing poor Mary Ann a great injustice.•_ Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder Is a boon to any home. It disinfect( and cleans at the same time. Husband -"My dear, I thought we were going to practise economy for a time?" Wife --"So we are, dear. I have just countermanded the order you gave your tailor for a suit, and bought a bonnet that cost only half the amount." Dear Sirs, This is to certify thatl I have been troubled with a lame back for fifteen years, I have used three bottles of your, MINARD'S LINIMENT end ani completely cured. It gives me great pleasure to re- commend it acid you are at liberty to use this in any way to further the use of your valuable medicine. Two Rivets. ROBERT ROSS. 7-59 "Aro ,you blind by nature?" asked the charitably inclined citizen, "No, sir," candidly replied rho beggar; "I'm blind by profession." Por Oar Sixty Tare - Ifna, wr55008 0 80utrrrao Sr0ur ban boon used by Wiliam of mothers hr their Children white teething Itsoothoa the child, eoftcm the game, .Lays pain, acre) rind Celia, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is Me Seat remedy for Dlarrhwa, Twon11'•aee cents a boat, , aL 1o, Mugu fWIthroughout Oxiuworld, 01,1 me and ,lackson-" 1Teavcn bless him! Ho showed enit#dence in me when the clouds were dark and threatening." Wilson -"In what way?" Jackson - "He lent me an umbrella," Mind's Liniment Cures hlphtherla, PEARLS FOR WARMTH. A certain wealthy but vulgar wo- man, who aims at social leadership, is noted for her love of display and Ilor penchant for wearing about as many jewels es sho can car1;1', One night recently she gave a. din- ner, She was in high feather, and wore a diamond tiara and Bet -oral strings or pearls rOtnld 11e1' 110010. Miring the evening she complained of fueling 10 little chilly, and told one of the seevants to call her maid, When tho amici appeared she is said to have shivered a trifle, and exclaimed: "Sltsettc, 1 am so cold; 11101(50 eget rue another string of pearls.,, Stiacobs ' (l� „e ' v �t trakos'It la king cure got? I� t f'a'g 0,7174 BRA1,w'tees ;price, 20c. w 14 Sbc0 t -S J1 -aa, 01agra 110') POULTRY, ECUS BUTTER, ROM. We buy f.o.b. or sell on commission. We es' licityur eonsienm en1' and correspondence, RUTHERFORD,MARSMALL & CO TORONTO, 02-40 PATENT ifitlIDyFUT MAY EE a IN ALL S00611TRIEEa SPECIAL ATTENTION To PATENT LITIGATION. Bond for Handball 103 Boy St.,T0RONTO on Patent(, 00, ur. fait.ma We aro paying very high prices for clean, dry hoot. Ship at once. Prices will decline. 88-50 - 39. 3EIE 30.51.✓FSW1EFE3CI .5Ic ©�,. 77 King It. haat, Toronto, Fur Man ufactu roars, Sold for Catalog! CLEANING LADIES .e. WALKING! OR OUTING SUITS Can bo done perfectly by our Frennh Process, Try 10 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. 0SONTni0A4. TORONTO OTTAIYA :4 (40522110 1-44 Dominion Lino Steamships Montreal to Liverpool Boston t0 Llvorpool Largo and Fast Steamehme. Superior emonnondatles or all ola,se 0f to eeneers. Saloons and Staterooms re amidships. Special attention has be.a gsiven to 151 bee d Smoon and l'hird•Olaae accommodation, 70' E,dafpaesageaod aft pardcetm's, apply to lay aG Il (ho 01,0851, 0r to p.see0nor .0001. 9R4 DOMINION LIME 01011089/ 7 stew 81., Boston, 17 51, Soor.mout at.. Montreal Poultry, Butter, Eggs, THE ALL KiNDS OF FRUITS And Farm Pro- duce generally, consign it to us ne t we will get you good prices. Davison Commission Co., 9-15 TORONTO_ LIMIT(" 3E9rp3a. ,i('INTOM AUTOMOBILE TOURING Car, new sprints all round, machin- ery not worn inthe slightest, tiros new this spring, spring cushions. du:plidate parts. For sale at greats sacrifice. Cost $2,500. Box 7,, Truth Offico. Toronto. -FOB SALE, CHEAP FOR CISH. 1 Bunalo pressure blower, No. 4- 9 in. outlet. 2 Globe valves -4 in. flanged. 1 Globs valve -6 in. flanged. 1 Earl Rteanl blower -10 in- inlet. 4 Ten branch cast iron headers fes 3. in. pipe. 2 Iron pulleys -80x12. 2 Iron pulleys -82812. 1 iron pulley -223(G. 2 Iron pulleys-TaxG. Also an assortment of iron cone pulleys. S. FRANIC WILSON, 13 West Adelaide St., Toronto, BOOK NOTICE. -By if. H. Shane. THE STM Y 01' A USW V 'S SCHOOL A terse description of °Allada'n lead- ing bts#ness colags, n"sol ool \1110 h registers 1000 stndonL9 a 1•eAr, employs, 101egnlar teaobors, and uses 100 type- Writers. ypet r ters. The Scheel like hue a thor- ough system of Instraetion by luall. Complete courses ere given itt Book. steeping, Shnrthnnd, "Typewriting, Telegraphy and Illustration. The book is descriptive of 011, owl to enquirers is given FRElia. Control Business Coln e op TORONTO, Mistreat W. 11. S11A'WPresides