HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-22, Page 6THE WORLD'S TEARKETG. REPORTS FROPIL THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES, Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other Dairy Produce , at Nome and Abroad. ' Toronto, Oct. 20e-3Vheat—'The Market is Arm foe Ontario grades on liwIt ed offeriegie No. 2 white ami red minter tire quoted at 76 to 77e low freights. No. 2 Spring at 78c to 80c east, and No. 2 goose Let 70e east. Manitoba grades steady, with no No, 1 hard offering, and the Price is purely namlual. At uteri: lake ports X. 1 Northern is mottel at 88O, and No. e Noethern at 82c. Oats—The markee It oilang•t1, with demand limited, No. 2 White is quoted at 28 to leSec west, and at 29c east. No 3. white, 204 1.0 80c east. Barloy—The 'demand is fair, with offerings limited; No. 2 quoted at 45c middle freights; No. 8 extra, 4$e middle freights, and No. 3 at 41 to 42c middle freights. Rye—The market is quiet, with prices steady at about 00e high freights. Peas—Traile Is dull and prices un- changed. No. 2 white quoted at 132 to 63c high freights, and at 64c ease. • Buckwheat—The market is dull, with quotatioas 41 to 42c at out- eiee points. Corn—The market is quiet, with peices steady. No. 2 yellow Amer- ican quoted at 554c on track Tor- onto; No. 8 yellow at 55c, and No, $ mixed at 540, Toronto. Flour—Ninety per cent. patents unchanged at $3.05 middle freights in buyers' sacks for export. Straight rollers of special brands for domes- tic trade quoted at $3.40 to 83.55 in bbls. Manitoba flour unchanged; No. 1 patents, $4.75 to $1.80; No. 2 Patente, $4.45 to $4.50, and etrong bakers'e $4,30 to $4.35 on track, Toronto. Millibeld—Bran steady at el 6. lurid shorts at $18 here. At outelee poiuts bran is quoted at 8,13.50 and shorts at 617, Manitoba bran in sacks, $13 and etorts at $20 here. THE DAIRY MARNETS. Butter—The market is steady, with receipts fairly large. There is a good demand for choice qualities. We quote :—Finest 14b. rah:, 17e to 1Sc; selected 'dairy tubs, 16 to ltiec; secondary grades, 123, to 14c; cream - ere. prints, 21 to 22e; solids, 19e to • Eggs—The market is firm. We quote :—Strictly new laid, 20c; fresh gathered, 18e, and pickled sell at 1(3 to 17e per dozen. Cheese—Market is quiet, with pric- es steady. We quote : Finest, nee per ib.. end seconds, 11 to 111c. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs are unchanged. Cured Meath firin, With a fair demand, We quote :—Ilacon„ long clew', 10e to 10-31e in ton and case lots. Pork, mess 818 to $18.50; 'do, short cut, 8121 to $21.00. Smoked meats—Hamse light to medium, 14 to 141e; do., heavy, 13 to )114e; roils, 11. to 114e; shoulders, 1 Gee; backs, 15 to 151c; breakfast 130.0071, 143 to 15c. Lard—The market is steady,. with fair demand. Tierces Oac. 'tube Pee; pails, Vec.; coneem•unde 8 to Oc. BUSINESS AT 110INTREAL. Montreal, Oct. 2n.—Z4.1anitoba. wimat is higher, being quoted at 834c for No. 1. Northern, and 77ec for No, 2 Northern, ex store, Fort William; this is above the export prive, and as yet the millers are buying up most of the offerings; all that has come here so far has msrbeen coieed to a 11111131(3firm, tout it is doubtful whether much will be ex- pected before the close of eangation. Eggs are firm, with an upward ten- dency, on 0.010(8(11, (11 the cool weath- er. Bch utter and eese ere steady. (train -1'011S, 11130 high freights, 724 to 7.13c afloat here' rye, 53c east, 1183c afloat here; beckwheat, 62e; No.. 2 oats, 135e in stare, and 311 to 84c afloat; flaxseed, 51.13 on track here; feed barley, 50c; No. 3 barley, .521c. Flours -Manitoba patents, D-1.7.10; seconds,. 34.50; strong bak- ers', 51.122 to 81.30; Ontario straight tellers, $3,90 to 34; in bags, $1.90 to 82; patents, 84.15 to $1.40; ex- tras, 81.70 to 81.75: rolled oats 51-82 Per hag, 83.80 per IA" 1, Feed —Manitoba bran, $17 to $18; shorts $20, bags incbuled; Ontario bran, in bulk, 315,50 to 316.50; shorts, In bell:, $20.50 to $21.50. Beans— Choice primes, 81,7-0 per bush in car lots, Provisions—heavy Canadian short cut pork, $20.50 to $21; light short cut, 820 to $20.50; compeand refined heel, Sr; pure Canadian lard, 83 to 9c; kettle rendered, 10 to )03e; hams, 324 'to 140; bacon 14 to 1.5e; fresh jellied abattoir hogs, 88 to 333.22.Egge—Canciled 801(413(3(1,10e, and straight recripts, 17c; INTon- treal limed, 1(3 to 1 7c.. Cheese—On- tart°, 313to 1130; Townehips, Quebec', )03e, Botter—TC/WhShipS ereunlery, 20,1 to 21c; Quebec, 20,1c; Western dairy, ltie, 13N1TED STATES .MARKETS. Oct. 20,—Fictor---StoDAY. Wheat—Spring higher; No. 3, higheel 86c asked; winter Arne No, 2 rod, 8 lc. Corn—Qinet; No, 2 yellow, 111 31'; No, e e07.71, 50e, Oata—Quiet; o N. 2 white, 414e; No. 2 'ranee 80e. 13terlea-eWeetera, 54 to 681 c.i.f. ltye 3, 50c in liter°. Canal freight Fe -Steady, Duluth O(3t. 20.--Whealt—Po or- nate—No. 1 1)130(1, 824e; No, I North, ern, Sleet heo. 2 Northern 784e; Oc- tober, 81.ec; December 773; May 78er, 'Minneapolis, Oet.. December, 803c; May, 794n on track No. 1 hard, feltee; No. 3. 'I:Teethe:ea 421c; No, e'Northeen, 804c; No. 8 Northern, .70 to 70e. Milwantkee, 0M. 20„--Whealt--Ne. 3. Northern, 84 to 844c; No, 2 Nenthe ern, 83e to 83a; No, /3Northern 198 to 103a 13)0-411111; No. 1, lid to 564e. Darlea—Lower; No, 24 651e here 43 to 4e1e, sande, 90 'to Wee, Corn—Decene- STREET CAR HELDGRAVEYARD OF TILELARES Daring B,obbery by Two Highway., LONG POINT ISLAND ON LAICE men at Toronto. C ArOLE MA II NETS, Toronto, Oa. 20.--1,teeeet „reao,F,., of hve stove, Were Male ill. tale West , ern. Market tO•sati;',, and husineSs 11 iall lines wee 13r1331s. The Igloos 0 lb: best grades of butchers' ant feeders held firm, while those cif the leoder elasses of eto3hers and but- • chers• wete barely ;steady. I'Hardly ane good exporters came I imeetted, and Very few of the rough I and medient qualities, one head of irough ones, 3 ,2e0 lhs. in weight, i wits sold foe et letee, and another let 1 33 301), ae 3 leg ng 1,460 lbs. ease , ehenmel Manila, 1, Not eateugh Owlet: betel:yrs' to sup- ' ply the demand were offered, and valeos in consequence wore strong, w t t bout • an advance 1)01 03 recorded. i Choice aninads of this class continue • to be mach enquired after. First-class short -keep feeeters for the distilleries cumenanaed a steady market, and buyers could have done with more then they got. The values of these wore pretty firm in most caees„ but some of the sellers com- e:Jail:et' that the buyers wore more Particular than before, met that any catele not quite up to the standard were not so easy to get rid of. A number of light stockers and canning cows and hulls were on sale, but values in thar were low by reason of the liberal receipts there- of, An active trade in lambs was re- ported, several choice lots bringing as much as led .25 per 0301., I3ut the heavy deliveries depressed the mar- Itet„ which cloeed weak. The takes of exporters' and batiks were stead- ily inaintained. Calves continued steady and uu- e lenge( . An active enquiry for naleh cows teas a. feature. Not enough came forward to supply the demand, clad overt those wore not of the high quality deeired by the buyers of this market. The deliveries were 39 cars, 3,217 cattle 1,661 hogs, e,748 sheep and lambs, and 39 calves. Owing to the light offerings of exel porters' the quotations of these wore' nomleally 01131311 0111013. Bes t ex- porters, would bring $1.60 to $4.75; fair to good, $4.4e to e4.60, and light 84.10 up. Export buds of chowe quality were quoted at 84 to $4.25 per Mt., and medium at $3.50 to $3.90 Heavy export cows sold at $8•50 . to 111 per cwt. The demand for the best grades of butchers' was brisk, the supply be- ing limited I ower rade; 1 ERIE. s A Tortnao despatch says: A daring . hote-up of a street ear coutlitelor The Rile of Sand That Causes a I took Place on King street west on j Wreck Almost Every f Thursday nuuning. Cal. No. 6:12 , 1, was held up at 12.30 wo by ttag!, Year 1 .., "(1 ea N ey)Ird of the (trent Lakes" is it tile Mime that has bean applied to s bleak .1,olf3 l'oint blame 311)3011 has e its begiuning a foe miles 03151 of : Port elturwel, (haat 10, and Gullets 1 iteelf unwel, motel twenty miles o.ut , into the nadule of Lake Etie„ Racis- t ing tut :sane sixty-four miles west i oi, 11)1131)10.Oraveyaril indeed IL is,. as the spars • were steady and unchanged, We u 1 bus 1,075 1,320 • lbs., 8.1.35 to $1.51); good loads, ! $4 to $4.25; fair to good loads, ' $3;00 to $3.90: common. 83 to $3.40; rough end inferior, S2,25 to' $2.80; canning cows 111(13 bulls, $1.75 - to per cat. Trade hi feeders and stockers come in .. good, an quotations iematn- ell about the 1)8118'befere. Our prices follow :—Feedere, choise steers, 1;050 to 1,1130 11)s., $8.50 to .38,1.10; heavy short -keeps, 1,150 to 3,250, lbs., 83.99 to S1,111; stackers, 600 to 800 lbs., $2.75 to 83.25; stock culves, yearling steers, 400 to 600 lbs., 62.50 up; off 0011)05 nail poor quality„ same weights, $2.25 to $2.50 per cwt. Difaillerv bulls, 3,000 to 3,100 lbs. sold at $2.50 to $8.124 per cwt. Mile], cows sold at 330 to 331)eachquality.. , according to ality. Lambs opened firm, but the ma0-1 et maine easy at the close, elet quote :—Lexport. ewes, $3.40 to 8:1.- 50; lambs, 38,75 to 111.15; export bucks, $2.50 to $2.75 per cwt Calves continue steady et $2 to , $10 each, and 4 to 53e per lb. hogs were quoted as follows 1-1 Selects, 130 to 200 lbs. prime bacon ' quality, off care here, $5.411; lights and fats, $5.15 per ewt; solve, $4' per cwt., and stags $2 to 33 each. TRIED TO WRECK TRAIN. London Boy Confesses to Laying Chain Across Rails. .A. London, Ont., despatch says: Arthur Davis, aged 1r3 years, was arrested on Wednesday charged with having placed a piece of heavy chain across a rail in the Grand Trunk yards here a few days ago. The place is close by the Thames River Bridge, and railway men say that had. it train attempted to pass over the chain it would certainly have been derailed. The embankment 15 -foot one, and but for tho fortu- nate discovery of Davis' act, a ter- rible wreck must have resulted. The prisoner, who bears it bad reputa- tion, has confessed his guilt. JURORS FLIPPED COINS. Reached a Verdict With the Aid of a Few Nickels, A. despatch from Lawrenceville, 111,, Says: In the Lawrence Circuit Court here a jury trying the case of the State against GeorgeRyan, charged With (1850.1131 to commit murder, could not :emelt a votelict after be- ing out, thirty-eix hours, One of them suggested flipping nickels— heads to convict, tails to acquit, The idea was adapted, and the second flip stewed fair heads end eight tails, restating in acquittal. The court accepted the verdict, but did not know how it Was reached until next day. The State will get a, new trial and tho jurors 01113) 1113 in- dicted. NEW SOUTH WALES WHEAT Large Increase in Acreage and Condition Good. waYmen, and Contineloe How aird of (168 Queen street wee). wa 1001)1)11 or .9e5, The ear, Which wa oil 13)1 laSt trip, was relining 10 th nolleeSA1111e8 barilS. There Wore 70 passem.,,ers oil board. Al. 'Allem avenue two men himped on the ear ' one of 1110111 1)010110g a revolver a 1 inward, whilst tho other grabby) Du. box, Howard made an eriffil tt ring the bell tee alarm the 11101 00110)13 When his assailant throw 111113 off tht 1., 113111. " 3 harey Irwin, stopped his car, tool off the handle bar, gate chase to tie 11181) 13 1111 1 Ito bit' t. , 1113 111111 01 the head and recovered the hex. 11 the meantime the man who had beet struggling with the conductor ge away, taking with lina the 1)031111 with the cash which 00011 eomittetol has to carry, amounting to 82.3. The police at No, 6 Station Wert notified that the robbers had gone 'clown Dowling avenue. P. C. Cron- in, 246, ran clOWII Ilmsley street and met two young men running. Ile grabbed one by the throat, pointed his revolver at the other, threatening to shoot if he did not surrender, and be surrendered. At the police sta- I teen tile two men were identified by • the conductor and gave their names as Win. Rand and Joseph Ross, 237 Farley avenue, both aged 23. The revolver which Rana IN charged with presenting at the conductor :ens not found on either prisoner, neither was the conductor's pouch aud money. Conductor II w rd 3008 lrndly inJurtcl about the head, which is 11030 swath- ed in bandages. His woonds were dressed by Dr. Harrison. Howard's pouch was 1011101 next morning in a yerd close to the seene of the robory, but there is still 110 trace of tho revolver flourished by one of the highwaymen. The sum of $1.40 wns In the pouch. Sonte money and tickets are still missleg. 4 1 : and deck timbers and ironwork that ' cover 1(13 whole south beach testify, but it Is else the finest Malang and ' hunting preserve of the Great LaIes. On the sand 111315 there an) thou- ) sands of deer. in Lhe marshes bi the fall and $pring, wild ducks and geese ' congregate in mations, and off the ,' north altore there are as gosue bass 1.. and pike as fisherman eVer threw Ilno fur. * The island is triangular, twenty naIes long aml about six miles broad 1 at its widest part. Of the eighteen thousatal acres contained in it tix- teen thousand are purely niarsh, un- der not more than six feet of water ail the year, and overgrown with qui 1-1eed8, through which hundreds of lairroW waterways run. A. few hundred yards back from the south 1.100.111 are the sand hills, contduous from point to mainland sending. MI a half a dozen points short ridges, that reach out into the marsh Me the teeth of a gigantic comb. The sandhi Is are surnsiented by a ' thick growth of red cedar, and through these scurry innumerable red 0.11e5. I hrough these also, the deer have their rilliaWaVS, having warn oll the lower limbs to o. height, of four feet and beaten the ground un- derlain to* it tinniness not exceeded by that of paved streets, ' • 011'1 1-1 OI OHL fasS./.1) IIULT.,S there is the beach, on 0.3.131031 orie can walk half a day without being re- quired to Step from wreckage. For half a mile frown shore yellow bars extend, in parallel 1133e8, changing 1 with every breeze, and over waiting for unwary vessels that may be, blown in their direction. I It was United Empire Loyalists' who fleet made use ot tho "el • . A , certain Capt. Rverson Obtained it ' DIED IN A RAGE. Fatal Outburst of Passion Over Act of Automobilists. An Albany, N.Y., despatch says: Bryan Sheehan, aged 57, died of apoplexy on the western turnpike just outside the city limits 3313. Tuesday from the 0313(31,5 of a fit of rage while berating 011. 'arty • '1 had 1 • a 1 ' , 1010 scattered it drove of his cattle fol - 10101031 his waggon. Sheehan wee: standing . up in his wagon, fiercely 01(3)0)1)01133 the automobile, W171011 was alien by F, S. 11030011 of this ens, when he suddenly pitched head- long from the wagon, and when pick- ed 133 11'0S dead. Sheehan was well known as ono of the pioneers in 1,11e cattlebusiness in connection with the West Albany stock yards. VISIBLb TO NAKED EYE. Sun Spots 172,000 Miles Lang by 58,000 Miles Wide, A Washington despatch says: The - United States Naval Observatory on Wednesday made observations of the extraordinaey group of solar spots visible on tho sun, the largest group clis.covered in the last decade. The observations 'are under the direetion of George II. Deters, who made a statement, saying:— "The group con- sists of about, nine spots in MI and now show indication of condensing bit, two principal spots, or groups, Soinewho.t separated. Tunaday the total length of the disturbed region was 172,000 miles, with it Width of about 58,000 miles. The group 3011)4easily seen by the naked eye at the Naval Observatory by several of the astronomers aP raought to be conspi- cuous objects for several days yet. A 'brilliant .atirora 30(38 observed last evening." SHOT HIS SON DEAD. Sa.c1 Accident on St. Lawrence, Near Brockville. . A Brockville despatch says: San- ford Darling, of Alchitosh's and his 1 Il -year-old son were duck hunt- ing on the St, Lawrence leiver in a skin on Thersclay, The father shot at some ducks, which dived after the shot. Ito asked his son, who WW1 in the bow (0 the skiff, to Watch for them to nee while lie reloaded, Be- fore 13 bad 1(339110(1 reading the son exclaimed that the (lucks were in sight again, In the excitement of the moment 1130 gun was, in 807110 unaecountable planner discharged in the father's hands, 31)1) 0311 charge P13581113 through the itoy s side, al- most disemboweling lain. '('3m lad (13(1,11 a itteren exclamation and Mullein - Moly fell back dead into las father's arms, A DRAMATIC SCENE. Young Man A.ccuses His Pother of Two Murders. A Chiengo despatch says: Frank Davlik created a dramatic scene in Judge Clifford's court, Pointing an accusing finger al his father, charged with 131111333 his wife, he 13001111110thet the latter WAS guilty not only of wife -minder, bat also of mettle:We, "The murder ef my mother is not the first 0130 committed by my fa- ther," said the �00�0�0080l'. "In Bo - lenge, Where I Wee born, he killed his own mother. bm ecae enrag- ed at 1113' grandmother mid struck her a 11010118 blow, For three weeks she antlered end finally died, My 1311101' 10348 110308'punishat ed for 1.13 (0 Attorneye for tbe defendant told the jury Coy Would maim to deniale 131110 charge' that the (Idol:debt kill - (1 lee Wife, but Would aaa La prove im insane, A. Sydney, NeS,W., despatell says: The Government 1114111101,3.01) (18' area of wheat in New Routh Wales 1e• 826,948 aereS, 01. 926,600 acres. < . in area n The toncil- Lion of the Wheat it" distinetly good. 11 laropt,as P013.110 cad. panic] by a si.xty mile *breeze, strOe• the eolith afore NVith tremendous force. .A. 341111) ('0(1311)3 in a strong. wind " 01011101. avoid being forced frem its course, mail If It fetches up against, Long Point there is 1(131, hope for it, Alt along (311) south slime, the 11(131(11(1 of the bike 5011)15 to be quicksand, and a (1110(811)131 10)031108 eould )1ardis prevent a, boat front drifting. Within the point there is ('33(11(11alleluia:go. The bottom is of (inn clay, and not mem in the strongest itorthwest geles heve 'vessels aterted Let there aria: a southwest, Menu and ('01')'yvoseel on the 1(1,141'immed- iately 3018 for I.ong Point Bev, and often 111 the fall one can ('0111)1.score or move of ehips, emit 00- footers to eighty -1011 schooners, all waiting for the wind to go down. During the great November Worm of 1897 sixty-nine voesels Inv Wait- ing there tor a week, hiding bellied the sand hills, egainst whine thun- derous 33013118 Were beating oh the other side, net 1)10(0 than a, quarter of a mile distant, Not once was 31)0)1311 wind or sea felt, aboard them to eauSe one's coftee to quiver in the cup till the waves running below the point had theilled the inner bay. Men on the decks of the ves- eels in the fleet one night easly in that storm were suddenly startled by the sound of a 380, The report we. f :lowed in few minutes by a 1.004- et. that, shot far above the sand hills, linmeclueteey a number of eailors put off and clambered 01.) the side of the hills. They saw a. big boat WALLOWING IN THE WAVES She was headed clown the lake, and not a nem among the crowd but prayed that she might vain her race and (1113140 the shelter under the point. After an eour's struggling, however, she sank. The next morning one could see two epees standing out of the water ten utiles above tho lower point. To one two men clung; to the other a third man was hanging. Two 11101- dred 171011 8(110 then', but not all the .21.10 more able to help the three. Occasionally one of the three chang- ed his position; one could imagine he WaS loafing for a boat. The next day one appeared, it big ore bout. She sighted elle men and started to rescue them. Three times she sail- ed around them before elle was able to get close enough thein to lack off. They were actually frozen to the spars, The steamer that sank was the from the. Eng iah Government to Tclabo, carrying a crew of twenty - complete his grant of land on the! two 117011. Her captain had 7'1111 311s3 nraieland. For many 3'ea05 it form- ?he shelter Long Point ileld out to ed an admireble breakwater for the him and et was only when ee had exce.lent harbor of Port listerse, on /33 not t 3 slime of the bay. In the early .705 an English noble - 10013 organized a stock company a1)13 bought the island from the captain's heirs. Fifty deer from the Canaolan Northwest were turned loose upon the 1.1 13), and many guards Were eel; at work 113 ling the foxes and rattle- snakes and looking after the now denizens of the cedars. The deer 'multiplied rapidly. 33y 1885, when the company had had the island fenceil tele bed bailt loclges for the keepers and had wetted clubhouses for the members, it is est:boated that ' there were 11,000 deer on tee ieland. Since that time the company has had no end of trouble in protectieg its property. Its deer have been 1)11(11013 pereistently by 300111008. Its 0300 beepers even have fought for the prailege p11311 bng tele deer they wanted; and eveettealiy won it, after a deteetive sent to Nva.tch them had been shot. Fiehennen with hook and line are not molested, so plentiful axe the 311.010 fish, but the company protects the ducks and geese with all its in- genuity. For twenty years it had little trouble meth then', but recent- ly it has been almost deepossible to prevent poaching. At tho time of the purchase of the Wand a, Government surveyor meas- ured the land end the company batilt a, flimsy fence around its property, ON Tille NORTH SHORE nearly reached the upper light tha SftW his danger. In coming about to run ander the point the Idaho sprung a leale and the vac , against death then lasted only hal an hour. Ifo WaS making good :headway against the leak, but tit ivied threw him 113013 one of Long i Point's bars, and the graveyarid Heivod a score more corpses. I In the hundred years of navigatiot 'it is eetintated and the estintate is probably low, that 1,500 men have been drowned near Long Point, Neerly every year there has been a. serious wreck MT the island. At seven places on the beach tbere are whole hulls of vessels, cast high and dry by the waves. .A. dozen Ile 011 the bees and there are perhaps INI1TY WHOLLY SUBMERGED. Some of them limy° been there so long that their names are forgotten; others still retain the ,paint. A low years ago 3110e135 of the Dean .Riclunond were cast ashore there, though the Dean Riclunond sank, no one knows where, almost a score of years ago. Few people are rescued from vessels that sink oll the Point, The crew of the tiolan R. Noyes, which Rank in 1038, escaped by find - 3)13 a foothold On the Side 01 the hids, only to be starved to death through their inability to find the hut of a keeper. A sailor who con- tinua,ly r33peats the words "John Dennis," and is now in a C•ancedian insane asylum, was cast ashore a year later in almost the same place and was found to be crazy. 'Three vessels went down that night; but 110 One knows from which ono he was Melted. Ono negro only. hes been cast ashore there, to live, tend immediately after he saw his rescu- ers approaching he jumped ugain into the water, to drown, . Ono tragedy of the with a dash of comedy, deserves to be (them:Reed. A. fisherman of the main land, Helmer by name, an mitogen - alum, dreamed of n, box of gold underneath the only beech tree op the Woad, Finding 011 0110 13110 be- lieved hinie he set oft alone to pad- dle around the point forty miles to the 800110 of his dream. Therelle ex- cavated about the beech tree's roots the marks of his digging still re- maining*, and he founcl, not a, box of gold, but a cask of old port 301310. Lightning,. played around him as ho heaved the cask aboard his skiff, fiendishly, 310 clisebgarded it and set ofie in half an hour the atom caught him, and the skiff and the cask, washed ashore next day, told of 311a death. 11 WaS 1101,, however, the fault of the storm alone; the bunghole of the cat* had been tam- pered with and a good quart of the Wile had been removed. Probably the old nean fell overboard 311 trying to relacole another muerte . LABOR IS SCARCE. • �, 11.. Cannot Got Men at 82 Per tlay, Mr. McNicoll Saya. CATTLE FOR TuE NORTHWEST. No Demand. for Stockers on the . aaches. Me, le. lie Itadeon, Donataion Leve Stock Commiseteeere says 1 hut at P11130331 the tradit in stockers be- tween the older protinces and ()1)0 North-west Territories .1)) in a very unsatisfastory 003niition and many of those who 1333,013 been e3)1331033' young cattle to the Northwest thiS 141315011 have been yery 1111.1,011 aislip- p011.thel 111 the prices realised. Dialer date of September 223111, Air, Clms. W, l'etervon, Secretary of Cho Territorial Live eamile Association, writes ; "Within the past week from four hundred to six hundred $tock- ers have reached Calgary alone, and the demand byre is absolutely nil. These people meet either take their stock elsewhere Or loim 31011.1'] 13','' There are SeVeral reasone for ties condition of afieties. Finieheel Cattle hava been selling ttt unprecedontedly low prices. It is stated 071 gobil euebority ehat the entire output of one et the largest, ranehes in South- ern Alberta was sold at $32.50 pm. head, for three-year-old tont Pour - year -old cattle. Naturally, there- fore loon that puid $22.00 per head for yeaninge two years ago and haVe SOW them thiS 80111.1011 as three yeaeolds for prices in the (3013111301" 11o043 of $32.00, are not anxious to buy stockers this fall at onythdog like the prices prevailing for the last two 00 three yeara. Again, 101 0(10' It'ed is,. Ncarcor than usual. 011 the ranchos this fell; and as a cc:fleece/once runny of the cattle- men that, usually purchase a number of stockees at this season of the year have scarcely eay enough to carry their brooding Steele through the winter. Another reason for the prasent un- satisfactory comlition of the stocker trade, not 011,3. in the Northwest I3ut also in the oider p•rosinces, is the P001' ussIsity of a large number of the young cattle that have been placed on the market daring the last few years. Alany of these were as far from the right kid of raw ma- terial from which to make finished beef as they well could be. During 0. petiod of high prices maskets are not so discriminating in the quality of the goods offered, but when prices nre low, markets tun more sensitive; they are more easily overe stocked; buyers are mere eaetaul 1,1 making their selections; and it be- comes a case of the survival of the fitteet only, A high class product of any kind Will always command a fair price; but on a depressed market inferior stuff must be sacrificed at t pekes far below the cost of produc- tion. The matchers have also discovered e that they must be more careful In f the selection of their bulls than heretofore, and Ontario breeders will e do wer to make a note of this. Dur- ing reeent years every Infil-calf that was abrible for registration was saved with a view to selling 11103 1. at some sort of price for the ranch- es; but the panthers have discovered that they must pay more attention to quaIlty and brooding, and that first-class bulls are cheaper at a good price than registered ecrubs 0.8 gift. Itis 17.,afe to predict that in a very short time it will not bepos- sible to so'l inferior hulls to the ranchers at any piece. in twenty years the marsh grew asnassingly„ so that in the first. Mae - ties there were seyeral acres of new land, outside the colneetny's fonee, On this 11011; 11111d one day it poacher squa.ttod and built a, hut. Reapers ejected him, by force, but the squat- ter took the matter to the conies and won. II, was clocldeci that the new land Nvas no man's land and that to hold it, it was necessary to squat on it, just ns the poacher hod done. Other poachers got on the ground before the company took pos- session, and since then the company has bad to guard its line fence with almost a bankrulaing force of keep- ers to prevent poachers from OlVer- stepping EL few yards when the shoot- ing' on their side of it gives out. Apart feenn the keepers„ there aro only two faneles on the island, those of the lighthouso keepers of Gm eppee and lower points. The 003101' keeper is not farther removekl from neighbors than the average farmer, bet the lower guardian is isolated frorn every one. It is twenty 101135 as the crow Mee to the Canadian Me 1111and and thir- ty to 'the Ameriean, while to reach the nearest keeper he most paddle through month and swale for fifteen 'Mks. the winter, when the ice has not 10001011 clear acmes the bay, there are 'teeny months when be can- not 500 any SONO thOSO of his own family, and with bie pipe end his nowspepers of anaen1 date lie must be con fent, In 1897 the winter eaene ea very soddenly, end the Government tug thet carried provisions to the keep. er Was unable te (Toss the bey, The keeper, ix, man named Cook, was on the verge of starvation for nearly it week, n. freshet haver% washed out him collar. The opporttioe arrival of the Long Point Company's tug from Port Burwell prevented the adding of anothee tragedy to •tbe long het for Whieh Long Point has been responsible. MOST OV LONGPOINT'S warm has come freely tear...Wee. "The bee in eneh ; potation as to be 13 natural menace to navigation, no Matter from what direction (3 gale blows. Tbe peavailleg wind on Lake Erie Is from the etettetiveet, and the long waves, getting their A Montreal despatch ears' Mr. 31. McNicoll, kleneral Afamuser of the 0, P. IL, commenting on labor con- dithme in tho west, save:— "I have btttcheS of Jailors here from contrac tors telliug of delay in work on att. count of' Mability to secure labor, We peer $1,75, $2, imil in Immo cas- es more Om 89 a deg fer ineh• Yet WO cannot, obtain them. I (leek OAR ecarcity of labor is a favorable sign es indietttien of prosperity. 13 there Were labor to spare, it Would be the result, of industrial 'dopreasion, end when there is 1101133 to Ite hart it. 18 1,ccaus33 11,e1e is 3e31ere1 proeper- itv." THE FRUIT 112.A.1U31S ACT. Any Private May Prosecute a Itetailer. The Inspectors of the Dominion Fruit Division are now devoting special attentian to the enforcement of the Fruit Marks Act, Several prosecutions have taken place in Ontario, all of which resulted i)1 con- vietions, and several are now pend- ing. in Nova Scotia, These aro main- ly fc». marking interior fruit No, 1; although there is such a large amount of lirst-class fruit in the country packets still persist in try- ing to palm off inferior fruit as No. 1. Mr. W. A. AfooKinnon, Chief of the Fruit Division, says that retailers are beginning to understand the scope of the act much bettor than formerly, and appear well aware of the eXiStellee of the law end of the fact that it is being enforced by in- spectors. They also understand the fact that it is at the disposal of any Private °Wren. A Prosecution is now pending in Toronto by a private citizen against a retailer who is said to have diselaimed responsibility. Only a 9inglo baalret is involved, but it is clear that if individuals do not protect themselves in the met: of single basking, they are not likely to do so at all, as ninety per cent. of tbeir purchanes are of single baseete. It will be the policy of the Depart- ment te hold tho retailers more strictly to account in the future for the efackages of fruit whleh they pass on the public, 73 the retailers do 001 thelnSellieS eon:Main when they find dishonest eneking it iS beeneso they eta 'wliting to eller° in 1 he freallulent profit, Of enure°, the orieinal paeker will alwaye be prose - (rated when he can be discovered, but that will not excuse the retailer, —+... MYSTERIOUS OUTRAGE. Tried to Blow Up British Legation at Pekin. A dust:etch to 'the 13o3don `.11mes front Pekin says that a mystotious °titres)) wns attempted at the Brit- ish Legation on 'Puesday night, on tee occasion of a ball giver: by mili- tary oflicers, An effort WaS appal, ently made to blow up lac inegagene where explosivee 0.1131 (1111,11111111i (11)1) for the eletence of the Legation are. stored. Con-oterrently tile breech block and eights of a 1,7,,Ine31 10111 Were 14t01011, '11105.0 1111.3e fame been found in the eative city. Wires were lain to count:et with an electric bat- tery, but the earmaction bad net been 1:10,00, 03(15110(50 there might Moo bran tt very sericite' ex'Idosioti. The incident, draws attenlion to the policy which hes made the 33r1t3531 13)4(11 11.13 08ta113is1111100 ill the 1e3ee tiou quateeee tile worst installed of any, in retire TIOKS FROM THE WA E EArisnrrams FROM ALL. OVER Telegrapl:eg:3778OFErEoe Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events, CANADA. Straf ford Armories, without the' land, were sold for less than $250. The Senate of 1.115 Univereity of Toronto bas ratified the agreement for federation with Trinity 'Univer- sity. The General 13oarel of Methodist. 'Missions have completed their work the total approprialiOnS 0111011011113 to 3350,000. Tllo body of Telco. Satellite, a. Swede, was found in (t Winnipeg lune- 111)0011•0in yardthobreast.bootiiei• day with a , bullet Hamilton Board of Health have, sent on to Council a by-law for the prohibition of spitting on the side- walkstd Gieing on the line of the Hamil- ton Radial Eleatic Railway between Burlington and Oakville 30111 be done. this fall. Thos. Mulvey, K.C., has been ap- pointed Assistant Provincial SeeN0- 114r3', and It P. Fairbairn, engineer of the public Works Depareineni. By the coneract with the Teter- boro' Light and Power Company, Teterboro will receive 120 lights of 2,000 candle power for 846.66 per lamp per year. , J. W. Noble, charged at Hamilton with stealing a parcel containiug $2,- 000 front, the Canadian Express Co., will not be tried at the present as- sizes. Chief Justice Falconbridge has 410.. 00 judgment in favor of the Inde- pendent Foresters in the act ion brought by Mr. Marsh of elatnilton for reinstatement, The Plaintiff after joining the order became a barten- der and his certificate Wa.s caneelled under the rules, GREAT BRITAIN. D. Sheehy, Nationalist, was re- turned by a majority of 3,214 in the South Meath bye -election, on Satur- day. The St. .Taines' Gazette says there is a hopeful prospect for an early settlement of the Newfoundland French shore question. It is said King Edward's choice for Sir Michael llerbert's successor at Washington Is Sir Henry Howard, British Minister at Tho Hague, Sir Arthur Nicholson, :British Minister to Morocco is also nieraioned, Lieut. -Col. Sir John 331u•goyne, for- merly of the Grenadier Guards, who. brought the former Empress Ibigene on his yacht in the face of 13 tenille storm. from Deauville, France, was married the other day to Kate, daughter of John Craton, menthes of Parliament for South Derbyshire, The Empress sent it gold tea and coffee service. 'UNITED STATES. Mrs. Dwight L. Moody, widely of the famous evangelist, died at Bast Northfield Mass. The death rate of the American army rose from 13.94 in 19101 ta 15.40 in 3.902 owing.to sholera. Rev. G. W. Goodrich, 92 years old, of Alpha, Indiana toothless for 20 years, IS cutting his third set of teeth. Tee Morse Iron Works and Dre Dock Convene', which' has operated a 82,000,000 plant in South Broole lyn, is in the 11011118 of a receiver. Nearly 80,000 Rochester garment workers will strike ir their employ. ms do not great the demand for au eight-hour day. The women of the British Legation refused to attend the reception given by the dowager -Empress of China, at which the women of the other Lega- tions were present. Tha services of 1,500 shopmen 053 the Vanderbilt railway system Nees dispensed with on Monday, chiefly be- cause 13 03 held that the outlook de - Mends retrenchment Henry Cotutenay, Walter i(1 a res- taurant, at: Paterson, N. .1„ has been notified by lawyers in London that he is heir to an .estate valued at 8250,000, left by an uncle. illaelcmallers have been attempting 10 extort $50„000 from the Northern Pacific under tit:eats of 'destroying property. A. bridge WEIS blown up' at Helatia„ The sixty -foot Steel -built flying. machine„ the climax of years of ex- haustive study by Prof. S. L, Lang- ley, secretary of the Smithsonian Distaste, has proven a failure at Wide Water, Va. GENERAL, The Russian duty on raw cotton may be reduced next year. DeSpatelIeS reeeiVed at Paris say that a formidable Russian fleet has anchored near the japanese fleet be Arca San Pho harbor„ south of Corea. OVER A MILLION. James W. Hunter's Shateof HIS Uncle's Estate. A kleapatoli from Winnipeg says James W, Hunter, a poor carpenter of this elly, aged 80 years, received the welcome intelligence on Thsustsclay: that he 1MS bettome ono of seventeen participants of 1171 estate valued at 1325,000/0004 bequeathed by an ec- centele uncle of Liverpool, Mr, }Pun- ter's Fillare of the eetale will be over a million, and he le leaving for lenge land at 01100 1.0 claim hie money. A IVII.TRDnROI.TS. ITALIAN. Drew Pistol and and Shot Finn in. the Bade at Vert Arthur. A despatch from Port A WHO' trays: --Tefo Mune were walkieg doWn tiro Caelt, track on Water Street, ren Wednesday night when two nalian11. pasend them,, aUSt ail they got pane one of the :I:taboret drew 1.1. re- volver and shot ono of the Mons in Om boa, NV;litta taarat tho pfairra WaS groanimapiteously, bat upon Matelleation the 'Wound' proved to be (Ally a a11011t '110 Italians asaared.