HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-22, Page 5OCT. 22, 1903 BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER cent, P, S. B00'1h'"J.', Brueseis, H. MoCBAOREN— r limner of Marriage bloansos. Of. hoe atGrooery,'rnruborry rtreet, llruseels, ,FARMS FOR SALE—THE 1,N• nunelorinn has several good Farris tor Bale and to rent, easy tome, lis Townehipe of Morrie and Grey, F S, BsUTT,BTusael M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCIILIN, —'r17AUHNR OF— PIANO - AND -' ORGAN ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI Ina1nAnan, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. E. Estelle Griffin TEACHER OP VOWS' CULTURE Pupil of Kiss Eva N. Roblyn, of Loudon. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exams. sa•K ill visit Brussels every Tuesday, Lessons given at the home of W. H. Herr, John street. J. LECKIE, LIle AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONET TO LOAN ATM, 4i Se 6 Per Cent. OfSoe over Hureioy's Drug Store, Nov, Srd, 1002. 90.9m Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Ce., EBTABLIenan 1840 Inenranco taken on the oath and premium note ing elsewhere call on the enrrent oneersiguore flour- ed Ageut of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. S. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION - ..1.• UCTION- F • BSB, will sell for hotter prtees, to bettor men in lase time and leers charges than any Dither Auctioneer In Mast Enron or be won't charge anything, Dates and orders cana wl always e ran rged at this °MDoo or by TO WHOM IT MAX CONCERN,— The nndoreignod, who ie well acquainted throughout the moet part of the County and who has bad buetneee with a large eir- e1e of farmers in and around this looallty, beget° inform the oommnnity that he bee Weis out au Auatim,eer'e License for the County of Huron and afore his services to all purposing to hold sales. THOS. NEWSOME, Brueeets. VETERINARY. T D. WABW1011— Honor Groaner° of the Ontario Vet. erinary College, le prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals ,in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Cells promptlyat- tended to. Office and. Infirmary—Pour doors North of bridge, Turnborry et„ Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYM CINO. NM, BINOLAIR— V V • Barrister, Solicitor, .Conveyancer, Notary Public, dto. 0000-8 tewart'e Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard 13 auk. Gf F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL- . ICITOR, &o., BRUSSELS.— Ulnae over Standard Bauk; Solicitor for Townebip of Grey, Howlett Mutual and the Metropolitan Bank, Private and Oompauy money to loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. 61. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. Ir., O. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical oollegte,Member College of Physicians and Burgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Pot- tage of Burgeons, and Lioenttate of Mid. witery Edinburgh, 13rTelophoue No.14, Reeiaenoo—Mill street, Brussel', DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, /DENTIST Graduate of etho Royal College of Dental Burgeons) of Ontario and First -clava Honor Graduate o! Toronto University, 011100 next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO ATTEND L/STOWEL - Fall Term begins Sept. 1st Two Couroee—Comma elal and Shorthand. Send for 0,.11orie Journal. 0. A. FLEMING, A. L. MOINTTRE, President, Boaretary, SHNCLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles ANP---- Nurtll Shore Pine and Cedar FOB SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Ks 4i0p }.lgor8 gnd Seeh of all Pat tang on hand or made to order tit Skirt Notioe, Eot:matee .Tarnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman, ship and Material Guaranteed, PO AMENL . GET THE BEST IT PAYS j CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT, gBest plumin Canada for securing V a thorough beldam eduoatiou or 0 ij gsuperior shorthand training, Our 11 graduates are always cuooessful lu get. Mug positions. Tbie eohoal invarriiably Ap Q��Y poets its rites for mcatalog ie, they � 9.D this month if poesibie. I W. 0, ELLIOTT, Principal, 0 e t•3""» s.- sal 4-ar ie --.1i= 'C ici firto, .�. r. w 00 (1. Alf. House ie able to be out again, niter a severe attack oI muscular rheamatioin, While Everett Oogblin, eon of Geo. Ooghlin, was driving mettle to the field, a bull turned 08 him and tried to gore him, but being near the fano° he was able to slip through it and eeoape unhurt. While engaged in working the jointer in W. F. Forrest's planing mill, John Davie bed the misfortune to run his left hand into the maebicfe. The result wan that all tour lingers were badly goosed out, the little Sager having the top taken off, The other fingers were not ant through, but portions of the bone were out making a very palatal wound, Ford wide. Miro Ellen. Carter will have her douse veneered this Full and erect a new kit. ohm, The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian ohereb have decided to hold au entertain. mint on Christmas Evening. The Seo. -Treat). of the Board of Tros• tees reoeived 975 tie Fordwioh Public School's share of the Continuation Grant. Rev, D. Rogers, Chairman of the Wing. ham Diotriot, attended a meeting of the Oonfereooe special committee in Lon. don. Mies Emma Ann MoLanghlin, of Arrow River, Man., arrived home to see her mother, Mrs. ,Oboe. McLaughlin, who is on the sink list. J. L. Wilson, 9 h Oen. had five sheep killed on Monday of last week at the 0. P. R. oroesing a mile and a quarter West of the village. Jae. Oabtanaoh has arrived from the West. He was working in Neepawa and vicinity all Bummer, helping to build some magnificent buildings. IYe„rsli.11, T. Murdock's horse "Joe Stanton” took let prize at Dungennou Fair, About 25 tone of coal have been brought into Heimail during the past two months. The Coattail proposes doing away with sigue overhanging the sidewalks, stripe that interfere with public travel, &c. One of our farmers cleaned 140 bushels of wheat which tested 83 pounds to the bushel. Out of the above quantity there wee only about half a gallon of tailing, Some of our local nimroode report great sport these days, Messrs. Ellwood and Worden claim to have allot six partridge, eight rabbit° and two blank squirrels. Another pioneer of Hibbert Tp. pegged to the great majority in the person of Jonas Simmons. He was in hie 80th year, well known and mach respected by the elude of hie acquaintance. BONIBE,1i, —At noon Thanksgiving day, Mise Lena Farrow, daughter of John Farrow, Stratford, wee united in mar. ring° to George Trot, of Reoeail, at the Home of the bride'e uncle, D. Farrow, Water street, Stratford, Rev, Dr. Lang. lord officiated. Only the relatives of the bride and groom were preoenb. The parlor, where the ceremony wan perform. ed, was tastily decorated with palms, oarnabions and smilax. Mies Yeo, of Mitchell, played Mendelesohn's wedding marob an the bride entered on the arm of her father. The bride's dreee was of brown ladies' cloth. After the nuptial knot was tied a wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mre. Trot left on the afternoon train for their home in Hensel4 They were the recipients of many hand. some gifte, ICxe to r•, Dewitt Holmes, of Parkhill, was the guest of his aunt, Mrs, (Dr ) Rollins. The home of Frank Woods and inmates was planed under quarantine owing to an attack of soarlett fever. The teachers and pmpile of the High. School department of the Exeter sobool have organized e. Literary and Boientifle Society. Among the supplementary estimates brought down in the Dominion Hones loot week we notice that of $6000 to build a breakwater and pier at Grand Bend. Ib is the intention of the organist of the Trivitt Memorial church to give it enured conoert and organ reuital in the near future, the proceeds to go towarde the improvement of the organ, 'The Exeter Dietriot Epworth League Convention was held at Parkhill on Oct, 291 h. Rev. 1. E Ho.lmeo, of Granton, ie Preeident ; Mlea Shier, of K;rkton, 1st Vine, and Mrs. Marshall, junior superin- tendent, Chas, Perkins wee seized with a faint ing spell while tatting hie horse to Rue.. eel's chop to be shod. He was assisted home but was taken worse after reaohing t t e e mmoned and the beast). A lood wa u after claming the patientpronounced the trouble congestion nt the brain. Asad shooting futility oconrred near Sedan], about 4 miles from Exeter, Slice Stttnlnke, jr and °there were out rabbit. hunting. Me. St.anlake had shot a rab• bit and was going to atarb'for home. Ile ooelud both barrels to take out the re. maing cartridge. One of the looks was defective. The hummer went down and i the gun wag dleoherged. The uootonto wont into the abdoman of John H. Smith 0ou of John Smith, of Bodeen, who died almost instantly. 112r, Stanlalte did not see the bey, be having Dome through a 513105301 unobserved, Be is heart broken pver the 0o0idont, Exoitemont'ren high on Tueeday atter. noon of each week, when a team of horaee, attached to it load of lninber, ohinglee, eta., driven by James Onrboin, eon of Pat. Curtain, Biddnlph, name dashing down Main street ata bteakneok Speed with the driver, whose life was in peril, hang. ing on like grim death. The team had, become frightened by the binding pole selling out of plasm and coning in oontwit With one o4 the horses whjoh started 10 T131}51 BRU38814.LS POST look and both started on the dead jump. When about opp eiin the Central 110181, Wee, Heywood, of Unburnt), ran into the road and endeavored t0 clop the brutoe, but finding this in, ffmtna' he managed to mach unto the load and quickly landing on top grabbed the linea and the two managed to avert what might otherwise h,Ae roanitel in .t 8erione runaway, Simla .Jot- tet. The potatoes la this vioiuity are badly effected by rot. Two Chinamen hove etruok town and bavo opened a laundry in nolmeeted'e blo 114, Y. McLean wag elect° 1 mayor by ncolametion to fill the vaoanoy ()eased by the death of the late Mayor Broad. foot. George Mnrdie end FVm. Solater were appointed on the Beard of Health, one to 011 the vacancy caused by the resignation of Thomas Murphy. The final junior 0. L A. ohampionehip 10010000 match here Thanksgiving Day between Wallaneburg and Elora, resulted in fever of Elora by n more of 9 to 1. Miss Maud Hartry, who has been teach. ing in Bervie Halloo!, near Rino,rdine, 0inee September, ham been engaged for 1904 at an advanoa of 950, making her salary $350. Alex Booth, ar,, met with a somewhat serious aooident. He fell from a ladder, on which he wee standing, a dietsnce of about twelve feet, receiving some injuries that he hes been laid up since. Wint_faitrn. Mica Martha Bosman .bee returned from a pleasant trip West. Wm. Robinson and David Calvert, of Turnberry left Wingham for a trip to Ireland, Charles A. Barber, formerly of Wing ham, has porobased the Pilot Mound (Man.) Seotiuel, Rev. Wm. Lowe wee in London o0 Wednesday of laid week, as representative of St, Paul's branch of the Brotherhood of 81. Andrew. Mrs. Gallaher, of Salem, who had been detained in Wingham so long on account of injuries reoeived, has recovered sofa. °featly to return to her home. Mrs. (Dr) Macdonald was visiting with her mother, Mee. Rosa at Bruoefield for a few days during Ibe past week, Mrs. Roes bee been seriously ill for some weeks. The Massey•Harrie Implement 0o. in• tend either to purchase a shop in a good beelines looation on the main street of Wingham, or buy a lot and erect a good sobetantiol building. Judge Doyle held Court of Revision of Wingham Voters' Lista on Wednesday of last week. The results were —The Lib - orals added 29 and streak off 28; Con- errvativee added 19 and etrnok off 10. At the meeting of Court Heron, No. 408, A. 0. F. on Tuesday evening of last week Frank Shore was presented with a gold lookeb by the members of the Court on the eve of hie departure for the rain. Bion fields. - The Sone of Scottend have decided to hold their annual oonoert on Tltareday evening, January 7th. The talent al. ready engaged include Harold Jarvis, Soottieh tenor ; Mien Pearl O'Neil, elan - Monist ; and Jae. Fax, oomedian. On October 5;h•, the youngest eon of Wm. Baird, had hie left leg freotured be. low the knee while playing at Glenannan School. On Friday, 9th inst., a little daughter of David Welsh, of Lower Wingham, fraotnred her left collar bone. On October 80h, a eooinl was held in 'Holmes' School House. Quite a number of people attended, and an enjoyable time was spent. Atter a program, consisting of addressee, readings, reoitalione, songs, oto., John Herr, of Winiham, who lc enperintondeul of the Union hunday Bohol held in that Pelves', wan preetutal with 01 battlement) owlish 1,1,11 ado,epe, P. Share, of Winelium, has been ap• pointed, by the Bishop of Du utb, to the mineion0 of Princeton sad Willow River, in the State of Minnesota, and left on tVedneoday of feet week to eminence hie dntie0 in hie new ephere of work. Pilot, Shore will remain in Wingham for ashen time longer, -. Clinton. An extra six feet of granolithia walk was added to the twelve fret previouely laid in trout of the new poet onto. The House of Refuge inmates an bad en. joyoble eervioe from the choir end rector of St. Penl'e ohuroh Solidity afternoon, The plane that are to be submitted to the Hones of Refuge Building Oomtniitee which meet here od Nov. Ord, are now ready. Arobitect McBride, London, pre. pared them and it calls for a 45x70 addl. tion, three stories high, The Oddfellowe are seriously eoneider. lug the taking of the second 11,ght of the new Tiedall block that is being erected, for a lodge room. If they so decide, it will be fitted opso the hall eau be turned into a nine assembly roam. One of Dr. Thompson'° little eons, who bad the misfortune to break bis collar bone abont R month ago, and bad about got well, took another tumble down the stein injuring it again and in Donee• gaenae carries his arm in a sling once more. After serving five years tie secretary of the Oaterio 0 E Union, A. T. Cooper wished to he relieved of the position at the recent 0. E. meeting at Btrabford, and the retiring Preeident, Dr. V. H. Lyon, of Ottawa, was elected to the poe- itioo. Since the death of Rev. Ferguson, of Fullerton circuit, they have been without a superintendent. Rev. J. Greece reeeiv. ed a call from them and since which time be has been notified by the ohairman of the District that be had been appointed. He entered upon hie duties last Sunday and if everything appears eatiefaatory to him, will move- his family there in a short time. " lsls•Ch. Adam Hett, of Toronto, was in Blyth, placing coal grates in the Blyth floor mill, Dr. Lindsay hat) gone to New York, where be will take poet graduate work in several of the leading hospitals in that great city, Charles Barrett tae pnrobaeed the bakery business of R. R. Douglas, Mr. Douglas will continue the grocery and restaurant business. L. Stewart, who bad charge of It, R. Douglao' bleokemith shop for the past year, left for London where he has eeonred a good eitoatioo, D. M. McMillan is at present at the home of hie parents in Morrie, after three years absence in Vanoonver, British Columbia, where he held a good position but owing to the continued rainy season his health became impaired reoently. On hie way home he visited Qo'Appelle and other Weetero Canada pointe. He bopee to regain hie usual health in a month or 00. Onrr. — Mre. Mary MoIiellar Buie, wife of the late John Buie, died at her home en Sunday morning of last week. During the past year Mre. Buie bad not enjoyed very good health end lost week Route inflammation set in, which terrain- abed in death after only a few days illneeo. Mrs. Buie was a reeident of Blybn for over 40 years and wan highly esteemed and reepeoted. Four children are lett to mourn the loes of a loving and kind mother. They are Capt. Daniel Buie, of SEE DATES BELOW. Established 1856. Over 30 Tears of Success in Toronto, Ont. 192 WesKing St. J. Y. EGAN, Specialist, P.O. 539, Toronto. '„ 01117 MOST RPILLt8L1I and Sttcoossfltl Authority—Greatest 0001090 10 the treatment of Hernia (Rupture) Varioueolo (Rtlao Rnpturo) of all known agencies In modern tines. He who makes, 0510 0lt3 of ono dopavhoont must oertahny be mom experienced ced anti capable than those having I. many tram in Go Oro." Duo% taut off your tas0, bulluvhg it 10 bo simple—Rcmombor neglect often proves fatal. Mayo your ansa attended to now, and thus avoid dawn Stop wasting thno and Molloy elsewhere but onus to ono whose lito•long study has taught The what to de. Do not despond or be dotorrnd hem seeking Nether advice, or because of repotted failures consider your ease inettrahlc. 11omtn80 utliore failed I0 your 0110 yat1 hero h00olne disoournged. This is the very time you should (tumult ma as my reputation has boon made to curing hopeless (so-oallod) oaths. LIADIDIS suffering from Navel or any form of Rupture abetted not hesitate in having their ease attended t0 at mute. llverythiug strictly private and protoatio0n1 MOTHERS -Look to your Children —Now Is the time to havo then cured, while young. Don't allow them to grow up handioapped In the race of Ilio, with rupture. MY OHARCI ES aro within roach of all the peer man Eta well as tbo rich. Terms can bo sntisfnatorlllyyarranged, no reason why you should not consult me at once, during this visit. VARICOCELE,MEN°PALL AGES 000,o SUPPER FALSE from this t0rrlblo af9lGE in soma way. Thor0 is n0 other adlhtlon to which man RUPTURE duties pleasures oolyunate beaker the duties er ploaauroe of 1110, as Vari000imo. The universal us (labs of those ng, st ens It t0 of a worse and more tion, etated-landing to im- potency, y, s0 sidio s nudely, wasting, atasatnro, lumbago eooinl exhaustion, etc. Do you tntond to roma this Insidious Muttons 10 0011 away WM vitality i It is doing' so be, and if hot , o rthe will result dot the atarI conditions. No Matte,' bow urrhMle 1011 Cage may ko, thno r tlotod, or the fail- ure 3000 syst havelxpareyno011 in trying to bo om'orl 01 modioh sir from trims, or do ntre butt --my sexual system will ours you ; tete wormy veins return to their normal condition and honed the oxual organs ronoivt proper nourishment, the party bo0mno vitalised and manly putfore return. No temporary bmdt, but a PPOI1HA.Nrr NLono. NO OPE1531 100( necessary. No ,iobotdw; from IMMMe00. If you have had the usual eoporlaoco you have no doubt Gent largo Homey of money add still larger quantities of thnc searohhlg for the r wetly that I offerr yo, hero. SPECIALIST WILL. VISI1'1 ure WINGHAM—Oct:. 24 and 25 BRUSSELS American Hotel MONDAY (all day and evening) One Day Only OCTOBER 26 CONSULT SPECULUM EARLY. LISTOWEL—October 27. out this "AAs' out for future 'refineries. 51 PU NPS, WINOMILIS, C. A. RAYMANN, Cranbrook, who has had 30 years' Experience in the Pump business, is dealing larger than ever in Iron and Wooden Pumps, and ready to attend to repairs promptly. IIe is also agent for the Woodstock Windmill. This mill is a marvel and should be seen before ordering any other. Persons requiring Water Troughs should call and get prices. A. RAYMANN, Pump Maker, Cranbrook. Chioago • Oaptain Dnnoan Buie, of Cleveland ; Mrs, Seminal Graney, of Bt. Marys, and Mrs. Oartie, of Blyth. The funeral took plane on Tuesday and inter- ment was made in the Union oemetsry. McKillop. REV. MB, DAnewELx Ixnuorgo.—The indnotion of Rev. Mr. Carswell, late of Carberry, Manitoba, to the pastorate of Doff's and Cavan ohurchee, McKillop, took place in Duff's ohuroh on Tuesday of last week. Both 000gregatione were well represented. Rev. Neil Shaw, of Egmondville, moderator of the sessions during the vaoanoy, presided. Rev. Mr. Small, of Auburn, delivered an able ser- mon enitable to the 000aeion. Rev. Mr. Larkin, of Seaforth, delivered an appro- priate and praotioal address' to the:people and Rev. Mr. Shaw addressed the new pastor. Al th'e conclusion of the services Mr. Oarewell was oondnoted to the door of the church by the moderator and where he shook hands and was bid welcome by the members of the congre- gation as they paeeed from the ohuroh. In the evening a reception and tea meet- ing was held. The refreshments were served in the school hones adjoining the oboroh and were in abundance and of the very beet. The tables were well filled from six to eight o'clock. Supper ended, the company repaired to the church, which was crowded. Rev. Mr. Shaw again presided. Exoelleab addressee were delivered by Reeds. Messrs. Hamil- ton and Elliott, of Goderiob ; Rev. Mr. Small, of Auburn ; Revde• Mesere. Larkin and Waliwin, of Seaforth. Mise Ada Beattie gave a reoitation which was well rendered and greatly pleased the an- dienoe. The proceedings wereeaooeosfnl throughoutand meet have been vary eatiefaotory to all concerned. Rev. Mr, Carswell enters upon his duties under the most favorable oironmetancee and will do good work here. lode rich. A lot of new shelving has been planed in Judge Holt'e office. A, M. Polley ie suffering from a dieloo- ated shoulder, caused while moving a gate, Colin Campbell had a oow shot by 80030 one passing in the vicinity of hie farm oo Huron road. Poetmaeter Galt and 0. F. Carey left Tuesday morning of last week o11 a trip to the Temioaaming dietriot. R. S. Williame returned Tuesday night of last week from his trip to the cosset and reports having had a splendid outing. Dr. Charles Diokene Williams tae re. turned from Europe, where he has spent eight months in study in the leading hoe. pitals. F. Smooth is ereotiog a brink chimney at hie mill. It will be 65 ft. high with a 2 it 0 in. floe A similar chimney will be erected at Dietrich's dour mill. At the regular meeting, the Oddfellowe bought a piano, the purchase of wbioh will obviate the hauling of instruments in and ont of the ball for every entertain. men t, The Orangemen of Goderinh decided to celebrate the Gunpowder Plot by holding an "at home" at the residence of Bro. Charlet) Tweedy, Bt. David's street, on Thursday evening, November 6th. Mrs. Matthews had a nasty fall. It appears eh wee Mending o0 a chair plaoed on a table to fix a blind, when she fell to the floor, reneivink some matches on the fade and bruising her shoulder eomawbab severely. Tho Goderiob Organ faotory is a busy hive these days, with its eighty odd of a staff, and the Oompauy is so well supplied with orders that the betide oommenoed on Monday of last week to work overtime to keep up with the order list. Lt. Col. Varves retnrued home Mon• day night of last week from hie trip to Northern Ontario, where he has located lands for himself and a number of other veterans of '86 and '70 who are receiving grante from the Drown. In company with Mejor Dunlop, of Toronto. he made a tour of the country East of Sault Bs. Marie, and ohoee the laude in the three townships of Haughton, Rose and Kirk. wood. The looatione are forty 'to fifty Miles from the Soo, in Central Algoma. The new Central Algoma Ry, is going. through these townships, and there le every pro0peot of a grand development of the aotiutry. Groat lumbering operations are married on -throughout the district, and the Ophir gold rehash) in the vioiniby. There are some splendid forme there, too, and the Colonel gays it is a great 0ountry for game. Thome for whom 001. Varooe oboes lands, besides his own, are: W. P. Hick, Wm. Fraser, W. Vrooman, 0, Seager, P. Jordon, Oapt, Babb, 0. Wells. John lioberte and F. F. Lawrence. )Vico Mary E. Bittner Hued Milton Rick. er, a farmer beat Branohton, for breaoh of promise and reoeived $400 with costa, amounting to 6182 86. Geo. 0. Jones, superintendent Toronto divielon of the G. T. R., in a letter to the Toronto Solicitor, annouoed the probable double.tra0king of the Northern division. 1B L Y 7' H, • MORE NEW MANTLES Oar Mantle ealee this season have been onpreoedented. Dnring the Fair week our ealee were very large. Oar stook wise badly broken up. We have renewed our stook of Mantles, in all oolore and elzae, and have added several new lines which were not ehowo early in the season, This puts our Mantle stook in first•olaoa shape. —Ladies' Beaver Mantles, 30 Mabee long, semi fitting, fly front, velvet molar, oolore blank and navy, 63,26, —Ladles' Cheviot Coate, 30 inches long, box book, velvet collar, doable breasted, fanny etitohed pockets, lined with mercerized oataua, $4 96. —Ladies' Frieze Monte Oarlo Coats, with pleated or plain box book, with doable cape, top oapeirimmed with eight reeve of stitching and piped with velvet, lined with mercerized Wane, oolore black and oxford, great valne at 67 50, —Ladies' Diagonal Cheviot Coate, 36 inches long, velvet collar, kimona sleeves, trimmed with tummy strapping, colors bleak and oxford, ehoald be $10, our prioe $8 60. M ILLI N E "' Y Our Millinery Department is doing a fine trade this season. Onr sales have exceeded our most 000505ne expectations. It pays to have firet- a1a00 millinore, HAVING PURCHASED THE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods. We have in stock a large assortment of- -All -wool Blankets, —White and Gray Sheetings, —Plain Flannels, —Checked Flannels, —Fancy Shirtings, —Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, 1—Light and Heavy Tweeds, I —Underwear for Men and Boys, —Men's and Boys' Stockings, —Ladies' and Children's rr —Boys' Sweaters, —Yarns, all kinds and colors. ;WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE. W. & J. LOCKRIDGE BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY. ROOHE & HAYOROFT City Millinery. 0 We thank the Ladies for their at- tendance at our Millinery Opening, which was a decided success. Our stock of Trimmed Millinery and Ready-to-wear Goods ,should please the most fastidious, both• for style and price. Call and see our stock before you place your order. Boole & IIayeroit. 1 200 BUGGIES Must be Sold this Season. Buggies, The Finest line to be seen in any town Carriages in Ontario will be found Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms TURNBERRY STREET, BRUSSELS. —We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac- tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. —You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing. ---Satisfaction assured. Prices right. SWAN So Co,, BRUSSELS.