HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-22, Page 4tC Wiknostis .est,
.THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1908.
Prize list of the Fall Fair,
Heavy Draught.—Brood mare, James
Chisholm ; mare foal, James Chisholm ;
two year old gelding, James Chisholm,
-G T Robertson ; one year old filly, G
Dale & Son ; team mares or geldiuge, J
Agricultural —Brawl mare, G T Rob.
erteon ; boree foal, G T Robertson ; two
year old gelding, Jae Forster, Jae Evans ;
two year old filly, Jae Evans ; one year
old gelding, Wm Helps; one year old
fl'ly, Jae Reid, Jamee Chisholm; team of
mares Or geldings, Jae Hayden, JE Fells.
General Purpoee Brood mare, Albert
Wallaoe, Wm Helps ; mare foal, A Wel.
lame, Wm Helps ; one year old filly, G
Dale & Son ; team mares or geldings, J
E Fells.
Carriage. -Team mares or geldings,
Fowler Bros.
Roadstera.—Brood mare, Thoe Black,
Albert Wallace ; horse foal, Albert Wal-
laoe, Henry Dinsmore ; mare foal, Thou
Blank ; two year old gelding, James Shed.
den, M Lockhart ; two year old fitly, A
Wallace, M Lockhart ; one year old geld
ing, John Barr ; one year old filly, Henry
Dinsmore, Thomaa Black ; single driver
in buggy, C W Taylor, George Bradford ;
team mares or geldings, M MoNaughton ;
saddle horse, Jno Barr ; sweepstake?, G
Dale & Son.
Judges—W. H. Oruiokehank, Wingham,
and George Graham, Goderioh.
Thoro' bred Darhame,—ltiilch oow, A
R Jaoobe, R Corley ; two year old heifer,
R Corley 1 & 2 ; one year old heifer, R
Harrison, A H Jaoobe ; heifer Galt, A H
Jaoobe, 11 Corley aged ball, A T Cole,
John Barr ; bull oalf, Albert Wallace, R
Harrison ; herd, R Harrison.
Aberdeen•Angae.—Two year old heifer,
J E Fells 1 bull two years and under, R
G McGowan ; ball calf, E Batt & Sons,
Herefords.—Milab oow, E L Farnham ;
two year old heifer, E L Farnham ; bull
two yeare and ander, E L Farnham ;
bat calf, E L Farnham ; herd, E L Fara-
Grode: Mitch oow, R Harrison 1 & 2 ;
two year old heifer, D Scott da, Sone, Jno
Barr ; one year old heifer John Barr, R
Harrison ; heifer calf, W Helps, Thomas
Bleak ; steer calf, R Harrison, D Soott &
Sone ; two year old steer, Jae Hefferon 1
& 2 ; one year old steer, Jae Hefferon,
Jae Sinning ; fat steer, Jno Barr, R Conley ; fat oow or heifer, R Corley, D Scott
& Sone ; herd, Jno Barr,
Judges—George Stanbary, Clinton ;
Harry Smith, Exeter, and H. Chesney,
Cotswold.—Aged ram, Jas Potter ;
ehearling ram, Jas Potter ; ram lamb, J
Potter ; pair of ewe lambs, Jae Potter;
pair ehearling ewes, John Barr.
Leicester.—Aged ram, Jno Barr ;
ehearling ram, Jno Barr ; ram lamb, Jno
Barr 1 & 2 ; pair ehearling ewes, Jno Barr
1 & 2 ; pair seed ewes, Jno Barr, 1 & 2 ;
pair ewe Iambs, Jno Barr 1 & 2.
Shropehiredown,—Aged ram, R Barri.
eon, R B Laidlaw ; ehearling ram, A.
Dunkin 1 & 2 ; ram lamb. Andrew Dan -
kin ; pair of aged ewes, Andrew Donkin
1 & 2 ; pair ehearling aweo, Andrew Den•
kin 1 & 2 ; pair ewe lambs, Andrew Dan -
kin, R B Laidlaw,
Any Other Bred.—Shearling ram, R
Corley ; ram Iamb, R Corley ; pair of
aged ewes, R Corley ; fat sheep, John
Barr, Andrew Dunkin.
Judge—George Peahaie, Exeter.
Yarkehire.—Aged boar, John Haggitt,
Jae Alton ; brood sow, John Haggitt, Jae
Alton ; boar littered in 1903, Jae Alton,
John Haggitt ; sow littered in 1903, Jae
Alton 1 & 2.
Tamworth. Aged boar, W H McCnt-
abeon ; brood sow, W H MoCatoheoo,
Jae Alton ; boar littered in 1903, James
Alton ; sow littered in 1903, W H Me.
Oatoheon 1 & 2.
Berkebire.—Aged boar, P Gibbons 1 &
2 ; brood sow, P Gibbons 1 & 2 ; boar lit.
tared in 1903, P Gibbons 1 & 2 ; sow lit-
tered in 1903, P Gibbons I & 2; pen of
pigs, John Haggitt, Jae Alton,
Jndge,—H. 0. Beacom, Clinton,
llronza turkeys, RR Corley ; turkeys any
other kind, Wm Carter 1 Jr 2 ; geese,
large breed, Wm Carter, John Haggitt ;
geese, small breed, A Tyreman ; Rosen
lecke, Jno Haggitt ; Leghorne any vita.
ety, Jno Haggitt, Wm Clatter ; Hondans,
Wm Carter, 1 & 2 ; Black Spanish, Mre
Howrie ; Minorcae, Mre Howrie 1 & 2 ;
Hamborge, Wm Carter 1 & 2 ; Langehan,
Mra Howrie ; Dorkioge, 0 W Vail 1 & 2 ;
Wyandottee, any variety, Wm Carter 1 &
2; Aodalueiane, Mre Howrie ; Black
breasted Red Game, John Haggitt 1 & 2 ;
Bantams, Wm Carter, Mre, Howrie ;
Potands, Wm Carter: Red Cape, John
Haggitt ; Plymouth Rooke, any variety,
John HaggItt
, hire, Howrie
pigeons, John Haggtt ; collocation of fowl
apart from all entries, Wm'Oarter
1 & 2 ;
guinea fowl, Jno Haggitt.
Judge—Wm, Wallace, Londeaboro'•
Red Fall wheat, D Brethoor, J K Wise;
white Fall wheat, M Brethour, J K Wise ;
red Spring wheat, D Brabant, Miee
Wiee ; white Fife Spring wheat, M Bre.
thoor ; sixarowed barley, LI Brethoor,
K Wiee; white oats, J K Wiee, Miea
Wise ; black oats, J K. Wiee, M Brethour :
small peas, D Brethonr, 3 K Wiee ; large
peas, J K Wise. D Brethoor ; timothy
seed, J K Wiea, D Brethoor ; red clover,
3 K Wiee, M Brabant.
Judge -0. H. Beene, Blyth.
Oolleatioo garden produce, J Mlaheon,
W H MoCraoken ; early potatoes, named,
P Willows, John Haggitt ; late potatoee,
named, J Allaneon, Miee Carder ; oolloot•
ion of potatoes, John Haggitt, P Will.
owe ; field carrots, A H Plummer, John
Haggitt ; garden red oarrot8, Jamee Barr,
John Barr ,• Swede turnips, W H
MoCraoken, John Barr ; turnips, any
other variety, W iL ivio0raoken,
John Barr ; bode, John Barr,
John Haggitt •sugar beete, W H Mo
Oration, J Ailansen ; menget wnrzste
long, W H McCracken, John Haggitt
mattgel,Wttrzals, globe, W H MoUraokan;
pumpkin, W ft MoCraoken, John Hag.
gil ; nutmeg, W H MaO,aoken, J Allan -
eon ; red onions, Mre Hele, Mrs Howrie ;
yellow onions, Hire Hele, Oire Howrie ;
silver piokiing ouioue, W H MaOrauken,
J Altaneoa ; potato onions, W H Mo-
Oraoken ; white field beans, M. Brethour,
J 1i Wise ; field cern, S Morton, P Dine-
more ; table oorn, 3 Allaheon, W H
McCracken ; oitrooe, W H McCracken,
B Morton ; cabbage, named, P Willows,
John Haggitt ; red pickling cabbage,
John Haggitt, J Allaneon ; celery, 3
Allaneon, W H MoOraeken ; aurumbere,
ATyr, man , J Allaneon.
Judge.—John Stafford, Walton,
Tub butter, rpm Plunkett, R B M°•
Gowan ; orook butter, Wm Plunkett,
Mice Nott ; butter, 10 pounde in two.
pound rolls, R B MoGowen, Adam
Elliott ; butter, five pounds in one.pound
prints, 1V J Fenwiok, R B MoGowan ;
dairy cheese, J E Felle, D Soott & Sone
extraoted honey, R B Laidlaw, A W
Sloan : loaf home made bread, Wm
Plunkett, R B hioGowaa • plain tea
biscuits, R B McGowan, John Barr
maple syrup, W H MoCraoken, A W
Sloan ; oolleotioo of canned or preserved
frnit, Mise Wiee, W H Mo0raoken ;
grape wine, home made, 3 K Wiee, Mies
Wien; tont eto oatanp, Miee Wiee, rt B
Leidiew ; pickles, mixed, Miss Wiee, R
B Matiowau; pick'. e, any other kind,
R B McGowan, W H MoCraoken.
Judges—D E Muer°, Anburn, and
Mies M. L. Green, Loyal.
Apples—Winter apples, G Fothergill,
A W Sloan ; fall apples, A W Sloan,
James Potter ; baldwin, A H Jaoobe, A
Tyreman ; king of Tompkins, A W Sloan,
J M Hamilton 1 northern spy, G Pother.
gill, James Evans ; rhode island greening,
A Tyreman, A H Jaoobe ; Tibetan pippin,
S Morton, A W Sloan ; russet golden, G
Fothergill, Wm Plunkett : raeset roxboro,
A Tyreman, G Fothereill ; seek no•tar-
they, G Fothergill, R B Laidlaw ; wagner,
G Fothergill, A H Jaoobe ; bendavie, A H
Jaoobe, A W Sloan ; vandervere, A W
Sloan ; mammoth pippins, J Haggitt, A
H Jaoobe; talman sweet, J Haggitt, A H
Plummer ; mann, G Fothergill, R G Mc
Gowan ; maiden blush, A W Sloan, G
Fothergill ; snow, J Barr, Oire Howrie;
enteric, R G MoGowan, G Fothergill ;
pewaakee, A W Sloan, G Fothergill
wealthy, R G MoGowan ; caneda red, R
G MoGowan, G Fothergill ; oalvert, Wm
Plunkett, R B Laidlaw ; alexander, J
Potter, A W Sloan ; 20 ounce pippins, M
Brethoor ; anyother named variety, J
Barr, A W Sloan ; arab apple, J Barr, hi
Brethoor ; collection of apples, A W
Sloan, A Tyreman.
Other fruit—Winter pears, J Haggitt,
F Metoatf ; fall pears, A Tyreman, A @
Sloan ; plume, F Metcalf, W H Mc-
Cracken ; oolleotioo of plume, F Metcalf,
W H MoCraoken ; tomatoes, J Barr, J
Allaneon ; oolleation of granite, A H
Jacobs, J Fella ; bunch of grapes, J M
Hamiltou ; peaches, F Metcalf, Miee
Judge.—D. Franob, Clinton.
Single open boggy, D Ewan ; single
covered buggy, D Ewen ; cutter ,D Ewan ;
wooden pump, P Willows ; fanning mill,
D MoCorvie 1 & 2.
Judge.—Frank Wheeler, Belgrave.
All -wool flannel, Miee Wise, Miss Bolt;
anion flannel, Miee Nott, Miee Wise ; all
wo01 blankets Miee
Wiee R B
union blanket?, J
K Wiee, Alias Wise ;
horse blanketR B McGowan, M
Brethoor; coverlet, Miee Wire, J K
Wiee ; rag mat, Miee Nott, Mre, Hele ;
yarn mat, Mre Hele, Miee Wiee ; rag
carpet, ,}file Wise, J K {Vise ; stocking
yarn, Miee Wise, R B McGowan ; coarse
boots, 3 Sherritt 1 & 2 ; fine gent's boots,
John Sherritt,
Judge—Peter PDrves, Teeewater.
Leas handkerchiefe, Mre. Hele, J E
Fella ; button holes on different mater-
ials, Miee Mabel Brook ; specimen of
patohing, Mra Hale ; genb'a mita, Mise
Symington, Mre Hale ; pillow shame, Mre
Hele, Mre Campbell ; nabob quilt in
cotton, Miee Wiee, Mre Hele ; patch
quilt in cloth, W H McCracken, Mies
Nott ; silk quilt, crazy, Mies Nott, Mre
Hate ; crochet quilt, Mre Howrie, W H
filoCraoken ; knitted quilt, Mre Hele,
Miee Symington ; woolen Boake or stook
Inge, home made, W H MoCraoken, Miee
Nott ; araeoene work, Mre Campbell,
Mies Nott ; embroidery on bolting cloth,
Mre Hele, W H MoCraoken ; embroid•
ery on silk or satin, Mre Hale, Miee
Nott ; gent's mitts, Miss Symington,
Mre Hele ; Kensington embroidery, Mrs
Campbell, Miss Carder t R,mart em-
broidery, Mrs Campbell, Mre Hale ; sofa
ooabioo, Mise Wiee, Miee Nott ; fanoy
panel, Mre Campbell, Miee Nott ; piano
or table scarf, D Brethoor, Miee Nott •
drawn work, Mies Mabel Brook, Mre
Hele ; Houlton or point lane, Mies Sym
ington, Mrs Rowels; novelty in fancy
work, Mies Mabel Brook, Miee Carder ;
crochet work in silk, Mre Hele, Miee
Mabel Brook ; crochet work in cotton,
Miee Carder, Mile Symington ; bedroom
eiipppere, hand made, Miee Mabel Brook,
W 13 MoOraokec ; fanoy toilet set, Miee
Wiee, Alias Nott; footstool, Mies Nott,
Mise Wise ; applique work, Miee Nott,
Mre Campbell ; fancy pin onebion,
Mies g min ton Mies
Carder• fanoy
Y g
handkerchief case, a Mise Carder, dire
Campbellmould work, Mre Campbell,
Mise Symington ; knitted laoe in cotton,
hire Hele, Miss Wiee ; knitted or °roobot
fanoy shawl, wool
e w reCampbell,
Wiee ; one set oMroobet table mat, Mre
Hale, Miee Carder ; one get of doylies,
W H Ma0raaken, Mre Campbell t bat.
Limburg lane, J E Fells, Mre Campbell
fanoy glove ogee, Miee Carder, M Broth.
our ; tatting, Mrs Campbell, Mre Hele ;
fanny netting, Mre Howrie, Mre Clamp.
bell; Qaeen Ann darning, Mre Camp.
bell, Mre Howrie ; gentleman's Dollar
and cuff case, 141 Brethoor, Miss Carder ,
fanoy Atgbao, Mre Hole, Mre Campbell I
table centre pieces, W H M0Orackeo,
Mrs Campbell ; table oover, embroider.
ed, Mre Howrie, Mre Bele ; tray cloth,
Mre Howrie, Mrs Campbell ; tea nosey,
Mra Hole, Mies Nott ;iotnre throw,
Mies Nott, Mre Campbell P lamp eoreen,
Aliso Carder; laundry bag, Miee Nott,
M Brethour; shopping bag, M Brethoor,
Miee Mabel Brook; etohing on any twat.
erial, fine or ooares, Mrs Campbell, Miss
Nett; mantle drape, Mies Nott, Mre
Campbell ; collection of ladies, work,
Miee Carder, Mre HoWrie, MISS Mabel
Judges—Mrs Tamlyn, Wingham, and
Miee McClelland, Belgrave.
Omahnt work in wool, Mre Howrie ;
will hunt ,iinerican lintel
°t li t1114, o
THE lditEA'I'ES'L'
II t 110 GOODS
LADILS.—If you appreciate the added oherm and the younger appearance
lent to the face by hating beautiful hair, do not fail to see the grand
assortment of bwitohaa, Bunce, Pompadours, Wavy Fronts and
Wigs, tvhiah PnOF. DobtNNEND will have with him. Ooneultalione
entirely free end damonatratious given regarding these beautiful
oonoeptione in natural hair,
Even though you are bald or partially so y.0 oan regale your
former appearance by wearing Doreuweuti's Wips awl Teepee?,
They are made to mateb any shade of hair,
They are a protection to the head and a ecce
for chronic (told is the head and catarrh, They
are perfectly fitted to the bead and bear no
trace of artificiality.
Pace DORENwEND will take measurements
and demonstrate the rtae ire et hie Wigs.
Don't Forget the Days and Dates,
oroonot work in cotton, Mre Howrie ;
perncil drawing, A H Jacobs, Mre Howrie ;
dressed doll, James Barr ; work, plain
od ornamental, Mra Howrie.
Judge—Mre J Aroh Shipley, Denfield,
Ornament or vase, Mra Hele, Mies
Carder ; hand planted plaqae in oil, Mise
Carder, Mre Bele ; burned work on leath-
er, Mrs Bela, blies Carder ; burned work
on wood, Mies Carder, Mre He,e ; pteture
of Heron county eoeuery, Miss Carder,
dire Hale ; painting on bolting sloth,
Mire Carder, Mre Campbell ; cups and
smears, Miee Carder, Mrs Hele; platee,
Mre Hese, Miee Carder ; collection of oil
paintiuge, Mre Howrie, Miee Carder ;
imileotion of water oolor paintings, Mies
Carder, Mu Campbell ; figure painting
in oil, Mre Bele, Mise Carder; figure
painting in water calor, Miee Carder,
Airs Howrie ; animals grouped or single
in oil, Mre Campbell, Mre Hale t animate
grouped or single in water color, Mre
Campbell, Mise Carder ; landeoape in oil,
Mre Howrie, Mra Hele ; landeoape in
water oalor, Mrs Campbell, Miee Carder ;
°rayon drawing, Miee Carder, Mra Held ;
period drawing, dire Howrie, Miee Card.
er ; patella, any subject, Miss Carder,
Mre Hele ; oolleation of pen and ink
eketohea, Mre Hele, Miee Carder ; epee.
imeo ohina painting, Mrs Hele, Miee
Carder ; hand painting ou silk, satin or
plata, Mre Hele, Mies Carder ; painting
on glass in oil, Miee Carder, Mre Camp-
bell ; collation of photographs, T B
Judge.—Mra J Aroh Shipley, Denfield.
Collection of foliage, W J Fenwiok,
Hues Corder• hanging basket, R B
McGowan, Mies Carder ; display of
planta in flower, Miee Carder
Jodgee—D E Munro, Auburn, and Mies
M L Green, Loyal
Table bognet, James Evans, Frank
Metoalf ; baud bogoet, Min Carder,
Frank Metcalf ; oolleation of dahlias, J
E Coombe, W J Fenwick ; collection of
pansies, 5 Morton, James Evans
Jodgee—D E Munro, Auburn, and
Miee M L Green, Loyal
Lady driver, W W Walter, Miss Edna
Ferris ; farmer's driving outfit, 0 W
Taylor, George Jenkins ; naming variet-
ies of apples, pears and plume, Miss
Annie McGowan
Under 10 years of age, Wm Clark,
Maggie J Carter ; under 13 years of age,
Verna Bennett, Bernard Edmonds ;
under 16 years of age, Martha Barr.
Judge—A. H Plummer, Blyth.
2 26 trot and 2 30 pace—
R. Whiting 1 1 1
Flying Sid 4 2 2
Joe Stanton 2 3 4
Debby C. 3 4 3
2 50 trot—
Little Jim 2 1 1 1
Wana 1 3 4 2
MaggieDarrogh 5 4 2 8
Bandy 3 2 5 5
Frank Kling 4 5 3 4
Ferment' trot—
George Joyot 1
Thomas Ooultar 2
Murdo Rose 3
James Reheated 4
H. Mawhinney - 5
Pony trot—
Tommy Murray 1
Sammy P 2
Mike 3
Dan Patch 4
Fowler Bros 6
Judges.—G. E. Henderson, Seaforth;
Dr. Biaokall, Hensel] ; Oharlee Kneohtel,
Wingham, and George Whitely, Seaforth,
T. H. Rolle of the Grand Central has
purchased the residence on Dodd street
formerly owned by Wm, Thompson.
W. E. Binuiog, who has been confined
to hie home through illness, to now im-
proving and hopes to be about again
Gilliee & Martin, Lietowel Foundry,
casted a 1,200 Ib. driver weight, to be
need in fence and bridge building, It
was ehipped to Drayton,
Rev. Dr. Henderson, Associate Mie•
eionary Secretary of the Methodist
ohorch in Canada, preached in the
Methodist church here ou Sunday.
Rev, 0. H. Bnokland and Fred. Car -
thew were attending the annual conven-
tion of the St. Andrew's Brotherhood in
Toronto last week, at whioh Rev. Book -
land gave an address.
At a meeting of Orange brethren of
Cate town, held an Friday evening, it was
decided to reorganize L. 0. L. No. 370.
District Master W. J. Tughen preeided,
and upwards of a dozen old members
were present. Chas. Anderson was
elected Worshipful Master and W R.
Hamilton eeoreeary. The old obarter,
number and lodge appointments will be
appaed for. It is the intention to put
the lodge on a strong footing.
The members of the Listowell Club
gathered in their parlors, which were
nicely decorated to make a presentation
to one of their members, Geo. Bray, who
weft married is Toronto last week. The
members presented him with a hagdeome
bronze cloak. A happy reply from the
re0eipieat and short epeeohee of con-
gratulation and good wmehee from other
Coaeiderabie interest wee taken in a
obergs against 0. Zlliiax, Listowel.
Atter the evidence of three witnesses was
taken the defeuoe did not deny the sale
of liquor in prohibited hours. County
Grown Attorney Idington, who proeeont-
ed, put in a certificate of oonviotion of a
person of the same name and herd that
Ihie was prima faoie evidence that a
seconded conviction should be reoorded.
The defense contended against this.
The case Mated till after midnight, when
it was adjourned till Friday. The
magistrate held that there was doubt ae
to whether it was the same person. He,
however, imposed a fine of 930 and oats.
Mre. (Dr,) Thompson was made very
seriously ill on Saturday afternoon 10th
inst., by inhaling a etroag dieinfeotant
which aha had been using in berbneband'e
surgery and wardrobe. Formaline wait
the dieinfeotant need, and in spraying
with an atomiser the poison bad entered
her eyetem to earth en extent that ebe
was overcome and became uneoneoione.
Dr. Thompeon game in almost immediate-
ly afterwards, and finding Mrs. Thomp•
eon seriously ill and not knowing what
was the cause of her illneee, palled in a.
notbermedical practitioner, and all that
could be done to relieve her coffering
was done, bat ft was several hours before
any improvement was noticeable. Dar -
hag the greater part of that time ebe was
gaeping for breath and inoeeeantiy vo.
witting, Not until the following morn-
ing had she sufficiently recovered to be
Have you Bought
Your Millinery ?
If Not You will Need a New Nat.
Depend upon us for all you steed in Trim-
med, Ready-to-wear and Fancy I-lats, We have
established a reputation for Excellent Styles
Unser assed Workmanship. W anshi .
New Goods
always arriving. We have some Special Bar-
gains for You.
The Misses Habkirk.
able to tell trhat winged her illness, Site I
wee left very weak by the fearful strain
upon her system, but is now progreseing
towards recovery,
Sam Wardell, of Grand Valley, fell into
a 30•foot well and broke his thigh
'1'.he di restore of the Western 0ntrtrio
Dairym, it's Aea' motion have palmed 9
resolution urging the appointment of
Hon, T1108. Ballantyne to the Senate,
a ro ove1 lustre alone
from the undersigned to sell by pul l'o 'mo-
tion et Si Lot20, Con. 0.eforrls, ou FRIDAY,
Coe 20rd, at 1 O'elook the following Proper*
ty :-1 Flare 0 ears old euppeeed iu foal to
"Costumer:, horse 0011 got by "Kaplan", 1
team ooaah borne 5 and 7 yt ars old good
thor0'.beed bull, two to cal e0Int1 November;
0 oalvee, 8 yeat•Ilug steers, 8 yearling heifers,
1 two-year-old ether, 8 good Leicester ewes,
1 good Leicester ram, 2 'Yorkshire brood
sows in pig, 10 pigs over 9 m0011114 uld, about
30 Plymeutu itoolt hens, about 20 obiekeee,
quantityof maogolde and turnips in 11014,
1 Brantford binder,1 Ftoet & Wood mower, 1
name roke,1 land roller nearly new, 1
Nox0u drill combined, 1 putper, 2 aluglo
plows one nearly new, 1 twin Oeoltebutt
plow neatly aew,1 waggon with bolt and
awing eeat,.1 eiupte buggl',1 doable buggy
uenrly new, l pair• bob•eleighs witlr tux, 1
bog orate, 1 hay rook, 1 stock rack to 8t on
wag1 t, Eon hler, 2 pair of whiulet n' set Iron ee, 1 1 hrock10yoke,
1 set boom harness, 1 pate loather Ity note,
1 sot prow b bells,
20 , t pair boree blankets, 1
string of belle, 20 grate bage, 1 set of blrok
tackling, 1 Wagner exteaetoe ladder, 1 rung
ladder, 1 step ladder,l famttngm111,1 neigh
beam, I log boat, 2 loggingehnine,1 bin., ug
abate, 1 water barrel, 0 milk eau, 2 creamery
0100.4 milk pails and quantity milk puna,
screen. ler apple drying, 1 straw cutter, 1
churn, 1 arose out saw,' axe, 1 betide and
wedge, 1 kitebeu table, 2 bedsteads, spades,
forks, shovels and other artieles too unser.
cue to mention. Sale unreserved as pro-
prietor has sold hie farm. Terme—All sums
of 55 and under cash ; over that amount 12
months' credit will be given on furnishing
approved joint notes, 5 per cent off for cash
on credit umrnete, G. R. STUBBS, Proprie-
tor; F. B. SCOTT, Auctioneer.
for sale, will litter early in October,
0, H. KNIGHT, Lot 18, Oen. 10, Grey, or
Oraubrook P, 0. 11-0
undersigned offers for sale 1 young
milk cow, 2 Bteer calves and 7 sheep from 2
to 3 years old, Apply to A. ASHTON, Lot
27, Oen. 7, Morrie, ,or at S. Walker's, Lot 2B,
Com 0, Moine. 18
9 ram lambs strayed from the promi-
see of the undersigned Lot 25, 00n. 2,
Norrie, on or about; Sept.1 All have long
tail,. Any information leading to their
recovery will be suitably rewarded, WAL-
TER FORREST, Jamestown, P. 0,
BALE. -9 Leicester Ram Lambe, primes
65 to $7 ; 1 Sheerling and 2 'Two -Shear
Rams, prices $10 to 612. All are good ones.
Also a few Ewe Lambe, price 55, and a few
good Etvoe at moderato prima. DAVID
MILNE & 80N, Ethel, Ont, 18
Bulls for Male, One is 17ear old and
the other two younger. Also several regist-
ered Powe and Heifers. Apply to JAMES
SPELR, Lot 80, Goo, 0, Morris Twp., or Bros -
sale P. 0, 22-11
for ealo. Eligible for registration.
For price, tonna particulars, 1 to tars Grey, -
, p
pry r b oo hf1. 0. ,Loh 22, Oon. 19, t
or Oraubrook P. 0. 90-tt
• situated 2-etory frame banding, 00 x 80
feet, formerly 000npied by the Oober Oar.
riage Werke. It is mutable for oath and
door factory, planing mill or carriage fac-
tory, A holler and engine will also be sold
it desired, now in building. A good bargain
will be given. 4 acre of land in connection .
For further particulars apply t0
2-11 G. W. POLLARD, Ethel.
sale. Watered by Oho river.
Apply to THOS. 14001tE, Brussels.
dwelling thereon, North-west coruor
William and Albert streets, Brussels.
49.01 J. LEMUR.
property at Ethel known as the
Methodist Parsonage. Apply to 3100.
00 BOR, Brussels.
29, Oen, 10, Grey. There ale 100 mares,
20 under cultivation. Apply to JOBEL'H F.
REDMOND, on the premises, or Monorteff
P. 0. 21.18
on Turnberry street, Braeaele known
ae the Somereet property, eligibly eltuated,
Immediate possession, For further partio-
ulara as to price, terms, 60„ apply to D.
Me0II'1'OH10ON, Lot 18, Oen, 12, McKillop,
or Leadbury P. 0, 98•tf
TOR SALE.—LOT 6, 0014. 6,
Grey, containing 100 aoree, 75 being
cleared and inood state of cultivation.
Farm 1a well mitered; good buildings, or -
(Mord, 60, Failure in health cause for sel-
ling, Poeseeotou given on ono mouth's
notice Terns easy. For further partiou•
tare apply to TR'C14MAN sures, on nue
tlremleoe, or Brussels P.O. 1B
DnnetOttrm niters for gale hie nue 100
more farm, being Lot 0, Con, 7, Grey. It In
under good state of cnttt vs 410u, well squat.
ad for school, market, &a. Fall wheat lice
beenut in, Poeeeesi
p ou orlon noxa Marna,
With privilege ing of doing orh this nvoe Bea-
ten for gelling, proprietor For
hag invested in
Manitoba Imnde, For apply
to N. Mul(0, 1.
to prion, forme, r60.,iet apply to N. M, 11-1 f
A1tDSON, Proprietor, Brussels L'.0. it-tl
• LNG- 200 nares, 1 atog Lots 10 and 17,
Doo, 10, Township of Grey,0n Mite f
Is a stone house with Itiere
ehou and weed -
abed o bank bate 112 xb0 feet with nonestabling, and etraw abed with stood pig pee
under it. There Is a windmill on the barn.
20 name of good hardwood bueh on the plea°
mud 20 soros of swamp the rent is cleared.
There are 15 amen of l!'a11 wheat 18, A good
orchard of 3 aoree, Terme-70 per cont, of
the mono
oan be ]oft. a mortgage
y aefug it the
0000eof411, lfi eper cane, Owi ugtorho do•
ooa0o of Mr Fisohat the farm must be e01d
tit onto to ohne up estate. Far further par.
Maulers apply to MES. ADG08T Ft30R0itt
on the farm, or pranbroolt P. 0. 14.4
-112 The m,doreigeed oftore her 107 acro
farm, being Lo L 20, con, 7, f9rey, ,tor Isola or
to rent. flomfortabte honer, batik bare or -
aura, wake, flee, There are 110 acme in grata,
10 acres of Fall wheat and 20 aaroe of EMI
plowing a lIt bo done, Farm in only d mile
1101 the stirring village of Ethel, Preaaot
ioaan expires on March 15, 1824, but a pat'.
chaser or t0u111 may go ou and PIO% &o„
at nem For lumber nrtioulare at to Wee,terms, 6e., imply to IBS SP10NO,a ni tbel
P 0., er writs Ail08, 11, HOLLAND, 70
silpter stn 'Toronto, Hint
OCT. 19 I ;
High Class Novelty
Dress Goods
The new Dress Goo_ are all here and you
will find our assortmen,, '.f hligh Class Novel-
ties the largest and choice st ever shown in
Brussels, Tweeds, Venetians, Broadcloths
and Cheviots in all the popular shades for
Fall. Black Dress Goods in such a large 1 rage
of Patterns and Quantities that we cannot
describe them. In short you will find in our
assortment all the latest Novelties in Dress
Goods, and our Prices the Lowest. Come
and see.
ever Dress Trimmings
We buy our Dress Trimmings direct from the makers
in Berlin, Germany, as Chicago or any Wholesale
House. Saving the Wholesaler's profits enables
us to handle and sell High Class Goode that we
would not dare to attempt under other circum-
stances. When you see our assortment of Dress
Trimmings you'll be surprised with its magnitude
and delighted with the Low Prices asked for High
Class goods.
J. Ferguson ' Co.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
AT T L{E"—-
Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind-
falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the
Highest Market Price.
Small or Soft Apples will not be taken.
p62111. I I,II
Il ► 11.
sw. P.
Before you begin to
Paintour house be sure
o e
you get the BEST Paint
possible for the money and
at the same time give Best
satisfitc'ion and longest
The SVerwi —W Vams Paiui
,,gfvgs these results :—It's a pure Lead, 4inc, Linseed
Oil Paint, thoroughly minted covers more surface to
gallon ; easily applied and gives better results
than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself.
For sale by—