HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-22, Page 2DIMMItIMeielileilieti=liteMelVQ000';7'0,1=Me(Tta
!prow deep lato the yielding 1110:414 0/ There was a curious ()atm:Staves in ,,p.„.7.6,,zooe.,7,w06,06,,,,,, put in ns above stilled. We form -
her insist filmy,
I the. bank. leeorly lited some fllitlettliy, before we
sTitoNGER THAN BEAT", q I elitiebeeeed Jeanzu-th, StIN 11i111 th,et, Jeatne,tle seemed 'to like him?" Pc) c . , .
t;atnif.Inseittesi,,d, ttlo,n1,11,inerac,ctilt,e,eist;.„"trInsenriel Ntle:,;013:1 1 10.1;71! v.ei it:it:1111n won him, in n wny. r All emi bin,Hog. lee have elevieve found
Kee ,used the vont. hervester roe vatting
; ' m nYr9.the silage in gooel vim:11110n from the Mee. to the lilelt feeding, and the
ome Wee and At•del and Jeannette Sometimes she Will forgets how old
• ro, ; cattle ('('1) (l11 telt H. Some ferment
eee en, •ete. este -ete (pp, ,, ..,... ..,E,... ,,,,. ..1 ,,,,,i,, in their joy. A leolc be is. •But now that you are
areeee'l,eceeifeereae, 4' 4"l4['4 reeeeone„ in this section cue their silage, lett
A RANSOMED L.411,1....;, ,W,Hic'ene, and 1, . 1,1 (111 1 110 1101V-010.101" .1.,ticy?"
-ff if E:, rk; 9 l'4,1,..:('ri:,`1111.('::,d,- `,'vf.1:1 `,\.1',`,'n,'",1,0:,:':i t',',.r,.;;;' 110.'.\Ti.,N.7,,.vlint have I to do with It, it, ri13,11:0111:1,1,zAilii1:11.411 11(.7 ,:::;i0cailii0;,11;c;; j/.1,c1,,s1.011,11,11;,t. ON:\;11t)„,„\:six11i,;(11:Ahrth.ss.
frankly. .1111v Lucy hung back. a "011! liothing. Of coUrse," She said
. ; s'' 1141‘14.k.V.QPII.fry.Ctir'isi.N.c.10-r`1,--e-4, the greeter number put 11 ill 011011t,
CipeZneZ0)2003066)0.ND ''''''''''''''''''''d 111 1!.., 1 110001 1 110 light. of ee,leente quickly, httlf amused, half confused
n evil t 1 .• . 1 ,. •
ae t. ol nolle contaius about the To !make good cider, plel:A(TiAtili.,1 1....:(1(11-.
efe 99119•939994199,2e=eiteice91,2eeee, , we.,,,,hiej„,, 1.11,,,ity i„ 11,e eyes, ai his 1)10 '0' "Yon have tie) ii ' ° i 1 1114'°1" t' )(I° 1,' 10 0111k• A(
CIIAI"I'leit NUL , ,c,,,, 41-11,-; 1,111,1,1 ,0,(1 ilw• luncheon 141 ('1(1(11' Meet 00 me, Harry: T nee•- 1
010110 1 111 trl ment us 1 hree-fourt lis 3 11 14 0,11.4 110 OW 1181' 1 Ile bridged a f III
entreaty in her eyes. and 1 hery Tre-.
;basket 111110 11 and .1,e(nette play- 01' l'll'0alc with you for live minutes ;pound of beef, or six ounces Meted- rotten ottes, The 00° or 1.14'" "n"
At seventeen years oi ago flurry 'ear paused before he ansiveved.
Wile -eighth of the whole enema of ; tiers the cider b1144/1114,14 1111110011 I 1111i1'.
i-.1,1 1,,,,,,,,s, wit h 1 )1,1 &light of 11, 14'11 110111 11111 10 forg.Ot 1 11Ig' 110Y4 young
Trevor left Eton, having bad u, dis- "No," he HAI at last, ebruttlj•, "it ,..iele le et, ee.„ „etee,,e,,heee. 11110 you are, 1 itev,,r feel like this with .
ter trom the heaci-nlastee had g01(
1, (,N•vrtotillitn. ite, It wouidn't Ie. fair,
't ini innie'll• in--" te, eiweic- vh“rni of t 1'0 Pleasant company and her efte, and you look Younger. i
it i i„. pt asaitt meal heightened the Jeatteette, and she looks older than itiniLkc °n°41iird °C the beer and 'two- ' Sele" g°01-1, ril'e neeeles: wilaifulls
b f i I I "e, ' • ed himself as ahree3 ly. "l 11.11 v, ' I ''' sylvan seene• might eagily be your neither, you
tinetly good time at school. A lot- dedts of tee bread roiliest of menet-. con 4111 J'ight if not l'Ol1011 01' WO
ly 111141.011 1,11 11q1'01Ii0111 1'. .1.1111 00101' 10.10140O. 4101, IR' 111111 ready
parts are chiefly water, but Itt the' end wash it until 1 horcitibrItly clean.
meat vonsiSt in part of lame, If you dift not clean it 3vIteti you put
the: milk or the Mame maim alone, :It (441'((4", 1111 e ill find it e .101)
1 1/0.1 110 It better balanced food for; hut persevere, for the (11111 must le
man than the moat, etilic contains' 010011 01' 11)0) 011141' Will 140110 meeker
all the Ingredients Deeded for nom.- and will not be 1114 10.113, 01 1 1101'. :'400 „ ,„
Willa are needed to build op ho 'carefully. ot oraint ram a precious stone whale
ielunent. It furniehes the materials 'that these direeticen are followed
thicteoclnyn an111,1 011.:10c1,1e1).011ncinn,cierrelpfaii,11:, j.0i.11,fil also l'itt, the noides in it clean 1 1111 nod st!"111s1 1)1 11(1 1°111i?n 1(1."11'"11°');(‘*.0a):711,acillies111111-ninit's0'
,1 aael. wagli 441111 11 1140 1111 101', 01011 grimi cis a present, says a, London paint'.
keep it. warm and to furnith 00 an- fuel prose me the jeep. store the On the following daY 0114, 100011114
tO (10 ii0 work. 10 make N1110011 I', 11111 111 0001 place back the card and the stone, the
Banns' seeretary writing to say that
intal 100,011010 with the power eeferled eitlet• in 01ectit kegs mei 1 you wish
Milk is partiOularly adapted ror mid let it 1.000104.1(1, ;When re has 410 01)1111 1. feared she had been thee
Use us food by man, because it 0011- reached the right. degree of tareness victim. of 1401110 1ritchilent action.
tains tele four classes 01 nueriettes, Olsten up the bunghole and put 111 Nereetheiess, sho did not dosed Dane
1'0 0411, fat, ectelenclydrates and min- Ilio Si 00101100. if you mole the
oral matter In inore nearly the ino- viuegar on a laver nettle, advertise
per proportion to serve 1.1.9 Et come it. If only ft small. amount is need°,
Mete food than any other food you can ft:ninthly iliepose or it
inteterial. After average milk. 114 111111111))' 3.011 I' 1101013.30 1'8 01411 Cily gro-
skinunece it still contains nearly ' ceremien, et' by an a 111 your lona
10 per cent. of solids or nutritive 1 11- papers,
grodielits. The value of tekt n1111110 After the deter is nincle be vein
as food is nee generally appreolated. that the mill ie washed t'horoughly
Taken by itself it is pallier thin, two or three tittles, ne it is easier to
and to use a 00111111011 OXI1111814011 WilS11 110W 1,10111 110041 fall. Always
does not "stay bee" When taken use clean kegs unit, guarantee youv
with bread or usecl coolfing it. customers "good eider vinegar." (0).
forms a 110's additicm to every keg Stamp your name mid
the food. Bread merle with. skim- words ',eider vitmger, guaranD•ed
1111)110 (1°111(11teall%n491 11.011t?arteeli,.)roleiti than strictly pure." Lot your Immo 011
WIlon inegnr leegs, or nnytheng else, mean
The increasing 'demand for butter a strictly first-class artecle. Live
has caused a great inerecese in the
aninunt skinunilk which is to be
'disposed of, a,nel 011 extremely peace.
tical question for the modern dairy -
mall is to discover the most khan-
tageous method of dieposing of this
product. Skintenille is used at the
present day time for a
It is in. many eases to pigs or
01,4 ! "My dear John,'- , sorry 1 0 testae:mut you. mettle,- Jeannette at Met leaped up with
IL viiii; 4110:' ,ne'' '! (1)0 had Memel ea I:I ''01141.'1"1 1 1: a little ere. of ,liemay 1(14 111))' caught
been. elassfellows at Eton, -"Your : J., 0 141 1,,,‘,,,,,1‘. 1,1„,111 this, aed 1 (('1(0)a el/II:pee of the rod 5,111001 through
son is a marvel. In, my experienee 1 10,,,, 11;,5,, II„,.,, 11,y, o40„ 001)1,', 1‘1,„ (11a 11,,
,, „Iva a vai,,,,r_pa,, si„,„
4 I have liaawn nothing like him. 110 : i;nows..,
is that rarest. of rare birds -a modest , h"rettr',r 1 may the sem"- ehe eri,,(1, "I went 11011 WO W011111 1,"
i!li01. 1 0 01'1140 YOU 1,01-11 .:".''''''''' 1(1)',) Iltlek ill gOtni tirlle for dilute: at
"I 1,1,01(1 nothing of the kind,"
Derry interposed, with quite unneces-
sary nernesticess,
Ills eyes met hers, and there was a
moment's self-conscious, embatTassed
genius, 11(3 %l1,11 do anything eo, e.„"lhe fug r
pres (('1'ni- silence 0,401-0 0111100 14j10110 again.
like -but show off; shines everywhere 01-‘,0, in "'fell mm
e soething of your school
'except in the examinanA
tioe. 1)41111 11
• ow .1,14t Ao, ui„ tt1‘.11,1„ 1 "1 fe1i an hour row, and quar-
10 ter of an 11(±ur 10 dress; we'll be in life, Derry," she said, glancing
should Wes if) rest. tend enjoy 31*- PIrlY g,,0(1 time," Ante] answered, sharply from the dangerous topic, as
self, 11000 eent let me?" while he slung the luneheon basket ft skater gimlets aside from thin lee,
lightly 10 his $houlder and started "Are 1011 glad it's all over?"
"lt was a pleasant life enough,
he :laid at 1081, "but I'm 1,01 sorry
it is over."
"When do you go to Oxford?" she
"Never": and he told her of the
dis,•ussio11 and the decision of the
morning. "Do you think I was
right, Lucy?"
"Oh, I think yeti were quite right.
But still, I want -to know what
next, You are not one to waste
your life in idleness."
"I hardly know evbat next," he
replied, speaking slowly. "I have
chosen ney profession. But, first
there is something else, something
infinitely 111010 important that-"
"Vence) profession?" she interrupt-
ed hastily; "not the Army or, the
Navy, 1 floral?"
not the Army or the Navy. I
have no taete fur the science of
slaughtrT in any of its departntents.
"I'll change boats if-- • Ardel It's my ambition to save, not kill,
began impetuously, but he glanced at In my profession --1 mean, the profes-
Jeanaetto in the stern and stopped sion I have ehosen-a man is always
found on the right side in the etern-
"Race away," cried Trevor, "If al struggle between life and death,"
She glanced al him in quick. sure
you want to race. Give old time a
licking, and tell them. we are 00111- prise. "How strange!" she cried.
Mg." "Dr. Amid spoke just like that to
"Ml right," Ardel cried cheerily. me. Ohl I remember it so well. Can
"Ready tbere, Colonel'?" you possibly havo-" She broke
The two oars dipped together with- oft laughing as hor eyes rested on the
smooth, fresh, boyish face of her
"00, Harry! 1 declare you ha.ve
bewitched and bewildered me again.
I was just going to ask you if you
remembered what Dr. Ardel said
when you were a three-year-old baby.
I never can remember for five minutes
at, a time how young you really
4717)."on't remember it, Lucy," he
bt olio out abruptly, almost fiercely
masterecl by the passion that was
burning in him, "Think of me al-
ways as a man in thought, in feeling,
in resolve -a man that loves you,
and will love you to the hour of his
"My poor 13arryl" she said softly,
at last, "my poor, foolish boy! I
'menet la:Tit at this; you seem so
hotribly in earnest. But you will
1011g11 at it yourself a few months -
maybe a few weeks hence, and then
I'll join you."
"lett, Luey-" be began,
"No! no! 1101" 5110 interrupted, a
tottelt of sternness in her gentle
voice; "I must hear no more of this
folly, now or ever. The time will
come, and come soon, when you will
thank me for refusing to listen to
"Never!" he retorted; "ray love is
more than my We to me, Is there
no hope, Lucy? 1 can wait."
She smiled 01 spite of herself.
"Wait; yes, Harry, wait till I'm E111
old woman. Not such a long wait,
either, Surely your sense of humor
should have saved you front this fol -
"Tell me one thing, at least," he
insisted, "that there is no other
A faint blush flickered on her
cheek, but her pure eyes met; his
glance steadily. "That is a question
you have no right to ask, bet I will
answer it, 'Phe past is past. There
is no other. Let that bn the end."
(To be continued.)
the only boy -or man, for that mat-
ter -1 evee knew who learned Lo,'
learning's :mice, and not for profit or
display, lie has studied what idea,- There II"' illec°8'4" "nwled• cis an
ect, not what paid; and wandered far ; cliscussions with Harry Tresor (mead, for tho water's edge, where their
afield from the beaten track of our Ike' his having his 00011 way.: boat lay.
school curriculum. Yet even in the 1 "ToA:e your own course, me Itoy," "Come with me?" Utterer Trevor
50,5001 elterienlinn he could have dis-; John Trevor said heartily; "1"vo an whisitered to Lucy, as they followed
fenced all competitors, Ile will do !idea yon know best ovItoo's good for together in the rear of the party.
great ilungs at the University (tor le•one
to both men Oxford wits the Univer- !
sity), "if he wants to. That's the !sunshine
-Just a taste of the fresh air and
is good for (me. But where
1.". There is ''''l in 'his eharnel°1' nee the others?" I bave been expect -
the slightest tincture of emulation. ' fee every mommit to see them, Ar -
"Deserting us, Miss Ilay?" Wickham
ectIled out from the other boat.
"'rake care that 1/0:,' ClUVIi AWL drown
you." Ile took the front sent in
the heat; Ardel rowed stroke, Jeanne
who'll, as you know, es ottfm the po- ell e facing Mae with.. the silken
1110 word for epee', hut is a good, id..711,,y.•'1(rd little Jeannette, and -
strings of the rudder Bet wean her
work -a -day, serviceeble virtue 1)11' • , fingers.
lice), all the 8411110, 1:11i,16.1 you i„,,,1!,, ',:flint Colonel Wiehhom." Te
•-va ;nu- "Is it to be a race'?" she said,
le 1 with a smile. elte's St(1.1.-ing glancing re same' challuege over her
find 'seine spur to prick the see, of ,e.,,,,_ 1,,,, ;,,,,,,; „ow. 11m,i.y.
his intent," he will drop quietly out I
., , pal ty ease ni., I.,
.e.,e 5-: .1:40 4, .., ..,,,te upTthiew 'v1,11'4%111: sioliNovtialcIer at the other boat that fol -
of 1111) nwe that Ito can win so 00411y. 1
For him to try 11; to triumph. II ince early morning. They mean to ; "Oh, a reee, hy ell means," said
clid tuy hest to rouso him, but after iseamp out for the cloy. It was Lucy Dr, Anita, always eager for physical
en Imer's talk le, I,,ft 100 0011. 1.01 thought of it. She guessed that for effort and excitement,
steeled that it, 11'118 not ..,.,0•1, -Li; the first few hours we would like to "Not this 11010,'' Darter Trevor an -
you will succeed where I failed, I care to follow, you Will catelo them too bard a lutndicap, especially when
have you all to ourselves. Ti run swered laughingly. "Two to one Is
W011".' 1 Foiling int' all our salcos
1 oa the near point of LiSavanny 18- ono of the two is Vivian Melee"
"Ever, my ch•ar Tr01'00, land."
"Sineercey youre, 1 "'Will yoa not come?"
"ef all hew Moorehreul.'' She shook her head smilingly. "it's
Following this letter the day after inter busy day, and I've idled the
its posting. Harry Trevor got down , whole morning pleasaeLly away."
to Lalella on the morning of a glor- 1 "Will you, sir?"
ions spring ilay, when the smiling Judge Trevor pointed good -humor -
land looked its best in its fresh fin- ediy to a huge pile of books and po-
em, of green and gold. John Trevor pers that overflowed from his desk
end Eve, smiling too, mot him at Ole on to the chairs and floor.
door, and welcomed him and made "That judgment has to be finished
by to -morrow, and your mother is out a splash, and the boat shot, like
not the only peeve you have idled a darting este into the current.
this morning." "lIow well Ardel rows!" Trevor
'That's a hint. The sooner T am said to Lucy, as the front boat drew
out of your way' the better. I will swiftly away. "See how the oar
take a selfish canoe and stroll quiet- bends to his stroke and the boat
ly up the river after 1110111. Good- flies."
bye 1111 dinner -time." "00! Dr. Ardol is o. Marvel to
But when he got to thc boathouse, me," she said softly. "re -a is (401)11(4"
111810111(1 of a selfish canoe, he select- er to -clay than when I first met him,
ed a shiny mahogallY pleasure -boat, -met him to speak to him, I mean,
with a pair of light sculls rued a -ever so many years ago. I was a
cosy, cushioned seat at the stern, young girl then, and yott were a.
'rile joy of ree, ran riot in young baby, I -Tarry. You need not 0111110
Trevor's netts rnd vague visions of superior, sir. I often had you on
"Yott will and Oxford more to delight, too vague fue word or my knee in those days and read fairy -
your taste than Eton, Harry," bs thought, stirred his heart to restless 1 tales to you.
said. 'ecstasy, Bound the last long reach; "You have often beard, of course,
"I 0000 not," the other answered. of the stream the boat swept in alt(11000 D
ow r. /1,114,1 saved my life at the
. "indeed, with :(•our permission, sir, even curve into wicleeing water, risk of his own. Well, it was a lit -
I don't intend to try, I enjoyed 1113' W114100 1110 river lay at large with a . tie after that 1 bed 111V ib'St anti
sehool-davs, but I have had enough wooded ieland oteeped in sunshine in
of t helm ' ' its midst. At the island's edge a
eflut I eniversity is not a school delicate spree] of bltte grey smoke
Illy 1103'.''a
broke lern the tree -tops to merge in cid softly at the tender remembrance.
"A. highee class school -there all. the deePer bine of 10" sky. lie eased I "I always think of him as he was
I ilun•t need it." his stroke and shipped his oat's, let- i then. The real Dr, Ardei is dead,
"(1)), Harry!" the father cried out, ting the boat glide. It slid 01411.0 I Harry; as dead as 0 his body were
in consternation; "you are surely the glassy surface, 8111001:11 as a bird lin the grave. The man we know so
jesting, I have had a letter from on stretched wings, with no sound I well and love so well is Dr. Ardel
your bead -master prophesying for but the low music of rippling water only in outward shale,. You are
you a brilliant university career. It , at the (mow. as like the real man as he is."
would nude, you too vain to read With a deft touch of hie oars he 1 ITarry Trevor smiled -a queer,
it. for yott." • ebeekee Ole boat under the overhang- 1 amesed little smile.
"llerdly 11cci, 1 thine,- young ing branches, and hung suspended on ! "Yott need not hough. You are
Trevor said, smiling. it is eurioue the clear water. where the opening 1 far mere iike the real Doctor Ardel
en what terms of easv, affectionate 111,00 gave the living pie:tura dearly than he is," sbe added defiantly,
rentilinvity the 81111 and father were, to los eyes.
et Deist vanity is not my w(stkness. Ardel-the great Pr. Arliel-was
Memo -head -I hog his pardon. Dr, clown on his knees before a small
efoorehearl-is very kind to say kind wond fire. which flickered faintly
thhtio of me, leo tra,s good to Inn tvith a smoke -like flame in the 00 -
at school, and gnve me a pretty free dent bl1114411110 that broke upon it
hrtncl, for which T am deeply grate- through the rents in the high green
ful. 13110 I want more freedom :et ill roof. Clow, 10 his side Jeannette
with the rest of my life," 8( 00(1 001(11 111(4, with 0 burnished
"Moorelieud is certain that 11133 Mass loa-kettre in lier hand,
highest honors in the University am At that moment Colonel Wickham
open to you. You have only to at- was speaking earnestly and Lucy was
coot sece,ss." listening patiently, with eyes on 1110
-Hut, I don't want. University bon- green sward and white Wends eery- is far younger than you are, Ilarry,
"13 ut fee my sake, 1 1arre-for 1,'11110Though he was a good forty yards I ,,I can well belieVe it," he anSwer-
ors." ottsly Interlined. who are not half his nee."
• mothee's sake -don't rob us of the away, Uarry Trevor felt like an oil slowly. "I sometimes feel as old
joy and pride WO will reel in your eavesdropper, ea plain frolil their as if I hod begen lite at the dawn
triumphs." 1a1)e5 Was the purjamt of their talk, of the 00'1(t1011'-"01 (1(11' than the 010011 -
Peva, who wog sitting Hove by, So he dipped hie ours again with a al hills; older than this ancient riv-
said nothing„Ont theta was wistful 81)10811 and ran hie boat's pointed er, which rolled 'clown to the see. a
..------ Onnisand yeers ago as 04 does to -day
re Y 1 I with iiak,d, painted savages ort. its
banks, who lives their lives out,
syhose bodies are now dust, or air,
or watev, and whoge souls are --e"
"Don't, Harry, don't„ You know
hew it hurts Irte to hear you talk
like that. Clever boys, I have often
heard, like to play at Wend unbe-
lievera. They get, sense (LS they grow
DR. CHASE.'S 1(1101011E1f -LIVER POLLS. °IiAl7gr."
a11 1that queer smile stirred the
corners of his mouth, but died out
if you are bilious 1,1010)1 111,' liver. 111 en Overeating, 10(0)71(1140) th.1 A_ domureilly tinder her searching eyes.
netelt of him. All three breakfasted
'Between those three. who so loved
fetch other, pleasant talk flowed from
morning to noon, touching many
lopics as it went with drifts and
eddies hero and there, but holding its
main current on the boy's life at
0011001 and his prospects for the fn-
All the time his friend's letter need
its place in the judge's mind. Tt was
iteminible that his thoughts should
tied words at last,
last talk with him -with the real
Dr. Artie], I mean. Every word is
still fresh in my mind." She blush -
"Yet he is the man himself, not you,
The man who saved my life 01141 gave
Inc happiness; the man in whose soul
is bidden- obscured, it may bo, but
not lost -the genius of which I got
one brief glance on that memorable
evening. would forfeit trey life free-
ly, Harry, to give him ba.cle his real
The sentence, be(4et) lightly and end-
ed very eernestly.
"110 is so young," she said, after
O Noise. "In thought and spirit he
Scores of the Common Ills of Life Due to Disorders
of the Liver are Curable by
'Or Artlet was not quite orthodox'
If (40112'(40112'digestion is tiopeared and ing or it -mutat' meals are very likely _ ' ' . have betted," he said (41211)01,'.
suitor from headache and 1(1/8(4ixsy to tenet (.110 action of the liver, I
:re elle, hlante the liven If ;01.11r 01"001011,11 the system with bile and
bowels are irregulae, constipation bring on bfliousness or sick 1(e11,0 -
t1 eel leoseness altereating, the adle. Keep the liver in health 'by
liNer, If 3301,11. linve pain under the nsing Ohase's ieldhey-Liver Pills
eleifilder blades, feelings of fuleness and yen will eivold many of the (1001"
(1(0041' meals, aching limbs, 41. yelloW, mon ills of life. There will then be
(middy tionitphetion, blame the liver, no cOn011patIon„ 00 stomaclo trou-
'lettere], sluggisfi netion of the Weer bles no danger of kidney and urine
,s vetemenehle for 1111 these sympt‘onts ory derangements.
and while von bete a right to The poSitiOn which ler. Chase's
blame the liver, it may be well for
• you to set about to help the liver
! oat 01 clidIeelly.
• Thetigh Idle, ths3 healthy
"7 don't. know. In my one tallt
1vith him there sees no hint of un-
beltef. To me he seemed all wisdom
and gentleness, was full .of grati-
tulle, rani admiretion, and feer of
him," she went on, "fear, above till.
Viva -your mother, T mean -spoke of
him as a kind or god. 7 dared hard-
ly look or spee,k at first. Tint he
wes so gentle that. 7 forgot my feel,.
,leidnes'efever Pills hold to -day as govor in my lire shall I have an hour
the leading family medicine is un- like that egain. Often he looks as
doubtedly duo to their wonderfully he (lid then. Age has hardly touch -
prompt, action on the liver tond their ed him tot all, and for a mernent or
filters front the blend, 114 111l, 00101(incd effort on 1116 lckineyS end twO Cheat 11177501 1St() 0110 huller he
tore's catharile ar04 beceS5ary 00 bowels. There is no medicine ob. th0 Sable; but the moment he
healthful end regular aetion of the ininable which 114 111101'0 useful In speaks the ilebision 15 gone, His
bowels, it, is,poison when left in the cases of emergency when the digcs- thoughts are the thoughts of a boYl
blood and gives rise to limey elis- tive, winery or eXeritory systems 7 never know him to take lifo seri-
tressing symptoms. The Mitt of Dr. are deranged than this great pre- ()wily for en hour until Jeannette
Chasne Eidney-Liver Pills promgdly scription of 1)r. A. W. Chase. One entre back from school in France six
(ewes 'torpid Mete and biliOnstitels5, pill a dose, 211 cents to bex, at all mordha ago, T3ut, that NY01.11 d 110Y01.
11,041 V0ettlISC ef their emeleined De- ; dealers or 7,1iltnattson„ Bates & Co., tio, or coerse."
ihm on liver, ,!(,idueys and bowels Toronto, 'l'o proteet you against "What would never dor he asked,
elustro Et, thorough cleansing or the imitationS the portrait and signo5411)11031.
There is vrobably no ono organ re-( eipt book author, are on every
(4(1010411), t11111 1.0, A. Itt. Chase, the famous "Oh. Vott know as Well as I do, 176
epoe,Sible 80 lnany 1) 24 t11P 11(1L
Huge Sum otf Money Locked Up
by Germany.
A useless hoarding of money is
that of keeping intact the indemnity
whieh France paid Germany after
the war of 1870. The London Tit -
Bits tells of where,. how, and why
11. 15 kept :
"In the Jultusturm. of Spandau this
enormous 41111 111 in gold, amounting to
131,200,000,000 iu value, lies hidden
in great boxes, Tee little town,
fifteen miles outeide Berlin, is most
heavily garrisone'd, and there are
several giant arsenals 11,11.13 11,1111110111 -
tion stores, so that any scheme to
lay hold of the sum at money would
he doomed to defeat at the outset.
The idea in hoarding up this vast
sum Is original. It 111 tb01, there
mew be m011ey ready at any moment
to provide for one week's operations
in the way of mobilization.'
Ifere certainly is a ease 111
11100Cy 10 to root of evil, It might be
used with Immense advantage by die,
tributing it among German mei,.
chants, manufacturerS, and baokers,
and yot this vast asset is locked up
to provide means for 'destroying hu-
man life. Of course, some bogie
like Prance tnIght pounce on Cor-
intt On from four to eight pads
111,10.0t;:ntl(4y follrilagfaelt.13se.altS•ahr%0111"Stvestle)ts1 or water after oath load. The
immense treasure in being prepared amoenot of water depends largely on
lest some bogie like Clornlany pou000 111110,01103,11(cIfilttn mor wtehoeic g 04 tee.Wo oi'on
upon her. "Phis seems to reduce the
filling the silo, after the oorn has
ds(1-s In
whole war grone to the level Of a,
11p1105,0,LaclaidusNi3VaoettercfulaLjalmiettion,tifaoltilyi,,e4Sdimo-f IniebootitItettlx. ovW. el, Cieftnenealillyw bteng1101(1, fnce1 1;17,
. - - -
One Secures a, l'ortune and a Tit-
led Husband -A Clever
.4 remarkable ease of female sent
in fraud, and oue which erlinin010-
gists F.41V0 118 11 1,40011 110.11111'0 1,1 w
weinan's methods, is that or 1114'1
Eugenie '-irlawh, a young Judy of
about eet y011114 01 age, who Imposed
upon the 114 '11(1 1,1 (110 gOV1•11110101 01
Croatia, the Banos.
She began by calling upon the
theme and reer•eceiting betscif to
lle, doughter of a Croatien oalei-
al who 110c1 died shortly before. I -311e
asked for pectiniaey neeistactee, which.
11011) refused, A Mlle while after-
wards she 11(1(1018 '('01 (Ignite 10113 time
with a 1.1011 1(1(4' ettra or the emperor
calves. It is used in larre 1111
her intrpose.
Shortly before Christmas she sent
the mint a beatitiful hand -made
lamp mat, together with. a hetet-
containing the season's good WiSheri
expressed in fulsome and sentimental
0011118, TIIIS 2) 11))) 8110 111001VOCI 1100k,
bIlt, 0.10 1311101S, returning It, wrote
on (Ile laele of his visiting card. a
few words, to the etTc,et that in re-
turning lier presc•nt lie had no desire
to hart her feelblgS.
rl'he Bonus' haudwriting 1Y1.1.5
W1111.11 8110 .11401 been trying to 0010111
from the first, and elle at. once set
about, learedug to infinite it, with so
up to your guarantee and do others much success thee beano long it was
I114 y011 11'01114i have others do unto fleePessl°1° to d'ircycntiatO betWven
the genttow and the torged.
Then she went privately to the
cashier of one of the largest banking
establishments at 13 ;Inert with a
forged cheek foe to 811111 amounting to
X800 and a Joliet' had ap-
A British Army Doctor Gives Nets
Views on the Subject. parentey been written by the Banes.
In former tiers, as the 110008801'y The inference to be drawn from the
hardships of a soldier's we W(11'll not eontents of the letter was that some
lol:ge separating kations and cream- Min into to tight uniform, whielo gave and the young lady, and the cashier,
erees the material is sold at a cone- militate,' custom squeezed intimacy existed beeween the Banes
tees by- wholesale balers. souls ,enoligh,
svpacii.;Inotlintr:_ymtIsititutefalletusil.eincil inntlyd. iNs,a,,Isct,i,b; him diseases of the lung's 0 11(1 heart, suspecting nothing, very obligingly
proclects, like sizing', and quite a
veriety of other materials.
The price widen the dairyman ob-
tains for it is never very great end
Dr, J. R. Oodd of the Brilis11 Royal gaVe the young lady the amount rci-
A rmy 'Medical Corps, who writes the quirecl.
eh:toter on the soldier in the book Encouraged by this first success.
called. "Dangerous Trades," says tho ycning Indy became bolder and
that at the present time the ten- ilad 110 ditliculty in cashing at the
d0110Y is to do 0WEIY With everything same hank forged checks for Li ,03110
is sometimes feeiniay setae, fee jess elg•111, a feet known to all who have
If the dairyman
than its food value warrants. 50011 Pictures 01 801(110r8 01 1a -day a sharp business 111011 of long expert -
eyes in the in their loose khaki fatigue uniforms. and 138,000 respee
enee, being easily gulled.
tively, the cashier,
may be able to dispose of skitnntilic
vicenity of a jarg„ city he The dress for hard work,
at a moderately good /like, but the Dector Dodd, is made of light water -
Fees But this was nol, all. She went to
other banks at Deccan where her
dairyman fat. from. large cities finds ial, serge or drill, which allows free fraud wns quite successful, and in the
position of this material a very
1,110 qu'estion of the 011111 11141 staauling collar of the tunic I 0-
transpoetation. front the Skin, end
is gising piece to the turned -clown coerse of two or three years not
my got possession of a Very large
most useful dis-
in'oaceetweafi' t0htiee'most 1,00est (11)11 inest .T0 is a .wonder tlutt any men Sur-
promiqn • meth els f cll. ' ,:e
the material is to convert it into ci,
%eyed active eervice in ludia iu the
powder. This can be easily dune by dent head-dress, and steeps eibiell
clays of light. thick clothes, i lieu III- 10
sl innied her thoughts to marriage,
, and fell in love with 41 young pee-
ls covered by patents, but which Penenes evessing
0, p000085 \emcee fle tee r,,,,,,,,,t thee supported 0114111800k 111111 01111110 11111011
01110 (110 chest. lessor of languages who was thc, son
could probably be widely used by '
,N.t the Alma (the battle in tho or a director of a college, of re -
fee eohneee were hi pute at Agrain. To gent this yOlIllg
'dairymen if conditions Stoned eh:- nrinien' 1854)
mond it. By the procase mentioned,
the eleimmille can Ile conVertml Into full-dress uniform, and then) is no num for her husband as quickly 1114
1108811110 slie wrote a letter in the
what mig•ht be called to skint:milk doubt 111,11 a greet deal of unneces-
Sery Suffering mill mortality resulted IninclwrIting which elle had lo '001111)
flour, which can be cheaply prepared (00)0 lb" "'us°,
and sold at a moderate sum. The mistress of, and took it, sealed end
setimmilk. flour is all extremely nu- Onct still hears of serious conse- in all secrecy, to the father. In it
tritious material, containing neatly'
40 per cent. protein and gOntething
. the -trouble 10 01:11.11111 I 11b111 tO 03000- wlio Was the hearer of the letter
days hi hot weather, hut ft part or of the Banes that the young lady
quertees to soldiers from holding field the father reed that is was the wish
and drinking. "Solt 5110(11(1 bc, quietly married to the re -
over 00 per cent. of the easily cliges- sive Sin°king
It is a material Oust ran be ex -
Ohio milk' sugar. dier's tent elthf heart, is ottrileited to clpent's 8011, and as father and
the uniform and to standing for loug son were not only willing bet Ell1Xi-
portod to any country aed prone -n:0 •
in any climate. It forms one of periods hi a cortstietined position; nes to comply with his highness' re-
tbe very best and vete' cheepest of licniii,
but. 1. 001 dieposed," Flays Doctor qttest, the wedcling shoetly afterwards
foods. It. lakes teu• place of inillc ill for part of the mischief. Tobacco The young collide departed for It -
"I. 0 blame heer and tobacco took place.
lay mete" take the place of &dentine.' °I' heft"' ""ule n"011g. 801th01.8)
a great many /110000, (111iL) 111 particle- eirIP"c1"11Y,:i' l',"1kV" .10 be 1.110, c"'"s" MY to Spend their honeymoon, but
for practically nny purpose, lts though many 11.11111011 11'5 doubt it.
al- the bride's career of 1/111111 W418 near-
ing its end. Ono or Ilie bank cash -
advantage civer skinunitle is of course
manifest, particularly in two re- In \IOW of the fact that Continental
ered, and the adventuress War.
(erg died, the forgeries 11010 dtscovc
sPects. First, il has been deprived soldiers smoke more than the Eng-
ii'911 (1°, Rini 811110e iens• 11111 th° brought 10-tek from Italy and sent te
of 1.1111.01. so that. it earl be as easily E41g11511 sol'11°I. 811.0008 0(11.1 enewes prison for seven yc•ars. All thingli
iminlied 113 wheat Hour; second, it. ""011, stl."g"i' Icth".ue°. 1 11,a," 01'1u,1r considered, these frauds are antoug'
keeps indefinitely in any (011e0 1 1011 of 11e°31)le' 1 le 1i1)08 It 1 11 Lne ((a)ty the cleverest 111 the history of crime.
teat, morning. 011 nil empty stomach, teed
at 1111 mime times.'
ITANDLINCi COHN 3111/1(1(4. The teen of the naVy, W110 been
:When the corn commences to glaze lees,.
always had 0 1110111 worknutolike and
dotes thee the soldiers do
it is 0111 r" ti"' unu, writes :Mr. li, 1101. et(erer t th semi xl e t 0•0111
(3' iiler:knam' (We in -w° tw° (enee 11:.tiri tr(e11,10013; hpull the) ifetfile(1). hos the
built. in the been, about 1.4 feet aoa air in his frivol..
high. ThiT a re double hoarded The British soldier, fighting' in the
with inch heinlock lumber, ,1„4,11-11. hot mum vies, ettfters from the ellin-
boavY bi-li-Wing PoP0r 13(1'ween. '''llee' 111 0, 11)vitich 110 hes not been Mace
1,S8'7,'el 13110t liee'n «gain it, is to be noticed
meet about 8100 ttnel were built in
10 barn is so avrangeil that, thee tee 111011 who 00 tiot Meek
t‘‘•;:tli7tel 1:t° 011,evc.:1101117eretet0:1011111711:1111) Le1;1:1. Si:t.:::1:i110101.1"1::::::::1;s1-wif.iti vil'i.pri 11111 1 :10. -ti
top of the silos, thus doing owtlY perste man direly puffers from heat
IC •
stun or money, but was clever
enough 1100 to arouse the least Sus-
picion, incredible as Ode may seem.
lIaving become rieli 015 1111Y
at a, few years past WO 110,V0 not a'clapt. itself to enormously (nigh 1(014'
0(1)001 a cutter, although luteittre
ecetipinent for doing so,
stee to handle coaveniently, Por sie'rt1171e11‘1.1-1 le\--0-13-.)Ne0-is+-(171(0))7111.-,K.Isflf.:311i711';81.11r•
The corn is cut with a corn hare •
voeter and bound into bundles of a
irinolilitingisthic:s00711it•ya j(;10,,7,1.111180.11boc,„111,78 11)111:1111(111 lractulre oe linoleum und int ship- 144. nutni(om Hwin,110), ciolomo
the center of the rook, melt- ig (at the prolcolttrn o eOrk '
Ing a platform 7 or 8 feet wide. 'rho
corn usually growing from 8 to 10
Paris hoe known many remarkable
allventure.sses, mid among' them newt
be numbered the one-time pool. peas-
ant girl and afterwards governese
who, having eommeneed a career of
intrigue and fraud at the age of fif-
teen eventually artsurned the mune of
Cenutess Thaleolt, and ley trickery
end effrontery succeeded in 1101,41111111g
preaoll grata in the social eirelee
of 1..110 levench capital.
!Many mil 110115 of relines, fradulente
ly obtained fronl 1)1,0 wealthy pew,
ifie whose acquaint:thee she mak,
missed through her hands, end ocaong
others 'whom 1410 ruined was Colonel
Thaleon, who 111114 811111/08041 to he
her husband. Whee, in 870, t he
whole story of her career value to
light, and she was proseettted for
, „i Iron wont into the wilnems-box and
intito,,tesee.' Italy is teeing eteps gay* hiS of hor charaetee
3 111114
t (01
o this end/ in Slelly and Seeeli , the following words: "She is the
feet high, 005 0011 onlY put one row whore there ere large cork forests, most uccomPlIsbod and (3111111 111g 'tee -
that the, tOp Of the biludles Mlle living. She menet open her .
next to the silo when the wagon is those of Cialnbria having been 11000- tr,'88'
1e" desf Petrel in the milli ng of mete_ mouth without lying."
'Mat the features of the "limn -
of bundles -on Vie race. Load cco
, veal, lt le geld that Spnin is show-
preperly the hurtles have n landeney te,,,05., es the emnerametre of eoeks
'driven int° the In". 1 l' 101010A Ing a like interest in proteeting these 1 i
.300.• 04100" 1111` by 110 111011118 unpre-
cedented is shown by the details of
to pitch toward the silo, making 1,110 the life or the eo-called ''70') 810055'"
tenloading remelt easier. A 1111111 few ‚0(1015 ago 'the export at fon of
is n. large ind/ustry there. Only a
Henrietta Latour d'Ativergite,
saitInOnliinpgull°511 lt.1;lee 110°Z11(711. otp(s) 1111)1, (11)1010(1,111 wine bottle covks from that country 'Phis woman, to nun Who spent the
Iran) the wagon, sail drops them to anal 1.,
anrennted to about $5,0001000 ere. greater part of lug,' life 01 a cloister
the man 111 the silo, who places -- remit which she escaped in 1870,
them with butts to the outside in went to Pates •quite unecnote and in
coUrNes, keeping the ontside highee. great poverty, yet, though her oche,
wo filo this very important, Its it Ths 151,118151s17:47 :0711:01nljg1:184.105 is cation was but Sinlall and her man-,
leaves the silage in ninth better eon- ners wero by no means polished, site
dition, still a,matter of uncertainly. They made people believe that she was a
:When the silo le about half filled, 11111togyboornosn(1)1atirasist,,esbeimtbtlilitslyg itlirleosse0110811 111.141,0e g"iPvItt'i tit eewses,11',Ith , Onsfib10110m tio'upItSaHeiiSioscolr alt
beg. Late experiments by Dr. Zen -
is doubtful if this can be called hear -
although it that Wert MOM( brilliant in (400401Peels, 8110 promoted cheritable baz-
ars, she lived in (41701)111(1style, she
to sound in 501120. degree,
peek, al Sterteburg, show something arranged wealthy sverrlages, and silo
of the degree of sensitiveness. The gathered round her a number of un-
sound of a boll in the water caused tablet ecclesiastics.
roach, (lace, and bleek to dart toWay Yet she Was nothing else than a
if within 10 ft., or to.show signs of eleVar sWindlOr, os Was eollelusivolY
disturbance if within 25 ft. 1Vhett ShowU aftOr a fralld aolluerfling alt
the bell Watt muffled and in to pail iteraeged Marriage had 11111)11bronglit
dotting the silage out A 1110 silo, if the liSh Were slightly disturbed. to light,
ytationfj Gormany peaatteally niter eallking in, the morning. .T.aler
destroys over a billion Of drillers of On, reeding 1Avleo a daY, after milk-
ing One. There is no trouble in
im ft/HY-goyim Years nod 8110 Is lust Wealth that, eould otherwise be of
sixteen. IVO ORO 0430 absurd," west use to the financial world,