HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-22, Page 1Vol. 32. No, 13 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1903 New Advertisements. Money -H, A. Matahett, I:iarness-I. 0. Richards. Pigs for Bale -Geo, Robb. Stove for Bale -3, Latakia. Wall papere-F. R. Smith. Piga tor sale -Jae. Shedder). Pocket book loet-THE POST. Auction axle -E T. Greeneidee, Nokioe to oreditora-G. F. Blair. Teaoher wanted -Alex. Stewart. Auction sale-Mre. L. McDonald, Live turkeys -J. B. MoLanohlin. Adminietrabor'e Bale -G. F. Blair. Teacher wanted -Alex. Buchanan. More New Mantles -McKinnon & 00, Farmers' credit sales -Standard Bank. M Cstr'x,Ct etas, McKillop. DEATH Or MRs. MaCemmet.-Early Wednesday morning of last week, Mrs. Dunoan McCallum passed to the ellent majority, aged 47 years and 7 months. The deoeaeed'a maiden name was Jessie McPhee, of Grey township. After her marriage with her now bereft hue - band, about twenty yeare ago, they settled on the 14thoonaeeeionof MoKiIlop, where they continned to reside until about six yeare ago, when they moved into Seaforth. Mre. MoOalium had been in poor health for fifteen or sixteen years, and of late years ber trouble developed into gangrene, and it banana neoeeeary for her to have eoveral of her fingers amputated ae well no both feet. The last operation waa performed about two menthe ago, when one of her feet Lige Turkeys The undereigned offers 8 cents per pound, and the rise of market, for any quantity of live turkeys between now and the time of shipment, about the end of November. Delivery at Brume's. Highest prioee will also be paid for Live Ohiokens, Docks, Fowl and Geese. The latter either alive or dry plunked. For further partionlare enquire of J. B. McLAUCHLIN, 15-4 BRUSSELS. was removed. After the operation she eeemed to improve for a time, but about two weeks ego ebe took a torn for the worse, and since that time she hoe been in amore or lees precarious condition, eutil death ended her °offerings on Wed• needay morning. The deoeaeed leaves a husband, but no children. The sincerest sympathy of all will be extended to Me. Mote him. The funeral tools place Fri. day morning, the service being at halt peat eleven, and the funeral left halt an hour later for the plaoe of interment in the Brueeele cemetery. I3onfrvu. Miee Jennie Bawtinheimer wae the guest of Miao Nellie Gaynor. J. Longewey intend° leaving for Wie. ammo. We wish you look Joe. Mre. S. Wright entertained a few in- timate friends last week and all report a pleasant time. J. and Mre Mnrr, Miee Wolfe, 3. Roche and H. Muer spent Sunday at Henry Fogel's. amine fetowit . Walter Innes, who has been on the eiult list, ie about himeelf onoo more, Mre. Anson Shaw and eon, Alex, were away for a holiday visit with relatives and friends at Lietowel, Palmerston and Moorefield. Last Saturday Wm., son of George Jobnaton, was caught by the line ae he was hitching up a horse and thrown baokwarde over a pig trough. Hie back was injured bah we hope he will S000 be ire well as ever. Stratford Beaeon Saye :-Mee, George Smith and Master T. B. Wilson, her grandson, both of Jameetowo, twenty of Huron, a000mpanied by Miee Stokes of Morrie township in the same ooanty, paid a pleasant visit to Mre. Kernaghan 01 Er - la street, last week, otl rich. <ai e ()HUSHED t0 DEATH .-A 'Mocking axial.. dent occurred here about 4 o'clock Iooday h elevatorthe eri h afternoon at the of to God a Elevator & Transit 0o., whereby Engin. ser Fred. Love, Superintendent of the elevator, was instantly killed. The steamship Newmoont was unloading a oargo of wheat at the time and the steam shovels were in nee. It nppeare one of the ropes regnlating the ebovele wire lying sleek between the elevator and the vessel, and Mr. Love must have stepped across it when the rope soddenly became taut and threw the unfortunate mac lap between n pair of drama on wbioh the ropes are wound. Though a number of persona were around at the time, no one appears to have witnessed the aaaident, though two or three men are said to have Been bie lege and heard a Round ae he Strachan' tylish. uitings 111111111121111101111111111110111 are again taking the lead because they are the correct thing and prices are tight. We have such a large range to choose from that we cannot tell you about all of them, So will mention only a few specials. -One of the ewelleet things are the Motiaire with Bonale effeote. -The Tweeds and Hopeaokinge (baeket weave) make very stylish suite, -Our Venetians, Cheviots, Broadcloths and Zibelines are extra value. THE TRIMMINGS this season are more elaborate than ever and our stook le well assorted. Drop Ornaments, Silk Braids, Sequin and Appliques are in great de. mond and range in price from 6o up to $1.25. FOR WAISTS we have Frenoh Flannels, Bedford Gorda, Finettelainee, Faooy Velvets and Silks. Our Ready-made Skirts are Great Sellers We have them in Proles, Oheviot, Broadcloth, Tweed and Zibeline, trimmed with Stitching, Buttons, Braid and Drop Ornaments. 3 Specials -Our 26a and 50o Ladies' Vesta are positively the greatest value we have ever shown and that ie saying a good deal. -OUR $1,00 KID GLOVES are the best value that can be found anywhere at the price, -OUR HOSIERY -Well they are ALL Specials, both in Plain and Ribbed. For a medium weight try a pair of our 256 Oaehmere. THE DESIGNER has been reduced in prioe from 611.00 to 80o. Ile styles are not the extremes. They are the latest dictates of Fashion adapted to sensible Women everywhere. f 'We keep the Standard Patterns in stools, Everything Chea No Fancy Prices. Ever y p. A. STRA Sod paeeed between the drums, Mr. Love's eltull was severely oruehed and hie left leg was broken, evidently where the rope °aught him. Mr. Love was a middle aged man, married and bed four children, the youngest about five or eix years of age. Though there is no doubt but that Mr. Lavoie death was entirely accidental, Oa] inquest was held Monday evening by Coroner Dr, Holmes. Deceased was a member of the Independent Order of Forests, the Bone of Boatload and the Woodmen of the World, and parried insurance of $5000 in above societies. VVrnxeCGer . Mist Elda Barlewood visited Herrieton friends last week. Norman Harris returned from Mani- toba Friday night. John Brawn of Tavietook, visited at hie home here last week. Roy Smythe, of Detroit, wae it visitor in the village on Saturday. Mies Stewart, of Wingham, spent Thursday with her 'Miter, Mre, G. Harris. Oliver Smith has returned from the West, and is the guest of hie parents on Ann street. Miee Gay, of Toronto, was the guest of Mre, T. G. Hemphill for oevoral days of last week, A, meeting of the shareholders; of the Seale Co. wait hold in the Town Hall Wedaeeday night. Waldo Hastings, of Barrieton, was the guest of hie sister; Mrs, R. 3. Rana, on Thankegiving Day. Mr. and Mre. Wallaoe returned to Tor. onto on Monday having spent tba holiday with Dr. and hire. Brawn. Rev, Mr, Shore, of Cargill. will preach the Harvest Thankegiving sermon in the Anglioiau ohuroh next Sunday. Harry Town is still iu a very oribioal condition although stronger hopes are now entertained for hie recovery. Mies Jean Davidson left for St. George on Monday where ebe hae accepted a ptoeition as Resistant in a general 'Acre re Owing to the very disagreeable weather the meeting of the Upper Oanada Tract SocietyEpiscopal church i Id in the E P P he Friday evening in was not well attended. g The meeting was well addressed by Rev. Dr. Moffat, of Toronto. The former officers were re-elected Press., Dr. W. Smote ; eeo.•treae., Robt. Blaok. Cl ra•1s. bro WK. alias Lizzie McKay woe home from the Model School for Thankegiving. 500 porde of eel wood wanted, at the Oraubrnolt Lime Kiln. Highest prioe paid, V. GRAMS, Oranbroole. 14 8 Rev. Alfred Andrews, of Walton, will preach a Missionary hi Centenary ser mon in the Methodiet ohuroh here next Sabbath afternoon. John and Mre. Hillier, of "Bellview Place," Goderioh, and Joseph and Mre. Coombee, of Jamestown, were vieitora with A. and Mre. McDonald, Oranbrook. ()ARD or TnANxe,-We wiab to thank the many kind friends and neighbors for their kirtdneee and sympathy he in our time of trouble, not forgetting the teachers pnp'Is of the Public school. J. AND Mee. LONG AND PAWL'S. Rev. J. 0. Carry, formerly of (bie locality, who recently assumed charge of the First Baptist Charoh ab Westbrook, Minnesota, leaned the following cord to the congregation :-Dent BRETHOEN,-I am glad in heart today, ae I assume the pastoral care of the ahuroh, wbioh has been cordial toward me, and which has honored me with a unanimous call. In the name of Him "whose' am and whom I serve" I humbly aooept the reeponaibil- ity, and in dienbarge of it will ooneider no effort too great, no task too tedious, and no labor irksome wbioh shall tend to the npbailding of the churob,the edifica- tion of the membership and the glory of our common Lord. Sincerely, J. 0. OmRnT. 10Ct1el. The Oonoert on the evening of Thanks. giving Day did not attract a crowded house. A wedding in on hand here for Nov. llth so report hae it, Bride and groom both well known. Miee Ida 0010 hae arrived home from ber 3 menthe' trip in the West looking much better for her visit, Mee. Cole's mother, Mre, John Wil• liame, intends going to her home in Sault Ste, Marie, Mich , this week. Thursday afternoon of last week Rev. R. Paul, of Braeeels, preached a Thanke- giving sermon in the Presbyterian ohuroh here. Sugar beet lifting hae been furnishing employment for a number of the farmers In this eeotion. The returns are likely to be very eatiefnatory. There ie considerable chat over the reported coming of the 0. P. R. through this way from Guelph to Goderioh and the surveyors ore eapeoted along shortly. The Ethel Lidfee' Institute will meet at the home of Mre, John Eultmier on Thursday of this week on account of Thankegiving, Subjeot "Apples and their twee and piokling". The Highgate Monitor Bays of a well known Etbetite:-Miee R. Bpeuoe, of Dthnl, who has been vteitiug ber eonein, E. Maginu, for it days sang morning and eveuiog in the Methodist ohuroh and delighted a large audience at each service with her sweet, Meer soprano mime. Dom MaDONALD PAYS NATURE'S Dawe, -Last Monday David McDonald, a former well known resident of Ethel and 12th con. al Elms, parsed over to the groat majority, aged 86 years and 2 moettbe. Mrs. McDonald died on July 20th 1888. For the past 3 years Mr. IM1oDonald made hie home with bie son. ie.law, Wm. Habltirk, Teeewater, from whence the funeral took plane Thnreday mrniug of this wrest to Elma Centre cemetery where Mrs. McDonald was buried. Deceased wag a native of Soot. land and shortly after coming to Canada looated in Elms). He woo a reeidenb of Ethel for 6 or 7 years. Three eons, Donald, of 13. 0. ; John, of Nebraska ; and David, of Wiartott bud fcnr dough. Mre, aIo N,X.'M . Mrs. nr Buff tors, M s. J Y Mitohell, MoKillop ; Mrs. Fox, of Ne. hooka ; and Mre. Habkii it, of Teeewater, survive, Although Mr, Mabonald was ooly bedfast for a week he had been quite poorly for the past year which waa not to be wondered at aoneidering hie age, He held adherence to the Presbyterian church and dearly loved anything that had to do with the land of his birth. Several from this neighborhood attended the funeral. M wort*. r1161. Rawl) Wheeler is on the eiok Het. Township Council met last Monday. Wm ;Jordan ie ditching on the 8th line. Miee Lettle Cook ie ill at her home, 6th line. Taking up marigolds, and pinking apples ie the order of the day et preeent, Roes Stubbs' aaobion Bole takes plow) on Friday alternoou of this week. Nearly everybody is taking up man. golds and the weather is fine for the job. Rev. S. Swann, of Blnevale, preached very uooeptably at Sanehinelast Sunday. Mrs, Wm. Fergaeon, 5th line, is becom- ing quite an expert in the manipulation of her wheel. The old Minekimmine buildinge will soon be no more ae Jur. Bell is moving them away. E Pease was threshing on 6th last week. He intends having a self feeder in few days. The 0. P. R. surveying party has been working aoraee the Southerly portion of this township. N. Platt has moved from Belgrave to the Wilson farm, 5th line, now owned by Alfred J. Lowry. Miee Addison, of Goderioh, was a vieitor with Miee Souoh, 3rd line, for the Thankegiving holiday. A. Taylor is improving the interior of hie reeidenoe. That be right Andy, first the cage then the bird. Apple pulling is one of the jobs now and the pries is so low it hardly pays to etop plowing to pull them. At the speeding events at Brunette on t orae ere b Thanksgiving da y Thos. Opal "Neighbor Bill " took 2nd place. Thomas Mo i hie and wife of Holton visiting County, who had been v g in this locality, t Wednesday of it returned home on w Y y. nod last week, George Brewer, who was vieiting at Seaforth, hae returned and is now so. jooroiag with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson, 4th line. His general health is good. Wednesday of this week John Budd and (amity, well known and worthy residents of the 3rd line, moved to Brue- eele where they pnrpoee making their home. Their old neighbors wish them many happy years. HEADS THE LreT.-Thneli Bros. and their employees, Wm. Kellington and W. D. McLean, attended the Blyth Fall Fair, and the farmers of the 6th con. think that the day's outing did them good, ooneidering the work they have been doing since. Oa Toeeday of last week they threshed for W. H. MoOutoh- eon and have expressed the opinion that they did not thresh ae good all-round grain this Beeson ae there, The amount threshed showed a heavier yield and bet- ter quality of grain than what they met with at any farmer's (bie Beaton. VV sal ton. We are glad to hear that George Dan. doe is improving nicely in health. Rev. Mr. Andrews was at Londeeboro' Sabbath week preaching anniversary services in the Methodist ohurob there. An auction eale of cattle, &a., be announced by Mre. L. McDonald, Walton, to take plaoe on Monday afternoon of next weak, 26th inst., at 1 o'clock. Next Sabbath Rev. T. W. Owens, of Brueeele, will preach bi-Oentenary Mie- eionary sermons in the Methodist churches on Walton oirouit. Rev. Mr. Andrewe will preach at Brussels, The members of the Christian En- deavor of Duff's ohuroh are going to hold monthly evening's of amusement and literary benefit. The first of these was on Friday evening of last week and was devoted to the reading of the 20th Century. Magazine, whioh ie composed of articles written by the members. J. Hamilton and wife left this week for Indian Head where Mr. Hamiltod ie going into the furniture business. Jae. MoDooald accompanied Mr. Hamilton's oar. The latter intends making hie home at Griswold. May euoaeee attend them. Mre. McDonald ie visiting at Brussels and will spend some time at the parental home at Clinton before going Wes Ant.nneee AND PnESENTATYON.-0n MOO. day evening of last week the members ot L. 0. L. No, 262, Walton, and a number of friends assembled at the reeidenoe of George Hamilton, who ie removing with hie family to Indian Head, N. W. T., to epend a farewell evening with them, and bid them God•epeed in a fitting manner. Mr. Hamilton has been a member of this lodge for several years, and the feel. ing of the brethren for him and hie family, took expression early in the evening, when Mr. and Mre. Hamilton and their little ohild were tendered an address and werejgiven, respectively, a wateh guard and charm, a bracelet and locket, and a necklace and locket, all of gold, wbioh were presented at the appropriate time by Duncan Jobnaton, W. M., and Theo, Oakley, Treas., on behalf of the brethren, The addreee, which was read by the Rec. Sea„ was as follows 1 - To llfo'. and lib's, George Hamilton: We, the officers and members of L. 0, L. No, 252, Walton, feeling that your approaching departure to another field of labor will likely mean a separation from us, if not permanent, at least for eoveral years' duration, unanimously desire to express in some tangible form the high esteem in whish we have held you both during your life amongst n0, To one brother we wish to make it known, that his loyalty to our Order, hie fidelity to his friends, hie generoefty to hie neighbors, and his over kindly diepoaltion towards all who have met him, have not goon by unnoticed and unappreoiated ; and though his partner in life has been debarred by sax from partieipating in the membership of the Orange Aeeoaiation, we, who have known ber, are most assuredly aware of, and deeply grateful for the foot that ehe 'shares those feelings of patriotism, W. H.KERR, Prop, loyalty, and honor, that have made the women of our land eo potent a factor in maintaining the high etandard of Orange principles, of which we as Orangemen ao justly and proudly boast. To each of you we extend the hand of farewell in grateful remembraooe for kindly deeds in the post and of whole -hearted wishes for your prosperity and happineee in the future ; and while we remember you here, we beg of you to aooept them offerioge and henoelorth keep and wear them in memory of your brothers of the Walton Loyal Orange Lodge. Signed on behalf of L. 0. L. No. 252, DUNaAN JOHNSTON, W. M. JOHN W. MonnreaN, R, S. Though almost overcome by hie emotion Mr. Hamilton returned his thanks for himeelf and Mre. Hamilton, in 0 few well-chosen words, The gneete then prooeeded to enjoy themselves in the Terpsichorean art and spent happily the flying hours till the cloak pointed towards morning, after which all took leave of their kind hoot and hoeleee. Gr a .v. i Miee Sara V. McLanahlin s attending the Business ()allege at Toronto. Mrs. Loftue Stark, of Stratford, is vieiting her mother, Mrs. Marsden Smith. The aootioo enle of B. Laing, eon. 5, takes plaoe on Tuesday after000n of next week. Miee May Smith, of Guelph, was the goeet of her sister, Mre. Lowe, daring the past week. Miee Blake, 14th oon., hae disposed of her hoose and lot in Bruise's, to A. Som. era for $600. John Bateman was vieiting at Toronto. He has some notion of removing to the Queen City ae he has several relalivee there. A week from next Sabbath evening a Bible Booiety meeting will be held in Bethel church, 10th con., when addressee will be given by Rev. R Paul and A. M. McKay, of Brownie. It fes Peter star Oaatlon who has had obarge of Mre. Elias D1(3116°11'8 farm, llth e will go to r thepast via ear con, for p y Duluth in which 1 be and his ocelli brother Sam. will engage in farming. Mr. Caution is a steady -goer who should get along. His industrious habite will give him 000000s. A welcome visitor to this locality dur- ing the past week was William Bishop, of Kamoka, formerly a well known reel dent of Grey. His eon, Raeselt is in the optical business in Loudon ; Charlie is teaching in the Collegiate at Athena the oldest daughter is married in Oxford Oo, and the youngest daughter le bones. keeper for her lather. Mr. Biehop hae the poetoffiee at Komoka and looks ire if Old Father Time was real good to him, He returned last Saturday. It is 14 years since Mn. Bishop gold hie 200 sore farm on the 10th con. and moved away. BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL. ort The following is the September report of the Continuation Glasses and Publio School Classes of Brussels School :- mous nootts 1 & 2. FonteIIt.-Examined in Lat„ Chem., Fr., Phys., Arith. and Oomp. ; total 500 ; B Henderson ..374 M MaArter ..249 E McKinnon ..382 *D MoDonald .,254 K McNair 807 S MoNair 225 L MoArbhar.,.,2$8 *IRayuard 216 R Forest 284 H Ainlay 204 *LDiokson ,.,.274 *M McRae 182 F Abbey 266 A Smith 1131 G Rose 281 B McNair 170 E Walker 255 0 8la0raaken,.188 E Wilton 252 R Brown 138 0B Hingeton ..251 *Form II Latin. Fonts II. -Examined in Euo., Oomp., Alg., A Hist., Fr, and Chem. ; total 500; A Rose 459 J Mooney 941 B Rose 468 F Thomson ,...340 J Work 461 A McQcarrie ..340 J Richardson „437 *W Oamoron ,.322 R Deadman 435 3 Armstrong ..303 J MoOraoken „419 E Dennie 803 F Davidson ,...411 L Danford 800 *M Dark 392 R Ainlay 281 *E Hanenid,.,,874 *A Scott 276 L Turnbull ,.,.861 A Richardson 261 *3 Straohan....800 * Form I Latin, R Beyane 350 FORM L-Iaxamined in Eno., Bk., Lat„ Comp.. and Alg. ; total 500 :- El McQuarrie .,449 L Straohan E °ober 424 F Fraser 862 E Cameron ....414 L Bray 854 13 Bryane 411 0 Jaokeon......885 J Ronde 411 N Lowick 880 B Moses 410 A Elliott 323 W Stevenson ..398 R Sinclair 828 .1 Elliott 881 0 Rryane 819 N McNaught ..580 M Hoggard 242 M Elliott 875 L Edwards ,...165 Miee E. 0. Scott, J. H. Cameron, Prinoipal, boons 8. ENToANOE.-Examined in Arith., Lit., Gram., Eng. Hist. ; total 400 18 Adams 827 T Zimmer ....216 J Doll822 W Williamson ..212 B Brothere 822 J Wilton.. ....200 G Rose 285 3 Bloomfield ..194 W lvfoQnarrie 269 E Oolvin 191 G Ewan 239 L Sioolair 88 Jo. -Examined itt Arith., Lit., Spell, and Dan. Hie. ; total 400 :- 1M[ Miller .. 875 E Anent 298 M Brothers ,...360 K Harbottle.,294 F Malienzie....866 Ar, Jackeon294 P Leatherdale,.360 G Armstrong 287 W Turnbull,...856 J Oanningham,282 0 Bell 852 K Deedman....282 P Backer 841 'V MoKenzie „258 L Mo0raaken 841 R Ouuningham.,251 MV Straohan .328 L Leatherdale,.249 A Thomson 324 W Hendereon ..226 V Wilbee ..,,800 0Holmee......162 0 Soott 804 A Ma1Mtillan ..128 L MoArter 299 N Brown 44 Miee R. Wilson, Teaoher. noon 4. SENIOR Taia= OLAee,--Examined in Arab., Spell„ Gram., Goog,, Draw, and Writ, ' total 600 ; - EMoore ,..,,.476 II Colvin ...,..815 S Walks 441 F Scott r $09 T Armstrong .,483 D Speiran .,.,809 J Leokle 437 W Scott 297 E Good 407 0 Gerry 290 E Wilton 408 T Ocher 988 0 Denbow ..,.403 E Ewan 272 3 Wilbee 374 F Mainprize .,264 0 Simmons 8154 S "meat 249 J Wilton ....,,847 W Wilton 224 M Birt 332 J Lott ......,.212 A Bishop 527 Juniors THIRD Cuss - Examined in Arith., Spell., Gram„ Geog,, Draw. and Writ.: total 500:- W Adams 465 I Barkley 858 DeW Covens ,.461 J Henderson 845 B Curry 466 F Gerry 821 3' Scott. 11 Anent 817 0 McMillan ..428 V Walker 301 (1 Amens ......425 E Ocher 298 Z Lindsay 424 N Ewan 281 A Roee 420 E Wilbee 261 W Bell 409 A Robb 280 M Donee 406 O Jackeon.......152 13 Leokie 381 Miee Dora Smith, Teaoher. ROOM 5. SR, SECOND OLAee.-Examined in Spiel., Arith„ Geo., Memo. and Oomp. ; total 500 ;- J Armstrong 415 E Gilpin 387 E Plum 374 M Tbomeon...,368 11 Somers350 0 Leckie 833 B Welker 328 V Ainlay 822 M Walker 322 H Good 816 B Gerry 805 298 W Miller 293 99 B Harris 270 Wm Hoo Jo. Seeman °Ls: Examined in Spell., Arith., Memo., Geo. and Oomp. ; total 600 :- R Warwiok 455 F Robb 818 G Ooueley ....438 G Kerr 803 H Armstrong ..482 H Ament 265 P Dark 881 M 1 "homeon....268 1 Straohan 893 H Wilton 298 W Kerr M Buxse374 W MoLanohlio..168 Borgne 868 E Oooper 148 g E Lamont ,...849 3 McNichol 6 Burgess 317 Miee M. T. Downey, Teaoher. noir 6. CLASS V,-Totbl 500 :- H Lowry 889 H Bergen ....304 E Berkley 380 H,jmwry 270 ;1f Edwards ....344 R Fox 192 C Shaw 318 J Jaokeon 158 Cates Tv, -Total 500 :- A Moore 475 0 Crooke N Fox 459 O Doli H Bimmone....459 E Holmee V Roee 453 E Haiet S Btbere ....435 G Jamieeon150 A Wilton 415 0n, ee IIL-Excellent-W Lott, M Biz. hop, 0 Crone, T Snider, G Walker, I Mo- Laoahlin. Good -V McCracken, L Becker, P Thneli, L Lowry. Fair-It MoK.a y CLASS II -Excellent-S Moore, 8 Turn. ball, G Oolvin, W Horde, I Denbow, E Toole, J Habkirk, A Ballantyne, R Bark. ley, A Lookrldge. Good-EtWalker, 0 ()ober, E Oooper, A MoLauohlin, E Cooper. Fair-EtBallston, B Wilbee, Orme I. -Excellent -5 Sample, E Lowry. Good -L Holmes, G Edwards, Miee Jean Ritchie, Teaoher. R Haiete 267 S Fox 260 W Long 258 W Sporting 256 L Lamont 248 E Deadmao243 S Speiran289 G Wilbee 287 R Ma0raoken ,236 W Air)lay,226 H Oampbell224 H Mooney 216 W McKay 1 399 349 300 289 People We Talk About. Miee Mo°lure, of McKillop, was vieit- ing at D. Roes'. John Hill -spent Thankegiving with relatives at Clinton. Miee Gardiner, of Leadbury, was visit. ing at M. Baebanan'e. Miee Mary Moriee, of Wingham, spent Thankegiving in town. Miee Poole, of Whitby, ie the gueet of Mre. George Oardiff, John street. Mre, John Tait was vieiting at H. Ball's, Wingham, for Thankegiving. Mre. T. Thomson and Mair were visitors in Wingham for a few days. Geo, and Harvey Buobauan were home from their schools for Thankegiving. Miee Mary Walker ie on the sick list but we hope she will soon be all right. Miee Ethel Scott visited Toronto friends during the Thankegiving holiday. Mies Kate Wilson vieited at Stratford and Galt daring the Thankegiving holi• day. Miee Downey was holidaying last week along with Miee Lizzie Ferguson at Lie. towel. Mise Carrie Milhaaeen and Will Grit- fith were vieitora at Trowbridge last Sunday. Mies Edie Dailey, of Trowbridge, and Allan Milbaueen, of Atwood, were visitors at J. Milhaaeen'e. N. B., Mrs. Gerry and daughters, of Blyth, were holiday visitors in town Tbureday of last week. Mrs, Jno, Miihaaeen, Prinoeee street, is now at home and hae named Wednee. day as her reoetving day. Mrs. (Rev) Ooeeoe and DeWitt were vieitora with Atwood and Trowbridge friends during Thankegiving. THa POST extends a welcome to John Buds) and family, of Morrie township, on their becoming reeideote of Brussels, Peter Stewart, wife and daughter, of Stratford, were vieiting at Jae. Menzies', William street. Mre. Stewart is a danghter. Stadion Ida Zilliax, of Lietowel, and Charlie and Willie Zilliax, of the same town, were nailing on Brueeele friends during the pad week. Wm. Habkirk, of Teeewater, was in town on Tuesday while en route to Dime, arranging for the funeral of bie father in- law, David McDonald. Mies Addie Lott arrived borne last week from an extended visit with relatives at Whitby and locality. The East agreed with her all right evidently. MMM. Jno. Carveth and daughter, Mise Brno, of Walkerton, were Violtore at W. H. MoOracken'e, Mr. OarVeth le a brother of Mrs, Mo0raeken's, to hae mooed Seafortb F. S ha for Y where be obtained o eitnation, Owing to the burning ot the Anent factory be was thrown oat of his job in town, Mrs, James MoDonald er. and jr, aro vieitora with Mre, Barry Mooney. W. F. Vanetone and Miee Freda, of Wingham, were in town on Saturday. W. 11. Willie and family, ot Seaforth, speut Thankegiving day in BTaoeele at 13. Gerry'e. Mies Nellie Harbottle, of Wiarton, visited her grandparents and eieter to Brussels during Thanksgiving, Miee Maggie McNaughton was home from Kincardine for a few days. Miee MOTavieh accompanied her, Mre. W. Dinsmore, of Granton, was the guest of her cousin, Mre, H. L. Jack- son, during the Thankegiving holiday. P. D. and Mre. McKinnon and sou, who were visiting here, left for their home in Winnipeg last Tuesday morning. P. Oantlon, H. Williamson and Mimes Hattie Lavin and Eva Caution spent last Sunday at Joseph Jamieson's, Seaforth. Mre. Frank Baines was summoned to Vandalia, Penneylvanie, on Thursday owing to the serious illness of her brother. Mieeee Georgia Roes, Florence Buchan- an, Mabel Zimmer and May Smith were home from the Model Schools for Thanks. giving. F. 13. Gilroy spent Thankegiviog day in Herrieton and sang at an entertatu- ment there in the evening ae did H. W. Avieon. Postmaster Farrow, who dieloaated one of his shoulders by a fail from a chair, is improving and will soon be alt right we traet. Mr, and Mrs. Button, of Elmo, and their neioe and nephew, Floyd and. Mrs. Bliee, of Detroit, epent Wednesday is B r cassia, E, B. Atkin and wife, of Fenwick, Out., were vieitre with Barrister and Mre. Blair for a few days. Mu. Atkin ie Mr. Blair's sister. Rev, I. M. Webb and James Jonee are holidaying at the former's home at Looan (hie week and no doubt putting in an enjoyable time. 0. R. Vanetone, a former well known t Breese lite spent a few days y e in town P vieiting his sister, Mea. Good, and old friends. His home is in Southampton. W. well ell known Editor of the Mitchell Advocate,calling was t g on Brussels friends last Saturday. He dropped in to see Tan Ponv while here. Matt. Williamson, formerly of Brno. eels, was married in Toronto on Wednes- day of this week to Miee May Harrington, both at the Queen City. May their joys be many and troubles few. Mre. Alex. Strachan was called to London on Tuesday owing to the sudden demise of Mre. John Mitchell. Mre. Joe. Ballantyne, formerly of Brueeele, is a danghter of Mre. Mitchell. Mre. Jae. Beattie ie vieiting her sister, Mre. McAdam, of Owen Sound, wbo is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever, and is now cot of the hospital where she spent seven weeks, Mime Jean MoLaaohlfn was called to Hamilton last Mouday owing to the ill- ness of Miee Chisholm; her cousin. She hae been an invalid for some time bet we hope ebe will make progress toward complete recovery. Mre, Dodds, of McKillop, was here aesieting in parsing ber eon, Charles, who was so ill with pneumonia. We are pleased to state that a change for the better hae taken plane and we hope he will soon be able to attend to business COOS more. F. S. Soots was a trifle too venturesome with bie disabled eye and catohing cold was housed up part of tbie week. We hope he will soon be able to be about ae usual. S. H. Jaokeon and A. Currie, who were also burned, are not much the wares now although Mr. Jackson still bears the marks. Tboe. Moore, Mre. Moore and Mies Bessie were at Follarton last week at. tending the funeral of Mre. Moore's sister who has been an invalid for some time. The deoeaeed lady's name was Mre. Henry Rogers and ber age was over 57 years. She had been ailing for over a year with aShe ia survived l baebandand two 0000. Funeral her took place on Saturday, Rev. Mr. Greene ouadnoting the service. Mre. Rogers was born in Darlington and wae most highly esteemed by a large cirole of friends) on account of her many admirable gaalitiea of head and heart. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Tam brink work is completed on I. 0. Richards' new residence and the slaters are expeoted to put on the roof at once. Tanana, Bnos. have purchased the Bomereet property, Turoberry street, it ie said, at $400 and will build a reaideooe next Spring. G. T. R. SHIPMENTS. -Following are the care ehipped from Broaoele during the past week :-A. 0. Dames, 2 oars of hogs to Oollingwaod ; Geo. Beet, oar of bogs and oar of sheep for export to Toronto ; Barr Bros., 2 oars (tattle to Toronto ; A. Beaker, car of wheat and oar of oats ; R. Graham, oar of wheat ; Stewart & Lowiok, oar of Boar to Glasgow, via New York ; Braaeele Balt works, 6 once salt ; G. A. Hamilton, oar of settler's effeott to Indian Head, N. W. T. Inward there were 7 oars of coal, 6 of them for Balt works and 1 for Stewart Lowiok. Bowrema'e CoNOE0T.-The Concert held on the evening of Thankegiving Day, by the Gauthier-Morton-Anddieon con. bination, under the auepioee of the Bowl. ing Club, was very well attended and the bowlers will have about $10,00 to the good from it. The program was varied and unique and not 0 taw of the numbers) were very heartily encored, In the ab. 000000 of Mies Luton, Mrs. Morton took her plane. The letter has a melodloee mezzo soprano voice and singe Willi pleasing effect. Mise Anddison le a graduate of Boston Conservatory and io hot only a One Mantel but recites, Binge and does artietid posing with commend•` able ability. Mr. Morton played several fine violin seleotione and oleo took putt in trios and quartette. The funny man of the troupe is Mr, Andtiieon who has Heleo idled the negro ro d t down fine, le a g an expert pianist'. The Com any wens East from Brussels to fill a long series of engagemeate.