HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-15, Page 8NEW STATIONERY THE When your supply of Stationery needs re- plenishing ask to see our finer Writing Papers in Dimity and Crepe de velours. DIMITY is a Fashionable Writing Paper of very excellent quality and we have it in the popular shades, in- cluding White, Heliotrope, Pearl, Dove, Grey. Twenty-four sheets of this with the same number of Envelopes to match, we sell for 26c. F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. 'cal ftbas bins, A ohiel's amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is, SEVERAL localities are waiting for the "toot 1 toot" of the C. P, R., Guelph to Goderioh, Rennes your seat for the big Concert to be given on Tbankegiving evening under the auepioes of Brussels Bowling club. Plan of Hall at Foxe Drug store. Roaoeoan medal prizes and three speed. ing events, postponed from the Fall Fair program Friday, wilt be given on the } mile track, Brussels, on the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day, oommencing at 1 o'olook, THnP n resent session of Parliament is the longeet in the history of the Domin- ion. In 1885 the session lasted 172 days, but the session this year reached that number over three weeks ago and will likely last 200 days. Fans Rees Solo. -Swan & Co. disposed of the pneumatic tyred boggy to G. L. Walker, of Brussels ; the Sod prize top baggy to Dan. Neable, of Grey ; and the let prize antter to W. F, Vanetone, Wing. ham. Mr. Ewan took order for 14onttere at Broeeele and Blyth Fairs atter the pattern of the prize taker. GRADUATED.-Publio Sohool Ioepeotor Robb, of Brasaele, has completed hie course and received the degree of B. A., from Queen's University, Kingston. He had neighed the third year before hie appointment as Inepeator and took a nation to round Op the work and did so with the mousse mentioned. THE POST congratulates bim on hie eotivity amidst bis maltifarione duties. HUSTLERS AT APPLE PEELING, -At Brno - eels Apple Evaporating Factory they get quite a hnetle on. One day reoently Charlie Hingeton peeled 55 bushels of upplee from 7.30 a, ea. to 5.30 p. m. with an hour off for de: es- and Johnnie Cooper 52i bushels 'u the same time. Two trimmers to each maobine. John Cunningham, the proprietor, made a business trip to Toronto this week, He hag 400 oases of evaporated fruit ready n0W. CONCERT THANEoGIVING NIGHT. -Brae• eels Bowling Club bas signed a oontreat with the well oommended Ganthier-And- dinon Concert Co., of Toronto, to give a concert in the Town Hall, Brussels on Thursday evening (Thanksgiving Day). The talent consists of AdraLnton, eoprano soloist ; Kathryn Obattoe-Mor• ton, contralto e0loiet ; 0. M. Anddison, nm h octet ; E Mmer eon Morton violinist rohniet and baritne : and Mae Perinea Anddi- e00, pianist and elooationiet. Plan of reeerved Beate is now open at Fox's Drug Store, The company dome highly reoom• mended and will give a high grade pro. gramme, varied, amusing and interesting, CORRECTIONS IN PRIZE LIST, -A, meet• ing of East Huron Fall Fair Directors wag held Saturday afternoon to receive a etet errant of finances a and a heckv o er the the prize list. The following corrections were made; -Joseph Engler, 2nd prize for stallion under 3 years ; E. Garvin, let for variety of beans ; Jae. Evans, 1st for Gladiolue Spikes ; W. R. MoOraoken, let for batten wreath ; A, Speir, 2nd for late potatoes and Bud for collection of potatoes. The Treasurer will pay the prizes, at hie office Tan POST Publishing House on Friday of next week, 23rd inst., from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. and on the fol- lowing Saturday daring the same hours. OOHING AGAIN TO BRUSSELS, -If you are raptured ettend to yourself at ones, If your child ie raptured do not allow him to grow up in lifo handicapped by a rupture, Have yourself or ohild oared, No matter how many failures yon have had from other eonro00, it ie a duty you owe your• eelf when the opportunity presents itself to consult (free) J. Y. Egan, rapture specialist, of Tomato, who will make hie next regular visit to Brneeele, Amadeu' Hotel, Monday, all day and evening, one day only, October 26, Remember, this gentleman has now the largeet eetablieh. meat in the Dominion exolnsively devoted to the treatment of ruptures, He has been established 57 years, and has been visiting our motion periodically for the past quarter of a century. I4 this not a record 7 See "ad." in this issue. Duenm the disoneeion of the new Grand Treats Peeing Bili in the House of Com. move a member of Parliament remarked how very few np.to•date maps of the Dominion of Canada were to be found, As it matter of fact, very few homes, or even eohool.honeee, possess such a ueefnl article. 10 remained for the pabliehere of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal to take advantage of this, and it will not be their fault if every hots in Canada ie not soon in poem s:aion of one. One Of their premiums thio year is a large 22 x 28 in. 'oloared trap of the Dominion, with a farther enlarged map of this province. 16 is called a Qalok Befereboe Map, and is well named. The looationand population of every town and village is senate glance. Every railroad ronte,Inclading the Grand Trunk Pacific, 10 Seen at once. It ought to be in every home. Every scholar ehoald have it. The Map febat one of these valuable premiume given with that popular paper this year. The ethers are piataree entitled "Heart. broken" and "Hard to Cb000e " and are, without exaggeration, the grandest eel. Motion of prentiume ever given with a tleWepaper nt one dollar per year. That go mnoh oan be elven for a :idler le mar• velletts,• I. 0. RIOEARD0' change of advertisement was to hand too late this week bat watoh epaae next week as he is offering bargains in Blaukete, Robes and Harness. He has the most of hie Fall Stook of Shoes opened up and has a nioe aeeortmeut for you to Moose from. Jae. O'Leme and R. Roche, formerly of Brussels, who reoently sold ant the Ire - quoits Hotel at Petrolia, have pnrnhaoed a fine hotel of the game name in Winni. peg and will remove to the Western me- tropolis. Those who know the buttery say it ie a popular resort and the new proprietors will keep it in good style. SUGAR BEET. -Mr. Forrest, of the Wlartou Sugar Beet Factory, ie here this week looking after the barveeting of the beet erop purchased by hie Company. A couple of plows for lifting the beets have been brought to this looalit 'to aid the farmere in teir work. The crop is a menially good one and Mould bring satisfactory results to the growers. SPEEDINe EVENTS ON THANE8G20ING DAT. -If weather will permit the postponed events from East Huron Fall Fair (owing to wet track) will be given on the Agri• cultural Park, Brueeele, on the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day, Thureday, 16th inst., oommenoiug atone o'olook. Pro gram will include the epeeists offered by Dr. MoNaughton end Barrister Blair for roadsters and outfit, two prizes in each, and three speeding events, viz. :-Farm• er's trot or pace, } mile heats, for purees of $7, $5 and $3, no entrance fee except membership in the society I 2,20 pace, mile beats, $26, $15 and $10 -; and 2.40 trot for Similar amounts, Admieeion fee will be only 15 acute, W. H. MoOeacxzN'o PRIZES. -At the Fall Faire this season W. H. McCracken, the well known gardener of Brneeele, continues hie customary prize winning and although many new eonteetante have some foto the fend since W. H. first be- come an exhibitor he refuses to bow the knee to any of them. Following is the list for 1903 :- Seaforth 35 prizes Listowel 88 ' Brussels 61 Gorrie . 29 Blyth 24 Atwood 24 Dungannon 25. " 41 14 u Total 226 In some cases he bad to divide hie exhibit so as to visit two Faire on the one date. OF INTEREST t0 LADIES, The visit of Prof.Dorenwend to Brussels on wed. needay, Oat. 28 will afford the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country an opportunity of consulting him regarding their hair, its needs, and their reg0fre- meate in all styles of Hair Goode. Prof. Dorenweod carries with him a large and moat varied assortment of hie famous conceptions in Switohee, Bangs, Pomp, - doers, Wavy Fronts and Wigs. The equal of these high grade natural hair productions can not be procured from any hair goods dealer in America, Prof. Dorenwend has the he dietinotion of being the largest manufacturer and the most noted specialist in these goods. Private apartments are at the convenience of all who avail themselves of oalliog at Hotel Amerioan on the days of his visit. Tax publishers of The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, warn the public regarding an offer made by pertain papers in which another Montreal paper, with a 'somewhat similar name to The Family Herald, is offered in a clubbing oombinotion. It is reported to the pub- lishers that in some oases the offer ham been aooepted ander the impree'ion that it wan The Family Herald and Weekly Star that would be reoeived. The paper in question has no connection whatever with The Family Herald and Weekly Star. It le The Family Herald and Weekly Stet that is offering the handsome premium piotares and large ooloured map of the Dominion as premiums. The word "Family" should be used when address. ing that paper. This oration ehoald have the effect of putting people on their guard. WEATHER WISE. -Rev, Irl Rieke says of ootober-The moon le full and at an eclipsenode on the 6th ; hence it is quite probable that threatening oonditione will last up to that date and that storms will culminate on and touobing the same day, The Moon is also on the celestial equator on the 5th, another fact that le sure to add promptness and vigor to dietarban• ops about this time. Heavy equatorial atorme in the South and North -Westerly• storms on ocean and lake may be expeot• ed. Stiff gales from the Northwest, bringing frost to freezing Northward, are quite probable toward the end of the above dieturbanoes ; but these may be delayed until after the storm period central on the 9th, Look for early and heavy sleet Northward. The 141h. 15th and 16th ere reactionary storm days, oa wbioh there will oome a change to warm• er, growing eloudioeoe, rain, and pee. eibly snow in the North end West. The next regular storm period is central on the 20th, oovering the 180h to the 28rd. A decided ohahge to warmer, will appear in the Weet, say abone the 18th, and these conditions will move Eastwardly, followed by growing oloadineee and storms of rain and wind during the 19th to 28rd. On the West and Northwest teegente of theg0 aorta areae look foe numb polder winds and weather, with early snow very probable North of the middle Statee, Very mot to cold, frosty nights may bo expected aftor theee dig• turbanaeg, touching most pasta of the TEE BRCS EIA8 POST,' ETROPOLITAN BANK 04PI'1'.UL-Paid 110 RE$ERYII PUN REV, R. 11, WARDEN, D. D„ k reatdent, O. D, =My, Tn0e. BRADBIIAV, Directors 51,000,000 • 01.000,000 8, J. MOOlRE, Viee•l'roxid on t, 0, E, Tri,ie,ene, ,t C. HEAD OFFiOE TORONTO W, D. ROSS - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING. BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Bold. Farmers' Nates Dieoounted. Interest at HIGHEST OURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of $1 and npwarde G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E, MELLISH, Manager, .mom ., 40.01011001101.261192 country, progreoolvely, from about the 21st to the 24th, About the 2500 and 20th Menge to warmer with more rain, turning to snow, followed by 000l frosty nights np to the end of the month, Gamma on ooi MAO, -In writing of Fall Faire Grogan has Ohio to say about W. H. MoOraolren, of Brussels :-Me and Claucy got Siparated from th' wimmen folks an' tit' twine somehow, an' th' furet t'ing we knowed we wee in among He' mangles' an' tb' bist oolliotion iv short- horn turnips an' other fruit. "Does me oyes deeaive me?" Bays Olanoy, suddenly loike, as he pointed to a tell man wid a blank 5110 hat an' benivolint whiskers, standin' in front iv the biet oollfotion iv impoorted mangles. "Ar it wasn't fur th' absinoe iv th' plug," he ear, "I wad ehwear that was W. H. McCracken, tb' Brussels mangle.king." "'Tie uo other,,, I says, "'min may some an' min may go, but W. H. goes on 10,1,00.' " No fair is oomplaite widoat him, Whin I Dame to Bayfort thurty years ego, W. H. wars there wid hie mangles: an' Ie his whiskers an' he's 01000 miseed a fair 01000.' Aath odd copy -book used to say, "Purssveir- anc. an' vigyteblee has their own reward." HARRY HEWITT WEDS.- The Buffalo Commercial, of Oat. let, contains the following iotereetiog note concerning e former Broeeelite and a brother to oar towooman, Jno. Hewitt ;-At 7 o'olook Tuesday evening a pretty wedding took plane at the home of William H. and Mrs. Baldwin, in the presence of the two families, when their daughter, Olay, was united in marring° to Harry North Hewitt by Rev. James W. Panne, of the Hudson street Baptist ohnroh. Mil- ton H. Baldwin and Albert R. Stephan acted as ushers. To the strains of Loh• engrin, the bridal party entered the parlors, prettily decorated in palms, ferns and Autumn foliage, preceded by the little nieoe and nephew of the bride, Josephine and Willard Stephan. The bride's only attendant wag her sister, Mies Agnes M. Baldwin and William F. Pfaff attended the groom. Mr. and Mre. Hewitt departed later for New York and other Eastern pointe and after Nevenekee let will be at home at 599 Oak street. No oerdsr. Among the out of town guests were the Mimeo Hewitt, of Hamilton, Ont. ; Ernest and Mre. Bowman, of Medina ; Miee Alice M. Baldwin and Mre. Anna B. White, of Rooheeter, Business Locals. Two or three good farms for sale. Ap- ply at Tau POST. 8 on 4 girls more wanted at Bruaaele Evaporator, at ouoe. J. CUNNINGHAM. HANDeoge walnut sideboard for Bale at great rednotion, Apply to MRS, W. M. SINCLAIR, Brussels. FIRST oldie saws for sale and ready to work or oan exehunge saws, T. M a -GREGOR, Mill street, Breesels. ELIGIBLE village lot, abjoining the rme- idenoe of John MoCrae,Turnberry Street, Brussels, for sale. For partionlare as to price and terms apply to J. D. Ronald, Brussels. ,. , PERSON , bUl11I, PA RAGR i 1 G11A NN Wm. Lake is visiting at Listowel. Mrs. Woods is visiting relatives at Parkhill, Will. and Mrs. Lowry have returned to their horde in London. Mise Therm Gerry will spend Thaekegiviug day in Toronto. J. and Mre. Boneton and eon ate boli. daying with friend° at Guelph. Miss M. Brook, of Wingham, Wag a visitor in town on Friday and Saturday. B. and Mre. Kerne, of Palmerston, were visitore with W. and Mre. Goodwin. Mre. H. Ham, of Luokoow, Wee renew- ing old friendships in Brussels last week, Mre. D. B. Moore is home from an en. joyable visit to Winnipeg, Rainy River and other plaoee, Postmaster Fisher and Robert Carrie, of Wingham, were visitors in Bruetcle on Tuesday of thio week, L, Reid, of Owen Sound, has accepted a position as blaokemith in the carriage. shop of Ewan & 0o., Brosselo, Ohne. Dodds has been on the siok list with pneumonia during the week but we hope be will soon be all right. Jas. Kelly, of Cypress River, Man., formerly of Brneeele, ie confined to bed most of the time now we are sorry to hear. Jno. and Mre. Sprang, of Auburn, were visitors at Jno. Cunningham's Alexander street. They are Mre, Oanningham'a paten la. Mies Elsie Good hag taken a position io Jae, Fox'S drug eters and will take charge of the Central Telephone a0 one of her duties. Charlie, youngest eon of John and Mre. Wilbee, Mill street, was quite i11 during the past week batig recovering now we arc glad to hear. Garfield Backer expecte bo leave short• ly for Toronto. Rio place in ,Jae Fox's drug store will be taken by Robt„ eon of Coonoillor Wm. Work, North of Brpsselo. Fred, Alamo, of Beatorth, ie assisting hie unole, Robt, Henderson, with the dray business. The latter hag been both• °rod a goop deal this Fall with rhoama. Hem. Station Agent J. Miihausen and his bride arrived in town on Monday and are re001010g the oongratnlationo of a large oirolo Of Mende. Their home le on Prin. 0000 street. _. George Onnningham left for the Voter. inary College, Toronto, en 'Monday morn. ing, 'Shia ie hie amend term and we }Mlle he will come off with flying ooloro neat Opting, - G. A. Deadman and Mies May are home from the Weet. The latter hes held a position in Winnipeg for the post few year°, Mr. Deadman wee away for a oonple of months. Mre, John Jones, Brussels South, who het been quite ill, is considerably better, we are pleased to state, and is able to sit up now. Her many old Mende hope she will soon ba-ponvalegoent, Mre. P, D. MaKinaon, of Winnipeg, Man,, who is 'leftism relatives here, went to Toronto on Saturday to meet Mr. M°.. Kinnon who will spend a short time in Ontario on a business trip Mrs. W. Moore and children, who have been visiting in Brussele and looality, re. turned to Toronto on Wednesday. D. B. Moore a000mpanied them and will con- sult a epeoialiat in reference to his eyes,. Mies Mary Caotelon will speed the Winter at her father's in Ethel„ and may go to Manitoba in the Spring. She was a faithful teacher in the Metho•• diet Sabbath eohool and a viae Preeideok in the E worth Lea:mend will b P g e miseed<. Inspector and Mre, Robb and Mies Addie are away to Toronto this week:. The former is attending a Committee for revising the Course of Study. Inspector Tom, of West lduroo, will oleo be preaemt as Chairman of_the Inspector's depart. meet. Dr. A. W. L. Gilpin, who is practicing Dentistry in Michigan City, Indianna, is compelled to desist from his profeesion for a time at least, we are sorry to state, owing to a failure in his eyesight. The Ohioago epeoialiat he consulted advisee rest and outdoor °x000100. He .has die• posed of his praotioe and will come home for a while. Looltnow Sentinel of last week in refer- ring to their Fall Fair Couoert speaks as follows of a 0010e of Mre. T. Fletcher, of Breesels, who expecte to spend the Win- ter here :-Mies Ruby Smith, of Winni- peg, also sang a ample of very fine solos, wbioh were heartily applauded. Mise Smith has a sweet well trained contralto voioe and was given a splendid reception by the large audience, CHURCH CHIMES. Forty three thousand three hundred and nineteen dollars were oontributed by Anglioan Women's Auxilariee to mission work, Thanksgiving 00001000 Will be held in. Melville ohnroh at 10 80 a. m. and in Ste John's ohnroh at 11 a. m. on Thursday of this week. Harvest Home 0000icee in St. John's church next Sunday. The incumbent will officiate and the church will be ap- propriately deoorated, St. John's oboroh, commencing next Sunday, will be lighted with electric light,. the incandescent system being utilized., 85 lame are being K P lace d. Rev. R. Peal will preach at the Thanks- giving service in the Ethel Presbyterian ohnroh on Thursday afternoon as Oho pastor has to take a funeral service at Orenbrook. Rev. Joo. Boss, B. A., die:merged last Sabbath morning in Melville ohnroh on the text "Cleave to the Lord" and in the evening the topic was "The Obaraoter of Barnabas. u Union Bible Society meeting will be held in Melville church next Sabbath evening at 7 o'oloak wben addressees will he delivered by Bev. J. Rose, B. A. and Rev. T. W. Caserta Rev, R. Paul, the President of Brussels Branch, will pre- side. The evening 0ervi0e in the Meth- odist ohnroh will be oanoelled for that evening. Rev. T. W. Come preached last Sala bath morning from the topic Joel's Call, giving numerous eeleotiooe from the book of Joel. In the evening a memorial service was held bearing on the death of Rev. Jae, A. McLachlan, of Berens Rivera formerly of this looality. The paotoree sermon was based on St. Paul's words "I am now ready to be offered, &o." B. Gerry, who was Baperentendent of the Methodist Sabbath school here when Mr. MoLaohlaa wag a pupil, gave some rem- inioeenoeo of an interesting oharaater. time, m.. , } se states, , .b... ratee.e y ' Standard Bank of Canada memeeemzezzame7p 1E372 ASSETS -OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS Deposits Of one dollar end upwards received and int; reM allow- ed in Sevinge Bank at higheet rate from date of deposit to withdrawal. Interest PAID ON THE Daily Balance Loans Made,. Notes Cashed, and every aeeommoda• tion afforded the roe. poneible borrower, FARMERS' SALE NOTES earthed, Collected ; or may be left for oaf' -keeping only for which no charge is made, This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business., we'Every convenience afforded customers' living at a distance. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, AGENT. a3ORN. CosTEv.-In Grey, on Oot. 6, to Mr. and Mre. R. E. Coates, a sou. JEWI''T.-At Oonetenoe, on Sept, 29th, to DIr. and Mrs. R. W. Jewitt, a daughter, IMCJA E.M.Iazi• HEwITT-BALDwrN.-Io Buffalo, on Sept. 29, by Rev. J. W. Pare000, Mr. Harry N. Hewitt, formerly of Brussels, to Mico May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baldwin, all of Buffalo, N. Y. Loup, -In Oranbrook, on Oct. 13, Edwin Alfred, eon of Jaoob and Mre. L mf', aged 5 years, 8 menthe and 19 days. .tsvc'zzosr s.eA.x,E_ MoNoax, Om. 19. -Farm stock looted- ing 15 horses, implements, &o. Lot 2, Con. 12, Hallett. Sale, nereeerved, at 1 'block, Joseph Stevens, Prop. 'Thomas Brown, Ano. Tnun SAY OOT 22. -Farm stook im• plemente, &o., 11 ' Lot 5, Coo. 5, Morris. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clook. Adam Halliday, Prop, F. S. Scott, Auo. Fntcaz Om. 28 -Farm aleck, imple- ments, &e., NI-, Lot 20, Oon. 9, Morris. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook, G. R. Btubbe, Prop. F. S. Bootle Ano, TUESDAY, OoT. 27. -Farm stook, im- plements, &e. Lot 8, Oon. 5, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. B. Laiog,Prop, F. S. Soots, Ana. THURSDAY, Oar. 29 -Lumber, slabs, •&o„ Lot 29, Oou. 16, Grey, (Quereogeee• air's mill). Sale at 1 o'olook. W. J. Pal. :mer, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ana, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. DIRE WINNING LE ICES -, mons. -The undersigned offers for Bale 5 rams, ewe lambs and breeding ewes. Also a Durham bull 8 months old. Lot 10, Oon. 1ty Grey, or Walton, F. O. OLIVER TURNBULL. 11AIEEI1 FOE SALE CONTAIN. INC 200 spree, being Lots 10 and 17, Oon, 10, Township 'of Grey. On this farm lea stone house with kitobeu and wood- shed, a bank barn I.12 x 80 feet with stone stabling, end strawshedwith atone pig pen ander it, There is a windmill on the barn. 20 acres of good hardwood bush on the niece and 20 acres of swamp, the rust is oloared. There are 18 aoree of Fa11 wheat in. A good •robard of 8 acres. Terms -70 per cent, of the money oan be left as mortgage on the place at 4 and 40 per cont, For further par- ticulare apply to MILS, AUGUST FI80RI]R, on the form, -or Cranbr ook P. 0. 14.4 -‘.s-UOTION SALE OF FAR14I Scott,BauootoneM azneoeiyed0 Instructions from the undersigned to sell by publio ane- rion a0N1 Lot 20, Oen. O. Morrie; on FRIDAY, Oot. 28rd, at 1 °Week the following proper- ty :-1 Mare 0 years old supposed in foal to Ooetumer.",1 horse colt got by "Kaplan", 1 team coach horses 5 and 7 years old good general. Doreen, 6 °owe supposed ill calf to I,horo'-bred brill, two to calve in November; ealvee, 8 yearling steers, 8 yearling heifers, 1 two-year-old steer, 8 good Leloeeter ewes, 1 good Leicester ram, 2 Yorkshire brood 00" in WO. 10 pigs over 0 mouths old, about 80 Plymouth Rook haus, about 20 ohtokene, quantity of marigolds and burnips in held, 1 Brantford binder, rest Wood mower' 1 Sharpe rake, l land 1 F & d roller eusly now. 1 Maxon drill combined, 1 pulper, 2 single plows one nearly new, 1 twin Gockshatt plow nearly now,1 waggon with box and spring seat,1 single buggy,1 double buggy nearly new,1 pair bob -sleighs with box, 1 bog orate, 1 hay rack, 1 stock raok to flt on waggon bex,1 set iron harrows,1 hog trough, 1 snider, 2 pair of whifnotrces, 1 nook yore, 1 set team harness, 1 pair leather fly nets, 1 Set plow hareem, 1 pair horse blankets, 1 string of bells,20 grain bags, I set of block taokiing, l Wagner extension ladder,1 rung Judder, 1 Step ladder,1 fanning m1ll,1 weigh ' beam,1 log boat, Slogging obaine,1 binding ohain,1 water barrel,1 00110 con, 2 creamery caps.4 milk palls end quantity .milk pans, sor0On for apple drying. 1 straw Cutter, 1 churn, 1 cross -out saw,' axe, 1 battle and wedge, 1 kitchen table, 2 bedsteads, spades, forks, ebovele and other artiolee too numer- ous to mention, Sale unreserved as pro. prietor bite gold his farm, Terme-All sums o1 8e and under cash ; over that amount 12 mouths' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, 8 per cent off for cash on credit amounts, G, It. STUBBS,.Proprie- tor ; F. 0, 8001T, Auctioueor. COM A ,fk NT BRUSSELS EVAPORTI�i Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will not bo taken, JNO. CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR. Neingungsamustrastmausnotatsismatems MIo'cr.^m o ..06 .wnxoo s, Fall Wheat 78 , 74 Barley - 37 40 1?eats 50 65 Oats ......... 26 27 Butter, tette and nolle .. 18 14 Eggs per dozen - 14 15 Flour per owt. 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per baa.) 80 80 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 00 Hay per ton .. .., 5 00 6 00 Salt per hbt., retail 1 00 70 Hoge, Live 5 00 5 25 Wool 15 16 Hides trimmed 6 6(t Hideo rough 5 5 Lamb skins eaoh..... 26 30 Sheep skins,oaoh 25 '25 001'. 15 1908 BAKING POWDER TRUTH The beet Baking Powder 10 the one that produces the moat leaven. ing power without leaving a harm. fol reeidue in the food. Such a Powder must invoriably be made from pure Cream of Tartar and Bode. Anything else is never used except to Mahe an unfair prat. OURS is a pare Cream Tartar Baking Powder, - Tboee who nee it think well of H. 25C. PER POUND. GIVE IT A TRIAL Fox's Drug Store. Bealitilil.! Fall !11!uery Our Lame, New Stock has been very highly complimented and a good start made an sales. Our thanks are expressed for the 4en- erous patronage. Nice range of Ready- to-wear Sats. A Call Solicited. Our Prices are Reasonable. MISS LITTLE. NEW LL GOODS EW PRICES This coming Month, October, completes our first year in Brussels. Now we' are going to celebrate all this month by a Gigantic Sale and close our first year's business by giving our Patrons a Cyclone of Bargains. %JfSf', Not Merely Tall but a ` Reality. You can Save IVloney all this Month in Buyinif New Fall Dress Goods, Perfect Fitting Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants and Vests ; Ladies', Misses', Boys' and Children's Solid Leather Shoes ; Underwear, Top Shirts, Cottonades, Linens, Towelings, Tickings, Shirtings, Flannelettes and Blan- kets at THE MONEY -SAVING SPOT HAIRY A. MATCI-.ETT' Garfield House, ' Brussels. Butter and Eggs taken as Cask. 1; fA