HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-10-15, Page 7rj ,EAT OF INBIA7 ;RIMMED, CALCUTTA TAKES LONG l//LEEP DURING 1307 SPELL, Life in the Capital of Llindostaa. -Mercury Stands at Above 100. It le lino second week in ,June, writes a Calera 11 a correspondent, 'i'he iesteens nrd as brass. On the south- western lIOl1Le11, whence remota our help, 114 as yet no sh;u of rho black, i.enelielcnl. clouds. `rho lnld-season Moment, tempering the sun and rip- onittg the in engem the 11ttk rai0s- " chnta alarsnt"-•J trluding "the shat- tering' might of the monsoon," havo somehow missed their way. Day af- ter tray in the shale the mercury elands at anything a little above a hundred: evening after evening Lhn Hnn gOea down !whine the masts and funnels of the lloogidy, behind the standing smoke of the jute mills across the water, a disc of yellowish white in a eoloeless sity-promising northing for tho morrow. A SU.MMIelt SLEEP. The city takes her summer .deep, Long ago, as it. seems his Excellency the "Ilurra 1,n f. Sahib" departed with the (Invernment for Simla. Ages, as it seems, have passed since the flag flew over the low dome crowning the snow-wltito replicla of Kedleston Bail since the blue -striped pagrls of the viceregal bodyguard matte way in the streets, since the di: Languished patron of Indian arts and his graceful consort spent pleas- ant. cool afternoons in the showrooms of the fashionable Hebrew cabinet maker -precise East -of -Suez counter- part of Tottenham Court ]load! in these days it was easy to think of the second city of the :Empire as "the settlement of an Imperial race, and tho fitting habitation of a. world-wyide rude" -the viceregal rhe- toric c 1 nus all attractive cadence. In theee she has another appearance, caothor character, with which, may - hap, t the hurt• ni, S n I, Sahib has not t t've1 a bowing acquaintance. In - decd(, he confessed so )ouch in an or- ation that has become famous. L'J.,TCi1I'.l' OF TIM MEMSAIIJ]IS. '1110 balustraded Rad lioah Is elo- quent of the change. Its broad, straight carriageway, crossing the Maiden at such a.n anglo that the pn:ieeless ovrning breeze from the south conies along it unimpeded, is almost deserted during the brief !tour dividing the daylight from the dark. True, the smart trim -Lusts atld bug- gies are still to be seen, for your ('alcuttu man of business is not driv- en away by the heat. It is the ab- sence n1 the palefaced memsahib that is noticeable. A few, a vory few, re- main; the rest aro living laborious clays within sight of the snows. In the pro -monsoon interval the inviol- able ileal Itond becomes the resort. of another grade, another shade, A glance at the carriages that pass and repass in the line of the breeze, or along• theroadby the river, reveals for the most part the "Spanish com- plexion," the hat in fashion ofthe day before yesterday, the mournful expression of those wbo belong to the race which Kiplingemened. the real "people of India. They coxno out on the cool June evening froml 111u hinterland tint divides Choty- ring9lcu from the welter of shiers be- hind; they annex the carriage roads; they pace up and down the ]:den Gardens listening to the Lown band, at other reasons than this the daily delight. of the mercantile youth. You remark in their faces the impassive- ness of the lest allied with -shall one say? -1 he discontent of the West. TILE REAL CALCUTTA. It were a strange error, however, to conceive of Calcutta in the -hent as a city of no pleasures. There is no 111111,11, no drama, no society. You 1 may, if you are so minded, pay calls I at; mid-day on Sunday in frock coat and 1llt lasaillaile silk hat, but ft will not bo counted into you for righteousness. Nevertheless, there aro other things to do. After four months of cool drought ar,cl four more of heat the Maic.Tc.0 is still glor- iously green. Peru and there the glowing blossom of a gold-monur tree maintains its outdated splendor. It is good in the morning to ride, in the evening to drive, to walk-be(oro and after the hours during Which the anrotnol•sotul glare imprisons you in- doors. There aro some, moreover, younger, and madder, who condemn such uninsptriting recreation. Reck- loss of t11e towering 'temperature, they play hockey, football oven -with till the ritual of tournament and cup- tio. It sounds incredible, but use ettgor, variegated crowd-Eurnsinus, Chinese, hundreds of shirt -clad babas, with tho inner 1301e0t company of Europeans -testifies to the actuality of the game that is going 'forward. This is the part of Calcutta known to the ordinary European, whose splices of interest is bounded 1)y a half -mile radius on this side the erfaiden. Beyond is the real Calcut- ta: the swanning bn(.aars, with their indescribable reek, tine putrid busters, from which the .plague Ilan been, for awhile, expelled by the mercifully mere i1189 stn, :1110 congestion, un- elennliness, and 'penury that are the despair of Viceroy and Government and corporation. This eity, "the lining habitation of a world-wide rule," tve, wino ought to know .bet- ter, do our best t0 forget, intent as We aro on the prospects of the mon- soon and our own individual ways of making life, net endurable merely, bet positively pleasurable, at n, a hun- dred n i c10. arra seven n the 12 i11 n "RAIN" OF 1I11'J'TT1RTtL.TES, Milan hes just been the scone of a r0111i1rktlble 'rain," or downfall, of butterflies of mollis, They settled In tens of thotusannds on 0111105'1 every available inch of space On the ground %d111 nu the buildings of the Cental fll`ttl•l er8 Of the City. '1'11e insects are dreeribctl as perfectly Meek and 0)nrvellnusly derive. 'i.`air presence s asciilned to o,11 5.11' crlrr0111 swept. trod(,•in Pontoi LA hurricane, PuRF FOO is an absolute neces. sity for the Presa:rva• tion of our well-being. CEYLON NA l'•Ug R.l .L GREEN tea 13 poni• �;i �vei.�,, eb ALL PURE TEA" and P 5 &H. to drink as SALAD A" SLAC tea. 8st' . • eal0el land paultoto. 260, Sou, 4220, 60e, 500 per Ib, Beal) tinware. DIRTHBA'TA Il'T ENOLANDI DECLINING IN ENGLISII- SPEAKING COUNTRIES. Figures Which Show That Some • Cause Inas Been at Work For Thirty Years. But sixteen years have passed since an IPoglira thinker spoke in bitter terms of "the dutastuting torrent of children„” tho arrest of which. 11e predicted, would bring infinite bless- ings to mankind, yet to -day every- where through thu Anglo-Saxon world ere find the thoughts of states- men and publicists turning not to the arrest of the birth-rate, but to the far more difficult problem or :.topping the decline in it which has set in with ominous steadiness. and which is new beginning to menace the predominance of the race. So writes Air. II. W. Wilson in the Lon- don Daily Mall. - President Roosevelt has appealed to American men and Woolen on this head in a public address; the groat Australlan statistician Mr. Co41 hian in words of impassioned truth, has warned Australia of the Futuro before her unless she obeys the old com- mandment to be "fruitful suer multi- ply"; and in England we aro be- coming dimly conscious that our hold upon South Africa depends upon our power to pour settlers Into that cotmtry, and that with the decline in the rate of increase in our popula- tion, this power is passing away. Tho fall in the birth-rate in the English-speaking Ocuftr•iee Coincides, apparently, with a distinct increase in rho peoples of the Far East. The population of Japan, after remain- ing stationary for 120 years, has recently begun to expand, and to expand rapidly. Authorities on WEAR AND NERVOUS, Thousands of Lives Made Miser- able by a Trouble Easily Overcome. Thousands of people throughout this country suffer continually from nervousness -their blood is poor end watery, their nerves unstrung and jaded, They aro pale, weal:, often troubled with headaches and dizzi- ness,are exhausted with the slight- est exertion, and often feel as though life were a burden. There is only one absolutely certain way to get nolo health and strength and that is through the use of Die Williams' Pink ,!'ills for Pale People, 'These Pills make new, rich, red blood, strengthen the nerves, coal bring health, strength and happiness to those who use anent, Mr. D. CV, .Daley, Crystal 0lty, Manitoba, proves rho truth of this. Ile says I have used Dr, Williams' Pink Pills with wmldcrful results. Before using thele I was weak and nervous; I my blood was poor; I woe pale and Suf'ered fl'.'nt pains iu the region of the heart.'Now after the use of eight boxes of rho pills ldy dei'c'es aro strong; my bloo't'1 is pure mod rich; .I: have a, good color and 111,,V heart action. is regular, I think there is no medicine can equal Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for these trou- 1Irs," This is the verdict of all people who have given the pills a fair trial, and those who aro stele can obtain I10W health and strength through the use of this medicine, Do not waste money and further eullanger your health by taking any substitute, See that the full name of Dr, 'lllialln e' Pink fills for Pale Poople is printed on the wrapper around every box. 1f you cannot get the pill;( from your dealer they will bo sent by maul at 50 cents a box or six boxes fon 52,50 by writing to The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Drockville, Ont, Ortina ]told that there, also of late years the population 19 again ad- vancing, after nlong period of stag- nancy, Ts it the case that, its La- fcadio Hearn, a thinker in the clos- est touch with the ]East, has sag - sestet], the Iear West has evolved an 9ndi19dual too expensive to live, a being the meets of which are so many that they cannot be satisfied in the 111(01151, race -competition which is the characteristic of the twentieth century world? ENGLAND AND TIIE COLONIES. The birth-rate in England fell af- ter elle great war with France, at the .opening of the nineteenth cen- tury, and in 1838 it was only 30 per 1,000 of population. From this point it began to rise slowly, and advanced, on the ,,hole, steadily with the advance of British trade, 11 reached its culminating point in the ,years ,just after the Franco -Genian tear, which were among the most proepel•oue known in Our trade his- tory. It was 85,8 in 1872, 36 in 1874, and 6.4 3 in . 1 .570. iv1i h ch is the high - est i I - est earned eVer (0uelled since accur- ate statistics wore collected in this country. In 1874-8 the average ratio for (ho United Kingdom teas 34.8, But from 1.870 onwards a sharp de- cline set in, and tinny decline has core - dirtied almost uniformly to 0111' OWV11 day. Irma 1879 to 1888, the aver- alto, for the United I1ingclolt) Was 32.0; from 1881 10 1888, 31.2) from 1889 to 18913, 213.8; from :1.891 to 18'18 29;1; tied from 1899 to 10(1.1, 28 8. Thus i11 tiro period btom 1874 to 1001. the decries was six 'per. t.ho'enend; and the Meth -rate fell to a little snore than four-fifths of what it 11011 been in 7197(1 tlutslde p:ngland tho satire phonom- enten was noted in On( of our Colon- ies to an even 11101•e marked degree. Ie Australia the birth-rate has fal- len with a rapidity which is posi- tively alarming, The rite wns 41.9 per thousand in 1801-5; in 1871-5 it had diminished to 37,3, and h1 1881- 5 this had further shrunk to 35.2. In 181)1-5 it wns 31,5, and in 1806--1) . only 27.115, so that It was actually below the rate of increuee in the Mo1her Courttry - 'Phe loss of birth force_ in Australia !in the last forty ,wars bus been no less than 14.65, or much more than a to ird of the rate of increase in 1861-5, One Australian Stare now shows a rate of only 25, or but 4 above the rate of Franca, w111c11 is ,generally regarded as the typo of n stationary 00 ably, The dee the is great in evenly position of life, among the poorest and the richest alike, and ' it le the more extraordinary in that the greatest want of Australia in a teeming,o population lulat ion In the United Status the small size of the native American family has drawn protests from Mr. Roosevelt, though no statistics aro collected, acid hero It is Impossible to say what is actually happening. The excess of births over deaths has fallen iron) 28 per 1,000 in 131(10 to a calculated total of only 13 i11 1000, so that tho birth-rate must have declined or the death -rate enormously increased, which last supposition is most im- probable, Ti1E BII1TI1-RAT!: ON TIIE CON- TINENT. In Franco the birth-rate, except in abnormal years during or after wars, when nature was striving to tendo the handiwork of man, has tendert downwards, but the fall has not been so marked as in England, though it started at a lower level. Tho French rate was on an average 25.8 for 1871-8, 22.3 for 18414-8, and 21,5 for 181)14-1900, the last years for which the returns are accessible. The drop was thus 9,3 in afoot the same period as that in which tho English rate fell 6. In Italy the fall was 3,2, from a figure of 37 in the sante period, so that the Italian rate is still notch ah01'a the English one, In Germany, perhaps Dur most formidable competitor in Europe, the decline was 4.2 in this period, from 40.1 to 35,9, and tho German rate is still higher than was the rate in England !n 1870. Moreover, in some Gorman States of recent year there has been a slight tendency for the rate to advance, which is most mark- ed in Bavaria, Wurtemburg, and Ba if(1011. tine 'Russian figures can be trust- ed, and they do not (Dune down lat- er than 1897, the birth-rate there is advancing. It was 47.7 in the three years 18412-4, and 49,5 in the years 1805-7. TliIs, hotvo 221•, may be clue to the fact that nature 18 conpensat- iug for the loss of life in families in her own peculiar way. 11ut the ltue- sine ,rate is n vow high on(, and nutwilhstaliding a very high death Pate the Russian people is 1n0re118ing with amazing rapidity, TUE HOOTS OF THE EVIL What aro the explanations of the falling birth-rate in Inc ISng11511- speaking countries? Mr. Coghlan suggests, in tho ease of Australia, that rt is flue to the love of pleasure and to the deliberate limitation of families. Iris argument seems to be borne out ley some very striking facts noted by Mt'. and,llirs. Webb in t11oie work on "Industrial Demncra- cy." They state that 'there are many indications that the detcg''r to be apprehended in North-Western Europe during the coming century is not over -population at all, but a 'cte- Iiberate restriction of population by the mor•o prosperous, 1110re intelligent; and more thrifty sections, brought about by a .rise in the standard of life itself." That is Lafcadlu Hearn in other words; it is tho admission that the superior race is too expel), sive to multiply; brit it means tho suicide of the race, and its slow re- placement by other human material. Yet another suggestion is that, as MERRY, HAPPY BABIES. -- mem is no greater treasure on earth then a healthy, happy, merry baby, Anything therefore that trill. keep the little one in this condition is a priceless boon to mothers, Mrs, Wm. 331111, Maple Creek, N.N.T., tolls how she accomplished this end; site says :-"1 am happy to say that Baby's Own Tablets haw clone my baby girl a world of good. She was badly troubled with eonstipne tion and very cross and peevish, but sin.eo using the Tablets she is all right. I give her the Tablets 01100 or twice a week caul slur is now smelt a merry, happy little thing that doubt i here can bo 1 to Daby's 01v» Tablets aro just the thing for lino ones." 'Pere is a 105son for other mothers lvlto leant it safe anis certain medi- cine for the ailments from which their little 'ones stiffer from tlmo to eeme. Thos 'labiate aro 'sold under n, p)11a1•antee to contain no opiate or harmful drug, and they aro good for a13 chiltb'3n from the new born babe to the well grown child, Sold at 25 cents a boar or sen by mail by writing direct to the Dr, ,Williams Medicine Co,,; Brockville,, Ont. There are very few cleans. lrlg operations In which Sunllghl 3oap cannot be used to advant. tge. It makes the home bright nd clean. 119 t -f the death -rate has declined, the re- lative proportion of young men and women has declined, and that a eel, responding fall in the birth-rate was to bo anticipated, But this is not very satisfactory, since the fall in birth -rano is much greater than the decline in the death -rate, and the fall much greater than in England, but has not brought such a diminu- tion in the births. Lastly, the question must be faced whether the fall Is not to be connect- ed with the special strains of mod- ern life„ especially of city life. Aus- tralia and England urn both States in which the ]Mtge city predominates. and It is at least a noteworthy fact that the marked fall in our birth- rate coincides with the, collapse of agriculture, which forced our country population more and more into the towns from 1.878 onwards. This may be a more accident, but country families ars still generally larger, if only because of the diffi- culty of housing in the towns, No point is so painful in Mr. Booth's great study of London than his re- peated reiteration of tho fact that large families are regarded by land- lords 09 a nuisance, and that the large family is too oPte1 refused ao- cotnmodation where the small family ends no difficulty in obtaining it. Thus is the "devastating torrent of children" -most accursed phrase -re- pelled, and thus is our national po- sition being imperilled, For in this twentieth century world victory is to the large unit; the full nursery spells national and race predominance, DID HILI GOOD AND NO MISTAKE WHAT STMON V. LAIIDRY HAS TO SAY OE DODD'S KID- NEY PILLS, Tie Was Weak, Run Down and a Total Wreck -Three Boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills Put Him to Work Again. River Bourgeois, Richmond Co„ Clue., Oct. 5, -(Special). -Simon V. Landry well known here, adds his testimony to the thousands of others all over Canada who owe their health and even life itself, to Dodd's Iiicitley Pills. "I was bothered for over a year with Lame Back, Weak Bache, Palpa- tion of the Heart end General Weak- ness," says Mr, Landry, "In fact, I was a total wreck. 1. could not work as I got tired and weak so easily and I had a. weakness in my stomach so that I could not bead down to do anything. "! had tried different kinins of medicine Without benefit till I gave Dodd's Kidney fills a trial, From the first they did me good and T had only token three boxes when Was able to start work again. They did me good and no utistahe." Dodd's kidney Pills are known by their cures in every corner of Can- ada.. They euro the Tiidneyn. Sound Kidneys ensure per blood, Pure blood means good health, cheerfulness and abundant energy. That's 1 )1W Dodd's Kidney 'L71115 ;lake now men and W010111 out of run clown, worm out people. TAILOIIING BY NEW ITT. Many men of modest dimensions Inver) thought it hard that they should be charged by their tailor on the seine scale as the leen whore twice as 111uc1) cloth is needed to clothe, The Garment Al:akei's' Oon- Vention at Chicngo has deckled that in future the clothing of corpulent men Will bo paid for according to hulk, The weight of men of normal viz() is arbitrarily fixed at 150 1b„ and for each 1.00 11), over that weight the fat ratan will be taxed $5 additional for his clothes. "Anti - Fat" and similar remedies will be more in demand in the States than ever. "ilial you havo a good time fish- ing?" "Oh, fair, fair," replied the candid man, "but, wa N o hadetter time lying about it When Wo got back.' -'4 pInard' s L!rlinent Cures ri hihe rla r Cora -"P online pis smarter than you, my dear, Sho can accompany the new tenor on the piano." I'erdite --"Yes, but I eau a.coompany him on my bicycle," s Liniment Cures Colds, es r C idsf etel DIPliT1:1E12IA TREATMENT. By the use of the anti -toxin treat- ment in diphthenta cases, of which tllero were 6,500 last year in the "London hospitals, the doat -r ai o from the malady has been reduced ire it few years from over 30 to '11 per cent, LONG T3AH1, In a hairdressers' journal it 18 (1,t1- 1101trIC0(1 (110* a lady was awarded a prize for a head of hair 811. in length Stith alt extraordinary record, if rare, is not uluiiqu0. Some time ago the name Wall annOl1lleefl of a Telae lady vhoso 1011- b 1 t1013106k easurad Oft„ ., of which 8ft.,, wilt% tuu'estrain- ad,U'atle;,d :open the grousid, LONDON x'.LOWER GITtxS, What They Earn and What They Pay for Loans, "Do flower girls earn goon looney -enough to save? An emphatic de- nial was given to this question by a lady between Regent street and Co - 10n1 Garden, London. The heart of the flower sellers' trade is Piccadilly Circus, but even hero a flower 00111(1 not admit to earning, oven at the best setlson. Mors than as, or (Is. a day, "0, yes, lily, that's very good If yet. can line') it up; but the next day yer mlghtli t get yer money back." This wns the lament o1' all; for the "Carden" is tickle in its supply and the public in 118 de- mand. Tho most prOsper00s seaSOrl appears to ,be that when the Violets aro in profusion, probably because tlheso modest blossoms 110140 a steady sale al110415 men as well as women, say's the London Chronicle. Another group of flower girls spoke of a very good day bringing in 3c. 01' 4c„ but thought talose who sold flowers to the "city 1 at l.he Bonk" alight make 1110x0, "But trick is very hart just now, lidy," said one, holding out 2d., all she had taken since morning; "and 111y pal 'ere, yer see she's bin crying, 'as just 'ail two shillin's worth of flues spoilt by a walks who pushed 'er out of a shop where she warted to 53311 sotnethin'." When trade is at its worst these girls, as one of them said, "cleans Orftces" or -a greater number -go hopping, 7n contrast to these tales thu sav- ings -amounting to 1:113 --of !Ellen Alien, a flower seller, as given in the Daily Chronicle recently, were more tionod, leach flower girl questioned had either road or heard the story. "She weren't no flarseller," they sairl, sharply, "she wits a money lender. Wo knows 'en," they added, "they lends us money to buy ears and charges us 2d. interest on a shilling." As the flower market was deserted inquiries there were not possible: but a kindly body at a neighboring stall gave tier experiences, "When the flower girl is prosperous," she said, "her spare cash is spent in jewelery, When trade is shack this is 'put away,' and only redeemed from the pawnshop when things are bt•ight again. The last resource is the money lander" -she knew her well - who would advance a few shillings. Yes, she 111005111 an institution or philanthropy which W01tld lend flow- er girls shall sutras at a low rate of interest would he useful, "Are you thinking of interesting yourself in them?" was her laughing remark' as we parted; "you may depend upon getting plenty to borrow," SLEEPING TN A CRADLE. Thee is a ratan of seventy in Paris nailed Wallace Supe'nealt, who stili 5100')5 in the cradle he was rocked in when a bah,', and he has. never slept one night of his long life in any other bed. The youngest of a family of boys, Wallace retained 11131 place in the cradle ns he grew older. I1'e soon because too tall to lie in it at full length, but he overcn.ulc 11118 dificulty by drawing his knees tip -1 Weird. Each night to this day he rests his feet squarely on the bot- tom of the cradle, sWnys his lcnees to and fro, and rocks himself to sleep as he did when a. shall boy, The habit was formed in babyhood and novel' broken. TNCTIEASEI) INSANITY. Nearly 28,000 persons became in- sane in England and Wales last year - u higher number than in any Year since records have been kept. The increase Over the previous year was 3,251. The beat tea growing district in Ceylon sutxpiies 0 The utmost came is te,ilelllt in curing, and evc;.r9P process is supervised her ft3a,:per'tsi,' The result is a tea that as delicate in aroln:a and delicious in taste. Bleck, Mixed. Ceylon Green. Auk for Rod Label. rovorY CENTIS-ss101.71LD )SL Tv BY2TY 9 '�IGia :..Cap •rose stssmi 'k -SI `ihl (e swilimemz_ezarr_ 1r esus. `dt tgg masacn When you buy a WASHBOARD see that it bears the nano X ' tdcu.ehokl %Y Favorite." "Waverly." 'SPECIAL I�p INSIST ON GETTING ONE OF TBF, ABOVE WELL-KNOWN BRANDS The Lest Thal Can be Hsd, USE EDDY'S FAILS w:, TUora SSE EDDY'S( MATCHES. )0 ,(92 f•T�,�,it"9 �t'a r' 7DInea L3-003e.as x61Z-a9¢•'Mr..74J%30,CD7C. 9 77 ((INC 87311117 EA87 1 )''%%51, I?'�gpp (3 q'14 Tett°NT° �fJ y'g�6.r 1LN R? Y.b Fur Man utaoturore, We lire best ,slue in the 017• Send for anintoe, RAW FURS AND CEN SIN I1loheal vices. Send for price lista PATENTS 810(TH R OAMBHOtI bolaaitor4 et retains Canada lef4 Suild'e, Toronto. 2r5181s WSZE0,m1 WOO (primo 04400 IiAPID PROCIRI:SS, The I. 0. 1''. leave been adding ex- ceedingly rapidly to their accumulat- ed funds for a long while, but few expected that in 1003 the increase in those funds would bo so great as they have been, we venture to say. During the menthe, of July and August the Order added nearly $220,- 000 to its assets, or ha other words almost a quarter of a million dol- lars. The excellent financial posi- tron of this institution may bo seen from the fact that each clay while it pays out to widows and orphans about $6,000, it lays in its treasury over $3,000 in order to meet, futnro emergencies. Thisis a condition the value of which will be appreciat- ed to the full by business men. The Order Inas ridded rapidly to its mem- bership, ]laving considered this year about 30,000 Medical Papers. "l'Im genius, ability and foresight of Or- onhyatel.hn, the Supreme Chief Ramer in 'laying in a broad and safe manner the foundations of the Order, aro now .bearing their legiti- nlate resti1(5. Passerby-"IToro, boy, your 'dog has bitten me on the ankle," Dog Owner --"Well, that's as high as he could reach. You wouldn't expect a little pup like him to bite yet' neck, would yer?" I was cured of t1rrible lumbago by MINARD'S LINIt11I,NT. REV. WM, BROWN, T was Cured of a bad case of ear- ache by MINAIID l LINIALF.I\T, 31315. S. l AULDACK, I was Cured of sensitive lungs by OIUNAI1D is LINIMENT. 5(1ME'1'IIINCI AFTER DEATH. AIRS. S. MASTERS. Airs, Dingo -Oh, dear) Ito you t1hlk that. death ends all? Bingo -All hitt the edetic. The hatvemrs end that. - iioW's T1113 ! We offer One kitindred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be aared by !lull's Oatarrh C ire. We, the undersigned, hay^ known 7-60 The flight of time ought, to re- ntind lis of tate 10113itig of the time of our Hight. J , lit N ic1 ,c Co, 'rnlodo v. Aiaord's Un ural Cnrr's mum i11 cows, P J. 'Phoney for the brut 10 years, and (libbs—"Just rall,d at your place, believe hila eine :my honorable in all and the servant (very trice girl, by - hairiness transactions and anancially able to carry out any obligations made the -hyo) told me you'd just gone by thele trot. out," Tompkins - Servant be wi•;b;'I' to TRU AX, Wholesale Druggr(ists, Wowed! 11'c sacked our girl last Toledo, O. WA1tIN(1, Int NNAN dt MA,ltV1N, W11°10410 Druggists, 'Toledo, Weare. `That Was my wife.' t). Sall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter. Pally, acting directly ,10)ron the blood and •nrneoie surfaces n the system. Testimonials sent free, Trite 70e. per !bottle, Sold by till druggists. Stall's Family .Pills aro tee bast. The egotist is always the tit hoe man. Mloard's Llnikent Cures distemper, Gl'7TTIN(1 RID Ole 1(.1TS, After •a11 other remedies fail, there still remains a way of getting rid of rats, and that is by depriving them of Water, They ran live for (1 long time without food, foul when 11111.11 3nessec1 Will not hot•itnla 10 eat each other, bot no rat ca.n gn ttvenr She -"I 5311111 11at'o to refuse yon tydoul' 1101ns wit.hnrt. drink, '1'11e•e- (3g 1;;.'' ')Ti• -"13u), this is posit.iwoly fora, ff 01400' possible 111011115 of oh- rho Inst, 111110 I shalt propose." 1.MMus' water is taken (rout the rats "Oh, 471311, Erni 's different. Why they will desert 1.110 vic•ieily, (3)110'1 you say so^" T.ikbuuy Soap--disinfetknnt - is strongly recommended by the medi- cal profession as a safeguard against t,nfeetiors diseases, Ur, :Snip -"fly the way, Mr. slow - mho, can you pay that little bill of aline. to -any?" 31r Slowman- "That little 11111 of ;•mil's?" Mr, Snip -"Yes, sir," Mr, Showman -- "Well, I should say not. Why, T can't even pay my own little bills." Per Over Slaty Years Kai, Ir1Sat.elr'e 5009.1(00157143:0 ban been nod les Whine/ M mothers for 01.1r nhalhron ladle teething. 3010(0,5 tin,hilar, ,Often the 1100*, allays polo, curet sit4 05)11 re0ldntoe the *tonal, and hove* and le Wo rpin rem )8 for Bianh,on. Ti,enlveve nearo a bottle oll hp drlidtmie lltiml0hout the World. lie ante ergi ak Inv"Mee. Wi051s5r'MSeornn1d stair," 2944 Just the eerie r15401 Jacohs ecelinees to be the tura cure of �1.h 1a mapttls• mgNe dee rOM1100,m. *mai ,10o. ;4,'.0n•.0' "4474,0.I,;.7,144.. We are gonia Ihgm, note of lbem. When pa 0114 1,011 ,viii and th, m than noes 10 ,1l ty1,at rr0 pet ee told." '.Tl:o beet le tai olennCo t he1'* our pat Int pa,umatio Pad. Tutee. U nob'. A the edgea of hbe nee a mar yen. as 1ye1 swith ee% r pier 11 ono. howl. Your mar 14t05 well yea only t ao* Toros 2B o roe ,Tar 11. 1•rraurnbla 05tH tram THE 81:1117 AVM 3114005 61'1'0 CO„ Hernia 8peo akLa.4' r „d1111.4z.361 n11w..._,..._ ,. PATEt.' i TS C0I1?9�"kl�?4. iiep:, 0 1• ,. atse01A4 arranrrtom TO PATIENT ,!� �1,(r _ i L1TIIPw71tbl5* ;�t� lj' eared tor Na u o Day St.,TOR0NTO en Petontr, 30, Tables The Oesl at the LewOat Prlco Write for Terms RE I D BROS., M'f'g Oa.'y las rung et. W. YOUR OVERCOATS end faded Salta 0ould loch bolter dead. 1) 00 oxen► of 0514 to Tour (0,00, trr140 direct 53onereal, no7 153. 6t1TICH AMERICAN OVE1N4 00. Montreal. 1 -- Dominion tins Steamships Montreal to Liverpool Cloaton to Liverpool Lore and 6.031 S erne: h,pa Superior accommodation br all al aa,o. of p •eongem. Saloons and Statoroolme ,re a%am1idobIpa ed Saloon nmialnttona0n has been -ben to Cif accommodation. En mAfEofp aaaage 50,1 I1 pet(teulare, ngply to 01,7 aaeo9 ,f Company, mnpany, ar to peseen0er 01004 991441 DOMINION LINE OFFICES: 677 Slate at., Boston. 17 St. Seasons! Et, 60001,0.1 Po t 7, ALL KINDS OF Buster, FRUITS And Farm Pro. 9 duce generally, consign it to us Y saou il we wPi11ricesget ood. :i; Eggs Honey, Apples, THE Dawson Commission Crap 0.16 TORODTTO_ (for720 ,IV'INTOM AUTOMOBILE TOURING Car, new springs all round, machin- ere not worn in the slightest, tiros new this spring, spring cushions, sacrifice. Pal Cost $2,500,ts, For t Boxe at 7 Truth Oilloo, Toronto. FOR SALE, CHEAP FOR CASH. Buffalo pressure ressure blower, N. 4- 1 9 in. outlet. 2 Globe n'alvcs--], in. flanged. 1 Globe valve -6 in, flanged. 1 Earl steam blower -10 in- inlet. 4, Ten branch cast iron headers for 1. in, pipe. 2 Iron pulleys -30x1.2,. 2 Iron pttllcys-32x12, 1 iron pulley -22x6. 2 Iron pulleys -18x6. Also an assortment of iron cone pulleys, S. FRANK WILSON, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto, ROW NOTICE. -By W. 11. Sham. THE STORY 013' A BUSINESS CH OLS A terse deseriptleu of Canada's leder. ing business college, a Scheel which' registers 1000 students a year, employs 18 regular teachers, and tures 100 type Writere, The sohool also has a tlror- Otrglr. system of insta'netiOn by nail. Complete courses are elvish in Book- keeptng, Shorthand, 3'ypowrltiiig, Telegraphy 11111 I11nst1'atten. The book is descriptive of all, turd to ongtth'ers is 111ve11 10U411 Central rivaarit s>s 000o0o OF TORONTO. Liman W. L.', SPAN, l?resiatnt 41- 1